path: root/gcc-4.8/gcc/ada/g-dirope.ads
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Diffstat (limited to 'gcc-4.8/gcc/ada/g-dirope.ads')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 275 deletions
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--- a/gcc-4.8/gcc/ada/g-dirope.ads
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--- --
--- --
--- G N A T . D I R E C T O R Y _ O P E R A T I O N S --
--- --
--- S p e c --
--- --
--- Copyright (C) 1998-2010, AdaCore --
--- --
--- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
--- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
--- ware Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later ver- --
--- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
--- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
--- --
--- As a special exception under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted --
--- additional permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, --
--- version 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. --
--- --
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and --
--- a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program; --
--- see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively. If not, see --
--- <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. --
--- --
--- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
--- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. --
--- --
--- Directory operations
--- This package provides routines for manipulating directories. A directory
--- can be treated as a file, using open and close routines, and a scanning
--- routine is provided for iterating through the entries in a directory.
--- See also child package GNAT.Directory_Operations.Iteration
--- Note: support on OpenVMS is limited to the support of Unix-style
--- directory names (OpenVMS native directory format is not supported).
--- Read individual entries for more specific notes on OpenVMS support.
-with System;
-with Ada.Strings.Maps;
-package GNAT.Directory_Operations is
- subtype Dir_Name_Str is String;
- -- A subtype used in this package to represent string values that are
- -- directory names. A directory name is a prefix for files that appear
- -- with in the directory. This means that for UNIX systems, the string
- -- includes a final '/', and for DOS-like systems, it includes a final
- -- '\' character. It can also include drive letters if the operating
- -- system provides for this. The final '/' or '\' in a Dir_Name_Str is
- -- optional when passed as a procedure or function in parameter.
- -- On OpenVMS, only Unix style path names are supported, not VMS style,
- -- but the directory and file names are not case sensitive.
- type Dir_Type is limited private;
- -- A value used to reference a directory. Conceptually this value includes
- -- the identity of the directory, and a sequential position within it.
- Null_Dir : constant Dir_Type;
- -- Represent the value for an uninitialized or closed directory
- Directory_Error : exception;
- -- Exception raised if the directory cannot be opened, read, closed,
- -- created or if it is not possible to change the current execution
- -- environment directory.
- Dir_Separator : constant Character;
- -- Running system default directory separator
- --------------------------------
- -- Basic Directory operations --
- --------------------------------
- procedure Change_Dir (Dir_Name : Dir_Name_Str);
- -- Changes the working directory of the current execution environment
- -- to the directory named by Dir_Name. Raises Directory_Error if Dir_Name
- -- does not exist.
- procedure Make_Dir (Dir_Name : Dir_Name_Str);
- -- Create a new directory named Dir_Name. Raises Directory_Error if
- -- Dir_Name cannot be created.
- procedure Remove_Dir
- (Dir_Name : Dir_Name_Str;
- Recursive : Boolean := False);
- -- Remove the directory named Dir_Name. If Recursive is set to True, then
- -- Remove_Dir removes all the subdirectories and files that are in
- -- Dir_Name. Raises Directory_Error if Dir_Name cannot be removed.
- function Get_Current_Dir return Dir_Name_Str;
- -- Returns the current working directory for the execution environment
- procedure Get_Current_Dir (Dir : out Dir_Name_Str; Last : out Natural);
- -- Returns the current working directory for the execution environment
- -- The name is returned in Dir_Name. Last is the index in Dir_Name such
- -- that Dir_Name (Last) is the last character written. If Dir_Name is
- -- too small for the directory name, the name will be truncated before
- -- being copied to Dir_Name.
- -------------------------
- -- Pathname Operations --
- -------------------------
- subtype Path_Name is String;
- -- All routines using Path_Name handle both styles (UNIX and DOS) of
- -- directory separators (either slash or back slash).
- function Dir_Name (Path : Path_Name) return Dir_Name_Str;
- -- Returns directory name for Path. This is similar to the UNIX dirname
- -- command. Everything after the last directory separator is removed. If
- -- there is no directory separator the current working directory is
- -- returned. Note that the contents of Path is case-sensitive on
- -- systems that have case-sensitive file names (like Unix), and
- -- non-case-sensitive on systems where the file system is also non-
- -- case-sensitive (such as Windows, and OpenVMS).
- function Base_Name
- (Path : Path_Name;
- Suffix : String := "") return String;
- -- Any directory prefix is removed. A directory prefix is defined as
- -- text up to and including the last directory separator character in
- -- the input string. In addition if Path ends with the string given for
- -- Suffix, then it is also removed. Note that Suffix here can be an
- -- arbitrary string (it is not required to be a file extension). This
- -- is equivalent to the UNIX basename command. The following rule is
- -- always true:
- --
- -- 'Path' and 'Dir_Name (Path) & Dir_Separator & Base_Name (Path)'
- -- represent the same file.
- --
- -- The comparison of Suffix is case-insensitive on systems such as Windows
- -- and VMS where the file search is case-insensitive (e.g. on such systems,
- -- Base_Name ("/Users/AdaCore/BB12.patch", ".Patch") returns "BB12").
- --
- -- Note that the index bounds of the result match the corresponding indexes
- -- in the Path string (you cannot assume that the lower bound of the
- -- returned string is one).
- function File_Extension (Path : Path_Name) return String;
- -- Return the file extension. This is defined as the string after the
- -- last dot, including the dot itself. For example, if the file name
- -- is "file1.xyz.adq", then the returned value would be ".adq". If no
- -- dot is present in the file name, or the last character of the file
- -- name is a dot, then the null string is returned.
- function File_Name (Path : Path_Name) return String;
- -- Returns the file name and the file extension if present. It removes all
- -- path information. This is equivalent to Base_Name with default Extension
- -- value.
- type Path_Style is (UNIX, DOS, System_Default);
- function Format_Pathname
- (Path : Path_Name;
- Style : Path_Style := System_Default) return Path_Name;
- -- Removes all double directory separator and converts all '\' to '/' if
- -- Style is UNIX and converts all '/' to '\' if Style is set to DOS. This
- -- function will help to provide a consistent naming scheme running for
- -- different environments. If style is set to System_Default the routine
- -- will use the default directory separator on the running environment.
- --
- -- The Style argument indicates the syntax to be used for path names:
- --
- -- UNIX
- -- Use '/' as the directory separator. The default on Unix systems
- -- and on OpenVMS.
- --
- -- DOS
- -- Use '\' as the directory separator. The default on Windows.
- --
- -- System_Default
- -- Use the default style for the current system
- type Environment_Style is (UNIX, DOS, Both, System_Default);
- function Expand_Path
- (Path : Path_Name;
- Mode : Environment_Style := System_Default) return Path_Name;
- -- Returns Path with environment variables (or logical names on OpenVMS)
- -- replaced by the current environment variable value. For example,
- -- $HOME/mydir will be replaced by /home/joe/mydir if $HOME environment
- -- variable is set to /home/joe and Mode is UNIX. If an environment
- -- variable does not exists the variable will be replaced by the empty
- -- string. Two dollar or percent signs are replaced by a single
- -- dollar/percent sign. Note that a variable must start with a letter.
- --
- -- The Mode argument indicates the recognized syntax for environment
- -- variables as follows:
- --
- -- UNIX
- -- Environment variables and OpenVMS logical names use $ as prefix and
- -- can use curly brackets as in ${HOME}/mydir. If there is no closing
- -- curly bracket for an opening one then no translation is done, so for
- -- example ${VAR/toto is returned as ${VAR/toto. The use of {} brackets
- -- is required if the environment variable name contains other than
- -- alphanumeric characters.
- --
- -- DOS
- -- Environment variables uses % as prefix and suffix (e.g. %HOME%/dir).
- -- The name DOS refer to "DOS-like" environment. This includes all
- -- Windows systems.
- --
- -- Both
- -- Recognize both forms described above.
- --
- -- System_Default
- -- Uses either UNIX on Unix and OpenVMS systems, or DOS on Windows,
- -- depending on the running environment. What about other OS's???
- ---------------
- -- Iterators --
- ---------------
- procedure Open (Dir : out Dir_Type; Dir_Name : Dir_Name_Str);
- -- Opens the directory named by Dir_Name and returns a Dir_Type value
- -- that refers to this directory, and is positioned at the first entry.
- -- Raises Directory_Error if Dir_Name cannot be accessed. In that case
- -- Dir will be set to Null_Dir.
- procedure Close (Dir : in out Dir_Type);
- -- Closes the directory stream referred to by Dir. After calling Close
- -- Is_Open will return False. Dir will be set to Null_Dir.
- -- Raises Directory_Error if Dir has not be opened (Dir = Null_Dir).
- function Is_Open (Dir : Dir_Type) return Boolean;
- -- Returns True if Dir is open, or False otherwise
- procedure Read
- (Dir : Dir_Type;
- Str : out String;
- Last : out Natural);
- -- Reads the next entry from the directory and sets Str to the name
- -- of that entry. Last is the index in Str such that Str (Last) is the
- -- last character written. Last is 0 when there are no more files in the
- -- directory. If Str is too small for the file name, the file name will
- -- be truncated before being copied to Str. The list of files returned
- -- includes directories in systems providing a hierarchical directory
- -- structure, including . (the current directory) and .. (the parent
- -- directory) in systems providing these entries. The directory is
- -- returned in target-OS form. Raises Directory_Error if Dir has not
- -- be opened (Dir = Null_Dir).
- function Read_Is_Thread_Safe return Boolean;
- -- Indicates if procedure Read is thread safe. On systems where the
- -- target system supports this functionality, Read is thread safe,
- -- and this function returns True (e.g. this will be the case on any
- -- UNIX or UNIX-like system providing a correct implementation of the
- -- function readdir_r). If the system cannot provide a thread safe
- -- implementation of Read, then this function returns False.
- type Dir_Type_Value is new System.Address;
- -- Low-level address directory structure as returned by opendir in C
- --
- -- Note that we used to define this type in the body of this package,
- -- but this was causing troubles in the context of .NET code generation
- -- (because Taft amendment types are not fully implemented and cause
- -- undefined references to the class), so we moved the type declaration
- -- to the spec's private part, which is no problem in any case here.
- type Dir_Type is access Dir_Type_Value;
- Null_Dir : constant Dir_Type := null;
- pragma Import (C, Dir_Separator, "__gnat_dir_separator");
- Dir_Seps : constant Ada.Strings.Maps.Character_Set :=
- Ada.Strings.Maps.To_Set ("/\");
- -- UNIX and DOS style directory separators
-end GNAT.Directory_Operations;