path: root/gcc-4.9/gcc/testsuite/gcc.dg/builtins-1.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'gcc-4.9/gcc/testsuite/gcc.dg/builtins-1.c')
1 files changed, 212 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gcc-4.9/gcc/testsuite/gcc.dg/builtins-1.c b/gcc-4.9/gcc/testsuite/gcc.dg/builtins-1.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5dab9fe0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gcc-4.9/gcc/testsuite/gcc.dg/builtins-1.c
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+/* Copyright (C) 2002, 2003 Free Software Foundation.
+ Verify that all the __builtin_ math functions are recognized
+ by the compiler.
+ Written by Roger Sayle, 11th July 2002. */
+/* { dg-do compile } */
+/* { dg-options "" } */
+/* { dg-final { scan-assembler-not "__builtin_" } } */
+/* These helper macros ensure we also check the float and long double
+ cases. */
+/* Test FP functions taking void. */
+#define FPTEST0(FN) \
+double test_##FN(void) { return __builtin_##FN(); } \
+float test_##FN##f(void) { return __builtin_##FN##f(); } \
+long double test_##FN##l(void) { return __builtin_##FN##l(); }
+/* Test FP functions taking one FP argument. */
+#define FPTEST1(FN) \
+double test_##FN(double x) { return __builtin_##FN(x); } \
+float test_##FN##f(float x) { return __builtin_##FN##f(x); } \
+long double test_##FN##l(long double x) { return __builtin_##FN##l(x); }
+/* Test FP functions taking one argument of a supplied type. */
+#define FPTEST1ARG(FN, TYPE) \
+double test_##FN(TYPE x) { return __builtin_##FN(x); } \
+float test_##FN##f(TYPE x) { return __builtin_##FN##f(x); } \
+long double test_##FN##l(TYPE x) { return __builtin_##FN##l(x); }
+/* Test FP functions taking two arguments, the first argument is of a
+ supplied type. */
+#define FPTEST2ARG1(FN, TYPE) \
+double test_##FN(TYPE x, double y) { return __builtin_##FN(x, y); } \
+float test_##FN##f(TYPE x, float y) { return __builtin_##FN##f(x, y); } \
+long double test_##FN##l(TYPE x, long double y) { return __builtin_##FN##l(x, y); }
+/* Test FP functions taking two arguments, the second argument is of a
+ supplied type. */
+#define FPTEST2ARG2(FN, TYPE) \
+double test_##FN(double x, TYPE y) { return __builtin_##FN(x, y); } \
+float test_##FN##f(float x, TYPE y) { return __builtin_##FN##f(x, y); } \
+long double test_##FN##l(long double x, TYPE y) { return __builtin_##FN##l(x, y); }
+/* Test FP functions taking two arguments, the second argument is of a
+ supplied type. The function is named reentrant style, meaning "_r"
+ appears after the possible f/l suffix. */
+double test_##FN##_r(double x, TYPE y) { return __builtin_##FN##_r(x, y); } \
+float test_##FN##f_r(float x, TYPE y) { return __builtin_##FN##f_r(x, y); } \
+long double test_##FN##l_r(long double x, TYPE y) { return __builtin_##FN##l_r(x, y); }
+/* Test FP functions taking two arguments, the second argument is a
+ FP pointer. */
+#define FPTEST2FPP2(FN) \
+double test_##FN(double x, double *y) { return __builtin_##FN(x, y); } \
+float test_##FN##f(float x, float *y) { return __builtin_##FN##f(x, y); } \
+long double test_##FN##l(long double x, long double *y) { return __builtin_##FN##l(x, y); }
+/* Test FP functions taking one FP argument and a supplied return
+ type. */
+#define FPTEST1RET(FN, TYPE) \
+TYPE test_##FN(double x) { return __builtin_##FN(x); } \
+TYPE test_##FN##f(float x) { return __builtin_##FN##f(x); } \
+TYPE test_##FN##l(long double x) { return __builtin_##FN##l(x); }
+/* Test FP functions taking two FP arguments. */
+#define FPTEST2(FN) \
+double test_##FN(double x, double y) { return __builtin_##FN(x, y); } \
+float test_##FN##f(float x, float y) { return __builtin_##FN##f(x, y); } \
+long double test_##FN##l(long double x, long double y) { return __builtin_##FN##l(x, y); }
+/* Test FP functions taking three FP arguments. */
+#define FPTEST3(FN) \
+double test_##FN(double x, double y, double z) { return __builtin_##FN(x, y, z); } \
+float test_##FN##f(float x, float y, float z) { return __builtin_##FN##f(x, y, z); } \
+long double test_##FN##l(long double x, long double y, long double z) { return __builtin_##FN##l(x, y, z); }
+/* Test FP functions taking three arguments, two FP and the third is
+ of a supplied type. */
+#define FPTEST3ARG3(FN, TYPE) \
+double test_##FN(double x, double y, TYPE z) { return __builtin_##FN(x, y, z); } \
+float test_##FN##f(float x, float y, TYPE z) { return __builtin_##FN##f(x, y, z); } \
+long double test_##FN##l(long double x, long double y, TYPE z) { return __builtin_##FN##l(x, y, z); }
+/* Test FP functions taking three FP arguments. The second and third
+ are FP pointers. The return type is void. */
+#define FPTEST3FPP23VOID(FN) \
+double test_##FN(double x, double *y, double *z) { __builtin_##FN(x, y, z); return *y * *z; } \
+float test_##FN##f(float x, float *y, float *z) { __builtin_##FN##f(x, y, z); return *y * *z; } \
+long double test_##FN##l(long double x, long double *y, long double *z) { __builtin_##FN##l(x, y, z); return *y * *z; }
+/* Test Complex functions taking one Complex argument. */
+#define CPTEST1(FN) \
+_Complex double test_##FN(_Complex double x) { return __builtin_##FN(x); } \
+_Complex float test_##FN##f(_Complex float x) { return __builtin_##FN##f(x); } \
+_Complex long double test_##FN##l(_Complex long double x) { return __builtin_##FN##l(x); }
+/* Test Complex functions taking one Complex argument and returning an FP type. */
+#define CPTEST1RETFP(FN) \
+double test_##FN(_Complex double x) { return __builtin_##FN(x); } \
+float test_##FN##f(_Complex float x) { return __builtin_##FN##f(x); } \
+long double test_##FN##l(_Complex long double x) { return __builtin_##FN##l(x); }
+/* Test Complex functions taking two Complex arguments. */
+#define CPTEST2(FN) \
+_Complex double test_##FN(_Complex double x, _Complex double y) { return __builtin_##FN(x,y); } \
+_Complex float test_##FN##f(_Complex float x, _Complex float y) { return __builtin_##FN##f(x,y); } \
+_Complex long double test_##FN##l(_Complex long double x, _Complex long double y) { return __builtin_##FN##l(x,y); }
+/* Keep this list sorted alphabetically by function name. */
+FPTEST1 (acos)
+FPTEST1 (acosh)
+FPTEST1 (asin)
+FPTEST1 (asinh)
+FPTEST1 (atan)
+FPTEST2 (atan2)
+FPTEST1 (atanh)
+FPTEST1 (cbrt)
+FPTEST1 (ceil)
+FPTEST2 (copysign)
+FPTEST1 (cos)
+FPTEST1 (cosh)
+FPTEST2 (drem)
+FPTEST1 (erf)
+FPTEST1 (erfc)
+FPTEST1 (exp)
+FPTEST1 (exp10)
+FPTEST1 (exp2)
+FPTEST1 (expm1)
+FPTEST1 (fabs)
+FPTEST2 (fdim)
+FPTEST1 (floor)
+FPTEST3 (fma)
+FPTEST2 (fmax)
+FPTEST2 (fmin)
+FPTEST2 (fmod)
+FPTEST2ARG2 (frexp, int *)
+FPTEST1 (gamma)
+FPTEST2ARG2_REENT (gamma, int *) /* gamma_r */
+FPTEST0 (huge_val)
+FPTEST2 (hypot)
+FPTEST1 (ilogb)
+FPTEST0 (inf) /* { dg-warning "target format does not support infinity" "inf" {target spu-*-*} } */
+FPTEST1 (j0)
+FPTEST1 (j1)
+FPTEST2ARG1 (jn, int)
+FPTEST2ARG2 (ldexp, int)
+FPTEST1 (lgamma)
+FPTEST2ARG2_REENT (lgamma, int *) /* lgamma_r */
+FPTEST1RET (llrint, long long)
+FPTEST1RET (llround, long long)
+FPTEST1 (log)
+FPTEST1 (log10)
+FPTEST1 (log1p)
+FPTEST1 (log2)
+FPTEST1 (logb)
+FPTEST1RET (lrint, long)
+FPTEST1RET (lround, long)
+FPTEST2FPP2 (modf)
+FPTEST1 (nearbyint)
+FPTEST2 (nextafter)
+FPTEST2 (nexttoward)
+FPTEST2 (pow)
+FPTEST1 (pow10)
+FPTEST2 (remainder)
+FPTEST3ARG3 (remquo, int *)
+FPTEST1 (rint)
+FPTEST1 (round)
+FPTEST2 (scalb)
+FPTEST2ARG2 (scalbln, int)
+FPTEST2ARG2 (scalbn, int)
+FPTEST1RET (signbit, int)
+FPTEST1 (significand)
+FPTEST1 (sin)
+FPTEST3FPP23VOID (sincos)
+FPTEST1 (sinh)
+FPTEST1 (sqrt)
+FPTEST1 (tan)
+FPTEST1 (tanh)
+FPTEST1 (tgamma)
+FPTEST1 (trunc)
+FPTEST1 (y0)
+FPTEST1 (y1)
+FPTEST2ARG1 (yn, int)
+/* Keep this list sorted alphabetically by function name. */
+CPTEST1 (cacos)
+CPTEST1 (cacosh)
+CPTEST1 (casin)
+CPTEST1 (casinh)
+CPTEST1 (catan)
+CPTEST1 (catanh)
+CPTEST1 (ccos)
+CPTEST1 (ccosh)
+CPTEST1 (cexp)
+CPTEST1 (clog)
+CPTEST1 (conj)
+CPTEST2 (cpow)
+CPTEST1 (cproj)
+CPTEST1 (csin)
+CPTEST1 (csinh)
+CPTEST1 (csqrt)
+CPTEST1 (ctan)
+CPTEST1 (ctanh)