path: root/gcc-4.2.1/gcc/ada/a-direct.adb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'gcc-4.2.1/gcc/ada/a-direct.adb')
1 files changed, 989 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gcc-4.2.1/gcc/ada/a-direct.adb b/gcc-4.2.1/gcc/ada/a-direct.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2cd29ed38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gcc-4.2.1/gcc/ada/a-direct.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,989 @@
+-- --
+-- --
+-- A D A . D I R E C T O R I E S --
+-- --
+-- B o d y --
+-- --
+-- Copyright (C) 2004-2005, Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
+-- --
+-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
+-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
+-- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- --
+-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
+-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
+-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
+-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
+-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write --
+-- to the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, --
+-- Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. --
+-- --
+-- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from this --
+-- unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an executable, --
+-- this unit does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be --
+-- covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not --
+-- however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be --
+-- covered by the GNU Public License. --
+-- --
+-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
+-- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. --
+-- --
+with Ada.Directories.Validity; use Ada.Directories.Validity;
+with Ada.Strings.Unbounded; use Ada.Strings.Unbounded;
+with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation;
+with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion;
+with Ada.Characters.Handling; use Ada.Characters.Handling;
+with GNAT.Directory_Operations; use GNAT.Directory_Operations;
+with GNAT.OS_Lib; use GNAT.OS_Lib;
+with GNAT.Regexp; use GNAT.Regexp;
+-- ??? Ada units should not depend on GNAT units
+with System;
+package body Ada.Directories is
+ function Duration_To_Time is new
+ Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Duration, Ada.Calendar.Time);
+ function OS_Time_To_Long_Integer is new
+ Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (OS_Time, Long_Integer);
+ -- These two unchecked conversions are used in function Modification_Time
+ -- to convert an OS_Time to a Calendar.Time.
+ type Search_Data is record
+ Is_Valid : Boolean := False;
+ Name : Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String;
+ Pattern : Regexp;
+ Filter : Filter_Type;
+ Dir : Dir_Type;
+ Entry_Fetched : Boolean := False;
+ Dir_Entry : Directory_Entry_Type;
+ end record;
+ -- The current state of a search
+ Empty_String : constant String := (1 .. 0 => ASCII.NUL);
+ -- Empty string, returned by function Extension when there is no extension
+ procedure Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation (Search_Data, Search_Ptr);
+ function File_Exists (Name : String) return Boolean;
+ -- Returns True if the named file exists
+ procedure Fetch_Next_Entry (Search : Search_Type);
+ -- Get the next entry in a directory, setting Entry_Fetched if successful
+ -- or resetting Is_Valid if not.
+ procedure To_Lower_If_Case_Insensitive (S : in out String);
+ -- Put S in lower case if file and path names are case-insensitive
+ ---------------
+ -- Base_Name --
+ ---------------
+ function Base_Name (Name : String) return String is
+ Simple : String := Simple_Name (Name);
+ -- Simple'First is guaranteed to be 1
+ begin
+ To_Lower_If_Case_Insensitive (Simple);
+ -- Look for the last dot in the file name and return the part of the
+ -- file name preceding this last dot. If the first dot is the first
+ -- character of the file name, the base name is the empty string.
+ for Pos in reverse Simple'Range loop
+ if Simple (Pos) = '.' then
+ return Simple (1 .. Pos - 1);
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ -- If there is no dot, return the complete file name
+ return Simple;
+ end Base_Name;
+ -------------
+ -- Compose --
+ -------------
+ function Compose
+ (Containing_Directory : String := "";
+ Name : String;
+ Extension : String := "") return String
+ is
+ Result : String (1 .. Containing_Directory'Length +
+ Name'Length + Extension'Length + 2);
+ Last : Natural;
+ begin
+ -- First, deal with the invalid cases
+ if not Is_Valid_Path_Name (Containing_Directory) then
+ raise Name_Error;
+ elsif
+ Extension'Length = 0 and then (not Is_Valid_Simple_Name (Name))
+ then
+ raise Name_Error;
+ elsif Extension'Length /= 0 and then
+ (not Is_Valid_Simple_Name (Name & '.' & Extension))
+ then
+ raise Name_Error;
+ -- This is not an invalid case so build the path name
+ else
+ Last := Containing_Directory'Length;
+ Result (1 .. Last) := Containing_Directory;
+ -- Add a directory separator if needed
+ if Result (Last) /= Dir_Separator then
+ Last := Last + 1;
+ Result (Last) := Dir_Separator;
+ end if;
+ -- Add the file name
+ Result (Last + 1 .. Last + Name'Length) := Name;
+ Last := Last + Name'Length;
+ -- If extension was specified, add dot followed by this extension
+ if Extension'Length /= 0 then
+ Last := Last + 1;
+ Result (Last) := '.';
+ Result (Last + 1 .. Last + Extension'Length) := Extension;
+ Last := Last + Extension'Length;
+ end if;
+ To_Lower_If_Case_Insensitive (Result (1 .. Last));
+ return Result (1 .. Last);
+ end if;
+ end Compose;
+ --------------------------
+ -- Containing_Directory --
+ --------------------------
+ function Containing_Directory (Name : String) return String is
+ begin
+ -- First, the invalid case
+ if not Is_Valid_Path_Name (Name) then
+ raise Name_Error;
+ else
+ -- Get the directory name using GNAT.Directory_Operations.Dir_Name
+ declare
+ Value : constant String := Dir_Name (Path => Name);
+ Result : String (1 .. Value'Length);
+ Last : Natural := Result'Last;
+ begin
+ Result := Value;
+ -- Remove any trailing directory separator, except as the first
+ -- character.
+ while Last > 1 and then Result (Last) = Dir_Separator loop
+ Last := Last - 1;
+ end loop;
+ -- Special case of current directory, identified by "."
+ if Last = 1 and then Result (1) = '.' then
+ return Get_Current_Dir;
+ else
+ To_Lower_If_Case_Insensitive (Result (1 .. Last));
+ return Result (1 .. Last);
+ end if;
+ end;
+ end if;
+ end Containing_Directory;
+ ---------------
+ -- Copy_File --
+ ---------------
+ procedure Copy_File
+ (Source_Name : String;
+ Target_Name : String;
+ Form : String := "")
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Form);
+ Success : Boolean;
+ begin
+ -- First, the invalid cases
+ if not Is_Valid_Path_Name (Source_Name)
+ or else not Is_Valid_Path_Name (Target_Name)
+ or else not Is_Regular_File (Source_Name)
+ then
+ raise Name_Error;
+ elsif Is_Directory (Target_Name) then
+ raise Use_Error;
+ else
+ -- The implementation uses GNAT.OS_Lib.Copy_File, with parameters
+ -- suitable for all platforms.
+ Copy_File
+ (Source_Name, Target_Name, Success, Overwrite, None);
+ if not Success then
+ raise Use_Error;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end Copy_File;
+ ----------------------
+ -- Create_Directory --
+ ----------------------
+ procedure Create_Directory
+ (New_Directory : String;
+ Form : String := "")
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Form);
+ begin
+ -- First, the invalid case
+ if not Is_Valid_Path_Name (New_Directory) then
+ raise Name_Error;
+ else
+ -- The implementation uses GNAT.Directory_Operations.Make_Dir
+ begin
+ Make_Dir (Dir_Name => New_Directory);
+ exception
+ when Directory_Error =>
+ raise Use_Error;
+ end;
+ end if;
+ end Create_Directory;
+ -----------------
+ -- Create_Path --
+ -----------------
+ procedure Create_Path
+ (New_Directory : String;
+ Form : String := "")
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Form);
+ New_Dir : String (1 .. New_Directory'Length + 1);
+ Last : Positive := 1;
+ begin
+ -- First, the invalid case
+ if not Is_Valid_Path_Name (New_Directory) then
+ raise Name_Error;
+ else
+ -- Build New_Dir with a directory separator at the end, so that the
+ -- complete path will be found in the loop below.
+ New_Dir (1 .. New_Directory'Length) := New_Directory;
+ New_Dir (New_Dir'Last) := Directory_Separator;
+ -- Create, if necessary, each directory in the path
+ for J in 2 .. New_Dir'Last loop
+ -- Look for the end of an intermediate directory
+ if New_Dir (J) /= Dir_Separator then
+ Last := J;
+ -- We have found a new intermediate directory each time we find
+ -- a first directory separator.
+ elsif New_Dir (J - 1) /= Dir_Separator then
+ -- No need to create the directory if it already exists
+ if Is_Directory (New_Dir (1 .. Last)) then
+ null;
+ -- It is an error if a file with such a name already exists
+ elsif Is_Regular_File (New_Dir (1 .. Last)) then
+ raise Use_Error;
+ else
+ -- The implementation uses
+ -- GNAT.Directory_Operations.Make_Dir.
+ begin
+ Make_Dir (Dir_Name => New_Dir (1 .. Last));
+ exception
+ when Directory_Error =>
+ raise Use_Error;
+ end;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ end Create_Path;
+ -----------------------
+ -- Current_Directory --
+ -----------------------
+ function Current_Directory return String is
+ -- The implementation uses GNAT.Directory_Operations.Get_Current_Dir
+ Cur : String := Normalize_Pathname (Get_Current_Dir);
+ begin
+ To_Lower_If_Case_Insensitive (Cur);
+ if Cur'Length > 1 and then Cur (Cur'Last) = Dir_Separator then
+ return Cur (1 .. Cur'Last - 1);
+ else
+ return Cur;
+ end if;
+ end Current_Directory;
+ ----------------------
+ -- Delete_Directory --
+ ----------------------
+ procedure Delete_Directory (Directory : String) is
+ begin
+ -- First, the invalid cases
+ if not Is_Valid_Path_Name (Directory) then
+ raise Name_Error;
+ elsif not Is_Directory (Directory) then
+ raise Name_Error;
+ else
+ -- The implementation uses GNAT.Directory_Operations.Remove_Dir
+ begin
+ Remove_Dir (Dir_Name => Directory, Recursive => False);
+ exception
+ when Directory_Error =>
+ raise Use_Error;
+ end;
+ end if;
+ end Delete_Directory;
+ -----------------
+ -- Delete_File --
+ -----------------
+ procedure Delete_File (Name : String) is
+ Success : Boolean;
+ begin
+ -- First, the invalid cases
+ if not Is_Valid_Path_Name (Name) then
+ raise Name_Error;
+ elsif not Is_Regular_File (Name) then
+ raise Name_Error;
+ else
+ -- The implementation uses GNAT.OS_Lib.Delete_File
+ Delete_File (Name, Success);
+ if not Success then
+ raise Use_Error;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end Delete_File;
+ -----------------
+ -- Delete_Tree --
+ -----------------
+ procedure Delete_Tree (Directory : String) is
+ begin
+ -- First, the invalid cases
+ if not Is_Valid_Path_Name (Directory) then
+ raise Name_Error;
+ elsif not Is_Directory (Directory) then
+ raise Name_Error;
+ else
+ -- The implementation uses GNAT.Directory_Operations.Remove_Dir
+ begin
+ Remove_Dir (Directory, Recursive => True);
+ exception
+ when Directory_Error =>
+ raise Use_Error;
+ end;
+ end if;
+ end Delete_Tree;
+ ------------
+ -- Exists --
+ ------------
+ function Exists (Name : String) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ -- First, the invalid case
+ if not Is_Valid_Path_Name (Name) then
+ raise Name_Error;
+ else
+ -- The implementation is in File_Exists
+ return File_Exists (Name);
+ end if;
+ end Exists;
+ ---------------
+ -- Extension --
+ ---------------
+ function Extension (Name : String) return String is
+ begin
+ -- First, the invalid case
+ if not Is_Valid_Path_Name (Name) then
+ raise Name_Error;
+ else
+ -- Look for first dot that is not followed by a directory separator
+ for Pos in reverse Name'Range loop
+ -- If a directory separator is found before a dot, there
+ -- is no extension.
+ if Name (Pos) = Dir_Separator then
+ return Empty_String;
+ elsif Name (Pos) = '.' then
+ -- We found a dot, build the return value with lower bound 1
+ declare
+ Result : String (1 .. Name'Last - Pos);
+ begin
+ Result := Name (Pos + 1 .. Name'Last);
+ return Result;
+ -- This should be done with a subtype conversion, avoiding
+ -- the unnecessary junk copy ???
+ end;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ -- No dot were found, there is no extension
+ return Empty_String;
+ end if;
+ end Extension;
+ ----------------------
+ -- Fetch_Next_Entry --
+ ----------------------
+ procedure Fetch_Next_Entry (Search : Search_Type) is
+ Name : String (1 .. 255);
+ Last : Natural;
+ Kind : File_Kind := Ordinary_File;
+ -- Initialized to avoid a compilation warning
+ begin
+ -- Search.Value.Is_Valid is always True when Fetch_Next_Entry is called
+ loop
+ Read (Search.Value.Dir, Name, Last);
+ -- If no matching entry is found, set Is_Valid to False
+ if Last = 0 then
+ Search.Value.Is_Valid := False;
+ exit;
+ end if;
+ -- Check if the entry matches the pattern
+ if Match (Name (1 .. Last), Search.Value.Pattern) then
+ declare
+ Full_Name : constant String :=
+ Compose
+ (To_String
+ (Search.Value.Name), Name (1 .. Last));
+ Found : Boolean := False;
+ begin
+ if File_Exists (Full_Name) then
+ -- Now check if the file kind matches the filter
+ if Is_Regular_File (Full_Name) then
+ if Search.Value.Filter (Ordinary_File) then
+ Kind := Ordinary_File;
+ Found := True;
+ end if;
+ elsif Is_Directory (Full_Name) then
+ if Search.Value.Filter (Directory) then
+ Kind := Directory;
+ Found := True;
+ end if;
+ elsif Search.Value.Filter (Special_File) then
+ Kind := Special_File;
+ Found := True;
+ end if;
+ -- If it does, update Search and return
+ if Found then
+ Search.Value.Entry_Fetched := True;
+ Search.Value.Dir_Entry :=
+ (Is_Valid => True,
+ Simple => To_Unbounded_String (Name (1 .. Last)),
+ Full => To_Unbounded_String (Full_Name),
+ Kind => Kind);
+ exit;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end Fetch_Next_Entry;
+ -----------------
+ -- File_Exists --
+ -----------------
+ function File_Exists (Name : String) return Boolean is
+ function C_File_Exists (A : System.Address) return Integer;
+ pragma Import (C, C_File_Exists, "__gnat_file_exists");
+ C_Name : String (1 .. Name'Length + 1);
+ begin
+ C_Name (1 .. Name'Length) := Name;
+ C_Name (C_Name'Last) := ASCII.NUL;
+ return C_File_Exists (C_Name (1)'Address) = 1;
+ end File_Exists;
+ --------------
+ -- Finalize --
+ --------------
+ procedure Finalize (Search : in out Search_Type) is
+ begin
+ if Search.Value /= null then
+ -- Close the directory, if one is open
+ if Is_Open (Search.Value.Dir) then
+ Close (Search.Value.Dir);
+ end if;
+ Free (Search.Value);
+ end if;
+ end Finalize;
+ ---------------
+ -- Full_Name --
+ ---------------
+ function Full_Name (Name : String) return String is
+ begin
+ -- First, the invalid case
+ if not Is_Valid_Path_Name (Name) then
+ raise Name_Error;
+ else
+ -- Build the return value with lower bound 1
+ -- Use GNAT.OS_Lib.Normalize_Pathname
+ declare
+ Value : String := Normalize_Pathname (Name);
+ subtype Result is String (1 .. Value'Length);
+ begin
+ To_Lower_If_Case_Insensitive (Value);
+ return Result (Value);
+ end;
+ end if;
+ end Full_Name;
+ function Full_Name (Directory_Entry : Directory_Entry_Type) return String is
+ begin
+ -- First, the invalid case
+ if not Directory_Entry.Is_Valid then
+ raise Status_Error;
+ else
+ -- The value to return has already been computed
+ return To_String (Directory_Entry.Full);
+ end if;
+ end Full_Name;
+ --------------------
+ -- Get_Next_Entry --
+ --------------------
+ procedure Get_Next_Entry
+ (Search : in out Search_Type;
+ Directory_Entry : out Directory_Entry_Type)
+ is
+ begin
+ -- First, the invalid case
+ if Search.Value = null or else not Search.Value.Is_Valid then
+ raise Status_Error;
+ end if;
+ -- Fetch the next entry, if needed
+ if not Search.Value.Entry_Fetched then
+ Fetch_Next_Entry (Search);
+ end if;
+ -- It is an error if no valid entry is found
+ if not Search.Value.Is_Valid then
+ raise Status_Error;
+ else
+ -- Reset Entry_Fatched and return the entry
+ Search.Value.Entry_Fetched := False;
+ Directory_Entry := Search.Value.Dir_Entry;
+ end if;
+ end Get_Next_Entry;
+ ----------
+ -- Kind --
+ ----------
+ function Kind (Name : String) return File_Kind is
+ begin
+ -- First, the invalid case
+ if not File_Exists (Name) then
+ raise Name_Error;
+ elsif Is_Regular_File (Name) then
+ return Ordinary_File;
+ elsif Is_Directory (Name) then
+ return Directory;
+ else
+ return Special_File;
+ end if;
+ end Kind;
+ function Kind (Directory_Entry : Directory_Entry_Type) return File_Kind is
+ begin
+ -- First, the invalid case
+ if not Directory_Entry.Is_Valid then
+ raise Status_Error;
+ else
+ -- The value to return has already be computed
+ return Directory_Entry.Kind;
+ end if;
+ end Kind;
+ -----------------------
+ -- Modification_Time --
+ -----------------------
+ function Modification_Time (Name : String) return Ada.Calendar.Time is
+ Date : OS_Time;
+ Year : Year_Type;
+ Month : Month_Type;
+ Day : Day_Type;
+ Hour : Hour_Type;
+ Minute : Minute_Type;
+ Second : Second_Type;
+ Result : Ada.Calendar.Time;
+ begin
+ -- First, the invalid cases
+ if not (Is_Regular_File (Name) or else Is_Directory (Name)) then
+ raise Name_Error;
+ else
+ Date := File_Time_Stamp (Name);
+ -- ??? This implementation should be revisited when AI 00351 has
+ -- implemented.
+ if OpenVMS then
+ -- On OpenVMS, OS_Time is in local time
+ GM_Split (Date, Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Second);
+ return Ada.Calendar.Time_Of
+ (Year, Month, Day,
+ Duration (Second + 60 * (Minute + 60 * Hour)));
+ else
+ -- On Unix and Windows, OS_Time is in GMT
+ Result :=
+ Duration_To_Time (Duration (OS_Time_To_Long_Integer (Date)));
+ return Result;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end Modification_Time;
+ function Modification_Time
+ (Directory_Entry : Directory_Entry_Type) return Ada.Calendar.Time
+ is
+ begin
+ -- First, the invalid case
+ if not Directory_Entry.Is_Valid then
+ raise Status_Error;
+ else
+ -- The value to return has already be computed
+ return Modification_Time (To_String (Directory_Entry.Full));
+ end if;
+ end Modification_Time;
+ ------------------
+ -- More_Entries --
+ ------------------
+ function More_Entries (Search : Search_Type) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ if Search.Value = null then
+ return False;
+ elsif Search.Value.Is_Valid then
+ -- Fetch the next entry, if needed
+ if not Search.Value.Entry_Fetched then
+ Fetch_Next_Entry (Search);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ return Search.Value.Is_Valid;
+ end More_Entries;
+ ------------
+ -- Rename --
+ ------------
+ procedure Rename (Old_Name, New_Name : String) is
+ Success : Boolean;
+ begin
+ -- First, the invalid cases
+ if not Is_Valid_Path_Name (Old_Name)
+ or else not Is_Valid_Path_Name (New_Name)
+ or else (not Is_Regular_File (Old_Name)
+ and then not Is_Directory (Old_Name))
+ then
+ raise Name_Error;
+ elsif Is_Regular_File (New_Name) or Is_Directory (New_Name) then
+ raise Use_Error;
+ else
+ -- The implementation uses GNAT.OS_Lib.Rename_File
+ Rename_File (Old_Name, New_Name, Success);
+ if not Success then
+ raise Use_Error;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end Rename;
+ -------------------
+ -- Set_Directory --
+ -------------------
+ procedure Set_Directory (Directory : String) is
+ begin
+ -- The implementation uses GNAT.Directory_Operations.Change_Dir
+ Change_Dir (Dir_Name => Directory);
+ exception
+ when Directory_Error =>
+ raise Name_Error;
+ end Set_Directory;
+ -----------------
+ -- Simple_Name --
+ -----------------
+ function Simple_Name (Name : String) return String is
+ begin
+ -- First, the invalid case
+ if not Is_Valid_Path_Name (Name) then
+ raise Name_Error;
+ else
+ -- Build the value to return with lower bound 1
+ -- The implementation uses GNAT.Directory_Operations.Base_Name
+ declare
+ Value : String := GNAT.Directory_Operations.Base_Name (Name);
+ subtype Result is String (1 .. Value'Length);
+ begin
+ To_Lower_If_Case_Insensitive (Value);
+ return Result (Value);
+ end;
+ end if;
+ end Simple_Name;
+ function Simple_Name
+ (Directory_Entry : Directory_Entry_Type) return String
+ is
+ begin
+ -- First, the invalid case
+ if not Directory_Entry.Is_Valid then
+ raise Status_Error;
+ else
+ -- The value to return has already be computed
+ return To_String (Directory_Entry.Simple);
+ end if;
+ end Simple_Name;
+ ----------
+ -- Size --
+ ----------
+ function Size (Name : String) return File_Size is
+ C_Name : String (1 .. Name'Length + 1);
+ function C_Size (Name : System.Address) return Long_Integer;
+ pragma Import (C, C_Size, "__gnat_named_file_length");
+ begin
+ -- First, the invalid case
+ if not Is_Regular_File (Name) then
+ raise Name_Error;
+ else
+ C_Name (1 .. Name'Length) := Name;
+ C_Name (C_Name'Last) := ASCII.NUL;
+ return File_Size (C_Size (C_Name'Address));
+ end if;
+ end Size;
+ function Size (Directory_Entry : Directory_Entry_Type) return File_Size is
+ begin
+ -- First, the invalid case
+ if not Directory_Entry.Is_Valid then
+ raise Status_Error;
+ else
+ -- The value to return has already be computed
+ return Size (To_String (Directory_Entry.Full));
+ end if;
+ end Size;
+ ------------------
+ -- Start_Search --
+ ------------------
+ procedure Start_Search
+ (Search : in out Search_Type;
+ Directory : String;
+ Pattern : String;
+ Filter : Filter_Type := (others => True))
+ is
+ begin
+ -- First, the invalid case
+ if not Is_Directory (Directory) then
+ raise Name_Error;
+ end if;
+ -- If needed, finalize Search
+ Finalize (Search);
+ -- Allocate the default data
+ Search.Value := new Search_Data;
+ begin
+ -- Check the pattern
+ Search.Value.Pattern := Compile (Pattern, Glob => True);
+ exception
+ when Error_In_Regexp =>
+ Free (Search.Value);
+ raise Name_Error;
+ end;
+ -- Initialize some Search components
+ Search.Value.Filter := Filter;
+ Search.Value.Name := To_Unbounded_String (Full_Name (Directory));
+ Open (Search.Value.Dir, Directory);
+ Search.Value.Is_Valid := True;
+ end Start_Search;
+ ----------------------------------
+ -- To_Lower_If_Case_Insensitive --
+ ----------------------------------
+ procedure To_Lower_If_Case_Insensitive (S : in out String) is
+ begin
+ if not Is_Path_Name_Case_Sensitive then
+ for J in S'Range loop
+ S (J) := To_Lower (S (J));
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ end To_Lower_If_Case_Insensitive;
+end Ada.Directories;