path: root/gcc-4.4.0/gcc/ada/g-spitbo.ads
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--- --
--- --
--- G N A T . S P I T B O L --
--- --
--- S p e c --
--- --
--- Copyright (C) 1997-2006, AdaCore --
--- --
--- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
--- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
--- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- --
--- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
--- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
--- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
--- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
--- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write --
--- to the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, --
--- Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. --
--- --
--- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from this --
--- unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an executable, --
--- this unit does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be --
--- covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not --
--- however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be --
--- covered by the GNU Public License. --
--- --
--- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
--- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. --
--- --
--- SPITBOL-like interface facilities
--- This package provides a set of interfaces to semantic operations copied
--- from SPITBOL, including a complete implementation of SPITBOL pattern
--- matching. The code is derived from the original SPITBOL MINIMAL sources,
--- created by Robert Dewar. The translation is not exact, but the
--- algorithmic approaches are similar.
-with Ada.Finalization; use Ada.Finalization;
-with Ada.Strings.Unbounded; use Ada.Strings.Unbounded;
-with Interfaces; use Interfaces;
-package GNAT.Spitbol is
- pragma Preelaborate;
- -- The Spitbol package relies heavily on the Unbounded_String package,
- -- using the synonym VString for variable length string. The following
- -- declarations define this type and other useful abbreviations.
- subtype VString is Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String;
- function V (Source : String) return VString
- renames Ada.Strings.Unbounded.To_Unbounded_String;
- function S (Source : VString) return String
- renames Ada.Strings.Unbounded.To_String;
- Nul : VString renames Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Null_Unbounded_String;
- -------------------------
- -- Facilities Provided --
- -------------------------
- -- The SPITBOL support in GNAT consists of this package together with
- -- several child packages. In this package, we have first a set of
- -- useful string functions, copied exactly from the corresponding
- -- SPITBOL functions, except that we had to rename REVERSE because
- -- reverse is a reserved word (it is now Reverse_String).
- -- The second element of the parent package is a generic implementation
- -- of a table facility. In SPITBOL, the TABLE function allows general
- -- mappings from any datatype to any other datatype, and of course, as
- -- always, we can freely mix multiple types in the same table.
- -- The Ada version of tables is strongly typed, so the indexing type and
- -- the range type are always of a consistent type. In this implementation
- -- we only provide VString as an indexing type, since this is by far the
- -- most common case. The generic instantiation specifies the range type
- -- to be used.
- -- Three child packages provide standard instantiations of this table
- -- package for three common datatypes:
- -- GNAT.Spitbol.Table_Boolean (file g-sptabo.ads)
- -- The range type is Boolean. The default value is False. This
- -- means that this table is essentially a representation of a set.
- -- GNAT.Spitbol.Table_Integer (file g-sptain.ads)
- -- The range type is Integer. The default value is Integer'First.
- -- This provides a general mapping from strings to integers.
- -- GNAT.Spitbol.Table_VString (file g-sptavs.ads)
- -- The range type is VString. The default value is the null string.
- -- This provides a general mapping from strings to strings.
- -- Finally there is another child package:
- -- GNAT.Spitbol.Patterns (file g-spipat.ads)
- -- This child package provides a complete implementation of SPITBOL
- -- pattern matching. The spec contains a complete tutorial on the
- -- use of pattern matching.
- ---------------------------------
- -- Standard String Subprograms --
- ---------------------------------
- -- This section contains some operations on unbounded strings that are
- -- closely related to those in the package Unbounded.Strings, but they
- -- correspond to the SPITBOL semantics for these operations.
- function Char (Num : Natural) return Character;
- pragma Inline (Char);
- -- Equivalent to Character'Val (Num)
- function Lpad
- (Str : VString;
- Len : Natural;
- Pad : Character := ' ') return VString;
- function Lpad
- (Str : String;
- Len : Natural;
- Pad : Character := ' ') return VString;
- -- If the length of Str is greater than or equal to Len, then Str is
- -- returned unchanged. Otherwise, The value returned is obtained by
- -- concatenating Length (Str) - Len instances of the Pad character to
- -- the left hand side.
- procedure Lpad
- (Str : in out VString;
- Len : Natural;
- Pad : Character := ' ');
- -- The procedure form is identical to the function form, except that
- -- the result overwrites the input argument Str.
- function Reverse_String (Str : VString) return VString;
- function Reverse_String (Str : String) return VString;
- -- Returns result of reversing the string Str, i.e. the result returned
- -- is a mirror image (end-for-end reversal) of the input string.
- procedure Reverse_String (Str : in out VString);
- -- The procedure form is identical to the function form, except that the
- -- result overwrites the input argument Str.
- function Rpad
- (Str : VString;
- Len : Natural;
- Pad : Character := ' ') return VString;
- function Rpad
- (Str : String;
- Len : Natural;
- Pad : Character := ' ') return VString;
- -- If the length of Str is greater than or equal to Len, then Str is
- -- returned unchanged. Otherwise, The value returned is obtained by
- -- concatenating Length (Str) - Len instances of the Pad character to
- -- the right hand side.
- procedure Rpad
- (Str : in out VString;
- Len : Natural;
- Pad : Character := ' ');
- -- The procedure form is identical to the function form, except that the
- -- result overwrites the input argument Str.
- function Size (Source : VString) return Natural
- renames Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Length;
- function Substr
- (Str : VString;
- Start : Positive;
- Len : Natural) return VString;
- function Substr
- (Str : String;
- Start : Positive;
- Len : Natural) return VString;
- -- Returns the substring starting at the given character position (which
- -- is always counted from the start of the string, regardless of bounds,
- -- e.g. 2 means starting with the second character of the string), and
- -- with the length (Len) given. Indexing_Error is raised if the starting
- -- position is out of range, and Length_Error is raised if Len is too long.
- function Trim (Str : VString) return VString;
- function Trim (Str : String) return VString;
- -- Returns the string obtained by removing all spaces from the right
- -- hand side of the string Str.
- procedure Trim (Str : in out VString);
- -- The procedure form is identical to the function form, except that the
- -- result overwrites the input argument Str.
- -----------------------
- -- Utility Functions --
- -----------------------
- -- In SPITBOL, integer values can be freely treated as strings. The
- -- following definitions help provide some of this capability in
- -- some common cases.
- function "&" (Num : Integer; Str : String) return String;
- function "&" (Str : String; Num : Integer) return String;
- function "&" (Num : Integer; Str : VString) return VString;
- function "&" (Str : VString; Num : Integer) return VString;
- -- In all these concatenation operations, the integer is converted to
- -- its corresponding decimal string form, with no leading blank.
- function S (Num : Integer) return String;
- function V (Num : Integer) return VString;
- -- These operators return the given integer converted to its decimal
- -- string form with no leading blank.
- function N (Str : VString) return Integer;
- -- Converts string to number (same as Integer'Value (S (Str)))
- -------------------
- -- Table Support --
- -------------------
- -- So far, we only provide support for tables whose indexing data values
- -- are strings (or unbounded strings). The values stored may be of any
- -- type, as supplied by the generic formal parameter.
- generic
- type Value_Type is private;
- -- Any non-limited type can be used as the value type in the table
- Null_Value : Value_Type;
- -- Value used to represent a value that is not present in the table
- with function Img (A : Value_Type) return String;
- -- Used to provide image of value in Dump procedure
- with function "=" (A, B : Value_Type) return Boolean is <>;
- -- This allows a user-defined equality function to override the
- -- predefined equality function.
- package Table is
- ------------------------
- -- Table Declarations --
- ------------------------
- type Table (N : Unsigned_32) is private;
- -- This is the table type itself. A table is a mapping from string
- -- values to values of Value_Type. The discriminant is an estimate of
- -- the number of values in the table. If the estimate is much too
- -- high, some space is wasted, if the estimate is too low, access to
- -- table elements is slowed down. The type Table has copy semantics,
- -- not reference semantics. This means that if a table is copied
- -- using simple assignment, then the two copies refer to entirely
- -- separate tables.
- -----------------------------
- -- Table Access Operations --
- -----------------------------
- function Get (T : Table; Name : VString) return Value_Type;
- function Get (T : Table; Name : Character) return Value_Type;
- pragma Inline (Get);
- function Get (T : Table; Name : String) return Value_Type;
- -- If an entry with the given name exists in the table, then the
- -- corresponding Value_Type value is returned. Otherwise Null_Value
- -- is returned.
- function Present (T : Table; Name : VString) return Boolean;
- function Present (T : Table; Name : Character) return Boolean;
- pragma Inline (Present);
- function Present (T : Table; Name : String) return Boolean;
- -- Determines if an entry with the given name is present in the table.
- -- A returned value of True means that it is in the table, otherwise
- -- False indicates that it is not in the table.
- procedure Delete (T : in out Table; Name : VString);
- procedure Delete (T : in out Table; Name : Character);
- pragma Inline (Delete);
- procedure Delete (T : in out Table; Name : String);
- -- Deletes the table element with the given name from the table. If
- -- no element in the table has this name, then the call has no effect.
- procedure Set (T : in out Table; Name : VString; Value : Value_Type);
- procedure Set (T : in out Table; Name : Character; Value : Value_Type);
- pragma Inline (Set);
- procedure Set (T : in out Table; Name : String; Value : Value_Type);
- -- Sets the value of the element with the given name to the given
- -- value. If Value is equal to Null_Value, the effect is to remove
- -- the entry from the table. If no element with the given name is
- -- currently in the table, then a new element with the given value
- -- is created.
- ----------------------------
- -- Allocation and Copying --
- ----------------------------
- -- Table is a controlled type, so that all storage associated with
- -- tables is properly reclaimed when a Table value is abandoned.
- -- Tables have value semantics rather than reference semantics as
- -- in Spitbol, i.e. when you assign a copy you end up with two
- -- distinct copies of the table, as though COPY had been used in
- -- Spitbol. It seems clearly more appropriate in Ada to require
- -- the use of explicit pointers for reference semantics.
- procedure Clear (T : in out Table);
- -- Clears all the elements of the given table, freeing associated
- -- storage. On return T is an empty table with no elements.
- procedure Copy (From : Table; To : in out Table);
- -- First all the elements of table To are cleared (as described for
- -- the Clear procedure above), then all the elements of table From
- -- are copied into To. In the case where the tables From and To have
- -- the same declared size (i.e. the same discriminant), the call to
- -- Copy has the same effect as the assignment of From to To. The
- -- difference is that, unlike the assignment statement, which will
- -- cause a Constraint_Error if the source and target are of different
- -- sizes, Copy works fine with different sized tables.
- ----------------
- -- Conversion --
- ----------------
- type Table_Entry is record
- Name : VString;
- Value : Value_Type;
- end record;
- type Table_Array is array (Positive range <>) of Table_Entry;
- function Convert_To_Array (T : Table) return Table_Array;
- -- Returns a Table_Array value with a low bound of 1, and a length
- -- corresponding to the number of elements in the table. The elements
- -- of the array give the elements of the table in unsorted order.
- ---------------
- -- Debugging --
- ---------------
- procedure Dump (T : Table; Str : String := "Table");
- -- Dump contents of given table to the standard output file. The
- -- string value Str is used as the name of the table in the dump.
- procedure Dump (T : Table_Array; Str : String := "Table_Array");
- -- Dump contents of given table array to the current output file. The
- -- string value Str is used as the name of the table array in the dump.
- private
- ------------------
- -- Private Part --
- ------------------
- -- A Table is a pointer to a hash table which contains the indicated
- -- number of hash elements (the number is forced to the next odd value
- -- if it is even to improve hashing performance). If more than one
- -- of the entries in a table hashes to the same slot, the Next field
- -- is used to chain entries from the header. The chains are not kept
- -- ordered. A chain is terminated by a null pointer in Next. An unused
- -- chain is marked by an element whose Name is null and whose value
- -- is Null_Value.
- type Hash_Element;
- type Hash_Element_Ptr is access all Hash_Element;
- type Hash_Element is record
- Name : String_Access := null;
- Value : Value_Type := Null_Value;
- Next : Hash_Element_Ptr := null;
- end record;
- type Hash_Table is
- array (Unsigned_32 range <>) of aliased Hash_Element;
- type Table (N : Unsigned_32) is new Controlled with record
- Elmts : Hash_Table (1 .. N);
- end record;
- pragma Finalize_Storage_Only (Table);
- procedure Adjust (Object : in out Table);
- -- The Adjust procedure does a deep copy of the table structure
- -- so that the effect of assignment is, like other assignments
- -- in Ada, value-oriented.
- procedure Finalize (Object : in out Table);
- -- This is the finalization routine that ensures that all storage
- -- associated with a table is properly released when a table object
- -- is abandoned and finalized.
- end Table;
-end GNAT.Spitbol;