path: root/gcc-4.2.1-5666.3/gcc/config/arm/libunwind.S
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Diffstat (limited to 'gcc-4.2.1-5666.3/gcc/config/arm/libunwind.S')
1 files changed, 238 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gcc-4.2.1-5666.3/gcc/config/arm/libunwind.S b/gcc-4.2.1-5666.3/gcc/config/arm/libunwind.S
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fe09281e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gcc-4.2.1-5666.3/gcc/config/arm/libunwind.S
@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
+/* Support functions for the unwinder.
+ Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ Contributed by Paul Brook
+ This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+ Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
+ later version.
+ In addition to the permissions in the GNU General Public License, the
+ Free Software Foundation gives you unlimited permission to link the
+ compiled version of this file into combinations with other programs,
+ and to distribute those combinations without any restriction coming
+ from the use of this file. (The General Public License restrictions
+ do apply in other respects; for example, they cover modification of
+ the file, and distribution when not linked into a combine
+ executable.)
+ This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+ the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */
+#ifndef __symbian__
+#include "lib1funcs.asm"
+.macro UNPREFIX name
+ .global SYM (\name)
+ EQUIV SYM (\name), SYM (__\name)
+/* r0 points to a 16-word block. Upload these values to the actual core
+ state. */
+ARM_FUNC_START restore_core_regs
+ /* We must use sp as the base register when restoring sp. Push the
+ last 3 registers onto the top of the current stack to achieve
+ this. */
+ add r1, r0, #52
+ ldmia r1, {r3, r4, r5} /* {sp, lr, pc}. */
+/* APPLE LOCAL begin v7 support. Merge from mainline */
+#if defined(__thumb2__)
+ /* Thumb-2 doesn't allow sp in a load-multiple instruction, so push
+ the target address onto the target stack. This is safe as
+ we're always returning to somewhere further up the call stack. */
+ mov ip, r3
+ mov lr, r4
+ str r5, [ip, #-4]!
+#elif defined(__INTERWORKING__)
+/* APPLE LOCAL end v7 support. Merge from mainline */
+ /* Restore pc into ip. */
+ mov r2, r5
+ stmfd sp!, {r2, r3, r4}
+ stmfd sp!, {r3, r4, r5}
+ /* Don't bother restoring ip. */
+ ldmia r0, {r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, sl, fp}
+/* APPLE LOCAL begin v7 support. Merge from mainline */
+#if defined(__thumb2__)
+ /* Pop the return address off the target stack. */
+ mov sp, ip
+ pop {pc}
+#elif defined(__INTERWORKING__)
+ /* Pop the three registers we pushed earlier. */
+/* APPLE LOCAL end v7 support. Merge from mainline */
+ ldmfd sp, {ip, sp, lr}
+ bx ip
+ ldmfd sp, {sp, lr, pc}
+ FUNC_END restore_core_regs
+ UNPREFIX restore_core_regs
+/* APPLE LOCAL begin v7 support. Merge from mainline */
+/* Load VFP registers d0-d15 from the address in r0.
+ Use this to load from FSTMX format. */
+/* APPLE LOCAL end v7 support. Merge from mainline */
+ARM_FUNC_START gnu_Unwind_Restore_VFP
+ /* Use the generic coprocessor form so that gas doesn't complain
+ on soft-float targets. */
+ ldc p11,cr0,[r0],{0x21} /* fldmiax r0, {d0-d15} */
+/* APPLE LOCAL begin v7 support. Merge from mainline */
+/* Store VFP registers d0-d15 to the address in r0.
+ Use this to store in FSTMX format. */
+/* APPLE LOCAL end v7 support. Merge from mainline */
+ARM_FUNC_START gnu_Unwind_Save_VFP
+ /* Use the generic coprocessor form so that gas doesn't complain
+ on soft-float targets. */
+ stc p11,cr0,[r0],{0x21} /* fstmiax r0, {d0-d15} */
+/* APPLE LOCAL begin v7 support. Merge from mainline */
+/* Load VFP registers d0-d15 from the address in r0.
+ Use this to load from FSTMD format. */
+ARM_FUNC_START gnu_Unwind_Restore_VFP_D
+ ldc p11,cr0,[r0],{0x20} /* fldmiad r0, {d0-d15} */
+/* Store VFP registers d0-d15 to the address in r0.
+ Use this to store in FLDMD format. */
+ARM_FUNC_START gnu_Unwind_Save_VFP_D
+ stc p11,cr0,[r0],{0x20} /* fstmiad r0, {d0-d15} */
+/* Load VFP registers d16-d31 from the address in r0.
+ Use this to load from FSTMD (=VSTM) format. Needs VFPv3. */
+ARM_FUNC_START gnu_Unwind_Restore_VFP_D_16_to_31
+ ldcl p11,cr0,[r0],{0x20} /* vldm r0, {d16-d31} */
+/* Store VFP registers d16-d31 to the address in r0.
+ Use this to store in FLDMD (=VLDM) format. Needs VFPv3. */
+ARM_FUNC_START gnu_Unwind_Save_VFP_D_16_to_31
+ stcl p11,cr0,[r0],{0x20} /* vstm r0, {d16-d31} */
+/* APPLE LOCAL end v7 support. Merge from mainline */
+/* APPLE LOCAL begin v7 support. Merge from Codesourcery */
+ARM_FUNC_START gnu_Unwind_Restore_WMMXD
+ /* Use the generic coprocessor form so that gas doesn't complain
+ on non-iWMMXt targets. */
+ ldcl p1, cr0, [r0], #8 /* wldrd wr0, [r0], #8 */
+ ldcl p1, cr1, [r0], #8 /* wldrd wr1, [r0], #8 */
+ ldcl p1, cr2, [r0], #8 /* wldrd wr2, [r0], #8 */
+ ldcl p1, cr3, [r0], #8 /* wldrd wr3, [r0], #8 */
+ ldcl p1, cr4, [r0], #8 /* wldrd wr4, [r0], #8 */
+ ldcl p1, cr5, [r0], #8 /* wldrd wr5, [r0], #8 */
+ ldcl p1, cr6, [r0], #8 /* wldrd wr6, [r0], #8 */
+ ldcl p1, cr7, [r0], #8 /* wldrd wr7, [r0], #8 */
+ ldcl p1, cr8, [r0], #8 /* wldrd wr8, [r0], #8 */
+ ldcl p1, cr9, [r0], #8 /* wldrd wr9, [r0], #8 */
+ ldcl p1, cr10, [r0], #8 /* wldrd wr10, [r0], #8 */
+ ldcl p1, cr11, [r0], #8 /* wldrd wr11, [r0], #8 */
+ ldcl p1, cr12, [r0], #8 /* wldrd wr12, [r0], #8 */
+ ldcl p1, cr13, [r0], #8 /* wldrd wr13, [r0], #8 */
+ ldcl p1, cr14, [r0], #8 /* wldrd wr14, [r0], #8 */
+ ldcl p1, cr15, [r0], #8 /* wldrd wr15, [r0], #8 */
+ /* Use the generic coprocessor form so that gas doesn't complain
+ on non-iWMMXt targets. */
+ stcl p1, cr0, [r0], #8 /* wstrd wr0, [r0], #8 */
+ stcl p1, cr1, [r0], #8 /* wstrd wr1, [r0], #8 */
+ stcl p1, cr2, [r0], #8 /* wstrd wr2, [r0], #8 */
+ stcl p1, cr3, [r0], #8 /* wstrd wr3, [r0], #8 */
+ stcl p1, cr4, [r0], #8 /* wstrd wr4, [r0], #8 */
+ stcl p1, cr5, [r0], #8 /* wstrd wr5, [r0], #8 */
+ stcl p1, cr6, [r0], #8 /* wstrd wr6, [r0], #8 */
+ stcl p1, cr7, [r0], #8 /* wstrd wr7, [r0], #8 */
+ stcl p1, cr8, [r0], #8 /* wstrd wr8, [r0], #8 */
+ stcl p1, cr9, [r0], #8 /* wstrd wr9, [r0], #8 */
+ stcl p1, cr10, [r0], #8 /* wstrd wr10, [r0], #8 */
+ stcl p1, cr11, [r0], #8 /* wstrd wr11, [r0], #8 */
+ stcl p1, cr12, [r0], #8 /* wstrd wr12, [r0], #8 */
+ stcl p1, cr13, [r0], #8 /* wstrd wr13, [r0], #8 */
+ stcl p1, cr14, [r0], #8 /* wstrd wr14, [r0], #8 */
+ stcl p1, cr15, [r0], #8 /* wstrd wr15, [r0], #8 */
+ARM_FUNC_START gnu_Unwind_Restore_WMMXC
+ /* Use the generic coprocessor form so that gas doesn't complain
+ on non-iWMMXt targets. */
+ ldc2 p1, cr8, [r0], #4 /* wldrw wcgr0, [r0], #4 */
+ ldc2 p1, cr9, [r0], #4 /* wldrw wcgr1, [r0], #4 */
+ ldc2 p1, cr10, [r0], #4 /* wldrw wcgr2, [r0], #4 */
+ ldc2 p1, cr11, [r0], #4 /* wldrw wcgr3, [r0], #4 */
+ /* Use the generic coprocessor form so that gas doesn't complain
+ on non-iWMMXt targets. */
+ stc2 p1, cr8, [r0], #4 /* wstrw wcgr0, [r0], #4 */
+ stc2 p1, cr9, [r0], #4 /* wstrw wcgr1, [r0], #4 */
+ stc2 p1, cr10, [r0], #4 /* wstrw wcgr2, [r0], #4 */
+ stc2 p1, cr11, [r0], #4 /* wstrw wcgr3, [r0], #4 */
+/* APPLE LOCAL end v7 support. Merge from Codesourcery */
+/* Wrappers to save core registers, then call the real routine. */
+.macro UNWIND_WRAPPER name nargs
+ /* Create a phase2_vrs structure. */
+ /* Split reg push in two to ensure the correct value for sp. */
+/* APPLE LOCAL begin v7 support. Merge from mainline */
+#if defined(__thumb2__)
+ mov ip, sp
+ push {lr} /* PC is ignored. */
+ push {ip, lr} /* Push original SP and LR. */
+ stmfd sp!, {sp, lr, pc}
+/* APPLE LOCAL end v7 support. Merge from mainline */
+ stmfd sp!, {r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, sl, fp, ip}
+ /* Demand-save flags, plus an extra word for alignment. */
+ mov r3, #0
+ stmfd sp!, {r2, r3}
+ /* Point r1 at the block. Pass r[0..nargs) unchanged. */
+ add r\nargs, sp, #4
+/* APPLE LOCAL v7 support. Merge from mainline */
+#if defined(__thumb__) && !defined(__thumb2__)
+ /* Switch back to thumb mode to avoid interworking hassle. */
+ adr ip, .L1_\name
+ orr ip, ip, #1
+ bx ip
+ .thumb
+ bl SYM (__gnu\name) __PLT__
+ ldr r3, [sp, #64]
+ add sp, #72
+ bx r3
+ bl SYM (__gnu\name) __PLT__
+ ldr lr, [sp, #64]
+ add sp, sp, #72
+ FUNC_END \name
+ UNPREFIX \name
+UNWIND_WRAPPER _Unwind_RaiseException 1
+UNWIND_WRAPPER _Unwind_Resume 1
+UNWIND_WRAPPER _Unwind_Resume_or_Rethrow 1
+UNWIND_WRAPPER _Unwind_ForcedUnwind 3
+#endif /* __symbian__ */