path: root/gcc-4.4.3/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/list.tcc
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'gcc-4.4.3/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/list.tcc')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 416 deletions
diff --git a/gcc-4.4.3/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/list.tcc b/gcc-4.4.3/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/list.tcc
deleted file mode 100644
index 899b41815..000000000
--- a/gcc-4.4.3/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/list.tcc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,416 +0,0 @@
-// List implementation (out of line) -*- C++ -*-
-// Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009
-// Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-// This file is part of the GNU ISO C++ Library. This library is free
-// software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-// terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-// Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
-// any later version.
-// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// GNU General Public License for more details.
-// Under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted additional
-// permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, version
-// 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and
-// a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program;
-// see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively. If not, see
-// <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1994
- * Hewlett-Packard Company
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software
- * and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
- * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
- * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
- * in supporting documentation. Hewlett-Packard Company makes no
- * representations about the suitability of this software for any
- * purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
- *
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1996,1997
- * Silicon Graphics Computer Systems, Inc.
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software
- * and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
- * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
- * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
- * in supporting documentation. Silicon Graphics makes no
- * representations about the suitability of this software for any
- * purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
- */
-/** @file list.tcc
- * This is an internal header file, included by other library headers.
- * You should not attempt to use it directly.
- */
-#ifndef _LIST_TCC
-#define _LIST_TCC 1
- template<typename _Tp, typename _Alloc>
- void
- _List_base<_Tp, _Alloc>::
- _M_clear()
- {
- typedef _List_node<_Tp> _Node;
- _Node* __cur = static_cast<_Node*>(this->_M_impl._M_node._M_next);
- while (__cur != &this->_M_impl._M_node)
- {
- _Node* __tmp = __cur;
- __cur = static_cast<_Node*>(__cur->_M_next);
- _M_get_Node_allocator().destroy(__tmp);
- _M_get_Tp_allocator().destroy(&__tmp->_M_data);
- _M_put_node(__tmp);
- }
- }
- template<typename _Tp, typename _Alloc>
- template<typename... _Args>
- typename list<_Tp, _Alloc>::iterator
- list<_Tp, _Alloc>::
- emplace(iterator __position, _Args&&... __args)
- {
- _Node* __tmp = _M_create_node(std::forward<_Args>(__args)...);
- __tmp->hook(__position._M_node);
- return iterator(__tmp);
- }
- template<typename _Tp, typename _Alloc>
- typename list<_Tp, _Alloc>::iterator
- list<_Tp, _Alloc>::
- insert(iterator __position, const value_type& __x)
- {
- _Node* __tmp = _M_create_node(__x);
- __tmp->hook(__position._M_node);
- return iterator(__tmp);
- }
- template<typename _Tp, typename _Alloc>
- typename list<_Tp, _Alloc>::iterator
- list<_Tp, _Alloc>::
- erase(iterator __position)
- {
- iterator __ret = iterator(__position._M_node->_M_next);
- _M_erase(__position);
- return __ret;
- }
- template<typename _Tp, typename _Alloc>
- void
- list<_Tp, _Alloc>::
- resize(size_type __new_size, value_type __x)
- {
- iterator __i = begin();
- size_type __len = 0;
- for (; __i != end() && __len < __new_size; ++__i, ++__len)
- ;
- if (__len == __new_size)
- erase(__i, end());
- else // __i == end()
- insert(end(), __new_size - __len, __x);
- }
- template<typename _Tp, typename _Alloc>
- list<_Tp, _Alloc>&
- list<_Tp, _Alloc>::
- operator=(const list& __x)
- {
- if (this != &__x)
- {
- iterator __first1 = begin();
- iterator __last1 = end();
- const_iterator __first2 = __x.begin();
- const_iterator __last2 = __x.end();
- for (; __first1 != __last1 && __first2 != __last2;
- ++__first1, ++__first2)
- *__first1 = *__first2;
- if (__first2 == __last2)
- erase(__first1, __last1);
- else
- insert(__last1, __first2, __last2);
- }
- return *this;
- }
- template<typename _Tp, typename _Alloc>
- void
- list<_Tp, _Alloc>::
- _M_fill_assign(size_type __n, const value_type& __val)
- {
- iterator __i = begin();
- for (; __i != end() && __n > 0; ++__i, --__n)
- *__i = __val;
- if (__n > 0)
- insert(end(), __n, __val);
- else
- erase(__i, end());
- }
- template<typename _Tp, typename _Alloc>
- template <typename _InputIterator>
- void
- list<_Tp, _Alloc>::
- _M_assign_dispatch(_InputIterator __first2, _InputIterator __last2,
- __false_type)
- {
- iterator __first1 = begin();
- iterator __last1 = end();
- for (; __first1 != __last1 && __first2 != __last2;
- ++__first1, ++__first2)
- *__first1 = *__first2;
- if (__first2 == __last2)
- erase(__first1, __last1);
- else
- insert(__last1, __first2, __last2);
- }
- template<typename _Tp, typename _Alloc>
- void
- list<_Tp, _Alloc>::
- remove(const value_type& __value)
- {
- iterator __first = begin();
- iterator __last = end();
- iterator __extra = __last;
- while (__first != __last)
- {
- iterator __next = __first;
- ++__next;
- if (*__first == __value)
- {
- // 526. Is it undefined if a function in the standard changes
- // in parameters?
- if (&*__first != &__value)
- _M_erase(__first);
- else
- __extra = __first;
- }
- __first = __next;
- }
- if (__extra != __last)
- _M_erase(__extra);
- }
- template<typename _Tp, typename _Alloc>
- void
- list<_Tp, _Alloc>::
- unique()
- {
- iterator __first = begin();
- iterator __last = end();
- if (__first == __last)
- return;
- iterator __next = __first;
- while (++__next != __last)
- {
- if (*__first == *__next)
- _M_erase(__next);
- else
- __first = __next;
- __next = __first;
- }
- }
- template<typename _Tp, typename _Alloc>
- void
- list<_Tp, _Alloc>::
- merge(list&& __x)
- merge(list& __x)
- {
- // 300. list::merge() specification incomplete
- if (this != &__x)
- {
- _M_check_equal_allocators(__x);
- iterator __first1 = begin();
- iterator __last1 = end();
- iterator __first2 = __x.begin();
- iterator __last2 = __x.end();
- while (__first1 != __last1 && __first2 != __last2)
- if (*__first2 < *__first1)
- {
- iterator __next = __first2;
- _M_transfer(__first1, __first2, ++__next);
- __first2 = __next;
- }
- else
- ++__first1;
- if (__first2 != __last2)
- _M_transfer(__last1, __first2, __last2);
- }
- }
- template<typename _Tp, typename _Alloc>
- template <typename _StrictWeakOrdering>
- void
- list<_Tp, _Alloc>::
- merge(list&& __x, _StrictWeakOrdering __comp)
- merge(list& __x, _StrictWeakOrdering __comp)
- {
- // 300. list::merge() specification incomplete
- if (this != &__x)
- {
- _M_check_equal_allocators(__x);
- iterator __first1 = begin();
- iterator __last1 = end();
- iterator __first2 = __x.begin();
- iterator __last2 = __x.end();
- while (__first1 != __last1 && __first2 != __last2)
- if (__comp(*__first2, *__first1))
- {
- iterator __next = __first2;
- _M_transfer(__first1, __first2, ++__next);
- __first2 = __next;
- }
- else
- ++__first1;
- if (__first2 != __last2)
- _M_transfer(__last1, __first2, __last2);
- }
- }
- template<typename _Tp, typename _Alloc>
- void
- list<_Tp, _Alloc>::
- sort()
- {
- // Do nothing if the list has length 0 or 1.
- if (this->_M_impl._M_node._M_next != &this->_M_impl._M_node
- && this->_M_impl._M_node._M_next->_M_next != &this->_M_impl._M_node)
- {
- list __carry;
- list __tmp[64];
- list * __fill = &__tmp[0];
- list * __counter;
- do
- {
- __carry.splice(__carry.begin(), *this, begin());
- for(__counter = &__tmp[0];
- __counter != __fill && !__counter->empty();
- ++__counter)
- {
- __counter->merge(__carry);
- __carry.swap(*__counter);
- }
- __carry.swap(*__counter);
- if (__counter == __fill)
- ++__fill;
- }
- while ( !empty() );
- for (__counter = &__tmp[1]; __counter != __fill; ++__counter)
- __counter->merge(*(__counter - 1));
- swap( *(__fill - 1) );
- }
- }
- template<typename _Tp, typename _Alloc>
- template <typename _Predicate>
- void
- list<_Tp, _Alloc>::
- remove_if(_Predicate __pred)
- {
- iterator __first = begin();
- iterator __last = end();
- while (__first != __last)
- {
- iterator __next = __first;
- ++__next;
- if (__pred(*__first))
- _M_erase(__first);
- __first = __next;
- }
- }
- template<typename _Tp, typename _Alloc>
- template <typename _BinaryPredicate>
- void
- list<_Tp, _Alloc>::
- unique(_BinaryPredicate __binary_pred)
- {
- iterator __first = begin();
- iterator __last = end();
- if (__first == __last)
- return;
- iterator __next = __first;
- while (++__next != __last)
- {
- if (__binary_pred(*__first, *__next))
- _M_erase(__next);
- else
- __first = __next;
- __next = __first;
- }
- }
- template<typename _Tp, typename _Alloc>
- template <typename _StrictWeakOrdering>
- void
- list<_Tp, _Alloc>::
- sort(_StrictWeakOrdering __comp)
- {
- // Do nothing if the list has length 0 or 1.
- if (this->_M_impl._M_node._M_next != &this->_M_impl._M_node
- && this->_M_impl._M_node._M_next->_M_next != &this->_M_impl._M_node)
- {
- list __carry;
- list __tmp[64];
- list * __fill = &__tmp[0];
- list * __counter;
- do
- {
- __carry.splice(__carry.begin(), *this, begin());
- for(__counter = &__tmp[0];
- __counter != __fill && !__counter->empty();
- ++__counter)
- {
- __counter->merge(__carry, __comp);
- __carry.swap(*__counter);
- }
- __carry.swap(*__counter);
- if (__counter == __fill)
- ++__fill;
- }
- while ( !empty() );
- for (__counter = &__tmp[1]; __counter != __fill; ++__counter)
- __counter->merge(*(__counter - 1), __comp);
- swap(*(__fill - 1));
- }
- }
-#endif /* _LIST_TCC */