/* Make sure that array arguments to methods are given the size of pointers. */ /* As in the case of ivars, arrays without size (e.g., 'int []') are encoded as pointers. */ /* Contributed by Ziemowit Laski . */ /* { dg-do run } */ #include #ifdef __NEXT_RUNTIME__ #include #define OBJC_GETCLASS objc_getClass #define CLASS_GETINSTANCEMETHOD class_getInstanceMethod #else #include #define OBJC_GETCLASS objc_get_class #define CLASS_GETINSTANCEMETHOD class_get_instance_method #endif extern int sscanf(const char *str, const char *format, ...); extern void abort(void); #define CHECK_IF(expr) if(!(expr)) abort() enum Enum { one, two, three, four }; @interface ArrayTest - (const char *)str:(signed char [])arg1 with:(unsigned char *)arg2 and:(enum Enum[4])en; - (int)meth1:(int [])arg1 with:(int [0])arg2 with:(int [2])arg3; @end @implementation ArrayTest - (int)meth1:(int [])arg1 with:(int [0])arg2 with:(int [2])arg3 { return 0; } - (const char *)str:(signed char [])arg1 with:(unsigned char *)arg2 and:(enum Enum[4])en { return "str"; } @end Class cls; struct objc_method *meth; unsigned totsize, offs0, offs1, offs2, offs3, offs4, offs5, offs6, offs7; static void scan_initial(const char *pattern) { totsize = offs0 = offs1 = offs2 = offs3 = offs4 = offs5 = offs6 = offs7 = (unsigned)-1; sscanf(meth->method_types, pattern, &totsize, &offs0, &offs1, &offs2, &offs3, &offs4, &offs5, &offs6, &offs7); CHECK_IF(!offs0 && offs1 == sizeof(id) && offs2 == offs1 + sizeof(SEL) && totsize >= offs2); } int main(void) { cls = OBJC_GETCLASS("ArrayTest"); meth = CLASS_GETINSTANCEMETHOD(cls, @selector(str:with:and:)); scan_initial("r*%u@%u:%u*%u*%u[4i]%u"); CHECK_IF(offs3 == offs2 + sizeof(signed char *) && offs4 == offs3 + sizeof(unsigned char *)); CHECK_IF(totsize == offs4 + sizeof(enum Enum *)); meth = CLASS_GETINSTANCEMETHOD(cls, @selector(meth1:with:with:)); scan_initial("i%u@%u:%u^i%u[0i]%u[2i]%u"); CHECK_IF(offs3 == offs2 + sizeof(int *) && offs4 == offs3 + sizeof(int *)); CHECK_IF(totsize == offs4 + sizeof(int *)); return 0; }