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-<h1 class="settitle" align="center">Installing GCC</h1>
-<a name="index-Testing"></a>
-<a name="index-Installing-GCC_003a-Testing"></a>
-<a name="index-Testsuite"></a>
-<p>Before you install GCC, we encourage you to run the testsuites and to
-compare your results with results from a similar configuration that have
-been submitted to the
-<a href="http://gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc-testresults/">gcc-testresults mailing list</a>.
-Some of these archived results are linked from the build status lists
-at <a href="http://gcc.gnu.org/buildstat.html">http://gcc.gnu.org/buildstat.html</a>, although not everyone who
-reports a successful build runs the testsuites and submits the results.
-This step is optional and may require you to download additional software,
-but it can give you confidence in your new GCC installation or point out
-problems before you install and start using your new GCC.
-<p>First, you must have <a href="download.html">downloaded the testsuites</a>.
-These are part of the full distribution, but if you downloaded the
-&ldquo;core&rdquo; compiler plus any front ends, you must download the testsuites
-<p>Second, you must have the testing tools installed. This includes
-<a href="http://www.gnu.org/software/dejagnu/">DejaGnu</a>, Tcl, and Expect;
-the DejaGnu site has links to these.
-<p>If the directories where <code>runtest</code> and <code>expect</code> were
-installed are not in the <code>PATH</code>, you may need to set the following
-environment variables appropriately, as in the following example (which
-assumes that DejaGnu has been installed under <samp>/usr/local</samp>):
-<div class="smallexample">
-<pre class="smallexample">TCL_LIBRARY = /usr/local/share/tcl8.0
-DEJAGNULIBS = /usr/local/share/dejagnu
-<p>(On systems such as Cygwin, these paths are required to be actual
-paths, not mounts or links; presumably this is due to some lack of
-portability in the DejaGnu code.)
-<p>Finally, you can run the testsuite (which may take a long time):
-</p><div class="smallexample">
-<pre class="smallexample">cd <var>objdir</var>; make -k check
-<p>This will test various components of GCC, such as compiler
-front ends and runtime libraries. While running the testsuite, DejaGnu
-might emit some harmless messages resembling
-&lsquo;<samp>WARNING: Couldn't find the global config file.</samp>&rsquo; or
-&lsquo;<samp>WARNING: Couldn't find tool init file</samp>&rsquo; that can be ignored.
-<p>If you are testing a cross-compiler, you may want to run the testsuite
-on a simulator as described at <a href="http://gcc.gnu.org/simtest-howto.html">http://gcc.gnu.org/simtest-howto.html</a>.
-<a name="How-can-you-run-the-testsuite-on-selected-tests_003f"></a>
-<h3 class="section">How can you run the testsuite on selected tests?</h3>
-<p>In order to run sets of tests selectively, there are targets
-&lsquo;<samp>make check-gcc</samp>&rsquo; and language specific &lsquo;<samp>make check-c</samp>&rsquo;,
-&lsquo;<samp>make check-c++</samp>&rsquo;, &lsquo;<samp>make check-fortran</samp>&rsquo;, &lsquo;<samp>make check-java</samp>&rsquo;,
-&lsquo;<samp>make check-ada</samp>&rsquo;, &lsquo;<samp>make check-objc</samp>&rsquo;, &lsquo;<samp>make check-obj-c++</samp>&rsquo;,
-&lsquo;<samp>make check-lto</samp>&rsquo;
-in the <samp>gcc</samp> subdirectory of the object directory. You can also
-just run &lsquo;<samp>make check</samp>&rsquo; in a subdirectory of the object directory.
-<p>A more selective way to just run all <code>gcc</code> execute tests in the
-testsuite is to use
-<div class="smallexample">
-<pre class="smallexample">make check-gcc RUNTESTFLAGS=&quot;execute.exp <var>other-options</var>&quot;
-<p>Likewise, in order to run only the <code>g++</code> &ldquo;old-deja&rdquo; tests in
-the testsuite with filenames matching &lsquo;<samp>9805*</samp>&rsquo;, you would use
-<div class="smallexample">
-<pre class="smallexample">make check-g++ RUNTESTFLAGS=&quot;old-deja.exp=9805* <var>other-options</var>&quot;
-<p>The <samp>*.exp</samp> files are located in the testsuite directories of the GCC
-source, the most important ones being <samp>compile.exp</samp>,
-<samp>execute.exp</samp>, <samp>dg.exp</samp> and <samp>old-deja.exp</samp>.
-To get a list of the possible <samp>*.exp</samp> files, pipe the
-output of &lsquo;<samp>make check</samp>&rsquo; into a file and look at the
-&lsquo;<samp>Running &hellip; .exp</samp>&rsquo; lines.
-<a name="Passing-options-and-running-multiple-testsuites"></a>
-<h3 class="section">Passing options and running multiple testsuites</h3>
-<p>You can pass multiple options to the testsuite using the
-&lsquo;<samp>--target_board</samp>&rsquo; option of DejaGNU, either passed as part of
-&lsquo;<samp>RUNTESTFLAGS</samp>&rsquo;, or directly to <code>runtest</code> if you prefer to
-work outside the makefiles. For example,
-<div class="smallexample">
-<pre class="smallexample">make check-g++ RUNTESTFLAGS=&quot;--target_board=unix/-O3/-fmerge-constants&quot;
-<p>will run the standard <code>g++</code> testsuites (&ldquo;unix&rdquo; is the target name
-for a standard native testsuite situation), passing
-&lsquo;<samp>-O3 -fmerge-constants</samp>&rsquo; to the compiler on every test, i.e.,
-slashes separate options.
-<p>You can run the testsuites multiple times using combinations of options
-with a syntax similar to the brace expansion of popular shells:
-<div class="smallexample">
-<pre class="smallexample">&hellip;&quot;--target_board=arm-sim\{-mhard-float,-msoft-float\}\{-O1,-O2,-O3,\}&quot;
-<p>(Note the empty option caused by the trailing comma in the final group.)
-The following will run each testsuite eight times using the &lsquo;<samp>arm-sim</samp>&rsquo;
-target, as if you had specified all possible combinations yourself:
-<div class="smallexample">
-<pre class="smallexample">--target_board='arm-sim/-mhard-float/-O1 \
- arm-sim/-mhard-float/-O2 \
- arm-sim/-mhard-float/-O3 \
- arm-sim/-mhard-float \
- arm-sim/-msoft-float/-O1 \
- arm-sim/-msoft-float/-O2 \
- arm-sim/-msoft-float/-O3 \
- arm-sim/-msoft-float'
-<p>They can be combined as many times as you wish, in arbitrary ways. This
-<div class="smallexample">
-<pre class="smallexample">&hellip;&quot;--target_board=unix/-Wextra\{-O3,-fno-strength\}\{-fomit-frame,\}&quot;
-<p>will generate four combinations, all involving &lsquo;<samp>-Wextra</samp>&rsquo;.
-<p>The disadvantage to this method is that the testsuites are run in serial,
-which is a waste on multiprocessor systems. For users with GNU Make and
-a shell which performs brace expansion, you can run the testsuites in
-parallel by having the shell perform the combinations and <code>make</code>
-do the parallel runs. Instead of using &lsquo;<samp>--target_board</samp>&rsquo;, use a
-special makefile target:
-<div class="smallexample">
-<pre class="smallexample">make -j<var>N</var> check-<var>testsuite</var>//<var>test-target</var>/<var>option1</var>/<var>option2</var>/&hellip;
-<p>For example,
-<div class="smallexample">
-<pre class="smallexample">make -j3 check-gcc//sh-hms-sim/{-m1,-m2,-m3,-m3e,-m4}/{,-nofpu}
-<p>will run three concurrent &ldquo;make-gcc&rdquo; testsuites, eventually testing all
-ten combinations as described above. Note that this is currently only
-supported in the <samp>gcc</samp> subdirectory. (To see how this works, try
-typing <code>echo</code> before the example given here.)
-<a name="Additional-testing-for-Java-Class-Libraries"></a>
-<h3 class="section">Additional testing for Java Class Libraries</h3>
-<p>The Java runtime tests can be executed via &lsquo;<samp>make check</samp>&rsquo;
-in the <samp><var>target</var>/libjava/testsuite</samp> directory in
-the build tree.
-<p>The <a href="http://sourceware.org/mauve/">Mauve Project</a> provides
-a suite of tests for the Java Class Libraries. This suite can be run
-as part of libgcj testing by placing the Mauve tree within the libjava
-testsuite at <samp>libjava/testsuite/libjava.mauve/mauve</samp>, or by
-specifying the location of that tree when invoking &lsquo;<samp>make</samp>&rsquo;, as in
-&lsquo;<samp>make MAUVEDIR=~/mauve check</samp>&rsquo;.
-<a name="How-to-interpret-test-results"></a>
-<h3 class="section">How to interpret test results</h3>
-<p>The result of running the testsuite are various <samp>*.sum</samp> and <samp>*.log</samp>
-files in the testsuite subdirectories. The <samp>*.log</samp> files contain a
-detailed log of the compiler invocations and the corresponding
-results, the <samp>*.sum</samp> files summarize the results. These summaries
-contain status codes for all tests:
-<li> PASS: the test passed as expected
-</li><li> XPASS: the test unexpectedly passed
-</li><li> FAIL: the test unexpectedly failed
-</li><li> XFAIL: the test failed as expected
-</li><li> UNSUPPORTED: the test is not supported on this platform
-</li><li> ERROR: the testsuite detected an error
-</li><li> WARNING: the testsuite detected a possible problem
-<p>It is normal for some tests to report unexpected failures. At the
-current time the testing harness does not allow fine grained control
-over whether or not a test is expected to fail. This problem should
-be fixed in future releases.
-<a name="Submitting-test-results"></a>
-<h3 class="section">Submitting test results</h3>
-<p>If you want to report the results to the GCC project, use the
-<samp>contrib/test_summary</samp> shell script. Start it in the <var>objdir</var> with
-<div class="smallexample">
-<pre class="smallexample"><var>srcdir</var>/contrib/test_summary -p your_commentary.txt \
- -m gcc-testresults@gcc.gnu.org |sh
-<p>This script uses the <code>Mail</code> program to send the results, so
-make sure it is in your <code>PATH</code>. The file <samp>your_commentary.txt</samp> is
-prepended to the testsuite summary and should contain any special
-remarks you have on your results or your build environment. Please
-do not edit the testsuite result block or the subject line, as these
-messages may be automatically processed.
-<hr />
-<p><p><a href="./index.html">Return to the GCC Installation page</a>