path: root/gcc-4.4.3/gcc/ada/a-direct.ads
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--- --
--- --
--- A D A . D I R E C T O R I E S --
--- --
--- S p e c --
--- --
--- Copyright (C) 2004-2009, Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
--- --
--- This specification is derived for use with GNAT from AI-00248, which is --
--- expected to be a part of a future expected revised Ada Reference Manual. --
--- The copyright notice above, and the license provisions that follow apply --
--- solely to the contents of the part following the private keyword. --
--- --
--- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
--- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
--- ware Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later ver- --
--- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
--- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
--- --
--- As a special exception under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted --
--- additional permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, --
--- version 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. --
--- --
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and --
--- a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program; --
--- see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively. If not, see --
--- <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. --
--- --
--- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
--- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. --
--- --
--- Ada 2005: Implementation of Ada.Directories (AI95-00248). Note that this
--- unit is available without -gnat05. That seems reasonable, since you only
--- get it if you explicitly ask for it.
--- External files may be classified as directories, special files, or ordinary
--- files. A directory is an external file that is a container for files on
--- the target system. A special file is an external file that cannot be
--- created or read by a predefined Ada Input-Output package. External files
--- that are not special files or directories are called ordinary files.
--- A file name is a string identifying an external file. Similarly, a
--- directory name is a string identifying a directory. The interpretation of
--- file names and directory names is implementation-defined.
--- The full name of an external file is a full specification of the name of
--- the file. If the external environment allows alternative specifications of
--- the name (for example, abbreviations), the full name should not use such
--- alternatives. A full name typically will include the names of all of
--- directories that contain the item. The simple name of an external file is
--- the name of the item, not including any containing directory names. Unless
--- otherwise specified, a file name or directory name parameter to a
--- predefined Ada input-output subprogram can be a full name, a simple name,
--- or any other form of name supported by the implementation.
--- The default directory is the directory that is used if a directory or
--- file name is not a full name (that is, when the name does not fully
--- identify all of the containing directories).
--- A directory entry is a single item in a directory, identifying a single
--- external file (including directories and special files).
--- For each function that returns a string, the lower bound of the returned
--- value is 1.
-with Ada.Calendar;
-with Ada.Finalization;
-with Ada.IO_Exceptions;
-with Ada.Strings.Unbounded;
-package Ada.Directories is
- -----------------------------------
- -- Directory and File Operations --
- -----------------------------------
- function Current_Directory return String;
- -- Returns the full directory name for the current default directory. The
- -- name returned shall be suitable for a future call to Set_Directory.
- -- The exception Use_Error is propagated if a default directory is not
- -- supported by the external environment.
- procedure Set_Directory (Directory : String);
- -- Sets the current default directory. The exception Name_Error is
- -- propagated if the string given as Directory does not identify an
- -- existing directory. The exception Use_Error is propagated if the
- -- external environment does not support making Directory (in the absence
- -- of Name_Error) a default directory.
- procedure Create_Directory
- (New_Directory : String;
- Form : String := "");
- -- Creates a directory with name New_Directory. The Form parameter can be
- -- used to give system-dependent characteristics of the directory; the
- -- interpretation of the Form parameter is implementation-defined. A null
- -- string for Form specifies the use of the default options of the
- -- implementation of the new directory. The exception Name_Error is
- -- propagated if the string given as New_Directory does not allow the
- -- identification of a directory. The exception Use_Error is propagated if
- -- the external environment does not support the creation of a directory
- -- with the given name (in the absence of Name_Error) and form.
- procedure Delete_Directory (Directory : String);
- -- Deletes an existing empty directory with name Directory. The exception
- -- Name_Error is propagated if the string given as Directory does not
- -- identify an existing directory. The exception Use_Error is propagated
- -- if the external environment does not support the deletion of the
- -- directory (or some portion of its contents) with the given name (in the
- -- absence of Name_Error).
- procedure Create_Path
- (New_Directory : String;
- Form : String := "");
- -- Creates zero or more directories with name New_Directory. Each
- -- non-existent directory named by New_Directory is created. For example,
- -- on a typical Unix system, Create_Path ("/usr/me/my"); would create
- -- directory "me" in directory "usr", then create directory "my" in
- -- directory "me". The Form can be used to give system-dependent
- -- characteristics of the directory; the interpretation of the Form
- -- parameter is implementation-defined. A null string for Form specifies
- -- the use of the default options of the implementation of the new
- -- directory. The exception Name_Error is propagated if the string given
- -- as New_Directory does not allow the identification of any directory.
- -- The exception Use_Error is propagated if the external environment does
- -- not support the creation of any directories with the given name (in the
- -- absence of Name_Error) and form.
- procedure Delete_Tree (Directory : String);
- -- Deletes an existing directory with name Directory. The directory and
- -- all of its contents (possibly including other directories) are deleted.
- -- The exception Name_Error is propagated if the string given as Directory
- -- does not identify an existing directory. The exception Use_Error is
- -- propagated if the external environment does not support the deletion of
- -- the directory or some portion of its contents with the given name (in
- -- the absence of Name_Error). If Use_Error is propagated, it is
- -- unspecified if a portion of the contents of the directory are deleted.
- procedure Delete_File (Name : String);
- -- Deletes an existing ordinary or special file with Name. The exception
- -- Name_Error is propagated if the string given as Name does not identify
- -- an existing ordinary or special external file. The exception Use_Error
- -- is propagated if the external environment does not support the deletion
- -- of the file with the given name (in the absence of Name_Error).
- procedure Rename (Old_Name, New_Name : String);
- -- Renames an existing external file (including directories) with Old_Name
- -- to New_Name. The exception Name_Error is propagated if the string given
- -- as Old_Name does not identify an existing external file. The exception
- -- Use_Error is propagated if the external environment does not support the
- -- renaming of the file with the given name (in the absence of Name_Error).
- -- In particular, Use_Error is propagated if a file or directory already
- -- exists with New_Name.
- procedure Copy_File
- (Source_Name : String;
- Target_Name : String;
- Form : String := "");
- -- Copies the contents of the existing external file with Source_Name
- -- to Target_Name. The resulting external file is a duplicate of the source
- -- external file. The Form can be used to give system-dependent
- -- characteristics of the resulting external file; the interpretation of
- -- the Form parameter is implementation-defined. Exception Name_Error is
- -- propagated if the string given as Source_Name does not identify an
- -- existing external ordinary or special file or if the string given as
- -- Target_Name does not allow the identification of an external file.
- -- The exception Use_Error is propagated if the external environment does
- -- not support the creating of the file with the name given by Target_Name
- -- and form given by Form, or copying of the file with the name given by
- -- Source_Name (in the absence of Name_Error).
- ----------------------------------------
- -- File and directory name operations --
- ----------------------------------------
- function Full_Name (Name : String) return String;
- -- Returns the full name corresponding to the file name specified by Name.
- -- The exception Name_Error is propagated if the string given as Name does
- -- not allow the identification of an external file (including directories
- -- and special files).
- function Simple_Name (Name : String) return String;
- -- Returns the simple name portion of the file name specified by Name. The
- -- exception Name_Error is propagated if the string given as Name does not
- -- allow the identification of an external file (including directories and
- -- special files).
- function Containing_Directory (Name : String) return String;
- -- Returns the name of the containing directory of the external file
- -- (including directories) identified by Name. If more than one directory
- -- can contain Name, the directory name returned is implementation-defined.
- -- The exception Name_Error is propagated if the string given as Name does
- -- not allow the identification of an external file. The exception
- -- Use_Error is propagated if the external file does not have a containing
- -- directory.
- function Extension (Name : String) return String;
- -- Returns the extension name corresponding to Name. The extension name is
- -- a portion of a simple name (not including any separator characters),
- -- typically used to identify the file class. If the external environment
- -- does not have extension names, then the null string is returned.
- -- The exception Name_Error is propagated if the string given as Name does
- -- not allow the identification of an external file.
- function Base_Name (Name : String) return String;
- -- Returns the base name corresponding to Name. The base name is the
- -- remainder of a simple name after removing any extension and extension
- -- separators. The exception Name_Error is propagated if the string given
- -- as Name does not allow the identification of an external file
- -- (including directories and special files).
- function Compose
- (Containing_Directory : String := "";
- Name : String;
- Extension : String := "") return String;
- -- Returns the name of the external file with the specified
- -- Containing_Directory, Name, and Extension. If Extension is the null
- -- string, then Name is interpreted as a simple name; otherwise Name is
- -- interpreted as a base name. The exception Name_Error is propagated if
- -- the string given as Containing_Directory is not null and does not allow
- -- the identification of a directory, or if the string given as Extension
- -- is not null and is not a possible extension, or if the string given as
- -- Name is not a possible simple name (if Extension is null) or base name
- -- (if Extension is non-null).
- --------------------------------
- -- File and directory queries --
- --------------------------------
- type File_Kind is (Directory, Ordinary_File, Special_File);
- -- The type File_Kind represents the kind of file represented by an
- -- external file or directory.
- type File_Size is range 0 .. Long_Long_Integer'Last;
- -- The type File_Size represents the size of an external file
- function Exists (Name : String) return Boolean;
- -- Returns True if external file represented by Name exists, and False
- -- otherwise. The exception Name_Error is propagated if the string given as
- -- Name does not allow the identification of an external file (including
- -- directories and special files).
- function Kind (Name : String) return File_Kind;
- -- Returns the kind of external file represented by Name. The exception
- -- Name_Error is propagated if the string given as Name does not allow the
- -- identification of an existing external file.
- function Size (Name : String) return File_Size;
- -- Returns the size of the external file represented by Name. The size of
- -- an external file is the number of stream elements contained in the file.
- -- If the external file is discontiguous (not all elements exist), the
- -- result is implementation-defined. If the external file is not an
- -- ordinary file, the result is implementation-defined. The exception
- -- Name_Error is propagated if the string given as Name does not allow the
- -- identification of an existing external file. The exception
- -- Constraint_Error is propagated if the file size is not a value of type
- -- File_Size.
- function Modification_Time (Name : String) return Ada.Calendar.Time;
- -- Returns the time that the external file represented by Name was most
- -- recently modified. If the external file is not an ordinary file, the
- -- result is implementation-defined. The exception Name_Error is propagated
- -- if the string given as Name does not allow the identification of an
- -- existing external file. The exception Use_Error is propagated if the
- -- external environment does not support the reading the modification time
- -- of the file with the name given by Name (in the absence of Name_Error).
- -------------------------
- -- Directory Searching --
- -------------------------
- type Directory_Entry_Type is limited private;
- -- The type Directory_Entry_Type represents a single item in a directory.
- -- These items can only be created by the Get_Next_Entry procedure in this
- -- package. Information about the item can be obtained from the functions
- -- declared in this package. A default initialized object of this type is
- -- invalid; objects returned from Get_Next_Entry are valid.
- type Filter_Type is array (File_Kind) of Boolean;
- -- The type Filter_Type specifies which directory entries are provided from
- -- a search operation. If the Directory component is True, directory
- -- entries representing directories are provided. If the Ordinary_File
- -- component is True, directory entries representing ordinary files are
- -- provided. If the Special_File component is True, directory entries
- -- representing special files are provided.
- type Search_Type is limited private;
- -- The type Search_Type contains the state of a directory search. A
- -- default-initialized Search_Type object has no entries available
- -- (More_Entries returns False).
- procedure Start_Search
- (Search : in out Search_Type;
- Directory : String;
- Pattern : String;
- Filter : Filter_Type := (others => True));
- -- Starts a search in the directory entry in the directory named by
- -- Directory for entries matching Pattern. Pattern represents a file name
- -- matching pattern. If Pattern is null, all items in the directory are
- -- matched; otherwise, the interpretation of Pattern is implementation-
- -- defined. Only items which match Filter will be returned. After a
- -- successful call on Start_Search, the object Search may have entries
- -- available, but it may have no entries available if no files or
- -- directories match Pattern and Filter. The exception Name_Error is
- -- propagated if the string given by Directory does not identify an
- -- existing directory, or if Pattern does not allow the identification of
- -- any possible external file or directory. The exception Use_Error is
- -- propagated if the external environment does not support the searching
- -- of the directory with the given name (in the absence of Name_Error).
- procedure End_Search (Search : in out Search_Type);
- -- Ends the search represented by Search. After a successful call on
- -- End_Search, the object Search will have no entries available. Note
- -- that it is not necessary to call End_Search if the call to Start_Search
- -- was unsuccessful and raised an exception (but it is harmless to make
- -- the call in this case).
- function More_Entries (Search : Search_Type) return Boolean;
- -- Returns True if more entries are available to be returned by a call
- -- to Get_Next_Entry for the specified search object, and False otherwise.
- procedure Get_Next_Entry
- (Search : in out Search_Type;
- Directory_Entry : out Directory_Entry_Type);
- -- Returns the next Directory_Entry for the search described by Search that
- -- matches the pattern and filter. If no further matches are available,
- -- Status_Error is raised. It is implementation-defined as to whether the
- -- results returned by this routine are altered if the contents of the
- -- directory are altered while the Search object is valid (for example, by
- -- another program). The exception Use_Error is propagated if the external
- -- environment does not support continued searching of the directory
- -- represented by Search.
- procedure Search
- (Directory : String;
- Pattern : String;
- Filter : Filter_Type := (others => True);
- Process : not null access procedure
- (Directory_Entry : Directory_Entry_Type));
- -- Searches in the directory named by Directory for entries matching
- -- Pattern. The subprogram designated by Process is called with each
- -- matching entry in turn. Pattern represents a pattern for matching file
- -- names. If Pattern is null, all items in the directory are matched;
- -- otherwise, the interpretation of Pattern is implementation-defined.
- -- Only items that match Filter will be returned. The exception Name_Error
- -- is propagated if the string given by Directory does not identify
- -- an existing directory, or if Pattern does not allow the identification
- -- of any possible external file or directory. The exception Use_Error is
- -- propagated if the external environment does not support the searching
- -- of the directory with the given name (in the absence of Name_Error).
- -------------------------------------
- -- Operations on Directory Entries --
- -------------------------------------
- function Simple_Name (Directory_Entry : Directory_Entry_Type) return String;
- -- Returns the simple external name of the external file (including
- -- directories) represented by Directory_Entry. The format of the name
- -- returned is implementation-defined. The exception Status_Error is
- -- propagated if Directory_Entry is invalid.
- function Full_Name (Directory_Entry : Directory_Entry_Type) return String;
- -- Returns the full external name of the external file (including
- -- directories) represented by Directory_Entry. The format of the name
- -- returned is implementation-defined. The exception Status_Error is
- -- propagated if Directory_Entry is invalid.
- function Kind (Directory_Entry : Directory_Entry_Type) return File_Kind;
- -- Returns the kind of external file represented by Directory_Entry. The
- -- exception Status_Error is propagated if Directory_Entry is invalid.
- function Size (Directory_Entry : Directory_Entry_Type) return File_Size;
- -- Returns the size of the external file represented by Directory_Entry.
- -- The size of an external file is the number of stream elements contained
- -- in the file. If the external file is discontiguous (not all elements
- -- exist), the result is implementation-defined. If the external file
- -- represented by Directory_Entry is not an ordinary file, the result is
- -- implementation-defined. The exception Status_Error is propagated if
- -- Directory_Entry is invalid. The exception Constraint_Error is propagated
- -- if the file size is not a value of type File_Size.
- function Modification_Time
- (Directory_Entry : Directory_Entry_Type) return Ada.Calendar.Time;
- -- Returns the time that the external file represented by Directory_Entry
- -- was most recently modified. If the external file represented by
- -- Directory_Entry is not an ordinary file, the result is
- -- implementation-defined. The exception Status_Error is propagated if
- -- Directory_Entry is invalid. The exception Use_Error is propagated if
- -- the external environment does not support the reading the modification
- -- time of the file represented by Directory_Entry.
- ----------------
- -- Exceptions --
- ----------------
- Status_Error : exception renames Ada.IO_Exceptions.Status_Error;
- Name_Error : exception renames Ada.IO_Exceptions.Name_Error;
- Use_Error : exception renames Ada.IO_Exceptions.Use_Error;
- Device_Error : exception renames Ada.IO_Exceptions.Device_Error;
- type Directory_Entry_Type is record
- Is_Valid : Boolean := False;
- Simple : Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String;
- Full : Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String;
- Kind : File_Kind := Ordinary_File;
- end record;
- -- The type Search_Data is defined in the body, so that the spec does not
- -- depend on packages of the GNAT hierarchy.
- type Search_Data;
- type Search_Ptr is access Search_Data;
- -- Search_Type need to be a controlled type, because it includes component
- -- of type Dir_Type (in GNAT.Directory_Operations) that need to be closed
- -- (if opened) during finalization. The component need to be an access
- -- value, because Search_Data is not fully defined in the spec.
- type Search_Type is new Ada.Finalization.Controlled with record
- Value : Search_Ptr;
- end record;
- procedure Finalize (Search : in out Search_Type);
- -- Close the directory, if opened, and deallocate Value
- procedure End_Search (Search : in out Search_Type) renames Finalize;
-end Ada.Directories;