path: root/gcc-4.2.1/gcc/ada/s-vaflop-vms-alpha.adb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'gcc-4.2.1/gcc/ada/s-vaflop-vms-alpha.adb')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 659 deletions
diff --git a/gcc-4.2.1/gcc/ada/s-vaflop-vms-alpha.adb b/gcc-4.2.1/gcc/ada/s-vaflop-vms-alpha.adb
deleted file mode 100644
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--- --
--- --
--- S Y S T E M . V A X _ F L O A T _ O P E R A T I O N S --
--- --
--- B o d y --
--- --
--- Copyright (C) 1997-2005, Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
--- (Version for Alpha OpenVMS) --
--- --
--- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
--- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
--- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- --
--- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
--- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
--- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
--- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
--- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write --
--- to the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, --
--- Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. --
--- --
--- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from this --
--- unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an executable, --
--- this unit does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be --
--- covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not --
--- however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be --
--- covered by the GNU Public License. --
--- --
--- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
--- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. --
--- --
-with System.IO; use System.IO;
-with System.Machine_Code; use System.Machine_Code;
-package body System.Vax_Float_Operations is
- -- Ensure this gets compiled with -O to avoid extra (and possibly
- -- improper) memory stores.
- pragma Optimize (Time);
- -- Declare the functions that do the conversions between floating-point
- -- formats. Call the operands IEEE float so they get passed in
- -- FP registers.
- function Cvt_G_T (X : T) return T;
- function Cvt_T_G (X : T) return T;
- function Cvt_T_F (X : T) return S;
- pragma Import (C, Cvt_G_T, "OTS$CVT_FLOAT_G_T");
- pragma Import (C, Cvt_T_G, "OTS$CVT_FLOAT_T_G");
- pragma Import (C, Cvt_T_F, "OTS$CVT_FLOAT_T_F");
- -- In each of the conversion routines that are done with OTS calls,
- -- we define variables of the corresponding IEEE type so that they are
- -- passed and kept in the proper register class.
- Debug_String_Buffer : String (1 .. 32);
- -- Buffer used by all Debug_String_x routines for returning result
- ------------
- -- D_To_G --
- ------------
- function D_To_G (X : D) return G is
- A, B : T;
- C : G;
- begin
- Asm ("ldg %0,%1", T'Asm_Output ("=f", A), D'Asm_Input ("m", X));
- Asm ("cvtdg %1,%0", T'Asm_Output ("=f", B), T'Asm_Input ("f", A));
- Asm ("stg %1,%0", G'Asm_Output ("=m", C), T'Asm_Input ("f", B));
- return C;
- end D_To_G;
- ------------
- -- F_To_G --
- ------------
- function F_To_G (X : F) return G is
- A : T;
- B : G;
- begin
- Asm ("ldf %0,%1", T'Asm_Output ("=f", A), F'Asm_Input ("m", X));
- Asm ("stg %1,%0", G'Asm_Output ("=m", B), T'Asm_Input ("f", A));
- return B;
- end F_To_G;
- ------------
- -- F_To_S --
- ------------
- function F_To_S (X : F) return S is
- A : T;
- B : S;
- begin
- -- Because converting to a wider FP format is a no-op, we say
- -- A is 64-bit even though we are loading 32 bits into it.
- Asm ("ldf %0,%1", T'Asm_Output ("=f", A), F'Asm_Input ("m", X));
- B := S (Cvt_G_T (A));
- return B;
- end F_To_S;
- ------------
- -- G_To_D --
- ------------
- function G_To_D (X : G) return D is
- A, B : T;
- C : D;
- begin
- Asm ("ldg %0,%1", T'Asm_Output ("=f", A), G'Asm_Input ("m", X));
- Asm ("cvtgd %1,%0", T'Asm_Output ("=f", B), T'Asm_Input ("f", A));
- Asm ("stg %1,%0", D'Asm_Output ("=m", C), T'Asm_Input ("f", B));
- return C;
- end G_To_D;
- ------------
- -- G_To_F --
- ------------
- function G_To_F (X : G) return F is
- A : T;
- B : S;
- C : F;
- begin
- Asm ("ldg %0,%1", T'Asm_Output ("=f", A), G'Asm_Input ("m", X));
- Asm ("cvtgf %1,%0", S'Asm_Output ("=f", B), T'Asm_Input ("f", A));
- Asm ("stf %1,%0", F'Asm_Output ("=m", C), S'Asm_Input ("f", B));
- return C;
- end G_To_F;
- ------------
- -- G_To_Q --
- ------------
- function G_To_Q (X : G) return Q is
- A : T;
- B : Q;
- begin
- Asm ("ldg %0,%1", T'Asm_Output ("=f", A), G'Asm_Input ("m", X));
- Asm ("cvtgq %1,%0", Q'Asm_Output ("=f", B), T'Asm_Input ("f", A));
- return B;
- end G_To_Q;
- ------------
- -- G_To_T --
- ------------
- function G_To_T (X : G) return T is
- A, B : T;
- begin
- Asm ("ldg %0,%1", T'Asm_Output ("=f", A), G'Asm_Input ("m", X));
- B := Cvt_G_T (A);
- return B;
- end G_To_T;
- ------------
- -- F_To_Q --
- ------------
- function F_To_Q (X : F) return Q is
- begin
- return G_To_Q (F_To_G (X));
- end F_To_Q;
- ------------
- -- Q_To_F --
- ------------
- function Q_To_F (X : Q) return F is
- A : S;
- B : F;
- begin
- Asm ("cvtqf %1,%0", S'Asm_Output ("=f", A), Q'Asm_Input ("f", X));
- Asm ("stf %1,%0", F'Asm_Output ("=m", B), S'Asm_Input ("f", A));
- return B;
- end Q_To_F;
- ------------
- -- Q_To_G --
- ------------
- function Q_To_G (X : Q) return G is
- A : T;
- B : G;
- begin
- Asm ("cvtqg %1,%0", T'Asm_Output ("=f", A), Q'Asm_Input ("f", X));
- Asm ("stg %1,%0", G'Asm_Output ("=m", B), T'Asm_Input ("f", A));
- return B;
- end Q_To_G;
- ------------
- -- S_To_F --
- ------------
- function S_To_F (X : S) return F is
- A : S;
- B : F;
- begin
- A := Cvt_T_F (T (X));
- Asm ("stf %1,%0", F'Asm_Output ("=m", B), S'Asm_Input ("f", A));
- return B;
- end S_To_F;
- ------------
- -- T_To_D --
- ------------
- function T_To_D (X : T) return D is
- begin
- return G_To_D (T_To_G (X));
- end T_To_D;
- ------------
- -- T_To_G --
- ------------
- function T_To_G (X : T) return G is
- A : T;
- B : G;
- begin
- A := Cvt_T_G (X);
- Asm ("stg %1,%0", G'Asm_Output ("=m", B), T'Asm_Input ("f", A));
- return B;
- end T_To_G;
- -----------
- -- Abs_F --
- -----------
- function Abs_F (X : F) return F is
- A, B : S;
- C : F;
- begin
- Asm ("ldf %0,%1", S'Asm_Output ("=f", A), F'Asm_Input ("m", X));
- Asm ("cpys $f31,%1,%0", S'Asm_Output ("=f", B), S'Asm_Input ("f", A));
- Asm ("stf %1,%0", F'Asm_Output ("=m", C), S'Asm_Input ("f", B));
- return C;
- end Abs_F;
- -----------
- -- Abs_G --
- -----------
- function Abs_G (X : G) return G is
- A, B : T;
- C : G;
- begin
- Asm ("ldg %0,%1", T'Asm_Output ("=f", A), G'Asm_Input ("m", X));
- Asm ("cpys $f31,%1,%0", T'Asm_Output ("=f", B), T'Asm_Input ("f", A));
- Asm ("stg %1,%0", G'Asm_Output ("=m", C), T'Asm_Input ("f", B));
- return C;
- end Abs_G;
- -----------
- -- Add_F --
- -----------
- function Add_F (X, Y : F) return F is
- X1, Y1, R : S;
- R1 : F;
- begin
- Asm ("ldf %0,%1", S'Asm_Output ("=f", X1), F'Asm_Input ("m", X));
- Asm ("ldf %0,%1", S'Asm_Output ("=f", Y1), F'Asm_Input ("m", Y));
- Asm ("addf %1,%2,%0", S'Asm_Output ("=f", R),
- (S'Asm_Input ("f", X1), S'Asm_Input ("f", Y1)));
- Asm ("stf %1,%0", F'Asm_Output ("=m", R1), S'Asm_Input ("f", R));
- return R1;
- end Add_F;
- -----------
- -- Add_G --
- -----------
- function Add_G (X, Y : G) return G is
- X1, Y1, R : T;
- R1 : G;
- begin
- Asm ("ldg %0,%1", T'Asm_Output ("=f", X1), G'Asm_Input ("m", X));
- Asm ("ldg %0,%1", T'Asm_Output ("=f", Y1), G'Asm_Input ("m", Y));
- Asm ("addg %1,%2,%0", T'Asm_Output ("=f", R),
- (T'Asm_Input ("f", X1), T'Asm_Input ("f", Y1)));
- Asm ("stg %1,%0", G'Asm_Output ("=m", R1), T'Asm_Input ("f", R));
- return R1;
- end Add_G;
- --------------------
- -- Debug_Output_D --
- --------------------
- procedure Debug_Output_D (Arg : D) is
- begin
- Put (D'Image (Arg));
- end Debug_Output_D;
- --------------------
- -- Debug_Output_F --
- --------------------
- procedure Debug_Output_F (Arg : F) is
- begin
- Put (F'Image (Arg));
- end Debug_Output_F;
- --------------------
- -- Debug_Output_G --
- --------------------
- procedure Debug_Output_G (Arg : G) is
- begin
- Put (G'Image (Arg));
- end Debug_Output_G;
- --------------------
- -- Debug_String_D --
- --------------------
- function Debug_String_D (Arg : D) return System.Address is
- Image_String : constant String := D'Image (Arg) & ASCII.NUL;
- Image_Size : constant Integer := Image_String'Length;
- begin
- Debug_String_Buffer (1 .. Image_Size) := Image_String;
- return Debug_String_Buffer (1)'Address;
- end Debug_String_D;
- --------------------
- -- Debug_String_F --
- --------------------
- function Debug_String_F (Arg : F) return System.Address is
- Image_String : constant String := F'Image (Arg) & ASCII.NUL;
- Image_Size : constant Integer := Image_String'Length;
- begin
- Debug_String_Buffer (1 .. Image_Size) := Image_String;
- return Debug_String_Buffer (1)'Address;
- end Debug_String_F;
- --------------------
- -- Debug_String_G --
- --------------------
- function Debug_String_G (Arg : G) return System.Address is
- Image_String : constant String := G'Image (Arg) & ASCII.NUL;
- Image_Size : constant Integer := Image_String'Length;
- begin
- Debug_String_Buffer (1 .. Image_Size) := Image_String;
- return Debug_String_Buffer (1)'Address;
- end Debug_String_G;
- -----------
- -- Div_F --
- -----------
- function Div_F (X, Y : F) return F is
- X1, Y1, R : S;
- R1 : F;
- begin
- Asm ("ldf %0,%1", S'Asm_Output ("=f", X1), F'Asm_Input ("m", X));
- Asm ("ldf %0,%1", S'Asm_Output ("=f", Y1), F'Asm_Input ("m", Y));
- Asm ("divf %1,%2,%0", S'Asm_Output ("=f", R),
- (S'Asm_Input ("f", X1), S'Asm_Input ("f", Y1)));
- Asm ("stf %1,%0", F'Asm_Output ("=m", R1), S'Asm_Input ("f", R));
- return R1;
- end Div_F;
- -----------
- -- Div_G --
- -----------
- function Div_G (X, Y : G) return G is
- X1, Y1, R : T;
- R1 : G;
- begin
- Asm ("ldg %0,%1", T'Asm_Output ("=f", X1), G'Asm_Input ("m", X));
- Asm ("ldg %0,%1", T'Asm_Output ("=f", Y1), G'Asm_Input ("m", Y));
- Asm ("divg %1,%2,%0", T'Asm_Output ("=f", R),
- (T'Asm_Input ("f", X1), T'Asm_Input ("f", Y1)));
- Asm ("stg %1,%0", G'Asm_Output ("=m", R1), T'Asm_Input ("f", R));
- return R1;
- end Div_G;
- ----------
- -- Eq_F --
- ----------
- function Eq_F (X, Y : F) return Boolean is
- X1, Y1, R : S;
- begin
- Asm ("ldf %0,%1", S'Asm_Output ("=f", X1), F'Asm_Input ("m", X));
- Asm ("ldf %0,%1", S'Asm_Output ("=f", Y1), F'Asm_Input ("m", Y));
- Asm ("cmpgeq %1,%2,%0", S'Asm_Output ("=f", R),
- (S'Asm_Input ("f", X1), S'Asm_Input ("f", Y1)));
- return R /= 0.0;
- end Eq_F;
- ----------
- -- Eq_G --
- ----------
- function Eq_G (X, Y : G) return Boolean is
- X1, Y1, R : T;
- begin
- Asm ("ldg %0,%1", T'Asm_Output ("=f", X1), G'Asm_Input ("m", X));
- Asm ("ldg %0,%1", T'Asm_Output ("=f", Y1), G'Asm_Input ("m", Y));
- Asm ("cmpgeq %1,%2,%0", T'Asm_Output ("=f", R),
- (T'Asm_Input ("f", X1), T'Asm_Input ("f", Y1)));
- return R /= 0.0;
- end Eq_G;
- ----------
- -- Le_F --
- ----------
- function Le_F (X, Y : F) return Boolean is
- X1, Y1, R : S;
- begin
- Asm ("ldf %0,%1", S'Asm_Output ("=f", X1), F'Asm_Input ("m", X));
- Asm ("ldf %0,%1", S'Asm_Output ("=f", Y1), F'Asm_Input ("m", Y));
- Asm ("cmpgle %1,%2,%0", S'Asm_Output ("=f", R),
- (S'Asm_Input ("f", X1), S'Asm_Input ("f", Y1)));
- return R /= 0.0;
- end Le_F;
- ----------
- -- Le_G --
- ----------
- function Le_G (X, Y : G) return Boolean is
- X1, Y1, R : T;
- begin
- Asm ("ldg %0,%1", T'Asm_Output ("=f", X1), G'Asm_Input ("m", X));
- Asm ("ldg %0,%1", T'Asm_Output ("=f", Y1), G'Asm_Input ("m", Y));
- Asm ("cmpgle %1,%2,%0", T'Asm_Output ("=f", R),
- (T'Asm_Input ("f", X1), T'Asm_Input ("f", Y1)));
- return R /= 0.0;
- end Le_G;
- ----------
- -- Lt_F --
- ----------
- function Lt_F (X, Y : F) return Boolean is
- X1, Y1, R : S;
- begin
- Asm ("ldf %0,%1", S'Asm_Output ("=f", X1), F'Asm_Input ("m", X));
- Asm ("ldf %0,%1", S'Asm_Output ("=f", Y1), F'Asm_Input ("m", Y));
- Asm ("cmpglt %1,%2,%0", S'Asm_Output ("=f", R),
- (S'Asm_Input ("f", X1), S'Asm_Input ("f", Y1)));
- return R /= 0.0;
- end Lt_F;
- ----------
- -- Lt_G --
- ----------
- function Lt_G (X, Y : G) return Boolean is
- X1, Y1, R : T;
- begin
- Asm ("ldg %0,%1", T'Asm_Output ("=f", X1), G'Asm_Input ("m", X));
- Asm ("ldg %0,%1", T'Asm_Output ("=f", Y1), G'Asm_Input ("m", Y));
- Asm ("cmpglt %1,%2,%0", T'Asm_Output ("=f", R),
- (T'Asm_Input ("f", X1), T'Asm_Input ("f", Y1)));
- return R /= 0.0;
- end Lt_G;
- -----------
- -- Mul_F --
- -----------
- function Mul_F (X, Y : F) return F is
- X1, Y1, R : S;
- R1 : F;
- begin
- Asm ("ldf %0,%1", S'Asm_Output ("=f", X1), F'Asm_Input ("m", X));
- Asm ("ldf %0,%1", S'Asm_Output ("=f", Y1), F'Asm_Input ("m", Y));
- Asm ("mulf %1,%2,%0", S'Asm_Output ("=f", R),
- (S'Asm_Input ("f", X1), S'Asm_Input ("f", Y1)));
- Asm ("stf %1,%0", F'Asm_Output ("=m", R1), S'Asm_Input ("f", R));
- return R1;
- end Mul_F;
- -----------
- -- Mul_G --
- -----------
- function Mul_G (X, Y : G) return G is
- X1, Y1, R : T;
- R1 : G;
- begin
- Asm ("ldg %0,%1", T'Asm_Output ("=f", X1), G'Asm_Input ("m", X));
- Asm ("ldg %0,%1", T'Asm_Output ("=f", Y1), G'Asm_Input ("m", Y));
- Asm ("mulg %1,%2,%0", T'Asm_Output ("=f", R),
- (T'Asm_Input ("f", X1), T'Asm_Input ("f", Y1)));
- Asm ("stg %1,%0", G'Asm_Output ("=m", R1), T'Asm_Input ("f", R));
- return R1;
- end Mul_G;
- ----------
- -- Ne_F --
- ----------
- function Ne_F (X, Y : F) return Boolean is
- X1, Y1, R : S;
- begin
- Asm ("ldf %0,%1", S'Asm_Output ("=f", X1), F'Asm_Input ("m", X));
- Asm ("ldf %0,%1", S'Asm_Output ("=f", Y1), F'Asm_Input ("m", Y));
- Asm ("cmpgeq %1,%2,%0", S'Asm_Output ("=f", R),
- (S'Asm_Input ("f", X1), S'Asm_Input ("f", Y1)));
- return R = 0.0;
- end Ne_F;
- ----------
- -- Ne_G --
- ----------
- function Ne_G (X, Y : G) return Boolean is
- X1, Y1, R : T;
- begin
- Asm ("ldg %0,%1", T'Asm_Output ("=f", X1), G'Asm_Input ("m", X));
- Asm ("ldg %0,%1", T'Asm_Output ("=f", Y1), G'Asm_Input ("m", Y));
- Asm ("cmpgeq %1,%2,%0", T'Asm_Output ("=f", R),
- (T'Asm_Input ("f", X1), T'Asm_Input ("f", Y1)));
- return R = 0.0;
- end Ne_G;
- -----------
- -- Neg_F --
- -----------
- function Neg_F (X : F) return F is
- A, B : S;
- C : F;
- begin
- Asm ("ldf %0,%1", S'Asm_Output ("=f", A), F'Asm_Input ("m", X));
- Asm ("cpysn %1,%1,%0", S'Asm_Output ("=f", B), S'Asm_Input ("f", A));
- Asm ("stf %1,%0", F'Asm_Output ("=m", C), S'Asm_Input ("f", B));
- return C;
- end Neg_F;
- -----------
- -- Neg_G --
- -----------
- function Neg_G (X : G) return G is
- A, B : T;
- C : G;
- begin
- Asm ("ldg %0,%1", T'Asm_Output ("=f", A), G'Asm_Input ("m", X));
- Asm ("cpysn %1,%1,%0", T'Asm_Output ("=f", B), T'Asm_Input ("f", A));
- Asm ("stg %1,%0", G'Asm_Output ("=m", C), T'Asm_Input ("f", B));
- return C;
- end Neg_G;
- --------
- -- pd --
- --------
- procedure pd (Arg : D) is
- begin
- Put_Line (D'Image (Arg));
- end pd;
- --------
- -- pf --
- --------
- procedure pf (Arg : F) is
- begin
- Put_Line (F'Image (Arg));
- end pf;
- --------
- -- pg --
- --------
- procedure pg (Arg : G) is
- begin
- Put_Line (G'Image (Arg));
- end pg;
- -----------
- -- Sub_F --
- -----------
- function Sub_F (X, Y : F) return F is
- X1, Y1, R : S;
- R1 : F;
- begin
- Asm ("ldf %0,%1", S'Asm_Output ("=f", X1), F'Asm_Input ("m", X));
- Asm ("ldf %0,%1", S'Asm_Output ("=f", Y1), F'Asm_Input ("m", Y));
- Asm ("subf %1,%2,%0", S'Asm_Output ("=f", R),
- (S'Asm_Input ("f", X1), S'Asm_Input ("f", Y1)));
- Asm ("stf %1,%0", F'Asm_Output ("=m", R1), S'Asm_Input ("f", R));
- return R1;
- end Sub_F;
- -----------
- -- Sub_G --
- -----------
- function Sub_G (X, Y : G) return G is
- X1, Y1, R : T;
- R1 : G;
- begin
- Asm ("ldg %0,%1", T'Asm_Output ("=f", X1), G'Asm_Input ("m", X));
- Asm ("ldg %0,%1", T'Asm_Output ("=f", Y1), G'Asm_Input ("m", Y));
- Asm ("subg %1,%2,%0", T'Asm_Output ("=f", R),
- (T'Asm_Input ("f", X1), T'Asm_Input ("f", Y1)));
- Asm ("stg %1,%0", G'Asm_Output ("=m", R1), T'Asm_Input ("f", R));
- return R1;
- end Sub_G;
- -------------
- -- Valid_D --
- -------------
- -- For now, convert to IEEE and do Valid test on result. This is not quite
- -- accurate, but is good enough in practice.
- function Valid_D (Arg : D) return Boolean is
- Val : constant T := G_To_T (D_To_G (Arg));
- begin
- return Val'Valid;
- end Valid_D;
- -------------
- -- Valid_F --
- -------------
- -- For now, convert to IEEE and do Valid test on result. This is not quite
- -- accurate, but is good enough in practice.
- function Valid_F (Arg : F) return Boolean is
- Val : constant S := F_To_S (Arg);
- begin
- return Val'Valid;
- end Valid_F;
- -------------
- -- Valid_G --
- -------------
- -- For now, convert to IEEE and do Valid test on result. This is not quite
- -- accurate, but is good enough in practice.
- function Valid_G (Arg : G) return Boolean is
- Val : constant T := G_To_T (Arg);
- begin
- return Val'Valid;
- end Valid_G;
-end System.Vax_Float_Operations;