path: root/gcc-4.9/gcc/testsuite/go.test/test/import5.go
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'gcc-4.9/gcc/testsuite/go.test/test/import5.go')
1 files changed, 55 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gcc-4.9/gcc/testsuite/go.test/test/import5.go b/gcc-4.9/gcc/testsuite/go.test/test/import5.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6480acff9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gcc-4.9/gcc/testsuite/go.test/test/import5.go
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+// errorcheck
+// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// Verify that invalid imports are rejected by the compiler.
+// Does not compile.
+package main
+// Correct import paths.
+import _ "fmt"
+import _ `time`
+import _ "m\x61th"
+import _ "go/parser"
+// Correct import paths, but the packages don't exist.
+// Don't test.
+//import "a.b"
+//import "greek/αβ"
+// Import paths must be strings.
+import 42 // ERROR "import statement"
+import 'a' // ERROR "import statement"
+import 3.14 // ERROR "import statement"
+import 0.25i // ERROR "import statement"
+// Each of these pairs tests both `` vs "" strings
+// and also use of invalid characters spelled out as
+// escape sequences and written directly.
+// For example `"\x00"` tests import "\x00"
+// while "`\x00`" tests import `<actual-NUL-byte>`.
+import "" // ERROR "import path"
+import `` // ERROR "import path"
+import "\x00" // ERROR "import path"
+import `\x00` // ERROR "import path"
+import "\x7f" // ERROR "import path"
+import `\x7f` // ERROR "import path"
+import "a!" // ERROR "import path"
+import `a!` // ERROR "import path"
+import "a b" // ERROR "import path"
+import `a b` // ERROR "import path"
+import "a\\b" // ERROR "import path"
+import `a\\b` // ERROR "import path"
+import "\"`a`\"" // ERROR "import path"
+import `\"a\"` // ERROR "import path"
+import "\x80\x80" // ERROR "import path"
+import `\x80\x80` // ERROR "import path"
+import "\xFFFD" // ERROR "import path"
+import `\xFFFD` // ERROR "import path"
+// Invalid local imports.
+import "/foo" // ERROR "import path cannot be absolute path"
+import "c:/foo" // ERROR "import path contains invalid character"