path: root/gcc-4.2.1-5666.3/gcc/mklibgcc.in
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'gcc-4.2.1-5666.3/gcc/mklibgcc.in')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 944 deletions
diff --git a/gcc-4.2.1-5666.3/gcc/mklibgcc.in b/gcc-4.2.1-5666.3/gcc/mklibgcc.in
deleted file mode 100644
index f40dffcb7..000000000
--- a/gcc-4.2.1-5666.3/gcc/mklibgcc.in
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,944 +0,0 @@
-# Construct makefile for libgcc.
-# Copyright (C) 2000, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006
-# Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# This file is part of GCC.
-# Arguments, taken from the environment, since there are a lot
-# of them, and positional args becomes quite ugly.
-# objext
-# D32PBIT
-# D64PBIT
-# D128PBIT
-# Make needs VPATH to be literal.
-echo 'srcdir = @srcdir@'
-echo 'VPATH = @srcdir@'
-echo 'EQ = ='
-echo 'objects = $(filter %'$objext',$^)'
-echo '# Dependencies are accumulated as we go.'
-echo 'all: stmp-dirs'
-echo 'dirs = libgcc'
-# Library members defined in libgcc2.c.
-# The floating-point conversion routines that involve a single-word integer.
-# XX stands for the integer mode.
-for mode in sf df xf; do
- swfloatfuncs="$swfloatfuncs _fixuns${mode}XX"
-# Likewise double-word routines.
-for mode in sf df xf tf; do
- dwfloatfuncs="$dwfloatfuncs _fix${mode}XX _fixuns${mode}XX"
- dwfloatfuncs="$dwfloatfuncs _floatXX${mode} _floatunXX${mode}"
-# Entries of the form <objfile>:<func>:<wordsize> indicate that libgcc2.c
-# should be compiled with L<func> defined and with LIBGCC2_UNITS_PER_WORD
-# set to <wordsize>. <objfile> is the name of the associated object file
-# APPLE LOCAL begin mainline bswap
-lib2funcs='_muldi3 _negdi2 _lshrdi3 _ashldi3 _ashrdi3
- _cmpdi2 _ucmpdi2 _clear_cache
- _enable_execute_stack _trampoline __main _absvsi2 _absvdi2 _addvsi3
- _addvdi3 _subvsi3 _subvdi3 _mulvsi3 _mulvdi3 _negvsi2 _negvdi2 _ctors
- _ffssi2 _ffsdi2 _clz _clzsi2 _clzdi2 _ctzsi2 _ctzdi2 _popcount_tab
- _popcountsi2 _popcountdi2 _paritysi2 _paritydi2 _powisf2 _powidf2
- _powixf2 _powitf2 _mulsc3 _muldc3 _mulxc3 _multc3 _divsc3 _divdc3
- _divxc3 _divtc3 _bswapsi2 _bswapdi2'
-# APPLE LOCAL end mainline bswap
-if [ "$LIB2_SIDITI_CONV_FUNCS" ]; then
- for func in $swfloatfuncs; do
- sifunc=`echo $func | sed -e 's/XX/si/'`
- lib2funcs="$lib2funcs $sifunc:$sifunc:4"
- done
- for func in $dwfloatfuncs; do
- difunc=`echo $func | sed -e 's/XX/di/'`
- tifunc=`echo $func | sed -e 's/XX/ti/'`
- lib2funcs="$lib2funcs $difunc:$difunc:4 $tifunc:$difunc:8"
- done
- lib2funcs="$lib2funcs `echo $swfloatfuncs | sed -e 's/XX/si/g'`"
- lib2funcs="$lib2funcs `echo $dwfloatfuncs | sed -e 's/XX/di/g'`"
-# Disable SHLIB_LINK if shared libgcc not enabled.
-if [ "@enable_shared@" = "no" ]; then
-# Build lines.
-# APPLE LOCAL gcov 5573505
-# APPLE LOCAL gcov 5573505
-make_compile='$(MAKE) GCC_FOR_TARGET="$(GCC_FOR_TARGET)" \
- CC="$(CC)" CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS)" \
-# Generic dependencies for libgcc
-libgcc_dep='$(CONFIG_H) coretypes.h $(TM_H) $(MACHMODE_H) longlong.h config.status stmp-int-hdrs tsystem.h'
-# Dependencies for libgcc2.c
-libgcc2_c_dep='stmp-dirs $(srcdir)/libgcc2.c $(srcdir)/libgcc2.h gbl-ctors.h'" $libgcc_dep"
-# Dependencies for libgcov.c
-libgcov_c_dep='stmp-dirs $(srcdir)/libgcov.c $(srcdir)/gcov-io.h $(srcdir)/gcov-io.c gcov-iov.h'" $libgcc_dep"
-# Dependencies for fp-bit.c
-fpbit_c_dep='stmp-dirs config.status tsystem.h'
-# Dependencies for decnumber and friends. This is an overzealous set,
-# but at least we can be sure to recompile if anything gets modified.
-decnumber_dep='stmp-dirs $(srcdir)/../libdecnumber/decContext.h $(srcdir)/../libdecnumber/decNumber.h
- $(srcdir)/../libdecnumber/decNumberLocal.h $(srcdir)/../libdecnumber/decimal32.h $(srcdir)/../libdecnumber/decimal64.h
- $(srcdir)/../libdecnumber/decimal128.h $(srcdir)/../libdecnumber/decDPD.h $(srcdir)/../libdecnumber/decUtility.h'
-# Flag whether we need eh_dummy.c
-if [ "$SHLIB_LINK" ]; then
- # Test -fvisibility=hidden. We need both a -fvisibility=hidden on
- # the command line, and a #define to prevent libgcc2.h etc from
- # overriding that with #pragmas. The dance with @ is to prevent
- # echo from seeing anything it might take for an option.
- # echo turns the \$\$\$\$ into $$$$ and when make sees it it
- # becomes $$ and the shell substitutes the pid. Makes for a
- # slightly safer temp file.
- echo "vis_hide := \$(strip \$(subst @,-,\\"
- echo " \$(shell if echo 'void foo(void); void foo(void) {}' | \\"
- echo " $gcc_compile -fvisibility=hidden -Werror \\"
- echo " -c -xc - -o vis_temp_file\$\$\$\$.o 2> /dev/null; \\"
- echo " then echo @fvisibility=hidden @DHIDE_EXPORTS; \\"
- echo " rm vis_temp_file\$\$\$\$.o 2> /dev/null; \\"
- echo " fi)))"
- echo
- # If we have -fvisibility=hidden, then we need to generate hide
- # lists for object files implemented in assembly. The default
- # pseudo-op for this is ".hidden", but can be overridden with
- [ "$ASM_HIDDEN_OP" ] || ASM_HIDDEN_OP=".hidden"
- echo "ifneq (,\$(vis_hide))"
- echo "define gen-hide-list"
- echo "\$(NM_FOR_TARGET) ${SHLIB_NM_FLAGS} \$< | \\"
- # non-GNU nm emits three fields even for undefined and typeless symbols,
- # so explicitly omit them
- echo " \$(AWK) 'NF == 3 && \$\$2 !~ /^[UN]\$\$/ { print \"\\t${ASM_HIDDEN_OP}\", \$\$3 }' > \$@T"
- echo "mv -f \$@T \$@"
- echo "endef"
- echo "else"
- echo "gen-hide-list = echo > \$@"
- echo "endif"
- echo
- # It is too hard to guarantee that vis_hide and gen-hide-list will never
- # be referenced if SHLIB_LINK is not set, so set them to the values they'd
- # have if SHLIB_LINK were set and we didn't have visibility support.
- echo "vis_hide ="
- echo "gen-hide-list = echo > \$@"
-# Remove any objects from lib2funcs and LIB2_DIVMOD_FUNCS that are
-# defined as optimized assembly code in LIB1ASMFUNCS or as C code
- lib2funcs=`echo $lib2funcs | sed -e 's/^'$name'[ :]//' \
- -e 's/ '$name'[ :]/ /' \
- -e 's/ '$name'$//'`
- LIB2_DIVMOD_FUNCS=`echo $LIB2_DIVMOD_FUNCS | sed -e 's/^'$name' //' \
- -e 's/ '$name' / /' \
- -e 's/ '$name'$//'`
-# Rules to generate object files.
-for ml in $MULTILIBS; do
- # Work out relevant parameters that depend only on the multilib.
- dir=`echo ${ml} | sed -e 's/;.*$//' -e 's/=/$(EQ)/g'`
- flags=`echo ${ml} | sed -e 's/^[^;]*;//' -e 's/@/ -/g'`;
- shlib_slibdir_qual=
- libgcc_a=$dir/libgcc.a
- libgcov_a=$dir/libgcov.a
- libgcc_eh_a=
- libgcc_s_so=
- libunwind_a=
- libunwind_so=
- if [ "$LIBUNWIND" ]; then
- libunwind_a=$dir/libunwind.a
- fi
- if [ "$SHLIB_LINK" ]; then
- libgcc_eh_a=$dir/libgcc_eh.a
- libgcc_s_so=$dir/libgcc_s${SHLIB_EXT}
- if [ "$LIBUNWIND" ]; then
- libunwind_so=$dir/libunwind${SHLIB_EXT}
- fi
- os_multilib_dir=`$GCC_FOR_TARGET $flags --print-multi-os-directory`
- if [ "$os_multilib_dir" != . ]; then
- shlib_slibdir_qual="/$os_multilib_dir"
- fi
- fi
- libgcc_s_so_extra=
- libunwind_so_extra=
- echo
- echo \#
- echo \# ml: $ml
- echo \# dir: $dir
- echo \# flags: $flags
- echo \# libgcc_a: $libgcc_a
- echo \# libgcov_a: $libgcov_a
- echo \# libgcc_eh_a: $libgcc_eh_a
- echo \# libunwind_a: $libunwind_a
- echo \#
- echo \# shlib_slibdir_qual: $shlib_slibdir_qual
- echo \# libgcc_s_so: $libgcc_s_so
- echo \# libunwind_so: $libunwind_so
- echo \#
- echo
- # Update list of directories.
- if [ $dir != . ]; then
- echo "dirs += ${dir} libgcc/${dir}"
- echo
- fi
- #
- # Build libgcc1 components.
- #
- for name in $LIB1ASMFUNCS; do
- if [ "$libgcc_s_so" ]; then
- out="libgcc/${dir}/${name}${objext}"
- outS="libgcc/${dir}/${name}_s${objext}"
- outV="libgcc/${dir}/${name}.vis"
- echo ${outS}: stmp-dirs '$(srcdir)/config/$(LIB1ASMSRC)'
- echo " $gcc_s_compile" $flags -DL$name -xassembler-with-cpp \
- -c '$(srcdir)/config/$(LIB1ASMSRC)' -o $outS
- echo ${out}: stmp-dirs '$(srcdir)/config/$(LIB1ASMSRC)' ${outV}
- echo " $gcc_compile" $flags -DL$name -xassembler-with-cpp \
- -c '$(srcdir)/config/$(LIB1ASMSRC)' -include $outV -o $out
- echo "${outV}: ${outS}; \$(gen-hide-list)"
- echo $libgcc_a: $out
- echo $libgcc_s_so: $outS
- if [ "$SHLIB_MKMAP" ]; then
- echo libgcc/${dir}/libgcc.map: $outS
- fi
- else
- out="libgcc/${dir}/${name}${objext}"
- echo ${out}: stmp-dirs '$(srcdir)/config/$(LIB1ASMSRC)'
- echo " $gcc_compile" $flags -DL$name -xassembler-with-cpp \
- -c '$(srcdir)/config/$(LIB1ASMSRC)' -o $out
- echo $libgcc_a: $out
- fi
- done
- #
- # Build libgcc2 components.
- #
- for name in $lib2funcs; do
- case $name in
- *:*:*)
- defines=`echo $name | sed -e 's/.*:\(.*\):\(.*\)/-DL\1 -DLIBGCC2_UNITS_PER_WORD=\2/'`
- name=`echo $name | sed -e 's/\(.*\):.*:.*/\1/'`
- ;;
- *)
- defines="-DL$name"
- ;;
- esac
- if [ "$libgcc_s_so" ]; then
- out="libgcc/${dir}/${name}${objext}"
- outS="libgcc/${dir}/${name}_s${objext}"
- echo $outS: $libgcc2_c_dep
- echo " $gcc_s_compile" $flags $defines -c '$(srcdir)/libgcc2.c' \
- -o $outS
- echo $out: $libgcc2_c_dep
- echo " $gcc_compile" $flags $defines '$(vis_hide)' \
- -c '$(srcdir)/libgcc2.c' -o $out
- echo $libgcc_a: $out
- echo $libgcc_s_so: $outS
- if [ "$SHLIB_MKMAP" ]; then
- echo libgcc/${dir}/libgcc.map: $outS
- fi
- else
- out="libgcc/${dir}/${name}${objext}"
- echo ${out}: stmp-dirs '$(srcdir)/config/$(LIB1ASMSRC)'
- echo " $gcc_compile" $flags $defines -c '$(srcdir)/libgcc2.c' -o $out
- echo $libgcc_a: $out
- fi
- done
- for name in $LIB2FUNCS_ST; do
- out="libgcc/${dir}/${name}${objext}"
- echo $out: $libgcc2_c_dep
- echo " $gcc_compile" $flags -DL$name '$(vis_hide)' \
- -c '$(srcdir)/libgcc2.c' -o $out
- echo ${dir}/libgcc.a: $out
- done
- for name in $LIB2_DIVMOD_FUNCS; do
- if [ "$libgcc_s_so" ]; then
- out="libgcc/${dir}/${name}${objext}"
- outS="libgcc/${dir}/${name}_s${objext}"
-# APPLE LOCAL begin libcc_kext move options to start of line for overriding --bowdidge
- echo $outS: $libgcc2_c_dep
- echo " $gcc_s_compile" -fexceptions -fnon-call-exceptions $flags -DL$name \
- -c '$(srcdir)/libgcc2.c' -o $outS
- echo $out: $libgcc2_c_dep
- echo " $gcc_compile" -fexceptions -fnon-call-exceptions $flags -DL$name '$(vis_hide)' \
- -c '$(srcdir)/libgcc2.c' -o $out
-# APPLE LOCAL end libcc_kext move options to start of line for overriding --bowdidge
- echo $libgcc_a: $out
- echo $libgcc_s_so: $outS
- if [ "$SHLIB_MKMAP" ]; then
- echo libgcc/${dir}/libgcc.map: $outS
- fi
- else
- out="libgcc/${dir}/${name}${objext}"
- echo ${out}: stmp-dirs '$(srcdir)/config/$(LIB1ASMSRC)'
- echo " $gcc_compile" $flags -DL$name \
- -fexceptions -fnon-call-exceptions -c '$(srcdir)/libgcc2.c' -o $out
- echo $libgcc_a: $out
- fi
- done
- #
- # Build software floating point functions.
- #
- for fpbit_var in FPBIT DPBIT TPBIT ; do
- fpfuncs_var="${fpbit_var}_FUNCS"
- eval fpbit=\$$fpbit_var
- eval fpfuncs=\$$fpfuncs_var
- if [ "$fpbit" ] ; then
- for name in $fpfuncs; do
- case "$name" in
- # _sf_to_tf and _df_to_tf require tp-bit.c
- # being compiled in.
- _[sd]f_to_tf) [ -z "$TPBIT" ] && continue;;
- esac
- if [ "$libgcc_s_so" ]; then
- out="libgcc/${dir}/${name}${objext}"
- outS="libgcc/${dir}/${name}_s${objext}"
- echo $outS: $fpbit $fpbit_c_dep
- echo " $gcc_s_compile" -DFINE_GRAINED_LIBRARIES $flags -DL$name \
- -c $fpbit -o $outS
- echo $out: $fpbit $fpbit_c_dep
- echo " $gcc_compile" -DFINE_GRAINED_LIBRARIES $flags -DL$name \
- '$(vis_hide)' -c $fpbit -o $out
- echo $libgcc_a: $out
- echo $libgcc_s_so: $outS
- if [ "$SHLIB_MKMAP" ]; then
- echo libgcc/${dir}/libgcc.map: $outS
- fi
- else
- out="libgcc/${dir}/${name}${objext}"
- echo $out: $fpbit $fpbit_c_dep
- echo " $gcc_compile" -DFINE_GRAINED_LIBRARIES $flags -DL$name \
- -c $fpbit -o $out
- echo $libgcc_a: $out
- fi
- done
- fi
- done
- if [ "@enable_decimal_float@" = "yes" -a -z "$libgcc_so" ]; then
- # If $DFP_ENABLE is set, then we want all data type sizes.
- if [ "$DFP_ENABLE" ] ; then
- D32PBIT=1; D64PBIT=1; D128PBIT=1
- fi
- # Bring in the DFP support code if D32PBIT, D64PBIT or D128PBIT are set.
- if [ -n "$D32PBIT" -o -n "$D64PBIT" -o -n "$D128PBIT" ] ; then
- dec_filenames="decContext decNumber decRound decLibrary decUtility"
- fi
- # Only bring in decimal*.c files for types we support.
- if [ -n "$D32PBIT" ] ; then
- dec_filenames="$dec_filenames decimal32"
- fi
- if [ -n "$D64PBIT" ] ; then
- dec_filenames="$dec_filenames decimal64"
- fi
- if [ -n "$D128PBIT" ] ; then
- dec_filenames="$dec_filenames decimal128"
- fi
- for name in $dec_filenames ; do
- out="libgcc/${dir}/${name}${objext}"
- echo $out: "\$(srcdir)/../libdecnumber/${name}.c" $decnumber_dep
- echo " $gcc_compile" $flags -c "\$(srcdir)/../libdecnumber/${name}.c" -o $out
- echo $libgcc_a: $out
- done
- # For individual functions, loop over each variable by name.
- for dpbit_var in D32PBIT D64PBIT D128PBIT ; do
- dpfuncs_var="${dpbit_var}_FUNCS"
- eval dpbit=\$$dpbit_var
- eval dpfuncs=\$$dpfuncs_var
- case "$dpbit_var" in
- D32PBIT) dpwidth=32 ;;
- D64PBIT) dpwidth=64 ;;
- D128PBIT) dpwidth=128 ;;
- esac
- if [ "$dpbit" ]; then
- for name in $dpfuncs; do
- out="libgcc/${dir}/${name}${objext}"
- echo $out: config/dfp-bit.h config/dfp-bit.c $fpbit_c_dep
- echo " $gcc_compile" -DFINE_GRAINED_LIBRARIES $flags -DL$name -DWIDTH=$dpwidth \
- $DFP_CFLAGS -c $\(srcdir\)/config/dfp-bit.c -o $out
- echo $libgcc_a: $out
- done
- fi
- done
- fi
- for file in $LIB2ADD; do
- name=`echo $file | sed -e 's/[.][cS]$//' -e 's/[.]asm$//'`
- oname=`echo $name | sed -e 's,.*/,,'`
- if [ "$libgcc_s_so" ]; then
- out="libgcc/${dir}/${oname}${objext}"
- outS="libgcc/${dir}/${oname}_s${objext}"
- case $file in
- *.c)
- echo $outS: stmp-dirs $file $libgcc_dep
- echo " $gcc_s_compile" $flags -c $file -o $outS
- echo $out: stmp-dirs $file $libgcc_dep
- echo " $gcc_compile" $flags '$(vis_hide)' -c $file -o $out
- ;;
- *.asm | *.S)
- outV="libgcc/${dir}/${oname}.vis"
- echo $outS: stmp-dirs $file $libgcc_dep
- echo " $gcc_s_compile" $flags -xassembler-with-cpp \
- -c $file -o $outS
- echo $out: stmp-dirs $file $libgcc_dep $outV
- echo " $gcc_compile" $flags -xassembler-with-cpp \
- -include $outV -c $file -o $out
- echo "${outV}: ${outS}; \$(gen-hide-list)"
- ;;
- *)
- echo "Unhandled extension: $file" >&2
- exit 1
- ;;
- esac
- echo $libgcc_a: $out
- echo $libgcc_s_so: $outS
- if [ "$SHLIB_MKMAP" ]; then
- echo libgcc/${dir}/libgcc.map: $outS
- fi
- else
- out="libgcc/${dir}/${oname}${objext}"
- case $file in
- *.c)
- echo $out: stmp-dirs $file $libgcc_dep
- echo " $gcc_compile" $flags -c $file -o $out
- ;;
- *.asm | *.S)
- echo $out: stmp-dirs $file $libgcc_dep
- echo " $gcc_compile" $flags -xassembler-with-cpp \
- -c $file -o $out
- ;;
- *)
- echo "Unhandled extension: $file" >&2
- exit 1
- ;;
- esac
- echo $libgcc_a: $out
- fi
- done
- for file in $LIB2ADD_ST; do
- name=`echo $file | sed -e 's/[.][cSo]$//' -e 's/[.]asm$//'`
- oname=`echo $name | sed -e 's,.*/,,'`
- out="libgcc/${dir}/${oname}${objext}"
- case $file in
- *.c)
- echo $out: stmp-dirs $file $libgcc_dep
- echo " $gcc_compile" $flags '$(vis_hide)' -c $file -o $out
- ;;
- *.asm | *.S)
- # We may have to compile it twice in order to establish the list
- # of symbols to be marked hidden.
- if [ "$libgcc_so" ]; then
- outV="libgcc/${dir}/${oname}.vis"
- outT="libgcc/${dir}/${oname}_t${objext}"
- echo ${outT}: stmp-dirs $file $libgcc_dep
- echo " $gcc_compile" $flags -xassembler-with-cpp \
- -c $file -o ${outT}
- echo $out: stmp-dirs $file $libgcc_dep $outV
- echo " $gcc_compile" $flags -xassembler-with-cpp \
- -include $outV -c $file -o $out
- echo "${outV}: ${outT}; \$(gen-hide-list)"
- else
- echo $out: stmp-dirs $file $libgcc_dep
- echo " $gcc_compile" $flags -xassembler-with-cpp \
- -c $file -o $out
- fi
- ;;
- *)
- echo "Unhandled extension: $file" >&2
- exit 1
- ;;
- esac
- echo $libgcc_a: $out
- done
- # If we don't have libgcc_eh.a, only LIB2ADDEH matters. If we do, only
- # LIB2ADDEHSTATIC and LIB2ADDEHSHARED matter. (Usually all three are
- # identical.)
- if [ "$libgcc_eh_a" ]; then
- for file in $LIB2ADDEHSTATIC; do
- name=`echo $file | sed -e 's/[.][cSo]$//' -e 's/[.]asm$//'`
- oname=`echo $name | sed -e 's,.*/,,'`
- out="libgcc/${dir}/${oname}${objext}"
- case $file in
- *.c)
- echo $out: stmp-dirs $file $LIB2ADDEHDEP $libgcc_dep
- echo " $gcc_compile" $flags -fexceptions '$(vis_hide)' -c $file -o $out
- ;;
- *.asm | *.S)
- # We have to compile it twice in order to establish the list
- # of symbols to be marked hidden.
- outV="libgcc/${dir}/${oname}.vis"
- outT="libgcc/${dir}/${oname}_t${objext}"
- echo ${outT}: stmp-dirs $file $LIB2ADDEHDEP $libgcc_dep
- echo " $gcc_compile" $flags -xassembler-with-cpp \
- -c $file -o ${outT}
- echo $out: stmp-dirs $file $LIB2ADDEHDEP $libgcc_dep $outV
- echo " $gcc_compile" $flags -xassembler-with-cpp \
- -include $outV -c $file -o $out
- echo "${outV}: ${outT}; \$(gen-hide-list)"
- ;;
- *) echo "Unhandled extension: $file">&2; exit 1 ;;
- esac
- echo $libgcc_eh_a: $out
- done
- for file in $LIB2ADDEHSHARED; do
- name=`echo $file | sed -e 's/[.][cSo]$//' -e 's/[.]asm$//'`
- oname=`echo $name | sed -e 's,.*/,,'`
- outS="libgcc/${dir}/${oname}_s${objext}"
- case $file in
- *.c)
- echo $outS: stmp-dirs $file $LIB2ADDEHDEP $libgcc_dep
- echo " $gcc_s_compile" $flags -fexceptions -c $file -o $outS
- ;;
- *.asm | *.S)
- echo $outS: stmp-dirs $file $LIB2ADDEHDEP $libgcc_dep
- echo " $gcc_s_compile" $flags -xassembler-with-cpp -c $file -o $outS
- ;;
- *) echo "Unhandled extension: $file">&2; exit 1 ;;
- esac
- echo $libgcc_s_so: $outS
- if [ "$SHLIB_MKMAP" ]; then
- echo libgcc/${dir}/libgcc.map: $outS
- fi
- done
- # If nothing went into libgcc_eh.a, create a dummy object -
- # some linkers don't like totally empty archives.
- if [ -z "$LIB2ADDEHSTATIC" ]; then
- file=eh_dummy.c
- out="libgcc/${dir}/eh_dummy${objext}"
- need_eh_dummy=1
- echo $out: stmp-dirs $file
- echo " $gcc_compile" $flags '$(vis_hide)' -fexceptions -c $file -o $out
- echo $libgcc_eh_a: $out
- fi
- else # no libgcc_eh.a
- for file in $LIB2ADDEH; do
- name=`echo $file | sed -e 's/[.][cSo]$//' -e 's/[.]asm$//'`
- oname=`echo $name | sed -e 's,.*/,,'`
- out="libgcc/${dir}/${oname}${objext}"
- case $file in
- *.c)
- echo $out: stmp-dirs $file $LIB2ADDEHDEP $libgcc_dep
- echo " $gcc_compile" $flags '$(vis_hide)' -fexceptions -c $file -o $out
- ;;
- *.asm | *.S)
- echo $out: stmp-dirs $file $LIB2ADDEHDEP $libgcc_dep
- echo " $gcc_compile" $flags -xassembler-with-cpp \
- -c $file -o $out
- ;;
- *) echo "Unhandled extension: $file">&2; exit 1 ;;
- esac
- echo $libgcc_a: $out
- done
- fi
- # We do _not_ handle assembly files in this context.
- if [ "$LIBUNWIND" ]; then
- for file in $LIBUNWIND; do
- case $file in
- *.c) ;;
- *) echo "Unhandled extension: $file">&2; exit 1 ;;
- esac
- name=`echo $file | sed -e 's/[.]c$//'`
- oname=`echo $name | sed -e 's,.*/,,'`
- if [ "$libunwind_so" ]; then
- out="libgcc/${dir}/${oname}${objext}"
- outS="libgcc/${dir}/${oname}_s${objext}"
- echo $out: stmp-dirs $file $LIBUNWINDDEP
- echo " $gcc_compile $flags -fexceptions \$(vis_hide) -c $file -o $out"
- echo $outS: stmp-dirs $file $LIBUNWINDDEP
- echo " $gcc_s_compile $flags -fexceptions -c $file -o $outS"
- echo $libunwind_a: $out
- echo $libunwind_so: $outS
- else
- out="libgcc/${dir}/${oname}${objext}"
- echo $out: stmp-dirs $file $LIBUNWINDDEP
- echo " $gcc_compile $flags -fexceptions \$(vis_hide) -c $file -o $out"
- echo $libunwind_a: $out
- fi
- done
- fi
- #
- # build libgcov components
- #
- for name in $LIBGCOV; do
- dir=`echo ${ml} | sed -e 's/;.*$//' -e 's/=/$(EQ)/g'`
- flags=`echo ${ml} | sed -e 's/^[^;]*;//' -e 's/@/ -/g'`;
- out="libgcc/${dir}/${name}${objext}"
- echo $out: $libgcov_c_dep
- echo " $gcc_compile $flags -DL$name -c \$(srcdir)/libgcov.c -o $out"
- echo $libgcov_a: $out
- done
- if [ -n "$EXTRA_MULTILIB_PARTS" ]; then
- # Each of the EXTRA_MULTILIB_PARTS is built by recursive invocation
- # of the parent Makefile. We must do this just once for each
- # multilib, passing it all the EXTRA_MULTILIB_PARTS as
- # simultaneous goal targets, so that rules which cannot execute
- # simultaneously are properly serialized.
- extra=
- echo
- for f in $EXTRA_MULTILIB_PARTS; do
- case $dir in
- .) out=$f ; t= ;;
- *) out=$dir/$f ; t=$dir/ ;;
- esac
- case $out in
- # Prevent `make' from interpreting $out as a macro assignment
- *'$(EQ)'*) targ="T_TARGET=$out T_TARGET" ;;
- *) targ=$out ;;
- esac
- extra="$extra $targ"
- done
- if [ "$dir" = . ]; then
- suffix=
- else
- suffix=`echo $dir | sed s,/,_,g`
- fi
- echo extra$suffix: stmp-dirs
- echo " $make_compile" \\
- echo ' LIBGCC2_CFLAGS="$(LIBGCC2_CFLAGS)' $flags '" ' \\
- # APPLE LOCAL gcov 5573505
- echo ' MULTILIB_CFLAGS="'$flags'"' T=$t $extra
- echo "all: extra$suffix"
- # Make libunwind.so and libgcc_s.so depend on these, since they
- # are likely to be implicitly used by the link process.
- if [ "$libgcc_s_so" ]; then
- echo "$libgcc_s_so: extra$suffix"
- fi
- if [ "$libunwind_so" ]; then
- echo "$libunwind_so: extra$suffix"
- fi
- fi
- # Library build rules.
- dir=`echo ${ml} | sed -e 's/;.*$//' -e 's/=/$(EQ)/g'`
- flags=`echo ${ml} | sed -e 's/^[^;]*;//' -e 's/@/ -/g'`;
- # Map-file generation.
- if [ "$SHLIB_LINK" -a "$SHLIB_MKMAP" ]; then
- mapfile="libgcc/${dir}/libgcc.map"
- tmpmapfile="libgcc/${dir}/tmp-libgcc.map"
- # This uses a here document instead of echos because some shells
- # will convert the \1 in the second sed command to a control-A.
- # The behavior of here documents is more predictable.
- cat <<EOF
- { \$(NM_FOR_TARGET) $SHLIB_NM_FLAGS \$(objects); echo %%; \\
- | sed -e '/^[ ]*#/d' \\
- -e 's/^%\(if\|else\|elif\|endif\|define\)/#\1/' \\
- | $gcc_compile $flags -E -xassembler-with-cpp -; \\
- } | \$(AWK) -f $SHLIB_MKMAP $SHLIB_MKMAP_OPTS > ${tmpmapfile}
- mv '$tmpmapfile' \$@
-$libgcc_s_so: ${mapfile}
- fi
- # Static libraries.
- # Each of these .a files depends on stmp-dirs. It would seem that
- # this dependency is redundant, since each of the object files
- # itself depends on stmp-dirs. However, it is possible that there
- # are in fact no object files. In that case, the stmp-dirs
- # dependency is required; the directory containing the archive must
- # exist before the archive itself can be created.
- echo ""
- echo "$libgcc_a: stmp-dirs"
- echo " -rm -f $libgcc_a"
- echo ' $(AR_CREATE_FOR_TARGET)' $libgcc_a '$(objects)'
- echo ' $(RANLIB_FOR_TARGET)' $libgcc_a
- echo "all: $libgcc_a"
- echo ""
- echo "$libgcov_a: stmp-dirs"
- echo " -rm -f $libgcov_a"
- echo ' $(AR_CREATE_FOR_TARGET)' $libgcov_a '$(objects)'
- echo ' $(RANLIB_FOR_TARGET)' $libgcov_a
- echo "all: $libgcov_a"
- # These libraries are not always built.
- if [ "$libunwind_a" ]; then
- echo ""
- echo "$libunwind_a: stmp-dirs"
- echo " -rm -f $libunwind_a"
- echo ' $(AR_CREATE_FOR_TARGET)' $libunwind_a '$(objects)'
- echo ' $(RANLIB_FOR_TARGET)' $libunwind_a
- echo "all: $libunwind_a"
- fi
- if [ "$libgcc_eh_a" ]; then
- echo ""
- echo "${dir}/libgcc_eh.a: stmp-dirs"
- echo " -rm -f ${dir}/libgcc_eh.a"
- echo ' $(AR_CREATE_FOR_TARGET)' ${dir}/libgcc_eh.a '$(objects)'
- echo ' $(RANLIB_FOR_TARGET)' ${dir}/libgcc_eh.a
- echo "all: $libgcc_eh_a"
- fi
- # Shared libraries.
- # APPLE LOCAL libcc_kext
- if [ "$libgcc_s_so" -a "$dir" != "static" -a "$dir" != "kext" -a "$dir" != "kext64" ]; then
- echo ""
- echo "$libgcc_s_so: stmp-dirs $libunwind_so"
- echo " $SHLIB_LINK" \
- | sed -e "s%@multilib_flags@%$flags%g" \
- -e "s%@multilib_dir@%$dir%g" \
- -e "s%@shlib_objs@%\$(objects)%g" \
- -e "s%@shlib_base_name@%libgcc_s%g" \
- -e "s%@shlib_map_file@%$mapfile%g" \
- -e "s%@shlib_slibdir_qual@%$shlib_dir_qual%g"
- echo "all: $libgcc_s_so"
- fi
- if [ "$libunwind_so" ]; then
- echo ""
- echo "$libunwind_so: stmp-dirs"
- | sed -e "s%@multilib_flags@%$flags%g" \
- -e "s%@multilib_dir@%$dir%g" \
- -e "s%@shlib_objs@%\$(objects)%g" \
- -e "s%@shlib_base_name@%libunwind%g" \
- -e "s%@shlib_slibdir_qual@%$shlib_dir_qual%g"
- echo "all: $libunwind_so"
- fi
-done # ml in MULTILIBS
-echo "libgcc-stage-start:"
-echo " for dir in \$(dirs); do \\"
-echo " if [ -d \$(stage)/\$\$dir ]; then :; \\"
-echo " else $mkinstalldirs \$(stage)/\$\$dir; fi; \\"
-echo " done"
-echo " -for dir in \$(dirs); do \\"
-echo " mv \$\$dir/*${objext} \$(stage)/\$\$dir; \\"
-echo " mv \$\$dir/*.vis \$(stage)/\$\$dir; \\"
-echo " mv \$\$dir/*.map \$(stage)/\$\$dir; \\"
-echo " test ! -f \$\$dir/libgcc.a || mv \$\$dir/lib* \$(stage)/\$\$dir; \\"
-echo " done"
-echo "stmp-dirs:"
-echo " for d in \$(dirs); do \\"
-echo " if [ -d \$\$d ]; then true; else $mkinstalldirs \$\$d; fi; \\"
-echo " done"
-echo " if [ -f stmp-dirs ]; then true; else touch stmp-dirs; fi"
-if [ "$need_eh_dummy" ]; then
- echo "eh_dummy.c:"
- echo " echo 'int __libgcc_eh_dummy;' > \$@"
-echo ""
-echo "install: all"
-for ml in $MULTILIBS; do
- dir=`echo ${ml} | sed -e 's/;.*$//' -e 's/=/$(EQ)/g'`
- flags=`echo ${ml} | sed -e 's/^[^;]*;//' -e 's/@/ -/g'`;
- if [ $dir != . ]; then
- ldir='$(DESTDIR)$(libsubdir)'/$dir
- echo " if [ -d $ldir ]; then true; else $mkinstalldirs $ldir; chmod a+rx $ldir; fi;"
- else
- ldir='$(DESTDIR)$(libsubdir)'
- fi
- echo ' $(INSTALL_DATA)' ${dir}/libgcc.a ${ldir}/
- echo ' chmod 644' ${ldir}/libgcc.a
- echo ' $(RANLIB_FOR_TARGET)' ${ldir}/libgcc.a
- echo ' $(INSTALL_DATA)' ${dir}/libgcov.a ${ldir}/
- echo ' chmod 644' ${ldir}/libgcov.a
- echo ' $(RANLIB_FOR_TARGET)' ${ldir}/libgcov.a
- if [ "$SHLIB_LINK" ]; then
- echo ' $(INSTALL_DATA)' ${dir}/libgcc_eh.a ${ldir}/
- echo ' chmod 644' ${ldir}/libgcc_eh.a
- echo ' $(RANLIB_FOR_TARGET)' ${ldir}/libgcc_eh.a
- shlib_slibdir_qual=
- os_multilib_dir=`$GCC_FOR_TARGET $flags --print-multi-os-directory`
- if [ "$os_multilib_dir" != . ]; then
- shlib_slibdir_qual="/$os_multilib_dir"
- fi
- # APPLE LOCAL libcc_kext
- if [ "$dir" != "static" -a "$dir" != "kext" -a "$dir" != "kext64" ]; then
- echo " $SHLIB_INSTALL" \
- | sed -e "s%@multilib_dir@%$dir%g" \
- -e "s%@shlib_base_name@%libgcc_s%g" \
- -e "s%@shlib_slibdir_qual@%$shlib_slibdir_qual%g"
- # APPLE LOCAL libcc_kext
- fi
- if [ "$LIBUNWIND" ]; then
- | sed -e "s%@multilib_dir@%$dir%g" \
- -e "s%@shlib_base_name@%libunwind%g" \
- -e "s%@shlib_slibdir_qual@%$shlib_slibdir_qual%g"
- libunwinddir='$(DESTDIR)$(slibdir)$(shlib_slibdir_qual)/$(shlib_dir)'
- echo ' $(INSTALL_DATA)' ${dir}/libunwind.a ${libunwinddir}/
- echo ' chmod 644' ${dir}/libunwind.a
- echo ' $(RANLIB_FOR_TARGET)' ${libunwinddir}/libunwind.a
- fi
- fi
- for ml in $MULTILIBS; do
- dir=`echo ${ml} | sed -e 's/;.*$//' -e 's/=/$(EQ)/g'`
- if [ $dir != . ]; then
- out=${dir}/$f
- ldir='$(DESTDIR)$(libsubdir)'/$dir
- else
- out=$f
- ldir='$(DESTDIR)$(libsubdir)'
- fi
- echo ' $(INSTALL_DATA)' $out $ldir/
- done
-echo '.PHONY: all install'