path: root/gcc-4.2.1/gcc/ada/s-tfsetr-default.adb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'gcc-4.2.1/gcc/ada/s-tfsetr-default.adb')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 313 deletions
diff --git a/gcc-4.2.1/gcc/ada/s-tfsetr-default.adb b/gcc-4.2.1/gcc/ada/s-tfsetr-default.adb
deleted file mode 100644
index 28cebd389..000000000
--- a/gcc-4.2.1/gcc/ada/s-tfsetr-default.adb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,313 +0,0 @@
--- --
--- --
--- S Y S T E M . T R A C E S . S E N D --
--- --
--- B o d y --
--- --
--- Copyright (C) 2001-2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
--- --
--- GNARL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
--- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
--- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- --
--- sion. GNARL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
--- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
--- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
--- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
--- Public License distributed with GNARL; see file COPYING. If not, write --
--- to the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, --
--- Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. --
--- --
--- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from this --
--- unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an executable, --
--- this unit does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be --
--- covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not --
--- however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be --
--- covered by the GNU Public License. --
--- --
--- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
--- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. --
--- --
--- This version is for all targets, provided that System.IO.Put_Line is
--- functional. It prints debug information to Standard Output
-with System.IO; use System.IO;
-with GNAT.Regpat; use GNAT.Regpat;
--- Send_Trace --
--- Prints debug information both in a human readable form
--- and in the form they are sent from upper layers.
-separate (System.Traces.Format)
-procedure Send_Trace (Id : Trace_T; Info : String) is
- type Param_Type is
- (Name_Param,
- Caller_Param,
- Entry_Param,
- Timeout_Param,
- Acceptor_Param,
- Parent_Param,
- Number_Param);
- -- Type of parameter found in the message
- Info_Trace : String_Trace := Format_Trace (Info);
- function Get_Param
- (Input : String_Trace;
- Param : Param_Type;
- How_Many : Integer)
- return String;
- -- Extract a parameter from the given input string
- ---------------
- -- Get_Param --
- ---------------
- function Get_Param
- (Input : String_Trace;
- Param : Param_Type;
- How_Many : Integer)
- return String
- is
- pragma Unreferenced (How_Many);
- Matches : Match_Array (1 .. 2);
- begin
- -- We need comments here ???
- case Param is
- when Name_Param =>
- Match ("/N:([\w]+)", Input, Matches);
- when Caller_Param =>
- Match ("/C:([\w]+)", Input, Matches);
- when Entry_Param =>
- Match ("/E:([\s]*) +([0-9 ,]+)", Input, Matches);
- when Timeout_Param =>
- Match ("/T:([\s]*) +([0-9]+.[0-9]+)", Input, Matches);
- when Acceptor_Param =>
- Match ("/A:([\w]+)", Input, Matches);
- when Parent_Param =>
- Match ("/P:([\w]+)", Input, Matches);
- when Number_Param =>
- Match ("/#:([\s]*) +([0-9]+)", Input, Matches);
- end case;
- if Matches (1).First < Input'First then
- return "";
- end if;
- case Param is
- when Timeout_Param | Entry_Param | Number_Param =>
- return Input (Matches (2).First .. Matches (2).Last);
- when others =>
- return Input (Matches (1).First .. Matches (1).Last);
- end case;
- end Get_Param;
--- Start of processing for Send_Trace
- New_Line;
- Put_Line ("- Trace Debug Info ----------------");
- Put ("Caught event Id : ");
- case Id is
- when M_Accept_Complete => Put ("M_Accept_Complete");
- New_Line;
- Put_Line ("Task " & Get_Param (Info_Trace, Name_Param, 1)
- & " completes accept on entry "
- & Get_Param (Info_Trace, Entry_Param, 1) & " with "
- & Get_Param (Info_Trace, Caller_Param, 1));
- when M_Select_Else => Put ("M_Select_Else");
- New_Line;
- Put_Line ("Task " & Get_Param (Info_Trace, Name_Param, 1)
- & " selects else statement");
- when M_RDV_Complete => Put ("M_RDV_Complete");
- New_Line;
- Put_Line ("Task " & Get_Param (Info_Trace, Name_Param, 1)
- & " completes rendezvous with "
- & Get_Param (Info_Trace, Caller_Param, 1));
- when M_Call_Complete => Put ("M_Call_Complete");
- New_Line;
- Put_Line ("Task " & Get_Param (Info_Trace, Name_Param, 1)
- & " completes call");
- when M_Delay => Put ("M_Delay");
- New_Line;
- Put_Line ("Task " & Get_Param (Info_Trace, Name_Param, 1)
- & " completes delay "
- & Get_Param (Info_Trace, Timeout_Param, 1));
- when E_Missed => Put ("E_Missed");
- New_Line;
- Put_Line ("Task " & Get_Param (Info_Trace, Name_Param, 1)
- & " got an invalid acceptor "
- & Get_Param (Info_Trace, Acceptor_Param, 1));
- when E_Timeout => Put ("E_Timeout");
- New_Line;
- Put_Line ("Task " & Get_Param (Info_Trace, Name_Param, 1)
- & " ends select due to timeout ");
- when E_Kill => Put ("E_Kill");
- New_Line;
- Put_Line ("Asynchronous Transfer of Control on task "
- & Get_Param (Info_Trace, Name_Param, 1));
- when W_Delay => Put ("W_Delay");
- New_Line;
- Put_Line ("Task " & Get_Param (Info_Trace, Name_Param, 1)
- & " sleeping "
- & Get_Param (Info_Trace, Timeout_Param, 1)
- & " seconds");
- when WU_Delay => Put ("WU_Delay");
- New_Line;
- Put_Line ("Task " & Get_Param (Info_Trace, Name_Param, 1)
- & " sleeping until "
- & Get_Param (Info_Trace, Timeout_Param, 1));
- when W_Call => Put ("W_Call");
- New_Line;
- Put_Line ("Task " & Get_Param (Info_Trace, Name_Param, 1)
- & " calling entry "
- & Get_Param (Info_Trace, Entry_Param, 1)
- & " of " & Get_Param (Info_Trace, Acceptor_Param, 1));
- when W_Accept => Put ("W_Accept");
- New_Line;
- Put ("Task " & Get_Param (Info_Trace, Name_Param, 1)
- & " waiting on "
- & Get_Param (Info_Trace, Number_Param, 1)
- & " accept(s)"
- & ", " & Get_Param (Info_Trace, Entry_Param, 1));
- New_Line;
- when W_Select => Put ("W_Select");
- New_Line;
- Put_Line ("Task " & Get_Param (Info_Trace, Name_Param, 1)
- & " waiting on "
- & Get_Param (Info_Trace, Number_Param, 1)
- & " select(s)"
- & ", " & Get_Param (Info_Trace, Entry_Param, 1));
- New_Line;
- when W_Completion => Put ("W_Completion");
- New_Line;
- Put_Line ("Task " & Get_Param (Info_Trace, Name_Param, 1)
- & " waiting for completion ");
- when WT_Select => Put ("WT_Select");
- New_Line;
- Put ("Task " & Get_Param (Info_Trace, Name_Param, 1)
- & " waiting " & Get_Param (Info_Trace, Timeout_Param, 1)
- & " seconds on "
- & Get_Param (Info_Trace, Number_Param, 1)
- & " select(s)");
- if Get_Param (Info_Trace, Number_Param, 1) /= "" then
- Put (", " & Get_Param (Info_Trace, Entry_Param, 1));
- end if;
- New_Line;
- when WT_Call => Put ("WT_Call");
- New_Line;
- Put_Line ("Task " & Get_Param (Info_Trace, Name_Param, 1)
- & " calling entry "
- & Get_Param (Info_Trace, Entry_Param, 1)
- & " of " & Get_Param (Info_Trace, Acceptor_Param, 1)
- & " with timeout "
- & Get_Param (Info_Trace, Timeout_Param, 1));
- when WT_Completion => Put ("WT_Completion");
- New_Line;
- Put_Line ("Task " & Get_Param (Info_Trace, Name_Param, 1)
- & " waiting "
- & Get_Param (Info_Trace, Timeout_Param, 1)
- & " for call completion");
- when PO_Call => Put ("PO_Call");
- New_Line;
- Put_Line ("Task " & Get_Param (Info_Trace, Name_Param, 1)
- & " calling protected entry "
- & Get_Param (Info_Trace, Entry_Param, 1));
- when POT_Call => Put ("POT_Call");
- New_Line;
- Put_Line ("Task " & Get_Param (Info_Trace, Name_Param, 1)
- & " calling protected entry "
- & Get_Param (Info_Trace, Entry_Param, 1)
- & " with timeout "
- & Get_Param (Info_Trace, Timeout_Param, 1));
- when PO_Run => Put ("PO_Run");
- New_Line;
- Put_Line ("Task " & Get_Param (Info_Trace, Name_Param, 1)
- & " running entry "
- & Get_Param (Info_Trace, Entry_Param, 1)
- & " for "
- & Get_Param (Info_Trace, Caller_Param, 1));
- when PO_Done => Put ("PO_Done");
- New_Line;
- Put_Line ("Task " & Get_Param (Info_Trace, Name_Param, 1)
- & " finished call from "
- & Get_Param (Info_Trace, Caller_Param, 1));
- when PO_Lock => Put ("PO_Lock");
- New_Line;
- Put_Line ("Task " & Get_Param (Info_Trace, Name_Param, 1)
- & " took lock");
- when PO_Unlock => Put ("PO_Unlock");
- New_Line;
- Put_Line ("Task " & Get_Param (Info_Trace, Name_Param, 1)
- & " released lock");
- when T_Create => Put ("T_Create");
- New_Line;
- Put_Line ("Task " & Get_Param (Info_Trace, Name_Param, 1)
- & " created");
- when T_Activate => Put ("T_Activate");
- New_Line;
- Put_Line ("Task " & Get_Param (Info_Trace, Name_Param, 1)
- & " activated");
- when T_Abort => Put ("T_Abort");
- New_Line;
- Put_Line ("Task " & Get_Param (Info_Trace, Name_Param, 1)
- & " aborted by "
- & Get_Param (Info_Trace, Parent_Param, 1));
- when T_Terminate => Put ("T_Terminate");
- New_Line;
- Put_Line ("Task " & Get_Param (Info_Trace, Name_Param, 1)
- & " terminated");
- when others
- => Put ("Invalid Id");
- end case;
- Put_Line (" --> " & Info_Trace);
- Put_Line ("-----------------------------------");
- New_Line;
-end Send_Trace;