! { dg-do compile } ! This file must be compiled AFTER binding_label_tests_13.f03, which it ! should be because dejagnu will sort the files. The module file ! binding_label_tests_13.mod can not be removed until after this test is done. module binding_label_tests_13_main use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding, only: c_int integer(c_int) :: c3 ! { dg-error "collides" } bind(c) c3 contains subroutine c_sub() BIND(c, name = "C_Sub") use binding_label_tests_13 ! { dg-error "collides" } end subroutine c_sub end module binding_label_tests_13_main ! { dg-final { cleanup-modules "binding_label_tests_13" } }