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-<h1 class="settitle" align="center">Installing GCC</h1>
-<a name="index-Prerequisites"></a>
-<p>GCC requires that various tools and packages be available for use in the
-build procedure. Modifying GCC sources requires additional tools
-described below.
-<a name="Tools_002fpackages-necessary-for-building-GCC"></a>
-<h3 class="heading">Tools/packages necessary for building GCC</h3>
-<dl compact="compact">
-<dt>ISO C++98 compiler</dt>
-<dd><p>Necessary to bootstrap GCC, although versions of GCC prior
-to 4.8 also allow bootstrapping with a ISO C89 compiler and versions
-of GCC prior to 3.4 also allow bootstrapping with a traditional
-(K&amp;R) C compiler.
-<p>To build all languages in a cross-compiler or other configuration where
-3-stage bootstrap is not performed, you need to start with an existing
-GCC binary (version 3.4 or later) because source code for language
-frontends other than C might use GCC extensions.
-<p>Note that to bootstrap GCC with versions of GCC earlier than 3.4, you
-may need to use <samp>--disable-stage1-checking</samp>, though
-bootstrapping the compiler with such earlier compilers is strongly
-<dt>C standard library and headers</dt>
-<p>In order to build GCC, the C standard library and headers must be present
-for all target variants for which target libraries will be built (and not
-only the variant of the host C++ compiler).
-<p>This affects the popular &lsquo;<samp>x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu</samp>&rsquo; platform (among
-other multilib targets), for which 64-bit (&lsquo;<samp>x86_64</samp>&rsquo;) and 32-bit
-(&lsquo;<samp>i386</samp>&rsquo;) libc headers are usually packaged separately. If you do a
-build of a native compiler on &lsquo;<samp>x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu</samp>&rsquo;, make sure you
-either have the 32-bit libc developer package properly installed (the exact
-name of the package depends on your distro) or you must build GCC as a
-64-bit only compiler by configuring with the option
-<samp>--disable-multilib</samp>. Otherwise, you may encounter an error such as
-&lsquo;<samp>fatal error: gnu/stubs-32.h: No such file</samp>&rsquo;
-<p>In order to build the Ada compiler (GNAT) you must already have GNAT
-installed because portions of the Ada frontend are written in Ada (with
-GNAT extensions.) Refer to the Ada installation instructions for more
-specific information.
-<dt>A &ldquo;working&rdquo; POSIX compatible shell, or GNU bash</dt>
-<p>Necessary when running <code>configure</code> because some
-<code>/bin/sh</code> shells have bugs and may crash when configuring the
-target libraries. In other cases, <code>/bin/sh</code> or <code>ksh</code>
-have disastrous corner-case performance problems. This
-can cause target <code>configure</code> runs to literally take days to
-complete in some cases.
-<p>So on some platforms <code>/bin/ksh</code> is sufficient, on others it
-isn&rsquo;t. See the host/target specific instructions for your platform, or
-use <code>bash</code> to be sure. Then set <code>CONFIG_SHELL</code> in your
-environment to your &ldquo;good&rdquo; shell prior to running
-<p><code>zsh</code> is not a fully compliant POSIX shell and will not
-work when configuring GCC.
-<dt>A POSIX or SVR4 awk</dt>
-<p>Necessary for creating some of the generated source files for GCC.
-If in doubt, use a recent GNU awk version, as some of the older ones
-are broken. GNU awk version 3.1.5 is known to work.
-<dt>GNU binutils</dt>
-<p>Necessary in some circumstances, optional in others. See the
-host/target specific instructions for your platform for the exact
-<dt>gzip version 1.2.4 (or later) or</dt>
-<dt>bzip2 version 1.0.2 (or later)</dt>
-<p>Necessary to uncompress GCC <code>tar</code> files when source code is
-obtained via FTP mirror sites.
-<dt>GNU make version 3.80 (or later)</dt>
-<p>You must have GNU make installed to build GCC.
-<dt>GNU tar version 1.14 (or later)</dt>
-<p>Necessary (only on some platforms) to untar the source code. Many
-systems&rsquo; <code>tar</code> programs will also work, only try GNU
-<code>tar</code> if you have problems.
-<dt>Perl version 5.6.1 (or later)</dt>
-<p>Necessary when targeting Darwin, building &lsquo;<samp>libstdc++</samp>&rsquo;,
-and not using <samp>--disable-symvers</samp>.
-Necessary when targeting Solaris 2 with Sun <code>ld</code> and not using
-<samp>--disable-symvers</samp>. The bundled <code>perl</code> in Solaris&nbsp;8
-and up works.
-<p>Necessary when regenerating <samp>Makefile</samp> dependencies in libiberty.
-Necessary when regenerating <samp>libiberty/functions.texi</samp>.
-Necessary when generating manpages from Texinfo manuals.
-Used by various scripts to generate some files included in SVN (mainly
-Unicode-related and rarely changing) from source tables.
-<dt><code>jar</code>, or InfoZIP (<code>zip</code> and <code>unzip</code>)</dt>
-<p>Necessary to build libgcj, the GCJ runtime.
-<p>Several support libraries are necessary to build GCC, some are required,
-others optional. While any sufficiently new version of required tools
-usually work, library requirements are generally stricter. Newer
-versions may work in some cases, but it&rsquo;s safer to use the exact
-versions documented. We appreciate bug reports about problems with
-newer versions, though. If your OS vendor provides packages for the
-support libraries then using those packages may be the simplest way to
-install the libraries.
-<dl compact="compact">
-<dt>GNU Multiple Precision Library (GMP) version 4.3.2 (or later)</dt>
-<p>Necessary to build GCC. If a GMP source distribution is found in a
-subdirectory of your GCC sources named <samp>gmp</samp>, it will be built
-together with GCC. Alternatively, if GMP is already installed but it
-is not in your library search path, you will have to configure with the
-<samp>--with-gmp</samp> configure option. See also <samp>--with-gmp-lib</samp>
-and <samp>--with-gmp-include</samp>.
-<dt>MPFR Library version 2.4.2 (or later)</dt>
-<p>Necessary to build GCC. It can be downloaded from
-<a href="http://www.mpfr.org/">http://www.mpfr.org/</a>. If an MPFR source distribution is found
-in a subdirectory of your GCC sources named <samp>mpfr</samp>, it will be
-built together with GCC. Alternatively, if MPFR is already installed
-but it is not in your default library search path, the
-<samp>--with-mpfr</samp> configure option should be used. See also
-<samp>--with-mpfr-lib</samp> and <samp>--with-mpfr-include</samp>.
-<dt>MPC Library version 0.8.1 (or later)</dt>
-<p>Necessary to build GCC. It can be downloaded from
-<a href="http://www.multiprecision.org/">http://www.multiprecision.org/</a>. If an MPC source distribution
-is found in a subdirectory of your GCC sources named <samp>mpc</samp>, it
-will be built together with GCC. Alternatively, if MPC is already
-installed but it is not in your default library search path, the
-<samp>--with-mpc</samp> configure option should be used. See also
-<samp>--with-mpc-lib</samp> and <samp>--with-mpc-include</samp>.
-<dt>ISL Library version 0.12.2</dt>
-<p>Necessary to build GCC with the Graphite loop optimizations.
-It can be downloaded from <a href="ftp://gcc.gnu.org/pub/gcc/infrastructure/">ftp://gcc.gnu.org/pub/gcc/infrastructure/</a>
-as <samp>isl-0.12.2.tar.bz2</samp>. If an ISL source distribution is found
-in a subdirectory of your GCC sources named <samp>isl</samp>, it will be
-built together with GCC. Alternatively, the <samp>--with-isl</samp> configure
-option should be used if ISL is not installed in your default library
-search path.
-<dt>CLooG 0.18.1</dt>
-<p>Necessary to build GCC with the Graphite loop optimizations. It can be
-downloaded from <a href="ftp://gcc.gnu.org/pub/gcc/infrastructure/">ftp://gcc.gnu.org/pub/gcc/infrastructure/</a> as
-<samp>cloog-0.18.1.tar.gz</samp>. If a CLooG source distribution is found
-in a subdirectory of your GCC sources named <samp>cloog</samp>, it will be
-built together with GCC. Alternatively, the <samp>--with-cloog</samp> configure
-option should be used if CLooG is not installed in your default library search
-<p>If you want to install CLooG separately it needs to be built against
-ISL 0.12.2 by using the <samp>--with-isl=system</samp> to direct CLooG to pick
-up an already installed ISL. Using the ISL library as bundled with CLooG
-is not supported.
-<a name="Tools_002fpackages-necessary-for-modifying-GCC"></a>
-<h3 class="heading">Tools/packages necessary for modifying GCC</h3>
-<dl compact="compact">
-<dt>autoconf version 2.64</dt>
-<dt>GNU m4 version 1.4.6 (or later)</dt>
-<p>Necessary when modifying <samp>configure.ac</samp>, <samp>aclocal.m4</samp>, etc.
-to regenerate <samp>configure</samp> and <samp>config.in</samp> files.
-<dt>automake version 1.11.1</dt>
-<p>Necessary when modifying a <samp>Makefile.am</samp> file to regenerate its
-associated <samp>Makefile.in</samp>.
-<p>Much of GCC does not use automake, so directly edit the <samp>Makefile.in</samp>
-file. Specifically this applies to the <samp>gcc</samp>, <samp>intl</samp>,
-<samp>libcpp</samp>, <samp>libiberty</samp>, <samp>libobjc</samp> directories as well
-as any of their subdirectories.
-<p>For directories that use automake, GCC requires the latest release in
-the 1.11 series, which is currently 1.11.1. When regenerating a directory
-to a newer version, please update all the directories using an older 1.11
-to the latest released version.
-<dt>gettext version 0.14.5 (or later)</dt>
-<p>Needed to regenerate <samp>gcc.pot</samp>.
-<dt>gperf version 2.7.2 (or later)</dt>
-<p>Necessary when modifying <code>gperf</code> input files, e.g.
-<samp>gcc/cp/cfns.gperf</samp> to regenerate its associated header file, e.g.
-<dt>DejaGnu 1.4.4</dt>
-<p>Necessary to run the GCC testsuite; see the section on testing for
-details. Tcl 8.6 has a known regression in RE pattern handling that
-make parts of the testsuite fail. See
-<a href="http://core.tcl.tk/tcl/tktview/267b7e2334ee2e9de34c4b00d6e72e2f1997085f">http://core.tcl.tk/tcl/tktview/267b7e2334ee2e9de34c4b00d6e72e2f1997085f</a>
-for more information.
-<dt>autogen version 5.5.4 (or later) and</dt>
-<dt>guile version 1.4.1 (or later)</dt>
-<p>Necessary to regenerate <samp>fixinc/fixincl.x</samp> from
-<samp>fixinc/inclhack.def</samp> and <samp>fixinc/*.tpl</samp>.
-<p>Necessary to run &lsquo;<samp>make check</samp>&rsquo; for <samp>fixinc</samp>.
-<p>Necessary to regenerate the top level <samp>Makefile.in</samp> file from
-<samp>Makefile.tpl</samp> and <samp>Makefile.def</samp>.
-<dt>Flex version 2.5.4 (or later)</dt>
-<p>Necessary when modifying <samp>*.l</samp> files.
-<p>Necessary to build GCC during development because the generated output
-files are not included in the SVN repository. They are included in
-<dt>Texinfo version 4.7 (or later)</dt>
-<p>Necessary for running <code>makeinfo</code> when modifying <samp>*.texi</samp>
-files to test your changes.
-<p>Necessary for running <code>make dvi</code> or <code>make pdf</code> to
-create printable documentation in DVI or PDF format. Texinfo version
-4.8 or later is required for <code>make pdf</code>.
-<p>Necessary to build GCC documentation during development because the
-generated output files are not included in the SVN repository. They are
-included in releases.
-<dt>TeX (any working version)</dt>
-<p>Necessary for running <code>texi2dvi</code> and <code>texi2pdf</code>, which
-are used when running <code>make dvi</code> or <code>make pdf</code> to create
-DVI or PDF files, respectively.
-<dt>SVN (any version)</dt>
-<dt>SSH (any version)</dt>
-<p>Necessary to access the SVN repository. Public releases and weekly
-snapshots of the development sources are also available via FTP.
-<dt>GNU diffutils version 2.7 (or later)</dt>
-<p>Useful when submitting patches for the GCC source code.
-<dt>patch version 2.5.4 (or later)</dt>
-<p>Necessary when applying patches, created with <code>diff</code>, to one&rsquo;s
-own sources.
-<p>If you wish to modify <samp>.java</samp> files in libjava, you will need to
-configure with <samp>--enable-java-maintainer-mode</samp>, and you will need
-to have executables named <code>ecj1</code> and <code>gjavah</code> in your path.
-The <code>ecj1</code> executable should run the Eclipse Java compiler via
-the GCC-specific entry point. You can download a suitable jar from
-<a href="ftp://sourceware.org/pub/java/">ftp://sourceware.org/pub/java/</a>, or by running the script
-<dt>antlr.jar version 2.7.1 (or later)</dt>
-<dt>antlr binary</dt>
-<p>If you wish to build the <code>gjdoc</code> binary in libjava, you will
-need to have an <samp>antlr.jar</samp> library available. The library is
-searched for in system locations but can be specified with
-<samp>--with-antlr-jar=</samp> instead. When configuring with
-<samp>--enable-java-maintainer-mode</samp>, you will need to have one of
-the executables named <code>cantlr</code>, <code>runantlr</code> or
-<code>antlr</code> in your path.
-<hr />
-<p><p><a href="./index.html">Return to the GCC Installation page</a>