path: root/gcc-4.2.1/gcc/ada/s-fileio.ads
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Diffstat (limited to 'gcc-4.2.1/gcc/ada/s-fileio.ads')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 255 deletions
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--- --
--- --
--- S Y S T E M . F I L E _ I O --
--- --
--- S p e c --
--- --
--- Copyright (C) 1992-2006, Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
--- --
--- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
--- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
--- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- --
--- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
--- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
--- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
--- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
--- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write --
--- to the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, --
--- Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. --
--- --
--- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from this --
--- unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an executable, --
--- this unit does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be --
--- covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not --
--- however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be --
--- covered by the GNU Public License. --
--- --
--- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
--- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. --
--- --
--- This package provides support for the routines described in (RM A.8.2)
--- which are common to Text_IO, Direct_IO, Sequential_IO and Stream_IO.
-with Interfaces.C_Streams;
-with System.File_Control_Block;
-package System.File_IO is
- package FCB renames System.File_Control_Block;
- package ICS renames Interfaces.C_Streams;
- ---------------------
- -- File Management --
- ---------------------
- procedure Open
- (File_Ptr : in out FCB.AFCB_Ptr;
- Dummy_FCB : FCB.AFCB'Class;
- Mode : FCB.File_Mode;
- Name : String;
- Form : String;
- Amethod : Character;
- Creat : Boolean;
- Text : Boolean;
- C_Stream : ICS.FILEs := ICS.NULL_Stream);
- -- This routine is used for both Open and Create calls:
- --
- -- File_Ptr is the file type, which must be null on entry
- -- (i.e. the file must be closed before the call).
- --
- -- Dummy_FCB is a default initialized file control block of appropriate
- -- type. Note that the tag of this record indicates the type and length
- -- of the control block. This control block is used only for the purpose
- -- of providing the controlling argument for calling the write version
- -- of Allocate_AFCB. It has no other purpose, and its fields are never
- -- read or written.
- --
- -- Mode is the required mode
- --
- -- Name is the file name, with a null string indicating that a temporary
- -- file is to be created (only permitted in create mode, not open mode)
- --
- -- Creat is True for a create call, and false for an open call
- --
- -- Text is set True to open the file in text mode (w+t or r+t) instead
- -- of the usual binary mode open (w+b or r+b).
- --
- -- Form is the form string given in the open or create call, this is
- -- stored in the AFCB, but otherwise is not used by this or any other
- -- routine in this unit (except Form which retrieves the original value)
- --
- -- Amethod indicates the access method
- --
- -- D = Direct_IO
- -- Q = Sequential_IO
- -- S = Stream_IO
- -- T = Text_IO
- -- W = Wide_Text_IO
- --
- -- C_Stream is left at its default value for the normal case of an
- -- Open or Create call as defined in the RM. The only time this is
- -- non-null is for the Open call from Ada.xxx_IO.C_Streams.Open.
- --
- -- On return, if the open/create succeeds, then the fields of File are
- -- filled in, and this value is copied to the heap. File_Ptr points to
- -- this allocated file control block. If the open/create fails, then the
- -- fields of File are undefined, and File_Ptr is unchanged.
- procedure Close (File : in out FCB.AFCB_Ptr);
- -- The file is closed, all storage associated with it is released, and
- -- File is set to null. Note that this routine calls AFCB_Close to perform
- -- any specialized close actions, then closes the file at the system level,
- -- then frees the mode and form strings, and finally calls AFCB_Free to
- -- free the file control block itself, setting File to null.
- procedure Delete (File : in out FCB.AFCB_Ptr);
- -- The indicated file is unlinked
- procedure Reset (File : in out FCB.AFCB_Ptr; Mode : FCB.File_Mode);
- -- The file is reset, and the mode changed as indicated
- procedure Reset (File : in out FCB.AFCB_Ptr);
- -- The files is reset, and the mode is unchanged
- function Mode (File : FCB.AFCB_Ptr) return FCB.File_Mode;
- -- Returns the mode as supplied by create, open or reset
- function Name (File : FCB.AFCB_Ptr) return String;
- -- Returns the file name as supplied by Open or Create. Raises Use_Error
- -- if used with temporary files or standard files.
- function Form (File : FCB.AFCB_Ptr) return String;
- -- Returns the form as supplied by create, open or reset
- -- The string is normalized to all lower case letters.
- function Is_Open (File : FCB.AFCB_Ptr) return Boolean;
- -- Determines if file is open or not
- ----------------------
- -- Utility Routines --
- ----------------------
- -- Some internal routines not defined in A.8.2. These are routines which
- -- provide required common functionality shared by separate packages.
- procedure Chain_File (File : FCB.AFCB_Ptr);
- -- Used to chain the given file into the list of open files. Normally this
- -- is done implicitly by Open. Chain_File is used for the special cases of
- -- the system files defined by Text_IO (stdin, stdout, stderr) which are
- -- not opened in the normal manner. Note that the caller is responsible
- -- for task lock out to protect the global data structures if this is
- -- necessary (it is needed for the calls from within this unit itself,
- -- but not required for the calls from Text_IO and Wide_Text_IO that
- -- are made during elaboration of the environment task).
- procedure Check_File_Open (File : FCB.AFCB_Ptr);
- -- If the current file is not open, then Status_Error is raised.
- -- Otherwise control returns normally (with File pointing to the
- -- control block for the open file.
- procedure Check_Read_Status (File : FCB.AFCB_Ptr);
- -- If the current file is not open, then Status_Error is raised. If
- -- the file is open, then the mode is checked to ensure that reading
- -- is permitted, and if not Mode_Error is raised, otherwise control
- -- returns normally.
- procedure Check_Write_Status (File : FCB.AFCB_Ptr);
- -- If the current file is not open, then Status_Error is raised. If
- -- the file is open, then the mode is checked to ensure that writing
- -- is permitted, and if not Mode_Error is raised, otherwise control
- -- returns normally.
- function End_Of_File (File : FCB.AFCB_Ptr) return Boolean;
- -- File must be opened in read mode. True is returned if the stream is
- -- currently positioned at the end of file, otherwise False is returned.
- -- The position of the stream is not affected.
- procedure Flush (File : FCB.AFCB_Ptr);
- -- Flushes the stream associated with the given file. The file must be
- -- open and in write mode (if not, an appropriate exception is raised)
- function Form_Boolean
- (Form : String;
- Keyword : String;
- Default : Boolean)
- return Boolean;
- -- Searches form string for an entry of the form Keyword=xx where xx is
- -- either Yes/No or y/n. Returns True if Yes or Y is found, False if No
- -- or N is found. If the keyword parameter is not found, returns the
- -- value given as Default. May raise Use_Error if a form string syntax
- -- error is detected. Keyword and Form must be in lower case.
- function Form_Integer
- (Form : String;
- Keyword : String;
- Default : Integer)
- return Integer;
- -- Searches form string for an entry of the form Keyword=xx where xx is
- -- an unsigned decimal integer in the range 0 to 999_999. Returns this
- -- integer value if it is found. If the keyword parameter is not found,
- -- returns the value given as Default. Raise Use_Error if a form string
- -- syntax error is detected. Keyword and Form must be in lower case.
- procedure Form_Parameter
- (Form : String;
- Keyword : String;
- Start : out Natural;
- Stop : out Natural);
- -- Searches form string for an entry of the form Keyword=xx and if found
- -- Sets Start and Stop to the first and last characters of xx. Keyword
- -- and Form must be in lower case. If no entry matches, then Start and
- -- Stop are set to zero on return. Use_Error is raised if a malformed
- -- string is detected, but there is no guarantee of full syntax checking.
- procedure Read_Buf
- (File : FCB.AFCB_Ptr;
- Buf : Address;
- Siz : Interfaces.C_Streams.size_t);
- -- Reads Siz bytes from File.Stream into Buf. The caller has checked
- -- that the file is open in read mode. Raises an exception if Siz bytes
- -- cannot be read (End_Error if no data was read, Data_Error if a partial
- -- buffer was read, Device_Error if an error occurs).
- procedure Read_Buf
- (File : FCB.AFCB_Ptr;
- Buf : Address;
- Siz : Interfaces.C_Streams.size_t;
- Count : out Interfaces.C_Streams.size_t);
- -- Reads Siz bytes from File.Stream into Buf. The caller has checked
- -- that the file is open in read mode. Device Error is raised if an error
- -- occurs. Count is the actual number of bytes read, which may be less
- -- than Siz if the end of file is encountered.
- procedure Append_Set (File : FCB.AFCB_Ptr);
- -- If the mode of the file is Append_File, then the file is positioned
- -- at the end of file using fseek, otherwise this call has no effect.
- procedure Write_Buf
- (File : FCB.AFCB_Ptr;
- Buf : Address;
- Siz : Interfaces.C_Streams.size_t);
- -- Writes size_t bytes to File.Stream from Buf. The caller has checked
- -- that the file is open in write mode. Raises Device_Error if the
- -- complete buffer cannot be written.
- procedure Make_Unbuffered (File : FCB.AFCB_Ptr);
- procedure Make_Line_Buffered
- (File : FCB.AFCB_Ptr;
- Line_Siz : Interfaces.C_Streams.size_t);
- procedure Make_Buffered
- (File : FCB.AFCB_Ptr;
- Buf_Siz : Interfaces.C_Streams.size_t);
- pragma Inline (Check_Read_Status);
- pragma Inline (Check_Write_Status);
- pragma Inline (Mode);
-end System.File_IO;