path: root/gcc-4.8/gcc/ada/aa_util.adb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'gcc-4.8/gcc/ada/aa_util.adb')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 458 deletions
diff --git a/gcc-4.8/gcc/ada/aa_util.adb b/gcc-4.8/gcc/ada/aa_util.adb
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ea4421f5..000000000
--- a/gcc-4.8/gcc/ada/aa_util.adb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,458 +0,0 @@
--- --
--- --
--- A A _ U T I L --
--- --
--- B o d y --
--- --
--- Copyright (C) 2001-2012, AdaCore --
--- --
--- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
--- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
--- ware Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later ver- --
--- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
--- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
--- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
--- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
--- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING3. If not, go to --
--- http://www.gnu.org/licenses for a complete copy of the license. --
--- --
-with Sem_Aux; use Sem_Aux;
-with Sinput; use Sinput;
-with Stand; use Stand;
-with Stringt; use Stringt;
-with GNAT.Case_Util; use GNAT.Case_Util;
-package body AA_Util is
- ----------------------
- -- Is_Global_Entity --
- ----------------------
- function Is_Global_Entity (E : Entity_Id) return Boolean is
- begin
- return Enclosing_Dynamic_Scope (E) = Standard_Standard;
- end Is_Global_Entity;
- -----------------
- -- New_Name_Id --
- -----------------
- function New_Name_Id (Name : String) return Name_Id is
- begin
- for J in 1 .. Name'Length loop
- Name_Buffer (J) := Name (Name'First + (J - 1));
- end loop;
- Name_Len := Name'Length;
- return Name_Find;
- end New_Name_Id;
- -----------------
- -- Name_String --
- -----------------
- function Name_String (Name : Name_Id) return String is
- begin
- pragma Assert (Name /= No_Name);
- return Get_Name_String (Name);
- end Name_String;
- -------------------
- -- New_String_Id --
- -------------------
- function New_String_Id (S : String) return String_Id is
- begin
- for J in 1 .. S'Length loop
- Name_Buffer (J) := S (S'First + (J - 1));
- end loop;
- Name_Len := S'Length;
- return String_From_Name_Buffer;
- end New_String_Id;
- ------------------
- -- String_Value --
- ------------------
- function String_Value (Str_Id : String_Id) return String is
- begin
- -- ??? pragma Assert (Str_Id /= No_String);
- if Str_Id = No_String then
- return "";
- end if;
- String_To_Name_Buffer (Str_Id);
- return Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len);
- end String_Value;
- ---------------
- -- Next_Name --
- ---------------
- function Next_Name
- (Name_Seq : not null access Name_Sequencer;
- Name_Prefix : String) return Name_Id
- is
- begin
- Name_Seq.Sequence_Number := Name_Seq.Sequence_Number + 1;
- declare
- Number_Image : constant String := Name_Seq.Sequence_Number'Img;
- begin
- return New_Name_Id
- (Name_Prefix & "__" & Number_Image (2 .. Number_Image'Last));
- end;
- end Next_Name;
- --------------------
- -- Elab_Spec_Name --
- --------------------
- function Elab_Spec_Name (Module_Name : Name_Id) return Name_Id is
- begin
- return New_Name_Id (Name_String (Module_Name) & "___elabs");
- end Elab_Spec_Name;
- --------------------
- -- Elab_Spec_Name --
- --------------------
- function Elab_Body_Name (Module_Name : Name_Id) return Name_Id is
- begin
- return New_Name_Id (Name_String (Module_Name) & "___elabb");
- end Elab_Body_Name;
- --------------------------------
- -- Source_Name_Without_Suffix --
- --------------------------------
- function File_Name_Without_Suffix (File_Name : String) return String is
- Name_Index : Natural := File_Name'Last;
- begin
- pragma Assert (File_Name'Length > 0);
- -- We loop in reverse to ensure that file names that follow nonstandard
- -- naming conventions that include additional dots are handled properly,
- -- preserving dots in front of the main file suffix (for example,
- -- main.2.ada => main.2).
- while Name_Index >= File_Name'First
- and then File_Name (Name_Index) /= '.'
- loop
- Name_Index := Name_Index - 1;
- end loop;
- -- Return the part of the file name up to but not including the last dot
- -- in the name, or return the whole name as is if no dot character was
- -- found.
- if Name_Index >= File_Name'First then
- return File_Name (File_Name'First .. Name_Index - 1);
- else
- return File_Name;
- end if;
- end File_Name_Without_Suffix;
- -----------------
- -- Source_Name --
- -----------------
- function Source_Name (Sloc : Source_Ptr) return File_Name_Type is
- begin
- if Sloc = No_Location or Sloc = Standard_Location then
- return No_File;
- else
- return File_Name (Get_Source_File_Index (Sloc));
- end if;
- end Source_Name;
- --------------------------------
- -- Source_Name_Without_Suffix --
- --------------------------------
- function Source_Name_Without_Suffix (Sloc : Source_Ptr) return String is
- Src_Name : constant String :=
- Name_String (Name_Id (Source_Name (Sloc)));
- Src_Index : Natural := Src_Name'Last;
- begin
- pragma Assert (Src_Name'Length > 0);
- -- Treat the presence of a ".dg" suffix specially, stripping it off
- -- in addition to any suffix preceding it.
- if Src_Name'Length >= 4
- and then Src_Name (Src_Name'Last - 2 .. Src_Name'Last) = ".dg"
- then
- Src_Index := Src_Index - 3;
- end if;
- return File_Name_Without_Suffix (Src_Name (Src_Name'First .. Src_Index));
- end Source_Name_Without_Suffix;
- ----------------------
- -- Source_Id_String --
- ----------------------
- function Source_Id_String (Unit_Name : Name_Id) return String is
- Unit_String : String := Name_String (Unit_Name);
- Name_Last : Positive := Unit_String'Last;
- Name_Index : Positive := Unit_String'First;
- begin
- To_Mixed (Unit_String);
- -- Replace any embedded sequences of two or more '_' characters
- -- with a single '.' character. Note that this will leave any
- -- leading or trailing single '_' characters untouched, but those
- -- should normally not occur in compilation unit names (and if
- -- they do then it's better to leave them as is).
- while Name_Index <= Name_Last loop
- if Unit_String (Name_Index) = '_'
- and then Name_Index /= Name_Last
- and then Unit_String (Name_Index + 1) = '_'
- then
- Unit_String (Name_Index) := '.';
- Name_Index := Name_Index + 1;
- while Unit_String (Name_Index) = '_'
- and then Name_Index <= Name_Last
- loop
- Unit_String (Name_Index .. Name_Last - 1)
- := Unit_String (Name_Index + 1 .. Name_Last);
- Name_Last := Name_Last - 1;
- end loop;
- else
- Name_Index := Name_Index + 1;
- end if;
- end loop;
- return Unit_String (Unit_String'First .. Name_Last);
- end Source_Id_String;
- -- This version of Source_Id_String is obsolescent and is being
- -- replaced with the above function.
- function Source_Id_String (Sloc : Source_Ptr) return String is
- File_Index : Source_File_Index;
- begin
- -- Use an arbitrary artificial 22-character value for package Standard,
- -- since Standard doesn't have an associated source file.
- if Sloc <= Standard_Location then
- return "20010101010101standard";
- -- Return the concatentation of the source file's timestamp and
- -- its 8-digit hex checksum.
- else
- File_Index := Get_Source_File_Index (Sloc);
- return String (Time_Stamp (File_Index))
- & Get_Hex_String (Source_Checksum (File_Index));
- end if;
- end Source_Id_String;
- ---------------
- -- Source_Id --
- ---------------
- function Source_Id (Unit_Name : Name_Id) return String_Id is
- begin
- return New_String_Id (Source_Id_String (Unit_Name));
- end Source_Id;
- -- This version of Source_Id is obsolescent and is being
- -- replaced with the above function.
- function Source_Id (Sloc : Source_Ptr) return String_Id is
- begin
- return New_String_Id (Source_Id_String (Sloc));
- end Source_Id;
- -----------
- -- Image --
- -----------
- function Image (I : Int) return String is
- Image_String : constant String := Pos'Image (I);
- begin
- if Image_String (1) = ' ' then
- return Image_String (2 .. Image_String'Last);
- else
- return Image_String;
- end if;
- end Image;
- --------------
- -- UI_Image --
- --------------
- function UI_Image (I : Uint; Format : Integer_Image_Format) return String is
- begin
- if Format = Decimal then
- UI_Image (I, Format => Decimal);
- return UI_Image_Buffer (1 .. UI_Image_Length);
- elsif Format = Ada_Hex then
- UI_Image (I, Format => Hex);
- return UI_Image_Buffer (1 .. UI_Image_Length);
- else
- pragma Assert (I >= Uint_0);
- UI_Image (I, Format => Hex);
- pragma Assert (UI_Image_Buffer (1 .. 3) = "16#"
- and then UI_Image_Buffer (UI_Image_Length) = '#');
- -- Declare a string where we will copy the digits from the UI_Image,
- -- interspersing '_' characters as 4-digit group separators. The
- -- underscores in UI_Image's result are not always at the places
- -- where we want them, which is why we do the following copy
- -- (e.g., we map "16#ABCD_EF#" to "^AB_CDEF^").
- declare
- Hex_String : String (1 .. UI_Image_Max);
- Last_Index : Natural;
- Digit_Count : Natural := 0;
- UI_Image_Index : Natural := 4; -- Skip past the "16#" bracket
- Sep_Count : Natural := 0;
- begin
- -- Count up the number of non-underscore characters in the
- -- literal value portion of the UI_Image string.
- while UI_Image_Buffer (UI_Image_Index) /= '#' loop
- if UI_Image_Buffer (UI_Image_Index) /= '_' then
- Digit_Count := Digit_Count + 1;
- end if;
- UI_Image_Index := UI_Image_Index + 1;
- end loop;
- UI_Image_Index := 4; -- Reset the index past the "16#" bracket
- Last_Index := 1;
- Hex_String (Last_Index) := '^';
- Last_Index := Last_Index + 1;
- -- Copy digits from UI_Image_Buffer to Hex_String, adding
- -- underscore separators as appropriate. The initial value
- -- of Sep_Count accounts for the leading '^' and being one
- -- character ahead after inserting a digit.
- Sep_Count := 2;
- while UI_Image_Buffer (UI_Image_Index) /= '#' loop
- if UI_Image_Buffer (UI_Image_Index) /= '_' then
- Hex_String (Last_Index) := UI_Image_Buffer (UI_Image_Index);
- Last_Index := Last_Index + 1;
- -- Add '_' characters to separate groups of four hex
- -- digits for readability (grouping from right to left).
- if (Digit_Count - (Last_Index - Sep_Count)) mod 4 = 0 then
- Hex_String (Last_Index) := '_';
- Last_Index := Last_Index + 1;
- Sep_Count := Sep_Count + 1;
- end if;
- end if;
- UI_Image_Index := UI_Image_Index + 1;
- end loop;
- -- Back up before any trailing underscore
- if Hex_String (Last_Index - 1) = '_' then
- Last_Index := Last_Index - 1;
- end if;
- Hex_String (Last_Index) := '^';
- return Hex_String (1 .. Last_Index);
- end;
- end if;
- end UI_Image;
- --------------
- -- UR_Image --
- --------------
- -- Shouldn't this be added to Urealp???
- function UR_Image (R : Ureal) return String is
- -- The algorithm used here for conversion of Ureal values
- -- is taken from the JGNAT back end.
- Num : Long_Long_Float := 0.0;
- Den : Long_Long_Float := 0.0;
- Sign : Long_Long_Float := 1.0;
- Result : Long_Long_Float;
- Tmp : Uint;
- Index : Integer;
- begin
- if UR_Is_Negative (R) then
- Sign := -1.0;
- end if;
- -- In the following calculus, we consider numbers modulo 2 ** 31,
- -- so that we don't have problems with signed Int...
- Tmp := abs (Numerator (R));
- Index := 0;
- while Tmp > 0 loop
- Num := Num
- + Long_Long_Float (UI_To_Int (Tmp mod (Uint_2 ** 31)))
- * (2.0 ** Index);
- Tmp := Tmp / Uint_2 ** 31;
- Index := Index + 31;
- end loop;
- Tmp := abs (Denominator (R));
- if Rbase (R) /= 0 then
- Tmp := Rbase (R) ** Tmp;
- end if;
- Index := 0;
- while Tmp > 0 loop
- Den := Den
- + Long_Long_Float (UI_To_Int (Tmp mod (Uint_2 ** 31)))
- * (2.0 ** Index);
- Tmp := Tmp / Uint_2 ** 31;
- Index := Index + 31;
- end loop;
- -- If the denominator denotes a negative power of Rbase,
- -- then multiply by the denominator.
- if Rbase (R) /= 0 and then Denominator (R) < 0 then
- Result := Sign * Num * Den;
- -- Otherwise compute the quotient
- else
- Result := Sign * Num / Den;
- end if;
- return Long_Long_Float'Image (Result);
- end UR_Image;
-end AA_Util;