path: root/gcc-4.4.3/gcc/ada/i-cobol.adb
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--- --
--- --
--- I N T E R F A C E S . C O B O L --
--- --
--- B o d y --
--- --
--- Copyright (C) 1992-2009, Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
--- --
--- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
--- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
--- ware Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later ver- --
--- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
--- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
--- --
--- As a special exception under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted --
--- additional permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, --
--- version 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. --
--- --
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and --
--- a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program; --
--- see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively. If not, see --
--- <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. --
--- --
--- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
--- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. --
--- --
--- The body of Interfaces.COBOL is implementation independent (i.e. the same
--- version is used with all versions of GNAT). The specialization to a
--- particular COBOL format is completely contained in the private part of
--- the spec.
-with Interfaces; use Interfaces;
-with System; use System;
-with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion;
-package body Interfaces.COBOL is
- -----------------------------------------------
- -- Declarations for External Binary Handling --
- -----------------------------------------------
- subtype B1 is Byte_Array (1 .. 1);
- subtype B2 is Byte_Array (1 .. 2);
- subtype B4 is Byte_Array (1 .. 4);
- subtype B8 is Byte_Array (1 .. 8);
- -- Representations for 1,2,4,8 byte binary values
- function To_B1 is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Integer_8, B1);
- function To_B2 is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Integer_16, B2);
- function To_B4 is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Integer_32, B4);
- function To_B8 is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Integer_64, B8);
- -- Conversions from native binary to external binary
- function From_B1 is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (B1, Integer_8);
- function From_B2 is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (B2, Integer_16);
- function From_B4 is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (B4, Integer_32);
- function From_B8 is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (B8, Integer_64);
- -- Conversions from external binary to signed native binary
- function From_B1U is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (B1, Unsigned_8);
- function From_B2U is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (B2, Unsigned_16);
- function From_B4U is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (B4, Unsigned_32);
- function From_B8U is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (B8, Unsigned_64);
- -- Conversions from external binary to unsigned native binary
- -----------------------
- -- Local Subprograms --
- -----------------------
- function Binary_To_Decimal
- (Item : Byte_Array;
- Format : Binary_Format) return Integer_64;
- -- This function converts a numeric value in the given format to its
- -- corresponding integer value. This is the non-generic implementation
- -- of Decimal_Conversions.To_Decimal. The generic routine does the
- -- final conversion to the fixed-point format.
- function Numeric_To_Decimal
- (Item : Numeric;
- Format : Display_Format) return Integer_64;
- -- This function converts a numeric value in the given format to its
- -- corresponding integer value. This is the non-generic implementation
- -- of Decimal_Conversions.To_Decimal. The generic routine does the
- -- final conversion to the fixed-point format.
- function Packed_To_Decimal
- (Item : Packed_Decimal;
- Format : Packed_Format) return Integer_64;
- -- This function converts a packed value in the given format to its
- -- corresponding integer value. This is the non-generic implementation
- -- of Decimal_Conversions.To_Decimal. The generic routine does the
- -- final conversion to the fixed-point format.
- procedure Swap (B : in out Byte_Array; F : Binary_Format);
- -- Swaps the bytes if required by the binary format F
- function To_Display
- (Item : Integer_64;
- Format : Display_Format;
- Length : Natural) return Numeric;
- -- This function converts the given integer value into display format,
- -- using the given format, with the length in bytes of the result given
- -- by the last parameter. This is the non-generic implementation of
- -- Decimal_Conversions.To_Display. The conversion of the item from its
- -- original decimal format to Integer_64 is done by the generic routine.
- function To_Packed
- (Item : Integer_64;
- Format : Packed_Format;
- Length : Natural) return Packed_Decimal;
- -- This function converts the given integer value into packed format,
- -- using the given format, with the length in digits of the result given
- -- by the last parameter. This is the non-generic implementation of
- -- Decimal_Conversions.To_Display. The conversion of the item from its
- -- original decimal format to Integer_64 is done by the generic routine.
- function Valid_Numeric
- (Item : Numeric;
- Format : Display_Format) return Boolean;
- -- This is the non-generic implementation of Decimal_Conversions.Valid
- -- for the display case.
- function Valid_Packed
- (Item : Packed_Decimal;
- Format : Packed_Format) return Boolean;
- -- This is the non-generic implementation of Decimal_Conversions.Valid
- -- for the packed case.
- -----------------------
- -- Binary_To_Decimal --
- -----------------------
- function Binary_To_Decimal
- (Item : Byte_Array;
- Format : Binary_Format) return Integer_64
- is
- Len : constant Natural := Item'Length;
- begin
- if Len = 1 then
- if Format in Binary_Unsigned_Format then
- return Integer_64 (From_B1U (Item));
- else
- return Integer_64 (From_B1 (Item));
- end if;
- elsif Len = 2 then
- declare
- R : B2 := Item;
- begin
- Swap (R, Format);
- if Format in Binary_Unsigned_Format then
- return Integer_64 (From_B2U (R));
- else
- return Integer_64 (From_B2 (R));
- end if;
- end;
- elsif Len = 4 then
- declare
- R : B4 := Item;
- begin
- Swap (R, Format);
- if Format in Binary_Unsigned_Format then
- return Integer_64 (From_B4U (R));
- else
- return Integer_64 (From_B4 (R));
- end if;
- end;
- elsif Len = 8 then
- declare
- R : B8 := Item;
- begin
- Swap (R, Format);
- if Format in Binary_Unsigned_Format then
- return Integer_64 (From_B8U (R));
- else
- return Integer_64 (From_B8 (R));
- end if;
- end;
- -- Length is not 1, 2, 4 or 8
- else
- raise Conversion_Error;
- end if;
- end Binary_To_Decimal;
- ------------------------
- -- Numeric_To_Decimal --
- ------------------------
- -- The following assumptions are made in the coding of this routine:
- -- The range of COBOL_Digits is compact and the ten values
- -- represent the digits 0-9 in sequence
- -- The range of COBOL_Plus_Digits is compact and the ten values
- -- represent the digits 0-9 in sequence with a plus sign.
- -- The range of COBOL_Minus_Digits is compact and the ten values
- -- represent the digits 0-9 in sequence with a minus sign.
- -- The COBOL_Minus_Digits set is disjoint from COBOL_Digits
- -- These assumptions are true for all COBOL representations we know of
- function Numeric_To_Decimal
- (Item : Numeric;
- Format : Display_Format) return Integer_64
- is
- pragma Unsuppress (Range_Check);
- Sign : COBOL_Character := COBOL_Plus;
- Result : Integer_64 := 0;
- begin
- if not Valid_Numeric (Item, Format) then
- raise Conversion_Error;
- end if;
- for J in Item'Range loop
- declare
- K : constant COBOL_Character := Item (J);
- begin
- if K in COBOL_Digits then
- Result := Result * 10 +
- (COBOL_Character'Pos (K) -
- COBOL_Character'Pos (COBOL_Digits'First));
- elsif K in COBOL_Plus_Digits then
- Result := Result * 10 +
- (COBOL_Character'Pos (K) -
- COBOL_Character'Pos (COBOL_Plus_Digits'First));
- elsif K in COBOL_Minus_Digits then
- Result := Result * 10 +
- (COBOL_Character'Pos (K) -
- COBOL_Character'Pos (COBOL_Minus_Digits'First));
- Sign := COBOL_Minus;
- -- Only remaining possibility is COBOL_Plus or COBOL_Minus
- else
- Sign := K;
- end if;
- end;
- end loop;
- if Sign = COBOL_Plus then
- return Result;
- else
- return -Result;
- end if;
- exception
- when Constraint_Error =>
- raise Conversion_Error;
- end Numeric_To_Decimal;
- -----------------------
- -- Packed_To_Decimal --
- -----------------------
- function Packed_To_Decimal
- (Item : Packed_Decimal;
- Format : Packed_Format) return Integer_64
- is
- pragma Unsuppress (Range_Check);
- Result : Integer_64 := 0;
- Sign : constant Decimal_Element := Item (Item'Last);
- begin
- if not Valid_Packed (Item, Format) then
- raise Conversion_Error;
- end if;
- case Packed_Representation is
- when IBM =>
- for J in Item'First .. Item'Last - 1 loop
- Result := Result * 10 + Integer_64 (Item (J));
- end loop;
- if Sign = 16#0B# or else Sign = 16#0D# then
- return -Result;
- else
- return +Result;
- end if;
- end case;
- exception
- when Constraint_Error =>
- raise Conversion_Error;
- end Packed_To_Decimal;
- ----------
- -- Swap --
- ----------
- procedure Swap (B : in out Byte_Array; F : Binary_Format) is
- Little_Endian : constant Boolean :=
- System.Default_Bit_Order = System.Low_Order_First;
- begin
- -- Return if no swap needed
- case F is
- when H | HU =>
- if not Little_Endian then
- return;
- end if;
- when L | LU =>
- if Little_Endian then
- return;
- end if;
- when N | NU =>
- return;
- end case;
- -- Here a swap is needed
- declare
- Len : constant Natural := B'Length;
- begin
- for J in 1 .. Len / 2 loop
- declare
- Temp : constant Byte := B (J);
- begin
- B (J) := B (Len + 1 - J);
- B (Len + 1 - J) := Temp;
- end;
- end loop;
- end;
- end Swap;
- -----------------------
- -- To_Ada (function) --
- -----------------------
- function To_Ada (Item : Alphanumeric) return String is
- Result : String (Item'Range);
- begin
- for J in Item'Range loop
- Result (J) := COBOL_To_Ada (Item (J));
- end loop;
- return Result;
- end To_Ada;
- ------------------------
- -- To_Ada (procedure) --
- ------------------------
- procedure To_Ada
- (Item : Alphanumeric;
- Target : out String;
- Last : out Natural)
- is
- Last_Val : Integer;
- begin
- if Item'Length > Target'Length then
- raise Constraint_Error;
- end if;
- Last_Val := Target'First - 1;
- for J in Item'Range loop
- Last_Val := Last_Val + 1;
- Target (Last_Val) := COBOL_To_Ada (Item (J));
- end loop;
- Last := Last_Val;
- end To_Ada;
- -------------------------
- -- To_COBOL (function) --
- -------------------------
- function To_COBOL (Item : String) return Alphanumeric is
- Result : Alphanumeric (Item'Range);
- begin
- for J in Item'Range loop
- Result (J) := Ada_To_COBOL (Item (J));
- end loop;
- return Result;
- end To_COBOL;
- --------------------------
- -- To_COBOL (procedure) --
- --------------------------
- procedure To_COBOL
- (Item : String;
- Target : out Alphanumeric;
- Last : out Natural)
- is
- Last_Val : Integer;
- begin
- if Item'Length > Target'Length then
- raise Constraint_Error;
- end if;
- Last_Val := Target'First - 1;
- for J in Item'Range loop
- Last_Val := Last_Val + 1;
- Target (Last_Val) := Ada_To_COBOL (Item (J));
- end loop;
- Last := Last_Val;
- end To_COBOL;
- ----------------
- -- To_Display --
- ----------------
- function To_Display
- (Item : Integer_64;
- Format : Display_Format;
- Length : Natural) return Numeric
- is
- Result : Numeric (1 .. Length);
- Val : Integer_64 := Item;
- procedure Convert (First, Last : Natural);
- -- Convert the number in Val into COBOL_Digits, storing the result
- -- in Result (First .. Last). Raise Conversion_Error if too large.
- procedure Embed_Sign (Loc : Natural);
- -- Used for the nonseparate formats to embed the appropriate sign
- -- at the specified location (i.e. at Result (Loc))
- -------------
- -- Convert --
- -------------
- procedure Convert (First, Last : Natural) is
- J : Natural;
- begin
- J := Last;
- while J >= First loop
- Result (J) :=
- COBOL_Character'Val
- (COBOL_Character'Pos (COBOL_Digits'First) +
- Integer (Val mod 10));
- Val := Val / 10;
- if Val = 0 then
- for K in First .. J - 1 loop
- Result (J) := COBOL_Digits'First;
- end loop;
- return;
- else
- J := J - 1;
- end if;
- end loop;
- raise Conversion_Error;
- end Convert;
- ----------------
- -- Embed_Sign --
- ----------------
- procedure Embed_Sign (Loc : Natural) is
- Digit : Natural range 0 .. 9;
- begin
- Digit := COBOL_Character'Pos (Result (Loc)) -
- COBOL_Character'Pos (COBOL_Digits'First);
- if Item >= 0 then
- Result (Loc) :=
- COBOL_Character'Val
- (COBOL_Character'Pos (COBOL_Plus_Digits'First) + Digit);
- else
- Result (Loc) :=
- COBOL_Character'Val
- (COBOL_Character'Pos (COBOL_Minus_Digits'First) + Digit);
- end if;
- end Embed_Sign;
- -- Start of processing for To_Display
- begin
- case Format is
- when Unsigned =>
- if Val < 0 then
- raise Conversion_Error;
- else
- Convert (1, Length);
- end if;
- when Leading_Separate =>
- if Val < 0 then
- Result (1) := COBOL_Minus;
- Val := -Val;
- else
- Result (1) := COBOL_Plus;
- end if;
- Convert (2, Length);
- when Trailing_Separate =>
- if Val < 0 then
- Result (Length) := COBOL_Minus;
- Val := -Val;
- else
- Result (Length) := COBOL_Plus;
- end if;
- Convert (1, Length - 1);
- when Leading_Nonseparate =>
- Val := abs Val;
- Convert (1, Length);
- Embed_Sign (1);
- when Trailing_Nonseparate =>
- Val := abs Val;
- Convert (1, Length);
- Embed_Sign (Length);
- end case;
- return Result;
- end To_Display;
- ---------------
- -- To_Packed --
- ---------------
- function To_Packed
- (Item : Integer_64;
- Format : Packed_Format;
- Length : Natural) return Packed_Decimal
- is
- Result : Packed_Decimal (1 .. Length);
- Val : Integer_64;
- procedure Convert (First, Last : Natural);
- -- Convert the number in Val into a sequence of Decimal_Element values,
- -- storing the result in Result (First .. Last). Raise Conversion_Error
- -- if the value is too large to fit.
- -------------
- -- Convert --
- -------------
- procedure Convert (First, Last : Natural) is
- J : Natural := Last;
- begin
- while J >= First loop
- Result (J) := Decimal_Element (Val mod 10);
- Val := Val / 10;
- if Val = 0 then
- for K in First .. J - 1 loop
- Result (K) := 0;
- end loop;
- return;
- else
- J := J - 1;
- end if;
- end loop;
- raise Conversion_Error;
- end Convert;
- -- Start of processing for To_Packed
- begin
- case Packed_Representation is
- when IBM =>
- if Format = Packed_Unsigned then
- if Item < 0 then
- raise Conversion_Error;
- else
- Result (Length) := 16#F#;
- Val := Item;
- end if;
- elsif Item >= 0 then
- Result (Length) := 16#C#;
- Val := Item;
- else -- Item < 0
- Result (Length) := 16#D#;
- Val := -Item;
- end if;
- Convert (1, Length - 1);
- return Result;
- end case;
- end To_Packed;
- -------------------
- -- Valid_Numeric --
- -------------------
- function Valid_Numeric
- (Item : Numeric;
- Format : Display_Format) return Boolean
- is
- begin
- if Item'Length = 0 then
- return False;
- end if;
- -- All character positions except first and last must be Digits.
- -- This is true for all the formats.
- for J in Item'First + 1 .. Item'Last - 1 loop
- if Item (J) not in COBOL_Digits then
- return False;
- end if;
- end loop;
- case Format is
- when Unsigned =>
- return Item (Item'First) in COBOL_Digits
- and then Item (Item'Last) in COBOL_Digits;
- when Leading_Separate =>
- return (Item (Item'First) = COBOL_Plus or else
- Item (Item'First) = COBOL_Minus)
- and then Item (Item'Last) in COBOL_Digits;
- when Trailing_Separate =>
- return Item (Item'First) in COBOL_Digits
- and then
- (Item (Item'Last) = COBOL_Plus or else
- Item (Item'Last) = COBOL_Minus);
- when Leading_Nonseparate =>
- return (Item (Item'First) in COBOL_Plus_Digits or else
- Item (Item'First) in COBOL_Minus_Digits)
- and then Item (Item'Last) in COBOL_Digits;
- when Trailing_Nonseparate =>
- return Item (Item'First) in COBOL_Digits
- and then
- (Item (Item'Last) in COBOL_Plus_Digits or else
- Item (Item'Last) in COBOL_Minus_Digits);
- end case;
- end Valid_Numeric;
- ------------------
- -- Valid_Packed --
- ------------------
- function Valid_Packed
- (Item : Packed_Decimal;
- Format : Packed_Format) return Boolean
- is
- begin
- case Packed_Representation is
- when IBM =>
- for J in Item'First .. Item'Last - 1 loop
- if Item (J) > 9 then
- return False;
- end if;
- end loop;
- -- For unsigned, sign digit must be F
- if Format = Packed_Unsigned then
- return Item (Item'Last) = 16#F#;
- -- For signed, accept all standard and non-standard signs
- else
- return Item (Item'Last) in 16#A# .. 16#F#;
- end if;
- end case;
- end Valid_Packed;
- -------------------------
- -- Decimal_Conversions --
- -------------------------
- package body Decimal_Conversions is
- ---------------------
- -- Length (binary) --
- ---------------------
- -- Note that the tests here are all compile time tests
- function Length (Format : Binary_Format) return Natural is
- pragma Unreferenced (Format);
- begin
- if Num'Digits <= 2 then
- return 1;
- elsif Num'Digits <= 4 then
- return 2;
- elsif Num'Digits <= 9 then
- return 4;
- else -- Num'Digits in 10 .. 18
- return 8;
- end if;
- end Length;
- ----------------------
- -- Length (display) --
- ----------------------
- function Length (Format : Display_Format) return Natural is
- begin
- if Format = Leading_Separate or else Format = Trailing_Separate then
- return Num'Digits + 1;
- else
- return Num'Digits;
- end if;
- end Length;
- ---------------------
- -- Length (packed) --
- ---------------------
- -- Note that the tests here are all compile time checks
- function Length
- (Format : Packed_Format) return Natural
- is
- pragma Unreferenced (Format);
- begin
- case Packed_Representation is
- when IBM =>
- return (Num'Digits + 2) / 2 * 2;
- end case;
- end Length;
- ---------------
- -- To_Binary --
- ---------------
- function To_Binary
- (Item : Num;
- Format : Binary_Format) return Byte_Array
- is
- begin
- -- Note: all these tests are compile time tests
- if Num'Digits <= 2 then
- return To_B1 (Integer_8'Integer_Value (Item));
- elsif Num'Digits <= 4 then
- declare
- R : B2 := To_B2 (Integer_16'Integer_Value (Item));
- begin
- Swap (R, Format);
- return R;
- end;
- elsif Num'Digits <= 9 then
- declare
- R : B4 := To_B4 (Integer_32'Integer_Value (Item));
- begin
- Swap (R, Format);
- return R;
- end;
- else -- Num'Digits in 10 .. 18
- declare
- R : B8 := To_B8 (Integer_64'Integer_Value (Item));
- begin
- Swap (R, Format);
- return R;
- end;
- end if;
- exception
- when Constraint_Error =>
- raise Conversion_Error;
- end To_Binary;
- ---------------------------------
- -- To_Binary (internal binary) --
- ---------------------------------
- function To_Binary (Item : Num) return Binary is
- pragma Unsuppress (Range_Check);
- begin
- return Binary'Integer_Value (Item);
- exception
- when Constraint_Error =>
- raise Conversion_Error;
- end To_Binary;
- -------------------------
- -- To_Decimal (binary) --
- -------------------------
- function To_Decimal
- (Item : Byte_Array;
- Format : Binary_Format) return Num
- is
- pragma Unsuppress (Range_Check);
- begin
- return Num'Fixed_Value (Binary_To_Decimal (Item, Format));
- exception
- when Constraint_Error =>
- raise Conversion_Error;
- end To_Decimal;
- ----------------------------------
- -- To_Decimal (internal binary) --
- ----------------------------------
- function To_Decimal (Item : Binary) return Num is
- pragma Unsuppress (Range_Check);
- begin
- return Num'Fixed_Value (Item);
- exception
- when Constraint_Error =>
- raise Conversion_Error;
- end To_Decimal;
- --------------------------
- -- To_Decimal (display) --
- --------------------------
- function To_Decimal
- (Item : Numeric;
- Format : Display_Format) return Num
- is
- pragma Unsuppress (Range_Check);
- begin
- return Num'Fixed_Value (Numeric_To_Decimal (Item, Format));
- exception
- when Constraint_Error =>
- raise Conversion_Error;
- end To_Decimal;
- ---------------------------------------
- -- To_Decimal (internal long binary) --
- ---------------------------------------
- function To_Decimal (Item : Long_Binary) return Num is
- pragma Unsuppress (Range_Check);
- begin
- return Num'Fixed_Value (Item);
- exception
- when Constraint_Error =>
- raise Conversion_Error;
- end To_Decimal;
- -------------------------
- -- To_Decimal (packed) --
- -------------------------
- function To_Decimal
- (Item : Packed_Decimal;
- Format : Packed_Format) return Num
- is
- pragma Unsuppress (Range_Check);
- begin
- return Num'Fixed_Value (Packed_To_Decimal (Item, Format));
- exception
- when Constraint_Error =>
- raise Conversion_Error;
- end To_Decimal;
- ----------------
- -- To_Display --
- ----------------
- function To_Display
- (Item : Num;
- Format : Display_Format) return Numeric
- is
- pragma Unsuppress (Range_Check);
- begin
- return
- To_Display
- (Integer_64'Integer_Value (Item),
- Format,
- Length (Format));
- exception
- when Constraint_Error =>
- raise Conversion_Error;
- end To_Display;
- --------------------
- -- To_Long_Binary --
- --------------------
- function To_Long_Binary (Item : Num) return Long_Binary is
- pragma Unsuppress (Range_Check);
- begin
- return Long_Binary'Integer_Value (Item);
- exception
- when Constraint_Error =>
- raise Conversion_Error;
- end To_Long_Binary;
- ---------------
- -- To_Packed --
- ---------------
- function To_Packed
- (Item : Num;
- Format : Packed_Format) return Packed_Decimal
- is
- pragma Unsuppress (Range_Check);
- begin
- return
- To_Packed
- (Integer_64'Integer_Value (Item),
- Format,
- Length (Format));
- exception
- when Constraint_Error =>
- raise Conversion_Error;
- end To_Packed;
- --------------------
- -- Valid (binary) --
- --------------------
- function Valid
- (Item : Byte_Array;
- Format : Binary_Format) return Boolean
- is
- Val : Num;
- pragma Unreferenced (Val);
- begin
- Val := To_Decimal (Item, Format);
- return True;
- exception
- when Conversion_Error =>
- return False;
- end Valid;
- ---------------------
- -- Valid (display) --
- ---------------------
- function Valid
- (Item : Numeric;
- Format : Display_Format) return Boolean
- is
- begin
- return Valid_Numeric (Item, Format);
- end Valid;
- --------------------
- -- Valid (packed) --
- --------------------
- function Valid
- (Item : Packed_Decimal;
- Format : Packed_Format) return Boolean
- is
- begin
- return Valid_Packed (Item, Format);
- end Valid;
- end Decimal_Conversions;
-end Interfaces.COBOL;