path: root/gcc-4.8/gcc/ada/csinfo.adb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'gcc-4.8/gcc/ada/csinfo.adb')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 641 deletions
diff --git a/gcc-4.8/gcc/ada/csinfo.adb b/gcc-4.8/gcc/ada/csinfo.adb
deleted file mode 100644
index 1a71a2ef6..000000000
--- a/gcc-4.8/gcc/ada/csinfo.adb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,641 +0,0 @@
--- --
--- --
--- C S I N F O --
--- --
--- B o d y --
--- --
--- Copyright (C) 1992-2012, Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
--- --
--- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
--- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
--- ware Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later ver- --
--- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
--- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
--- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
--- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
--- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING3. If not, go to --
--- http://www.gnu.org/licenses for a complete copy of the license. --
--- --
--- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
--- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. --
--- --
--- Check consistency of sinfo.ads and sinfo.adb. Checks that field name usage
--- is consistent and that assertion cross-reference lists are correct, as well
--- as making sure that all the comments on field name usage are consistent.
--- Note that this is used both as a standalone program, and as a procedure
--- called by XSinfo. This raises an unhandled exception if it finds any
--- errors; we don't attempt any sophisticated error recovery.
-with Ada.Strings.Unbounded; use Ada.Strings.Unbounded;
-with Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Text_IO; use Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Text_IO;
-with Ada.Strings.Maps; use Ada.Strings.Maps;
-with Ada.Strings.Maps.Constants; use Ada.Strings.Maps.Constants;
-with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
-with GNAT.Spitbol; use GNAT.Spitbol;
-with GNAT.Spitbol.Patterns; use GNAT.Spitbol.Patterns;
-with GNAT.Spitbol.Table_Boolean;
-with GNAT.Spitbol.Table_VString;
-procedure CSinfo is
- package TB renames GNAT.Spitbol.Table_Boolean;
- package TV renames GNAT.Spitbol.Table_VString;
- use TB, TV;
- Infil : File_Type;
- Lineno : Natural := 0;
- Err : exception;
- -- Raised on fatal error
- Done : exception;
- -- Raised after error is found to terminate run
- WSP : constant Pattern := Span (' ' & ASCII.HT);
- Fields : TV.Table (300);
- Fields1 : TV.Table (300);
- Refs : TV.Table (300);
- Refscopy : TV.Table (300);
- Special : TB.Table (50);
- Inlines : TV.Table (100);
- -- The following define the standard fields used for binary operator,
- -- unary operator, and other expression nodes. Numbers in the range 1-5
- -- refer to the Fieldn fields. Letters D-R refer to flags:
- -- D = Flag4
- -- E = Flag5
- -- F = Flag6
- -- G = Flag7
- -- H = Flag8
- -- I = Flag9
- -- J = Flag10
- -- K = Flag11
- -- L = Flag12
- -- M = Flag13
- -- N = Flag14
- -- O = Flag15
- -- P = Flag16
- -- Q = Flag17
- -- R = Flag18
- Flags : TV.Table (20);
- -- Maps flag numbers to letters
- N_Fields : constant Pattern := BreakX ("JL");
- E_Fields : constant Pattern := BreakX ("5EFGHIJLOP");
- U_Fields : constant Pattern := BreakX ("1345EFGHIJKLOPQ");
- B_Fields : constant Pattern := BreakX ("12345EFGHIJKLOPQ");
- Line : VString;
- Bad : Boolean;
- Field : constant VString := Nul;
- Fields_Used : VString := Nul;
- Name : constant VString := Nul;
- Next : constant VString := Nul;
- Node : VString := Nul;
- Ref : VString := Nul;
- Synonym : constant VString := Nul;
- Nxtref : constant VString := Nul;
- Which_Field : aliased VString := Nul;
- Node_Search : constant Pattern := WSP & "-- N_" & Rest * Node;
- Break_Punc : constant Pattern := Break (" .,");
- Plus_Binary : constant Pattern := WSP
- & "-- plus fields for binary operator";
- Plus_Unary : constant Pattern := WSP
- & "-- plus fields for unary operator";
- Plus_Expr : constant Pattern := WSP
- & "-- plus fields for expression";
- Break_Syn : constant Pattern := WSP & "-- "
- & Break (' ') * Synonym
- & " (" & Break (')') * Field;
- Break_Field : constant Pattern := BreakX ('-') * Field;
- Get_Field : constant Pattern := BreakX (Decimal_Digit_Set)
- & Span (Decimal_Digit_Set) * Which_Field;
- Break_WFld : constant Pattern := Break (Which_Field'Access);
- Get_Funcsyn : constant Pattern := WSP & "function " & Rest * Synonym;
- Extr_Field : constant Pattern := BreakX ('-') & "-- " & Rest * Field;
- Get_Procsyn : constant Pattern := WSP & "procedure Set_" & Rest * Synonym;
- Get_Inline : constant Pattern := WSP & "pragma Inline ("
- & Break (')') * Name;
- Set_Name : constant Pattern := "Set_" & Rest * Name;
- Func_Rest : constant Pattern := " function " & Rest * Synonym;
- Get_Nxtref : constant Pattern := Break (',') * Nxtref & ',';
- Test_Syn : constant Pattern := Break ('=') & "= N_"
- & (Break (" ,)") or Rest) * Next;
- Chop_Comma : constant Pattern := BreakX (',') * Next;
- Return_Fld : constant Pattern := WSP & "return " & Break (' ') * Field;
- Set_Syn : constant Pattern := " procedure Set_" & Rest * Synonym;
- Set_Fld : constant Pattern := WSP & "Set_" & Break (' ') * Field
- & " (N, Val)";
- Break_With : constant Pattern := Break ('_') ** Field & "_With_Parent";
- type VStringA is array (Natural range <>) of VString;
- procedure Next_Line;
- -- Read next line trimmed from Infil into Line and bump Lineno
- procedure Sort (A : in out VStringA);
- -- Sort a (small) array of VString's
- procedure Next_Line is
- begin
- Line := Get_Line (Infil);
- Trim (Line);
- Lineno := Lineno + 1;
- end Next_Line;
- procedure Sort (A : in out VStringA) is
- Temp : VString;
- begin
- <<Sort>>
- for J in 1 .. A'Length - 1 loop
- if A (J) > A (J + 1) then
- Temp := A (J);
- A (J) := A (J + 1);
- A (J + 1) := Temp;
- goto Sort;
- end if;
- end loop;
- end Sort;
--- Start of processing for CSinfo
- Anchored_Mode := True;
- New_Line;
- Open (Infil, In_File, "sinfo.ads");
- Put_Line ("Check for field name consistency");
- -- Setup table for mapping flag numbers to letters
- Set (Flags, "4", V ("D"));
- Set (Flags, "5", V ("E"));
- Set (Flags, "6", V ("F"));
- Set (Flags, "7", V ("G"));
- Set (Flags, "8", V ("H"));
- Set (Flags, "9", V ("I"));
- Set (Flags, "10", V ("J"));
- Set (Flags, "11", V ("K"));
- Set (Flags, "12", V ("L"));
- Set (Flags, "13", V ("M"));
- Set (Flags, "14", V ("N"));
- Set (Flags, "15", V ("O"));
- Set (Flags, "16", V ("P"));
- Set (Flags, "17", V ("Q"));
- Set (Flags, "18", V ("R"));
- -- Special fields table. The following names are not recorded or checked
- -- by Csinfo, since they are specially handled. This means that any field
- -- definition or subprogram with a matching name is ignored.
- Set (Special, "Analyzed", True);
- Set (Special, "Assignment_OK", True);
- Set (Special, "Associated_Node", True);
- Set (Special, "Cannot_Be_Constant", True);
- Set (Special, "Chars", True);
- Set (Special, "Comes_From_Source", True);
- Set (Special, "Do_Overflow_Check", True);
- Set (Special, "Do_Range_Check", True);
- Set (Special, "Entity", True);
- Set (Special, "Entity_Or_Associated_Node", True);
- Set (Special, "Error_Posted", True);
- Set (Special, "Etype", True);
- Set (Special, "Evaluate_Once", True);
- Set (Special, "First_Itype", True);
- Set (Special, "Has_Aspect_Specifications", True);
- Set (Special, "Has_Dynamic_Itype", True);
- Set (Special, "Has_Dynamic_Range_Check", True);
- Set (Special, "Has_Dynamic_Length_Check", True);
- Set (Special, "Has_Private_View", True);
- Set (Special, "Implicit_With_From_Instantiation", True);
- Set (Special, "Is_Controlling_Actual", True);
- Set (Special, "Is_Overloaded", True);
- Set (Special, "Is_Static_Expression", True);
- Set (Special, "Left_Opnd", True);
- Set (Special, "Must_Not_Freeze", True);
- Set (Special, "Nkind_In", True);
- Set (Special, "Parens", True);
- Set (Special, "Pragma_Name", True);
- Set (Special, "Raises_Constraint_Error", True);
- Set (Special, "Right_Opnd", True);
- -- Loop to acquire information from node definitions in sinfo.ads,
- -- checking for consistency in Op/Flag assignments to each synonym
- loop
- Bad := False;
- Next_Line;
- exit when Match (Line, " -- Node Access Functions");
- if Match (Line, Node_Search)
- and then not Match (Node, Break_Punc)
- then
- Fields_Used := Nul;
- elsif Node = "" then
- null;
- elsif Line = "" then
- Node := Nul;
- elsif Match (Line, Plus_Binary) then
- Bad := Match (Fields_Used, B_Fields);
- elsif Match (Line, Plus_Unary) then
- Bad := Match (Fields_Used, U_Fields);
- elsif Match (Line, Plus_Expr) then
- Bad := Match (Fields_Used, E_Fields);
- elsif not Match (Line, Break_Syn) then
- null;
- elsif Match (Synonym, "plus") then
- null;
- else
- Match (Field, Break_Field);
- if not Present (Special, Synonym) then
- if Present (Fields, Synonym) then
- if Field /= Get (Fields, Synonym) then
- Put_Line
- ("Inconsistent field reference at line" &
- Lineno'Img & " for " & Synonym);
- raise Done;
- end if;
- else
- Set (Fields, Synonym, Field);
- end if;
- Set (Refs, Synonym, Node & ',' & Get (Refs, Synonym));
- Match (Field, Get_Field);
- if Match (Field, "Flag") then
- Which_Field := Get (Flags, Which_Field);
- end if;
- if Match (Fields_Used, Break_WFld) then
- Put_Line
- ("Overlapping field at line " & Lineno'Img &
- " for " & Synonym);
- raise Done;
- end if;
- Append (Fields_Used, Which_Field);
- Bad := Bad or Match (Fields_Used, N_Fields);
- end if;
- end if;
- if Bad then
- Put_Line ("fields conflict with standard fields for node " & Node);
- raise Done;
- end if;
- end loop;
- Put_Line (" OK");
- New_Line;
- Put_Line ("Check for function consistency");
- -- Loop through field function definitions to make sure they are OK
- Fields1 := Fields;
- loop
- Next_Line;
- exit when Match (Line, " -- Node Update");
- if Match (Line, Get_Funcsyn)
- and then not Present (Special, Synonym)
- then
- if not Present (Fields1, Synonym) then
- Put_Line
- ("function on line " & Lineno &
- " is for unused synonym");
- raise Done;
- end if;
- Next_Line;
- if not Match (Line, Extr_Field) then
- raise Err;
- end if;
- if Field /= Get (Fields1, Synonym) then
- Put_Line ("Wrong field in function " & Synonym);
- raise Done;
- else
- Delete (Fields1, Synonym);
- end if;
- end if;
- end loop;
- Put_Line (" OK");
- New_Line;
- Put_Line ("Check for missing functions");
- declare
- List : constant TV.Table_Array := Convert_To_Array (Fields1);
- begin
- if List'Length > 0 then
- Put_Line ("No function for field synonym " & List (1).Name);
- raise Done;
- end if;
- end;
- -- Check field set procedures
- Put_Line (" OK");
- New_Line;
- Put_Line ("Check for set procedure consistency");
- Fields1 := Fields;
- loop
- Next_Line;
- exit when Match (Line, " -- Inline Pragmas");
- exit when Match (Line, " -- Iterator Procedures");
- if Match (Line, Get_Procsyn)
- and then not Present (Special, Synonym)
- then
- if not Present (Fields1, Synonym) then
- Put_Line
- ("procedure on line " & Lineno & " is for unused synonym");
- raise Done;
- end if;
- Next_Line;
- if not Match (Line, Extr_Field) then
- raise Err;
- end if;
- if Field /= Get (Fields1, Synonym) then
- Put_Line ("Wrong field in procedure Set_" & Synonym);
- raise Done;
- else
- Delete (Fields1, Synonym);
- end if;
- end if;
- end loop;
- Put_Line (" OK");
- New_Line;
- Put_Line ("Check for missing set procedures");
- declare
- List : constant TV.Table_Array := Convert_To_Array (Fields1);
- begin
- if List'Length > 0 then
- Put_Line ("No procedure for field synonym Set_" & List (1).Name);
- raise Done;
- end if;
- end;
- Put_Line (" OK");
- New_Line;
- Put_Line ("Check pragma Inlines are all for existing subprograms");
- Clear (Fields1);
- while not End_Of_File (Infil) loop
- Next_Line;
- if Match (Line, Get_Inline)
- and then not Present (Special, Name)
- then
- exit when Match (Name, Set_Name);
- if not Present (Fields, Name) then
- Put_Line
- ("Pragma Inline on line " & Lineno &
- " does not correspond to synonym");
- raise Done;
- else
- Set (Inlines, Name, Get (Inlines, Name) & 'r');
- end if;
- end if;
- end loop;
- Put_Line (" OK");
- New_Line;
- Put_Line ("Check no pragma Inlines were omitted");
- declare
- List : constant TV.Table_Array := Convert_To_Array (Fields);
- Nxt : VString := Nul;
- begin
- for M in List'Range loop
- Nxt := List (M).Name;
- if Get (Inlines, Nxt) /= "r" then
- Put_Line ("Incorrect pragma Inlines for " & Nxt);
- raise Done;
- end if;
- end loop;
- end;
- Put_Line (" OK");
- New_Line;
- Clear (Inlines);
- Close (Infil);
- Open (Infil, In_File, "sinfo.adb");
- Lineno := 0;
- Put_Line ("Check references in functions in body");
- Refscopy := Refs;
- loop
- Next_Line;
- exit when Match (Line, " -- Field Access Functions --");
- end loop;
- loop
- Next_Line;
- exit when Match (Line, " -- Field Set Procedures --");
- if Match (Line, Func_Rest)
- and then not Present (Special, Synonym)
- then
- Ref := Get (Refs, Synonym);
- Delete (Refs, Synonym);
- if Ref = "" then
- Put_Line
- ("Function on line " & Lineno & " is for unknown synonym");
- raise Err;
- end if;
- -- Alpha sort of references for this entry
- declare
- Refa : VStringA (1 .. 100);
- N : Natural := 0;
- begin
- loop
- exit when not Match (Ref, Get_Nxtref, Nul);
- N := N + 1;
- Refa (N) := Nxtref;
- end loop;
- Sort (Refa (1 .. N));
- Next_Line;
- Next_Line;
- Next_Line;
- -- Checking references for one entry
- for M in 1 .. N loop
- Next_Line;
- if not Match (Line, Test_Syn) then
- Put_Line ("Expecting N_" & Refa (M) & " at line " & Lineno);
- raise Done;
- end if;
- Match (Next, Chop_Comma);
- if Next /= Refa (M) then
- Put_Line ("Expecting N_" & Refa (M) & " at line " & Lineno);
- raise Done;
- end if;
- end loop;
- Next_Line;
- Match (Line, Return_Fld);
- if Field /= Get (Fields, Synonym) then
- Put_Line
- ("Wrong field for function " & Synonym & " at line " &
- Lineno & " should be " & Get (Fields, Synonym));
- raise Done;
- end if;
- end;
- end if;
- end loop;
- Put_Line (" OK");
- New_Line;
- Put_Line ("Check for missing functions in body");
- declare
- List : constant TV.Table_Array := Convert_To_Array (Refs);
- begin
- if List'Length /= 0 then
- Put_Line ("Missing function " & List (1).Name & " in body");
- raise Done;
- end if;
- end;
- Put_Line (" OK");
- New_Line;
- Put_Line ("Check Set procedures in body");
- Refs := Refscopy;
- loop
- Next_Line;
- exit when Match (Line, "end");
- exit when Match (Line, " -- Iterator Procedures");
- if Match (Line, Set_Syn)
- and then not Present (Special, Synonym)
- then
- Ref := Get (Refs, Synonym);
- Delete (Refs, Synonym);
- if Ref = "" then
- Put_Line
- ("Function on line " & Lineno & " is for unknown synonym");
- raise Err;
- end if;
- -- Alpha sort of references for this entry
- declare
- Refa : VStringA (1 .. 100);
- N : Natural;
- begin
- N := 0;
- loop
- exit when not Match (Ref, Get_Nxtref, Nul);
- N := N + 1;
- Refa (N) := Nxtref;
- end loop;
- Sort (Refa (1 .. N));
- Next_Line;
- Next_Line;
- Next_Line;
- -- Checking references for one entry
- for M in 1 .. N loop
- Next_Line;
- if not Match (Line, Test_Syn)
- or else Next /= Refa (M)
- then
- Put_Line ("Expecting N_" & Refa (M) & " at line " & Lineno);
- raise Err;
- end if;
- end loop;
- loop
- Next_Line;
- exit when Match (Line, Set_Fld);
- end loop;
- Match (Field, Break_With);
- if Field /= Get (Fields, Synonym) then
- Put_Line
- ("Wrong field for procedure Set_" & Synonym &
- " at line " & Lineno & " should be " &
- Get (Fields, Synonym));
- raise Done;
- end if;
- Delete (Fields1, Synonym);
- end;
- end if;
- end loop;
- Put_Line (" OK");
- New_Line;
- Put_Line ("Check for missing set procedures in body");
- declare
- List : constant TV.Table_Array := Convert_To_Array (Fields1);
- begin
- if List'Length /= 0 then
- Put_Line ("Missing procedure Set_" & List (1).Name & " in body");
- raise Done;
- end if;
- end;
- Put_Line (" OK");
- New_Line;
- Put_Line ("All tests completed successfully, no errors detected");
-end CSinfo;