path: root/gcc-4.8/gcc/ada/exp_cg.adb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'gcc-4.8/gcc/ada/exp_cg.adb')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 673 deletions
diff --git a/gcc-4.8/gcc/ada/exp_cg.adb b/gcc-4.8/gcc/ada/exp_cg.adb
deleted file mode 100644
index 076783f71..000000000
--- a/gcc-4.8/gcc/ada/exp_cg.adb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,673 +0,0 @@
--- --
--- --
--- E X P _ C G --
--- --
--- B o d y --
--- --
--- Copyright (C) 2010-2012, Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
--- --
--- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
--- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
--- ware Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later ver- --
--- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
--- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
--- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
--- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
--- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING3. If not, go to --
--- http://www.gnu.org/licenses for a complete copy of the license. --
--- --
--- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
--- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. --
--- --
-with Atree; use Atree;
-with Einfo; use Einfo;
-with Elists; use Elists;
-with Exp_Disp; use Exp_Disp;
-with Exp_Dbug; use Exp_Dbug;
-with Exp_Tss; use Exp_Tss;
-with Lib; use Lib;
-with Namet; use Namet;
-with Opt; use Opt;
-with Output; use Output;
-with Sem_Aux; use Sem_Aux;
-with Sem_Disp; use Sem_Disp;
-with Sem_Type; use Sem_Type;
-with Sem_Util; use Sem_Util;
-with Sinfo; use Sinfo;
-with Sinput; use Sinput;
-with Snames; use Snames;
-with System; use System;
-with Table;
-with Uintp; use Uintp;
-package body Exp_CG is
- -- We duplicate here some declarations from packages Interfaces.C and
- -- Interfaces.C_Streams because adding their dependence to the frontend
- -- causes bootstrapping problems with old versions of the compiler.
- subtype FILEs is System.Address;
- -- Corresponds to the C type FILE*
- subtype C_chars is System.Address;
- -- Pointer to null-terminated array of characters
- function fputs (Strng : C_chars; Stream : FILEs) return Integer;
- pragma Import (C, fputs, "fputs");
- -- Import the file stream associated with the "ci" output file. Done to
- -- generate the output in the file created and left opened by routine
- -- toplev.c before calling gnat1drv.
- Callgraph_Info_File : FILEs;
- pragma Import (C, Callgraph_Info_File);
- package Call_Graph_Nodes is new Table.Table (
- Table_Component_Type => Node_Id,
- Table_Index_Type => Natural,
- Table_Low_Bound => 1,
- Table_Initial => 50,
- Table_Increment => 100,
- Table_Name => "Call_Graph_Nodes");
- -- This table records nodes associated with dispatching calls and tagged
- -- type declarations found in the main compilation unit. Used as an
- -- auxiliary storage because the call-graph output requires fully qualified
- -- names and they are not available until the backend is called.
- function Is_Predefined_Dispatching_Operation (E : Entity_Id) return Boolean;
- -- Determines if E is a predefined primitive operation.
- -- Note: This routine should replace the routine with the same name that is
- -- currently available in exp_disp because it extends its functionality to
- -- handle fully qualified names ???
- function Slot_Number (Prim : Entity_Id) return Uint;
- -- Returns the slot number associated with Prim. For predefined primitives
- -- the slot is returned as a negative number.
- procedure Write_Output (Str : String);
- -- Used to print a line in the output file (this is used as the
- -- argument for a call to Set_Special_Output in package Output).
- procedure Write_Call_Info (Call : Node_Id);
- -- Subsidiary of Generate_CG_Output that generates the output associated
- -- with a dispatching call.
- procedure Write_Type_Info (Typ : Entity_Id);
- -- Subsidiary of Generate_CG_Output that generates the output associated
- -- with a tagged type declaration.
- ------------------------
- -- Generate_CG_Output --
- ------------------------
- procedure Generate_CG_Output is
- N : Node_Id;
- begin
- -- No output if the "ci" output file has not been previously opened
- -- by toplev.c
- if Callgraph_Info_File = Null_Address then
- return;
- end if;
- -- Setup write routine, create the output file and generate the output
- Set_Special_Output (Write_Output'Access);
- for J in Call_Graph_Nodes.First .. Call_Graph_Nodes.Last loop
- N := Call_Graph_Nodes.Table (J);
- if Nkind (N) in N_Subprogram_Call then
- Write_Call_Info (N);
- else pragma Assert (Nkind (N) = N_Defining_Identifier);
- -- The type may be a private untagged type whose completion is
- -- tagged, in which case we must use the full tagged view.
- if not Is_Tagged_Type (N) and then Is_Private_Type (N) then
- N := Full_View (N);
- end if;
- pragma Assert (Is_Tagged_Type (N));
- Write_Type_Info (N);
- end if;
- end loop;
- Set_Special_Output (null);
- end Generate_CG_Output;
- ----------------
- -- Initialize --
- ----------------
- procedure Initialize is
- begin
- Call_Graph_Nodes.Init;
- end Initialize;
- -----------------------------------------
- -- Is_Predefined_Dispatching_Operation --
- -----------------------------------------
- function Is_Predefined_Dispatching_Operation
- (E : Entity_Id) return Boolean
- is
- function Homonym_Suffix_Length (E : Entity_Id) return Natural;
- -- Returns the length of the homonym suffix corresponding to E.
- -- Note: This routine relies on the functionality provided by routines
- -- of Exp_Dbug. Further work needed here to decide if it should be
- -- located in that package???
- ---------------------------
- -- Homonym_Suffix_Length --
- ---------------------------
- function Homonym_Suffix_Length (E : Entity_Id) return Natural is
- Prefix_Length : constant := 2;
- -- Length of prefix "__"
- H : Entity_Id;
- Nr : Nat := 1;
- begin
- if not Has_Homonym (E) then
- return 0;
- else
- H := Homonym (E);
- while Present (H) loop
- if Scope (H) = Scope (E) then
- Nr := Nr + 1;
- end if;
- H := Homonym (H);
- end loop;
- if Nr = 1 then
- return 0;
- -- Prefix "__" followed by number
- else
- declare
- Result : Natural := Prefix_Length + 1;
- begin
- while Nr >= 10 loop
- Result := Result + 1;
- Nr := Nr / 10;
- end loop;
- return Result;
- end;
- end if;
- end if;
- end Homonym_Suffix_Length;
- -- Local variables
- Full_Name : constant String := Get_Name_String (Chars (E));
- Suffix_Length : Natural;
- TSS_Name : TSS_Name_Type;
- -- Start of processing for Is_Predefined_Dispatching_Operation
- begin
- if not Is_Dispatching_Operation (E) then
- return False;
- end if;
- -- Search for and strip suffix for body-nested package entities
- Suffix_Length := Homonym_Suffix_Length (E);
- for J in reverse Full_Name'First + 2 .. Full_Name'Last loop
- if Full_Name (J) = 'X' then
- -- Include the "X", "Xb", "Xn", ... in the part of the
- -- suffix to be removed.
- Suffix_Length := Suffix_Length + Full_Name'Last - J + 1;
- exit;
- end if;
- exit when Full_Name (J) /= 'b' and then Full_Name (J) /= 'n';
- end loop;
- -- Most predefined primitives have internally generated names. Equality
- -- must be treated differently; the predefined operation is recognized
- -- as a homogeneous binary operator that returns Boolean.
- if Full_Name'Length > TSS_Name_Type'Length then
- TSS_Name :=
- TSS_Name_Type
- (Full_Name
- (Full_Name'Last - TSS_Name'Length - Suffix_Length + 1
- .. Full_Name'Last - Suffix_Length));
- if TSS_Name = TSS_Stream_Read
- or else TSS_Name = TSS_Stream_Write
- or else TSS_Name = TSS_Stream_Input
- or else TSS_Name = TSS_Stream_Output
- or else TSS_Name = TSS_Deep_Adjust
- or else TSS_Name = TSS_Deep_Finalize
- then
- return True;
- elsif not Has_Fully_Qualified_Name (E) then
- if Chars (E) = Name_uSize
- or else Chars (E) = Name_uAlignment
- or else
- (Chars (E) = Name_Op_Eq
- and then Etype (First_Formal (E)) = Etype (Last_Formal (E)))
- or else Chars (E) = Name_uAssign
- or else Is_Predefined_Interface_Primitive (E)
- then
- return True;
- end if;
- -- Handle fully qualified names
- else
- declare
- type Names_Table is array (Positive range <>) of Name_Id;
- Predef_Names_95 : constant Names_Table :=
- (Name_uSize,
- Name_uAlignment,
- Name_Op_Eq,
- Name_uAssign);
- Predef_Names_05 : constant Names_Table :=
- (Name_uDisp_Asynchronous_Select,
- Name_uDisp_Conditional_Select,
- Name_uDisp_Get_Prim_Op_Kind,
- Name_uDisp_Get_Task_Id,
- Name_uDisp_Requeue,
- Name_uDisp_Timed_Select);
- begin
- for J in Predef_Names_95'Range loop
- Get_Name_String (Predef_Names_95 (J));
- -- The predefined primitive operations are identified by the
- -- names "_size", "_alignment", etc. If we try a pattern
- -- matching against this string, we can wrongly match other
- -- primitive operations like "get_size". To avoid this, we
- -- add the "__" scope separator, which can only prepend
- -- predefined primitive operations because other primitive
- -- operations can neither start with an underline nor
- -- contain two consecutive underlines in its name.
- if Full_Name'Last - Suffix_Length > Name_Len + 2
- and then
- Full_Name
- (Full_Name'Last - Name_Len - 2 - Suffix_Length + 1
- .. Full_Name'Last - Suffix_Length) =
- "__" & Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len)
- then
- -- For the equality operator the type of the two operands
- -- must also match.
- return Predef_Names_95 (J) /= Name_Op_Eq
- or else
- Etype (First_Formal (E)) = Etype (Last_Formal (E));
- end if;
- end loop;
- if Ada_Version >= Ada_2005 then
- for J in Predef_Names_05'Range loop
- Get_Name_String (Predef_Names_05 (J));
- if Full_Name'Last - Suffix_Length > Name_Len + 2
- and then
- Full_Name
- (Full_Name'Last - Name_Len - 2 - Suffix_Length + 1
- .. Full_Name'Last - Suffix_Length) =
- "__" & Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len)
- then
- return True;
- end if;
- end loop;
- end if;
- end;
- end if;
- end if;
- return False;
- end Is_Predefined_Dispatching_Operation;
- ----------------------
- -- Register_CG_Node --
- ----------------------
- procedure Register_CG_Node (N : Node_Id) is
- begin
- if Nkind (N) in N_Subprogram_Call then
- if Current_Scope = Main_Unit_Entity
- or else Entity_Is_In_Main_Unit (Current_Scope)
- then
- -- Register a copy of the dispatching call node. Needed since the
- -- node containing a dispatching call is rewritten by the
- -- expander.
- declare
- Copy : constant Node_Id := New_Copy (N);
- Par : Node_Id;
- begin
- -- Determine the enclosing scope to use when generating the
- -- call graph. This must be done now to avoid problems with
- -- control structures that may be rewritten during expansion.
- Par := Parent (N);
- while Nkind (Par) /= N_Subprogram_Body
- and then Nkind (Parent (Par)) /= N_Compilation_Unit
- loop
- Par := Parent (Par);
- pragma Assert (Present (Par));
- end loop;
- Set_Parent (Copy, Par);
- Call_Graph_Nodes.Append (Copy);
- end;
- end if;
- else pragma Assert (Nkind (N) = N_Defining_Identifier);
- if Entity_Is_In_Main_Unit (N) then
- Call_Graph_Nodes.Append (N);
- end if;
- end if;
- end Register_CG_Node;
- -----------------
- -- Slot_Number --
- -----------------
- function Slot_Number (Prim : Entity_Id) return Uint is
- E : constant Entity_Id := Ultimate_Alias (Prim);
- begin
- if Is_Predefined_Dispatching_Operation (E) then
- return -DT_Position (E);
- else
- return DT_Position (E);
- end if;
- end Slot_Number;
- ------------------
- -- Write_Output --
- ------------------
- procedure Write_Output (Str : String) is
- Nul : constant Character := Character'First;
- Line : String (Str'First .. Str'Last + 1);
- Errno : Integer;
- begin
- -- Add the null character to the string as required by fputs
- Line := Str & Nul;
- Errno := fputs (Line'Address, Callgraph_Info_File);
- pragma Assert (Errno >= 0);
- end Write_Output;
- ---------------------
- -- Write_Call_Info --
- ---------------------
- procedure Write_Call_Info (Call : Node_Id) is
- Ctrl_Arg : constant Node_Id := Controlling_Argument (Call);
- Ctrl_Typ : constant Entity_Id := Base_Type (Etype (Ctrl_Arg));
- Prim : constant Entity_Id := Entity (Sinfo.Name (Call));
- P : constant Node_Id := Parent (Call);
- begin
- Write_Str ("edge: { sourcename: ");
- Write_Char ('"');
- -- The parent node is the construct that contains the call: subprogram
- -- body or library-level package. Display the qualified name of the
- -- entity of the construct. For a subprogram, it is the entity of the
- -- spec, which carries a homonym counter when it is overloaded.
- if Nkind (P) = N_Subprogram_Body
- and then not Acts_As_Spec (P)
- then
- Get_External_Name (Corresponding_Spec (P), Has_Suffix => False);
- else
- Get_External_Name (Defining_Entity (P), Has_Suffix => False);
- end if;
- Write_Str (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len));
- if Nkind (P) = N_Package_Declaration then
- Write_Str ("___elabs");
- elsif Nkind (P) = N_Package_Body then
- Write_Str ("___elabb");
- end if;
- Write_Char ('"');
- Write_Eol;
- -- The targetname is a triple:
- -- N: the index in a vtable used for dispatch
- -- V: the type who's vtable is used
- -- S: the static type of the expression
- Write_Str (" targetname: ");
- Write_Char ('"');
- pragma Assert (No (Interface_Alias (Prim)));
- -- The check on Is_Ancestor is done here to avoid problems with
- -- renamings of primitives. For example:
- -- type Root is tagged ...
- -- procedure Base (Obj : Root);
- -- procedure Base2 (Obj : Root) renames Base;
- if Present (Alias (Prim))
- and then
- Is_Ancestor
- (Find_Dispatching_Type (Ultimate_Alias (Prim)),
- Root_Type (Ctrl_Typ),
- Use_Full_View => True)
- then
- -- This is a special case in which we generate in the ci file the
- -- slot number of the renaming primitive (i.e. Base2) but instead of
- -- generating the name of this renaming entity we reference directly
- -- the renamed entity (i.e. Base).
- Write_Int (UI_To_Int (Slot_Number (Prim)));
- Write_Char (':');
- Write_Name
- (Chars (Find_Dispatching_Type (Ultimate_Alias (Prim))));
- else
- Write_Int (UI_To_Int (Slot_Number (Prim)));
- Write_Char (':');
- Write_Name (Chars (Root_Type (Ctrl_Typ)));
- end if;
- Write_Char (',');
- Write_Name (Chars (Root_Type (Ctrl_Typ)));
- Write_Char ('"');
- Write_Eol;
- Write_Str (" label: ");
- Write_Char ('"');
- Write_Location (Sloc (Call));
- Write_Char ('"');
- Write_Eol;
- Write_Char ('}');
- Write_Eol;
- end Write_Call_Info;
- ---------------------
- -- Write_Type_Info --
- ---------------------
- procedure Write_Type_Info (Typ : Entity_Id) is
- Elmt : Elmt_Id;
- Prim : Node_Id;
- Parent_Typ : Entity_Id;
- Separator_Needed : Boolean := False;
- begin
- -- Initialize Parent_Typ handling private types
- Parent_Typ := Etype (Typ);
- if Present (Full_View (Parent_Typ)) then
- Parent_Typ := Full_View (Parent_Typ);
- end if;
- Write_Str ("class {");
- Write_Eol;
- Write_Str (" classname: ");
- Write_Char ('"');
- Write_Name (Chars (Typ));
- Write_Char ('"');
- Write_Eol;
- Write_Str (" label: ");
- Write_Char ('"');
- Write_Name (Chars (Typ));
- Write_Char ('\');
- Write_Location (Sloc (Typ));
- Write_Char ('"');
- Write_Eol;
- if Parent_Typ /= Typ then
- Write_Str (" parent: ");
- Write_Char ('"');
- Write_Name (Chars (Parent_Typ));
- -- Note: Einfo prefix not needed if this routine is moved to
- -- exp_disp???
- if Present (Einfo.Interfaces (Typ))
- and then not Is_Empty_Elmt_List (Einfo.Interfaces (Typ))
- then
- Elmt := First_Elmt (Einfo.Interfaces (Typ));
- while Present (Elmt) loop
- Write_Str (", ");
- Write_Name (Chars (Node (Elmt)));
- Next_Elmt (Elmt);
- end loop;
- end if;
- Write_Char ('"');
- Write_Eol;
- end if;
- Write_Str (" virtuals: ");
- Write_Char ('"');
- Elmt := First_Elmt (Primitive_Operations (Typ));
- while Present (Elmt) loop
- Prim := Node (Elmt);
- -- Skip internal entities associated with overridden interface
- -- primitives, and also inherited primitives.
- if Present (Interface_Alias (Prim))
- or else
- (Present (Alias (Prim))
- and then Find_Dispatching_Type (Prim) /=
- Find_Dispatching_Type (Alias (Prim)))
- then
- goto Continue;
- end if;
- -- Do not generate separator for output of first primitive
- if Separator_Needed then
- Write_Str ("\n");
- Write_Eol;
- Write_Str (" ");
- else
- Separator_Needed := True;
- end if;
- Write_Int (UI_To_Int (Slot_Number (Prim)));
- Write_Char (':');
- -- Handle renamed primitives
- if Present (Alias (Prim)) then
- Write_Name (Chars (Ultimate_Alias (Prim)));
- else
- Write_Name (Chars (Prim));
- end if;
- -- Display overriding of parent primitives
- if Present (Overridden_Operation (Prim))
- and then
- Is_Ancestor
- (Find_Dispatching_Type (Overridden_Operation (Prim)), Typ,
- Use_Full_View => True)
- then
- Write_Char (',');
- Write_Int
- (UI_To_Int (Slot_Number (Overridden_Operation (Prim))));
- Write_Char (':');
- Write_Name
- (Chars (Find_Dispatching_Type (Overridden_Operation (Prim))));
- end if;
- -- Display overriding of interface primitives
- if Has_Interfaces (Typ) then
- declare
- Prim_Elmt : Elmt_Id;
- Prim_Op : Node_Id;
- Int_Alias : Entity_Id;
- begin
- Prim_Elmt := First_Elmt (Primitive_Operations (Typ));
- while Present (Prim_Elmt) loop
- Prim_Op := Node (Prim_Elmt);
- Int_Alias := Interface_Alias (Prim_Op);
- if Present (Int_Alias)
- and then
- not Is_Ancestor (Find_Dispatching_Type (Int_Alias), Typ,
- Use_Full_View => True)
- and then (Alias (Prim_Op)) = Prim
- then
- Write_Char (',');
- Write_Int (UI_To_Int (Slot_Number (Int_Alias)));
- Write_Char (':');
- Write_Name (Chars (Find_Dispatching_Type (Int_Alias)));
- end if;
- Next_Elmt (Prim_Elmt);
- end loop;
- end;
- end if;
- <<Continue>>
- Next_Elmt (Elmt);
- end loop;
- Write_Char ('"');
- Write_Eol;
- Write_Char ('}');
- Write_Eol;
- end Write_Type_Info;
-end Exp_CG;