path: root/gcc-4.9/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/aarch64
diff options
authorBen Cheng <bccheng@google.com>2014-04-22 13:33:12 -0700
committerBen Cheng <bccheng@google.com>2014-04-22 13:33:12 -0700
commite3cc64dec20832769406aa38cde83c7dd4194bf4 (patch)
treeef8e39be37cfe0cb69d850043b7924389ff17164 /gcc-4.9/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/aarch64
parentf33c7b3122b1d7950efa88067c9a156229ba647b (diff)
[4.9] GCC 4.9.0 official release refresh
Change-Id: Ic99a7da8b44b789a48aeec93b33e93944d6e6767
Diffstat (limited to 'gcc-4.9/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/aarch64')
6 files changed, 1022 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gcc-4.9/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/aarch64/pr60034.c b/gcc-4.9/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/aarch64/pr60034.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ab7e7f4a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gcc-4.9/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/aarch64/pr60034.c
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+/* { dg-do compile } */
+/* { dg-options "-std=gnu99 -O" } */
+static unsigned long global_max_fast;
+void __libc_mallopt (int param_number, int value)
+ __asm__ __volatile__ ("# %[_SDT_A21]" :: [_SDT_A21] "nor" ((global_max_fast)));
+ global_max_fast = 1;
diff --git a/gcc-4.9/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/aarch64/pr60580_1.c b/gcc-4.9/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/aarch64/pr60580_1.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1adf508cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gcc-4.9/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/aarch64/pr60580_1.c
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+/* { dg-do compile } */
+/* { dg-options "-O0 -fomit-frame-pointer -fno-inline --save-temps" } */
+func_leaf (void)
+ int a = 0;
+func_no_leaf (void)
+ int a = 0;
+ func_leaf ();
+func1 (void)
+ int a = 0;
+ func_no_leaf ();
+ * This function calls XXX(), which modifies SP. This is incompatible to
+ * -fomit-frame-pointer generated code as SP is used to access the frame.
+ */
+__attribute__ ((optimize("no-omit-frame-pointer")))
+func2 (void)
+ int a = 0;
+ func_no_leaf ();
+func3 (void)
+ int a = 0;
+ func_no_leaf ();
+/* { dg-final { scan-assembler-times "stp\tx29, x30, \\\[sp, -\[0-9\]+\\\]!" 1 } } */
+/* { dg-final { cleanup-saved-temps } } */
diff --git a/gcc-4.9/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/aarch64/pr60675.C b/gcc-4.9/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/aarch64/pr60675.C
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..aa88cdb24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gcc-4.9/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/aarch64/pr60675.C
@@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
+/* { dg-do compile } */
+/* { dg-options "-std=c++11 -w -O2 -fPIC" } */
+namespace CLHEP {
+ static const double meter = 1000.*10;
+ static const double meter2 = meter*meter;
+ static const double megaelectronvolt = 1. ;
+ static const double gigaelectronvolt = 1.e+3;
+ static const double GeV = gigaelectronvolt;
+ static const double megavolt = megaelectronvolt;
+ static const double volt = 1.e-6*megavolt;
+ static const double tesla = volt*1.e+9/meter2;
+ }
+ using CLHEP::GeV;
+ using CLHEP::tesla;
+ namespace std {
+ typedef long int ptrdiff_t;
+ }
+ extern "C" {
+ extern double cos (double __x) throw ();
+ extern double sin (double __x) throw ();
+ extern double sqrt (double __x) throw ();
+ }
+ namespace std __attribute__ ((__visibility__ ("default"))) {
+ using ::cos;
+ using ::sin;
+ using ::sqrt;
+ template<class _CharT> struct char_traits;
+ template<typename _CharT, typename _Traits = char_traits<_CharT> > struct basic_ostream;
+ typedef basic_ostream<char> ostream;
+ template<typename _Iterator> struct iterator_traits { };
+ template<typename _Tp> struct iterator_traits<_Tp*> {
+ typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
+ typedef _Tp& reference;
+ };
+ }
+ namespace __gnu_cxx __attribute__ ((__visibility__ ("default"))) {
+ using std::iterator_traits;
+ template<typename _Iterator, typename _Container> struct __normal_iterator {
+ _Iterator _M_current;
+ typedef iterator_traits<_Iterator> __traits_type;
+ typedef typename __traits_type::difference_type difference_type;
+ typedef typename __traits_type::reference reference;
+ explicit __normal_iterator(const _Iterator& __i) : _M_current(__i) { }
+ reference operator*() const {
+ return *_M_current;
+ }
+ __normal_iterator operator+(difference_type __n) const {
+ return __normal_iterator(_M_current + __n);
+ }
+ };
+ template<typename _Tp> struct new_allocator {
+ };
+ }
+ namespace std __attribute__ ((__visibility__ ("default"))) {
+ template<typename _Tp> struct allocator: public __gnu_cxx::new_allocator<_Tp> {
+ };
+ struct ios_base { };
+ template<typename _CharT, typename _Traits> struct basic_ios : public ios_base { };
+ template<typename _CharT, typename _Traits> struct basic_ostream : virtual public basic_ios<_CharT, _Traits> {
+ typedef basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits> __ostream_type;
+ __ostream_type& operator<<(__ostream_type& (*__pf)(__ostream_type&)) { }
+ __ostream_type& operator<<(const void* __p) {
+ return _M_insert(__p);
+ }
+ template<typename _ValueT> __ostream_type& _M_insert(_ValueT __v);
+ };
+ template<typename _CharT, typename _Traits> inline basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>& endl(basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>& __os) {
+ }
+ }
+ typedef double G4double;
+ typedef int G4int;
+ extern __thread std::ostream *G4cout_p;
+ struct G4Field;
+ struct G4FieldManager {
+ inline G4Field* GetDetectorField() ;
+ };
+ namespace CLHEP {
+ struct Hep3Vector {
+ Hep3Vector(double x, double y, double z);
+ inline ~Hep3Vector();
+ inline double x() const;
+ inline double y() const;
+ inline double z() const;
+ inline double mag() const;
+ inline Hep3Vector cross(const Hep3Vector &) const;
+ double dx;
+ double dy;
+ double dz;
+ };
+ Hep3Vector operator / (const Hep3Vector &, double a);
+ inline double Hep3Vector::x() const {
+ return dx;
+ }
+ inline double Hep3Vector::y() const {
+ return dy;
+ }
+ inline double Hep3Vector::z() const {
+ return dz;
+ }
+ inline Hep3Vector operator + (const Hep3Vector & a, const Hep3Vector & b) { }
+ inline Hep3Vector operator * (const Hep3Vector & p, double a) { }
+ inline double operator * (const Hep3Vector & a, const Hep3Vector & b) { }
+ inline Hep3Vector::Hep3Vector(double x1, double y1, double z1) : dx(x1), dy(y1), dz(z1) {
+ }
+ inline Hep3Vector::~Hep3Vector() { }
+ inline Hep3Vector Hep3Vector::cross(const Hep3Vector & p) const {
+ return Hep3Vector(dy*p.dz-p.dy*dz, dz*p.dx-p.dz*dx, dx*p.dy-p.dx*dy);
+ }
+ }
+ typedef CLHEP::Hep3Vector G4ThreeVector;
+ namespace std __attribute__ ((__visibility__ ("default"))) {
+ template<typename _Tp, typename _Alloc = std::allocator<_Tp> > struct vector
+ {
+ typedef _Tp *pointer;
+ typedef __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<pointer, vector> iterator;
+ iterator begin() { }
+ };
+ }
+ struct G4TransportationManager {
+ static G4TransportationManager* GetTransportationManager();
+ inline G4FieldManager* GetFieldManager() const;
+ };
+ struct G4ErrorMatrix {
+ G4ErrorMatrix(G4int p, G4int q, G4int i);
+ virtual ~G4ErrorMatrix();
+ struct G4ErrorMatrix_row {
+ inline G4ErrorMatrix_row(G4ErrorMatrix&,G4int);
+ G4double & operator[](G4int);
+ G4ErrorMatrix& _a;
+ G4int _r;
+ };
+ inline G4ErrorMatrix_row operator[] (G4int);
+ std::vector<G4double > m;
+ G4int nrow, ncol;
+ };
+ inline G4ErrorMatrix::G4ErrorMatrix_row G4ErrorMatrix::operator[] (G4int r) {
+ G4ErrorMatrix_row b(*this,r);
+ return b;
+ }
+ inline G4double &G4ErrorMatrix::G4ErrorMatrix_row::operator[](G4int c) {
+ return *(_a.m.begin()+_r*_a.ncol+c);
+ }
+ inline G4ErrorMatrix:: G4ErrorMatrix_row::G4ErrorMatrix_row(G4ErrorMatrix&a, G4int r) : _a(a) {
+ _r = r;
+ };
+ struct G4DynamicParticle {
+ G4double GetCharge() const;
+ };
+ struct G4Step;
+ struct G4Track {
+ const G4DynamicParticle* GetDynamicParticle() const;
+ const G4ThreeVector& GetPosition() const;
+ G4ThreeVector GetMomentum() const;
+ const G4Step* GetStep() const;
+ };
+ struct G4StepPoint {
+ const G4ThreeVector& GetPosition() const;
+ G4ThreeVector GetMomentum() const;
+ };
+ struct G4Step {
+ G4StepPoint* GetPreStepPoint() const;
+ G4double GetStepLength() const;
+ };
+ namespace HepGeom {
+ template<class T> struct BasicVector3D {
+ T v_[3];
+ BasicVector3D(T x1, T y1, T z1) { }
+ operator T * () {
+ return v_;
+ }
+ T x() const {
+ return v_[0];
+ }
+ T y() const {
+ return v_[1];
+ }
+ T z() const {
+ return v_[2];
+ }
+ T perp2() const { }
+ T perp() const {
+ return std::sqrt(perp2());
+ }
+ T mag2() const { }
+ T mag() const {
+ return std::sqrt(mag2());
+ }
+ T theta() const { }
+ };
+ inline BasicVector3D<double> operator-(const BasicVector3D<double> & a,const BasicVector3D<double> & b) { }
+ inline BasicVector3D<double> operator*(const BasicVector3D<double> & v, double a) { }
+ template<class T> struct Point3D : public BasicVector3D<T> {
+ explicit Point3D(const double * a) : BasicVector3D<double>(a[0],a[1],a[2]) { }
+ Point3D(const CLHEP::Hep3Vector & v) : BasicVector3D<double>(v.dx,v.dy,v.dz) { }
+ };
+ }
+ typedef HepGeom::Point3D<G4double> G4Point3D;
+ namespace HepGeom {
+ template<class T> struct Vector3D : public BasicVector3D<T> {
+ Vector3D(const BasicVector3D<double> & v) : BasicVector3D<double>(v) { }
+ Vector3D(const CLHEP::Hep3Vector & v) : BasicVector3D<double>(v.dx,v.dy,v.dz) { }
+ operator CLHEP::Hep3Vector () const { }
+ };
+ }
+ typedef HepGeom::Vector3D<G4double> G4Vector3D;
+ struct G4ErrorFreeTrajState
+ virtual G4int PropagateError( const G4Track* aTrack );
+ G4int PropagateErrorMSC( const G4Track* aTrack );
+ };
+ G4int G4ErrorFreeTrajState::PropagateError( const G4Track* aTrack ) {
+ G4double stepLengthCm = aTrack->GetStep()->GetStepLength()/10.;
+ G4Point3D vposPost = aTrack->GetPosition()/10.;
+ G4Vector3D vpPost = aTrack->GetMomentum()/GeV;
+ G4Point3D vposPre = aTrack->GetStep()->GetPreStepPoint()->GetPosition()/10.;
+ G4Vector3D vpPre = aTrack->GetStep()->GetPreStepPoint()->GetMomentum()/GeV;
+ G4double pPre = vpPre.mag();
+ G4double pPost = vpPost.mag();
+ G4double pInvPre = 1./pPre;
+ G4double pInvPost = 1./pPost;
+ G4double deltaPInv = pInvPost - pInvPre;
+ G4Vector3D vpPreNorm = vpPre * pInvPre;
+ G4Vector3D vpPostNorm = vpPost * pInvPost;
+ (*G4cout_p) << "G4EP: vpPreNorm " << vpPreNorm << " vpPostNorm " << vpPostNorm << std::endl;
+ G4double sinpPre = std::sin( vpPreNorm.theta() );
+ G4double sinpPostInv = 1./std::sin( vpPreNorm.theta() );
+ G4ErrorMatrix transf(5, 5, 0 );
+ G4double charge = aTrack->GetDynamicParticle()->GetCharge();
+ G4double h1[3], h2[3];
+ G4Field* field
+= G4TransportationManager::GetTransportationManager()->GetFieldManager()->GetDetectorField()
+ if( charge != 0. && field )
+ {
+ G4ThreeVector HPre = G4ThreeVector( h1[0], h1[1], h1[2] ) / tesla *10.;
+ G4ThreeVector HPost= G4ThreeVector( h2[0], h2[1], h2[2] ) / tesla *10.;
+ {
+ G4double pInvAver = 1./(pInvPre + pInvPost );
+ G4double CFACT8 = 2.997925E-4;
+ G4ThreeVector vHAverNorm( (HPre*pInvPre + HPost*pInvPost ) * pInvAver * charge * CFACT8 );
+ G4double HAver = vHAverNorm.mag();
+ G4double pAver = (pPre+pPost)*0.5;
+ G4double QAver = -HAver/pAver;
+ G4double thetaAver = QAver * stepLengthCm;
+ G4double sinThetaAver = std::sin(thetaAver);
+ G4double cosThetaAver = std::cos(thetaAver);
+ G4double gamma = vHAverNorm * vpPostNorm;
+ G4ThreeVector AN2 = vHAverNorm.cross( vpPostNorm );
+ G4double AU = 1./vpPreNorm.perp();
+ G4ThreeVector vUPre( -AU*vpPreNorm.y(), AU*vpPreNorm.x(), 0. );
+ G4ThreeVector vVPre( -vpPreNorm.z()*vUPre.y(), vpPreNorm.z()*vUPre.x(), vpPreNorm.x()*vUPre.y() - vpPreNorm.y()*vUPre.x() );
+ AU = 1./vpPostNorm.perp();
+ G4ThreeVector vUPost( -AU*vpPostNorm.y(), AU*vpPostNorm.x(), 0. );
+ G4ThreeVector vVPost( -vpPostNorm.z()*vUPost.y(), vpPostNorm.z()*vUPost.x(), vpPostNorm.x()*vUPost.y() - vpPostNorm.y()*vUPost.x() );
+ G4Point3D deltaPos( vposPre - vposPost );
+ G4double QP = QAver * pAver;
+ G4double ANV = -( vHAverNorm.x()*vUPost.x() + vHAverNorm.y()*vUPost.y() );
+ G4double ANU = ( vHAverNorm.x()*vVPost.x() + vHAverNorm.y()*vVPost.y() + vHAverNorm.z()*vVPost.z() );
+ G4double OMcosThetaAver = 1. - cosThetaAver;
+ G4double TMSINT = thetaAver - sinThetaAver;
+ G4ThreeVector vHUPre( -vHAverNorm.z() * vUPre.y(), vHAverNorm.z() * vUPre.x(), vHAverNorm.x() * vUPre.y() - vHAverNorm.y() * vUPre.x() );
+ G4ThreeVector vHVPre( vHAverNorm.y() * vVPre.z() - vHAverNorm.z() * vVPre.y(), vHAverNorm.z() * vVPre.x() - vHAverNorm.x() * vVPre.z(), vHAverNorm.x() * vVPre.y() - vHAverNorm.y() * vVPre.x() );
+ transf[0][1] = -deltaPInv/thetaAver* ( TMSINT*gamma*(vHAverNorm.x()*vVPre.x()+vHAverNorm.y()*vVPre.y()+vHAverNorm.z()*vVPre.z()) + sinThetaAver*(vVPre.x()*vpPostNorm.x()+vVPre.y()*vpPostNorm.y()+vVPre.z()*vpPostNorm.z()) + OMcosThetaAver*(vHVPre.x()*vpPostNorm.x()+vHVPre.y()*vpPostNorm.y()+vHVPre.z()*vpPostNorm.z()) );
+ transf[0][2] = -sinpPre*deltaPInv/thetaAver* ( TMSINT*gamma*(vHAverNorm.x()*vUPre.x()+vHAverNorm.y()*vUPre.y() ) + sinThetaAver*(vUPre.x()*vpPostNorm.x()+vUPre.y()*vpPostNorm.y() ) + OMcosThetaAver*(vHUPre.x()*vpPostNorm.x()+vHUPre.y()*vpPostNorm.y()+vHUPre.z()*vpPostNorm.z()) );
+ transf[0][3] = -deltaPInv/stepLengthCm*(vUPre.x()*vpPostNorm.x()+vUPre.y()*vpPostNorm.y() );
+ transf[1][1] = cosThetaAver*(vVPre.x()*vVPost.x()+vVPre.y()*vVPost.y()+vVPre.z()*vVPost.z()) + sinThetaAver*(vHVPre.x()*vVPost.x()+vHVPre.y()*vVPost.y()+vHVPre.z()*vVPost.z()) + OMcosThetaAver*(vHAverNorm.x()*vVPre.x()+vHAverNorm.y()*vVPre.y()+vHAverNorm.z()*vVPre.z())* (vHAverNorm.x()*vVPost.x()+vHAverNorm.y()*vVPost.y()+vHAverNorm.z()*vVPost.z()) + ANV*( -sinThetaAver*(vVPre.x()*vpPostNorm.x()+vVPre.y()*vpPostNorm.y()+vVPre.z()*vpPostNorm.z()) + OMcosThetaAver*(vVPre.x()*AN2.x()+vVPre.y()*AN2.y()+vVPre.z()*AN2.z()) - TMSINT*gamma*(vHAverNorm.x()*vVPre.x()+vHAverNorm.y()*vVPre.y()+vHAverNorm.z()*vVPre.z()) );
+ transf[1][2] = cosThetaAver*(vUPre.x()*vVPost.x()+vUPre.y()*vVPost.y() ) + sinThetaAver*(vHUPre.x()*vVPost.x()+vHUPre.y()*vVPost.y()+vHUPre.z()*vVPost.z()) + OMcosThetaAver*(vHAverNorm.x()*vUPre.x()+vHAverNorm.y()*vUPre.y() )* (vHAverNorm.x()*vVPost.x()+vHAverNorm.y()*vVPost.y()+vHAverNorm.z()*vVPost.z()) + ANV*( -sinThetaAver*(vUPre.x()*vpPostNorm.x()+vUPre.y()*vpPostNorm.y() ) + OMcosThetaAver*(vUPre.x()*AN2.x()+vUPre.y()*AN2.y() ) - TMSINT*gamma*(vHAverNorm.x()*vUPre.x()+vHAverNorm.y()*vUPre.y() ) );
+ transf[2][0] = -QP*ANU*(vpPostNorm.x()*deltaPos.x()+vpPostNorm.y()*deltaPos.y()+vpPostNorm.z()*deltaPos.z())*sinpPostInv *(1.+deltaPInv*pAver);
+ transf[2][3] = -QAver*ANU*(vUPre.x()*vpPostNorm.x()+vUPre.y()*vpPostNorm.y() )*sinpPostInv;
+ transf[3][4] = (vVPre.x()*vUPost.x()+vVPre.y()*vUPost.y() );
+ transf[4][0] = pAver*(vVPost.x()*deltaPos.x()+vVPost.y()*deltaPos.y()+vVPost.z()*deltaPos.z()) *(1.+deltaPInv*pAver);
+ transf[4][1] = ( sinThetaAver*(vVPre.x()*vVPost.x()+vVPre.y()*vVPost.y()+vVPre.z()*vVPost.z()) + OMcosThetaAver*(vHVPre.x()*vVPost.x()+vHVPre.y()*vVPost.y()+vHVPre.z()*vVPost.z()) + TMSINT*(vHAverNorm.x()*vVPost.x()+vHAverNorm.y()*vVPost.y()+vHAverNorm.z()*vVPost.z())* (vHAverNorm.x()*vVPre.x()+vHAverNorm.y()*vVPre.y()+vHAverNorm.z()*vVPre.z()) )/QAver;
+ transf[4][2] = ( sinThetaAver*(vUPre.x()*vVPost.x()+vUPre.y()*vVPost.y() ) + OMcosThetaAver*(vHUPre.x()*vVPost.x()+vHUPre.y()*vVPost.y()+vHUPre.z()*vVPost.z()) + TMSINT*(vHAverNorm.x()*vVPost.x()+vHAverNorm.y()*vVPost.y()+vHAverNorm.z()*vVPost.z())* (vHAverNorm.x()*vUPre.x()+vHAverNorm.y()*vUPre.y() ) )*sinpPre/QAver;
+ }
+ }
+ PropagateErrorMSC( aTrack );
+ }
diff --git a/gcc-4.9/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/aarch64/pr60697.c b/gcc-4.9/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/aarch64/pr60697.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..57ccecb1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gcc-4.9/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/aarch64/pr60697.c
@@ -0,0 +1,638 @@
+/* { dg-do compile } */
+/* { dg-options "-w -O3 -mcpu=cortex-a53" } */
+typedef struct __sFILE __FILE;
+typedef __FILE FILE;
+typedef int atom_id;
+typedef float real;
+typedef real rvec[3];
+typedef real matrix[3][3];
+enum {
+enum {
+ efepNO, efepYES, efepNR
+enum {
+ esolNO, esolMNO, esolWATER, esolWATERWATER, esolNR
+typedef struct {
+ int nr;
+ atom_id *index;
+ atom_id *a;
+} t_block;
+enum {
+ F_LJ,
+ F_SR,
+ F_LR,
+typedef struct {
+ t_block excl;
+} t_atoms;
+typedef struct {
+ t_atoms atoms;
+ t_block blocks[ebNR];
+} t_topology;
+typedef struct {
+} t_nsborder;
+extern FILE *debug;
+typedef struct {
+} t_nrnb;
+typedef struct {
+ int nri,maxnri;
+ int nrj,maxnrj;
+ int maxlen;
+ int solvent;
+ int *gid;
+ int *jindex;
+ atom_id *jjnr;
+ int *nsatoms;
+} t_nblist;
+typedef struct {
+ int nrx,nry,nrz;
+} t_grid;
+typedef struct {
+} t_commrec;
+enum { eNL_VDWQQ, eNL_VDW, eNL_QQ,
+ eNL_NR };
+typedef struct {
+ real rlist,rlistlong;
+ real rcoulomb_switch,rcoulomb;
+ real rvdw_switch,rvdw;
+ int efep;
+ int cg0,hcg;
+ int *solvent_type;
+ int *mno_index;
+ rvec *cg_cm;
+ t_nblist nlist_sr[eNL_NR];
+ t_nblist nlist_lr[eNL_NR];
+ int bTwinRange;
+ rvec *f_twin;
+ int *eg_excl;
+} t_forcerec;
+typedef struct {
+ real *chargeA,*chargeB,*chargeT;
+ int *bPerturbed;
+ int *typeA,*typeB;
+ unsigned short *cTC,*cENER,*cACC,*cFREEZE,*cXTC,*cVCM;
+} t_mdatoms;
+enum { egCOUL, egLJ, egBHAM, egLR, egLJLR, egCOUL14, egLJ14, egNR };
+typedef struct {
+ real *ee[egNR];
+} t_grp_ener;
+typedef struct {
+ t_grp_ener estat;
+} t_groups;
+typedef unsigned long t_excl;
+static void reset_nblist(t_nblist *nl)
+ nl->nri = 0;
+ nl->nrj = 0;
+ nl->maxlen = 0;
+ if (nl->maxnri > 0) {
+ nl->gid[0] = -1;
+ if (nl->maxnrj > 1) {
+ nl->jindex[0] = 0;
+ nl->jindex[1] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+static void reset_neighbor_list(t_forcerec *fr,int bLR,int eNL)
+ reset_nblist(&(fr->nlist_lr[eNL]));
+static void close_i_nblist(t_nblist *nlist)
+ int nri = nlist->nri;
+ int len;
+ nlist->jindex[nri+1] = nlist->nrj;
+ len=nlist->nrj - nlist->jindex[nri];
+ if (nlist->solvent==esolMNO)
+ len *= nlist->nsatoms[3*nri];
+ if(len > nlist->maxlen)
+ nlist->maxlen = len;
+static void close_nblist(t_nblist *nlist)
+ if (nlist->maxnri > 0) {
+ int nri = nlist->nri;
+ if ((nlist->jindex[nri+1] > nlist->jindex[nri]) &&
+ (nlist->gid[nri] != -1)) {
+ nlist->nri++;
+ nlist->jindex[nri+2] = nlist->nrj;
+ }
+ }
+static void close_neighbor_list(t_forcerec *fr,int bLR,int eNL)
+ close_nblist(&(fr->nlist_lr[eNL]));
+static void add_j_to_nblist(t_nblist *nlist,atom_id j_atom)
+ int nrj=nlist->nrj;
+ nlist->jjnr[nrj] = j_atom;
+ nlist->nrj ++;
+static void put_in_list(int bHaveLJ[],
+ int ngid,t_mdatoms *md,
+ int icg,int jgid,int nj,atom_id jjcg[],
+ atom_id index[],
+ t_excl bExcl[],int shift,
+ t_forcerec *fr,int bLR,
+ int bVDWOnly,int bCoulOnly)
+ t_nblist *vdwc,*vdw,*coul;
+ t_nblist *vdwc_ww=((void *)0),*coul_ww=((void *)0);
+ t_nblist *vdwc_free=((void *)0),*vdw_free=((void *)0),*coul_free=((void *)0);
+ int i,j,jcg,igid,gid,ind_ij;
+ atom_id jj,jj0,jj1,i_atom;
+ int i0,nicg,len;
+ int *type,*typeB;
+ unsigned short *cENER;
+ real *charge,*chargeB;
+ real qi,qiB,qq,rlj;
+ int bWater,bMNO,bFree,bFreeJ,bNotEx,*bPert;
+ charge = md->chargeA;
+ chargeB = md->chargeB;
+ type = md->typeA;
+ typeB = md->typeB;
+ cENER = md->cENER;
+ bPert = md->bPerturbed;
+ i0 = index[icg];
+ nicg = index[icg+1]-i0;
+ bMNO = (fr->solvent_type[icg] == esolMNO);
+ if (bLR) {
+ if (bWater) {
+ vdw = &fr->nlist_lr[eNL_VDW];
+ coul = &fr->nlist_lr[eNL_QQ_WATER];
+ vdwc_ww = &fr->nlist_lr[eNL_VDWQQ_WATERWATER];
+ } else if(bMNO) {
+ vdwc = &fr->nlist_lr[eNL_VDWQQ_SOLMNO];
+ }
+ if (fr->efep != efepNO) {
+ vdw_free = &fr->nlist_lr[eNL_VDW_FREE];
+ coul_free = &fr->nlist_lr[eNL_QQ_FREE];
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if (bWater) {
+ } else if(bMNO) {
+ vdwc = &fr->nlist_sr[eNL_VDWQQ_SOLMNO];
+ }
+ if (fr->efep != efepNO) {
+ vdwc_free = &fr->nlist_sr[eNL_VDWQQ_FREE];
+ }
+ }
+ if (fr->efep==efepNO) {
+ if (bWater) {
+ igid = cENER[i_atom];
+ gid = ((igid < jgid) ? (igid*ngid+jgid) : (jgid*ngid+igid));
+ if (!bCoulOnly && !bVDWOnly) {
+ new_i_nblist(vdwc,bLR ? F_LJLR : F_LJ,i_atom,shift,gid,((void *)0));
+ new_i_nblist(vdwc_ww,bLR ? F_LJLR : F_LJ,i_atom,shift,gid,((void *)0));
+ }
+ if (!bCoulOnly)
+ new_i_nblist(vdw,bLR ? F_LJLR : F_LJ,i_atom,shift,gid,((void *)0));
+ if (!bVDWOnly) {
+ new_i_nblist(coul,bLR ? F_LR : F_SR,i_atom,shift,gid,((void *)0));
+ new_i_nblist(coul_ww,bLR ? F_LR : F_SR,i_atom,shift,gid,((void *)0));
+ }
+ for(j=0; (j<nj); j++) {
+ jcg=jjcg[j];
+ if (jcg==icg)
+ jj0 = index[jcg];
+ if (bWater && (fr->solvent_type[jcg] == esolWATER)) {
+ if (bVDWOnly)
+ add_j_to_nblist(vdw,jj0);
+ else {
+ add_j_to_nblist(coul_ww,jj0);
+ add_j_to_nblist(vdwc_ww,jj0);
+ }
+ } else {
+ jj1 = index[jcg+1];
+ if (bCoulOnly) {
+ for(jj=jj0; (jj<jj1); jj++) {
+ if (fabs(charge[jj]) > 1.2e-38)
+ add_j_to_nblist(coul,jj);
+ }
+ } else if (bVDWOnly) {
+ for(jj=jj0; (jj<jj1); jj++)
+ if (bHaveLJ[type[jj]])
+ add_j_to_nblist(vdw,jj);
+ } else {
+ for(jj=jj0; (jj<jj1); jj++) {
+ if (bHaveLJ[type[jj]]) {
+ if (fabs(charge[jj]) > 1.2e-38)
+ add_j_to_nblist(vdwc,jj);
+ add_j_to_nblist(vdw,jj);
+ } else if (fabs(charge[jj]) > 1.2e-38)
+ add_j_to_nblist(coul,jj);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ close_i_nblist(vdw);
+ close_i_nblist(coul);
+ close_i_nblist(vdwc);
+ close_i_nblist(coul_ww);
+ close_i_nblist(vdwc_ww);
+ } else if (bMNO) {
+ igid = cENER[i_atom];
+ gid = ((igid < jgid) ? (igid*ngid+jgid) : (jgid*ngid+igid));
+ if (!bCoulOnly && !bVDWOnly)
+ new_i_nblist(vdwc,bLR ? F_LJLR : F_LJ,i_atom,shift,gid,
+ &(fr->mno_index[icg*3]));
+ if (!bCoulOnly)
+ new_i_nblist(vdw,bLR ? F_LR : F_SR,i_atom,shift,gid,
+ &(fr->mno_index[icg*3]));
+ if (!bVDWOnly)
+ new_i_nblist(coul,bLR ? F_LR : F_SR,i_atom,shift,gid,
+ &(fr->mno_index[icg*3]));
+ for(j=0; (j<nj); j++) {
+ jcg=jjcg[j];
+ if (jcg == icg)
+ jj0 = index[jcg];
+ jj1=index[jcg+1];
+ for(jj=jj0; (jj<jj1); jj++) {
+ if (bCoulOnly) {
+ if (fabs(charge[jj]) > 1.2e-38)
+ add_j_to_nblist(coul,jj);
+ } else if (bVDWOnly) {
+ if (bHaveLJ[type[jj]])
+ add_j_to_nblist(vdw,jj);
+ } else {
+ if (bHaveLJ[type[jj]]) {
+ if (fabs(charge[jj]) > 1.2e-38)
+ add_j_to_nblist(vdwc,jj);
+ add_j_to_nblist(vdw,jj);
+ } else if (fabs(charge[jj]) > 1.2e-38)
+ add_j_to_nblist(coul,jj);
+ }
+ }
+ close_i_nblist(vdw);
+ close_i_nblist(coul);
+ close_i_nblist(vdwc);
+ }
+ } else {
+ for(i=0; i<nicg; i++) {
+ igid = cENER[i_atom];
+ gid = ((igid < jgid) ? (igid*ngid+jgid) : (jgid*ngid+igid));
+ qi = charge[i_atom];
+ if (!bCoulOnly && !bVDWOnly)
+ new_i_nblist(vdwc,bLR ? F_LJLR : F_LJ,i_atom,shift,gid,((void *)0));
+ if (!bCoulOnly)
+ new_i_nblist(vdw,bLR ? F_LR : F_SR,i_atom,shift,gid,((void *)0));
+ if (!bVDWOnly)
+ new_i_nblist(coul,bLR ? F_LR : F_SR,i_atom,shift,gid,((void *)0));
+ if (!(bVDWOnly || fabs(qi)<1.2e-38) || !(bCoulOnly || !bHaveLJ[type[i_atom]])) {
+ for(j=0; (j<nj); j++) {
+ jcg=jjcg[j];
+ if (jcg == icg)
+ jj0 = i0 + i + 1;
+ else
+ jj0 = index[jcg];
+ jj1=index[jcg+1];
+ for(jj=jj0; jj<jj1; jj++) {
+ bNotEx = !((int) ((bExcl)[((atom_id) (jj))] & (1<<((atom_id) (i)))));
+ if (bNotEx) {
+ if (bCoulOnly) {
+ if (fabs(charge[jj]) > 1.2e-38)
+ add_j_to_nblist(coul,jj);
+ } else if (bVDWOnly) {
+ if (bHaveLJ[type[jj]])
+ add_j_to_nblist(vdw,jj);
+ } else {
+ if (bHaveLJ[type[jj]]) {
+ if (fabs(qi) > 1.2e-38 && (fabs(charge[jj]) > 1.2e-38))
+ add_j_to_nblist(vdwc,jj);
+ add_j_to_nblist(vdw,jj);
+ } else if (fabs(qi) > 1.2e-38 && (fabs(charge[jj]) > 1.2e-38))
+ add_j_to_nblist(coul,jj);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ close_i_nblist(vdw);
+ close_i_nblist(coul);
+ close_i_nblist(vdwc);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ for(i=0; i<nicg; i++) {
+ igid = cENER[i_atom];
+ gid = ((igid < jgid) ? (igid*ngid+jgid) : (jgid*ngid+igid));
+ qi = charge[i_atom];
+ qiB = chargeB[i_atom];
+ if (!bCoulOnly && !bVDWOnly)
+ new_i_nblist(vdwc,bLR ? F_LJLR : F_LJ,i_atom,shift,gid,
+ bMNO ? &(fr->mno_index[icg*3]) : ((void *)0));
+ if (!bCoulOnly)
+ new_i_nblist(vdw,bLR ? F_LR : F_SR,i_atom,shift,gid,
+ bMNO ? &(fr->mno_index[icg*3]) : ((void *)0));
+ new_i_nblist(coul,bLR ? F_LR : F_SR,i_atom,shift,gid,
+ bMNO ? &(fr->mno_index[icg*3]) : ((void *)0));
+ new_i_nblist(vdw_free,F_DVDL,i_atom,shift,gid,((void *)0));
+ new_i_nblist(coul_free,F_DVDL,i_atom,shift,gid,((void *)0));
+ new_i_nblist(vdwc_free,F_DVDL,i_atom,shift,gid,((void *)0));
+ if (!(bVDWOnly || (fabs(qi)<1.2e-38 && fabs(qiB)<1.2e-38)) ||
+ !(bCoulOnly || (!bHaveLJ[type[i_atom]] && !bHaveLJ[typeB[i_atom]]))) {
+ for(j=0; (j<nj); j++) {
+ jcg=jjcg[j];
+ if (jcg == icg)
+ jj0 = i0 + i + 1;
+ else
+ jj0 = index[jcg];
+ jj1=index[jcg+1];
+ bFree = bPert[i_atom];
+ for(jj=jj0; (jj<jj1); jj++) {
+ bFreeJ = bFree || bPert[jj];
+ if ((!bWater && !bMNO) || i==0 || bFreeJ) {
+ bNotEx = !((int) ((bExcl)[((atom_id) (jj))] & (1<<((atom_id) (i)))));
+ if (bNotEx) {
+ if (bFreeJ) {
+ if (bCoulOnly)
+ add_j_to_nblist(coul_free,jj);
+ else if (bVDWOnly)
+ add_j_to_nblist(vdw_free,jj);
+ add_j_to_nblist(vdwc_free,jj);
+ } else if (bCoulOnly) {
+ add_j_to_nblist(coul,jj);
+ } else if (bVDWOnly) {
+ if (bHaveLJ[type[jj]])
+ add_j_to_nblist(vdw,jj);
+ } else {
+ if (bHaveLJ[type[jj]]) {
+ if (fabs(qi) > 1.2e-38 && (fabs(charge[jj]) > 1.2e-38))
+ add_j_to_nblist(vdwc,jj);
+ add_j_to_nblist(vdw,jj);
+ } else if (fabs(qi) > 1.2e-38 && (fabs(charge[jj]) > 1.2e-38))
+ add_j_to_nblist(coul,jj);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ close_i_nblist(vdw);
+ close_i_nblist(coul);
+ close_i_nblist(vdwc);
+ if (bWater && (i==0)) {
+ close_i_nblist(coul_ww);
+ close_i_nblist(vdwc_ww);
+ }
+ close_i_nblist(vdw_free);
+ close_i_nblist(coul_free);
+ close_i_nblist(vdwc_free);
+ }
+ }
+static void setexcl(atom_id start,atom_id end,t_block *excl,int b,
+ t_excl bexcl[])
+ atom_id i,k;
+ if (b) {
+ for(i=start; i<end; i++) {
+ for(k=excl->index[i]; k<excl->index[i+1]; k++) {
+ (bexcl)[((atom_id) (excl->a[k]))] |= (1<<((atom_id) (i-start)));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+int calc_naaj(int icg,int cgtot)
+ int naaj;
+ if ((cgtot % 2) == 1) {
+ naaj = 1+(cgtot/2);
+ }
+ else if ((cgtot % 4) == 0) {
+ if (icg < cgtot/2) {
+ if ((icg % 2) == 0)
+ naaj=1+(cgtot/2);
+ }
+ else {
+ if ((icg % 2) == 1)
+ naaj=1+(cgtot/2);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if ((icg % 2) == 0)
+ naaj=1+(cgtot/2);
+ else
+ naaj=cgtot/2;
+ }
+ return naaj;
+static void get_dx(int Nx,real gridx,real grid_x,real rc2,real x,
+ int *dx0,int *dx1,real *dcx2)
+ real dcx,tmp;
+ int xgi,xgi0,xgi1,i;
+ xgi = (int)(Nx+x*grid_x)-Nx;
+ if (xgi < 0) {
+ *dx0 = 0;
+ *dx1 = -1;
+ } else if (xgi >= Nx) {
+ *dx0 = Nx;
+ *dx1 = Nx-1;
+ } else {
+ dcx2[xgi] = 0;
+ *dx0 = xgi;
+ xgi0 = xgi-1;
+ *dx1 = xgi;
+ xgi1 = xgi+1;
+ }
+ for(i=xgi0; i>=0; i--) {
+ dcx = (i+1)*gridx-x;
+ tmp = dcx*dcx;
+ if (tmp >= rc2)
+ *dx0 = i;
+ dcx2[i] = tmp;
+ }
+ for(i=xgi1; i<Nx; i++) {
+ dcx = i*gridx-x;
+ tmp = dcx*dcx;
+ if (tmp >= rc2)
+ *dx1 = i;
+ dcx2[i] = tmp;
+ }
+static void do_longrange(FILE *log,t_commrec *cr,t_topology *top,t_forcerec *fr,
+ int ngid,t_mdatoms *md,int icg,
+ int jgid,int nlr,
+ atom_id lr[],t_excl bexcl[],int shift,
+ rvec x[],rvec box_size,t_nrnb *nrnb,
+ real lambda,real *dvdlambda,
+ t_groups *grps,int bVDWOnly,int bCoulOnly,
+ int bDoForces,int bHaveLJ[])
+ int i;
+ for(i=0; (i<eNL_NR); i++) {
+ if ((fr->nlist_lr[i].nri > fr->nlist_lr[i].maxnri-32) || bDoForces) {
+ close_neighbor_list(fr,1,i);
+ do_fnbf(log,cr,fr,x,fr->f_twin,md,
+ grps->estat.ee[egLJLR],grps->estat.ee[egLR],box_size,
+ nrnb,lambda,dvdlambda,1,i);
+ reset_neighbor_list(fr,1,i);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!bDoForces) {
+ put_in_list(bHaveLJ,ngid,md,icg,jgid,nlr,lr,top->blocks[ebCGS].index,
+ bexcl,shift,fr,
+ 1,bVDWOnly,bCoulOnly);
+ }
+static int ns5_core(FILE *log,t_commrec *cr,t_forcerec *fr,int cg_index[],
+ matrix box,rvec box_size,int ngid,
+ t_topology *top,t_groups *grps,
+ t_grid *grid,rvec x[],t_excl bexcl[],int *bExcludeAlleg,
+ t_nrnb *nrnb,t_mdatoms *md,
+ real lambda,real *dvdlambda,
+ int bHaveLJ[])
+ static atom_id **nl_lr_ljc,**nl_lr_one,**nl_sr=((void *)0);
+ static int *nlr_ljc,*nlr_one,*nsr;
+ static real *dcx2=((void *)0),*dcy2=((void *)0),*dcz2=((void *)0);
+ t_block *cgs=&(top->blocks[ebCGS]);
+ unsigned short *gid=md->cENER;
+ int tx,ty,tz,dx,dy,dz,cj;
+ int dx0,dx1,dy0,dy1,dz0,dz1;
+ int Nx,Ny,Nz,shift=-1,j,nrj,nns,nn=-1;
+ real gridx,gridy,gridz,grid_x,grid_y,grid_z;
+ int icg=-1,iicg,cgsnr,i0,nri,naaj,min_icg,icg_naaj,jjcg,cgj0,jgid;
+ int bVDWOnly,bCoulOnly;
+ rvec xi,*cgcm;
+ real r2,rs2,rvdw2,rcoul2,rm2,rl2,XI,YI,ZI,dcx,dcy,dcz,tmp1,tmp2;
+ int *i_eg_excl;
+ int use_twinrange,use_two_cutoffs;
+ cgsnr = cgs->nr;
+ rs2 = ((fr->rlist)*(fr->rlist));
+ if (fr->bTwinRange) {
+ rvdw2 = ((fr->rvdw)*(fr->rvdw));
+ rcoul2 = ((fr->rcoulomb)*(fr->rcoulomb));
+ } else {
+ }
+ rm2 = (((rvdw2) < (rcoul2)) ? (rvdw2) : (rcoul2) );
+ rl2 = (((rvdw2) > (rcoul2)) ? (rvdw2) : (rcoul2) );
+ use_twinrange = (rs2 < rm2);
+ use_two_cutoffs = (rm2 < rl2);
+ bVDWOnly = (rvdw2 > rcoul2);
+ bCoulOnly = !bVDWOnly;
+ if (nl_sr == ((void *)0)) {
+ (nl_sr)=save_calloc("nl_sr","ns.c",1341, (ngid),sizeof(*(nl_sr)));
+ (nsr)=save_calloc("nsr","ns.c",1343, (ngid),sizeof(*(nsr)));
+ (nlr_ljc)=save_calloc("nlr_ljc","ns.c",1344, (ngid),sizeof(*(nlr_ljc)));
+ (nlr_one)=save_calloc("nlr_one","ns.c",1345, (ngid),sizeof(*(nlr_one)));
+ if (use_twinrange)
+ (nl_lr_ljc)=save_calloc("nl_lr_ljc","ns.c",1349, (ngid),sizeof(*(nl_lr_ljc)));
+ if (use_two_cutoffs)
+ (nl_lr_one)=save_calloc("nl_lr_one","ns.c",1353, (ngid),sizeof(*(nl_lr_one)));
+ for(j=0; (j<ngid); j++) {
+ (nl_sr[j])=save_calloc("nl_sr[j]","ns.c",1356, (1024),sizeof(*(nl_sr[j])));
+ if (use_twinrange)
+ (nl_lr_ljc[j])=save_calloc("nl_lr_ljc[j]","ns.c",1358, (1024),sizeof(*(nl_lr_ljc[j])));
+ if (use_two_cutoffs)
+ (nl_lr_one[j])=save_calloc("nl_lr_one[j]","ns.c",1360, (1024),sizeof(*(nl_lr_one[j])));
+ }
+ if (debug)
+ fprintf(debug,"ns5_core: rs2 = %g, rvdw2 = %g, rcoul2 = %g (nm^2)\n",
+ rs2,rvdw2,rcoul2);
+ }
+ cgcm = fr->cg_cm;
+ Nx = grid->nrx;
+ Ny = grid->nry;
+ if (dcx2 == ((void *)0)) {
+ (dcx2)=save_calloc("dcx2","ns.c",1379, (Nx*2),sizeof(*(dcx2)));
+ (dcy2)=save_calloc("dcy2","ns.c",1380, (Ny*2),sizeof(*(dcy2)));
+ (dcz2)=save_calloc("dcz2","ns.c",1381, (Nz*2),sizeof(*(dcz2)));
+ }
+ gridx = box[0][0]/grid->nrx;
+ gridy = box[1][1]/grid->nry;
+ gridz = box[2][2]/grid->nrz;
+ grid_x = 1/gridx;
+ grid_y = 1/gridy;
+ grid_z = 1/gridz;
+ for(iicg=fr->cg0; (iicg < fr->hcg); iicg++) {
+ icg = cg_index[iicg];
+ if (icg != iicg)
+ fatal_error(0,"icg = %d, iicg = %d, file %s, line %d",icg,iicg,"ns.c",
+ 1408);
+ if(bExcludeAlleg[icg])
+ i_eg_excl = fr->eg_excl + ngid*gid[cgs->index[icg]];
+ setexcl(cgs->index[icg],cgs->index[icg+1],&top->atoms.excl,1,bexcl);
+ naaj = calc_naaj(icg,cgsnr);
+ icg_naaj = icg+naaj;
+ for (tz=-1; tz<=1; tz++) {
+ ZI = cgcm[icg][2]+tz*box[2][2];
+ get_dx(Nz,gridz,grid_z,rcoul2,ZI,&dz0,&dz1,dcz2);
+ if (dz0 > dz1)
+ for (ty=-1; ty<=1; ty++) {
+ YI = cgcm[icg][1]+ty*box[1][1]+tz*box[2][1];
+ get_dx(Ny,gridy,grid_y,rcoul2,YI,&dy0,&dy1,dcy2);
+ for (tx=-1; tx<=1; tx++) {
+ get_dx(Nx,gridx,grid_x,rcoul2,XI,&dx0,&dx1,dcx2);
+ shift=((2*1 +1)*((2*1 +1)*((tz)+1)+(ty)+1)+(tx)+1);
+ for (dx=dx0; (dx<=dx1); dx++) {
+ for (dy=dy0; (dy<=dy1); dy++) {
+ for (dz=dz0; (dz<=dz1); dz++) {
+ if (tmp2 > dcz2[dz]) {
+ for (j=0; (j<nrj); j++) {
+ if (((jjcg >= icg) && (jjcg < icg_naaj)) ||
+ ((jjcg < min_icg))) {
+ if (r2 < rl2) {
+ if (!i_eg_excl[jgid]) {
+ if (r2 < rs2) {
+ if (nsr[jgid] >= 1024) {
+ put_in_list(bHaveLJ,ngid,md,icg,jgid,
+ nsr[jgid],nl_sr[jgid],
+ cgs->index, bexcl,
+ shift,fr,0,0,0);
+ }
+ } else if (r2 < rm2) {
+ } else if (use_two_cutoffs) {
+ if (nlr_one[jgid] >= 1024) {
+ do_longrange(log,cr,top,fr,ngid,md,icg,jgid,
+ nlr_one[jgid],
+ nl_lr_one[jgid],bexcl,shift,x,
+ box_size,nrnb,
+ lambda,dvdlambda,grps,
+ bVDWOnly,bCoulOnly,0,
+ bHaveLJ);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+int search_neighbours(FILE *log,t_forcerec *fr,
+ rvec x[],matrix box,
+ t_topology *top,t_groups *grps,
+ t_commrec *cr,t_nsborder *nsb,
+ t_nrnb *nrnb,t_mdatoms *md,
+ real lambda,real *dvdlambda)
+ static t_grid *grid=((void *)0);
+ static t_excl *bexcl;
+ static int *bHaveLJ;
+ static int *cg_index=((void *)0),*slab_index=((void *)0);
+ static int *bExcludeAlleg;
+ rvec box_size;
+ int i,j,m,ngid;
+ int nsearch;
+ nsearch = ns5_core(log,cr,fr,cg_index,box,box_size,ngid,top,grps,
+ grid,x,bexcl,bExcludeAlleg,nrnb,md,lambda,dvdlambda,bHaveLJ);
diff --git a/gcc-4.9/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/aarch64/test_fp_attribute_1.c b/gcc-4.9/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/aarch64/test_fp_attribute_1.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7538250c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gcc-4.9/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/aarch64/test_fp_attribute_1.c
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+/* { dg-do compile } */
+/* { dg-options "-O0 -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fno-inline --save-temps" } */
+leaf (void)
+ int a = 0;
+__attribute__ ((optimize("omit-frame-pointer")))
+non_leaf_1 (void)
+ leaf ();
+__attribute__ ((optimize("omit-frame-pointer")))
+non_leaf_2 (void)
+ leaf ();
+/* { dg-final { scan-assembler-times "str\tx30, \\\[sp\\\]" 2 } } */
+/* { dg-final { cleanup-saved-temps } } */
diff --git a/gcc-4.9/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/aarch64/test_fp_attribute_2.c b/gcc-4.9/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/aarch64/test_fp_attribute_2.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..675091f84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gcc-4.9/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/aarch64/test_fp_attribute_2.c
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+/* { dg-do compile } */
+/* { dg-options "-O0 -fomit-frame-pointer -fno-inline --save-temps" } */
+leaf (void)
+ int a = 0;
+__attribute__ ((optimize("no-omit-frame-pointer")))
+non_leaf_1 (void)
+ leaf ();
+__attribute__ ((optimize("no-omit-frame-pointer")))
+non_leaf_2 (void)
+ leaf ();
+/* { dg-final { scan-assembler-times "stp\tx29, x30, \\\[sp, -\[0-9\]+\\\]!" 2 } } */
+/* { dg-final { cleanup-saved-temps } } */