path: root/gcc-4.4.3/libstdc++-v3/include/parallel/partition.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'gcc-4.4.3/libstdc++-v3/include/parallel/partition.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 430 deletions
diff --git a/gcc-4.4.3/libstdc++-v3/include/parallel/partition.h b/gcc-4.4.3/libstdc++-v3/include/parallel/partition.h
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index bc31347b9..000000000
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-// -*- C++ -*-
-// Copyright (C) 2007, 2008, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-// This file is part of the GNU ISO C++ Library. This library is free
-// software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
-// of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
-// Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later
-// version.
-// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// General Public License for more details.
-// Under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted additional
-// permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, version
-// 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and
-// a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program;
-// see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively. If not, see
-// <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-/** @file parallel/partition.h
- * @brief Parallel implementation of std::partition(),
- * std::nth_element(), and std::partial_sort().
- * This file is a GNU parallel extension to the Standard C++ Library.
- */
-// Written by Johannes Singler and Felix Putze.
-#include <parallel/basic_iterator.h>
-#include <parallel/sort.h>
-#include <parallel/random_number.h>
-#include <bits/stl_algo.h>
-#include <parallel/parallel.h>
-/** @brief Decide whether to declare certain variables volatile. */
-#define _GLIBCXX_VOLATILE volatile
-namespace __gnu_parallel
-/** @brief Parallel implementation of std::partition.
- * @param begin Begin iterator of input sequence to split.
- * @param end End iterator of input sequence to split.
- * @param pred Partition predicate, possibly including some kind of pivot.
- * @param num_threads Maximum number of threads to use for this task.
- * @return Number of elements not fulfilling the predicate. */
-template<typename RandomAccessIterator, typename Predicate>
- typename std::iterator_traits<RandomAccessIterator>::difference_type
- parallel_partition(RandomAccessIterator begin, RandomAccessIterator end,
- Predicate pred, thread_index_t num_threads)
- {
- typedef std::iterator_traits<RandomAccessIterator> traits_type;
- typedef typename traits_type::value_type value_type;
- typedef typename traits_type::difference_type difference_type;
- difference_type n = end - begin;
- const _Settings& __s = _Settings::get();
- // Shared.
- _GLIBCXX_VOLATILE difference_type left = 0, right = n - 1;
- _GLIBCXX_VOLATILE difference_type leftover_left, leftover_right;
- _GLIBCXX_VOLATILE difference_type leftnew, rightnew;
- bool* reserved_left = NULL, * reserved_right = NULL;
- difference_type chunk_size = __s.partition_chunk_size;
- omp_lock_t result_lock;
- omp_init_lock(&result_lock);
- //at least two chunks per thread
- if(right - left + 1 >= 2 * num_threads * chunk_size)
-# pragma omp parallel num_threads(num_threads)
- {
-# pragma omp single
- {
- num_threads = omp_get_num_threads();
- reserved_left = new bool[num_threads];
- reserved_right = new bool[num_threads];
- if (__s.partition_chunk_share > 0.0)
- chunk_size = std::max<difference_type>(__s.partition_chunk_size,
- (double)n * __s.partition_chunk_share
- / (double)num_threads);
- else
- chunk_size = __s.partition_chunk_size;
- }
- while (right - left + 1 >= 2 * num_threads * chunk_size)
- {
-# pragma omp single
- {
- difference_type num_chunks = (right - left + 1) / chunk_size;
- for (int r = 0; r < num_threads; ++r)
- {
- reserved_left[r] = false;
- reserved_right[r] = false;
- }
- leftover_left = 0;
- leftover_right = 0;
- } //implicit barrier
- // Private.
- difference_type thread_left, thread_left_border,
- thread_right, thread_right_border;
- thread_left = left + 1;
- // Just to satisfy the condition below.
- thread_left_border = thread_left - 1;
- thread_right = n - 1;
- thread_right_border = thread_right + 1;
- bool iam_finished = false;
- while (!iam_finished)
- {
- if (thread_left > thread_left_border)
- {
- omp_set_lock(&result_lock);
- if (left + (chunk_size - 1) > right)
- iam_finished = true;
- else
- {
- thread_left = left;
- thread_left_border = left + (chunk_size - 1);
- left += chunk_size;
- }
- omp_unset_lock(&result_lock);
- }
- if (thread_right < thread_right_border)
- {
- omp_set_lock(&result_lock);
- if (left > right - (chunk_size - 1))
- iam_finished = true;
- else
- {
- thread_right = right;
- thread_right_border = right - (chunk_size - 1);
- right -= chunk_size;
- }
- omp_unset_lock(&result_lock);
- }
- if (iam_finished)
- break;
- // Swap as usual.
- while (thread_left < thread_right)
- {
- while (pred(begin[thread_left])
- && thread_left <= thread_left_border)
- ++thread_left;
- while (!pred(begin[thread_right])
- && thread_right >= thread_right_border)
- --thread_right;
- if (thread_left > thread_left_border
- || thread_right < thread_right_border)
- // Fetch new chunk(s).
- break;
- std::swap(begin[thread_left], begin[thread_right]);
- ++thread_left;
- --thread_right;
- }
- }
- // Now swap the leftover chunks to the right places.
- if (thread_left <= thread_left_border)
-# pragma omp atomic
- ++leftover_left;
- if (thread_right >= thread_right_border)
-# pragma omp atomic
- ++leftover_right;
-# pragma omp barrier
-# pragma omp single
- {
- leftnew = left - leftover_left * chunk_size;
- rightnew = right + leftover_right * chunk_size;
- }
-# pragma omp barrier
- // <=> thread_left_border + (chunk_size - 1) >= leftnew
- if (thread_left <= thread_left_border
- && thread_left_border >= leftnew)
- {
- // Chunk already in place, reserve spot.
- reserved_left[(left - (thread_left_border + 1)) / chunk_size]
- = true;
- }
- // <=> thread_right_border - (chunk_size - 1) <= rightnew
- if (thread_right >= thread_right_border
- && thread_right_border <= rightnew)
- {
- // Chunk already in place, reserve spot.
- reserved_right[((thread_right_border - 1) - right)
- / chunk_size] = true;
- }
-# pragma omp barrier
- if (thread_left <= thread_left_border
- && thread_left_border < leftnew)
- {
- // Find spot and swap.
- difference_type swapstart = -1;
- omp_set_lock(&result_lock);
- for (int r = 0; r < leftover_left; ++r)
- if (!reserved_left[r])
- {
- reserved_left[r] = true;
- swapstart = left - (r + 1) * chunk_size;
- break;
- }
- omp_unset_lock(&result_lock);
- _GLIBCXX_PARALLEL_ASSERT(swapstart != -1);
- std::swap_ranges(begin + thread_left_border
- - (chunk_size - 1),
- begin + thread_left_border + 1,
- begin + swapstart);
- }
- if (thread_right >= thread_right_border
- && thread_right_border > rightnew)
- {
- // Find spot and swap
- difference_type swapstart = -1;
- omp_set_lock(&result_lock);
- for (int r = 0; r < leftover_right; ++r)
- if (!reserved_right[r])
- {
- reserved_right[r] = true;
- swapstart = right + r * chunk_size + 1;
- break;
- }
- omp_unset_lock(&result_lock);
- _GLIBCXX_PARALLEL_ASSERT(swapstart != -1);
- std::swap_ranges(begin + thread_right_border,
- begin + thread_right_border + chunk_size,
- begin + swapstart);
- }
-# pragma omp barrier
-# pragma omp single
- {
- for (int r = 0; r < leftover_left; ++r)
- _GLIBCXX_PARALLEL_ASSERT(reserved_left[r]);
- for (int r = 0; r < leftover_right; ++r)
- _GLIBCXX_PARALLEL_ASSERT(reserved_right[r]);
- }
-# pragma omp barrier
-# pragma omp barrier
- left = leftnew;
- right = rightnew;
- }
-# pragma omp flush(left, right)
- } // end "recursion" //parallel
- difference_type final_left = left, final_right = right;
- while (final_left < final_right)
- {
- // Go right until key is geq than pivot.
- while (pred(begin[final_left]) && final_left < final_right)
- ++final_left;
- // Go left until key is less than pivot.
- while (!pred(begin[final_right]) && final_left < final_right)
- --final_right;
- if (final_left == final_right)
- break;
- std::swap(begin[final_left], begin[final_right]);
- ++final_left;
- --final_right;
- }
- // All elements on the left side are < piv, all elements on the
- // right are >= piv
- delete[] reserved_left;
- delete[] reserved_right;
- omp_destroy_lock(&result_lock);
- // Element "between" final_left and final_right might not have
- // been regarded yet
- if (final_left < n && !pred(begin[final_left]))
- // Really swapped.
- return final_left;
- else
- return final_left + 1;
- }
- * @brief Parallel implementation of std::nth_element().
- * @param begin Begin iterator of input sequence.
- * @param nth Iterator of element that must be in position afterwards.
- * @param end End iterator of input sequence.
- * @param comp Comparator.
- */
-template<typename RandomAccessIterator, typename Comparator>
- void
- parallel_nth_element(RandomAccessIterator begin, RandomAccessIterator nth,
- RandomAccessIterator end, Comparator comp)
- {
- typedef std::iterator_traits<RandomAccessIterator> traits_type;
- typedef typename traits_type::value_type value_type;
- typedef typename traits_type::difference_type difference_type;
- _GLIBCXX_CALL(end - begin)
- RandomAccessIterator split;
- random_number rng;
- const _Settings& __s = _Settings::get();
- difference_type minimum_length = std::max<difference_type>(2,
- std::max(__s.nth_element_minimal_n, __s.partition_minimal_n));
- // Break if input range to small.
- while (static_cast<sequence_index_t>(end - begin) >= minimum_length)
- {
- difference_type n = end - begin;
- RandomAccessIterator pivot_pos = begin + rng(n);
- // Swap pivot_pos value to end.
- if (pivot_pos != (end - 1))
- std::swap(*pivot_pos, *(end - 1));
- pivot_pos = end - 1;
- // XXX Comparator must have first_value_type, second_value_type,
- // result_type
- // Comparator == __gnu_parallel::lexicographic<S, int,
- // __gnu_parallel::less<S, S> >
- // pivot_pos == std::pair<S, int>*
- // XXX binder2nd only for RandomAccessIterators??
- __gnu_parallel::binder2nd<Comparator, value_type, value_type, bool>
- pred(comp, *pivot_pos);
- // Divide, leave pivot unchanged in last place.
- RandomAccessIterator split_pos1, split_pos2;
- split_pos1 = begin + parallel_partition(begin, end - 1, pred,
- get_max_threads());
- // Left side: < pivot_pos; right side: >= pivot_pos
- // Swap pivot back to middle.
- if (split_pos1 != pivot_pos)
- std::swap(*split_pos1, *pivot_pos);
- pivot_pos = split_pos1;
- // In case all elements are equal, split_pos1 == 0
- if ((split_pos1 + 1 - begin) < (n >> 7)
- || (end - split_pos1) < (n >> 7))
- {
- // Very unequal split, one part smaller than one 128th
- // elements not strictly larger than the pivot.
- __gnu_parallel::unary_negate<__gnu_parallel::
- binder1st<Comparator, value_type, value_type, bool>, value_type>
- pred(__gnu_parallel::binder1st<Comparator, value_type,
- value_type, bool>(comp, *pivot_pos));
- // Find other end of pivot-equal range.
- split_pos2 = __gnu_sequential::partition(split_pos1 + 1,
- end, pred);
- }
- else
- // Only skip the pivot.
- split_pos2 = split_pos1 + 1;
- // Compare iterators.
- if (split_pos2 <= nth)
- begin = split_pos2;
- else if (nth < split_pos1)
- end = split_pos1;
- else
- break;
- }
- // Only at most _Settings::partition_minimal_n elements left.
- __gnu_sequential::nth_element(begin, nth, end, comp);
- }
-/** @brief Parallel implementation of std::partial_sort().
-* @param begin Begin iterator of input sequence.
-* @param middle Sort until this position.
-* @param end End iterator of input sequence.
-* @param comp Comparator. */
-template<typename RandomAccessIterator, typename Comparator>
- void
- parallel_partial_sort(RandomAccessIterator begin,
- RandomAccessIterator middle,
- RandomAccessIterator end, Comparator comp)
- {
- parallel_nth_element(begin, middle, end, comp);
- std::sort(begin, middle, comp);
- }
-} //namespace __gnu_parallel