path: root/gcc-4.7/libiberty/simple-object-elf.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'gcc-4.7/libiberty/simple-object-elf.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 953 deletions
diff --git a/gcc-4.7/libiberty/simple-object-elf.c b/gcc-4.7/libiberty/simple-object-elf.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 4196c537c..000000000
--- a/gcc-4.7/libiberty/simple-object-elf.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,953 +0,0 @@
-/* simple-object-elf.c -- routines to manipulate ELF object files.
- Copyright 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Written by Ian Lance Taylor, Google.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
-later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor,
-Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */
-#include "config.h"
-#include "libiberty.h"
-#include "simple-object.h"
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <inttypes.h>
-#include "simple-object-common.h"
-/* ELF structures and constants. */
-/* 32-bit ELF file header. */
-typedef struct {
- unsigned char e_ident[16]; /* ELF "magic number" */
- unsigned char e_type[2]; /* Identifies object file type */
- unsigned char e_machine[2]; /* Specifies required architecture */
- unsigned char e_version[4]; /* Identifies object file version */
- unsigned char e_entry[4]; /* Entry point virtual address */
- unsigned char e_phoff[4]; /* Program header table file offset */
- unsigned char e_shoff[4]; /* Section header table file offset */
- unsigned char e_flags[4]; /* Processor-specific flags */
- unsigned char e_ehsize[2]; /* ELF header size in bytes */
- unsigned char e_phentsize[2]; /* Program header table entry size */
- unsigned char e_phnum[2]; /* Program header table entry count */
- unsigned char e_shentsize[2]; /* Section header table entry size */
- unsigned char e_shnum[2]; /* Section header table entry count */
- unsigned char e_shstrndx[2]; /* Section header string table index */
-} Elf32_External_Ehdr;
-/* 64-bit ELF file header. */
-typedef struct {
- unsigned char e_ident[16]; /* ELF "magic number" */
- unsigned char e_type[2]; /* Identifies object file type */
- unsigned char e_machine[2]; /* Specifies required architecture */
- unsigned char e_version[4]; /* Identifies object file version */
- unsigned char e_entry[8]; /* Entry point virtual address */
- unsigned char e_phoff[8]; /* Program header table file offset */
- unsigned char e_shoff[8]; /* Section header table file offset */
- unsigned char e_flags[4]; /* Processor-specific flags */
- unsigned char e_ehsize[2]; /* ELF header size in bytes */
- unsigned char e_phentsize[2]; /* Program header table entry size */
- unsigned char e_phnum[2]; /* Program header table entry count */
- unsigned char e_shentsize[2]; /* Section header table entry size */
- unsigned char e_shnum[2]; /* Section header table entry count */
- unsigned char e_shstrndx[2]; /* Section header string table index */
-} Elf64_External_Ehdr;
-/* Indexes and values in e_ident field of Ehdr. */
-#define EI_MAG0 0 /* File identification byte 0 index */
-#define ELFMAG0 0x7F /* Magic number byte 0 */
-#define EI_MAG1 1 /* File identification byte 1 index */
-#define ELFMAG1 'E' /* Magic number byte 1 */
-#define EI_MAG2 2 /* File identification byte 2 index */
-#define ELFMAG2 'L' /* Magic number byte 2 */
-#define EI_MAG3 3 /* File identification byte 3 index */
-#define ELFMAG3 'F' /* Magic number byte 3 */
-#define EI_CLASS 4 /* File class */
-#define ELFCLASSNONE 0 /* Invalid class */
-#define ELFCLASS32 1 /* 32-bit objects */
-#define ELFCLASS64 2 /* 64-bit objects */
-#define EI_DATA 5 /* Data encoding */
-#define ELFDATANONE 0 /* Invalid data encoding */
-#define ELFDATA2LSB 1 /* 2's complement, little endian */
-#define ELFDATA2MSB 2 /* 2's complement, big endian */
-#define EI_VERSION 6 /* File version */
-#define EV_CURRENT 1 /* Current version */
-#define EI_OSABI 7 /* Operating System/ABI indication */
-/* Values for e_type field of Ehdr. */
-#define ET_REL 1 /* Relocatable file */
-/* Values for e_machine field of Ehdr. */
-#define EM_SPARC 2 /* SUN SPARC */
-#define EM_SPARC32PLUS 18 /* Sun's "v8plus" */
-/* Special section index values. */
-#define SHN_LORESERVE 0xFF00 /* Begin range of reserved indices */
-#define SHN_XINDEX 0xFFFF /* Section index is held elsewhere */
-/* 32-bit ELF program header. */
-typedef struct {
- unsigned char p_type[4]; /* Identifies program segment type */
- unsigned char p_offset[4]; /* Segment file offset */
- unsigned char p_vaddr[4]; /* Segment virtual address */
- unsigned char p_paddr[4]; /* Segment physical address */
- unsigned char p_filesz[4]; /* Segment size in file */
- unsigned char p_memsz[4]; /* Segment size in memory */
- unsigned char p_flags[4]; /* Segment flags */
- unsigned char p_align[4]; /* Segment alignment, file & memory */
-} Elf32_External_Phdr;
-/* 64-bit ELF program header. */
-typedef struct {
- unsigned char p_type[4]; /* Identifies program segment type */
- unsigned char p_flags[4]; /* Segment flags */
- unsigned char p_offset[8]; /* Segment file offset */
- unsigned char p_vaddr[8]; /* Segment virtual address */
- unsigned char p_paddr[8]; /* Segment physical address */
- unsigned char p_filesz[8]; /* Segment size in file */
- unsigned char p_memsz[8]; /* Segment size in memory */
- unsigned char p_align[8]; /* Segment alignment, file & memory */
-} Elf64_External_Phdr;
-/* 32-bit ELF section header */
-typedef struct {
- unsigned char sh_name[4]; /* Section name, index in string tbl */
- unsigned char sh_type[4]; /* Type of section */
- unsigned char sh_flags[4]; /* Miscellaneous section attributes */
- unsigned char sh_addr[4]; /* Section virtual addr at execution */
- unsigned char sh_offset[4]; /* Section file offset */
- unsigned char sh_size[4]; /* Size of section in bytes */
- unsigned char sh_link[4]; /* Index of another section */
- unsigned char sh_info[4]; /* Additional section information */
- unsigned char sh_addralign[4]; /* Section alignment */
- unsigned char sh_entsize[4]; /* Entry size if section holds table */
-} Elf32_External_Shdr;
-/* 64-bit ELF section header. */
-typedef struct {
- unsigned char sh_name[4]; /* Section name, index in string tbl */
- unsigned char sh_type[4]; /* Type of section */
- unsigned char sh_flags[8]; /* Miscellaneous section attributes */
- unsigned char sh_addr[8]; /* Section virtual addr at execution */
- unsigned char sh_offset[8]; /* Section file offset */
- unsigned char sh_size[8]; /* Size of section in bytes */
- unsigned char sh_link[4]; /* Index of another section */
- unsigned char sh_info[4]; /* Additional section information */
- unsigned char sh_addralign[8]; /* Section alignment */
- unsigned char sh_entsize[8]; /* Entry size if section holds table */
-} Elf64_External_Shdr;
-/* Values for sh_type field. */
-#define SHT_PROGBITS 1 /* Program data */
-#define SHT_STRTAB 3 /* A string table */
-/* Functions to fetch and store different ELF types, depending on the
- endianness and size. */
-struct elf_type_functions
- unsigned short (*fetch_Elf_Half) (const unsigned char *);
- unsigned int (*fetch_Elf_Word) (const unsigned char *);
- ulong_type (*fetch_Elf_Addr) (const unsigned char *);
- void (*set_Elf_Half) (unsigned char *, unsigned short);
- void (*set_Elf_Word) (unsigned char *, unsigned int);
- void (*set_Elf_Addr) (unsigned char *, ulong_type);
-static const struct elf_type_functions elf_big_32_functions =
- simple_object_fetch_big_16,
- simple_object_fetch_big_32,
- simple_object_fetch_big_32_ulong,
- simple_object_set_big_16,
- simple_object_set_big_32,
- simple_object_set_big_32_ulong
-static const struct elf_type_functions elf_little_32_functions =
- simple_object_fetch_little_16,
- simple_object_fetch_little_32,
- simple_object_fetch_little_32_ulong,
- simple_object_set_little_16,
- simple_object_set_little_32,
- simple_object_set_little_32_ulong
-static const struct elf_type_functions elf_big_64_functions =
- simple_object_fetch_big_16,
- simple_object_fetch_big_32,
- simple_object_fetch_big_64,
- simple_object_set_big_16,
- simple_object_set_big_32,
- simple_object_set_big_64
-static const struct elf_type_functions elf_little_64_functions =
- simple_object_fetch_little_16,
- simple_object_fetch_little_32,
- simple_object_fetch_little_64,
- simple_object_set_little_16,
- simple_object_set_little_32,
- simple_object_set_little_64
-/* Hideous macro to fetch the value of a field from an external ELF
- struct of some sort. TYPEFUNCS is the set of type functions.
- BUFFER points to the external data. STRUCTTYPE is the appropriate
- struct type. FIELD is a field within the struct. TYPE is the type
- of the field in the struct: Elf_Half, Elf_Word, or Elf_Addr. */
- ((TYPEFUNCS)->fetch_ ## TYPE ((BUFFER) + offsetof (STRUCTTYPE, FIELD)))
-/* Even more hideous macro to fetch the value of FIELD from BUFFER.
- SIZE is 32 or 64. STRUCTTYPE is the name of the struct from
- elf/external.h: Ehdr, Shdr, etc. FIELD is the name of a field in
- the struct. TYPE is the type of the field in the struct: Elf_Half,
- Elf_Word, or Elf_Addr. */
- Elf ## SIZE ## _External_ ## STRUCTTYPE, \
-/* Like ELF_FETCH_SIZED_FIELD but taking an ELFCLASS value. */
- ((CLASS) == ELFCLASS32 \
- TYPE) \
- TYPE))
-/* Hideous macro to set the value of a field in an external ELF
- structure to VAL. TYPEFUNCS is the set of type functions. BUFFER
- points to the external data. STRUCTTYPE is the appropriate
- structure type. FIELD is a field within the struct. TYPE is the
- type of the field in the struct: Elf_Half, Elf_Word, or
- Elf_Addr. */
- (TYPEFUNCS)->set_ ## TYPE ((BUFFER) + offsetof (STRUCTTYPE, FIELD), (VAL))
-/* Even more hideous macro to set the value of FIELD in BUFFER to VAL.
- SIZE is 32 or 64. STRUCTTYPE is the name of the struct from
- elf/external.h: Ehdr, Shdr, etc. FIELD is the name of a field in
- the struct. TYPE is the type of the field in the struct: Elf_Half,
- Elf_Word, or Elf_Addr. */
- TYPE, VAL) \
- Elf ## SIZE ## _External_ ## STRUCTTYPE, \
-/* Like ELF_SET_SIZED_FIELD but taking an ELFCLASS value. */
- TYPE, VAL) \
- ((CLASS) == ELFCLASS32 \
- TYPE, VAL) \
-/* Private data for an simple_object_read. */
-struct simple_object_elf_read
- /* Type functions. */
- const struct elf_type_functions* type_functions;
- /* Elf data. */
- unsigned char ei_data;
- /* Elf class. */
- unsigned char ei_class;
- /* ELF OS ABI. */
- unsigned char ei_osabi;
- /* Elf machine number. */
- unsigned short machine;
- /* Processor specific flags. */
- unsigned int flags;
- /* File offset of section headers. */
- ulong_type shoff;
- /* Number of sections. */
- unsigned int shnum;
- /* Index of string table section header. */
- unsigned int shstrndx;
-/* Private data for an simple_object_attributes. */
-struct simple_object_elf_attributes
- /* Type functions. */
- const struct elf_type_functions* type_functions;
- /* Elf data. */
- unsigned char ei_data;
- /* Elf class. */
- unsigned char ei_class;
- /* ELF OS ABI. */
- unsigned char ei_osabi;
- /* Elf machine number. */
- unsigned short machine;
- /* Processor specific flags. */
- unsigned int flags;
-/* See if we have an ELF file. */
-static void *
-simple_object_elf_match (unsigned char header[SIMPLE_OBJECT_MATCH_HEADER_LEN],
- int descriptor, off_t offset,
- const char *segment_name ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
- const char **errmsg, int *err)
- unsigned char ei_data;
- unsigned char ei_class;
- const struct elf_type_functions *type_functions;
- unsigned char ehdr[sizeof (Elf64_External_Ehdr)];
- struct simple_object_elf_read *eor;
- if (header[EI_MAG0] != ELFMAG0
- || header[EI_MAG1] != ELFMAG1
- || header[EI_MAG2] != ELFMAG2
- || header[EI_MAG3] != ELFMAG3
- || header[EI_VERSION] != EV_CURRENT)
- {
- *errmsg = NULL;
- *err = 0;
- return NULL;
- }
- ei_data = header[EI_DATA];
- if (ei_data != ELFDATA2LSB && ei_data != ELFDATA2MSB)
- {
- *errmsg = "unknown ELF endianness";
- *err = 0;
- return NULL;
- }
- ei_class = header[EI_CLASS];
- switch (ei_class)
- {
- case ELFCLASS32:
- type_functions = (ei_data == ELFDATA2LSB
- ? &elf_little_32_functions
- : &elf_big_32_functions);
- break;
- case ELFCLASS64:
- *errmsg = "64-bit ELF objects not supported";
- *err = 0;
- return NULL;
- type_functions = (ei_data == ELFDATA2LSB
- ? &elf_little_64_functions
- : &elf_big_64_functions);
- break;
- default:
- *errmsg = "unrecognized ELF size";
- *err = 0;
- return NULL;
- }
- if (!simple_object_internal_read (descriptor, offset, ehdr, sizeof ehdr,
- errmsg, err))
- return NULL;
- eor = XNEW (struct simple_object_elf_read);
- eor->type_functions = type_functions;
- eor->ei_data = ei_data;
- eor->ei_class = ei_class;
- eor->ei_osabi = header[EI_OSABI];
- eor->machine = ELF_FETCH_FIELD (type_functions, ei_class, Ehdr, ehdr,
- e_machine, Elf_Half);
- eor->flags = ELF_FETCH_FIELD (type_functions, ei_class, Ehdr, ehdr,
- e_flags, Elf_Word);
- eor->shoff = ELF_FETCH_FIELD (type_functions, ei_class, Ehdr, ehdr,
- e_shoff, Elf_Addr);
- eor->shnum = ELF_FETCH_FIELD (type_functions, ei_class, Ehdr, ehdr,
- e_shnum, Elf_Half);
- eor->shstrndx = ELF_FETCH_FIELD (type_functions, ei_class, Ehdr, ehdr,
- e_shstrndx, Elf_Half);
- if ((eor->shnum == 0 || eor->shstrndx == SHN_XINDEX)
- && eor->shoff != 0)
- {
- unsigned char shdr[sizeof (Elf64_External_Shdr)];
- /* Object file has more than 0xffff sections. */
- if (!simple_object_internal_read (descriptor, offset + eor->shoff, shdr,
- (ei_class == ELFCLASS32
- ? sizeof (Elf32_External_Shdr)
- : sizeof (Elf64_External_Shdr)),
- errmsg, err))
- {
- XDELETE (eor);
- return NULL;
- }
- if (eor->shnum == 0)
- eor->shnum = ELF_FETCH_FIELD (type_functions, ei_class, Shdr,
- shdr, sh_size, Elf_Addr);
- if (eor->shstrndx == SHN_XINDEX)
- {
- eor->shstrndx = ELF_FETCH_FIELD (type_functions, ei_class, Shdr,
- shdr, sh_link, Elf_Word);
- /* Versions of the GNU binutils between 2.12 and 2.18 did
- not handle objects with more than SHN_LORESERVE sections
- correctly. All large section indexes were offset by
- 0x100. There is more information at
- http://sourceware.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id-5900 .
- Fortunately these object files are easy to detect, as the
- GNU binutils always put the section header string table
- near the end of the list of sections. Thus if the
- section header string table index is larger than the
- number of sections, then we know we have to subtract
- 0x100 to get the real section index. */
- if (eor->shstrndx >= eor->shnum
- && eor->shstrndx >= SHN_LORESERVE + 0x100)
- eor->shstrndx -= 0x100;
- }
- }
- if (eor->shstrndx >= eor->shnum)
- {
- *errmsg = "invalid ELF shstrndx >= shnum";
- *err = 0;
- XDELETE (eor);
- return NULL;
- }
- return (void *) eor;
-/* Find all sections in an ELF file. */
-static const char *
-simple_object_elf_find_sections (simple_object_read *sobj,
- int (*pfn) (void *, const char *,
- off_t offset, off_t length),
- void *data,
- int *err)
- struct simple_object_elf_read *eor =
- (struct simple_object_elf_read *) sobj->data;
- const struct elf_type_functions *type_functions = eor->type_functions;
- unsigned char ei_class = eor->ei_class;
- size_t shdr_size;
- unsigned int shnum;
- unsigned char *shdrs;
- const char *errmsg;
- unsigned char *shstrhdr;
- size_t name_size;
- off_t shstroff;
- unsigned char *names;
- unsigned int i;
- shdr_size = (ei_class == ELFCLASS32
- ? sizeof (Elf32_External_Shdr)
- : sizeof (Elf64_External_Shdr));
- /* Read the section headers. We skip section 0, which is not a
- useful section. */
- shnum = eor->shnum;
- shdrs = XNEWVEC (unsigned char, shdr_size * (shnum - 1));
- if (!simple_object_internal_read (sobj->descriptor,
- sobj->offset + eor->shoff + shdr_size,
- shdrs,
- shdr_size * (shnum - 1),
- &errmsg, err))
- {
- XDELETEVEC (shdrs);
- return errmsg;
- }
- /* Read the section names. */
- shstrhdr = shdrs + (eor->shstrndx - 1) * shdr_size;
- name_size = ELF_FETCH_FIELD (type_functions, ei_class, Shdr,
- shstrhdr, sh_size, Elf_Addr);
- shstroff = ELF_FETCH_FIELD (type_functions, ei_class, Shdr,
- shstrhdr, sh_offset, Elf_Addr);
- names = XNEWVEC (unsigned char, name_size);
- if (!simple_object_internal_read (sobj->descriptor,
- sobj->offset + shstroff,
- names, name_size, &errmsg, err))
- {
- XDELETEVEC (names);
- XDELETEVEC (shdrs);
- return errmsg;
- }
- for (i = 1; i < shnum; ++i)
- {
- unsigned char *shdr;
- unsigned int sh_name;
- const char *name;
- off_t offset;
- off_t length;
- shdr = shdrs + (i - 1) * shdr_size;
- sh_name = ELF_FETCH_FIELD (type_functions, ei_class, Shdr,
- shdr, sh_name, Elf_Word);
- if (sh_name >= name_size)
- {
- *err = 0;
- XDELETEVEC (names);
- XDELETEVEC (shdrs);
- return "ELF section name out of range";
- }
- name = (const char *) names + sh_name;
- offset = ELF_FETCH_FIELD (type_functions, ei_class, Shdr,
- shdr, sh_offset, Elf_Addr);
- length = ELF_FETCH_FIELD (type_functions, ei_class, Shdr,
- shdr, sh_size, Elf_Addr);
- if (!(*pfn) (data, name, offset, length))
- break;
- }
- XDELETEVEC (names);
- XDELETEVEC (shdrs);
- return NULL;
-/* Fetch the attributes for an simple_object_read. */
-static void *
-simple_object_elf_fetch_attributes (simple_object_read *sobj,
- const char **errmsg ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
- struct simple_object_elf_read *eor =
- (struct simple_object_elf_read *) sobj->data;
- struct simple_object_elf_attributes *ret;
- ret = XNEW (struct simple_object_elf_attributes);
- ret->type_functions = eor->type_functions;
- ret->ei_data = eor->ei_data;
- ret->ei_class = eor->ei_class;
- ret->ei_osabi = eor->ei_osabi;
- ret->machine = eor->machine;
- ret->flags = eor->flags;
- return ret;
-/* Release the privata data for an simple_object_read. */
-static void
-simple_object_elf_release_read (void *data)
- XDELETE (data);
-/* Compare two attributes structures. */
-static const char *
-simple_object_elf_attributes_merge (void *todata, void *fromdata, int *err)
- struct simple_object_elf_attributes *to =
- (struct simple_object_elf_attributes *) todata;
- struct simple_object_elf_attributes *from =
- (struct simple_object_elf_attributes *) fromdata;
- if (to->ei_data != from->ei_data || to->ei_class != from->ei_class)
- {
- *err = 0;
- return "ELF object format mismatch";
- }
- if (to->machine != from->machine)
- {
- int ok;
- /* EM_SPARC and EM_SPARC32PLUS are compatible and force an
- output of EM_SPARC32PLUS. */
- ok = 0;
- switch (to->machine)
- {
- case EM_SPARC:
- if (from->machine == EM_SPARC32PLUS)
- {
- to->machine = from->machine;
- ok = 1;
- }
- break;
- case EM_SPARC32PLUS:
- if (from->machine == EM_SPARC)
- ok = 1;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- if (!ok)
- {
- *err = 0;
- return "ELF machine number mismatch";
- }
- }
- return NULL;
-/* Release the private data for an attributes structure. */
-static void
-simple_object_elf_release_attributes (void *data)
- XDELETE (data);
-/* Prepare to write out a file. */
-static void *
-simple_object_elf_start_write (void *attributes_data,
- const char **errmsg ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
- struct simple_object_elf_attributes *attrs =
- (struct simple_object_elf_attributes *) attributes_data;
- struct simple_object_elf_attributes *ret;
- /* We're just going to record the attributes, but we need to make a
- copy because the user may delete them. */
- ret = XNEW (struct simple_object_elf_attributes);
- *ret = *attrs;
- return ret;
-/* Write out an ELF ehdr. */
-static int
-simple_object_elf_write_ehdr (simple_object_write *sobj, int descriptor,
- const char **errmsg, int *err)
- struct simple_object_elf_attributes *attrs =
- (struct simple_object_elf_attributes *) sobj->data;
- const struct elf_type_functions* fns;
- unsigned char cl;
- size_t ehdr_size;
- unsigned char buf[sizeof (Elf64_External_Ehdr)];
- simple_object_write_section *section;
- unsigned int shnum;
- fns = attrs->type_functions;
- cl = attrs->ei_class;
- shnum = 0;
- for (section = sobj->sections; section != NULL; section = section->next)
- ++shnum;
- if (shnum > 0)
- {
- /* Add a section header for the dummy section and one for
- .shstrtab. */
- shnum += 2;
- }
- ehdr_size = (cl == ELFCLASS32
- ? sizeof (Elf32_External_Ehdr)
- : sizeof (Elf64_External_Ehdr));
- memset (buf, 0, sizeof (Elf64_External_Ehdr));
- buf[EI_MAG0] = ELFMAG0;
- buf[EI_MAG1] = ELFMAG1;
- buf[EI_MAG2] = ELFMAG2;
- buf[EI_MAG3] = ELFMAG3;
- buf[EI_CLASS] = cl;
- buf[EI_DATA] = attrs->ei_data;
- buf[EI_OSABI] = attrs->ei_osabi;
- ELF_SET_FIELD (fns, cl, Ehdr, buf, e_type, Elf_Half, ET_REL);
- ELF_SET_FIELD (fns, cl, Ehdr, buf, e_machine, Elf_Half, attrs->machine);
- ELF_SET_FIELD (fns, cl, Ehdr, buf, e_version, Elf_Word, EV_CURRENT);
- /* e_entry left as zero. */
- /* e_phoff left as zero. */
- ELF_SET_FIELD (fns, cl, Ehdr, buf, e_shoff, Elf_Addr, ehdr_size);
- ELF_SET_FIELD (fns, cl, Ehdr, buf, e_flags, Elf_Word, attrs->flags);
- ELF_SET_FIELD (fns, cl, Ehdr, buf, e_ehsize, Elf_Half, ehdr_size);
- ELF_SET_FIELD (fns, cl, Ehdr, buf, e_phentsize, Elf_Half,
- (cl == ELFCLASS32
- ? sizeof (Elf32_External_Phdr)
- : sizeof (Elf64_External_Phdr)));
- /* e_phnum left as zero. */
- ELF_SET_FIELD (fns, cl, Ehdr, buf, e_shentsize, Elf_Half,
- (cl == ELFCLASS32
- ? sizeof (Elf32_External_Shdr)
- : sizeof (Elf64_External_Shdr)));
- ELF_SET_FIELD (fns, cl, Ehdr, buf, e_shnum, Elf_Half, shnum);
- ELF_SET_FIELD (fns, cl, Ehdr, buf, e_shstrndx, Elf_Half,
- shnum == 0 ? 0 : shnum - 1);
- return simple_object_internal_write (descriptor, 0, buf, ehdr_size,
- errmsg, err);
-/* Write out an ELF shdr. */
-static int
-simple_object_elf_write_shdr (simple_object_write *sobj, int descriptor,
- off_t offset, unsigned int sh_name,
- unsigned int sh_type, unsigned int sh_flags,
- unsigned int sh_offset, unsigned int sh_size,
- unsigned int sh_addralign, const char **errmsg,
- int *err)
- struct simple_object_elf_attributes *attrs =
- (struct simple_object_elf_attributes *) sobj->data;
- const struct elf_type_functions* fns;
- unsigned char cl;
- size_t shdr_size;
- unsigned char buf[sizeof (Elf64_External_Shdr)];
- fns = attrs->type_functions;
- cl = attrs->ei_class;
- shdr_size = (cl == ELFCLASS32
- ? sizeof (Elf32_External_Shdr)
- : sizeof (Elf64_External_Shdr));
- memset (buf, 0, sizeof (Elf64_External_Shdr));
- ELF_SET_FIELD (fns, cl, Shdr, buf, sh_name, Elf_Word, sh_name);
- ELF_SET_FIELD (fns, cl, Shdr, buf, sh_type, Elf_Word, sh_type);
- ELF_SET_FIELD (fns, cl, Shdr, buf, sh_flags, Elf_Addr, sh_flags);
- ELF_SET_FIELD (fns, cl, Shdr, buf, sh_offset, Elf_Addr, sh_offset);
- ELF_SET_FIELD (fns, cl, Shdr, buf, sh_size, Elf_Addr, sh_size);
- /* sh_link left as zero. */
- /* sh_info left as zero. */
- ELF_SET_FIELD (fns, cl, Shdr, buf, sh_addralign, Elf_Addr, sh_addralign);
- /* sh_entsize left as zero. */
- return simple_object_internal_write (descriptor, offset, buf, shdr_size,
- errmsg, err);
-/* Write out a complete ELF file.
- Ehdr
- initial dummy Shdr
- user-created Shdrs
- .shstrtab Shdr
- user-created section data
- .shstrtab data */
-static const char *
-simple_object_elf_write_to_file (simple_object_write *sobj, int descriptor,
- int *err)
- struct simple_object_elf_attributes *attrs =
- (struct simple_object_elf_attributes *) sobj->data;
- unsigned char cl;
- size_t ehdr_size;
- size_t shdr_size;
- const char *errmsg;
- simple_object_write_section *section;
- unsigned int shnum;
- size_t shdr_offset;
- size_t sh_offset;
- size_t sh_name;
- unsigned char zero;
- if (!simple_object_elf_write_ehdr (sobj, descriptor, &errmsg, err))
- return errmsg;
- cl = attrs->ei_class;
- if (cl == ELFCLASS32)
- {
- ehdr_size = sizeof (Elf32_External_Ehdr);
- shdr_size = sizeof (Elf32_External_Shdr);
- }
- else
- {
- ehdr_size = sizeof (Elf64_External_Ehdr);
- shdr_size = sizeof (Elf64_External_Shdr);
- }
- shnum = 0;
- for (section = sobj->sections; section != NULL; section = section->next)
- ++shnum;
- if (shnum == 0)
- return NULL;
- /* Add initial dummy Shdr and .shstrtab. */
- shnum += 2;
- shdr_offset = ehdr_size;
- sh_offset = shdr_offset + shnum * shdr_size;
- if (!simple_object_elf_write_shdr (sobj, descriptor, shdr_offset,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, &errmsg, err))
- return errmsg;
- shdr_offset += shdr_size;
- sh_name = 1;
- for (section = sobj->sections; section != NULL; section = section->next)
- {
- size_t mask;
- size_t new_sh_offset;
- size_t sh_size;
- struct simple_object_write_section_buffer *buffer;
- mask = (1U << section->align) - 1;
- new_sh_offset = sh_offset + mask;
- new_sh_offset &= ~ mask;
- while (new_sh_offset > sh_offset)
- {
- unsigned char zeroes[16];
- size_t write;
- memset (zeroes, 0, sizeof zeroes);
- write = new_sh_offset - sh_offset;
- if (write > sizeof zeroes)
- write = sizeof zeroes;
- if (!simple_object_internal_write (descriptor, sh_offset, zeroes,
- write, &errmsg, err))
- return errmsg;
- sh_offset += write;
- }
- sh_size = 0;
- for (buffer = section->buffers; buffer != NULL; buffer = buffer->next)
- {
- if (!simple_object_internal_write (descriptor, sh_offset + sh_size,
- ((const unsigned char *)
- buffer->buffer),
- buffer->size, &errmsg, err))
- return errmsg;
- sh_size += buffer->size;
- }
- if (!simple_object_elf_write_shdr (sobj, descriptor, shdr_offset,
- sh_name, SHT_PROGBITS, 0, sh_offset,
- sh_size, 1U << section->align,
- &errmsg, err))
- return errmsg;
- shdr_offset += shdr_size;
- sh_name += strlen (section->name) + 1;
- sh_offset += sh_size;
- }
- if (!simple_object_elf_write_shdr (sobj, descriptor, shdr_offset,
- sh_name, SHT_STRTAB, 0, sh_offset,
- sh_name + strlen (".shstrtab") + 1,
- 1, &errmsg, err))
- return errmsg;
- /* .shstrtab has a leading zero byte. */
- zero = 0;
- if (!simple_object_internal_write (descriptor, sh_offset, &zero, 1,
- &errmsg, err))
- return errmsg;
- ++sh_offset;
- for (section = sobj->sections; section != NULL; section = section->next)
- {
- size_t len;
- len = strlen (section->name) + 1;
- if (!simple_object_internal_write (descriptor, sh_offset,
- (const unsigned char *) section->name,
- len, &errmsg, err))
- return errmsg;
- sh_offset += len;
- }
- if (!simple_object_internal_write (descriptor, sh_offset,
- (const unsigned char *) ".shstrtab",
- strlen (".shstrtab") + 1, &errmsg, err))
- return errmsg;
- return NULL;
-/* Release the private data for an simple_object_write structure. */
-static void
-simple_object_elf_release_write (void *data)
- XDELETE (data);
-/* The ELF functions. */
-const struct simple_object_functions simple_object_elf_functions =
- simple_object_elf_match,
- simple_object_elf_find_sections,
- simple_object_elf_fetch_attributes,
- simple_object_elf_release_read,
- simple_object_elf_attributes_merge,
- simple_object_elf_release_attributes,
- simple_object_elf_start_write,
- simple_object_elf_write_to_file,
- simple_object_elf_release_write