path: root/gcc-4.7/gcc/ada/makeutl.adb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'gcc-4.7/gcc/ada/makeutl.adb')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 3398 deletions
diff --git a/gcc-4.7/gcc/ada/makeutl.adb b/gcc-4.7/gcc/ada/makeutl.adb
deleted file mode 100644
index bc3a0ee14..000000000
--- a/gcc-4.7/gcc/ada/makeutl.adb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3398 +0,0 @@
--- --
--- --
--- M A K E U T L --
--- --
--- B o d y --
--- --
--- Copyright (C) 2004-2012, Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
--- --
--- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
--- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
--- ware Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later ver- --
--- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
--- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
--- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
--- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
--- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING3. If not, go to --
--- http://www.gnu.org/licenses for a complete copy of the license. --
--- --
--- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
--- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. --
--- --
-with ALI; use ALI;
-with Debug;
-with Err_Vars; use Err_Vars;
-with Errutil;
-with Fname;
-with Hostparm;
-with Osint; use Osint;
-with Output; use Output;
-with Opt; use Opt;
-with Prj.Com;
-with Prj.Err;
-with Prj.Ext;
-with Prj.Util; use Prj.Util;
-with Sinput.P;
-with Tempdir;
-with Ada.Command_Line; use Ada.Command_Line;
-with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation;
-with GNAT.Case_Util; use GNAT.Case_Util;
-with GNAT.Directory_Operations; use GNAT.Directory_Operations;
-with GNAT.HTable;
-with GNAT.Regexp; use GNAT.Regexp;
-package body Makeutl is
- type Linker_Options_Data is record
- Project : Project_Id;
- Options : String_List_Id;
- end record;
- Linker_Option_Initial_Count : constant := 20;
- Linker_Options_Buffer : String_List_Access :=
- new String_List (1 .. Linker_Option_Initial_Count);
- Last_Linker_Option : Natural := 0;
- package Linker_Opts is new Table.Table (
- Table_Component_Type => Linker_Options_Data,
- Table_Index_Type => Integer,
- Table_Low_Bound => 1,
- Table_Initial => 10,
- Table_Increment => 100,
- Table_Name => "Make.Linker_Opts");
- procedure Add_Linker_Option (Option : String);
- ---------
- -- Add --
- ---------
- procedure Add
- (Option : String_Access;
- To : in out String_List_Access;
- Last : in out Natural)
- is
- begin
- if Last = To'Last then
- declare
- New_Options : constant String_List_Access :=
- new String_List (1 .. To'Last * 2);
- begin
- New_Options (To'Range) := To.all;
- -- Set all elements of the original options to null to avoid
- -- deallocation of copies.
- To.all := (others => null);
- Free (To);
- To := New_Options;
- end;
- end if;
- Last := Last + 1;
- To (Last) := Option;
- end Add;
- procedure Add
- (Option : String;
- To : in out String_List_Access;
- Last : in out Natural)
- is
- begin
- Add (Option => new String'(Option), To => To, Last => Last);
- end Add;
- -----------------------
- -- Add_Linker_Option --
- -----------------------
- procedure Add_Linker_Option (Option : String) is
- begin
- if Option'Length > 0 then
- if Last_Linker_Option = Linker_Options_Buffer'Last then
- declare
- New_Buffer : constant String_List_Access :=
- new String_List
- (1 .. Linker_Options_Buffer'Last +
- Linker_Option_Initial_Count);
- begin
- New_Buffer (Linker_Options_Buffer'Range) :=
- Linker_Options_Buffer.all;
- Linker_Options_Buffer.all := (others => null);
- Free (Linker_Options_Buffer);
- Linker_Options_Buffer := New_Buffer;
- end;
- end if;
- Last_Linker_Option := Last_Linker_Option + 1;
- Linker_Options_Buffer (Last_Linker_Option) := new String'(Option);
- end if;
- end Add_Linker_Option;
- -------------------------
- -- Base_Name_Index_For --
- -------------------------
- function Base_Name_Index_For
- (Main : String;
- Main_Index : Int;
- Index_Separator : Character) return File_Name_Type
- is
- Result : File_Name_Type;
- begin
- Name_Len := 0;
- Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer (Base_Name (Main));
- -- Remove the extension, if any, that is the last part of the base name
- -- starting with a dot and following some characters.
- for J in reverse 2 .. Name_Len loop
- if Name_Buffer (J) = '.' then
- Name_Len := J - 1;
- exit;
- end if;
- end loop;
- -- Add the index info, if index is different from 0
- if Main_Index > 0 then
- Add_Char_To_Name_Buffer (Index_Separator);
- declare
- Img : constant String := Main_Index'Img;
- begin
- Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer (Img (2 .. Img'Last));
- end;
- end if;
- Result := Name_Find;
- return Result;
- end Base_Name_Index_For;
- ------------------------------
- -- Check_Source_Info_In_ALI --
- ------------------------------
- function Check_Source_Info_In_ALI
- (The_ALI : ALI_Id;
- Tree : Project_Tree_Ref) return Name_Id
- is
- Result : Name_Id := No_Name;
- Unit_Name : Name_Id;
- begin
- -- Loop through units
- for U in ALIs.Table (The_ALI).First_Unit ..
- ALIs.Table (The_ALI).Last_Unit
- loop
- -- Check if the file name is one of the source of the unit
- Get_Name_String (Units.Table (U).Uname);
- Name_Len := Name_Len - 2;
- Unit_Name := Name_Find;
- if File_Not_A_Source_Of (Tree, Unit_Name, Units.Table (U).Sfile) then
- return No_Name;
- end if;
- if Result = No_Name then
- Result := Unit_Name;
- end if;
- -- Loop to do same check for each of the withed units
- for W in Units.Table (U).First_With .. Units.Table (U).Last_With loop
- declare
- WR : ALI.With_Record renames Withs.Table (W);
- begin
- if WR.Sfile /= No_File then
- Get_Name_String (WR.Uname);
- Name_Len := Name_Len - 2;
- Unit_Name := Name_Find;
- if File_Not_A_Source_Of (Tree, Unit_Name, WR.Sfile) then
- return No_Name;
- end if;
- end if;
- end;
- end loop;
- end loop;
- -- Loop to check subunits and replaced sources
- for D in ALIs.Table (The_ALI).First_Sdep ..
- ALIs.Table (The_ALI).Last_Sdep
- loop
- declare
- SD : Sdep_Record renames Sdep.Table (D);
- begin
- Unit_Name := SD.Subunit_Name;
- if Unit_Name = No_Name then
- -- Check if this source file has been replaced by a source with
- -- a different file name.
- if Tree /= null and then Tree.Replaced_Source_Number > 0 then
- declare
- Replacement : constant File_Name_Type :=
- Replaced_Source_HTable.Get
- (Tree.Replaced_Sources, SD.Sfile);
- begin
- if Replacement /= No_File then
- if Verbose_Mode then
- Write_Line
- ("source file" &
- Get_Name_String (SD.Sfile) &
- " has been replaced by " &
- Get_Name_String (Replacement));
- end if;
- return No_Name;
- end if;
- end;
- end if;
- else
- -- For separates, the file is no longer associated with the
- -- unit ("proc-sep.adb" is not associated with unit "proc.sep")
- -- so we need to check whether the source file still exists in
- -- the source tree: it will if it matches the naming scheme
- -- (and then will be for the same unit).
- if Find_Source
- (In_Tree => Tree,
- Project => No_Project,
- Base_Name => SD.Sfile) = No_Source
- then
- -- If this is not a runtime file or if, when gnatmake switch
- -- -a is used, we are not able to find this subunit in the
- -- source directories, then recompilation is needed.
- if not Fname.Is_Internal_File_Name (SD.Sfile)
- or else
- (Check_Readonly_Files
- and then Full_Source_Name (SD.Sfile) = No_File)
- then
- if Verbose_Mode then
- Write_Line
- ("While parsing ALI file, file "
- & Get_Name_String (SD.Sfile)
- & " is indicated as containing subunit "
- & Get_Name_String (Unit_Name)
- & " but this does not match what was found while"
- & " parsing the project. Will recompile");
- end if;
- return No_Name;
- end if;
- end if;
- end if;
- end;
- end loop;
- return Result;
- end Check_Source_Info_In_ALI;
- --------------------------------
- -- Create_Binder_Mapping_File --
- --------------------------------
- function Create_Binder_Mapping_File
- (Project_Tree : Project_Tree_Ref) return Path_Name_Type
- is
- Mapping_Path : Path_Name_Type := No_Path;
- Mapping_FD : File_Descriptor := Invalid_FD;
- -- A File Descriptor for an eventual mapping file
- ALI_Unit : Unit_Name_Type := No_Unit_Name;
- -- The unit name of an ALI file
- ALI_Name : File_Name_Type := No_File;
- -- The file name of the ALI file
- ALI_Project : Project_Id := No_Project;
- -- The project of the ALI file
- Bytes : Integer;
- OK : Boolean := False;
- Unit : Unit_Index;
- Status : Boolean;
- -- For call to Close
- begin
- Tempdir.Create_Temp_File (Mapping_FD, Mapping_Path);
- Record_Temp_File (Project_Tree.Shared, Mapping_Path);
- if Mapping_FD /= Invalid_FD then
- OK := True;
- -- Traverse all units
- Unit := Units_Htable.Get_First (Project_Tree.Units_HT);
- while Unit /= No_Unit_Index loop
- if Unit.Name /= No_Name then
- -- If there is a body, put it in the mapping
- if Unit.File_Names (Impl) /= No_Source
- and then Unit.File_Names (Impl).Project /= No_Project
- then
- Get_Name_String (Unit.Name);
- Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer ("%b");
- ALI_Unit := Name_Find;
- ALI_Name :=
- Lib_File_Name (Unit.File_Names (Impl).Display_File);
- ALI_Project := Unit.File_Names (Impl).Project;
- -- Otherwise, if there is a spec, put it in the mapping
- elsif Unit.File_Names (Spec) /= No_Source
- and then Unit.File_Names (Spec).Project /= No_Project
- then
- Get_Name_String (Unit.Name);
- Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer ("%s");
- ALI_Unit := Name_Find;
- ALI_Name :=
- Lib_File_Name (Unit.File_Names (Spec).Display_File);
- ALI_Project := Unit.File_Names (Spec).Project;
- else
- ALI_Name := No_File;
- end if;
- -- If we have something to put in the mapping then do it now.
- -- However, if the project is extended, we don't put anything
- -- in the mapping file, since we don't know where the ALI file
- -- is: it might be in the extended project object directory as
- -- well as in the extending project object directory.
- if ALI_Name /= No_File
- and then ALI_Project.Extended_By = No_Project
- and then ALI_Project.Extends = No_Project
- then
- -- First check if the ALI file exists. If it does not, do
- -- not put the unit in the mapping file.
- declare
- ALI : constant String := Get_Name_String (ALI_Name);
- begin
- -- For library projects, use the library ALI directory,
- -- for other projects, use the object directory.
- if ALI_Project.Library then
- Get_Name_String
- (ALI_Project.Library_ALI_Dir.Display_Name);
- else
- Get_Name_String
- (ALI_Project.Object_Directory.Display_Name);
- end if;
- Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer (ALI);
- Add_Char_To_Name_Buffer (ASCII.LF);
- declare
- ALI_Path_Name : constant String :=
- Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len);
- begin
- if Is_Regular_File
- (ALI_Path_Name (1 .. ALI_Path_Name'Last - 1))
- then
- -- First line is the unit name
- Get_Name_String (ALI_Unit);
- Add_Char_To_Name_Buffer (ASCII.LF);
- Bytes :=
- Write
- (Mapping_FD,
- Name_Buffer (1)'Address,
- Name_Len);
- OK := Bytes = Name_Len;
- exit when not OK;
- -- Second line it the ALI file name
- Get_Name_String (ALI_Name);
- Add_Char_To_Name_Buffer (ASCII.LF);
- Bytes :=
- Write
- (Mapping_FD,
- Name_Buffer (1)'Address,
- Name_Len);
- OK := (Bytes = Name_Len);
- exit when not OK;
- -- Third line it the ALI path name
- Bytes :=
- Write
- (Mapping_FD,
- ALI_Path_Name (1)'Address,
- ALI_Path_Name'Length);
- OK := (Bytes = ALI_Path_Name'Length);
- -- If OK is False, it means we were unable to
- -- write a line. No point in continuing with the
- -- other units.
- exit when not OK;
- end if;
- end;
- end;
- end if;
- end if;
- Unit := Units_Htable.Get_Next (Project_Tree.Units_HT);
- end loop;
- Close (Mapping_FD, Status);
- OK := OK and Status;
- end if;
- -- If the creation of the mapping file was successful, we add the switch
- -- to the arguments of gnatbind.
- if OK then
- return Mapping_Path;
- else
- return No_Path;
- end if;
- end Create_Binder_Mapping_File;
- -----------------
- -- Create_Name --
- -----------------
- function Create_Name (Name : String) return File_Name_Type is
- begin
- Name_Len := 0;
- Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer (Name);
- return Name_Find;
- end Create_Name;
- function Create_Name (Name : String) return Name_Id is
- begin
- Name_Len := 0;
- Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer (Name);
- return Name_Find;
- end Create_Name;
- function Create_Name (Name : String) return Path_Name_Type is
- begin
- Name_Len := 0;
- Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer (Name);
- return Name_Find;
- end Create_Name;
- ----------------------------
- -- Executable_Prefix_Path --
- ----------------------------
- function Executable_Prefix_Path return String is
- Exec_Name : constant String := Command_Name;
- function Get_Install_Dir (S : String) return String;
- -- S is the executable name preceded by the absolute or relative path,
- -- e.g. "c:\usr\bin\gcc.exe". Returns the absolute directory where "bin"
- -- lies (in the example "C:\usr"). If the executable is not in a "bin"
- -- directory, return "".
- ---------------------
- -- Get_Install_Dir --
- ---------------------
- function Get_Install_Dir (S : String) return String is
- Exec : String := S;
- Path_Last : Integer := 0;
- begin
- for J in reverse Exec'Range loop
- if Exec (J) = Directory_Separator then
- Path_Last := J - 1;
- exit;
- end if;
- end loop;
- if Path_Last >= Exec'First + 2 then
- To_Lower (Exec (Path_Last - 2 .. Path_Last));
- end if;
- if Path_Last < Exec'First + 2
- or else Exec (Path_Last - 2 .. Path_Last) /= "bin"
- or else (Path_Last - 3 >= Exec'First
- and then Exec (Path_Last - 3) /= Directory_Separator)
- then
- return "";
- end if;
- return Normalize_Pathname
- (Exec (Exec'First .. Path_Last - 4),
- Resolve_Links => Opt.Follow_Links_For_Dirs)
- & Directory_Separator;
- end Get_Install_Dir;
- -- Beginning of Executable_Prefix_Path
- begin
- -- For VMS, the path returned is always /gnu/
- if Hostparm.OpenVMS then
- return "/gnu/";
- end if;
- -- First determine if a path prefix was placed in front of the
- -- executable name.
- for J in reverse Exec_Name'Range loop
- if Exec_Name (J) = Directory_Separator then
- return Get_Install_Dir (Exec_Name);
- end if;
- end loop;
- -- If we get here, the user has typed the executable name with no
- -- directory prefix.
- declare
- Path : String_Access := Locate_Exec_On_Path (Exec_Name);
- begin
- if Path = null then
- return "";
- else
- declare
- Dir : constant String := Get_Install_Dir (Path.all);
- begin
- Free (Path);
- return Dir;
- end;
- end if;
- end;
- end Executable_Prefix_Path;
- ------------------
- -- Fail_Program --
- ------------------
- procedure Fail_Program
- (Project_Tree : Project_Tree_Ref;
- S : String;
- Flush_Messages : Boolean := True)
- is
- begin
- if Flush_Messages then
- if Total_Errors_Detected /= 0 or else Warnings_Detected /= 0 then
- Errutil.Finalize;
- end if;
- end if;
- Finish_Program (Project_Tree, E_Fatal, S => S);
- end Fail_Program;
- --------------------
- -- Finish_Program --
- --------------------
- procedure Finish_Program
- (Project_Tree : Project_Tree_Ref;
- Exit_Code : Osint.Exit_Code_Type := Osint.E_Success;
- S : String := "")
- is
- begin
- if not Debug.Debug_Flag_N then
- Delete_Temp_Config_Files (Project_Tree);
- if Project_Tree /= null then
- Delete_All_Temp_Files (Project_Tree.Shared);
- end if;
- end if;
- if S'Length > 0 then
- if Exit_Code /= E_Success then
- Osint.Fail (S);
- else
- Write_Str (S);
- end if;
- end if;
- -- Output Namet statistics
- Namet.Finalize;
- Exit_Program (Exit_Code);
- end Finish_Program;
- --------------------------
- -- File_Not_A_Source_Of --
- --------------------------
- function File_Not_A_Source_Of
- (Project_Tree : Project_Tree_Ref;
- Uname : Name_Id;
- Sfile : File_Name_Type) return Boolean
- is
- Unit : constant Unit_Index :=
- Units_Htable.Get (Project_Tree.Units_HT, Uname);
- At_Least_One_File : Boolean := False;
- begin
- if Unit /= No_Unit_Index then
- for F in Unit.File_Names'Range loop
- if Unit.File_Names (F) /= null then
- At_Least_One_File := True;
- if Unit.File_Names (F).File = Sfile then
- return False;
- end if;
- end if;
- end loop;
- if not At_Least_One_File then
- -- The unit was probably created initially for a separate unit
- -- (which are initially created as IMPL when both suffixes are the
- -- same). Later on, Override_Kind changed the type of the file,
- -- and the unit is no longer valid in fact.
- return False;
- end if;
- Verbose_Msg (Uname, "sources do not include ", Name_Id (Sfile));
- return True;
- end if;
- return False;
- end File_Not_A_Source_Of;
- ---------------------
- -- Get_Directories --
- ---------------------
- procedure Get_Directories
- (Project_Tree : Project_Tree_Ref;
- For_Project : Project_Id;
- Activity : Activity_Type;
- Languages : Name_Ids)
- is
- procedure Recursive_Add
- (Project : Project_Id;
- Tree : Project_Tree_Ref;
- Extended : in out Boolean);
- -- Add all the source directories of a project to the path only if
- -- this project has not been visited. Calls itself recursively for
- -- projects being extended, and imported projects.
- procedure Add_Dir (Value : Path_Name_Type);
- -- Add directory Value in table Directories, if it is defined and not
- -- already there.
- -------------
- -- Add_Dir --
- -------------
- procedure Add_Dir (Value : Path_Name_Type) is
- Add_It : Boolean := True;
- begin
- if Value /= No_Path then
- for Index in 1 .. Directories.Last loop
- if Directories.Table (Index) = Value then
- Add_It := False;
- exit;
- end if;
- end loop;
- if Add_It then
- Directories.Increment_Last;
- Directories.Table (Directories.Last) := Value;
- end if;
- end if;
- end Add_Dir;
- -------------------
- -- Recursive_Add --
- -------------------
- procedure Recursive_Add
- (Project : Project_Id;
- Tree : Project_Tree_Ref;
- Extended : in out Boolean)
- is
- Current : String_List_Id;
- Dir : String_Element;
- OK : Boolean := False;
- Lang_Proc : Language_Ptr := Project.Languages;
- begin
- -- Add to path all directories of this project
- if Activity = Compilation then
- Lang_Loop :
- while Lang_Proc /= No_Language_Index loop
- for J in Languages'Range loop
- OK := Lang_Proc.Name = Languages (J);
- exit Lang_Loop when OK;
- end loop;
- Lang_Proc := Lang_Proc.Next;
- end loop Lang_Loop;
- if OK then
- Current := Project.Source_Dirs;
- while Current /= Nil_String loop
- Dir := Tree.Shared.String_Elements.Table (Current);
- Add_Dir (Path_Name_Type (Dir.Value));
- Current := Dir.Next;
- end loop;
- end if;
- elsif Project.Library then
- if Activity = SAL_Binding and then Extended then
- Add_Dir (Project.Object_Directory.Display_Name);
- else
- Add_Dir (Project.Library_ALI_Dir.Display_Name);
- end if;
- else
- Add_Dir (Project.Object_Directory.Display_Name);
- end if;
- if Project.Extends = No_Project then
- Extended := False;
- end if;
- end Recursive_Add;
- procedure For_All_Projects is
- new For_Every_Project_Imported (Boolean, Recursive_Add);
- Extended : Boolean := True;
- -- Start of processing for Get_Directories
- begin
- Directories.Init;
- For_All_Projects (For_Project, Project_Tree, Extended);
- end Get_Directories;
- ------------------
- -- Get_Switches --
- ------------------
- procedure Get_Switches
- (Source : Prj.Source_Id;
- Pkg_Name : Name_Id;
- Project_Tree : Project_Tree_Ref;
- Value : out Variable_Value;
- Is_Default : out Boolean)
- is
- begin
- Get_Switches
- (Source_File => Source.File,
- Source_Lang => Source.Language.Name,
- Source_Prj => Source.Project,
- Pkg_Name => Pkg_Name,
- Project_Tree => Project_Tree,
- Value => Value,
- Is_Default => Is_Default);
- end Get_Switches;
- ------------------
- -- Get_Switches --
- ------------------
- procedure Get_Switches
- (Source_File : File_Name_Type;
- Source_Lang : Name_Id;
- Source_Prj : Project_Id;
- Pkg_Name : Name_Id;
- Project_Tree : Project_Tree_Ref;
- Value : out Variable_Value;
- Is_Default : out Boolean;
- Test_Without_Suffix : Boolean := False;
- Check_ALI_Suffix : Boolean := False)
- is
- Project : constant Project_Id :=
- Ultimate_Extending_Project_Of (Source_Prj);
- Pkg : constant Package_Id :=
- Prj.Util.Value_Of
- (Name => Pkg_Name,
- In_Packages => Project.Decl.Packages,
- Shared => Project_Tree.Shared);
- Lang : Language_Ptr;
- begin
- Is_Default := False;
- if Source_File /= No_File then
- Value := Prj.Util.Value_Of
- (Name => Name_Id (Source_File),
- Attribute_Or_Array_Name => Name_Switches,
- In_Package => Pkg,
- Shared => Project_Tree.Shared,
- Allow_Wildcards => True);
- end if;
- if Value = Nil_Variable_Value and then Test_Without_Suffix then
- Lang :=
- Get_Language_From_Name (Project, Get_Name_String (Source_Lang));
- if Lang /= null then
- declare
- Naming : Lang_Naming_Data renames Lang.Config.Naming_Data;
- SF_Name : constant String := Get_Name_String (Source_File);
- Last : Positive := SF_Name'Length;
- Name : String (1 .. Last + 3);
- Spec_Suffix : String := Get_Name_String (Naming.Spec_Suffix);
- Body_Suffix : String := Get_Name_String (Naming.Body_Suffix);
- Truncated : Boolean := False;
- begin
- Canonical_Case_File_Name (Spec_Suffix);
- Canonical_Case_File_Name (Body_Suffix);
- Name (1 .. Last) := SF_Name;
- if Last > Body_Suffix'Length
- and then
- Name (Last - Body_Suffix'Length + 1 .. Last) = Body_Suffix
- then
- Truncated := True;
- Last := Last - Body_Suffix'Length;
- end if;
- if not Truncated
- and then Last > Spec_Suffix'Length
- and then
- Name (Last - Spec_Suffix'Length + 1 .. Last) = Spec_Suffix
- then
- Truncated := True;
- Last := Last - Spec_Suffix'Length;
- end if;
- if Truncated then
- Name_Len := 0;
- Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer (Name (1 .. Last));
- Value := Prj.Util.Value_Of
- (Name => Name_Find,
- Attribute_Or_Array_Name => Name_Switches,
- In_Package => Pkg,
- Shared => Project_Tree.Shared,
- Allow_Wildcards => True);
- end if;
- if Value = Nil_Variable_Value and then Check_ALI_Suffix then
- Last := SF_Name'Length;
- while Name (Last) /= '.' loop
- Last := Last - 1;
- end loop;
- Name_Len := 0;
- Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer (Name (1 .. Last));
- Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer ("ali");
- Value := Prj.Util.Value_Of
- (Name => Name_Find,
- Attribute_Or_Array_Name => Name_Switches,
- In_Package => Pkg,
- Shared => Project_Tree.Shared,
- Allow_Wildcards => True);
- end if;
- end;
- end if;
- end if;
- if Value = Nil_Variable_Value then
- Is_Default := True;
- Value :=
- Prj.Util.Value_Of
- (Name => Source_Lang,
- Attribute_Or_Array_Name => Name_Switches,
- In_Package => Pkg,
- Shared => Project_Tree.Shared,
- Force_Lower_Case_Index => True);
- end if;
- if Value = Nil_Variable_Value then
- Value :=
- Prj.Util.Value_Of
- (Name => All_Other_Names,
- Attribute_Or_Array_Name => Name_Switches,
- In_Package => Pkg,
- Shared => Project_Tree.Shared,
- Force_Lower_Case_Index => True);
- end if;
- if Value = Nil_Variable_Value then
- Value :=
- Prj.Util.Value_Of
- (Name => Source_Lang,
- Attribute_Or_Array_Name => Name_Default_Switches,
- In_Package => Pkg,
- Shared => Project_Tree.Shared);
- end if;
- end Get_Switches;
- ------------
- -- Inform --
- ------------
- procedure Inform (N : File_Name_Type; Msg : String) is
- begin
- Inform (Name_Id (N), Msg);
- end Inform;
- procedure Inform (N : Name_Id := No_Name; Msg : String) is
- begin
- Osint.Write_Program_Name;
- Write_Str (": ");
- if N /= No_Name then
- Write_Str ("""");
- declare
- Name : constant String := Get_Name_String (N);
- begin
- if Debug.Debug_Flag_F and then Is_Absolute_Path (Name) then
- Write_Str (File_Name (Name));
- else
- Write_Str (Name);
- end if;
- end;
- Write_Str (""" ");
- end if;
- Write_Str (Msg);
- Write_Eol;
- end Inform;
- ------------------------------
- -- Initialize_Source_Record --
- ------------------------------
- procedure Initialize_Source_Record (Source : Prj.Source_Id) is
- procedure Set_Object_Project
- (Obj_Dir : String;
- Obj_Proj : Project_Id;
- Obj_Path : Path_Name_Type;
- Stamp : Time_Stamp_Type);
- -- Update information about object file, switches file,...
- ------------------------
- -- Set_Object_Project --
- ------------------------
- procedure Set_Object_Project
- (Obj_Dir : String;
- Obj_Proj : Project_Id;
- Obj_Path : Path_Name_Type;
- Stamp : Time_Stamp_Type) is
- begin
- Source.Object_Project := Obj_Proj;
- Source.Object_Path := Obj_Path;
- Source.Object_TS := Stamp;
- if Source.Language.Config.Dependency_Kind /= None then
- declare
- Dep_Path : constant String :=
- Normalize_Pathname
- (Name =>
- Get_Name_String (Source.Dep_Name),
- Resolve_Links => Opt.Follow_Links_For_Files,
- Directory => Obj_Dir);
- begin
- Source.Dep_Path := Create_Name (Dep_Path);
- Source.Dep_TS := Osint.Unknown_Attributes;
- end;
- end if;
- -- Get the path of the switches file, even if Opt.Check_Switches is
- -- not set, as switch -s may be in the Builder switches that have not
- -- been scanned yet.
- declare
- Switches_Path : constant String :=
- Normalize_Pathname
- (Name =>
- Get_Name_String (Source.Switches),
- Resolve_Links => Opt.Follow_Links_For_Files,
- Directory => Obj_Dir);
- begin
- Source.Switches_Path := Create_Name (Switches_Path);
- if Stamp /= Empty_Time_Stamp then
- Source.Switches_TS := File_Stamp (Source.Switches_Path);
- end if;
- end;
- end Set_Object_Project;
- Obj_Proj : Project_Id;
- begin
- -- Nothing to do if source record has already been fully initialized
- if Source.Initialized then
- return;
- end if;
- -- Systematically recompute the time stamp
- Source.Source_TS := File_Stamp (Source.Path.Display_Name);
- -- Parse the source file to check whether we have a subunit
- if Source.Language.Config.Kind = Unit_Based
- and then Source.Kind = Impl
- and then Is_Subunit (Source)
- then
- Source.Kind := Sep;
- end if;
- if Source.Language.Config.Object_Generated
- and then Is_Compilable (Source)
- then
- -- First, get the correct object file name and dependency file name
- -- if the source is in a multi-unit file.
- if Source.Index /= 0 then
- Source.Object :=
- Object_Name
- (Source_File_Name => Source.File,
- Source_Index => Source.Index,
- Index_Separator =>
- Source.Language.Config.Multi_Unit_Object_Separator,
- Object_File_Suffix =>
- Source.Language.Config.Object_File_Suffix);
- Source.Dep_Name :=
- Dependency_Name
- (Source.Object, Source.Language.Config.Dependency_Kind);
- end if;
- -- Find the object file for that source. It could be either in the
- -- current project or in an extended project (it might actually not
- -- exist yet in the ultimate extending project, but if not found
- -- elsewhere that's where we'll expect to find it).
- Obj_Proj := Source.Project;
- while Obj_Proj /= No_Project loop
- declare
- Dir : constant String :=
- Get_Name_String
- (Obj_Proj.Object_Directory.Display_Name);
- Object_Path : constant String :=
- Normalize_Pathname
- (Name =>
- Get_Name_String (Source.Object),
- Resolve_Links => Opt.Follow_Links_For_Files,
- Directory => Dir);
- Obj_Path : constant Path_Name_Type := Create_Name (Object_Path);
- Stamp : Time_Stamp_Type := Empty_Time_Stamp;
- begin
- -- For specs, we do not check object files if there is a body.
- -- This saves a system call. On the other hand, we do need to
- -- know the object_path, in case the user has passed the .ads
- -- on the command line to compile the spec only.
- if Source.Kind /= Spec
- or else Source.Unit = No_Unit_Index
- or else Source.Unit.File_Names (Impl) = No_Source
- then
- Stamp := File_Stamp (Obj_Path);
- end if;
- if Stamp /= Empty_Time_Stamp
- or else (Obj_Proj.Extended_By = No_Project
- and then Source.Object_Project = No_Project)
- then
- Set_Object_Project (Dir, Obj_Proj, Obj_Path, Stamp);
- end if;
- Obj_Proj := Obj_Proj.Extended_By;
- end;
- end loop;
- elsif Source.Language.Config.Dependency_Kind = Makefile then
- declare
- Object_Dir : constant String :=
- Get_Name_String
- (Source.Project.Object_Directory.Display_Name);
- Dep_Path : constant String :=
- Normalize_Pathname
- (Name => Get_Name_String (Source.Dep_Name),
- Resolve_Links =>
- Opt.Follow_Links_For_Files,
- Directory => Object_Dir);
- begin
- Source.Dep_Path := Create_Name (Dep_Path);
- Source.Dep_TS := Osint.Unknown_Attributes;
- end;
- end if;
- Source.Initialized := True;
- end Initialize_Source_Record;
- ----------------------------
- -- Is_External_Assignment --
- ----------------------------
- function Is_External_Assignment
- (Env : Prj.Tree.Environment;
- Argv : String) return Boolean
- is
- Start : Positive := 3;
- Finish : Natural := Argv'Last;
- pragma Assert (Argv'First = 1);
- pragma Assert (Argv (1 .. 2) = "-X");
- begin
- if Argv'Last < 5 then
- return False;
- elsif Argv (3) = '"' then
- if Argv (Argv'Last) /= '"' or else Argv'Last < 7 then
- return False;
- else
- Start := 4;
- Finish := Argv'Last - 1;
- end if;
- end if;
- return Prj.Ext.Check
- (Self => Env.External,
- Declaration => Argv (Start .. Finish));
- end Is_External_Assignment;
- ----------------
- -- Is_Subunit --
- ----------------
- function Is_Subunit (Source : Prj.Source_Id) return Boolean is
- Src_Ind : Source_File_Index;
- begin
- if Source.Kind = Sep then
- return True;
- -- A Spec, a file based language source or a body with a spec cannot be
- -- a subunit.
- elsif Source.Kind = Spec
- or else Source.Unit = No_Unit_Index
- or else Other_Part (Source) /= No_Source
- then
- return False;
- end if;
- -- Here, we are assuming that the language is Ada, as it is the only
- -- unit based language that we know.
- Src_Ind :=
- Sinput.P.Load_Project_File
- (Get_Name_String (Source.Path.Display_Name));
- return Sinput.P.Source_File_Is_Subunit (Src_Ind);
- end Is_Subunit;
- -----------------------------
- -- Linker_Options_Switches --
- -----------------------------
- function Linker_Options_Switches
- (Project : Project_Id;
- Do_Fail : Fail_Proc;
- In_Tree : Project_Tree_Ref) return String_List
- is
- procedure Recursive_Add
- (Proj : Project_Id;
- In_Tree : Project_Tree_Ref;
- Dummy : in out Boolean);
- -- The recursive routine used to add linker options
- -------------------
- -- Recursive_Add --
- -------------------
- procedure Recursive_Add
- (Proj : Project_Id;
- In_Tree : Project_Tree_Ref;
- Dummy : in out Boolean)
- is
- pragma Unreferenced (Dummy);
- Linker_Package : Package_Id;
- Options : Variable_Value;
- begin
- Linker_Package :=
- Prj.Util.Value_Of
- (Name => Name_Linker,
- In_Packages => Proj.Decl.Packages,
- Shared => In_Tree.Shared);
- Options :=
- Prj.Util.Value_Of
- (Name => Name_Ada,
- Index => 0,
- Attribute_Or_Array_Name => Name_Linker_Options,
- In_Package => Linker_Package,
- Shared => In_Tree.Shared);
- -- If attribute is present, add the project with the attribute to
- -- table Linker_Opts.
- if Options /= Nil_Variable_Value then
- Linker_Opts.Increment_Last;
- Linker_Opts.Table (Linker_Opts.Last) :=
- (Project => Proj, Options => Options.Values);
- end if;
- end Recursive_Add;
- procedure For_All_Projects is
- new For_Every_Project_Imported (Boolean, Recursive_Add);
- Dummy : Boolean := False;
- -- Start of processing for Linker_Options_Switches
- begin
- Linker_Opts.Init;
- For_All_Projects (Project, In_Tree, Dummy, Imported_First => True);
- Last_Linker_Option := 0;
- for Index in reverse 1 .. Linker_Opts.Last loop
- declare
- Options : String_List_Id;
- Proj : constant Project_Id :=
- Linker_Opts.Table (Index).Project;
- Option : Name_Id;
- Dir_Path : constant String :=
- Get_Name_String (Proj.Directory.Name);
- begin
- Options := Linker_Opts.Table (Index).Options;
- while Options /= Nil_String loop
- Option := In_Tree.Shared.String_Elements.Table (Options).Value;
- Get_Name_String (Option);
- -- Do not consider empty linker options
- if Name_Len /= 0 then
- Add_Linker_Option (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len));
- -- Object files and -L switches specified with relative
- -- paths must be converted to absolute paths.
- Test_If_Relative_Path
- (Switch => Linker_Options_Buffer (Last_Linker_Option),
- Parent => Dir_Path,
- Do_Fail => Do_Fail,
- Including_L_Switch => True);
- end if;
- Options := In_Tree.Shared.String_Elements.Table (Options).Next;
- end loop;
- end;
- end loop;
- return Linker_Options_Buffer (1 .. Last_Linker_Option);
- end Linker_Options_Switches;
- -----------
- -- Mains --
- -----------
- package body Mains is
- package Names is new Table.Table
- (Table_Component_Type => Main_Info,
- Table_Index_Type => Integer,
- Table_Low_Bound => 1,
- Table_Initial => 10,
- Table_Increment => 100,
- Table_Name => "Makeutl.Mains.Names");
- -- The table that stores the mains
- Current : Natural := 0;
- -- The index of the last main retrieved from the table
- Count_Of_Mains_With_No_Tree : Natural := 0;
- -- Number of main units for which we do not know the project tree
- --------------
- -- Add_Main --
- --------------
- procedure Add_Main
- (Name : String;
- Index : Int := 0;
- Location : Source_Ptr := No_Location;
- Project : Project_Id := No_Project;
- Tree : Project_Tree_Ref := null)
- is
- begin
- if Current_Verbosity = High then
- Debug_Output ("Add_Main """ & Name & """ " & Index'Img
- & " with_tree? "
- & Boolean'Image (Tree /= null));
- end if;
- Name_Len := 0;
- Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer (Name);
- Canonical_Case_File_Name (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len));
- Names.Increment_Last;
- Names.Table (Names.Last) :=
- (Name_Find, Index, Location, No_Source, Project, Tree);
- if Tree /= null then
- Builder_Data (Tree).Number_Of_Mains :=
- Builder_Data (Tree).Number_Of_Mains + 1;
- else
- Mains.Count_Of_Mains_With_No_Tree :=
- Mains.Count_Of_Mains_With_No_Tree + 1;
- end if;
- end Add_Main;
- --------------------
- -- Complete_Mains --
- --------------------
- procedure Complete_Mains
- (Flags : Processing_Flags;
- Root_Project : Project_Id;
- Project_Tree : Project_Tree_Ref)
- is
- procedure Do_Complete (Project : Project_Id; Tree : Project_Tree_Ref);
- -- Check the mains for this specific project
- procedure Complete_All is new For_Project_And_Aggregated
- (Do_Complete);
- procedure Add_Multi_Unit_Sources
- (Tree : Project_Tree_Ref;
- Source : Prj.Source_Id);
- -- Add all units from the same file as the multi-unit Source
- function Find_File_Add_Extension
- (Tree : Project_Tree_Ref;
- Base_Main : String) return Prj.Source_Id;
- -- Search for Main in the project, adding body or spec extensions
- ----------------------------
- -- Add_Multi_Unit_Sources --
- ----------------------------
- procedure Add_Multi_Unit_Sources
- (Tree : Project_Tree_Ref;
- Source : Prj.Source_Id)
- is
- Iter : Source_Iterator;
- Src : Prj.Source_Id;
- begin
- Debug_Output
- ("found multi-unit source file in project", Source.Project.Name);
- Iter := For_Each_Source
- (In_Tree => Tree, Project => Source.Project);
- while Element (Iter) /= No_Source loop
- Src := Element (Iter);
- if Src.File = Source.File
- and then Src.Index /= Source.Index
- then
- if Src.File = Source.File then
- Debug_Output
- ("add main in project, index=" & Src.Index'Img);
- end if;
- Names.Increment_Last;
- Names.Table (Names.Last) :=
- (File => Src.File,
- Index => Src.Index,
- Location => No_Location,
- Source => Src,
- Project => Src.Project,
- Tree => Tree);
- Builder_Data (Tree).Number_Of_Mains :=
- Builder_Data (Tree).Number_Of_Mains + 1;
- end if;
- Next (Iter);
- end loop;
- end Add_Multi_Unit_Sources;
- -----------------------------
- -- Find_File_Add_Extension --
- -----------------------------
- function Find_File_Add_Extension
- (Tree : Project_Tree_Ref;
- Base_Main : String) return Prj.Source_Id
- is
- Spec_Source : Prj.Source_Id := No_Source;
- Source : Prj.Source_Id;
- Iter : Source_Iterator;
- Suffix : File_Name_Type;
- begin
- Source := No_Source;
- Iter := For_Each_Source (Tree); -- In all projects
- loop
- Source := Prj.Element (Iter);
- exit when Source = No_Source;
- if Source.Kind = Impl then
- Get_Name_String (Source.File);
- if Name_Len > Base_Main'Length
- and then Name_Buffer (1 .. Base_Main'Length) = Base_Main
- then
- Suffix :=
- Source.Language.Config.Naming_Data.Body_Suffix;
- if Suffix /= No_File then
- declare
- Suffix_Str : String := Get_Name_String (Suffix);
- begin
- Canonical_Case_File_Name (Suffix_Str);
- exit when
- Name_Buffer (Base_Main'Length + 1 .. Name_Len) =
- Suffix_Str;
- end;
- end if;
- end if;
- elsif Source.Kind = Spec then
- -- A spec needs to be taken into account unless there is
- -- also a body. So we delay the decision for them.
- Get_Name_String (Source.File);
- if Name_Len > Base_Main'Length
- and then Name_Buffer (1 .. Base_Main'Length) = Base_Main
- then
- Suffix := Source.Language.Config.Naming_Data.Spec_Suffix;
- if Suffix /= No_File then
- declare
- Suffix_Str : String := Get_Name_String (Suffix);
- begin
- Canonical_Case_File_Name (Suffix_Str);
- if Name_Buffer (Base_Main'Length + 1 .. Name_Len) =
- Suffix_Str
- then
- Spec_Source := Source;
- end if;
- end;
- end if;
- end if;
- end if;
- Next (Iter);
- end loop;
- if Source = No_Source then
- Source := Spec_Source;
- end if;
- return Source;
- end Find_File_Add_Extension;
- -----------------
- -- Do_Complete --
- -----------------
- procedure Do_Complete
- (Project : Project_Id; Tree : Project_Tree_Ref)
- is
- J : Integer;
- begin
- if Mains.Number_Of_Mains (Tree) > 0
- or else Mains.Count_Of_Mains_With_No_Tree > 0
- then
- -- Traverse in reverse order, since in the case of multi-unit
- -- files we will be adding extra files at the end, and there's
- -- no need to process them in turn.
- J := Names.Last;
- loop
- declare
- File : Main_Info := Names.Table (J);
- Main_Id : File_Name_Type := File.File;
- Main : constant String :=
- Get_Name_String (Main_Id);
- Base : constant String := Base_Name (Main);
- Source : Prj.Source_Id := No_Source;
- Is_Absolute : Boolean := False;
- begin
- if Base /= Main then
- Is_Absolute := True;
- if Is_Absolute_Path (Main) then
- Main_Id := Create_Name (Base);
- -- Not an absolute path
- else
- -- Always resolve links here, so that users can be
- -- specify any name on the command line. If the
- -- project itself uses links, the user will be
- -- using -eL anyway, and thus files are also stored
- -- with resolved names.
- declare
- Absolute : constant String :=
- Normalize_Pathname
- (Name => Main,
- Directory => "",
- Resolve_Links => True,
- Case_Sensitive => False);
- begin
- File.File := Create_Name (Absolute);
- Main_Id := Create_Name (Base);
- end;
- end if;
- end if;
- -- If no project or tree was specified for the main, it
- -- came from the command line.
- -- Note that the assignments below will not modify inside
- -- the table itself.
- if File.Project = null then
- File.Project := Project;
- end if;
- if File.Tree = null then
- File.Tree := Tree;
- end if;
- if File.Source = null then
- if Current_Verbosity = High then
- Debug_Output
- ("search for main """ & Main
- & '"' & File.Index'Img & " in "
- & Get_Name_String (Debug_Name (File.Tree))
- & ", project", Project.Name);
- end if;
- -- First, look for the main as specified. We need to
- -- search for the base name though, and if needed
- -- check later that we found the correct file.
- Source := Find_Source
- (In_Tree => File.Tree,
- Project => File.Project,
- Base_Name => Main_Id,
- Index => File.Index,
- In_Imported_Only => True);
- if Source = No_Source then
- Source := Find_File_Add_Extension
- (Tree, Get_Name_String (Main_Id));
- end if;
- if Is_Absolute
- and then Source /= No_Source
- and then
- File_Name_Type (Source.Path.Name) /= File.File
- then
- Debug_Output
- ("Found a non-matching file",
- Name_Id (Source.Path.Display_Name));
- Source := No_Source;
- end if;
- if Source /= No_Source then
- if not Is_Allowed_Language
- (Source.Language.Name)
- then
- -- Remove any main that is not in the list of
- -- restricted languages.
- Names.Table (J .. Names.Last - 1) :=
- Names.Table (J + 1 .. Names.Last);
- Names.Set_Last (Names.Last - 1);
- else
- -- If we have found a multi-unit source file but
- -- did not specify an index initially, we'll
- -- need to compile all the units from the same
- -- source file.
- if Source.Index /= 0 and then File.Index = 0 then
- Add_Multi_Unit_Sources (File.Tree, Source);
- end if;
- -- Now update the original Main, otherwise it
- -- will be reported as not found.
- Debug_Output
- ("found main in project", Source.Project.Name);
- Names.Table (J).File := Source.File;
- Names.Table (J).Project := Source.Project;
- if Names.Table (J).Tree = null then
- Names.Table (J).Tree := File.Tree;
- Builder_Data (File.Tree).Number_Of_Mains :=
- Builder_Data (File.Tree).Number_Of_Mains
- + 1;
- Mains.Count_Of_Mains_With_No_Tree :=
- Mains.Count_Of_Mains_With_No_Tree - 1;
- end if;
- Names.Table (J).Source := Source;
- Names.Table (J).Index := Source.Index;
- end if;
- elsif File.Location /= No_Location then
- -- If the main is declared in package Builder of
- -- the main project, report an error. If the main
- -- is on the command line, it may be a main from
- -- another project, so do nothing: if the main does
- -- not exist in another project, an error will be
- -- reported later.
- Error_Msg_File_1 := Main_Id;
- Error_Msg_Name_1 := Root_Project.Name;
- Prj.Err.Error_Msg
- (Flags, "{ is not a source of project %%",
- File.Location, Project);
- end if;
- end if;
- end;
- J := J - 1;
- exit when J < Names.First;
- end loop;
- end if;
- if Total_Errors_Detected > 0 then
- Fail_Program (Tree, "problems with main sources");
- end if;
- end Do_Complete;
- -- Start of processing for Complete_Mains
- begin
- Complete_All (Root_Project, Project_Tree);
- if Mains.Count_Of_Mains_With_No_Tree > 0 then
- for J in Names.First .. Names.Last loop
- if Names.Table (J).Source = No_Source then
- Fail_Program
- (Project_Tree, '"' & Get_Name_String (Names.Table (J).File)
- & """ is not a source of any project");
- end if;
- end loop;
- end if;
- end Complete_Mains;
- ------------
- -- Delete --
- ------------
- procedure Delete is
- begin
- Names.Set_Last (0);
- Mains.Reset;
- end Delete;
- -----------------------
- -- Fill_From_Project --
- -----------------------
- procedure Fill_From_Project
- (Root_Project : Project_Id;
- Project_Tree : Project_Tree_Ref)
- is
- procedure Add_Mains_From_Project
- (Project : Project_Id;
- Tree : Project_Tree_Ref);
- -- Add the main units from this project into Mains.
- -- This takes into account the aggregated projects
- ----------------------------
- -- Add_Mains_From_Project --
- ----------------------------
- procedure Add_Mains_From_Project
- (Project : Project_Id;
- Tree : Project_Tree_Ref)
- is
- List : String_List_Id;
- Element : String_Element;
- begin
- if Number_Of_Mains (Tree) = 0
- and then Mains.Count_Of_Mains_With_No_Tree = 0
- then
- Debug_Output ("Add_Mains_From_Project", Project.Name);
- List := Project.Mains;
- if List /= Prj.Nil_String then
- -- The attribute Main is not an empty list. Get the mains in
- -- the list.
- while List /= Prj.Nil_String loop
- Element := Tree.Shared.String_Elements.Table (List);
- Debug_Output ("Add_Main", Element.Value);
- if Project.Library then
- Fail_Program
- (Tree,
- "cannot specify a main program " &
- "for a library project file");
- end if;
- Add_Main (Name => Get_Name_String (Element.Value),
- Index => Element.Index,
- Location => Element.Location,
- Project => Project,
- Tree => Tree);
- List := Element.Next;
- end loop;
- end if;
- end if;
- if Total_Errors_Detected > 0 then
- Fail_Program (Tree, "problems with main sources");
- end if;
- end Add_Mains_From_Project;
- procedure Fill_All is new For_Project_And_Aggregated
- (Add_Mains_From_Project);
- -- Start of processing for Fill_From_Project
- begin
- Fill_All (Root_Project, Project_Tree);
- end Fill_From_Project;
- ---------------
- -- Next_Main --
- ---------------
- function Next_Main return String is
- Info : constant Main_Info := Next_Main;
- begin
- if Info = No_Main_Info then
- return "";
- else
- return Get_Name_String (Info.File);
- end if;
- end Next_Main;
- function Next_Main return Main_Info is
- begin
- if Current >= Names.Last then
- return No_Main_Info;
- else
- Current := Current + 1;
- -- If not using projects, and in the gnatmake case, the main file
- -- may have not have the extension. Try ".adb" first then ".ads"
- if Names.Table (Current).Project = No_Project then
- declare
- Orig_Main : constant File_Name_Type :=
- Names.Table (Current).File;
- Current_Main : File_Name_Type;
- begin
- if Strip_Suffix (Orig_Main) = Orig_Main then
- Get_Name_String (Orig_Main);
- Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer (".adb");
- Current_Main := Name_Find;
- if Full_Source_Name (Current_Main) = No_File then
- Get_Name_String (Orig_Main);
- Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer (".ads");
- Current_Main := Name_Find;
- if Full_Source_Name (Current_Main) /= No_File then
- Names.Table (Current).File := Current_Main;
- end if;
- else
- Names.Table (Current).File := Current_Main;
- end if;
- end if;
- end;
- end if;
- return Names.Table (Current);
- end if;
- end Next_Main;
- ---------------------
- -- Number_Of_Mains --
- ---------------------
- function Number_Of_Mains (Tree : Project_Tree_Ref) return Natural is
- begin
- if Tree = null then
- return Names.Last;
- else
- return Builder_Data (Tree).Number_Of_Mains;
- end if;
- end Number_Of_Mains;
- -----------
- -- Reset --
- -----------
- procedure Reset is
- begin
- Current := 0;
- end Reset;
- --------------------------
- -- Set_Multi_Unit_Index --
- --------------------------
- procedure Set_Multi_Unit_Index
- (Project_Tree : Project_Tree_Ref := null;
- Index : Int := 0)
- is
- begin
- if Index /= 0 then
- if Names.Last = 0 then
- Fail_Program
- (Project_Tree,
- "cannot specify a multi-unit index but no main " &
- "on the command line");
- elsif Names.Last > 1 then
- Fail_Program
- (Project_Tree,
- "cannot specify several mains with a multi-unit index");
- else
- Names.Table (Names.Last).Index := Index;
- end if;
- end if;
- end Set_Multi_Unit_Index;
- end Mains;
- -----------------------
- -- Path_Or_File_Name --
- -----------------------
- function Path_Or_File_Name (Path : Path_Name_Type) return String is
- Path_Name : constant String := Get_Name_String (Path);
- begin
- if Debug.Debug_Flag_F then
- return File_Name (Path_Name);
- else
- return Path_Name;
- end if;
- end Path_Or_File_Name;
- ---------------------------
- -- Test_If_Relative_Path --
- ---------------------------
- procedure Test_If_Relative_Path
- (Switch : in out String_Access;
- Parent : String;
- Do_Fail : Fail_Proc;
- Including_L_Switch : Boolean := True;
- Including_Non_Switch : Boolean := True;
- Including_RTS : Boolean := False)
- is
- begin
- if Switch /= null then
- declare
- Sw : String (1 .. Switch'Length);
- Start : Positive;
- begin
- Sw := Switch.all;
- if Sw (1) = '-' then
- if Sw'Length >= 3
- and then (Sw (2) = 'A'
- or else Sw (2) = 'I'
- or else (Including_L_Switch and then Sw (2) = 'L'))
- then
- Start := 3;
- if Sw = "-I-" then
- return;
- end if;
- elsif Sw'Length >= 4
- and then (Sw (2 .. 3) = "aL"
- or else
- Sw (2 .. 3) = "aO"
- or else
- Sw (2 .. 3) = "aI")
- then
- Start := 4;
- elsif Including_RTS
- and then Sw'Length >= 7
- and then Sw (2 .. 6) = "-RTS="
- then
- Start := 7;
- else
- return;
- end if;
- -- Because relative path arguments to --RTS= may be relative to
- -- the search directory prefix, those relative path arguments
- -- are converted only when they include directory information.
- if not Is_Absolute_Path (Sw (Start .. Sw'Last)) then
- if Parent'Length = 0 then
- Do_Fail
- ("relative search path switches ("""
- & Sw
- & """) are not allowed");
- elsif Including_RTS then
- for J in Start .. Sw'Last loop
- if Sw (J) = Directory_Separator then
- Switch :=
- new String'
- (Sw (1 .. Start - 1) &
- Parent &
- Directory_Separator &
- Sw (Start .. Sw'Last));
- return;
- end if;
- end loop;
- else
- Switch :=
- new String'
- (Sw (1 .. Start - 1) &
- Parent &
- Directory_Separator &
- Sw (Start .. Sw'Last));
- end if;
- end if;
- elsif Including_Non_Switch then
- if not Is_Absolute_Path (Sw) then
- if Parent'Length = 0 then
- Do_Fail
- ("relative paths (""" & Sw & """) are not allowed");
- else
- Switch := new String'(Parent & Directory_Separator & Sw);
- end if;
- end if;
- end if;
- end;
- end if;
- end Test_If_Relative_Path;
- -------------------
- -- Unit_Index_Of --
- -------------------
- function Unit_Index_Of (ALI_File : File_Name_Type) return Int is
- Start : Natural;
- Finish : Natural;
- Result : Int := 0;
- begin
- Get_Name_String (ALI_File);
- -- First, find the last dot
- Finish := Name_Len;
- while Finish >= 1 and then Name_Buffer (Finish) /= '.' loop
- Finish := Finish - 1;
- end loop;
- if Finish = 1 then
- return 0;
- end if;
- -- Now check that the dot is preceded by digits
- Start := Finish;
- Finish := Finish - 1;
- while Start >= 1 and then Name_Buffer (Start - 1) in '0' .. '9' loop
- Start := Start - 1;
- end loop;
- -- If there are no digits, or if the digits are not preceded by the
- -- character that precedes a unit index, this is not the ALI file of
- -- a unit in a multi-unit source.
- if Start > Finish
- or else Start = 1
- or else Name_Buffer (Start - 1) /= Multi_Unit_Index_Character
- then
- return 0;
- end if;
- -- Build the index from the digit(s)
- while Start <= Finish loop
- Result := Result * 10 +
- Character'Pos (Name_Buffer (Start)) - Character'Pos ('0');
- Start := Start + 1;
- end loop;
- return Result;
- end Unit_Index_Of;
- -----------------
- -- Verbose_Msg --
- -----------------
- procedure Verbose_Msg
- (N1 : Name_Id;
- S1 : String;
- N2 : Name_Id := No_Name;
- S2 : String := "";
- Prefix : String := " -> ";
- Minimum_Verbosity : Opt.Verbosity_Level_Type := Opt.Low)
- is
- begin
- if not Opt.Verbose_Mode
- or else Minimum_Verbosity > Opt.Verbosity_Level
- then
- return;
- end if;
- Write_Str (Prefix);
- Write_Str ("""");
- Write_Name (N1);
- Write_Str (""" ");
- Write_Str (S1);
- if N2 /= No_Name then
- Write_Str (" """);
- Write_Name (N2);
- Write_Str (""" ");
- end if;
- Write_Str (S2);
- Write_Eol;
- end Verbose_Msg;
- procedure Verbose_Msg
- (N1 : File_Name_Type;
- S1 : String;
- N2 : File_Name_Type := No_File;
- S2 : String := "";
- Prefix : String := " -> ";
- Minimum_Verbosity : Opt.Verbosity_Level_Type := Opt.Low)
- is
- begin
- Verbose_Msg
- (Name_Id (N1), S1, Name_Id (N2), S2, Prefix, Minimum_Verbosity);
- end Verbose_Msg;
- -----------
- -- Queue --
- -----------
- package body Queue is
- type Q_Record is record
- Info : Source_Info;
- Processed : Boolean;
- end record;
- package Q is new Table.Table
- (Table_Component_Type => Q_Record,
- Table_Index_Type => Natural,
- Table_Low_Bound => 1,
- Table_Initial => 1000,
- Table_Increment => 100,
- Table_Name => "Makeutl.Queue.Q");
- -- This is the actual Queue
- package Busy_Obj_Dirs is new GNAT.HTable.Simple_HTable
- (Header_Num => Prj.Header_Num,
- Element => Boolean,
- No_Element => False,
- Key => Path_Name_Type,
- Hash => Hash,
- Equal => "=");
- type Mark_Key is record
- File : File_Name_Type;
- Index : Int;
- end record;
- -- Identify either a mono-unit source (when Index = 0) or a specific
- -- unit (index = 1's origin index of unit) in a multi-unit source.
- Max_Mask_Num : constant := 2048;
- subtype Mark_Num is Union_Id range 0 .. Max_Mask_Num - 1;
- function Hash (Key : Mark_Key) return Mark_Num;
- package Marks is new GNAT.HTable.Simple_HTable
- (Header_Num => Mark_Num,
- Element => Boolean,
- No_Element => False,
- Key => Mark_Key,
- Hash => Hash,
- Equal => "=");
- -- A hash table to keep tracks of the marked units.
- -- These are the units that have already been processed, when using the
- -- gnatmake format. When using the gprbuild format, we can directly
- -- store in the source_id whether the file has already been processed.
- procedure Mark (Source_File : File_Name_Type; Index : Int := 0);
- -- Mark a unit, identified by its source file and, when Index is not 0,
- -- the index of the unit in the source file. Marking is used to signal
- -- that the unit has already been inserted in the Q.
- function Is_Marked
- (Source_File : File_Name_Type;
- Index : Int := 0) return Boolean;
- -- Returns True if the unit was previously marked
- Q_Processed : Natural := 0;
- Q_Initialized : Boolean := False;
- Q_First : Natural := 1;
- -- Points to the first valid element in the queue
- One_Queue_Per_Obj_Dir : Boolean := False;
- -- See parameter to Initialize
- function Available_Obj_Dir (S : Source_Info) return Boolean;
- -- Whether the object directory for S is available for a build
- procedure Debug_Display (S : Source_Info);
- -- A debug display for S
- function Was_Processed (S : Source_Info) return Boolean;
- -- Whether S has already been processed. This marks the source as
- -- processed, if it hasn't already been processed.
- function Insert_No_Roots (Source : Source_Info) return Boolean;
- -- Insert Source, but do not look for its roots (see doc for Insert)
- -------------------
- -- Was_Processed --
- -------------------
- function Was_Processed (S : Source_Info) return Boolean is
- begin
- case S.Format is
- when Format_Gprbuild =>
- if S.Id.In_The_Queue then
- return True;
- end if;
- S.Id.In_The_Queue := True;
- when Format_Gnatmake =>
- if Is_Marked (S.File, S.Index) then
- return True;
- end if;
- Mark (S.File, Index => S.Index);
- end case;
- return False;
- end Was_Processed;
- -----------------------
- -- Available_Obj_Dir --
- -----------------------
- function Available_Obj_Dir (S : Source_Info) return Boolean is
- begin
- case S.Format is
- when Format_Gprbuild =>
- return not Busy_Obj_Dirs.Get
- (S.Id.Project.Object_Directory.Name);
- when Format_Gnatmake =>
- return S.Project = No_Project
- or else
- not Busy_Obj_Dirs.Get (S.Project.Object_Directory.Name);
- end case;
- end Available_Obj_Dir;
- -------------------
- -- Debug_Display --
- -------------------
- procedure Debug_Display (S : Source_Info) is
- begin
- case S.Format is
- when Format_Gprbuild =>
- Write_Name (S.Id.File);
- if S.Id.Index /= 0 then
- Write_Str (", ");
- Write_Int (S.Id.Index);
- end if;
- when Format_Gnatmake =>
- Write_Name (S.File);
- if S.Index /= 0 then
- Write_Str (", ");
- Write_Int (S.Index);
- end if;
- end case;
- end Debug_Display;
- ----------
- -- Hash --
- ----------
- function Hash (Key : Mark_Key) return Mark_Num is
- begin
- return Union_Id (Key.File) mod Max_Mask_Num;
- end Hash;
- ---------------
- -- Is_Marked --
- ---------------
- function Is_Marked
- (Source_File : File_Name_Type;
- Index : Int := 0) return Boolean
- is
- begin
- return Marks.Get (K => (File => Source_File, Index => Index));
- end Is_Marked;
- ----------
- -- Mark --
- ----------
- procedure Mark (Source_File : File_Name_Type; Index : Int := 0) is
- begin
- Marks.Set (K => (File => Source_File, Index => Index), E => True);
- end Mark;
- -------------
- -- Extract --
- -------------
- procedure Extract
- (Found : out Boolean;
- Source : out Source_Info)
- is
- begin
- Found := False;
- if One_Queue_Per_Obj_Dir then
- for J in Q_First .. Q.Last loop
- if not Q.Table (J).Processed
- and then Available_Obj_Dir (Q.Table (J).Info)
- then
- Found := True;
- Source := Q.Table (J).Info;
- Q.Table (J).Processed := True;
- if J = Q_First then
- while Q_First <= Q.Last
- and then Q.Table (Q_First).Processed
- loop
- Q_First := Q_First + 1;
- end loop;
- end if;
- exit;
- end if;
- end loop;
- elsif Q_First <= Q.Last then
- Source := Q.Table (Q_First).Info;
- Q.Table (Q_First).Processed := True;
- Q_First := Q_First + 1;
- Found := True;
- end if;
- if Found then
- Q_Processed := Q_Processed + 1;
- end if;
- if Found and then Debug.Debug_Flag_Q then
- Write_Str (" Q := Q - [ ");
- Debug_Display (Source);
- Write_Str (" ]");
- Write_Eol;
- Write_Str (" Q_First =");
- Write_Int (Int (Q_First));
- Write_Eol;
- Write_Str (" Q.Last =");
- Write_Int (Int (Q.Last));
- Write_Eol;
- end if;
- end Extract;
- ---------------
- -- Processed --
- ---------------
- function Processed return Natural is
- begin
- return Q_Processed;
- end Processed;
- ----------------
- -- Initialize --
- ----------------
- procedure Initialize
- (Queue_Per_Obj_Dir : Boolean;
- Force : Boolean := False)
- is
- begin
- if Force or else not Q_Initialized then
- Q_Initialized := True;
- for J in 1 .. Q.Last loop
- case Q.Table (J).Info.Format is
- when Format_Gprbuild =>
- Q.Table (J).Info.Id.In_The_Queue := False;
- when Format_Gnatmake =>
- null;
- end case;
- end loop;
- Q.Init;
- Q_Processed := 0;
- Q_First := 1;
- One_Queue_Per_Obj_Dir := Queue_Per_Obj_Dir;
- end if;
- end Initialize;
- ---------------------
- -- Insert_No_Roots --
- ---------------------
- function Insert_No_Roots (Source : Source_Info) return Boolean is
- begin
- pragma Assert
- (Source.Format = Format_Gnatmake or else Source.Id /= No_Source);
- -- Only insert in the Q if it is not already done, to avoid
- -- simultaneous compilations if -jnnn is used.
- if Was_Processed (Source) then
- return False;
- end if;
- if Current_Verbosity = High then
- Write_Str ("Adding """);
- Debug_Display (Source);
- Write_Line (""" to the queue");
- end if;
- Q.Append (New_Val => (Info => Source, Processed => False));
- if Debug.Debug_Flag_Q then
- Write_Str (" Q := Q + [ ");
- Debug_Display (Source);
- Write_Str (" ] ");
- Write_Eol;
- Write_Str (" Q_First =");
- Write_Int (Int (Q_First));
- Write_Eol;
- Write_Str (" Q.Last =");
- Write_Int (Int (Q.Last));
- Write_Eol;
- end if;
- return True;
- end Insert_No_Roots;
- ------------
- -- Insert --
- ------------
- function Insert
- (Source : Source_Info;
- With_Roots : Boolean := False) return Boolean
- is
- Root_Arr : Array_Element_Id;
- Roots : Variable_Value;
- List : String_List_Id;
- Elem : String_Element;
- Unit_Name : Name_Id;
- Pat_Root : Boolean;
- Root_Pattern : Regexp;
- Root_Found : Boolean;
- Roots_Found : Boolean;
- Root_Source : Prj.Source_Id;
- Iter : Source_Iterator;
- Dummy : Boolean;
- pragma Unreferenced (Dummy);
- begin
- if not Insert_No_Roots (Source) then
- -- Was already in the queue
- return False;
- end if;
- if With_Roots and then Source.Format = Format_Gprbuild then
- Debug_Output ("looking for roots of", Name_Id (Source.Id.File));
- Root_Arr :=
- Prj.Util.Value_Of
- (Name => Name_Roots,
- In_Arrays => Source.Id.Project.Decl.Arrays,
- Shared => Source.Tree.Shared);
- Roots :=
- Prj.Util.Value_Of
- (Index => Name_Id (Source.Id.File),
- Src_Index => 0,
- In_Array => Root_Arr,
- Shared => Source.Tree.Shared);
- -- If there is no roots for the specific main, try the language
- if Roots = Nil_Variable_Value then
- Roots :=
- Prj.Util.Value_Of
- (Index => Source.Id.Language.Name,
- Src_Index => 0,
- In_Array => Root_Arr,
- Shared => Source.Tree.Shared,
- Force_Lower_Case_Index => True);
- end if;
- -- Then try "*"
- if Roots = Nil_Variable_Value then
- Name_Len := 1;
- Name_Buffer (1) := '*';
- Roots :=
- Prj.Util.Value_Of
- (Index => Name_Find,
- Src_Index => 0,
- In_Array => Root_Arr,
- Shared => Source.Tree.Shared,
- Force_Lower_Case_Index => True);
- end if;
- if Roots = Nil_Variable_Value then
- Debug_Output (" -> no roots declared");
- else
- List := Roots.Values;
- Pattern_Loop :
- while List /= Nil_String loop
- Elem := Source.Tree.Shared.String_Elements.Table (List);
- Get_Name_String (Elem.Value);
- To_Lower (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len));
- Unit_Name := Name_Find;
- -- Check if it is a unit name or a pattern
- Pat_Root := False;
- for J in 1 .. Name_Len loop
- if Name_Buffer (J) not in 'a' .. 'z' and then
- Name_Buffer (J) not in '0' .. '9' and then
- Name_Buffer (J) /= '_' and then
- Name_Buffer (J) /= '.'
- then
- Pat_Root := True;
- exit;
- end if;
- end loop;
- if Pat_Root then
- begin
- Root_Pattern :=
- Compile
- (Pattern => Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len),
- Glob => True);
- exception
- when Error_In_Regexp =>
- Err_Vars.Error_Msg_Name_1 := Unit_Name;
- Errutil.Error_Msg
- ("invalid pattern %", Roots.Location);
- exit Pattern_Loop;
- end;
- end if;
- Roots_Found := False;
- Iter := For_Each_Source (Source.Tree);
- Source_Loop :
- loop
- Root_Source := Prj.Element (Iter);
- exit Source_Loop when Root_Source = No_Source;
- Root_Found := False;
- if Pat_Root then
- Root_Found := Root_Source.Unit /= No_Unit_Index
- and then Match
- (Get_Name_String (Root_Source.Unit.Name),
- Root_Pattern);
- else
- Root_Found :=
- Root_Source.Unit /= No_Unit_Index
- and then Root_Source.Unit.Name = Unit_Name;
- end if;
- if Root_Found then
- case Root_Source.Kind is
- when Impl =>
- null;
- when Spec =>
- Root_Found := Other_Part (Root_Source) = No_Source;
- when Sep =>
- Root_Found := False;
- end case;
- end if;
- if Root_Found then
- Roots_Found := True;
- Debug_Output
- (" -> ", Name_Id (Root_Source.Display_File));
- Dummy := Queue.Insert_No_Roots
- (Source => (Format => Format_Gprbuild,
- Tree => Source.Tree,
- Id => Root_Source));
- Initialize_Source_Record (Root_Source);
- if Other_Part (Root_Source) /= No_Source then
- Initialize_Source_Record (Other_Part (Root_Source));
- end if;
- -- Save the root for the binder
- Source.Id.Roots := new Source_Roots'
- (Root => Root_Source,
- Next => Source.Id.Roots);
- exit Source_Loop when not Pat_Root;
- end if;
- Next (Iter);
- end loop Source_Loop;
- if not Roots_Found then
- if Pat_Root then
- if not Quiet_Output then
- Error_Msg_Name_1 := Unit_Name;
- Errutil.Error_Msg
- ("?no unit matches pattern %", Roots.Location);
- end if;
- else
- Errutil.Error_Msg
- ("Unit " & Get_Name_String (Unit_Name)
- & " does not exist", Roots.Location);
- end if;
- end if;
- List := Elem.Next;
- end loop Pattern_Loop;
- end if;
- end if;
- return True;
- end Insert;
- ------------
- -- Insert --
- ------------
- procedure Insert
- (Source : Source_Info;
- With_Roots : Boolean := False)
- is
- Discard : Boolean;
- pragma Unreferenced (Discard);
- begin
- Discard := Insert (Source, With_Roots);
- end Insert;
- --------------
- -- Is_Empty --
- --------------
- function Is_Empty return Boolean is
- begin
- return Q_Processed >= Q.Last;
- end Is_Empty;
- ------------------------
- -- Is_Virtually_Empty --
- ------------------------
- function Is_Virtually_Empty return Boolean is
- begin
- if One_Queue_Per_Obj_Dir then
- for J in Q_First .. Q.Last loop
- if not Q.Table (J).Processed
- and then Available_Obj_Dir (Q.Table (J).Info)
- then
- return False;
- end if;
- end loop;
- return True;
- else
- return Is_Empty;
- end if;
- end Is_Virtually_Empty;
- ----------------------
- -- Set_Obj_Dir_Busy --
- ----------------------
- procedure Set_Obj_Dir_Busy (Obj_Dir : Path_Name_Type) is
- begin
- if One_Queue_Per_Obj_Dir then
- Busy_Obj_Dirs.Set (Obj_Dir, True);
- end if;
- end Set_Obj_Dir_Busy;
- ----------------------
- -- Set_Obj_Dir_Free --
- ----------------------
- procedure Set_Obj_Dir_Free (Obj_Dir : Path_Name_Type) is
- begin
- if One_Queue_Per_Obj_Dir then
- Busy_Obj_Dirs.Set (Obj_Dir, False);
- end if;
- end Set_Obj_Dir_Free;
- ----------
- -- Size --
- ----------
- function Size return Natural is
- begin
- return Q.Last;
- end Size;
- -------------
- -- Element --
- -------------
- function Element (Rank : Positive) return File_Name_Type is
- begin
- if Rank <= Q.Last then
- case Q.Table (Rank).Info.Format is
- when Format_Gprbuild =>
- return Q.Table (Rank).Info.Id.File;
- when Format_Gnatmake =>
- return Q.Table (Rank).Info.File;
- end case;
- else
- return No_File;
- end if;
- end Element;
- ------------------
- -- Remove_Marks --
- ------------------
- procedure Remove_Marks is
- begin
- Marks.Reset;
- end Remove_Marks;
- ----------------------------
- -- Insert_Project_Sources --
- ----------------------------
- procedure Insert_Project_Sources
- (Project : Project_Id;
- Project_Tree : Project_Tree_Ref;
- All_Projects : Boolean;
- Unique_Compile : Boolean)
- is
- procedure Do_Insert (Project : Project_Id; Tree : Project_Tree_Ref);
- ---------------
- -- Do_Insert --
- ---------------
- procedure Do_Insert (Project : Project_Id; Tree : Project_Tree_Ref) is
- Unit_Based : constant Boolean :=
- Unique_Compile
- or else not Builder_Data (Tree).Closure_Needed;
- -- When Unit_Based is True, put in the queue all compilable
- -- sources including the unit based (Ada) one. When Unit_Based is
- -- False, put the Ada sources only when they are in a library
- -- project.
- Iter : Source_Iterator;
- Source : Prj.Source_Id;
- begin
- -- Nothing to do when "-u" was specified and some files were
- -- specified on the command line
- if Unique_Compile
- and then Mains.Number_Of_Mains (Tree) > 0
- then
- return;
- end if;
- Iter := For_Each_Source (Tree);
- loop
- Source := Prj.Element (Iter);
- exit when Source = No_Source;
- if Is_Allowed_Language (Source.Language.Name)
- and then Is_Compilable (Source)
- and then
- (All_Projects
- or else Is_Extending (Project, Source.Project))
- and then not Source.Locally_Removed
- and then Source.Replaced_By = No_Source
- and then
- (not Source.Project.Externally_Built
- or else
- (Is_Extending (Project, Source.Project)
- and then not Project.Externally_Built))
- and then Source.Kind /= Sep
- and then Source.Path /= No_Path_Information
- then
- if Source.Kind = Impl
- or else (Source.Unit /= No_Unit_Index
- and then Source.Kind = Spec
- and then (Other_Part (Source) = No_Source
- or else
- Other_Part (Source).Locally_Removed))
- then
- if (Unit_Based
- or else Source.Unit = No_Unit_Index
- or else Source.Project.Library)
- and then not Is_Subunit (Source)
- then
- Queue.Insert
- (Source => (Format => Format_Gprbuild,
- Tree => Tree,
- Id => Source));
- end if;
- end if;
- end if;
- Next (Iter);
- end loop;
- end Do_Insert;
- procedure Insert_All is new For_Project_And_Aggregated (Do_Insert);
- begin
- Insert_All (Project, Project_Tree);
- end Insert_Project_Sources;
- -------------------------------
- -- Insert_Withed_Sources_For --
- -------------------------------
- procedure Insert_Withed_Sources_For
- (The_ALI : ALI.ALI_Id;
- Project_Tree : Project_Tree_Ref;
- Excluding_Shared_SALs : Boolean := False)
- is
- Sfile : File_Name_Type;
- Afile : File_Name_Type;
- Src_Id : Prj.Source_Id;
- begin
- -- Insert in the queue the unmarked source files (i.e. those which
- -- have never been inserted in the queue and hence never considered).
- for J in ALI.ALIs.Table (The_ALI).First_Unit ..
- ALI.ALIs.Table (The_ALI).Last_Unit
- loop
- for K in ALI.Units.Table (J).First_With ..
- ALI.Units.Table (J).Last_With
- loop
- Sfile := ALI.Withs.Table (K).Sfile;
- -- Skip generics
- if Sfile /= No_File then
- Afile := ALI.Withs.Table (K).Afile;
- Src_Id := Source_Files_Htable.Get
- (Project_Tree.Source_Files_HT, Sfile);
- while Src_Id /= No_Source loop
- Initialize_Source_Record (Src_Id);
- if Is_Compilable (Src_Id)
- and then Src_Id.Dep_Name = Afile
- then
- case Src_Id.Kind is
- when Spec =>
- declare
- Bdy : constant Prj.Source_Id :=
- Other_Part (Src_Id);
- begin
- if Bdy /= No_Source
- and then not Bdy.Locally_Removed
- then
- Src_Id := Other_Part (Src_Id);
- end if;
- end;
- when Impl =>
- if Is_Subunit (Src_Id) then
- Src_Id := No_Source;
- end if;
- when Sep =>
- Src_Id := No_Source;
- end case;
- exit;
- end if;
- Src_Id := Src_Id.Next_With_File_Name;
- end loop;
- -- If Excluding_Shared_SALs is True, do not insert in the
- -- queue the sources of a shared Stand-Alone Library.
- if Src_Id /= No_Source
- and then (not Excluding_Shared_SALs
- or else Src_Id.Project.Standalone_Library = No
- or else Src_Id.Project.Library_Kind = Static)
- then
- Queue.Insert
- (Source => (Format => Format_Gprbuild,
- Tree => Project_Tree,
- Id => Src_Id));
- end if;
- end if;
- end loop;
- end loop;
- end Insert_Withed_Sources_For;
- end Queue;
- ----------
- -- Free --
- ----------
- procedure Free (Data : in out Builder_Project_Tree_Data) is
- procedure Unchecked_Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation
- (Binding_Data_Record, Binding_Data);
- TmpB, Binding : Binding_Data := Data.Binding;
- begin
- while Binding /= null loop
- TmpB := Binding.Next;
- Unchecked_Free (Binding);
- Binding := TmpB;
- end loop;
- end Free;
- ------------------
- -- Builder_Data --
- ------------------
- function Builder_Data
- (Tree : Project_Tree_Ref) return Builder_Data_Access
- is
- begin
- if Tree.Appdata = null then
- Tree.Appdata := new Builder_Project_Tree_Data;
- end if;
- return Builder_Data_Access (Tree.Appdata);
- end Builder_Data;
- --------------------------------
- -- Compute_Compilation_Phases --
- --------------------------------
- procedure Compute_Compilation_Phases
- (Tree : Project_Tree_Ref;
- Root_Project : Project_Id;
- Option_Unique_Compile : Boolean := False; -- Was "-u" specified ?
- Option_Compile_Only : Boolean := False; -- Was "-c" specified ?
- Option_Bind_Only : Boolean := False;
- Option_Link_Only : Boolean := False)
- is
- procedure Do_Compute (Project : Project_Id; Tree : Project_Tree_Ref);
- ----------------
- -- Do_Compute --
- ----------------
- procedure Do_Compute (Project : Project_Id; Tree : Project_Tree_Ref) is
- Data : constant Builder_Data_Access := Builder_Data (Tree);
- All_Phases : constant Boolean :=
- not Option_Compile_Only
- and then not Option_Bind_Only
- and then not Option_Link_Only;
- -- Whether the command line asked for all three phases. Depending on
- -- the project settings, we might still disable some of the phases.
- Has_Mains : constant Boolean := Data.Number_Of_Mains > 0;
- -- Whether there are some main units defined for this project tree
- -- (either from one of the projects, or from the command line)
- begin
- if Option_Unique_Compile then
- -- If -u or -U is specified on the command line, disregard any -c,
- -- -b or -l switch: only perform compilation.
- Data.Closure_Needed := False;
- Data.Need_Compilation := True;
- Data.Need_Binding := False;
- Data.Need_Linking := False;
- else
- Data.Closure_Needed := Has_Mains;
- Data.Need_Compilation := All_Phases or Option_Compile_Only;
- Data.Need_Binding := All_Phases or Option_Bind_Only;
- Data.Need_Linking := (All_Phases or Option_Link_Only)
- and Has_Mains;
- end if;
- if Current_Verbosity = High then
- Debug_Output ("compilation phases: "
- & " compile=" & Data.Need_Compilation'Img
- & " bind=" & Data.Need_Binding'Img
- & " link=" & Data.Need_Linking'Img
- & " closure=" & Data.Closure_Needed'Img
- & " mains=" & Data.Number_Of_Mains'Img,
- Project.Name);
- end if;
- end Do_Compute;
- procedure Compute_All is new For_Project_And_Aggregated (Do_Compute);
- begin
- Compute_All (Root_Project, Tree);
- end Compute_Compilation_Phases;
- ------------------------------
- -- Compute_Builder_Switches --
- ------------------------------
- procedure Compute_Builder_Switches
- (Project_Tree : Project_Tree_Ref;
- Root_Environment : in out Prj.Tree.Environment;
- Main_Project : Project_Id;
- Only_For_Lang : Name_Id := No_Name)
- is
- Builder_Package : constant Package_Id :=
- Value_Of (Name_Builder, Main_Project.Decl.Packages,
- Project_Tree.Shared);
- Global_Compilation_Array : Array_Element_Id;
- Global_Compilation_Elem : Array_Element;
- Global_Compilation_Switches : Variable_Value;
- Default_Switches_Array : Array_Id;
- Builder_Switches_Lang : Name_Id := No_Name;
- List : String_List_Id;
- Element : String_Element;
- Index : Name_Id;
- Source : Prj.Source_Id;
- Lang : Name_Id := No_Name; -- language index for Switches
- Switches_For_Lang : Variable_Value := Nil_Variable_Value;
- -- Value of Builder'Default_Switches(lang)
- Name : Name_Id := No_Name; -- main file index for Switches
- Switches_For_Main : Variable_Value := Nil_Variable_Value;
- -- Switches for a specific main. When there are several mains, Name is
- -- set to No_Name, and Switches_For_Main might be left with an actual
- -- value (so that we can display a warning that it was ignored).
- Other_Switches : Variable_Value := Nil_Variable_Value;
- -- Value of Builder'Switches(others)
- Defaults : Variable_Value := Nil_Variable_Value;
- Switches : Variable_Value := Nil_Variable_Value;
- -- The computed builder switches
- Success : Boolean := False;
- begin
- if Builder_Package /= No_Package then
- Mains.Reset;
- -- If there is no main, and there is only one compilable language,
- -- use this language as the switches index.
- if Mains.Number_Of_Mains (Project_Tree) = 0 then
- if Only_For_Lang = No_Name then
- declare
- Language : Language_Ptr := Main_Project.Languages;
- begin
- while Language /= No_Language_Index loop
- if Language.Config.Compiler_Driver /= No_File
- and then Language.Config.Compiler_Driver /= Empty_File
- then
- if Lang /= No_Name then
- Lang := No_Name;
- exit;
- else
- Lang := Language.Name;
- end if;
- end if;
- Language := Language.Next;
- end loop;
- end;
- else
- Lang := Only_For_Lang;
- end if;
- else
- for Index in 1 .. Mains.Number_Of_Mains (Project_Tree) loop
- Source := Mains.Next_Main.Source;
- if Source /= No_Source then
- if Switches_For_Main = Nil_Variable_Value then
- Switches_For_Main := Value_Of
- (Name => Name_Id (Source.File),
- Attribute_Or_Array_Name => Name_Switches,
- In_Package => Builder_Package,
- Shared => Project_Tree.Shared,
- Force_Lower_Case_Index => False,
- Allow_Wildcards => True);
- -- If not found, try without extension.
- -- That's because gnatmake accepts truncated file names
- -- in Builder'Switches
- if Switches_For_Main = Nil_Variable_Value
- and then Source.Unit /= null
- then
- Switches_For_Main := Value_Of
- (Name => Source.Unit.Name,
- Attribute_Or_Array_Name => Name_Switches,
- In_Package => Builder_Package,
- Shared => Project_Tree.Shared,
- Force_Lower_Case_Index => False,
- Allow_Wildcards => True);
- end if;
- end if;
- if Index = 1 then
- Lang := Source.Language.Name;
- Name := Name_Id (Source.File);
- else
- Name := No_Name; -- Can't use main specific switches
- if Lang /= Source.Language.Name then
- Lang := No_Name;
- end if;
- end if;
- end if;
- end loop;
- end if;
- Global_Compilation_Array := Value_Of
- (Name => Name_Global_Compilation_Switches,
- In_Arrays => Project_Tree.Shared.Packages.Table
- (Builder_Package).Decl.Arrays,
- Shared => Project_Tree.Shared);
- Default_Switches_Array :=
- Project_Tree.Shared.Packages.Table (Builder_Package).Decl.Arrays;
- while Default_Switches_Array /= No_Array
- and then
- Project_Tree.Shared.Arrays.Table (Default_Switches_Array).Name /=
- Name_Default_Switches
- loop
- Default_Switches_Array :=
- Project_Tree.Shared.Arrays.Table (Default_Switches_Array).Next;
- end loop;
- if Global_Compilation_Array /= No_Array_Element
- and then Default_Switches_Array /= No_Array
- then
- Prj.Err.Error_Msg
- (Root_Environment.Flags,
- "Default_Switches forbidden in presence of " &
- "Global_Compilation_Switches. Use Switches instead.",
- Project_Tree.Shared.Arrays.Table
- (Default_Switches_Array).Location);
- Fail_Program
- (Project_Tree,
- "*** illegal combination of Builder attributes");
- end if;
- if Lang /= No_Name then
- Switches_For_Lang := Prj.Util.Value_Of
- (Name => Lang,
- Index => 0,
- Attribute_Or_Array_Name => Name_Switches,
- In_Package => Builder_Package,
- Shared => Project_Tree.Shared,
- Force_Lower_Case_Index => True);
- Defaults := Prj.Util.Value_Of
- (Name => Lang,
- Index => 0,
- Attribute_Or_Array_Name => Name_Default_Switches,
- In_Package => Builder_Package,
- Shared => Project_Tree.Shared,
- Force_Lower_Case_Index => True);
- end if;
- Other_Switches := Prj.Util.Value_Of
- (Name => All_Other_Names,
- Index => 0,
- Attribute_Or_Array_Name => Name_Switches,
- In_Package => Builder_Package,
- Shared => Project_Tree.Shared);
- if not Quiet_Output
- and then Mains.Number_Of_Mains (Project_Tree) > 1
- and then Switches_For_Main /= Nil_Variable_Value
- then
- -- More than one main, but we had main-specific switches that
- -- are ignored.
- if Switches_For_Lang /= Nil_Variable_Value then
- Write_Line
- ("Warning: using Builder'Switches("""
- & Get_Name_String (Lang)
- & """), as there are several mains");
- elsif Other_Switches /= Nil_Variable_Value then
- Write_Line
- ("Warning: using Builder'Switches(others), "
- & "as there are several mains");
- elsif Defaults /= Nil_Variable_Value then
- Write_Line
- ("Warning: using Builder'Default_Switches("""
- & Get_Name_String (Lang)
- & """), as there are several mains");
- else
- Write_Line
- ("Warning: using no switches from package "
- & "Builder, as there are several mains");
- end if;
- end if;
- Builder_Switches_Lang := Lang;
- if Name /= No_Name then
- -- Get the switches for the single main
- Switches := Switches_For_Main;
- end if;
- if Switches = Nil_Variable_Value or else Switches.Default then
- -- Get the switches for the common language of the mains
- Switches := Switches_For_Lang;
- end if;
- if Switches = Nil_Variable_Value or else Switches.Default then
- Switches := Other_Switches;
- end if;
- -- For backward compatibility with gnatmake, if no Switches
- -- are declared, check for Default_Switches (<language>).
- if Switches = Nil_Variable_Value or else Switches.Default then
- Switches := Defaults;
- end if;
- -- If switches have been found, scan them
- if Switches /= Nil_Variable_Value and then not Switches.Default then
- List := Switches.Values;
- while List /= Nil_String loop
- Element := Project_Tree.Shared.String_Elements.Table (List);
- Get_Name_String (Element.Value);
- if Name_Len /= 0 then
- declare
- -- Add_Switch might itself be using the name_buffer, so
- -- we make a temporary here.
- Switch : constant String := Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len);
- begin
- Success := Add_Switch
- (Switch => Switch,
- For_Lang => Builder_Switches_Lang,
- For_Builder => True,
- Has_Global_Compilation_Switches =>
- Global_Compilation_Array /= No_Array_Element);
- end;
- if not Success then
- for J in reverse 1 .. Name_Len loop
- Name_Buffer (J + J) := Name_Buffer (J);
- Name_Buffer (J + J - 1) := ''';
- end loop;
- Name_Len := Name_Len + Name_Len;
- Prj.Err.Error_Msg
- (Root_Environment.Flags,
- '"' & Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len) &
- """ is not a builder switch. Consider moving " &
- "it to Global_Compilation_Switches.",
- Element.Location);
- Fail_Program
- (Project_Tree,
- "*** illegal switch """ &
- Get_Name_String (Element.Value) & '"');
- end if;
- end if;
- List := Element.Next;
- end loop;
- end if;
- -- Reset the Builder Switches language
- Builder_Switches_Lang := No_Name;
- -- Take into account attributes Global_Compilation_Switches
- while Global_Compilation_Array /= No_Array_Element loop
- Global_Compilation_Elem :=
- Project_Tree.Shared.Array_Elements.Table
- (Global_Compilation_Array);
- Get_Name_String (Global_Compilation_Elem.Index);
- To_Lower (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len));
- Index := Name_Find;
- if Only_For_Lang = No_Name or else Index = Only_For_Lang then
- Global_Compilation_Switches := Global_Compilation_Elem.Value;
- if Global_Compilation_Switches /= Nil_Variable_Value
- and then not Global_Compilation_Switches.Default
- then
- -- We have found an attribute
- -- Global_Compilation_Switches for a language: put the
- -- switches in the appropriate table.
- List := Global_Compilation_Switches.Values;
- while List /= Nil_String loop
- Element :=
- Project_Tree.Shared.String_Elements.Table (List);
- if Element.Value /= No_Name then
- Success := Add_Switch
- (Switch => Get_Name_String (Element.Value),
- For_Lang => Index,
- For_Builder => False,
- Has_Global_Compilation_Switches =>
- Global_Compilation_Array /= No_Array_Element);
- end if;
- List := Element.Next;
- end loop;
- end if;
- end if;
- Global_Compilation_Array := Global_Compilation_Elem.Next;
- end loop;
- end if;
- end Compute_Builder_Switches;
- ---------------------
- -- Write_Path_File --
- ---------------------
- procedure Write_Path_File (FD : File_Descriptor) is
- Last : Natural;
- Status : Boolean;
- begin
- Name_Len := 0;
- for Index in Directories.First .. Directories.Last loop
- Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer (Get_Name_String (Directories.Table (Index)));
- Add_Char_To_Name_Buffer (ASCII.LF);
- end loop;
- Last := Write (FD, Name_Buffer (1)'Address, Name_Len);
- if Last = Name_Len then
- Close (FD, Status);
- else
- Status := False;
- end if;
- if not Status then
- Prj.Com.Fail ("could not write temporary file");
- end if;
- end Write_Path_File;
-end Makeutl;