This is, produced by makeinfo version 4.11 from /gcc-4.3/gcc-4.3.1/gcc-4.3.1/libjava/classpath/doc/cp-tools.texinfo. This file documents the Tools included in a standard distribution of the GNU Classpath project deliverables. Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. INFO-DIR-SECTION GNU Libraries START-INFO-DIR-ENTRY * Classpath Tools: (cp-tools). GNU Classpath Tools Guide END-INFO-DIR-ENTRY  File:, Node: Top, Next: Applet Tools, Prev: (dir), Up: (dir) GNU Classpath Tools Guide ************************* This document contains important information you need to know in order to use the tools included in the GNU Classpath project deliverables. The Tools aim at providing a free replacement, similar in their behavior, to their counter-parts found in the Reference Implementation (RI) of the Java Software Development Kit (SDK). * Menu: * Applet Tools:: Work with applets * Security Tools:: Work securely with Java applications * Other Tools:: Other tools in classpath * I18N Issues:: How to add support for non-English languages --- The Detailed Node Listing --- Applet Tools * appletviewer Tool:: Load applets * gcjwebplugin:: Load applets in a web browser Security Tools * jarsigner Tool:: Sign and verify .JAR files * keytool Tool:: Manage private keys and public certificates jarsigner Tool * Common jarsigner Options:: Options used when signing or verifying a file * Signing Options:: Options only used when signing a .JAR file * Verification Options:: Options only used when verifying a .JAR file keytool Tool * Getting Help:: How to get help with keytool commands * Common keytool Options:: Options used in more than one command * Distinguished Names:: X.500 Distinguished Names used in certificates * Add/Update Commands:: Commands for adding data to a Key Store * Export Commands:: Commands for exporting data from a Key Store * Display Commands:: Commands for displaying data in a Key Store * Management Commands:: Commands for managing a Key Store Add/Update Commands * Command -genkey:: Generate private key and self-signed certificate * Command -import:: Import certificates and certificate replies * Command -selfcert:: Generate self-signed certificate * Command -cacert:: Import a CA Trusted Certificate * Command -identitydb:: Import JDK-1 style identities Export Commands * Command -certreq:: Generate Certificate Signing Requests (CSR) * Command -export:: Export a certificate in a Key Store Display Commands * Command -list:: Display information about one or all Aliases * Command -printcert:: Print a certificate or a certificate fingerprint Management Commands * Command -keyclone:: Clone a Key Entry in a Key Store * Command -storepasswd:: Change the password protecting a Key Store * Command -keypasswd:: Change the password protecting a Key Entry * Command -delete:: Remove an entry in a Key Store Other Tools * jar Tool:: Archive tool for Java archives * javah Tool:: A java header compiler * gcjh Tool:: A java header compiler (old version) * native2ascii Tool:: An encoding converter * orbd Tool:: An object request broker daemon * serialver Tool:: A serial version command * rmid Tool:: RMI activation daemon * rmiregistry Tool:: Remote object registry * tnameserv Tool:: Naming service I18N Issues * Language Resources:: Where resources are located * Message Formats:: How messages are internationalized  File:, Node: Applet Tools, Next: Security Tools, Prev: Top, Up: Top 1 Applet Tools ************** Two Applet Tools are available with GNU Classpath: appletviewer and gcjwebplugin. To avoid conflicts with other implementations, the appletviewer executable is called "gappletviewer". * Menu: * appletviewer Tool:: Load applets * gcjwebplugin:: Load applets in a web browser If while using these tools you think you found a bug, then please report it at classpath-bugs (  File:, Node: appletviewer Tool, Next: gcjwebplugin, Prev: Applet Tools, Up: Applet Tools 1.1 The `appletviewer' Tool =========================== SYNOPSIS appletviewer [OPTION]... URL... appletviewer [OPTION]... `-code' CODE appletviewer [OPTION]... `-plugin' INPUT,OUTPUT DESCRIPTION The `appletviewer' tool loads and runs an applet. Use the first form to test applets specified by tag. The URL should resolve to an HTML document from which the `appletviewer' will extract applet tags. The APPLET, EMBED and OBJECT tags are supported. If a given document contains multiple applet tags, all the applets will be loaded, with each applet appearing in its own window. Likewise, when multiple URLs are specified, each applet tag instance is given its own window. If a given document contains no recognized tags the `appletviewer' does nothing. appletviewer Use the second form to test an applet in development. This form allows applet tag attributes to be supplied on the command line. Only one applet may be specified using the `-code' option. The `-code' option overrides the URL form - any URLs specified will be ignored. appletviewer -code Test.class -param datafile,data.txt `gcjwebplugin' uses the third form to communicate with the `appletviewer' through named pipes. URL OPTIONS `-debug' This option is not yet implemented but is provided for compatibility. `-encoding CHARSET' Use this option to specify an alternate character encoding for the specified HTML page. APPLET TAG OPTIONS `-code CODE' Use the `-code' option to specify the value of the applet tag CODE attribute. `-codebase CODEBASE' Use the `-codebase' option to specify the value of the applet tag CODEBASE attribute. `-archive ARCHIVE' Use the `-archive' option to specify the value of the applet tag ARCHIVE attribute. `-width WIDTH' Use the `-width' option to specify the value of the applet tag WIDTH attribute. `-height HEIGHT' Use the `-height' option to specify the value of the applet tag HEIGHT attribute. `-param NAME,VALUE' Use the `-param' option to specify values for the NAME and VALUE attributes of an applet PARAM tag. PLUGIN OPTION `-plugin INPUT,OUTPUT' `gcjwebplugin' uses the `-plugin' option to specify the named pipe the `appletviewer' should use for receiving commands (INPUT) and the one it should use for sending commands to `gcjwebplugin' (OUTPUT). DEBUGGING OPTION `-verbose' Use the `-verbose' option to have the `appletviewer' print debugging messages. STANDARD OPTIONS `-help' Use the `-help' option to have the `appletviewer' print a usage message, then exit. `-version' Use the `-version' option to have the `appletviewer' print its version, then exit. `-JOPTION' Use the `-J' option to pass OPTION to the virtual machine that will run the `appletviewer'. Unlike other options, there must not be a space between the `-J' and OPTION.  File:, Node: gcjwebplugin, Prev: appletviewer Tool, Up: Applet Tools 1.2 The `gcjwebplugin' Tool =========================== `gcjwebplugin' is a plugin that adds applet support to web browsers. Currently `gcjwebplugin' only supports Mozilla-based browsers (e.g., Firefox, Galeon, Mozilla).  File:, Node: Security Tools, Next: Other Tools, Prev: Applet Tools, Up: Top 2 Security Tools **************** Two Security Tools are available with GNU Classpath: `jarsigner' and `keytool'. To avoid conflicts with other implementations, the jarsigner executable is called `gjarsigner' and the keytool executable is called `gkeytool'. * Menu: * jarsigner Tool:: Sign and verify .JAR files * keytool Tool:: Manage private keys and public certificates If while using these tools you think you found a bug, then please report it at classpath-bugs (  File:, Node: jarsigner Tool, Next: keytool Tool, Prev: Security Tools, Up: Security Tools 2.1 The `jarsigner' Tool ======================== The `jarsigner' tool is invoked from the command line, in one of two forms, as follows: jarsigner [OPTION]... FILE ALIAS jarsigner `-verify' [OPTION]... FILE When the first form is used, the tool signs the designated JAR file. The second form, on the other hand, is used to verify a previously signed JAR file. FILE is the .JAR file to process; i.e. to sign if the first syntax form is used, or to verify if the second syntax form is used instead. ALIAS must be a known Alias of a Key Entry in the designated Key Store. The private key material associated with this Alias is then used for signing the designated .JAR file. * Menu: * Common jarsigner Options:: Options used when signing or verifying a file * Signing Options:: Options only used when signing a .JAR file * Verification Options:: Options only used when verifying a .JAR file  File:, Node: Common jarsigner Options, Next: Signing Options, Prev: jarsigner Tool, Up: jarsigner Tool 2.1.1 Common options -------------------- The following options may be used when the tool is used for either signing, or verifying, a .JAR file. `-verbose' Use this option to force the tool to generate more verbose messages, during its processing. `-internalsf' When present, the tool will include -which otherwise it does not- the `.SF' file in the `.DSA' generated file. `-sectionsonly' When present, the tool will include in the `.SF' generated file -which otherwise it does not- a header containing a hash of the whole manifest file. When that header is included, the tool can quickly check, during verification, if the hash (in the header) matches or not the manifest file. `-provider PROVIDER_CLASS_NAME' A fully qualified class name of a Security Provider to add to the current list of Security Providers already installed in the JVM in-use. If a provider class is specified with this option, and was successfully added to the runtime -i.e. it was not already installed- then the tool will attempt to remove this Security Provider before exiting. `-help' Prints a help text similar to this one.  File:, Node: Signing Options, Next: Verification Options, Prev: Common jarsigner Options, Up: jarsigner Tool 2.1.2 Signing options --------------------- The following options may be specified when using the tool for signing purposes. `-keystore URL' Use this option to specify the location of the key store to use. The default value is a file URL referencing the file named `.keystore' located in the path returned by the call to `java.lang.System#getProperty(String)' using `user.home' as argument. If a URL was specified, but was found to be malformed -e.g. missing protocol element- the tool will attempt to use the URL value as a file-name (with absolute or relative path-name) of a key store -as if the protocol was `file:'. `-storetype STORE_TYPE' Use this option to specify the type of the key store to use. The default value, if this option is omitted, is that of the property `keystore.type' in the security properties file, which is obtained by invoking the static method call `getDefaultType()' in `'. `-storepass PASSWORD' Use this option to specify the password which will be used to unlock the key store. If this option is missing, the User will be prompted to provide a password. `-keypass PASSWORD' Use this option to specify the password which the tool will use to unlock the Key Entry associated with the designated Alias. If this option is omitted, the tool will first attempt to unlock the Key Entry using the same password protecting the key store. If this fails, you will then be prompted to provide a password. `-sigfile NAME' Use this option to designate a literal that will be used to construct file names for both the `.SF' and `.DSA' signature files. These files will be generated, by the tool, and placed in the `META-INF' directory of the signed JAR. Permissible characters for NAME must be in the range "a-zA-Z0-9_-". All characters will be converted to upper-case ones. If this option is missing, the first eight characters of the ALIAS argument will be used. When this is the case, any character in ALIAS that is outside the permissible range of characters will be replaced by an underscore. `-signedjar FILE' Use this option to specify the file name of the signed JAR. If this option is omitted, then the signed JAR will be named the same as FILE; i.e. the input JAR file will be replaced with the signed copy.  File:, Node: Verification Options, Prev: Signing Options, Up: jarsigner Tool 2.1.3 Verification options -------------------------- The following options may be specified when using the tool for verification purposes. `-verify' Use this option to indicate that the tool is to be used for verification purposes. `-certs' This option is used in conjunction with the `-verbose' option. When present, along with the `-verbose' option, the tool will print more detailed information about the certificates of the signer(s) being processed.  File:, Node: keytool Tool, Prev: jarsigner Tool, Up: Security Tools 2.2 The `keytool' Tool ====================== Cryptographic credentials, in a Java environment, are usually stored in a Key Store. The Java SDK specifies a Key Store as a persistent container of two types of objects: Key Entries and Trusted Certificates. The security tool `keytool' is a Java-based application for managing those types of objects. A Key Entry represents the private key part of a key-pair used in Public-Key Cryptography, and a signed X.509 certificate which authenticates the public key part for a known entity; i.e. the owner of the key-pair. The X.509 certificate itself contains the public key part of the key-pair. A Trusted Certificate is a signed X.509 certificate issued by a trusted entity. The Trust in this context is relative to the User of the `keytool'. In other words, the existence of a Trusted Certificate in the Key Store processed by a `keytool' command implies that the User trusts the Issuer of that Trusted Certificate to also sign, and hence authenticates, other Subjects the tool may process. Trusted Certificates are important because they allow the tool to mechanically construct Chains of Trust starting from one of the Trusted Certificates in a Key Store and ending with a certificate whose Issuer is potentially unknown. A valid chain is an ordered list, starting with a Trusted Certificate (also called the anchor), ending with the target certificate, and satisfying the condition that the Subject of certificate `#i' is the Issuer of certificate `#i + 1'. The `keytool' is invoked from the command line as follows: keytool [COMMAND] ... Multiple COMMANDs may be specified at once, each complete with its own options. `keytool' will parse all the arguments, before processing, and executing, each `COMMAND'. If an exception occurs while executing one COMMAND `keytool' will abort. Note however that because the implementation of the tool uses code to parse command line options that also supports GNU-style options, you have to separate each command group with a double-hyphen; e.g keytool -list -- -printcert -alias mykey Here is a summary of the commands supported by the tool: 1. Add/Update commands `-genkey [OPTION]...' Generate a new Key Entry, eventually creating a new key store. `-import [OPTION]...' Add, to a key store, Key Entries (private keys and certificate chains authenticating the public keys) and Trusted Certificates (3rd party certificates which can be used as Trust Anchors when building chains-of-trust). `-selfcert [OPTION]...' Generate a new self-signed Trusted Certificate. `-cacert [OPTION]...' Import a CA Trusted Certificate. `-identitydb [OPTION]...' NOT IMPLEMENTED YET. Import a JDK 1.1 style Identity Database. 2. Export commands `-certreq [OPTION]...' Issue a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) which can be then sent to a Certification Authority (CA) to issue a certificate signed (by the CA) and authenticating the Subject of the request. `-export [OPTION]...' Export a certificate from a key store. 3. Display commands `-list [OPTION]...' Print one or all certificates in a key store to `STDOUT'. `-printcert [OPTION]...' Print a human-readable form of a certificate, in a designated file, to `STDOUT'. 4. Management commands `-keyclone [OPTION]...' Clone a Key Entry in a key store. `-storepasswd [OPTION]...' Change the password protecting a key store. `-keypasswd [OPTION]...' Change the password protecting a Key Entry in a key store. `-delete [OPTION]...' Delete a Key Entry or a Trusted Certificate from a key store. * Menu: * Getting Help:: How to get help with keytool commands * Common keytool Options:: Options used in more than one command * Distinguished Names:: X.500 Distinguished Names used in certificates * Add/Update Commands:: Commands for adding data to a Key Store * Export Commands:: Commands for exporting data from a Key Store * Display Commands:: Commands for displaying data in a Key Store * Management Commands:: Commands for managing a Key Store  File:, Node: Getting Help, Next: Common keytool Options, Prev: keytool Tool, Up: keytool Tool 2.2.1 Getting help ------------------ To get a general help text about the tool, use the `-help' option; e.g. `keytool -help' To get more specific help text about one of the tool's command use the `-help' option for that command; e.g. `keytool -genkey -help' In both instances, the tool will print a help text and then will exit the running JVM. It is worth noting here that the help messages printed by the tool are I18N-ready. This means that if/when the contents of the tool's Message Bundle properties file are available in languages other than English, you may see those messages in that language.  File:, Node: Common keytool Options, Next: Distinguished Names, Prev: Getting Help, Up: keytool Tool 2.2.2 Common options -------------------- The following `OPTION's are used in more than one `COMMAND'. They are described here to reduce redundancy. `-alias ALIAS' Every entry, be it a Key Entry or a Trusted Certificate, in a key store is uniquely identified by a user-defined ALIAS string. Use this option to specify the ALIAS to use when referring to an entry in the key store. Unless specified otherwise, a default value of `mykey' shall be used when this option is omitted from the command line. `-keyalg ALGORITHM' Use this option to specify the canonical name of the key-pair generation algorithm. The default value for this option is `DSS' (a synonym for the Digital Signature Algorithm also known as DSA). `-keysize SIZE' Use this option to specify the number of bits of the shared modulus (for both the public and private keys) to use when generating new keys. A default value of `1024' will be used if this option is omitted from the command line. `-validity DAY_COUNT' Use this option to specify the number of days a newly generated certificate will be valid for. The default value is `90' (days) if this option is omitted from the command line. `-storetype STORE_TYPE' Use this option to specify the type of the key store to use. The default value, if this option is omitted, is that of the property `keystore.type' in the security properties file, which is obtained by invoking the static method call `getDefaultType()' in `'. `-storepass PASSWORD' Use this option to specify the password protecting the key store. If this option is omitted from the command line, you will be prompted to provide a password. `-keystore URL' Use this option to specify the location of the key store to use. The default value is a file URL referencing the file named `.keystore' located in the path returned by the call to `java.lang.System#getProperty(String)' using `user.home' as argument. If a URL was specified, but was found to be malformed -e.g. missing protocol element- the tool will attempt to use the URL value as a file-name (with absolute or relative path-name) of a key store -as if the protocol was `file:'. `-provider PROVIDER_CLASS_NAME' A fully qualified class name of a Security Provider to add to the current list of Security Providers already installed in the JVM in-use. If a provider class is specified with this option, and was successfully added to the runtime -i.e. it was not already installed- then the tool will attempt to removed this Security Provider before exiting. `-file FILE' Use this option to designate a file to use with a command. When specified with this option, the value is expected to be the fully qualified path of a file accessible by the File System. Depending on the command, the file may be used as input or as output. When this option is omitted from the command line, `STDIN' will be used instead, as the source of input, and `STDOUT' will be used instead as the output destination. `-v' Unless specified otherwise, use this option to enable more verbose output.  File:, Node: Distinguished Names, Next: Add/Update Commands, Prev: Common keytool Options, Up: keytool Tool 2.2.3 X.500 Distinguished Names ------------------------------- A Distinguished Name (or DN) MUST be supplied with some of the `COMMAND's using a `-dname' option. The syntax of a valid value for this option MUST follow RFC-2253 specifications. Namely the following components (with their accepted meaning) will be recognized. Note that the component name is case-insensitive: CN The Common Name; e.g. `' OU The Organizational Unit; e.g. `IT Department' O The Organization Name; e.g. `The Sample Company' L The Locality Name; e.g. `Sydney' ST The State Name; e.g. `New South Wales' C The 2-letter Country identifier; e.g. `AU' When specified with a `-dname' option, each pair of component/value will be separated from the other with a comma. Each component and value pair MUST be separated by an equal sign. For example, the following is a valid DN value:, O=The Sample Company, L=Sydney, ST=NSW, C=AU If the Distinguished Name is required, and no valid default value can be used, the tool will prompt you to enter the information through the console.  File:, Node: Add/Update Commands, Next: Export Commands, Prev: Distinguished Names, Up: keytool Tool 2.2.4 Add/Update commands ------------------------- * Menu: * Command -genkey:: Generate private key and self-signed certificate * Command -import:: Import certificates and certificate replies * Command -selfcert:: Generate self-signed certificate * Command -cacert:: Import a CA Trusted Certificate * Command -identitydb:: Import JDK-1 style identities  File:, Node: Command -genkey, Next: Command -import, Prev: Add/Update Commands, Up: Add/Update Commands The `-genkey' command ............................. Use this command to generate a new key-pair (both private and public keys), and save these credentials in the key store as a Key Entry, associated with the designated (if was specified with the `-alias' option) or default (if the `-alias' option is omitted) Alias. The private key material will be protected with a user-defined password (see `-keypass' option). The public key on the other hand will be part of a self-signed X.509 certificate, which will form a 1-element chain and will be saved in the key store. `-alias ALIAS' For more details *note ALIAS: alias. `-keyalg ALGORITHM' For more details *note ALGORITHM: keyalg. `-keysize KEY_SIZE' For more details *note KEY_SIZE: keysize. `-sigalg ALGORITHM' The canonical name of the digital signature algorithm to use for signing certificates. If this option is omitted, a default value will be chosen based on the type of the key-pair; i.e. the algorithm that ends up being used by the -keyalg option. If the key-pair generation algorithm is `DSA', the value for the signature algorithm will be `SHA1withDSA'. If on the other hand the key-pair generation algorithm is `RSA', then the tool will use `MD5withRSA' as the signature algorithm. `-dname NAME' This a mandatory value for the command. If no value is specified -i.e. the `-dname' option is omitted- the tool will prompt you to enter a Distinguished Name to use as both the Owner and Issuer of the generated self-signed certificate. For more details *note X.500 DISTINGUISHED NAME: dn. `-keypass PASSWORD' Use this option to specify the password which the tool will use to protect the newly created Key Entry. If this option is omitted, you will be prompted to provide a password. `-validity DAY_COUNT' For more details *note DAY_COUNT: validity. `-storetype STORE_TYPE' For more details *note STORE_TYPE: storetype. `-keystore URL' For more details *note URL: keystore. `-storepass PASSWORD' For more details *note PASSWORD: storepass. `-provider PROVIDER_CLASS_NAME' For more details *note PROVIDER_CLASS_NAME: provider. `-v' For more details *note verbose::.  File:, Node: Command -import, Next: Command -selfcert, Prev: Command -genkey, Up: Add/Update Commands The `-import' command ............................. Use this command to read an X.509 certificate, or a PKCS#7 Certificate Reply from a designated input source and incorporate the certificates into the key store. If the Alias does not already exist in the key store, the tool treats the certificate read from the input source as a new Trusted Certificate. It then attempts to discover a chain-of-trust, starting from that certificate and ending at another Trusted Certificate, already stored in the key store. If the `-trustcacerts' option is present, an additional key store, of type `JKS' named `cacerts', and assumed to be present in `${JAVA_HOME}/lib/security' will also be consulted if found -`${JAVA_HOME}' refers to the location of an installed Java Runtime Environment (JRE). If no chain-of-trust can be established, and unless the `-noprompt' option has been specified, the certificate is printed to `STDOUT' and the user is prompted for a confirmation. If Alias exists in the key store, the tool will treat the certificate(s) read from the input source as a Certificate Reply, which can be a chain of certificates, that eventually would replace the chain of certificates associated with the Key Entry of that Alias. The substitution of the certificates only occurs if a chain-of-trust can be established between the bottom certificate of the chain read from the input file and the Trusted Certificates already present in the key store. Again, if the `-trustcacerts' option is specified, additional Trusted Certificates in the same `cacerts' key store will be considered. If no chain-of-trust can be established, the operation will abort. `-alias ALIAS' For more details *note ALIAS: alias. `-file FILE' For more details *note FILE: file. `-keypass PASSWORD' Use this option to specify the password which the tool will use to protect the Key Entry associated with the designated Alias, when replacing this Alias' chain of certificates with that found in the certificate reply. If this option is omitted, and the chain-of-trust for the certificate reply has been established, the tool will first attempt to unlock the Key Entry using the same password protecting the key store. If this fails, you will then be prompted to provide a password. `-noprompt' Use this option to prevent the tool from prompting the user. `-trustcacerts' Use this option to indicate to the tool that a key store, of type `JKS', named `cacerts', and usually located in `lib/security' in an installed Java Runtime Environment should be considered when trying to establish chain-of-trusts. `-storetype STORE_TYPE' For more details *note STORE_TYPE: storetype. `-keystore URL' For more details *note URL: keystore. `-storepass PASSWORD' For more details *note PASSWORD: storepass. `-provider PROVIDER_CLASS_NAME' For more details *note PROVIDER_CLASS_NAME: provider. `-v' For more details *note verbose::.  File:, Node: Command -selfcert, Next: Command -cacert, Prev: Command -import, Up: Add/Update Commands The `-selfcert' command ............................... Use this command to generate a self-signed X.509 version 1 certificate. The newly generated certificate will form a chain of one element which will replace the previous chain associated with the designated Alias (if `-alias' option was specified), or the default Alias (if `-alias' option was omitted). `-alias ALIAS' For more details *note ALIAS: alias. `-sigalg ALGORITHM' The canonical name of the digital signature algorithm to use for signing the certificate. If this option is omitted, a default value will be chosen based on the type of the private key associated with the designated Alias. If the private key is a `DSA' one, the value for the signature algorithm will be `SHA1withDSA'. If on the other hand the private key is an `RSA' one, then the tool will use `MD5withRSA' as the signature algorithm. `-dname NAME' Use this option to specify the Distinguished Name of the newly generated self-signed certificate. If this option is omitted, the existing Distinguished Name of the base certificate in the chain associated with the designated Alias will be used instead. For more details *note X.500 DISTINGUISHED NAME: dn. `-validity DAY_COUNT' For more details *note DAY_COUNT: validity. `-keypass PASSWORD' Use this option to specify the password which the tool will use to unlock the Key Entry associated with the designated Alias. If this option is omitted, the tool will first attempt to unlock the Key Entry using the same password protecting the key store. If this fails, you will then be prompted to provide a password. `-storetype STORE_TYPE' For more details *note STORE_TYPE: storetype. `-keystore URL' For more details *note URL: keystore. `-storepass PASSWORD' For more details *note PASSWORD: storepass. `-provider PROVIDER_CLASS_NAME' For more details *note PROVIDER_CLASS_NAME: provider. `-v' For more details *note verbose::.  File:, Node: Command -cacert, Next: Command -identitydb, Prev: Command -selfcert, Up: Add/Update Commands The `-cacert' command ............................. Use this command to import, a CA certificate and add it to the key store as a Trusted Certificate. The Alias for this new entry will be constructed from the FILE's base-name after replacing hyphens and dots with underscores. This command is useful when used in a script that recursively visits a directory of CA certificates to populate a `cacerts.gkr' Key Store of trusted certificates which can then be used commands that specify the `-trustcacerts' option. `-file FILE' For more details *note FILE: file. `-storetype STORE_TYPE' For more details *note STORE_TYPE: storetype. `-keystore URL' For more details *note URL: keystore. `-storepass PASSWORD' For more details *note PASSWORD: storepass. `-provider PROVIDER_CLASS_NAME' For more details *note PROVIDER_CLASS_NAME: provider. `-v' For more details *note verbose::.  File:, Node: Command -identitydb, Prev: Command -cacert, Up: Add/Update Commands The `-identitydb' command ................................. NOT IMPLEMENTED YET. Use this command to import a JDK 1.1 style Identity Database. `-file FILE' For more details *note FILE: file. `-storetype STORE_TYPE' For more details *note STORE_TYPE: storetype. `-keystore URL' For more details *note URL: keystore. `-storepass PASSWORD' For more details *note PASSWORD: storepass. `-provider PROVIDER_CLASS_NAME' For more details *note PROVIDER_CLASS_NAME: provider. `-v' For more details *note verbose::.  File:, Node: Export Commands, Next: Display Commands, Prev: Add/Update Commands, Up: keytool Tool 2.2.5 Export commands --------------------- * Menu: * Command -certreq:: Generate Certificate Signing Requests (CSR) * Command -export:: Export a certificate in a Key Store  File:, Node: Command -certreq, Next: Command -export, Prev: Export Commands, Up: Export Commands The `-certreq' command .............................. Use this command to generate a PKCS#10 Certificate Signing Request (CSR) and write it to a designated output destination. The contents of the destination should look something like the following: -----BEGIN NEW CERTIFICATE REQUEST----- MI...QAwXzEUMBIGA1UEAwwLcnNuQGdudS5vcmcxGzAZBgNVBAoMElUg Q2...A0GA1UEBwwGU3lkbmV5MQwwCgYDVQQIDANOU1cxCzAJBgNVBACC ... FC...IVwNVOfQLRX+O5kAhQ/a4RTZme2L8PnpvgRwrf7Eg8D6w== -----END NEW CERTIFICATE REQUEST----- IMPORTANT: Some documentation (e.g. RSA examples) claims that the `Attributes' field, in the CSR is `OPTIONAL' while RFC-2986 implies the opposite. This implementation considers this field, by default, as `OPTIONAL', unless the option `-attributes' is specified on the command line. `-alias ALIAS' For more details *note ALIAS: alias. `-sigalg ALGORITHM' The canonical name of the digital signature algorithm to use for signing the certificate. If this option is omitted, a default value will be chosen based on the type of the private key associated with the designated Alias. If the private key is a `DSA' one, the value for the signature algorithm will be `SHA1withDSA'. If on the other hand the private key is an `RSA' one, then the tool will use `MD5withRSA' as the signature algorithm. `-file FILE' For more details *note FILE: file. `-keypass PASSWORD' Use this option to specify the password which the tool will use to unlock the Key Entry associated with the designated Alias. If this option is omitted, the tool will first attempt to unlock the Key Entry using the same password protecting the key store. If this fails, you will then be prompted to provide a password. `-storetype STORE_TYPE' For more details *note STORE_TYPE: storetype. `-keystore URL' For more details *note URL: keystore. `-storepass PASSWORD' For more details *note PASSWORD: storepass. `-provider PROVIDER_CLASS_NAME' For more details *note PROVIDER_CLASS_NAME: provider. `-v' For more details *note verbose::. `-attributes' Use this option to force the tool to encode a `NULL' DER value in the CSR as the value of the `Attributes' field.  File:, Node: Command -export, Prev: Command -certreq, Up: Export Commands The `-export' command ............................. Use this command to export a certificate stored in a key store to a designated output destination, either in binary format (if the `-v' option is specified), or in RFC-1421 compliant encoding (if the `-rfc' option is specified instead). `-alias ALIAS' For more details *note ALIAS: alias. `-file FILE' For more details *note FILE: file. `-storetype STORE_TYPE' For more details *note STORE_TYPE: storetype. `-keystore URL' For more details *note URL: keystore. `-storepass PASSWORD' For more details *note PASSWORD: storepass. `-provider PROVIDER_CLASS_NAME' For more details *note PROVIDER_CLASS_NAME: provider. `-rfc' Use RFC-1421 specifications when encoding the output. `-v' Output the certificate in binary DER encoding. This is the default output format of the command if neither `-rfc' nor `-v' options were detected on the command line. If both this option and the `-rfc' option are detected on the command line, the tool will opt for the RFC-1421 style encoding.  File:, Node: Display Commands, Next: Management Commands, Prev: Export Commands, Up: keytool Tool 2.2.6 Display commands ---------------------- * Menu: * Command -list:: Display information about one or all Aliases * Command -printcert:: Print a certificate or a certificate fingerprint  File:, Node: Command -list, Next: Command -printcert, Prev: Display Commands, Up: Display Commands The `-list' command ........................... Use this command to print one or all of a key store entries to `STDOUT'. Usually this command will only print a fingerprint of the certificate, unless either the `-rfc' or the `-v' option is specified. `-alias ALIAS' If this option is omitted, the tool will print ALL the entries found in the key store. For more details *note ALIAS: alias. `-storetype STORE_TYPE' For more details *note STORE_TYPE: storetype. `-keystore URL' For more details *note URL: keystore. `-storepass PASSWORD' For more details *note PASSWORD: storepass. `-provider PROVIDER_CLASS_NAME' For more details *note PROVIDER_CLASS_NAME: provider. `-rfc' Use RFC-1421 specifications when encoding the output. `-v' Output the certificate in human-readable format. If both this option and the `-rfc' option are detected on the command line, the tool will opt for the human-readable form and will not abort the command.  File:, Node: Command -printcert, Prev: Command -list, Up: Display Commands The `-printcert' command ................................ Use this command to read a certificate from a designated input source and print it to `STDOUT' in a human-readable form. `-file FILE' For more details *note FILE: file. `-v' For more details *note verbose::.  File:, Node: Management Commands, Prev: Display Commands, Up: keytool Tool 2.2.7 Management commands ------------------------- * Menu: * Command -keyclone:: Clone a Key Entry in a Key Store * Command -storepasswd:: Change the password protecting a Key Store * Command -keypasswd:: Change the password protecting a Key Entry * Command -delete:: Remove an entry in a Key Store  File:, Node: Command -keyclone, Next: Command -storepasswd, Prev: Management Commands, Up: Management Commands The `-keyclone' command ............................... Use this command to clone an existing Key Entry and store it under a new (different) Alias protecting, its private key material with possibly a new password. `-alias ALIAS' For more details *note ALIAS: alias. `-dest ALIAS' Use this option to specify the new Alias which will be used to identify the cloned copy of the Key Entry. `-keypass PASSWORD' Use this option to specify the password which the tool will use to unlock the Key Entry associated with the designated Alias. If this option is omitted, the tool will first attempt to unlock the Key Entry using the same password protecting the key store. If this fails, you will then be prompted to provide a password. `-new PASSWORD' Use this option to specify the password protecting the private key material of the newly cloned copy of the Key Entry. `-storetype STORE_TYPE' For more details *note STORE_TYPE: storetype. `-keystore URL' For more details *note URL: keystore. `-storepass PASSWORD' For more details *note PASSWORD: storepass. `-provider PROVIDER_CLASS_NAME' For more details *note PROVIDER_CLASS_NAME: provider. `-v' For more details *note verbose::.  File:, Node: Command -storepasswd, Next: Command -keypasswd, Prev: Command -keyclone, Up: Management Commands The `-storepasswd' command .................................. Use this command to change the password protecting a key store. `-new PASSWORD' The new, and different, password which will be used to protect the designated key store. `-storetype STORE_TYPE' For more details *note STORE_TYPE: storetype. `-keystore URL' For more details *note URL: keystore. `-storepass PASSWORD' For more details *note PASSWORD: storepass. `-provider PROVIDER_CLASS_NAME' For more details *note PROVIDER_CLASS_NAME: provider. `-v' For more details *note verbose::.  File:, Node: Command -keypasswd, Next: Command -delete, Prev: Command -storepasswd, Up: Management Commands The `-keypasswd' command ................................ Use this command to change the password protecting the private key material of a designated Key Entry. `-alias ALIAS' For more details *note ALIAS: alias. Use this option to specify the password which the tool will use to unlock the Key Entry associated with the designated Alias. If this option is omitted, the tool will first attempt to unlock the Key Entry using the same password protecting the key store. If this fails, you will then be prompted to provide a password. `-new PASSWORD' The new, and different, password which will be used to protect the private key material of the designated Key Entry. `-storetype STORE_TYPE' For more details *note STORE_TYPE: storetype. `-keystore URL' For more details *note URL: keystore. `-storepass PASSWORD' For more details *note PASSWORD: storepass. `-provider PROVIDER_CLASS_NAME' For more details *note PROVIDER_CLASS_NAME: provider. `-v' For more details *note verbose::.  File:, Node: Command -delete, Prev: Command -keypasswd, Up: Management Commands The `-delete' command ............................. Use this command to delete a designated key store entry. `-alias ALIAS' For more details *note ALIAS: alias. `-storetype STORE_TYPE' For more details *note STORE_TYPE: storetype. `-keystore URL' For more details *note URL: keystore. `-storepass PASSWORD' For more details *note PASSWORD: storepass. `-provider PROVIDER_CLASS_NAME' For more details *note PROVIDER_CLASS_NAME: provider. `-v' For more details *note verbose::.  File:, Node: Other Tools, Next: I18N Issues, Prev: Security Tools, Up: Top 3 Other Tools ************* This is a list of currently undocumented classpath tools: jar, javah, gcjh, native2ascii, orbd, serialver, rmid, rmiregistry and tnameserv. * Menu: * jar Tool:: Archive tool for Java archives * javah Tool:: A java header compiler * gcjh Tool:: A java header compiler (old version) * native2ascii Tool:: An encoding converter * orbd Tool:: An object request broker daemon * serialver Tool:: A serial version command * rmid Tool:: RMI activation daemon * rmiregistry Tool:: Remote object registry * tnameserv Tool:: Naming service  File:, Node: jar Tool, Next: javah Tool, Up: Other Tools 3.1 The `jar' Tool ================== `gjar' is an implementation of Sun's jar utility that comes with the JDK. If any file is a directory then it is processed recursively. The manifest file name and the archive file name needs to be specified in the same order the `-m' and `-f' flags are specified. Operation mode: `-c' Create new archive. `-t' List table of contents for archive. `-x' Extract named (or all) files from archive. `-u' Update existing archive. `-i FILE' Compute archive index. Operation modifiers: `-f FILE' Specify archive file name. `-0' Store only; use no ZIP compression. `-v' Generate verbose output on standard output. `-M' Do not create a manifest file for the entries. `-m MANIFEST' Include manifest information from specified MANIFEST file. File name selection: `-C DIR FILE' Change to the DIR and include the following FILE. `-@' Read the names of the files to add to the archive from stdin. This option is supported only in combination with `-c' or `-u'. Non standard option added in the GCC version. Standard options: `-help' Print help text, then exit. `-version' Print version number, then exit. `-JOPTION' Pass argument to the Java runtime. java(1), ...  File:, Node: javah Tool, Next: gcjh Tool, Prev: jar Tool, Up: Other Tools 3.2 The `javah' Tool ==================== The `gjavah' program is used to generate header files from class files. It can generate both CNI and JNI header files, as well as stub implementation files which can be used as a basis for implementing the required native methods. `-d DIR' Set output directory. `-o FILE' Set output file (only one of `-d' or `-o' may be used). `-cmdfile FILE' Read command file. `-all DIR' Operate on all class files under directory DIR. `-stubs' Emit stub implementation. `-jni' Emit JNI stubs or header (default). `-cni' Emit CNI stubs or header (default JNI). `-verbose' Set verbose mode. `-force' Output files should always be written. Class path options: `-classpath PATH' Set the class path. `-IDIR' Add directory to class path. `-bootclasspath PATH' Set the boot class path. `-extdirs PATH' Set the extension directory path. Standard options: `-help' Print help text, then exit. `-version' Print version number, then exit. `-JOPTION' Pass argument to the Java runtime. javac(1), ...  File:, Node: gcjh Tool, Next: native2ascii Tool, Prev: javah Tool, Up: Other Tools 3.3 The `gcjh' Tool =================== The `gcjh' program is used to generate header files from class files. It can generate both CNI and JNI header files, as well as stub implementation files which can be used as a basis for implementing the required native methods. It is similar to `javah' but has slightly different command line options, and defaults to CNI. See `javah' for a full description; this page only lists the additional options provided by `gcjh'. CNI text options `-add TEXT' Insert TEXT into class body. `-append TEXT' Append TEXT after class declaration. `-friend TEXT' Insert TEXT as a `friend' declaration. `-prepend TEXT' Insert TEXT before start of class. Compatibility options (unused) `-td DIR' `-M' `-MM' `-MD' `-MMD' Unused compatibility option. Standard options: `-help' Print help text, then exit. `-version' Print version number, then exit. `-JOPTION' Pass argument to the Java runtime. javac(1), javah(1), ...  File:, Node: native2ascii Tool, Next: orbd Tool, Prev: gcjh Tool, Up: Other Tools 3.4 The `native2ascii' Tool =========================== To be written ... `-encoding NAME' Set the encoding to use. `-reversed' Convert from encoding to native. Standard options: `-help' Print help text, then exit. `-version' Print version number, then exit. `-JOPTION' Pass argument to the Java runtime. javac(1), ...  File:, Node: orbd Tool, Next: serialver Tool, Prev: native2ascii Tool, Up: Other Tools 3.5 The `orbd' object request broker daemon =========================================== To be written ... `-ORBInitialPort PORT' Port on which persistent naming service is to be started. `-ior FILE' File in which to store persistent naming service's IOR reference `-directory DIR' Directory in which to store persistent data. `-restart' Restart persistent naming service, clearing persistent naming database. Standard options: `-help' Print help text, then exit. `-version' Print version number, then exit. `-JOPTION' Pass argument to the Java runtime. java(1), ...  File:, Node: serialver Tool, Next: rmid Tool, Prev: orbd Tool, Up: Other Tools 3.6 The `serialver' version command =================================== Print the serialVersionUID of the specified classes. `-classpath PATH' Class path to use to find classes. Standard options: `-help' Print help text, then exit. `-version' Print version number, then exit. `-JOPTION' Pass argument to the Java runtime. javac(1), ...  File:, Node: rmid Tool, Next: rmiregistry Tool, Prev: serialver Tool, Up: Other Tools 3.7 The `rmid' RMI activation system daemon =========================================== `rmiregistry' starts a remote object registry on the current host. If no port number is specified, then port 1099 is used. Activation process control: `-port PORT' Port on which activation system is to be started. `-restart' Restart activation system, clearing persistent naming database, if any. `-stop' Stop activation system. Persistence: `-persistent' Make activation system persistent. `-directory DIR' Directory in which to store persistent data. Debugging: `-verbose' Log binding events to standard out. Standard options: `-help' Print help text, then exit. `-version' Print version number, then exit. `-JOPTION' Pass argument to the Java runtime. java(1), ...  File:, Node: rmiregistry Tool, Next: tnameserv Tool, Prev: rmid Tool, Up: Other Tools 3.8 The `rmiregistry' Tool ========================== `grmiregistry' starts a remote object registry on the current host. If no port number is specified, then port 1099 is used. Registry process control: `-restart' Restart RMI naming service, clearing persistent naming database, if any. `-stop' Stop RMI naming service. Persistence: `-persistent' Make RMI naming service persistent. `-directory DIR' Directory in which to store persistent data. Debugging: `-verbose' Log binding events to standard out. Standard options: `-help' Print help text, then exit. `-version' Print version number, then exit. `-JOPTION' Pass argument to the Java runtime. java(1), ...  File:, Node: tnameserv Tool, Prev: rmiregistry Tool, Up: Other Tools 3.9 The `tnameserv' Tool ======================== To be written ... `-ORBInitialPort PORT' Port on which naming service is to be started. `-ior FILE' File in which to store naming service's IOR reference. Standard options: `-help' Print help text, then exit. `-version' Print version number, then exit. `-JOPTION' Pass argument to the Java runtime. java(1), ...  File:, Node: I18N Issues, Prev: Other Tools, Up: Top 4 I18N Issues ************* Some tools -*note Security Tools::- allow using other than the English language when prompting the User for input, and outputing messages. This chapter describes the elements used to offer this support and how they can be adapted for use with specific languages. * Menu: * Language Resources:: Where resources are located * Message Formats:: How messages are internationalized  File:, Node: Language Resources, Next: Message Formats, Prev: I18N Issues, Up: I18N Issues 4.1 Language-specific resources =============================== The Tools use Java `ResourceBundle's to store messages, and message templates they use at runtime to generate the message text itself, depending on the locale in use at the time. The Resource Bundles these tools use are essentially Java Properties files consisting of a set of Name/Value pairs. The Name is the Propery Name and the Value is a substitution string that is used when the code references the associated Name. For example the following is a line in a Resource Bundle used by the `keytool' Tool: Command.23=A correct key password MUST be provided When the tool needs to signal a mandatory but missing key password, it would reference the property named `Command.23' and the message "`A correct key password MUST be provided'" will be used instead. This indirect referencing of "resources" permits replacing, as late as possible, the English strings with strings in other languages, provided of course Resource Bundles in those languages are provided. For the GNU Classpath Tools described in this Guide, the Resource Bundles are files named `messages[_ll[_CC[_VV]]].properties' where: LL Is the 2-letter code for the Language, CC Is the 2-letter code for the Region, and VV Is the 2-letter code for the Variant of the language. The complete list of language codes can be found at Code for the representation of names of languages ( A similar list for the region codes can be found at ISO 3166 Codes (Countries) ( The location of the Resource Bundles for the GNU Classpath Tools is specific to each tool. The next table shows where these files are found in a standard GNU Classpath distribution: `jarsigner' `gnu/classpath/tools/jarsigner' `keytool' `gnu/classpath/tools/keytool' The collection of Resource Bundles in a location act as an inverted tree with a parent-child relationship. For example suppose in the `gnu/classpath/tools/keytool' there are 3 message bundles named: 1. `' 2. `' 3. `' In the above example, bundle #1 will act as the parent of bundle #2, which in turn will act as the parent for bundle #3. This ordering is used by the Java runtime to choose which file to load based on the set Locale. For example if the Locale is `fr_CH', `' will be used because (a) `' does not exist, but (b) `' is the parent for the required bundle, and it exists. As another example, suppose the Locale was set to `en_AU'; then the tool will end up using `' because (a) `' does not exist, (b) `' which is the parent for the required bundle does not exist, but (c) `' exists and is the root of the hierarchy. You can see from the examples above that `' is the safety net that the Java runtime falls back to when failing to find a specific bunlde and its parent(s). This file is always provided with the Tool. In time, more localized versions will be included to cater for other languages. In the meantime, if you are willing to contribute localized versions of these resources, grab the `' for a specific tool; translate it; save it with the appropriate language and region suffix and mail it to `'.  File:, Node: Message Formats, Prev: Language Resources, Up: I18N Issues 4.2 Message formats =================== If you open any of the `' described in the previous section, you may see properties that look like so: Command.67=Issuer: {0} Command.68=Serial number: {0,number} Command.69=Valid from: {0,date,full} - {0,time,full} Command.70=\ \ \ \ \ until: {0,date,full} - {0,time,full} These are Message Formats used by the tools to customize a text string that will then be used either as a prompt for User input or as output. If you are translating a `' be careful not to alter text between curly braces.  Tag Table: Node: Top432 Node: Applet Tools3881 Node: appletviewer Tool4454 Node: gcjwebplugin7569 Node: Security Tools7881 Node: jarsigner Tool8534 Node: Common jarsigner Options9581 Node: Signing Options10896 Node: Verification Options13478 Node: keytool Tool14066 Node: Getting Help18494 Node: Common keytool Options19238 Ref: alias19511 Ref: keyalg19893 Ref: keysize20123 Ref: validity20388 Ref: storetype20603 Ref: storepass20934 Ref: keystore21131 Ref: provider21674 Ref: file22081 Ref: verbose22552 Node: Distinguished Names22644 Ref: dn22838 Node: Add/Update Commands23901 Node: Command -genkey24429 Node: Command -import26837 Node: Command -selfcert29981 Node: Command -cacert32160 Node: Command -identitydb33213 Node: Export Commands33871 Node: Command -certreq34187 Node: Command -export36593 Node: Display Commands37790 Node: Command -list38122 Node: Command -printcert39255 Node: Management Commands39639 Node: Command -keyclone40071 Node: Command -storepasswd41474 Node: Command -keypasswd42203 Node: Command -delete43397 Node: Other Tools44020 Node: jar Tool44805 Node: javah Tool46197 Node: gcjh Tool47416 Node: native2ascii Tool48529 Node: orbd Tool48990 Node: serialver Tool49720 Node: rmid Tool50189 Node: rmiregistry Tool51130 Node: tnameserv Tool51970 Node: I18N Issues52460 Node: Language Resources52961 Node: Message Formats56624  End Tag Table