path: root/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/runtime/runtime.h
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'gcc-4.8.1/libgo/runtime/runtime.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 656 deletions
diff --git a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/runtime/runtime.h b/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/runtime/runtime.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 9392df162..000000000
--- a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/runtime/runtime.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,656 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "config.h"
-#include "go-assert.h"
-#include <signal.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <pthread.h>
-#include <semaphore.h>
-#include <ucontext.h>
-#include <sys/mman.h>
-#include "interface.h"
-#include "go-alloc.h"
-#define _STRINGIFY2_(x) #x
-#define _STRINGIFY_(x) _STRINGIFY2_(x)
-/* This file supports C files copied from the 6g runtime library.
- This is a version of the 6g runtime.h rewritten for gccgo's version
- of the code. */
-typedef signed int int8 __attribute__ ((mode (QI)));
-typedef unsigned int uint8 __attribute__ ((mode (QI)));
-typedef signed int int16 __attribute__ ((mode (HI)));
-typedef unsigned int uint16 __attribute__ ((mode (HI)));
-typedef signed int int32 __attribute__ ((mode (SI)));
-typedef unsigned int uint32 __attribute__ ((mode (SI)));
-typedef signed int int64 __attribute__ ((mode (DI)));
-typedef unsigned int uint64 __attribute__ ((mode (DI)));
-typedef float float32 __attribute__ ((mode (SF)));
-typedef double float64 __attribute__ ((mode (DF)));
-typedef signed int intptr __attribute__ ((mode (pointer)));
-typedef unsigned int uintptr __attribute__ ((mode (pointer)));
-typedef intptr intgo; // Go's int
-typedef uintptr uintgo; // Go's uint
-/* Defined types. */
-typedef uint8 bool;
-typedef uint8 byte;
-typedef struct Func Func;
-typedef struct G G;
-typedef union Lock Lock;
-typedef struct M M;
-typedef union Note Note;
-typedef struct SigTab SigTab;
-typedef struct MCache MCache;
-typedef struct FixAlloc FixAlloc;
-typedef struct Hchan Hchan;
-typedef struct Timers Timers;
-typedef struct Timer Timer;
-typedef struct GCStats GCStats;
-typedef struct LFNode LFNode;
-typedef struct ParFor ParFor;
-typedef struct ParForThread ParForThread;
-typedef struct CgoMal CgoMal;
-typedef struct __go_open_array Slice;
-typedef struct String String;
-typedef struct __go_interface Iface;
-typedef struct __go_empty_interface Eface;
-typedef struct __go_type_descriptor Type;
-typedef struct __go_defer_stack Defer;
-typedef struct __go_panic_stack Panic;
-typedef struct __go_ptr_type PtrType;
-typedef struct __go_func_type FuncType;
-typedef struct __go_map_type MapType;
-typedef struct Traceback Traceback;
-typedef struct Location Location;
- * Per-CPU declaration.
- */
-extern M* runtime_m(void);
-extern G* runtime_g(void);
-extern M runtime_m0;
-extern G runtime_g0;
- * defined constants
- */
- // G status
- //
- // If you add to this list, add to the list
- // of "okay during garbage collection" status
- // in mgc0.c too.
- Gidle,
- Grunnable,
- Grunning,
- Gsyscall,
- Gwaiting,
- Gmoribund,
- Gdead,
- true = 1,
- false = 0,
- PtrSize = sizeof(void*),
- // Per-M stack segment cache size.
- StackCacheSize = 32,
- // Global <-> per-M stack segment cache transfer batch size.
- StackCacheBatch = 16,
- * structures
- */
-union Lock
- uint32 key; // futex-based impl
- M* waitm; // linked list of waiting M's (sema-based impl)
-union Note
- uint32 key; // futex-based impl
- M* waitm; // waiting M (sema-based impl)
-struct String
- const byte* str;
- intgo len;
-struct GCStats
- // the struct must consist of only uint64's,
- // because it is casted to uint64[].
- uint64 nhandoff;
- uint64 nhandoffcnt;
- uint64 nprocyield;
- uint64 nosyield;
- uint64 nsleep;
-// A location in the program, used for backtraces.
-struct Location
- uintptr pc;
- String filename;
- String function;
- intgo lineno;
-struct G
- Defer* defer;
- Panic* panic;
- void* exception; // current exception being thrown
- bool is_foreign; // whether current exception from other language
- void *gcstack; // if status==Gsyscall, gcstack = stackbase to use during gc
- uintptr gcstack_size;
- void* gcnext_segment;
- void* gcnext_sp;
- void* gcinitial_sp;
- ucontext_t gcregs;
- byte* entry; // initial function
- G* alllink; // on allg
- void* param; // passed parameter on wakeup
- bool fromgogo; // reached from gogo
- int16 status;
- int64 goid;
- uint32 selgen; // valid sudog pointer
- const char* waitreason; // if status==Gwaiting
- G* schedlink;
- bool readyonstop;
- bool ispanic;
- bool issystem;
- int8 raceignore; // ignore race detection events
- M* m; // for debuggers, but offset not hard-coded
- M* lockedm;
- M* idlem;
- int32 sig;
- int32 writenbuf;
- byte* writebuf;
- // DeferChunk *dchunk;
- // DeferChunk *dchunknext;
- uintptr sigcode0;
- uintptr sigcode1;
- // uintptr sigpc;
- uintptr gopc; // pc of go statement that created this goroutine
- int32 ncgo;
- CgoMal* cgomal;
- Traceback* traceback;
- ucontext_t context;
- void* stack_context[10];
-struct M
- G* g0; // goroutine with scheduling stack
- G* gsignal; // signal-handling G
- G* curg; // current running goroutine
- int32 id;
- int32 mallocing;
- int32 throwing;
- int32 gcing;
- int32 locks;
- int32 nomemprof;
- int32 waitnextg;
- int32 dying;
- int32 profilehz;
- int32 helpgc;
- uint32 fastrand;
- uint64 ncgocall; // number of cgo calls in total
- Note havenextg;
- G* nextg;
- M* alllink; // on allm
- M* schedlink;
- MCache *mcache;
- G* lockedg;
- G* idleg;
- Location createstack[32]; // Stack that created this thread.
- M* nextwaitm; // next M waiting for lock
- uintptr waitsema; // semaphore for parking on locks
- uint32 waitsemacount;
- uint32 waitsemalock;
- GCStats gcstats;
- bool racecall;
- void* racepc;
- uintptr settype_buf[1024];
- uintptr settype_bufsize;
- uintptr end[];
-struct SigTab
- int32 sig;
- int32 flags;
- SigNotify = 1<<0, // let signal.Notify have signal, even if from kernel
- SigKill = 1<<1, // if signal.Notify doesn't take it, exit quietly
- SigThrow = 1<<2, // if signal.Notify doesn't take it, exit loudly
- SigPanic = 1<<3, // if the signal is from the kernel, panic
- SigDefault = 1<<4, // if the signal isn't explicitly requested, don't monitor it
-#ifndef NSIG
-#define NSIG 32
-// NOTE(rsc): keep in sync with extern.go:/type.Func.
-// Eventually, the loaded symbol table should be closer to this form.
-struct Func
- String name;
- uintptr entry; // entry pc
-#ifdef GOOS_windows
-enum {
- Windows = 1
-enum {
- Windows = 0
-struct Timers
- Lock;
- G *timerproc;
- bool sleeping;
- bool rescheduling;
- Note waitnote;
- Timer **t;
- int32 len;
- int32 cap;
-// Package time knows the layout of this structure.
-// If this struct changes, adjust ../time/sleep.go:/runtimeTimer.
-struct Timer
- int32 i; // heap index
- // Timer wakes up at when, and then at when+period, ... (period > 0 only)
- // each time calling f(now, arg) in the timer goroutine, so f must be
- // a well-behaved function and not block.
- int64 when;
- int64 period;
- void (*f)(int64, Eface);
- Eface arg;
-// Lock-free stack node.
-struct LFNode
- LFNode *next;
- uintptr pushcnt;
-// Parallel for descriptor.
-struct ParFor
- void (*body)(ParFor*, uint32); // executed for each element
- uint32 done; // number of idle threads
- uint32 nthr; // total number of threads
- uint32 nthrmax; // maximum number of threads
- uint32 thrseq; // thread id sequencer
- uint32 cnt; // iteration space [0, cnt)
- void *ctx; // arbitrary user context
- bool wait; // if true, wait while all threads finish processing,
- // otherwise parfor may return while other threads are still working
- ParForThread *thr; // array of thread descriptors
- // stats
- uint64 nsteal;
- uint64 nstealcnt;
- uint64 nprocyield;
- uint64 nosyield;
- uint64 nsleep;
-// Track memory allocated by code not written in Go during a cgo call,
-// so that the garbage collector can see them.
-struct CgoMal
- CgoMal *next;
- byte *alloc;
- * defined macros
- * you need super-gopher-guru privilege
- * to add this list.
- */
-#define nelem(x) (sizeof(x)/sizeof((x)[0]))
-#define nil ((void*)0)
-#define USED(v) ((void) v)
-#define ROUND(x, n) (((x)+(n)-1)&~((n)-1)) /* all-caps to mark as macro: it evaluates n twice */
- * external data
- */
-extern uintptr runtime_zerobase;
-extern G* runtime_allg;
-extern G* runtime_lastg;
-extern M* runtime_allm;
-extern int32 runtime_gomaxprocs;
-extern bool runtime_singleproc;
-extern uint32 runtime_panicking;
-extern int32 runtime_gcwaiting; // gc is waiting to run
-extern int32 runtime_ncpu;
- * common functions and data
- */
-intgo runtime_findnull(const byte*);
-void runtime_dump(byte*, int32);
- * very low level c-called
- */
-void runtime_args(int32, byte**);
-void runtime_osinit();
-void runtime_goargs(void);
-void runtime_goenvs(void);
-void runtime_goenvs_unix(void);
-void runtime_throw(const char*) __attribute__ ((noreturn));
-void runtime_panicstring(const char*) __attribute__ ((noreturn));
-void runtime_prints(const char*);
-void runtime_printf(const char*, ...);
-void* runtime_mal(uintptr);
-void runtime_schedinit(void);
-void runtime_initsig(void);
-void runtime_sigenable(uint32 sig);
-int32 runtime_gotraceback(void);
-void runtime_goroutineheader(G*);
-void runtime_goroutinetrailer(G*);
-void runtime_traceback();
-void runtime_tracebackothers(G*);
-void runtime_printtrace(Location*, int32, bool);
-String runtime_gostring(const byte*);
-String runtime_gostringnocopy(const byte*);
-void* runtime_mstart(void*);
-G* runtime_malg(int32, byte**, size_t*);
-void runtime_minit(void);
-void runtime_mallocinit(void);
-void runtime_gosched(void);
-void runtime_park(void(*)(Lock*), Lock*, const char*);
-void runtime_tsleep(int64, const char*);
-M* runtime_newm(void);
-void runtime_goexit(void);
-void runtime_entersyscall(void) __asm__ (GOSYM_PREFIX "syscall.Entersyscall");
-void runtime_exitsyscall(void) __asm__ (GOSYM_PREFIX "syscall.Exitsyscall");
-void siginit(void);
-bool __go_sigsend(int32 sig);
-int32 runtime_callers(int32, Location*, int32);
-int64 runtime_nanotime(void);
-int64 runtime_cputicks(void);
-int64 runtime_tickspersecond(void);
-void runtime_blockevent(int64, int32);
-extern int64 runtime_blockprofilerate;
-void runtime_stoptheworld(void);
-void runtime_starttheworld(void);
-extern uint32 runtime_worldsema;
-G* __go_go(void (*pfn)(void*), void*);
- * mutual exclusion locks. in the uncontended case,
- * as fast as spin locks (just a few user-level instructions),
- * but on the contention path they sleep in the kernel.
- * a zeroed Lock is unlocked (no need to initialize each lock).
- */
-void runtime_lock(Lock*);
-void runtime_unlock(Lock*);
- * sleep and wakeup on one-time events.
- * before any calls to notesleep or notewakeup,
- * must call noteclear to initialize the Note.
- * then, exactly one thread can call notesleep
- * and exactly one thread can call notewakeup (once).
- * once notewakeup has been called, the notesleep
- * will return. future notesleep will return immediately.
- * subsequent noteclear must be called only after
- * previous notesleep has returned, e.g. it's disallowed
- * to call noteclear straight after notewakeup.
- *
- * notetsleep is like notesleep but wakes up after
- * a given number of nanoseconds even if the event
- * has not yet happened. if a goroutine uses notetsleep to
- * wake up early, it must wait to call noteclear until it
- * can be sure that no other goroutine is calling
- * notewakeup.
- */
-void runtime_noteclear(Note*);
-void runtime_notesleep(Note*);
-void runtime_notewakeup(Note*);
-void runtime_notetsleep(Note*, int64);
- * low-level synchronization for implementing the above
- */
-uintptr runtime_semacreate(void);
-int32 runtime_semasleep(int64);
-void runtime_semawakeup(M*);
-// or
-void runtime_futexsleep(uint32*, uint32, int64);
-void runtime_futexwakeup(uint32*, uint32);
- * Lock-free stack.
- * Initialize uint64 head to 0, compare with 0 to test for emptiness.
- * The stack does not keep pointers to nodes,
- * so they can be garbage collected if there are no other pointers to nodes.
- */
-void runtime_lfstackpush(uint64 *head, LFNode *node)
- __asm__ (GOSYM_PREFIX "runtime.lfstackpush");
-LFNode* runtime_lfstackpop(uint64 *head);
- * Parallel for over [0, n).
- * body() is executed for each iteration.
- * nthr - total number of worker threads.
- * ctx - arbitrary user context.
- * if wait=true, threads return from parfor() when all work is done;
- * otherwise, threads can return while other threads are still finishing processing.
- */
-ParFor* runtime_parforalloc(uint32 nthrmax);
-void runtime_parforsetup(ParFor *desc, uint32 nthr, uint32 n, void *ctx, bool wait, void (*body)(ParFor*, uint32));
-void runtime_parfordo(ParFor *desc) __asm__ (GOSYM_PREFIX "runtime.parfordo");
- * low level C-called
- */
-#define runtime_mmap mmap
-#define runtime_munmap munmap
-#define runtime_madvise madvise
-#define runtime_memclr(buf, size) __builtin_memset((buf), 0, (size))
-#define runtime_getcallerpc(p) __builtin_return_address(0)
-#ifdef __rtems__
-void __wrap_rtems_task_variable_add(void **);
- * Names generated by gccgo.
- */
-#define runtime_printbool __go_print_bool
-#define runtime_printfloat __go_print_double
-#define runtime_printint __go_print_int64
-#define runtime_printiface __go_print_interface
-#define runtime_printeface __go_print_empty_interface
-#define runtime_printstring __go_print_string
-#define runtime_printpointer __go_print_pointer
-#define runtime_printuint __go_print_uint64
-#define runtime_printslice __go_print_slice
-#define runtime_printcomplex __go_print_complex
- * runtime go-called
- */
-void runtime_printbool(_Bool);
-void runtime_printfloat(double);
-void runtime_printint(int64);
-void runtime_printiface(Iface);
-void runtime_printeface(Eface);
-void runtime_printstring(String);
-void runtime_printpc(void*);
-void runtime_printpointer(void*);
-void runtime_printuint(uint64);
-void runtime_printhex(uint64);
-void runtime_printslice(Slice);
-void runtime_printcomplex(__complex double);
-struct __go_func_type;
-void reflect_call(const struct __go_func_type *, const void *, _Bool, _Bool,
- void **, void **)
- __asm__ (GOSYM_PREFIX "reflect.call");
-/* Functions. */
-#define runtime_panic __go_panic
-#define runtime_write(d, v, n) write((d), (v), (n))
-#define runtime_malloc(s) __go_alloc(s)
-#define runtime_free(p) __go_free(p)
-#define runtime_strcmp(s1, s2) __builtin_strcmp((s1), (s2))
-#define runtime_mcmp(a, b, s) __builtin_memcmp((a), (b), (s))
-#define runtime_memmove(a, b, s) __builtin_memmove((a), (b), (s))
-#define runtime_exit(s) exit(s)
-MCache* runtime_allocmcache(void);
-void free(void *v);
-#define runtime_cas(pval, old, new) __sync_bool_compare_and_swap (pval, old, new)
-#define runtime_casp(pval, old, new) __sync_bool_compare_and_swap (pval, old, new)
-#define runtime_cas64(pval, pold, new) __atomic_compare_exchange_n (pval, pold, new, 0, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST)
-#define runtime_xadd(p, v) __sync_add_and_fetch (p, v)
-#define runtime_xadd64(p, v) __sync_add_and_fetch (p, v)
-#define runtime_xchg(p, v) __atomic_exchange_n (p, v, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST)
-#define runtime_atomicload(p) __atomic_load_n (p, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST)
-#define runtime_atomicstore(p, v) __atomic_store_n (p, v, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST)
-#define runtime_atomicloadp(p) __atomic_load_n (p, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST)
-#define runtime_atomicstorep(p, v) __atomic_store_n (p, v, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST)
-#define runtime_atomicload64(p) __atomic_load_n (p, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST)
-#define runtime_atomicstore64(p, v) __atomic_store_n (p, v, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST)
-#define PREFETCH(p) __builtin_prefetch(p)
-struct __go_func_type;
-bool runtime_addfinalizer(void*, void(*fn)(void*), const struct __go_func_type *);
-#define runtime_getcallersp(p) __builtin_frame_address(1)
-int32 runtime_mcount(void);
-int32 runtime_gcount(void);
-void runtime_dopanic(int32) __attribute__ ((noreturn));
-void runtime_startpanic(void);
-void runtime_ready(G*);
-const byte* runtime_getenv(const char*);
-int32 runtime_atoi(const byte*);
-uint32 runtime_fastrand1(void);
-void runtime_sigprof();
-void runtime_resetcpuprofiler(int32);
-void runtime_setcpuprofilerate(void(*)(uintptr*, int32), int32);
-void runtime_usleep(uint32);
- * runtime c-called (but written in Go)
- */
-void runtime_printany(Eface)
- __asm__ (GOSYM_PREFIX "runtime.Printany");
-void runtime_newTypeAssertionError(const String*, const String*, const String*, const String*, Eface*)
- __asm__ (GOSYM_PREFIX "runtime.NewTypeAssertionError");
-void runtime_newErrorString(String, Eface*)
- __asm__ (GOSYM_PREFIX "runtime.NewErrorString");
- * wrapped for go users
- */
-#define ISNAN(f) __builtin_isnan(f)
-void runtime_semacquire(uint32 volatile *);
-void runtime_semrelease(uint32 volatile *);
-int32 runtime_gomaxprocsfunc(int32 n);
-void runtime_procyield(uint32);
-void runtime_osyield(void);
-void runtime_LockOSThread(void) __asm__ (GOSYM_PREFIX "runtime.LockOSThread");
-void runtime_UnlockOSThread(void) __asm__ (GOSYM_PREFIX "runtime.UnlockOSThread");
-bool runtime_showframe(String, bool);
-uintptr runtime_memlimit(void);
-// If appropriate, ask the operating system to control whether this
-// thread should receive profiling signals. This is only necessary on OS X.
-// An operating system should not deliver a profiling signal to a
-// thread that is not actually executing (what good is that?), but that's
-// what OS X prefers to do. When profiling is turned on, we mask
-// away the profiling signal when threads go to sleep, so that OS X
-// is forced to deliver the signal to a thread that's actually running.
-// This is a no-op on other systems.
-void runtime_setprof(bool);
- UseSpanType = 1,
-void runtime_setsig(int32, bool, bool);
-#define runtime_setitimer setitimer
-void runtime_check(void);
-// A list of global variables that the garbage collector must scan.
-struct root_list {
- struct root_list *next;
- struct root {
- void *decl;
- size_t size;
- } roots[];
-void __go_register_gc_roots(struct root_list*);
-// Size of stack space allocated using Go's allocator.
-// This will be 0 when using split stacks, as in that case
-// the stacks are allocated by the splitstack library.
-extern uintptr runtime_stacks_sys;
-struct backtrace_state;
-extern struct backtrace_state *__go_get_backtrace_state(void);
-extern _Bool __go_file_line(uintptr, String*, String*, intgo *);
-extern byte* runtime_progname();
-int32 getproccount(void);