! { dg-do run } ! { dg-options "-fcoarray=single" } ! ! PR fortran/18918 ! ! Contributed by John Reid. ! program ex2 implicit none real, allocatable :: z(:)[:] integer :: image character(len=128) :: str allocate(z(3)[*]) write(*,*) 'z allocated on image',this_image() sync all if (this_image()==1) then z = 1.2 do image = 2, num_images() ! { dg-warning "will be executed zero times" } write(*,*) 'Assigning z(:) on image',image z(:)[image] = z end do end if sync all str = repeat('X', len(str)) write(str,*) 'z=',z(:),' on image',this_image() if (str /= " z= 1.20000005 1.20000005 1.20000005 on image 1") & call abort str = repeat('X', len(str)) write(str,*) 'z=',z,' on image',this_image() if (str /= " z= 1.20000005 1.20000005 1.20000005 on image 1") & call abort str = repeat('X', len(str)) write(str,*) 'z=',z(1:3)[this_image()],' on image',this_image() if (str /= " z= 1.20000005 1.20000005 1.20000005 on image 1") & call abort call ex2a() call ex5() end subroutine ex2a() implicit none real, allocatable :: z(:,:)[:,:] integer :: image character(len=128) :: str allocate(z(2,2)[1,*]) write(*,*) 'z allocated on image',this_image() sync all if (this_image()==1) then z = 1.2 do image = 2, num_images() ! { dg-warning "will be executed zero times" } write(*,*) 'Assigning z(:) on image',image z(:,:)[1,image] = z end do end if sync all str = repeat('X', len(str)) write(str,*) 'z=',z(:,:),' on image',this_image() if (str /= " z= 1.20000005 1.20000005 1.20000005 1.20000005 on image 1") & call abort str = repeat('X', len(str)) write(str,*) 'z=',z,' on image',this_image() if (str /= " z= 1.20000005 1.20000005 1.20000005 1.20000005 on image 1") & call abort end subroutine ex2a subroutine ex5 implicit none integer :: me real, save :: w(4)[*] character(len=128) :: str me = this_image() w = me str = repeat('X', len(str)) write(str,*) 'In main on image',this_image(), 'w= ',w if (str /= " In main on image 1 w= 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000") & call abort str = repeat('X', len(str)) write(str,*) 'In main on image',this_image(), 'w= ',w(1:4) if (str /= " In main on image 1 w= 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000") & call abort str = repeat('X', len(str)) write(str,*) 'In main on image',this_image(), 'w= ',w(:)[1] if (str /= " In main on image 1 w= 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000") & call abort sync all call ex5_sub(me,w) end subroutine ex5 subroutine ex5_sub(n,w) implicit none integer :: n real :: w(n) character(len=75) :: str str = repeat('X', len(str)) write(str,*) 'In sub on image',this_image(), 'w= ',w if (str /= " In sub on image 1 w= 1.00000000") & call abort end subroutine ex5_sub