path: root/gcc-4.9/gcc/ada/xoscons.adb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'gcc-4.9/gcc/ada/xoscons.adb')
1 files changed, 705 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gcc-4.9/gcc/ada/xoscons.adb b/gcc-4.9/gcc/ada/xoscons.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..095101f52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gcc-4.9/gcc/ada/xoscons.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,705 @@
+-- --
+-- --
+-- X O S C O N S --
+-- --
+-- B o d y --
+-- --
+-- Copyright (C) 2008-2013, Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
+-- --
+-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
+-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
+-- ware Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later ver- --
+-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
+-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
+-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
+-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
+-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING3. If not, go to --
+-- http://www.gnu.org/licenses for a complete copy of the license. --
+-- --
+-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
+-- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. --
+-- --
+-- The base name of the template file is given by Argument (1). This program
+-- generates the spec for this specified unit (let's call it UNIT_NAME).
+-- It works in conjunction with a C template file which must be pre-processed
+-- and compiled using the cross compiler. Two input files are used:
+-- - the preprocessed C file: UNIT_NAME-tmplt.i
+-- - the generated assembly file: UNIT_NAME-tmplt.s
+-- The generated files are UNIT_NAME.ads and UNIT_NAME.h
+with Ada.Characters.Handling; use Ada.Characters.Handling;
+with Ada.Command_Line; use Ada.Command_Line;
+with Ada.Exceptions; use Ada.Exceptions;
+with Ada.Streams.Stream_IO; use Ada.Streams.Stream_IO;
+with Ada.Strings.Fixed; use Ada.Strings.Fixed;
+with Ada.Strings.Maps; use Ada.Strings.Maps;
+with Ada.Strings.Maps.Constants; use Ada.Strings.Maps.Constants;
+with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
+pragma Warnings (Off);
+-- System.Unsigned_Types is an internal GNAT unit
+with System.Unsigned_Types; use System.Unsigned_Types;
+pragma Warnings (On);
+with GNAT.String_Split; use GNAT.String_Split;
+with GNAT.Table;
+with XUtil; use XUtil;
+procedure XOSCons is
+ use Ada.Strings;
+ Unit_Name : constant String := Argument (1);
+ Tmpl_Name : constant String := Unit_Name & "-tmplt";
+ -------------------------------------------------
+ -- Information retrieved from assembly listing --
+ -------------------------------------------------
+ type String_Access is access all String;
+ -- Note: we can't use GNAT.Strings for this definition, since that unit
+ -- is not available in older base compilers.
+ -- We need to deal with integer values that can be signed or unsigned, so
+ -- we need to accommodate the maximum range of both cases.
+ type Int_Value_Type is record
+ Positive : Boolean;
+ Abs_Value : Long_Unsigned := 0;
+ end record;
+ function ">" (V1, V2 : Int_Value_Type) return Boolean;
+ function "<" (V1, V2 : Int_Value_Type) return Boolean;
+ type Asm_Info_Kind is
+ (CND, -- Named number (decimal)
+ CNU, -- Named number (decimal, unsigned)
+ CNS, -- Named number (freeform text)
+ C, -- Constant object
+ SUB, -- Subtype
+ TXT); -- Literal text
+ -- Recognized markers found in assembly file. These markers are produced by
+ -- the same-named macros from the C template.
+ subtype Asm_Int_Kind is Asm_Info_Kind range CND .. CNU;
+ -- Asm_Info_Kind values with int values in input
+ subtype Named_Number is Asm_Info_Kind range CND .. CNS;
+ -- Asm_Info_Kind values with named numbers in output
+ type Asm_Info (Kind : Asm_Info_Kind := TXT) is record
+ Line_Number : Integer;
+ -- Line number in C source file
+ Constant_Name : String_Access;
+ -- Name of constant to be defined
+ Constant_Type : String_Access;
+ -- Type of constant (case of Kind = C)
+ Value_Len : Natural := 0;
+ -- Length of text representation of constant's value
+ Text_Value : String_Access;
+ -- Value for CNS / C constant
+ Int_Value : Int_Value_Type;
+ -- Value for CND / CNU constant
+ Comment : String_Access;
+ -- Additional descriptive comment for constant, or free-form text (TXT)
+ end record;
+ package Asm_Infos is new GNAT.Table
+ (Table_Component_Type => Asm_Info,
+ Table_Index_Type => Integer,
+ Table_Low_Bound => 1,
+ Table_Initial => 100,
+ Table_Increment => 10);
+ Max_Constant_Name_Len : Natural := 0;
+ Max_Constant_Value_Len : Natural := 0;
+ Max_Constant_Type_Len : Natural := 0;
+ -- Lengths of longest name and longest value
+ Size_Of_Unsigned_Int : Integer := 0;
+ -- Size of unsigned int on target
+ type Language is (Lang_Ada, Lang_C);
+ function Parse_Int (S : String; K : Asm_Int_Kind) return Int_Value_Type;
+ -- Parse a decimal number, preceded by an optional '$' or '#' character,
+ -- and return its value.
+ procedure Output_Info
+ (Lang : Language;
+ OFile : Sfile;
+ Info_Index : Integer);
+ -- Output information from the indicated asm info line
+ procedure Parse_Asm_Line (Line : String);
+ -- Parse one information line from the assembly source
+ function Contains_Template_Name (S : String) return Boolean;
+ -- True if S contains Tmpl_Name, possibly with different casing
+ function Spaces (Count : Integer) return String;
+ -- If Count is positive, return a string of Count spaces, else return an
+ -- empty string.
+ ---------
+ -- ">" --
+ ---------
+ function ">" (V1, V2 : Int_Value_Type) return Boolean is
+ P1 : Boolean renames V1.Positive;
+ P2 : Boolean renames V2.Positive;
+ A1 : Long_Unsigned renames V1.Abs_Value;
+ A2 : Long_Unsigned renames V2.Abs_Value;
+ begin
+ return (P1 and then not P2)
+ or else (P1 and then P2 and then A1 > A2)
+ or else (not P1 and then not P2 and then A1 < A2);
+ end ">";
+ ---------
+ -- "<" --
+ ---------
+ function "<" (V1, V2 : Int_Value_Type) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return not (V1 > V2) and then not (V1 = V2);
+ end "<";
+ ----------------------------
+ -- Contains_Template_Name --
+ ----------------------------
+ function Contains_Template_Name (S : String) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ if Index (Source => To_Lower (S), Pattern => Tmpl_Name) > 0 then
+ return True;
+ else
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ end Contains_Template_Name;
+ -----------------
+ -- Output_Info --
+ -----------------
+ procedure Output_Info
+ (Lang : Language;
+ OFile : Sfile;
+ Info_Index : Integer)
+ is
+ Info : Asm_Info renames Asm_Infos.Table (Info_Index);
+ procedure Put (S : String);
+ -- Write S to OFile
+ ---------
+ -- Put --
+ ---------
+ procedure Put (S : String) is
+ begin
+ Put (OFile, S);
+ end Put;
+ -- Start of processing for Output_Info
+ begin
+ case Info.Kind is
+ when TXT =>
+ -- Handled in the common code for comments below
+ null;
+ when SUB =>
+ case Lang is
+ when Lang_Ada =>
+ Put (" subtype " & Info.Constant_Name.all
+ & " is Interfaces.C."
+ & Info.Text_Value.all & ";");
+ when Lang_C =>
+ Put ("#define " & Info.Constant_Name.all & " "
+ & Info.Text_Value.all);
+ end case;
+ when others =>
+ -- All named number cases
+ case Lang is
+ when Lang_Ada =>
+ Put (" " & Info.Constant_Name.all);
+ Put (Spaces (Max_Constant_Name_Len
+ - Info.Constant_Name'Length));
+ if Info.Kind in Named_Number then
+ Put (" : constant := ");
+ else
+ Put (" : constant " & Info.Constant_Type.all);
+ Put (Spaces (Max_Constant_Type_Len
+ - Info.Constant_Type'Length));
+ Put (" := ");
+ end if;
+ when Lang_C =>
+ Put ("#define " & Info.Constant_Name.all & " ");
+ Put (Spaces (Max_Constant_Name_Len
+ - Info.Constant_Name'Length));
+ end case;
+ if Info.Kind in Asm_Int_Kind then
+ if not Info.Int_Value.Positive then
+ Put ("-");
+ end if;
+ Put (Trim (Info.Int_Value.Abs_Value'Img, Side => Left));
+ else
+ declare
+ Is_String : constant Boolean :=
+ Info.Kind = C
+ and then Info.Constant_Type.all = "String";
+ begin
+ if Is_String then
+ Put ("""");
+ end if;
+ Put (Info.Text_Value.all);
+ if Is_String then
+ Put ("""");
+ end if;
+ end;
+ end if;
+ if Lang = Lang_Ada then
+ Put (";");
+ if Info.Comment'Length > 0 then
+ Put (Spaces (Max_Constant_Value_Len - Info.Value_Len));
+ Put (" -- ");
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end case;
+ if Lang = Lang_Ada then
+ Put (Info.Comment.all);
+ end if;
+ New_Line (OFile);
+ end Output_Info;
+ --------------------
+ -- Parse_Asm_Line --
+ --------------------
+ procedure Parse_Asm_Line (Line : String) is
+ Index1, Index2 : Integer := Line'First;
+ function Field_Alloc return String_Access;
+ -- Allocate and return a copy of Line (Index1 .. Index2 - 1)
+ procedure Find_Colon (Index : in out Integer);
+ -- Increment Index until the next colon in Line
+ -----------------
+ -- Field_Alloc --
+ -----------------
+ function Field_Alloc return String_Access is
+ begin
+ return new String'(Line (Index1 .. Index2 - 1));
+ end Field_Alloc;
+ ----------------
+ -- Find_Colon --
+ ----------------
+ procedure Find_Colon (Index : in out Integer) is
+ begin
+ loop
+ Index := Index + 1;
+ exit when Index > Line'Last or else Line (Index) = ':';
+ end loop;
+ end Find_Colon;
+ -- Start of processing for Parse_Asm_Line
+ begin
+ Find_Colon (Index2);
+ declare
+ Info : Asm_Info (Kind => Asm_Info_Kind'Value
+ (Line (Line'First .. Index2 - 1)));
+ begin
+ Index1 := Index2 + 1;
+ Find_Colon (Index2);
+ Info.Line_Number :=
+ Integer (Parse_Int (Line (Index1 .. Index2 - 1), CNU).Abs_Value);
+ case Info.Kind is
+ when CND | CNU | CNS | C | SUB =>
+ Index1 := Index2 + 1;
+ Find_Colon (Index2);
+ Info.Constant_Name := Field_Alloc;
+ if Info.Kind /= SUB
+ and then
+ Info.Constant_Name'Length > Max_Constant_Name_Len
+ then
+ Max_Constant_Name_Len := Info.Constant_Name'Length;
+ end if;
+ Index1 := Index2 + 1;
+ Find_Colon (Index2);
+ if Info.Kind = C then
+ Info.Constant_Type := Field_Alloc;
+ if Info.Constant_Type'Length > Max_Constant_Type_Len then
+ Max_Constant_Type_Len := Info.Constant_Type'Length;
+ end if;
+ Index1 := Index2 + 1;
+ Find_Colon (Index2);
+ end if;
+ if Info.Kind = CND or else Info.Kind = CNU then
+ Info.Int_Value :=
+ Parse_Int (Line (Index1 .. Index2 - 1), Info.Kind);
+ Info.Value_Len := Info.Int_Value.Abs_Value'Img'Length - 1;
+ if not Info.Int_Value.Positive then
+ Info.Value_Len := Info.Value_Len + 1;
+ end if;
+ else
+ Info.Text_Value := Field_Alloc;
+ Info.Value_Len := Info.Text_Value'Length;
+ end if;
+ if Info.Constant_Name.all = "SIZEOF_unsigned_int" then
+ Size_Of_Unsigned_Int :=
+ 8 * Integer (Info.Int_Value.Abs_Value);
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ Index1 := Index2 + 1;
+ Index2 := Line'Last + 1;
+ Info.Comment := Field_Alloc;
+ if Info.Kind = TXT then
+ Info.Text_Value := Info.Comment;
+ -- Update Max_Constant_Value_Len, but only if this constant has a
+ -- comment (else the value is allowed to be longer).
+ elsif Info.Comment'Length > 0 then
+ if Info.Value_Len > Max_Constant_Value_Len then
+ Max_Constant_Value_Len := Info.Value_Len;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ Asm_Infos.Append (Info);
+ end;
+ exception
+ when E : others =>
+ Put_Line
+ (Standard_Error, "can't parse " & Line);
+ Put_Line
+ (Standard_Error, "exception raised: " & Exception_Information (E));
+ end Parse_Asm_Line;
+ ----------------
+ -- Parse_Cond --
+ ----------------
+ procedure Parse_Cond
+ (If_Line : String;
+ Cond : Boolean;
+ Tmpl_File : Ada.Text_IO.File_Type;
+ Ada_Ofile, C_Ofile : Sfile;
+ Current_Line : in out Integer)
+ is
+ function Get_Value (Name : String) return Int_Value_Type;
+ -- Returns the value of the variable Name
+ ---------------
+ -- Get_Value --
+ ---------------
+ function Get_Value (Name : String) return Int_Value_Type is
+ begin
+ if Is_Subset (To_Set (Name), Decimal_Digit_Set) then
+ return Parse_Int (Name, CND);
+ else
+ for K in 1 .. Asm_Infos.Last loop
+ if Asm_Infos.Table (K).Constant_Name /= null then
+ if Name = Asm_Infos.Table (K).Constant_Name.all then
+ return Asm_Infos.Table (K).Int_Value;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ -- Not found returns 0
+ return (True, 0);
+ end if;
+ end Get_Value;
+ -- Local variables
+ Sline : Slice_Set;
+ Line : String (1 .. 256);
+ Last : Integer;
+ Value1 : Int_Value_Type;
+ Value2 : Int_Value_Type;
+ Res : Boolean;
+ -- Start of processing for Parse_Cond
+ begin
+ Create (Sline, If_Line, " ");
+ if Slice_Count (Sline) /= 4 then
+ Put_Line (Standard_Error, "can't parse " & If_Line);
+ end if;
+ Value1 := Get_Value (Slice (Sline, 2));
+ Value2 := Get_Value (Slice (Sline, 4));
+ if Slice (Sline, 3) = ">" then
+ Res := Cond and (Value1 > Value2);
+ elsif Slice (Sline, 3) = "<" then
+ Res := Cond and (Value1 < Value2);
+ elsif Slice (Sline, 3) = "=" then
+ Res := Cond and (Value1 = Value2);
+ elsif Slice (Sline, 3) = "/=" then
+ Res := Cond and (Value1 /= Value2);
+ else
+ -- No other operator can be used
+ Put_Line (Standard_Error, "unknown operator in " & If_Line);
+ Res := False;
+ end if;
+ Current_Line := Current_Line + 1;
+ loop
+ Get_Line (Tmpl_File, Line, Last);
+ Current_Line := Current_Line + 1;
+ exit when Line (1 .. Last) = "@END_IF";
+ if Last > 4 and then Line (1 .. 4) = "@IF " then
+ Parse_Cond
+ (Line (1 .. Last), Res,
+ Tmpl_File, Ada_Ofile, C_Ofile, Current_Line);
+ elsif Line (1 .. Last) = "@ELSE" then
+ Res := Cond and not Res;
+ elsif Res then
+ Put_Line (Ada_OFile, Line (1 .. Last));
+ Put_Line (C_OFile, Line (1 .. Last));
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end Parse_Cond;
+ ---------------
+ -- Parse_Int --
+ ---------------
+ function Parse_Int
+ (S : String;
+ K : Asm_Int_Kind) return Int_Value_Type
+ is
+ First : Integer := S'First;
+ Result : Int_Value_Type;
+ begin
+ -- On some platforms, immediate integer values are prefixed with
+ -- a $ or # character in assembly output.
+ if S (First) = '$' or else S (First) = '#' then
+ First := First + 1;
+ end if;
+ if S (First) = '-' then
+ Result.Positive := False;
+ First := First + 1;
+ else
+ Result.Positive := True;
+ end if;
+ Result.Abs_Value := Long_Unsigned'Value (S (First .. S'Last));
+ if not Result.Positive and then K = CNU then
+ -- Negative value, but unsigned expected: take 2's complement
+ -- reciprocical value.
+ Result.Abs_Value := ((not Result.Abs_Value) + 1)
+ and
+ (Shift_Left (1, Size_Of_Unsigned_Int) - 1);
+ Result.Positive := True;
+ end if;
+ return Result;
+ exception
+ when others =>
+ Put_Line (Standard_Error, "can't parse decimal value: " & S);
+ raise;
+ end Parse_Int;
+ ------------
+ -- Spaces --
+ ------------
+ function Spaces (Count : Integer) return String is
+ begin
+ if Count <= 0 then
+ return "";
+ else
+ return (1 .. Count => ' ');
+ end if;
+ end Spaces;
+ -- Local declarations
+ -- Input files
+ Tmpl_File_Name : constant String := Tmpl_Name & ".i";
+ Asm_File_Name : constant String := Tmpl_Name & ".s";
+ -- Output files
+ Ada_File_Name : constant String := Unit_Name & ".ads";
+ C_File_Name : constant String := Unit_Name & ".h";
+ Asm_File : Ada.Text_IO.File_Type;
+ Tmpl_File : Ada.Text_IO.File_Type;
+ Ada_OFile : Sfile;
+ C_OFile : Sfile;
+ Line : String (1 .. 256);
+ Last : Integer;
+ -- Line being processed
+ Current_Line : Integer;
+ Current_Info : Integer;
+ In_Comment : Boolean;
+ In_Template : Boolean;
+-- Start of processing for XOSCons
+ -- Load values from assembly file
+ Open (Asm_File, In_File, Asm_File_Name);
+ while not End_Of_File (Asm_File) loop
+ Get_Line (Asm_File, Line, Last);
+ if Last > 2 and then Line (1 .. 2) = "->" then
+ Parse_Asm_Line (Line (3 .. Last));
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ Close (Asm_File);
+ -- Load C template and output definitions
+ Open (Tmpl_File, In_File, Tmpl_File_Name);
+ Create (Ada_OFile, Out_File, Ada_File_Name);
+ Create (C_OFile, Out_File, C_File_Name);
+ Current_Line := 0;
+ Current_Info := Asm_Infos.First;
+ In_Comment := False;
+ while not End_Of_File (Tmpl_File) loop
+ <<Get_One_Line>>
+ Get_Line (Tmpl_File, Line, Last);
+ if Last >= 2 and then Line (1 .. 2) = "# " then
+ declare
+ Index : Integer;
+ begin
+ Index := 3;
+ while Index <= Last and then Line (Index) in '0' .. '9' loop
+ Index := Index + 1;
+ end loop;
+ if Contains_Template_Name (Line (Index + 1 .. Last)) then
+ Current_Line := Integer'Value (Line (3 .. Index - 1));
+ In_Template := True;
+ goto Get_One_Line;
+ else
+ In_Template := False;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ elsif In_Template then
+ if In_Comment then
+ if Line (1 .. Last) = "*/" then
+ Put_Line (C_OFile, Line (1 .. Last));
+ In_Comment := False;
+ elsif Last > 4 and then Line (1 .. 4) = "@IF " then
+ Parse_Cond
+ (Line (1 .. Last), True,
+ Tmpl_File, Ada_Ofile, C_Ofile, Current_Line);
+ else
+ Put_Line (Ada_OFile, Line (1 .. Last));
+ Put_Line (C_OFile, Line (1 .. Last));
+ end if;
+ elsif Line (1 .. Last) = "/*" then
+ Put_Line (C_OFile, Line (1 .. Last));
+ In_Comment := True;
+ elsif Asm_Infos.Table (Current_Info).Line_Number = Current_Line then
+ if Fixed.Index (Line, "/*NOGEN*/") = 0 then
+ Output_Info (Lang_Ada, Ada_OFile, Current_Info);
+ Output_Info (Lang_C, C_OFile, Current_Info);
+ end if;
+ Current_Info := Current_Info + 1;
+ end if;
+ Current_Line := Current_Line + 1;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ Close (Tmpl_File);
+ when others =>
+ Put_Line ("xoscons <base_name>");
+end XOSCons;