path: root/gcc-4.7/libgo/go/html
diff options
authorBen Cheng <bccheng@google.com>2012-10-01 10:30:31 -0700
committerBen Cheng <bccheng@google.com>2012-10-01 10:30:31 -0700
commit82bcbebce43f0227f506d75a5b764b6847041bae (patch)
treefe9f8597b48a430c4daeb5123e3e8eb28e6f9da9 /gcc-4.7/libgo/go/html
parent3c052de3bb16ac53b6b6ed659ec7557eb84c7590 (diff)
Initial check-in of gcc 4.7.2.
Change-Id: I4a2f5a921c21741a0e18bda986d77e5f1bef0365
Diffstat (limited to 'gcc-4.7/libgo/go/html')
22 files changed, 9226 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gcc-4.7/libgo/go/html/entity.go b/gcc-4.7/libgo/go/html/entity.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bd8307523
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gcc-4.7/libgo/go/html/entity.go
@@ -0,0 +1,2253 @@
+// Copyright 2010 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package html
+// All entities that do not end with ';' are 6 or fewer bytes long.
+const longestEntityWithoutSemicolon = 6
+// entity is a map from HTML entity names to their values. The semicolon matters:
+// http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/named-character-references.html
+// lists both "amp" and "amp;" as two separate entries.
+// Note that the HTML5 list is larger than the HTML4 list at
+// http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/sgml/entities.html
+var entity = map[string]rune{
+ "AElig;": '\U000000C6',
+ "AMP;": '\U00000026',
+ "Aacute;": '\U000000C1',
+ "Abreve;": '\U00000102',
+ "Acirc;": '\U000000C2',
+ "Acy;": '\U00000410',
+ "Afr;": '\U0001D504',
+ "Agrave;": '\U000000C0',
+ "Alpha;": '\U00000391',
+ "Amacr;": '\U00000100',
+ "And;": '\U00002A53',
+ "Aogon;": '\U00000104',
+ "Aopf;": '\U0001D538',
+ "ApplyFunction;": '\U00002061',
+ "Aring;": '\U000000C5',
+ "Ascr;": '\U0001D49C',
+ "Assign;": '\U00002254',
+ "Atilde;": '\U000000C3',
+ "Auml;": '\U000000C4',
+ "Backslash;": '\U00002216',
+ "Barv;": '\U00002AE7',
+ "Barwed;": '\U00002306',
+ "Bcy;": '\U00000411',
+ "Because;": '\U00002235',
+ "Bernoullis;": '\U0000212C',
+ "Beta;": '\U00000392',
+ "Bfr;": '\U0001D505',
+ "Bopf;": '\U0001D539',
+ "Breve;": '\U000002D8',
+ "Bscr;": '\U0000212C',
+ "Bumpeq;": '\U0000224E',
+ "CHcy;": '\U00000427',
+ "COPY;": '\U000000A9',
+ "Cacute;": '\U00000106',
+ "Cap;": '\U000022D2',
+ "CapitalDifferentialD;": '\U00002145',
+ "Cayleys;": '\U0000212D',
+ "Ccaron;": '\U0000010C',
+ "Ccedil;": '\U000000C7',
+ "Ccirc;": '\U00000108',
+ "Cconint;": '\U00002230',
+ "Cdot;": '\U0000010A',
+ "Cedilla;": '\U000000B8',
+ "CenterDot;": '\U000000B7',
+ "Cfr;": '\U0000212D',
+ "Chi;": '\U000003A7',
+ "CircleDot;": '\U00002299',
+ "CircleMinus;": '\U00002296',
+ "CirclePlus;": '\U00002295',
+ "CircleTimes;": '\U00002297',
+ "ClockwiseContourIntegral;": '\U00002232',
+ "CloseCurlyDoubleQuote;": '\U0000201D',
+ "CloseCurlyQuote;": '\U00002019',
+ "Colon;": '\U00002237',
+ "Colone;": '\U00002A74',
+ "Congruent;": '\U00002261',
+ "Conint;": '\U0000222F',
+ "ContourIntegral;": '\U0000222E',
+ "Copf;": '\U00002102',
+ "Coproduct;": '\U00002210',
+ "CounterClockwiseContourIntegral;": '\U00002233',
+ "Cross;": '\U00002A2F',
+ "Cscr;": '\U0001D49E',
+ "Cup;": '\U000022D3',
+ "CupCap;": '\U0000224D',
+ "DD;": '\U00002145',
+ "DDotrahd;": '\U00002911',
+ "DJcy;": '\U00000402',
+ "DScy;": '\U00000405',
+ "DZcy;": '\U0000040F',
+ "Dagger;": '\U00002021',
+ "Darr;": '\U000021A1',
+ "Dashv;": '\U00002AE4',
+ "Dcaron;": '\U0000010E',
+ "Dcy;": '\U00000414',
+ "Del;": '\U00002207',
+ "Delta;": '\U00000394',
+ "Dfr;": '\U0001D507',
+ "DiacriticalAcute;": '\U000000B4',
+ "DiacriticalDot;": '\U000002D9',
+ "DiacriticalDoubleAcute;": '\U000002DD',
+ "DiacriticalGrave;": '\U00000060',
+ "DiacriticalTilde;": '\U000002DC',
+ "Diamond;": '\U000022C4',
+ "DifferentialD;": '\U00002146',
+ "Dopf;": '\U0001D53B',
+ "Dot;": '\U000000A8',
+ "DotDot;": '\U000020DC',
+ "DotEqual;": '\U00002250',
+ "DoubleContourIntegral;": '\U0000222F',
+ "DoubleDot;": '\U000000A8',
+ "DoubleDownArrow;": '\U000021D3',
+ "DoubleLeftArrow;": '\U000021D0',
+ "DoubleLeftRightArrow;": '\U000021D4',
+ "DoubleLeftTee;": '\U00002AE4',
+ "DoubleLongLeftArrow;": '\U000027F8',
+ "DoubleLongLeftRightArrow;": '\U000027FA',
+ "DoubleLongRightArrow;": '\U000027F9',
+ "DoubleRightArrow;": '\U000021D2',
+ "DoubleRightTee;": '\U000022A8',
+ "DoubleUpArrow;": '\U000021D1',
+ "DoubleUpDownArrow;": '\U000021D5',
+ "DoubleVerticalBar;": '\U00002225',
+ "DownArrow;": '\U00002193',
+ "DownArrowBar;": '\U00002913',
+ "DownArrowUpArrow;": '\U000021F5',
+ "DownBreve;": '\U00000311',
+ "DownLeftRightVector;": '\U00002950',
+ "DownLeftTeeVector;": '\U0000295E',
+ "DownLeftVector;": '\U000021BD',
+ "DownLeftVectorBar;": '\U00002956',
+ "DownRightTeeVector;": '\U0000295F',
+ "DownRightVector;": '\U000021C1',
+ "DownRightVectorBar;": '\U00002957',
+ "DownTee;": '\U000022A4',
+ "DownTeeArrow;": '\U000021A7',
+ "Downarrow;": '\U000021D3',
+ "Dscr;": '\U0001D49F',
+ "Dstrok;": '\U00000110',
+ "ENG;": '\U0000014A',
+ "ETH;": '\U000000D0',
+ "Eacute;": '\U000000C9',
+ "Ecaron;": '\U0000011A',
+ "Ecirc;": '\U000000CA',
+ "Ecy;": '\U0000042D',
+ "Edot;": '\U00000116',
+ "Efr;": '\U0001D508',
+ "Egrave;": '\U000000C8',
+ "Element;": '\U00002208',
+ "Emacr;": '\U00000112',
+ "EmptySmallSquare;": '\U000025FB',
+ "EmptyVerySmallSquare;": '\U000025AB',
+ "Eogon;": '\U00000118',
+ "Eopf;": '\U0001D53C',
+ "Epsilon;": '\U00000395',
+ "Equal;": '\U00002A75',
+ "EqualTilde;": '\U00002242',
+ "Equilibrium;": '\U000021CC',
+ "Escr;": '\U00002130',
+ "Esim;": '\U00002A73',
+ "Eta;": '\U00000397',
+ "Euml;": '\U000000CB',
+ "Exists;": '\U00002203',
+ "ExponentialE;": '\U00002147',
+ "Fcy;": '\U00000424',
+ "Ffr;": '\U0001D509',
+ "FilledSmallSquare;": '\U000025FC',
+ "FilledVerySmallSquare;": '\U000025AA',
+ "Fopf;": '\U0001D53D',
+ "ForAll;": '\U00002200',
+ "Fouriertrf;": '\U00002131',
+ "Fscr;": '\U00002131',
+ "GJcy;": '\U00000403',
+ "GT;": '\U0000003E',
+ "Gamma;": '\U00000393',
+ "Gammad;": '\U000003DC',
+ "Gbreve;": '\U0000011E',
+ "Gcedil;": '\U00000122',
+ "Gcirc;": '\U0000011C',
+ "Gcy;": '\U00000413',
+ "Gdot;": '\U00000120',
+ "Gfr;": '\U0001D50A',
+ "Gg;": '\U000022D9',
+ "Gopf;": '\U0001D53E',
+ "GreaterEqual;": '\U00002265',
+ "GreaterEqualLess;": '\U000022DB',
+ "GreaterFullEqual;": '\U00002267',
+ "GreaterGreater;": '\U00002AA2',
+ "GreaterLess;": '\U00002277',
+ "GreaterSlantEqual;": '\U00002A7E',
+ "GreaterTilde;": '\U00002273',
+ "Gscr;": '\U0001D4A2',
+ "Gt;": '\U0000226B',
+ "HARDcy;": '\U0000042A',
+ "Hacek;": '\U000002C7',
+ "Hat;": '\U0000005E',
+ "Hcirc;": '\U00000124',
+ "Hfr;": '\U0000210C',
+ "HilbertSpace;": '\U0000210B',
+ "Hopf;": '\U0000210D',
+ "HorizontalLine;": '\U00002500',
+ "Hscr;": '\U0000210B',
+ "Hstrok;": '\U00000126',
+ "HumpDownHump;": '\U0000224E',
+ "HumpEqual;": '\U0000224F',
+ "IEcy;": '\U00000415',
+ "IJlig;": '\U00000132',
+ "IOcy;": '\U00000401',
+ "Iacute;": '\U000000CD',
+ "Icirc;": '\U000000CE',
+ "Icy;": '\U00000418',
+ "Idot;": '\U00000130',
+ "Ifr;": '\U00002111',
+ "Igrave;": '\U000000CC',
+ "Im;": '\U00002111',
+ "Imacr;": '\U0000012A',
+ "ImaginaryI;": '\U00002148',
+ "Implies;": '\U000021D2',
+ "Int;": '\U0000222C',
+ "Integral;": '\U0000222B',
+ "Intersection;": '\U000022C2',
+ "InvisibleComma;": '\U00002063',
+ "InvisibleTimes;": '\U00002062',
+ "Iogon;": '\U0000012E',
+ "Iopf;": '\U0001D540',
+ "Iota;": '\U00000399',
+ "Iscr;": '\U00002110',
+ "Itilde;": '\U00000128',
+ "Iukcy;": '\U00000406',
+ "Iuml;": '\U000000CF',
+ "Jcirc;": '\U00000134',
+ "Jcy;": '\U00000419',
+ "Jfr;": '\U0001D50D',
+ "Jopf;": '\U0001D541',
+ "Jscr;": '\U0001D4A5',
+ "Jsercy;": '\U00000408',
+ "Jukcy;": '\U00000404',
+ "KHcy;": '\U00000425',
+ "KJcy;": '\U0000040C',
+ "Kappa;": '\U0000039A',
+ "Kcedil;": '\U00000136',
+ "Kcy;": '\U0000041A',
+ "Kfr;": '\U0001D50E',
+ "Kopf;": '\U0001D542',
+ "Kscr;": '\U0001D4A6',
+ "LJcy;": '\U00000409',
+ "LT;": '\U0000003C',
+ "Lacute;": '\U00000139',
+ "Lambda;": '\U0000039B',
+ "Lang;": '\U000027EA',
+ "Laplacetrf;": '\U00002112',
+ "Larr;": '\U0000219E',
+ "Lcaron;": '\U0000013D',
+ "Lcedil;": '\U0000013B',
+ "Lcy;": '\U0000041B',
+ "LeftAngleBracket;": '\U000027E8',
+ "LeftArrow;": '\U00002190',
+ "LeftArrowBar;": '\U000021E4',
+ "LeftArrowRightArrow;": '\U000021C6',
+ "LeftCeiling;": '\U00002308',
+ "LeftDoubleBracket;": '\U000027E6',
+ "LeftDownTeeVector;": '\U00002961',
+ "LeftDownVector;": '\U000021C3',
+ "LeftDownVectorBar;": '\U00002959',
+ "LeftFloor;": '\U0000230A',
+ "LeftRightArrow;": '\U00002194',
+ "LeftRightVector;": '\U0000294E',
+ "LeftTee;": '\U000022A3',
+ "LeftTeeArrow;": '\U000021A4',
+ "LeftTeeVector;": '\U0000295A',
+ "LeftTriangle;": '\U000022B2',
+ "LeftTriangleBar;": '\U000029CF',
+ "LeftTriangleEqual;": '\U000022B4',
+ "LeftUpDownVector;": '\U00002951',
+ "LeftUpTeeVector;": '\U00002960',
+ "LeftUpVector;": '\U000021BF',
+ "LeftUpVectorBar;": '\U00002958',
+ "LeftVector;": '\U000021BC',
+ "LeftVectorBar;": '\U00002952',
+ "Leftarrow;": '\U000021D0',
+ "Leftrightarrow;": '\U000021D4',
+ "LessEqualGreater;": '\U000022DA',
+ "LessFullEqual;": '\U00002266',
+ "LessGreater;": '\U00002276',
+ "LessLess;": '\U00002AA1',
+ "LessSlantEqual;": '\U00002A7D',
+ "LessTilde;": '\U00002272',
+ "Lfr;": '\U0001D50F',
+ "Ll;": '\U000022D8',
+ "Lleftarrow;": '\U000021DA',
+ "Lmidot;": '\U0000013F',
+ "LongLeftArrow;": '\U000027F5',
+ "LongLeftRightArrow;": '\U000027F7',
+ "LongRightArrow;": '\U000027F6',
+ "Longleftarrow;": '\U000027F8',
+ "Longleftrightarrow;": '\U000027FA',
+ "Longrightarrow;": '\U000027F9',
+ "Lopf;": '\U0001D543',
+ "LowerLeftArrow;": '\U00002199',
+ "LowerRightArrow;": '\U00002198',
+ "Lscr;": '\U00002112',
+ "Lsh;": '\U000021B0',
+ "Lstrok;": '\U00000141',
+ "Lt;": '\U0000226A',
+ "Map;": '\U00002905',
+ "Mcy;": '\U0000041C',
+ "MediumSpace;": '\U0000205F',
+ "Mellintrf;": '\U00002133',
+ "Mfr;": '\U0001D510',
+ "MinusPlus;": '\U00002213',
+ "Mopf;": '\U0001D544',
+ "Mscr;": '\U00002133',
+ "Mu;": '\U0000039C',
+ "NJcy;": '\U0000040A',
+ "Nacute;": '\U00000143',
+ "Ncaron;": '\U00000147',
+ "Ncedil;": '\U00000145',
+ "Ncy;": '\U0000041D',
+ "NegativeMediumSpace;": '\U0000200B',
+ "NegativeThickSpace;": '\U0000200B',
+ "NegativeThinSpace;": '\U0000200B',
+ "NegativeVeryThinSpace;": '\U0000200B',
+ "NestedGreaterGreater;": '\U0000226B',
+ "NestedLessLess;": '\U0000226A',
+ "NewLine;": '\U0000000A',
+ "Nfr;": '\U0001D511',
+ "NoBreak;": '\U00002060',
+ "NonBreakingSpace;": '\U000000A0',
+ "Nopf;": '\U00002115',
+ "Not;": '\U00002AEC',
+ "NotCongruent;": '\U00002262',
+ "NotCupCap;": '\U0000226D',
+ "NotDoubleVerticalBar;": '\U00002226',
+ "NotElement;": '\U00002209',
+ "NotEqual;": '\U00002260',
+ "NotExists;": '\U00002204',
+ "NotGreater;": '\U0000226F',
+ "NotGreaterEqual;": '\U00002271',
+ "NotGreaterLess;": '\U00002279',
+ "NotGreaterTilde;": '\U00002275',
+ "NotLeftTriangle;": '\U000022EA',
+ "NotLeftTriangleEqual;": '\U000022EC',
+ "NotLess;": '\U0000226E',
+ "NotLessEqual;": '\U00002270',
+ "NotLessGreater;": '\U00002278',
+ "NotLessTilde;": '\U00002274',
+ "NotPrecedes;": '\U00002280',
+ "NotPrecedesSlantEqual;": '\U000022E0',
+ "NotReverseElement;": '\U0000220C',
+ "NotRightTriangle;": '\U000022EB',
+ "NotRightTriangleEqual;": '\U000022ED',
+ "NotSquareSubsetEqual;": '\U000022E2',
+ "NotSquareSupersetEqual;": '\U000022E3',
+ "NotSubsetEqual;": '\U00002288',
+ "NotSucceeds;": '\U00002281',
+ "NotSucceedsSlantEqual;": '\U000022E1',
+ "NotSupersetEqual;": '\U00002289',
+ "NotTilde;": '\U00002241',
+ "NotTildeEqual;": '\U00002244',
+ "NotTildeFullEqual;": '\U00002247',
+ "NotTildeTilde;": '\U00002249',
+ "NotVerticalBar;": '\U00002224',
+ "Nscr;": '\U0001D4A9',
+ "Ntilde;": '\U000000D1',
+ "Nu;": '\U0000039D',
+ "OElig;": '\U00000152',
+ "Oacute;": '\U000000D3',
+ "Ocirc;": '\U000000D4',
+ "Ocy;": '\U0000041E',
+ "Odblac;": '\U00000150',
+ "Ofr;": '\U0001D512',
+ "Ograve;": '\U000000D2',
+ "Omacr;": '\U0000014C',
+ "Omega;": '\U000003A9',
+ "Omicron;": '\U0000039F',
+ "Oopf;": '\U0001D546',
+ "OpenCurlyDoubleQuote;": '\U0000201C',
+ "OpenCurlyQuote;": '\U00002018',
+ "Or;": '\U00002A54',
+ "Oscr;": '\U0001D4AA',
+ "Oslash;": '\U000000D8',
+ "Otilde;": '\U000000D5',
+ "Otimes;": '\U00002A37',
+ "Ouml;": '\U000000D6',
+ "OverBar;": '\U0000203E',
+ "OverBrace;": '\U000023DE',
+ "OverBracket;": '\U000023B4',
+ "OverParenthesis;": '\U000023DC',
+ "PartialD;": '\U00002202',
+ "Pcy;": '\U0000041F',
+ "Pfr;": '\U0001D513',
+ "Phi;": '\U000003A6',
+ "Pi;": '\U000003A0',
+ "PlusMinus;": '\U000000B1',
+ "Poincareplane;": '\U0000210C',
+ "Popf;": '\U00002119',
+ "Pr;": '\U00002ABB',
+ "Precedes;": '\U0000227A',
+ "PrecedesEqual;": '\U00002AAF',
+ "PrecedesSlantEqual;": '\U0000227C',
+ "PrecedesTilde;": '\U0000227E',
+ "Prime;": '\U00002033',
+ "Product;": '\U0000220F',
+ "Proportion;": '\U00002237',
+ "Proportional;": '\U0000221D',
+ "Pscr;": '\U0001D4AB',
+ "Psi;": '\U000003A8',
+ "QUOT;": '\U00000022',
+ "Qfr;": '\U0001D514',
+ "Qopf;": '\U0000211A',
+ "Qscr;": '\U0001D4AC',
+ "RBarr;": '\U00002910',
+ "REG;": '\U000000AE',
+ "Racute;": '\U00000154',
+ "Rang;": '\U000027EB',
+ "Rarr;": '\U000021A0',
+ "Rarrtl;": '\U00002916',
+ "Rcaron;": '\U00000158',
+ "Rcedil;": '\U00000156',
+ "Rcy;": '\U00000420',
+ "Re;": '\U0000211C',
+ "ReverseElement;": '\U0000220B',
+ "ReverseEquilibrium;": '\U000021CB',
+ "ReverseUpEquilibrium;": '\U0000296F',
+ "Rfr;": '\U0000211C',
+ "Rho;": '\U000003A1',
+ "RightAngleBracket;": '\U000027E9',
+ "RightArrow;": '\U00002192',
+ "RightArrowBar;": '\U000021E5',
+ "RightArrowLeftArrow;": '\U000021C4',
+ "RightCeiling;": '\U00002309',
+ "RightDoubleBracket;": '\U000027E7',
+ "RightDownTeeVector;": '\U0000295D',
+ "RightDownVector;": '\U000021C2',
+ "RightDownVectorBar;": '\U00002955',
+ "RightFloor;": '\U0000230B',
+ "RightTee;": '\U000022A2',
+ "RightTeeArrow;": '\U000021A6',
+ "RightTeeVector;": '\U0000295B',
+ "RightTriangle;": '\U000022B3',
+ "RightTriangleBar;": '\U000029D0',
+ "RightTriangleEqual;": '\U000022B5',
+ "RightUpDownVector;": '\U0000294F',
+ "RightUpTeeVector;": '\U0000295C',
+ "RightUpVector;": '\U000021BE',
+ "RightUpVectorBar;": '\U00002954',
+ "RightVector;": '\U000021C0',
+ "RightVectorBar;": '\U00002953',
+ "Rightarrow;": '\U000021D2',
+ "Ropf;": '\U0000211D',
+ "RoundImplies;": '\U00002970',
+ "Rrightarrow;": '\U000021DB',
+ "Rscr;": '\U0000211B',
+ "Rsh;": '\U000021B1',
+ "RuleDelayed;": '\U000029F4',
+ "SHCHcy;": '\U00000429',
+ "SHcy;": '\U00000428',
+ "SOFTcy;": '\U0000042C',
+ "Sacute;": '\U0000015A',
+ "Sc;": '\U00002ABC',
+ "Scaron;": '\U00000160',
+ "Scedil;": '\U0000015E',
+ "Scirc;": '\U0000015C',
+ "Scy;": '\U00000421',
+ "Sfr;": '\U0001D516',
+ "ShortDownArrow;": '\U00002193',
+ "ShortLeftArrow;": '\U00002190',
+ "ShortRightArrow;": '\U00002192',
+ "ShortUpArrow;": '\U00002191',
+ "Sigma;": '\U000003A3',
+ "SmallCircle;": '\U00002218',
+ "Sopf;": '\U0001D54A',
+ "Sqrt;": '\U0000221A',
+ "Square;": '\U000025A1',
+ "SquareIntersection;": '\U00002293',
+ "SquareSubset;": '\U0000228F',
+ "SquareSubsetEqual;": '\U00002291',
+ "SquareSuperset;": '\U00002290',
+ "SquareSupersetEqual;": '\U00002292',
+ "SquareUnion;": '\U00002294',
+ "Sscr;": '\U0001D4AE',
+ "Star;": '\U000022C6',
+ "Sub;": '\U000022D0',
+ "Subset;": '\U000022D0',
+ "SubsetEqual;": '\U00002286',
+ "Succeeds;": '\U0000227B',
+ "SucceedsEqual;": '\U00002AB0',
+ "SucceedsSlantEqual;": '\U0000227D',
+ "SucceedsTilde;": '\U0000227F',
+ "SuchThat;": '\U0000220B',
+ "Sum;": '\U00002211',
+ "Sup;": '\U000022D1',
+ "Superset;": '\U00002283',
+ "SupersetEqual;": '\U00002287',
+ "Supset;": '\U000022D1',
+ "THORN;": '\U000000DE',
+ "TRADE;": '\U00002122',
+ "TSHcy;": '\U0000040B',
+ "TScy;": '\U00000426',
+ "Tab;": '\U00000009',
+ "Tau;": '\U000003A4',
+ "Tcaron;": '\U00000164',
+ "Tcedil;": '\U00000162',
+ "Tcy;": '\U00000422',
+ "Tfr;": '\U0001D517',
+ "Therefore;": '\U00002234',
+ "Theta;": '\U00000398',
+ "ThinSpace;": '\U00002009',
+ "Tilde;": '\U0000223C',
+ "TildeEqual;": '\U00002243',
+ "TildeFullEqual;": '\U00002245',
+ "TildeTilde;": '\U00002248',
+ "Topf;": '\U0001D54B',
+ "TripleDot;": '\U000020DB',
+ "Tscr;": '\U0001D4AF',
+ "Tstrok;": '\U00000166',
+ "Uacute;": '\U000000DA',
+ "Uarr;": '\U0000219F',
+ "Uarrocir;": '\U00002949',
+ "Ubrcy;": '\U0000040E',
+ "Ubreve;": '\U0000016C',
+ "Ucirc;": '\U000000DB',
+ "Ucy;": '\U00000423',
+ "Udblac;": '\U00000170',
+ "Ufr;": '\U0001D518',
+ "Ugrave;": '\U000000D9',
+ "Umacr;": '\U0000016A',
+ "UnderBar;": '\U0000005F',
+ "UnderBrace;": '\U000023DF',
+ "UnderBracket;": '\U000023B5',
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+ "ngE;": {'\u2267', '\u0338'},
+ "ngeqq;": {'\u2267', '\u0338'},
+ "ngeqslant;": {'\u2A7E', '\u0338'},
+ "nges;": {'\u2A7E', '\u0338'},
+ "nlE;": {'\u2266', '\u0338'},
+ "nleqq;": {'\u2266', '\u0338'},
+ "nleqslant;": {'\u2A7D', '\u0338'},
+ "nles;": {'\u2A7D', '\u0338'},
+ "notinE;": {'\u22F9', '\u0338'},
+ "notindot;": {'\u22F5', '\u0338'},
+ "nparsl;": {'\u2AFD', '\u20E5'},
+ "npart;": {'\u2202', '\u0338'},
+ "npre;": {'\u2AAF', '\u0338'},
+ "npreceq;": {'\u2AAF', '\u0338'},
+ "nrarrc;": {'\u2933', '\u0338'},
+ "nrarrw;": {'\u219D', '\u0338'},
+ "nsce;": {'\u2AB0', '\u0338'},
+ "nsubE;": {'\u2AC5', '\u0338'},
+ "nsubset;": {'\u2282', '\u20D2'},
+ "nsubseteqq;": {'\u2AC5', '\u0338'},
+ "nsucceq;": {'\u2AB0', '\u0338'},
+ "nsupE;": {'\u2AC6', '\u0338'},
+ "nsupset;": {'\u2283', '\u20D2'},
+ "nsupseteqq;": {'\u2AC6', '\u0338'},
+ "nvap;": {'\u224D', '\u20D2'},
+ "nvge;": {'\u2265', '\u20D2'},
+ "nvgt;": {'\u003E', '\u20D2'},
+ "nvle;": {'\u2264', '\u20D2'},
+ "nvlt;": {'\u003C', '\u20D2'},
+ "nvltrie;": {'\u22B4', '\u20D2'},
+ "nvrtrie;": {'\u22B5', '\u20D2'},
+ "nvsim;": {'\u223C', '\u20D2'},
+ "race;": {'\u223D', '\u0331'},
+ "smtes;": {'\u2AAC', '\uFE00'},
+ "sqcaps;": {'\u2293', '\uFE00'},
+ "sqcups;": {'\u2294', '\uFE00'},
+ "varsubsetneq;": {'\u228A', '\uFE00'},
+ "varsubsetneqq;": {'\u2ACB', '\uFE00'},
+ "varsupsetneq;": {'\u228B', '\uFE00'},
+ "varsupsetneqq;": {'\u2ACC', '\uFE00'},
+ "vnsub;": {'\u2282', '\u20D2'},
+ "vnsup;": {'\u2283', '\u20D2'},
+ "vsubnE;": {'\u2ACB', '\uFE00'},
+ "vsubne;": {'\u228A', '\uFE00'},
+ "vsupnE;": {'\u2ACC', '\uFE00'},
+ "vsupne;": {'\u228B', '\uFE00'},
diff --git a/gcc-4.7/libgo/go/html/entity_test.go b/gcc-4.7/libgo/go/html/entity_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b53f866fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gcc-4.7/libgo/go/html/entity_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+// Copyright 2010 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package html
+import (
+ "testing"
+ "unicode/utf8"
+func TestEntityLength(t *testing.T) {
+ // We verify that the length of UTF-8 encoding of each value is <= 1 + len(key).
+ // The +1 comes from the leading "&". This property implies that the length of
+ // unescaped text is <= the length of escaped text.
+ for k, v := range entity {
+ if 1+len(k) < utf8.RuneLen(v) {
+ t.Error("escaped entity &" + k + " is shorter than its UTF-8 encoding " + string(v))
+ }
+ if len(k) > longestEntityWithoutSemicolon && k[len(k)-1] != ';' {
+ t.Errorf("entity name %s is %d characters, but longestEntityWithoutSemicolon=%d", k, len(k), longestEntityWithoutSemicolon)
+ }
+ }
+ for k, v := range entity2 {
+ if 1+len(k) < utf8.RuneLen(v[0])+utf8.RuneLen(v[1]) {
+ t.Error("escaped entity &" + k + " is shorter than its UTF-8 encoding " + string(v[0]) + string(v[1]))
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/gcc-4.7/libgo/go/html/escape.go b/gcc-4.7/libgo/go/html/escape.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..24cb7af85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gcc-4.7/libgo/go/html/escape.go
@@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
+// Copyright 2010 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// Package html provides functions for escaping and unescaping HTML text.
+package html
+import (
+ "bytes"
+ "strings"
+ "unicode/utf8"
+type writer interface {
+ WriteString(string) (int, error)
+// These replacements permit compatibility with old numeric entities that
+// assumed Windows-1252 encoding.
+// http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/tokenization.html#consume-a-character-reference
+var replacementTable = [...]rune{
+ '\u20AC', // First entry is what 0x80 should be replaced with.
+ '\u0081',
+ '\u201A',
+ '\u0192',
+ '\u201E',
+ '\u2026',
+ '\u2020',
+ '\u2021',
+ '\u02C6',
+ '\u2030',
+ '\u0160',
+ '\u2039',
+ '\u0152',
+ '\u008D',
+ '\u017D',
+ '\u008F',
+ '\u0090',
+ '\u2018',
+ '\u2019',
+ '\u201C',
+ '\u201D',
+ '\u2022',
+ '\u2013',
+ '\u2014',
+ '\u02DC',
+ '\u2122',
+ '\u0161',
+ '\u203A',
+ '\u0153',
+ '\u009D',
+ '\u017E',
+ '\u0178', // Last entry is 0x9F.
+ // 0x00->'\uFFFD' is handled programmatically.
+ // 0x0D->'\u000D' is a no-op.
+// unescapeEntity reads an entity like "&lt;" from b[src:] and writes the
+// corresponding "<" to b[dst:], returning the incremented dst and src cursors.
+// Precondition: b[src] == '&' && dst <= src.
+// attribute should be true if parsing an attribute value.
+func unescapeEntity(b []byte, dst, src int, attribute bool) (dst1, src1 int) {
+ // http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/tokenization.html#consume-a-character-reference
+ // i starts at 1 because we already know that s[0] == '&'.
+ i, s := 1, b[src:]
+ if len(s) <= 1 {
+ b[dst] = b[src]
+ return dst + 1, src + 1
+ }
+ if s[i] == '#' {
+ if len(s) <= 3 { // We need to have at least "&#.".
+ b[dst] = b[src]
+ return dst + 1, src + 1
+ }
+ i++
+ c := s[i]
+ hex := false
+ if c == 'x' || c == 'X' {
+ hex = true
+ i++
+ }
+ x := '\x00'
+ for i < len(s) {
+ c = s[i]
+ i++
+ if hex {
+ if '0' <= c && c <= '9' {
+ x = 16*x + rune(c) - '0'
+ continue
+ } else if 'a' <= c && c <= 'f' {
+ x = 16*x + rune(c) - 'a' + 10
+ continue
+ } else if 'A' <= c && c <= 'F' {
+ x = 16*x + rune(c) - 'A' + 10
+ continue
+ }
+ } else if '0' <= c && c <= '9' {
+ x = 10*x + rune(c) - '0'
+ continue
+ }
+ if c != ';' {
+ i--
+ }
+ break
+ }
+ if i <= 3 { // No characters matched.
+ b[dst] = b[src]
+ return dst + 1, src + 1
+ }
+ if 0x80 <= x && x <= 0x9F {
+ // Replace characters from Windows-1252 with UTF-8 equivalents.
+ x = replacementTable[x-0x80]
+ } else if x == 0 || (0xD800 <= x && x <= 0xDFFF) || x > 0x10FFFF {
+ // Replace invalid characters with the replacement character.
+ x = '\uFFFD'
+ }
+ return dst + utf8.EncodeRune(b[dst:], x), src + i
+ }
+ // Consume the maximum number of characters possible, with the
+ // consumed characters matching one of the named references.
+ for i < len(s) {
+ c := s[i]
+ i++
+ // Lower-cased characters are more common in entities, so we check for them first.
+ if 'a' <= c && c <= 'z' || 'A' <= c && c <= 'Z' || '0' <= c && c <= '9' {
+ continue
+ }
+ if c != ';' {
+ i--
+ }
+ break
+ }
+ entityName := string(s[1:i])
+ if entityName == "" {
+ // No-op.
+ } else if attribute && entityName[len(entityName)-1] != ';' && len(s) > i && s[i] == '=' {
+ // No-op.
+ } else if x := entity[entityName]; x != 0 {
+ return dst + utf8.EncodeRune(b[dst:], x), src + i
+ } else if x := entity2[entityName]; x[0] != 0 {
+ dst1 := dst + utf8.EncodeRune(b[dst:], x[0])
+ return dst1 + utf8.EncodeRune(b[dst1:], x[1]), src + i
+ } else if !attribute {
+ maxLen := len(entityName) - 1
+ if maxLen > longestEntityWithoutSemicolon {
+ maxLen = longestEntityWithoutSemicolon
+ }
+ for j := maxLen; j > 1; j-- {
+ if x := entity[entityName[:j]]; x != 0 {
+ return dst + utf8.EncodeRune(b[dst:], x), src + j + 1
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ dst1, src1 = dst+i, src+i
+ copy(b[dst:dst1], b[src:src1])
+ return dst1, src1
+// unescape unescapes b's entities in-place, so that "a&lt;b" becomes "a<b".
+func unescape(b []byte) []byte {
+ for i, c := range b {
+ if c == '&' {
+ dst, src := unescapeEntity(b, i, i, false)
+ for src < len(b) {
+ c := b[src]
+ if c == '&' {
+ dst, src = unescapeEntity(b, dst, src, false)
+ } else {
+ b[dst] = c
+ dst, src = dst+1, src+1
+ }
+ }
+ return b[0:dst]
+ }
+ }
+ return b
+// lower lower-cases the A-Z bytes in b in-place, so that "aBc" becomes "abc".
+func lower(b []byte) []byte {
+ for i, c := range b {
+ if 'A' <= c && c <= 'Z' {
+ b[i] = c + 'a' - 'A'
+ }
+ }
+ return b
+const escapedChars = `&'<>"`
+func escape(w writer, s string) error {
+ i := strings.IndexAny(s, escapedChars)
+ for i != -1 {
+ if _, err := w.WriteString(s[:i]); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ var esc string
+ switch s[i] {
+ case '&':
+ esc = "&amp;"
+ case '\'':
+ // "&#39;" is shorter than "&apos;" and apos was not in HTML until HTML5.
+ esc = "&#39;"
+ case '<':
+ esc = "&lt;"
+ case '>':
+ esc = "&gt;"
+ case '"':
+ // "&#34;" is shorter than "&quot;".
+ esc = "&#34;"
+ default:
+ panic("unrecognized escape character")
+ }
+ s = s[i+1:]
+ if _, err := w.WriteString(esc); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ i = strings.IndexAny(s, escapedChars)
+ }
+ _, err := w.WriteString(s)
+ return err
+// EscapeString escapes special characters like "<" to become "&lt;". It
+// escapes only five such characters: <, >, &, ' and ".
+// UnescapeString(EscapeString(s)) == s always holds, but the converse isn't
+// always true.
+func EscapeString(s string) string {
+ if strings.IndexAny(s, escapedChars) == -1 {
+ return s
+ }
+ var buf bytes.Buffer
+ escape(&buf, s)
+ return buf.String()
+// UnescapeString unescapes entities like "&lt;" to become "<". It unescapes a
+// larger range of entities than EscapeString escapes. For example, "&aacute;"
+// unescapes to "á", as does "&#225;" and "&xE1;".
+// UnescapeString(EscapeString(s)) == s always holds, but the converse isn't
+// always true.
+func UnescapeString(s string) string {
+ for _, c := range s {
+ if c == '&' {
+ return string(unescape([]byte(s)))
+ }
+ }
+ return s
diff --git a/gcc-4.7/libgo/go/html/template/attr.go b/gcc-4.7/libgo/go/html/template/attr.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3ea02880d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gcc-4.7/libgo/go/html/template/attr.go
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package template
+import (
+ "strings"
+// attrTypeMap[n] describes the value of the given attribute.
+// If an attribute affects (or can mask) the encoding or interpretation of
+// other content, or affects the contents, idempotency, or credentials of a
+// network message, then the value in this map is contentTypeUnsafe.
+// This map is derived from HTML5, specifically
+// http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/Overview.html#attributes-1
+// as well as "%URI"-typed attributes from
+// http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/index/attributes.html
+var attrTypeMap = map[string]contentType{
+ "accept": contentTypePlain,
+ "accept-charset": contentTypeUnsafe,
+ "action": contentTypeURL,
+ "alt": contentTypePlain,
+ "archive": contentTypeURL,
+ "async": contentTypeUnsafe,
+ "autocomplete": contentTypePlain,
+ "autofocus": contentTypePlain,
+ "autoplay": contentTypePlain,
+ "background": contentTypeURL,
+ "border": contentTypePlain,
+ "checked": contentTypePlain,
+ "cite": contentTypeURL,
+ "challenge": contentTypeUnsafe,
+ "charset": contentTypeUnsafe,
+ "class": contentTypePlain,
+ "classid": contentTypeURL,
+ "codebase": contentTypeURL,
+ "cols": contentTypePlain,
+ "colspan": contentTypePlain,
+ "content": contentTypeUnsafe,
+ "contenteditable": contentTypePlain,
+ "contextmenu": contentTypePlain,
+ "controls": contentTypePlain,
+ "coords": contentTypePlain,
+ "crossorigin": contentTypeUnsafe,
+ "data": contentTypeURL,
+ "datetime": contentTypePlain,
+ "default": contentTypePlain,
+ "defer": contentTypeUnsafe,
+ "dir": contentTypePlain,
+ "dirname": contentTypePlain,
+ "disabled": contentTypePlain,
+ "draggable": contentTypePlain,
+ "dropzone": contentTypePlain,
+ "enctype": contentTypeUnsafe,
+ "for": contentTypePlain,
+ "form": contentTypeUnsafe,
+ "formaction": contentTypeURL,
+ "formenctype": contentTypeUnsafe,
+ "formmethod": contentTypeUnsafe,
+ "formnovalidate": contentTypeUnsafe,
+ "formtarget": contentTypePlain,
+ "headers": contentTypePlain,
+ "height": contentTypePlain,
+ "hidden": contentTypePlain,
+ "high": contentTypePlain,
+ "href": contentTypeURL,
+ "hreflang": contentTypePlain,
+ "http-equiv": contentTypeUnsafe,
+ "icon": contentTypeURL,
+ "id": contentTypePlain,
+ "ismap": contentTypePlain,
+ "keytype": contentTypeUnsafe,
+ "kind": contentTypePlain,
+ "label": contentTypePlain,
+ "lang": contentTypePlain,
+ "language": contentTypeUnsafe,
+ "list": contentTypePlain,
+ "longdesc": contentTypeURL,
+ "loop": contentTypePlain,
+ "low": contentTypePlain,
+ "manifest": contentTypeURL,
+ "max": contentTypePlain,
+ "maxlength": contentTypePlain,
+ "media": contentTypePlain,
+ "mediagroup": contentTypePlain,
+ "method": contentTypeUnsafe,
+ "min": contentTypePlain,
+ "multiple": contentTypePlain,
+ "name": contentTypePlain,
+ "novalidate": contentTypeUnsafe,
+ // Skip handler names from
+ // http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/Overview.html#event-handlers-on-elements-document-objects-and-window-objects
+ // since we have special handling in attrType.
+ "open": contentTypePlain,
+ "optimum": contentTypePlain,
+ "pattern": contentTypeUnsafe,
+ "placeholder": contentTypePlain,
+ "poster": contentTypeURL,
+ "profile": contentTypeURL,
+ "preload": contentTypePlain,
+ "pubdate": contentTypePlain,
+ "radiogroup": contentTypePlain,
+ "readonly": contentTypePlain,
+ "rel": contentTypeUnsafe,
+ "required": contentTypePlain,
+ "reversed": contentTypePlain,
+ "rows": contentTypePlain,
+ "rowspan": contentTypePlain,
+ "sandbox": contentTypeUnsafe,
+ "spellcheck": contentTypePlain,
+ "scope": contentTypePlain,
+ "scoped": contentTypePlain,
+ "seamless": contentTypePlain,
+ "selected": contentTypePlain,
+ "shape": contentTypePlain,
+ "size": contentTypePlain,
+ "sizes": contentTypePlain,
+ "span": contentTypePlain,
+ "src": contentTypeURL,
+ "srcdoc": contentTypeHTML,
+ "srclang": contentTypePlain,
+ "start": contentTypePlain,
+ "step": contentTypePlain,
+ "style": contentTypeCSS,
+ "tabindex": contentTypePlain,
+ "target": contentTypePlain,
+ "title": contentTypePlain,
+ "type": contentTypeUnsafe,
+ "usemap": contentTypeURL,
+ "value": contentTypeUnsafe,
+ "width": contentTypePlain,
+ "wrap": contentTypePlain,
+ "xmlns": contentTypeURL,
+// attrType returns a conservative (upper-bound on authority) guess at the
+// type of the named attribute.
+func attrType(name string) contentType {
+ name = strings.ToLower(name)
+ if strings.HasPrefix(name, "data-") {
+ // Strip data- so that custom attribute heuristics below are
+ // widely applied.
+ // Treat data-action as URL below.
+ name = name[5:]
+ } else if colon := strings.IndexRune(name, ':'); colon != -1 {
+ if name[:colon] == "xmlns" {
+ return contentTypeURL
+ }
+ // Treat svg:href and xlink:href as href below.
+ name = name[colon+1:]
+ }
+ if t, ok := attrTypeMap[name]; ok {
+ return t
+ }
+ // Treat partial event handler names as script.
+ if strings.HasPrefix(name, "on") {
+ return contentTypeJS
+ }
+ // Heuristics to prevent "javascript:..." injection in custom
+ // data attributes and custom attributes like g:tweetUrl.
+ // http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/elements.html#embedding-custom-non-visible-data-with-the-data-attributes:
+ // "Custom data attributes are intended to store custom data
+ // private to the page or application, for which there are no
+ // more appropriate attributes or elements."
+ // Developers seem to store URL content in data URLs that start
+ // or end with "URI" or "URL".
+ if strings.Contains(name, "src") ||
+ strings.Contains(name, "uri") ||
+ strings.Contains(name, "url") {
+ return contentTypeURL
+ }
+ return contentTypePlain
diff --git a/gcc-4.7/libgo/go/html/template/clone_test.go b/gcc-4.7/libgo/go/html/template/clone_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2663cddc2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gcc-4.7/libgo/go/html/template/clone_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package template
+import (
+ "bytes"
+ "testing"
+ "text/template/parse"
+func TestAddParseTree(t *testing.T) {
+ root := Must(New("root").Parse(`{{define "a"}} {{.}} {{template "b"}} {{.}} "></a>{{end}}`))
+ tree, err := parse.Parse("t", `{{define "b"}}<a href="{{end}}`, "", "", nil, nil)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatal(err)
+ }
+ added := Must(root.AddParseTree("b", tree["b"]))
+ b := new(bytes.Buffer)
+ err = added.ExecuteTemplate(b, "a", "1>0")
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatal(err)
+ }
+ if got, want := b.String(), ` 1&gt;0 <a href=" 1%3e0 "></a>`; got != want {
+ t.Errorf("got %q want %q", got, want)
+ }
+func TestClone(t *testing.T) {
+ // The {{.}} will be executed with data "<i>*/" in different contexts.
+ // In the t0 template, it will be in a text context.
+ // In the t1 template, it will be in a URL context.
+ // In the t2 template, it will be in a JavaScript context.
+ // In the t3 template, it will be in a CSS context.
+ const tmpl = `{{define "a"}}{{template "lhs"}}{{.}}{{template "rhs"}}{{end}}`
+ b := new(bytes.Buffer)
+ // Create an incomplete template t0.
+ t0 := Must(New("t0").Parse(tmpl))
+ // Clone t0 as t1.
+ t1 := Must(t0.Clone())
+ Must(t1.Parse(`{{define "lhs"}} <a href=" {{end}}`))
+ Must(t1.Parse(`{{define "rhs"}} "></a> {{end}}`))
+ // Execute t1.
+ b.Reset()
+ if err := t1.ExecuteTemplate(b, "a", "<i>*/"); err != nil {
+ t.Fatal(err)
+ }
+ if got, want := b.String(), ` <a href=" %3ci%3e*/ "></a> `; got != want {
+ t.Errorf("t1: got %q want %q", got, want)
+ }
+ // Clone t0 as t2.
+ t2 := Must(t0.Clone())
+ Must(t2.Parse(`{{define "lhs"}} <p onclick="javascript: {{end}}`))
+ Must(t2.Parse(`{{define "rhs"}} "></p> {{end}}`))
+ // Execute t2.
+ b.Reset()
+ if err := t2.ExecuteTemplate(b, "a", "<i>*/"); err != nil {
+ t.Fatal(err)
+ }
+ if got, want := b.String(), ` <p onclick="javascript: &#34;\u003ci\u003e*/&#34; "></p> `; got != want {
+ t.Errorf("t2: got %q want %q", got, want)
+ }
+ // Clone t0 as t3, but do not execute t3 yet.
+ t3 := Must(t0.Clone())
+ Must(t3.Parse(`{{define "lhs"}} <style> {{end}}`))
+ Must(t3.Parse(`{{define "rhs"}} </style> {{end}}`))
+ // Complete t0.
+ Must(t0.Parse(`{{define "lhs"}} ( {{end}}`))
+ Must(t0.Parse(`{{define "rhs"}} ) {{end}}`))
+ // Clone t0 as t4. Redefining the "lhs" template should fail.
+ t4 := Must(t0.Clone())
+ if _, err := t4.Parse(`{{define "lhs"}} FAIL {{end}}`); err == nil {
+ t.Error(`redefine "lhs": got nil err want non-nil`)
+ }
+ // Execute t0.
+ b.Reset()
+ if err := t0.ExecuteTemplate(b, "a", "<i>*/"); err != nil {
+ t.Fatal(err)
+ }
+ if got, want := b.String(), ` ( &lt;i&gt;*/ ) `; got != want {
+ t.Errorf("t0: got %q want %q", got, want)
+ }
+ // Clone t0. This should fail, as t0 has already executed.
+ if _, err := t0.Clone(); err == nil {
+ t.Error(`t0.Clone(): got nil err want non-nil`)
+ }
+ // Similarly, cloning sub-templates should fail.
+ if _, err := t0.Lookup("a").Clone(); err == nil {
+ t.Error(`t0.Lookup("a").Clone(): got nil err want non-nil`)
+ }
+ if _, err := t0.Lookup("lhs").Clone(); err == nil {
+ t.Error(`t0.Lookup("lhs").Clone(): got nil err want non-nil`)
+ }
+ // Execute t3.
+ b.Reset()
+ if err := t3.ExecuteTemplate(b, "a", "<i>*/"); err != nil {
+ t.Fatal(err)
+ }
+ if got, want := b.String(), ` <style> ZgotmplZ </style> `; got != want {
+ t.Errorf("t3: got %q want %q", got, want)
+ }
+func TestTemplates(t *testing.T) {
+ names := []string{"t0", "a", "lhs", "rhs"}
+ // Some template definitions borrowed from TestClone.
+ const tmpl = `
+ {{define "a"}}{{template "lhs"}}{{.}}{{template "rhs"}}{{end}}
+ {{define "lhs"}} <a href=" {{end}}
+ {{define "rhs"}} "></a> {{end}}`
+ t0 := Must(New("t0").Parse(tmpl))
+ templates := t0.Templates()
+ if len(templates) != len(names) {
+ t.Errorf("expected %d templates; got %d", len(names), len(templates))
+ }
+ for _, name := range names {
+ found := false
+ for _, tmpl := range templates {
+ if name == tmpl.text.Name() {
+ found = true
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if !found {
+ t.Error("could not find template", name)
+ }
+ }
+// This used to crash; http://golang.org/issue/3281
+func TestCloneCrash(t *testing.T) {
+ t1 := New("all")
+ Must(t1.New("t1").Parse(`{{define "foo"}}foo{{end}}`))
+ t1.Clone()
diff --git a/gcc-4.7/libgo/go/html/template/content.go b/gcc-4.7/libgo/go/html/template/content.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c1bd2e494
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gcc-4.7/libgo/go/html/template/content.go
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package template
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "reflect"
+// Strings of content from a trusted source.
+type (
+ // CSS encapsulates known safe content that matches any of:
+ // 1. The CSS3 stylesheet production, such as `p { color: purple }`.
+ // 2. The CSS3 rule production, such as `a[href=~"https:"].foo#bar`.
+ // 3. CSS3 declaration productions, such as `color: red; margin: 2px`.
+ // 4. The CSS3 value production, such as `rgba(0, 0, 255, 127)`.
+ // See http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-syntax/#style
+ CSS string
+ // HTML encapsulates a known safe HTML document fragment.
+ // It should not be used for HTML from a third-party, or HTML with
+ // unclosed tags or comments. The outputs of a sound HTML sanitizer
+ // and a template escaped by this package are fine for use with HTML.
+ HTML string
+ // HTMLAttr encapsulates an HTML attribute from a trusted source,
+ // for example, ` dir="ltr"`.
+ HTMLAttr string
+ // JS encapsulates a known safe EcmaScript5 Expression, for example,
+ // `(x + y * z())`.
+ // Template authors are responsible for ensuring that typed expressions
+ // do not break the intended precedence and that there is no
+ // statement/expression ambiguity as when passing an expression like
+ // "{ foo: bar() }\n['foo']()", which is both a valid Expression and a
+ // valid Program with a very different meaning.
+ JS string
+ // JSStr encapsulates a sequence of characters meant to be embedded
+ // between quotes in a JavaScript expression.
+ // The string must match a series of StringCharacters:
+ // StringCharacter :: SourceCharacter but not `\` or LineTerminator
+ // | EscapeSequence
+ // Note that LineContinuations are not allowed.
+ // JSStr("foo\\nbar") is fine, but JSStr("foo\\\nbar") is not.
+ JSStr string
+ // URL encapsulates a known safe URL as defined in RFC 3896.
+ // A URL like `javascript:checkThatFormNotEditedBeforeLeavingPage()`
+ // from a trusted source should go in the page, but by default dynamic
+ // `javascript:` URLs are filtered out since they are a frequently
+ // exploited injection vector.
+ URL string
+type contentType uint8
+const (
+ contentTypePlain contentType = iota
+ contentTypeCSS
+ contentTypeHTML
+ contentTypeHTMLAttr
+ contentTypeJS
+ contentTypeJSStr
+ contentTypeURL
+ // contentTypeUnsafe is used in attr.go for values that affect how
+ // embedded content and network messages are formed, vetted,
+ // or interpreted; or which credentials network messages carry.
+ contentTypeUnsafe
+// indirect returns the value, after dereferencing as many times
+// as necessary to reach the base type (or nil).
+func indirect(a interface{}) interface{} {
+ if t := reflect.TypeOf(a); t.Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
+ // Avoid creating a reflect.Value if it's not a pointer.
+ return a
+ }
+ v := reflect.ValueOf(a)
+ for v.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && !v.IsNil() {
+ v = v.Elem()
+ }
+ return v.Interface()
+var (
+ errorType = reflect.TypeOf((*error)(nil)).Elem()
+ fmtStringerType = reflect.TypeOf((*fmt.Stringer)(nil)).Elem()
+// indirectToStringerOrError returns the value, after dereferencing as many times
+// as necessary to reach the base type (or nil) or an implementation of fmt.Stringer
+// or error,
+func indirectToStringerOrError(a interface{}) interface{} {
+ v := reflect.ValueOf(a)
+ for !v.Type().Implements(fmtStringerType) && !v.Type().Implements(errorType) && v.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && !v.IsNil() {
+ v = v.Elem()
+ }
+ return v.Interface()
+// stringify converts its arguments to a string and the type of the content.
+// All pointers are dereferenced, as in the text/template package.
+func stringify(args ...interface{}) (string, contentType) {
+ if len(args) == 1 {
+ switch s := indirect(args[0]).(type) {
+ case string:
+ return s, contentTypePlain
+ case CSS:
+ return string(s), contentTypeCSS
+ case HTML:
+ return string(s), contentTypeHTML
+ case HTMLAttr:
+ return string(s), contentTypeHTMLAttr
+ case JS:
+ return string(s), contentTypeJS
+ case JSStr:
+ return string(s), contentTypeJSStr
+ case URL:
+ return string(s), contentTypeURL
+ }
+ }
+ for i, arg := range args {
+ args[i] = indirectToStringerOrError(arg)
+ }
+ return fmt.Sprint(args...), contentTypePlain
diff --git a/gcc-4.7/libgo/go/html/template/content_test.go b/gcc-4.7/libgo/go/html/template/content_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3c32e5e89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gcc-4.7/libgo/go/html/template/content_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
+// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package template
+import (
+ "bytes"
+ "fmt"
+ "strings"
+ "testing"
+func TestTypedContent(t *testing.T) {
+ data := []interface{}{
+ `<b> "foo%" O'Reilly &bar;`,
+ CSS(`a[href =~ "//example.com"]#foo`),
+ HTML(`Hello, <b>World</b> &amp;tc!`),
+ HTMLAttr(` dir="ltr"`),
+ JS(`c && alert("Hello, World!");`),
+ JSStr(`Hello, World & O'Reilly\x21`),
+ URL(`greeting=H%69&addressee=(World)`),
+ }
+ // For each content sensitive escaper, see how it does on
+ // each of the typed strings above.
+ tests := []struct {
+ // A template containing a single {{.}}.
+ input string
+ want []string
+ }{
+ {
+ `<style>{{.}} { color: blue }</style>`,
+ []string{
+ `ZgotmplZ`,
+ // Allowed but not escaped.
+ `a[href =~ "//example.com"]#foo`,
+ `ZgotmplZ`,
+ `ZgotmplZ`,
+ `ZgotmplZ`,
+ `ZgotmplZ`,
+ `ZgotmplZ`,
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ `<div style="{{.}}">`,
+ []string{
+ `ZgotmplZ`,
+ // Allowed and HTML escaped.
+ `a[href =~ &#34;//example.com&#34;]#foo`,
+ `ZgotmplZ`,
+ `ZgotmplZ`,
+ `ZgotmplZ`,
+ `ZgotmplZ`,
+ `ZgotmplZ`,
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ `{{.}}`,
+ []string{
+ `&lt;b&gt; &#34;foo%&#34; O&#39;Reilly &amp;bar;`,
+ `a[href =~ &#34;//example.com&#34;]#foo`,
+ // Not escaped.
+ `Hello, <b>World</b> &amp;tc!`,
+ ` dir=&#34;ltr&#34;`,
+ `c &amp;&amp; alert(&#34;Hello, World!&#34;);`,
+ `Hello, World &amp; O&#39;Reilly\x21`,
+ `greeting=H%69&amp;addressee=(World)`,
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ `<a{{.}}>`,
+ []string{
+ `ZgotmplZ`,
+ `ZgotmplZ`,
+ `ZgotmplZ`,
+ // Allowed and HTML escaped.
+ ` dir="ltr"`,
+ `ZgotmplZ`,
+ `ZgotmplZ`,
+ `ZgotmplZ`,
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ `<a title={{.}}>`,
+ []string{
+ `&lt;b&gt;&#32;&#34;foo%&#34;&#32;O&#39;Reilly&#32;&amp;bar;`,
+ `a[href&#32;&#61;~&#32;&#34;//example.com&#34;]#foo`,
+ // Tags stripped, spaces escaped, entity not re-escaped.
+ `Hello,&#32;World&#32;&amp;tc!`,
+ `&#32;dir&#61;&#34;ltr&#34;`,
+ `c&#32;&amp;&amp;&#32;alert(&#34;Hello,&#32;World!&#34;);`,
+ `Hello,&#32;World&#32;&amp;&#32;O&#39;Reilly\x21`,
+ `greeting&#61;H%69&amp;addressee&#61;(World)`,
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ `<a title='{{.}}'>`,
+ []string{
+ `&lt;b&gt; &#34;foo%&#34; O&#39;Reilly &amp;bar;`,
+ `a[href =~ &#34;//example.com&#34;]#foo`,
+ // Tags stripped, entity not re-escaped.
+ `Hello, World &amp;tc!`,
+ ` dir=&#34;ltr&#34;`,
+ `c &amp;&amp; alert(&#34;Hello, World!&#34;);`,
+ `Hello, World &amp; O&#39;Reilly\x21`,
+ `greeting=H%69&amp;addressee=(World)`,
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ `<textarea>{{.}}</textarea>`,
+ []string{
+ `&lt;b&gt; &#34;foo%&#34; O&#39;Reilly &amp;bar;`,
+ `a[href =~ &#34;//example.com&#34;]#foo`,
+ // Angle brackets escaped to prevent injection of close tags, entity not re-escaped.
+ `Hello, &lt;b&gt;World&lt;/b&gt; &amp;tc!`,
+ ` dir=&#34;ltr&#34;`,
+ `c &amp;&amp; alert(&#34;Hello, World!&#34;);`,
+ `Hello, World &amp; O&#39;Reilly\x21`,
+ `greeting=H%69&amp;addressee=(World)`,
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ `<script>alert({{.}})</script>`,
+ []string{
+ `"\u003cb\u003e \"foo%\" O'Reilly &bar;"`,
+ `"a[href =~ \"//example.com\"]#foo"`,
+ `"Hello, \u003cb\u003eWorld\u003c/b\u003e &amp;tc!"`,
+ `" dir=\"ltr\""`,
+ // Not escaped.
+ `c && alert("Hello, World!");`,
+ // Escape sequence not over-escaped.
+ `"Hello, World & O'Reilly\x21"`,
+ `"greeting=H%69&addressee=(World)"`,
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ `<button onclick="alert({{.}})">`,
+ []string{
+ `&#34;\u003cb\u003e \&#34;foo%\&#34; O&#39;Reilly &amp;bar;&#34;`,
+ `&#34;a[href =~ \&#34;//example.com\&#34;]#foo&#34;`,
+ `&#34;Hello, \u003cb\u003eWorld\u003c/b\u003e &amp;amp;tc!&#34;`,
+ `&#34; dir=\&#34;ltr\&#34;&#34;`,
+ // Not JS escaped but HTML escaped.
+ `c &amp;&amp; alert(&#34;Hello, World!&#34;);`,
+ // Escape sequence not over-escaped.
+ `&#34;Hello, World &amp; O&#39;Reilly\x21&#34;`,
+ `&#34;greeting=H%69&amp;addressee=(World)&#34;`,
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ `<script>alert("{{.}}")</script>`,
+ []string{
+ `\x3cb\x3e \x22foo%\x22 O\x27Reilly \x26bar;`,
+ `a[href =~ \x22\/\/example.com\x22]#foo`,
+ `Hello, \x3cb\x3eWorld\x3c\/b\x3e \x26amp;tc!`,
+ ` dir=\x22ltr\x22`,
+ `c \x26\x26 alert(\x22Hello, World!\x22);`,
+ // Escape sequence not over-escaped.
+ `Hello, World \x26 O\x27Reilly\x21`,
+ `greeting=H%69\x26addressee=(World)`,
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ `<button onclick='alert("{{.}}")'>`,
+ []string{
+ `\x3cb\x3e \x22foo%\x22 O\x27Reilly \x26bar;`,
+ `a[href =~ \x22\/\/example.com\x22]#foo`,
+ `Hello, \x3cb\x3eWorld\x3c\/b\x3e \x26amp;tc!`,
+ ` dir=\x22ltr\x22`,
+ `c \x26\x26 alert(\x22Hello, World!\x22);`,
+ // Escape sequence not over-escaped.
+ `Hello, World \x26 O\x27Reilly\x21`,
+ `greeting=H%69\x26addressee=(World)`,
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ `<a href="?q={{.}}">`,
+ []string{
+ `%3cb%3e%20%22foo%25%22%20O%27Reilly%20%26bar%3b`,
+ `a%5bhref%20%3d~%20%22%2f%2fexample.com%22%5d%23foo`,
+ `Hello%2c%20%3cb%3eWorld%3c%2fb%3e%20%26amp%3btc%21`,
+ `%20dir%3d%22ltr%22`,
+ `c%20%26%26%20alert%28%22Hello%2c%20World%21%22%29%3b`,
+ `Hello%2c%20World%20%26%20O%27Reilly%5cx21`,
+ // Quotes and parens are escaped but %69 is not over-escaped. HTML escaping is done.
+ `greeting=H%69&amp;addressee=%28World%29`,
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ `<style>body { background: url('?img={{.}}') }</style>`,
+ []string{
+ `%3cb%3e%20%22foo%25%22%20O%27Reilly%20%26bar%3b`,
+ `a%5bhref%20%3d~%20%22%2f%2fexample.com%22%5d%23foo`,
+ `Hello%2c%20%3cb%3eWorld%3c%2fb%3e%20%26amp%3btc%21`,
+ `%20dir%3d%22ltr%22`,
+ `c%20%26%26%20alert%28%22Hello%2c%20World%21%22%29%3b`,
+ `Hello%2c%20World%20%26%20O%27Reilly%5cx21`,
+ // Quotes and parens are escaped but %69 is not over-escaped. HTML escaping is not done.
+ `greeting=H%69&addressee=%28World%29`,
+ },
+ },
+ }
+ for _, test := range tests {
+ tmpl := Must(New("x").Parse(test.input))
+ pre := strings.Index(test.input, "{{.}}")
+ post := len(test.input) - (pre + 5)
+ var b bytes.Buffer
+ for i, x := range data {
+ b.Reset()
+ if err := tmpl.Execute(&b, x); err != nil {
+ t.Errorf("%q with %v: %s", test.input, x, err)
+ continue
+ }
+ if want, got := test.want[i], b.String()[pre:b.Len()-post]; want != got {
+ t.Errorf("%q with %v:\nwant\n\t%q,\ngot\n\t%q\n", test.input, x, want, got)
+ continue
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// Test that we print using the String method. Was issue 3073.
+type stringer struct {
+ v int
+func (s *stringer) String() string {
+ return fmt.Sprintf("string=%d", s.v)
+type errorer struct {
+ v int
+func (s *errorer) Error() string {
+ return fmt.Sprintf("error=%d", s.v)
+func TestStringer(t *testing.T) {
+ s := &stringer{3}
+ b := new(bytes.Buffer)
+ tmpl := Must(New("x").Parse("{{.}}"))
+ if err := tmpl.Execute(b, s); err != nil {
+ t.Fatal(err)
+ }
+ var expect = "string=3"
+ if b.String() != expect {
+ t.Errorf("expected %q got %q", expect, b.String())
+ }
+ e := &errorer{7}
+ b.Reset()
+ if err := tmpl.Execute(b, e); err != nil {
+ t.Fatal(err)
+ }
+ expect = "error=7"
+ if b.String() != expect {
+ t.Errorf("expected %q got %q", expect, b.String())
+ }
diff --git a/gcc-4.7/libgo/go/html/template/context.go b/gcc-4.7/libgo/go/html/template/context.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7202221b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gcc-4.7/libgo/go/html/template/context.go
@@ -0,0 +1,339 @@
+// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package template
+import (
+ "fmt"
+// context describes the state an HTML parser must be in when it reaches the
+// portion of HTML produced by evaluating a particular template node.
+// The zero value of type context is the start context for a template that
+// produces an HTML fragment as defined at
+// http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/the-end.html#parsing-html-fragments
+// where the context element is null.
+type context struct {
+ state state
+ delim delim
+ urlPart urlPart
+ jsCtx jsCtx
+ attr attr
+ element element
+ err *Error
+func (c context) String() string {
+ return fmt.Sprintf("{%v %v %v %v %v %v %v}", c.state, c.delim, c.urlPart, c.jsCtx, c.attr, c.element, c.err)
+// eq returns whether two contexts are equal.
+func (c context) eq(d context) bool {
+ return c.state == d.state &&
+ c.delim == d.delim &&
+ c.urlPart == d.urlPart &&
+ c.jsCtx == d.jsCtx &&
+ c.attr == d.attr &&
+ c.element == d.element &&
+ c.err == d.err
+// mangle produces an identifier that includes a suffix that distinguishes it
+// from template names mangled with different contexts.
+func (c context) mangle(templateName string) string {
+ // The mangled name for the default context is the input templateName.
+ if c.state == stateText {
+ return templateName
+ }
+ s := templateName + "$htmltemplate_" + c.state.String()
+ if c.delim != 0 {
+ s += "_" + c.delim.String()
+ }
+ if c.urlPart != 0 {
+ s += "_" + c.urlPart.String()
+ }
+ if c.jsCtx != 0 {
+ s += "_" + c.jsCtx.String()
+ }
+ if c.attr != 0 {
+ s += "_" + c.attr.String()
+ }
+ if c.element != 0 {
+ s += "_" + c.element.String()
+ }
+ return s
+// state describes a high-level HTML parser state.
+// It bounds the top of the element stack, and by extension the HTML insertion
+// mode, but also contains state that does not correspond to anything in the
+// HTML5 parsing algorithm because a single token production in the HTML
+// grammar may contain embedded actions in a template. For instance, the quoted
+// HTML attribute produced by
+// <div title="Hello {{.World}}">
+// is a single token in HTML's grammar but in a template spans several nodes.
+type state uint8
+const (
+ // stateText is parsed character data. An HTML parser is in
+ // this state when its parse position is outside an HTML tag,
+ // directive, comment, and special element body.
+ stateText state = iota
+ // stateTag occurs before an HTML attribute or the end of a tag.
+ stateTag
+ // stateAttrName occurs inside an attribute name.
+ // It occurs between the ^'s in ` ^name^ = value`.
+ stateAttrName
+ // stateAfterName occurs after an attr name has ended but before any
+ // equals sign. It occurs between the ^'s in ` name^ ^= value`.
+ stateAfterName
+ // stateBeforeValue occurs after the equals sign but before the value.
+ // It occurs between the ^'s in ` name =^ ^value`.
+ stateBeforeValue
+ // stateHTMLCmt occurs inside an <!-- HTML comment -->.
+ stateHTMLCmt
+ // stateRCDATA occurs inside an RCDATA element (<textarea> or <title>)
+ // as described at http://dev.w3.org/html5/spec/syntax.html#elements-0
+ stateRCDATA
+ // stateAttr occurs inside an HTML attribute whose content is text.
+ stateAttr
+ // stateURL occurs inside an HTML attribute whose content is a URL.
+ stateURL
+ // stateJS occurs inside an event handler or script element.
+ stateJS
+ // stateJSDqStr occurs inside a JavaScript double quoted string.
+ stateJSDqStr
+ // stateJSSqStr occurs inside a JavaScript single quoted string.
+ stateJSSqStr
+ // stateJSRegexp occurs inside a JavaScript regexp literal.
+ stateJSRegexp
+ // stateJSBlockCmt occurs inside a JavaScript /* block comment */.
+ stateJSBlockCmt
+ // stateJSLineCmt occurs inside a JavaScript // line comment.
+ stateJSLineCmt
+ // stateCSS occurs inside a <style> element or style attribute.
+ stateCSS
+ // stateCSSDqStr occurs inside a CSS double quoted string.
+ stateCSSDqStr
+ // stateCSSSqStr occurs inside a CSS single quoted string.
+ stateCSSSqStr
+ // stateCSSDqURL occurs inside a CSS double quoted url("...").
+ stateCSSDqURL
+ // stateCSSSqURL occurs inside a CSS single quoted url('...').
+ stateCSSSqURL
+ // stateCSSURL occurs inside a CSS unquoted url(...).
+ stateCSSURL
+ // stateCSSBlockCmt occurs inside a CSS /* block comment */.
+ stateCSSBlockCmt
+ // stateCSSLineCmt occurs inside a CSS // line comment.
+ stateCSSLineCmt
+ // stateError is an infectious error state outside any valid
+ // HTML/CSS/JS construct.
+ stateError
+var stateNames = [...]string{
+ stateText: "stateText",
+ stateTag: "stateTag",
+ stateAttrName: "stateAttrName",
+ stateAfterName: "stateAfterName",
+ stateBeforeValue: "stateBeforeValue",
+ stateHTMLCmt: "stateHTMLCmt",
+ stateRCDATA: "stateRCDATA",
+ stateAttr: "stateAttr",
+ stateURL: "stateURL",
+ stateJS: "stateJS",
+ stateJSDqStr: "stateJSDqStr",
+ stateJSSqStr: "stateJSSqStr",
+ stateJSRegexp: "stateJSRegexp",
+ stateJSBlockCmt: "stateJSBlockCmt",
+ stateJSLineCmt: "stateJSLineCmt",
+ stateCSS: "stateCSS",
+ stateCSSDqStr: "stateCSSDqStr",
+ stateCSSSqStr: "stateCSSSqStr",
+ stateCSSDqURL: "stateCSSDqURL",
+ stateCSSSqURL: "stateCSSSqURL",
+ stateCSSURL: "stateCSSURL",
+ stateCSSBlockCmt: "stateCSSBlockCmt",
+ stateCSSLineCmt: "stateCSSLineCmt",
+ stateError: "stateError",
+func (s state) String() string {
+ if int(s) < len(stateNames) {
+ return stateNames[s]
+ }
+ return fmt.Sprintf("illegal state %d", int(s))
+// isComment is true for any state that contains content meant for template
+// authors & maintainers, not for end-users or machines.
+func isComment(s state) bool {
+ switch s {
+ case stateHTMLCmt, stateJSBlockCmt, stateJSLineCmt, stateCSSBlockCmt, stateCSSLineCmt:
+ return true
+ }
+ return false
+// isInTag return whether s occurs solely inside an HTML tag.
+func isInTag(s state) bool {
+ switch s {
+ case stateTag, stateAttrName, stateAfterName, stateBeforeValue, stateAttr:
+ return true
+ }
+ return false
+// delim is the delimiter that will end the current HTML attribute.
+type delim uint8
+const (
+ // delimNone occurs outside any attribute.
+ delimNone delim = iota
+ // delimDoubleQuote occurs when a double quote (") closes the attribute.
+ delimDoubleQuote
+ // delimSingleQuote occurs when a single quote (') closes the attribute.
+ delimSingleQuote
+ // delimSpaceOrTagEnd occurs when a space or right angle bracket (>)
+ // closes the attribute.
+ delimSpaceOrTagEnd
+var delimNames = [...]string{
+ delimNone: "delimNone",
+ delimDoubleQuote: "delimDoubleQuote",
+ delimSingleQuote: "delimSingleQuote",
+ delimSpaceOrTagEnd: "delimSpaceOrTagEnd",
+func (d delim) String() string {
+ if int(d) < len(delimNames) {
+ return delimNames[d]
+ }
+ return fmt.Sprintf("illegal delim %d", int(d))
+// urlPart identifies a part in an RFC 3986 hierarchical URL to allow different
+// encoding strategies.
+type urlPart uint8
+const (
+ // urlPartNone occurs when not in a URL, or possibly at the start:
+ // ^ in "^http://auth/path?k=v#frag".
+ urlPartNone urlPart = iota
+ // urlPartPreQuery occurs in the scheme, authority, or path; between the
+ // ^s in "h^ttp://auth/path^?k=v#frag".
+ urlPartPreQuery
+ // urlPartQueryOrFrag occurs in the query portion between the ^s in
+ // "http://auth/path?^k=v#frag^".
+ urlPartQueryOrFrag
+ // urlPartUnknown occurs due to joining of contexts both before and
+ // after the query separator.
+ urlPartUnknown
+var urlPartNames = [...]string{
+ urlPartNone: "urlPartNone",
+ urlPartPreQuery: "urlPartPreQuery",
+ urlPartQueryOrFrag: "urlPartQueryOrFrag",
+ urlPartUnknown: "urlPartUnknown",
+func (u urlPart) String() string {
+ if int(u) < len(urlPartNames) {
+ return urlPartNames[u]
+ }
+ return fmt.Sprintf("illegal urlPart %d", int(u))
+// jsCtx determines whether a '/' starts a regular expression literal or a
+// division operator.
+type jsCtx uint8
+const (
+ // jsCtxRegexp occurs where a '/' would start a regexp literal.
+ jsCtxRegexp jsCtx = iota
+ // jsCtxDivOp occurs where a '/' would start a division operator.
+ jsCtxDivOp
+ // jsCtxUnknown occurs where a '/' is ambiguous due to context joining.
+ jsCtxUnknown
+func (c jsCtx) String() string {
+ switch c {
+ case jsCtxRegexp:
+ return "jsCtxRegexp"
+ case jsCtxDivOp:
+ return "jsCtxDivOp"
+ case jsCtxUnknown:
+ return "jsCtxUnknown"
+ }
+ return fmt.Sprintf("illegal jsCtx %d", int(c))
+// element identifies the HTML element when inside a start tag or special body.
+// Certain HTML element (for example <script> and <style>) have bodies that are
+// treated differently from stateText so the element type is necessary to
+// transition into the correct context at the end of a tag and to identify the
+// end delimiter for the body.
+type element uint8
+const (
+ // elementNone occurs outside a special tag or special element body.
+ elementNone element = iota
+ // elementScript corresponds to the raw text <script> element.
+ elementScript
+ // elementStyle corresponds to the raw text <style> element.
+ elementStyle
+ // elementTextarea corresponds to the RCDATA <textarea> element.
+ elementTextarea
+ // elementTitle corresponds to the RCDATA <title> element.
+ elementTitle
+var elementNames = [...]string{
+ elementNone: "elementNone",
+ elementScript: "elementScript",
+ elementStyle: "elementStyle",
+ elementTextarea: "elementTextarea",
+ elementTitle: "elementTitle",
+func (e element) String() string {
+ if int(e) < len(elementNames) {
+ return elementNames[e]
+ }
+ return fmt.Sprintf("illegal element %d", int(e))
+// attr identifies the most recent HTML attribute when inside a start tag.
+type attr uint8
+const (
+ // attrNone corresponds to a normal attribute or no attribute.
+ attrNone attr = iota
+ // attrScript corresponds to an event handler attribute.
+ attrScript
+ // attrStyle corresponds to the style attribute whose value is CSS.
+ attrStyle
+ // attrURL corresponds to an attribute whose value is a URL.
+ attrURL
+var attrNames = [...]string{
+ attrNone: "attrNone",
+ attrScript: "attrScript",
+ attrStyle: "attrStyle",
+ attrURL: "attrURL",
+func (a attr) String() string {
+ if int(a) < len(attrNames) {
+ return attrNames[a]
+ }
+ return fmt.Sprintf("illegal attr %d", int(a))
diff --git a/gcc-4.7/libgo/go/html/template/css.go b/gcc-4.7/libgo/go/html/template/css.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3bcd98498
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gcc-4.7/libgo/go/html/template/css.go
@@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
+// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package template
+import (
+ "bytes"
+ "fmt"
+ "unicode"
+ "unicode/utf8"
+// endsWithCSSKeyword returns whether b ends with an ident that
+// case-insensitively matches the lower-case kw.
+func endsWithCSSKeyword(b []byte, kw string) bool {
+ i := len(b) - len(kw)
+ if i < 0 {
+ // Too short.
+ return false
+ }
+ if i != 0 {
+ r, _ := utf8.DecodeLastRune(b[:i])
+ if isCSSNmchar(r) {
+ // Too long.
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ // Many CSS keywords, such as "!important" can have characters encoded,
+ // but the URI production does not allow that according to
+ // http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-syntax/#TOK-URI
+ // This does not attempt to recognize encoded keywords. For example,
+ // given "\75\72\6c" and "url" this return false.
+ return string(bytes.ToLower(b[i:])) == kw
+// isCSSNmchar returns whether rune is allowed anywhere in a CSS identifier.
+func isCSSNmchar(r rune) bool {
+ // Based on the CSS3 nmchar production but ignores multi-rune escape
+ // sequences.
+ // http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-syntax/#SUBTOK-nmchar
+ return 'a' <= r && r <= 'z' ||
+ 'A' <= r && r <= 'Z' ||
+ '0' <= r && r <= '9' ||
+ r == '-' ||
+ r == '_' ||
+ // Non-ASCII cases below.
+ 0x80 <= r && r <= 0xd7ff ||
+ 0xe000 <= r && r <= 0xfffd ||
+ 0x10000 <= r && r <= 0x10ffff
+// decodeCSS decodes CSS3 escapes given a sequence of stringchars.
+// If there is no change, it returns the input, otherwise it returns a slice
+// backed by a new array.
+// http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-syntax/#SUBTOK-stringchar defines stringchar.
+func decodeCSS(s []byte) []byte {
+ i := bytes.IndexByte(s, '\\')
+ if i == -1 {
+ return s
+ }
+ // The UTF-8 sequence for a codepoint is never longer than 1 + the
+ // number hex digits need to represent that codepoint, so len(s) is an
+ // upper bound on the output length.
+ b := make([]byte, 0, len(s))
+ for len(s) != 0 {
+ i := bytes.IndexByte(s, '\\')
+ if i == -1 {
+ i = len(s)
+ }
+ b, s = append(b, s[:i]...), s[i:]
+ if len(s) < 2 {
+ break
+ }
+ // http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-syntax/#SUBTOK-escape
+ // escape ::= unicode | '\' [#x20-#x7E#x80-#xD7FF#xE000-#xFFFD#x10000-#x10FFFF]
+ if isHex(s[1]) {
+ // http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-syntax/#SUBTOK-unicode
+ // unicode ::= '\' [0-9a-fA-F]{1,6} wc?
+ j := 2
+ for j < len(s) && j < 7 && isHex(s[j]) {
+ j++
+ }
+ r := hexDecode(s[1:j])
+ if r > unicode.MaxRune {
+ r, j = r/16, j-1
+ }
+ n := utf8.EncodeRune(b[len(b):cap(b)], r)
+ // The optional space at the end allows a hex
+ // sequence to be followed by a literal hex.
+ // string(decodeCSS([]byte(`\A B`))) == "\nB"
+ b, s = b[:len(b)+n], skipCSSSpace(s[j:])
+ } else {
+ // `\\` decodes to `\` and `\"` to `"`.
+ _, n := utf8.DecodeRune(s[1:])
+ b, s = append(b, s[1:1+n]...), s[1+n:]
+ }
+ }
+ return b
+// isHex returns whether the given character is a hex digit.
+func isHex(c byte) bool {
+ return '0' <= c && c <= '9' || 'a' <= c && c <= 'f' || 'A' <= c && c <= 'F'
+// hexDecode decodes a short hex digit sequence: "10" -> 16.
+func hexDecode(s []byte) rune {
+ n := '\x00'
+ for _, c := range s {
+ n <<= 4
+ switch {
+ case '0' <= c && c <= '9':
+ n |= rune(c - '0')
+ case 'a' <= c && c <= 'f':
+ n |= rune(c-'a') + 10
+ case 'A' <= c && c <= 'F':
+ n |= rune(c-'A') + 10
+ default:
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("Bad hex digit in %q", s))
+ }
+ }
+ return n
+// skipCSSSpace returns a suffix of c, skipping over a single space.
+func skipCSSSpace(c []byte) []byte {
+ if len(c) == 0 {
+ return c
+ }
+ // wc ::= #x9 | #xA | #xC | #xD | #x20
+ switch c[0] {
+ case '\t', '\n', '\f', ' ':
+ return c[1:]
+ case '\r':
+ // This differs from CSS3's wc production because it contains a
+ // probable spec error whereby wc contains all the single byte
+ // sequences in nl (newline) but not CRLF.
+ if len(c) >= 2 && c[1] == '\n' {
+ return c[2:]
+ }
+ return c[1:]
+ }
+ return c
+// isCSSSpace returns whether b is a CSS space char as defined in wc.
+func isCSSSpace(b byte) bool {
+ switch b {
+ case '\t', '\n', '\f', '\r', ' ':
+ return true
+ }
+ return false
+// cssEscaper escapes HTML and CSS special characters using \<hex>+ escapes.
+func cssEscaper(args ...interface{}) string {
+ s, _ := stringify(args...)
+ var b bytes.Buffer
+ written := 0
+ for i, r := range s {
+ var repl string
+ switch r {
+ case 0:
+ repl = `\0`
+ case '\t':
+ repl = `\9`
+ case '\n':
+ repl = `\a`
+ case '\f':
+ repl = `\c`
+ case '\r':
+ repl = `\d`
+ // Encode HTML specials as hex so the output can be embedded
+ // in HTML attributes without further encoding.
+ case '"':
+ repl = `\22`
+ case '&':
+ repl = `\26`
+ case '\'':
+ repl = `\27`
+ case '(':
+ repl = `\28`
+ case ')':
+ repl = `\29`
+ case '+':
+ repl = `\2b`
+ case '/':
+ repl = `\2f`
+ case ':':
+ repl = `\3a`
+ case ';':
+ repl = `\3b`
+ case '<':
+ repl = `\3c`
+ case '>':
+ repl = `\3e`
+ case '\\':
+ repl = `\\`
+ case '{':
+ repl = `\7b`
+ case '}':
+ repl = `\7d`
+ default:
+ continue
+ }
+ b.WriteString(s[written:i])
+ b.WriteString(repl)
+ written = i + utf8.RuneLen(r)
+ if repl != `\\` && (written == len(s) || isHex(s[written]) || isCSSSpace(s[written])) {
+ b.WriteByte(' ')
+ }
+ }
+ if written == 0 {
+ return s
+ }
+ b.WriteString(s[written:])
+ return b.String()
+var expressionBytes = []byte("expression")
+var mozBindingBytes = []byte("mozbinding")
+// cssValueFilter allows innocuous CSS values in the output including CSS
+// quantities (10px or 25%), ID or class literals (#foo, .bar), keyword values
+// (inherit, blue), and colors (#888).
+// It filters out unsafe values, such as those that affect token boundaries,
+// and anything that might execute scripts.
+func cssValueFilter(args ...interface{}) string {
+ s, t := stringify(args...)
+ if t == contentTypeCSS {
+ return s
+ }
+ b, id := decodeCSS([]byte(s)), make([]byte, 0, 64)
+ // CSS3 error handling is specified as honoring string boundaries per
+ // http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-syntax/#error-handling :
+ // Malformed declarations. User agents must handle unexpected
+ // tokens encountered while parsing a declaration by reading until
+ // the end of the declaration, while observing the rules for
+ // matching pairs of (), [], {}, "", and '', and correctly handling
+ // escapes. For example, a malformed declaration may be missing a
+ // property, colon (:) or value.
+ // So we need to make sure that values do not have mismatched bracket
+ // or quote characters to prevent the browser from restarting parsing
+ // inside a string that might embed JavaScript source.
+ for i, c := range b {
+ switch c {
+ case 0, '"', '\'', '(', ')', '/', ';', '@', '[', '\\', ']', '`', '{', '}':
+ return filterFailsafe
+ case '-':
+ // Disallow <!-- or -->.
+ // -- should not appear in valid identifiers.
+ if i != 0 && b[i-1] == '-' {
+ return filterFailsafe
+ }
+ default:
+ if c < 0x80 && isCSSNmchar(rune(c)) {
+ id = append(id, c)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ id = bytes.ToLower(id)
+ if bytes.Index(id, expressionBytes) != -1 || bytes.Index(id, mozBindingBytes) != -1 {
+ return filterFailsafe
+ }
+ return string(b)
diff --git a/gcc-4.7/libgo/go/html/template/css_test.go b/gcc-4.7/libgo/go/html/template/css_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a735638b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gcc-4.7/libgo/go/html/template/css_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
+// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package template
+import (
+ "strconv"
+ "strings"
+ "testing"
+func TestEndsWithCSSKeyword(t *testing.T) {
+ tests := []struct {
+ css, kw string
+ want bool
+ }{
+ {"", "url", false},
+ {"url", "url", true},
+ {"URL", "url", true},
+ {"Url", "url", true},
+ {"url", "important", false},
+ {"important", "important", true},
+ {"image-url", "url", false},
+ {"imageurl", "url", false},
+ {"image url", "url", true},
+ }
+ for _, test := range tests {
+ got := endsWithCSSKeyword([]byte(test.css), test.kw)
+ if got != test.want {
+ t.Errorf("want %t but got %t for css=%v, kw=%v", test.want, got, test.css, test.kw)
+ }
+ }
+func TestIsCSSNmchar(t *testing.T) {
+ tests := []struct {
+ rune rune
+ want bool
+ }{
+ {0, false},
+ {'0', true},
+ {'9', true},
+ {'A', true},
+ {'Z', true},
+ {'a', true},
+ {'z', true},
+ {'_', true},
+ {'-', true},
+ {':', false},
+ {';', false},
+ {' ', false},
+ {0x7f, false},
+ {0x80, true},
+ {0x1234, true},
+ {0xd800, false},
+ {0xdc00, false},
+ {0xfffe, false},
+ {0x10000, true},
+ {0x110000, false},
+ }
+ for _, test := range tests {
+ got := isCSSNmchar(test.rune)
+ if got != test.want {
+ t.Errorf("%q: want %t but got %t", string(test.rune), test.want, got)
+ }
+ }
+func TestDecodeCSS(t *testing.T) {
+ tests := []struct {
+ css, want string
+ }{
+ {``, ``},
+ {`foo`, `foo`},
+ {`foo\`, `foo`},
+ {`foo\\`, `foo\`},
+ {`\`, ``},
+ {`\A`, "\n"},
+ {`\a`, "\n"},
+ {`\0a`, "\n"},
+ {`\00000a`, "\n"},
+ {`\000000a`, "\u0000a"},
+ {`\1234 5`, "\u1234" + "5"},
+ {`\1234\20 5`, "\u1234" + " 5"},
+ {`\1234\A 5`, "\u1234" + "\n5"},
+ {"\\1234\t5", "\u1234" + "5"},
+ {"\\1234\n5", "\u1234" + "5"},
+ {"\\1234\r\n5", "\u1234" + "5"},
+ {`\12345`, "\U00012345"},
+ {`\\`, `\`},
+ {`\\ `, `\ `},
+ {`\"`, `"`},
+ {`\'`, `'`},
+ {`\.`, `.`},
+ {`\. .`, `. .`},
+ {
+ `The \3c i\3equick\3c/i\3e,\d\A\3cspan style=\27 color:brown\27\3e brown\3c/span\3e fox jumps\2028over the \3c canine class=\22lazy\22 \3e dog\3c/canine\3e`,
+ "The <i>quick</i>,\r\n<span style='color:brown'>brown</span> fox jumps\u2028over the <canine class=\"lazy\">dog</canine>",
+ },
+ }
+ for _, test := range tests {
+ got1 := string(decodeCSS([]byte(test.css)))
+ if got1 != test.want {
+ t.Errorf("%q: want\n\t%q\nbut got\n\t%q", test.css, test.want, got1)
+ }
+ recoded := cssEscaper(got1)
+ if got2 := string(decodeCSS([]byte(recoded))); got2 != test.want {
+ t.Errorf("%q: escape & decode not dual for %q", test.css, recoded)
+ }
+ }
+func TestHexDecode(t *testing.T) {
+ for i := 0; i < 0x200000; i += 101 /* coprime with 16 */ {
+ s := strconv.FormatInt(int64(i), 16)
+ if got := int(hexDecode([]byte(s))); got != i {
+ t.Errorf("%s: want %d but got %d", s, i, got)
+ }
+ s = strings.ToUpper(s)
+ if got := int(hexDecode([]byte(s))); got != i {
+ t.Errorf("%s: want %d but got %d", s, i, got)
+ }
+ }
+func TestSkipCSSSpace(t *testing.T) {
+ tests := []struct {
+ css, want string
+ }{
+ {"", ""},
+ {"foo", "foo"},
+ {"\n", ""},
+ {"\r\n", ""},
+ {"\r", ""},
+ {"\t", ""},
+ {" ", ""},
+ {"\f", ""},
+ {" foo", "foo"},
+ {" foo", " foo"},
+ {`\20`, `\20`},
+ }
+ for _, test := range tests {
+ got := string(skipCSSSpace([]byte(test.css)))
+ if got != test.want {
+ t.Errorf("%q: want %q but got %q", test.css, test.want, got)
+ }
+ }
+func TestCSSEscaper(t *testing.T) {
+ input := ("\x00\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08\t\n\x0b\x0c\r\x0e\x0f" +
+ "\x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17\x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f" +
+ ` !"#$%&'()*+,-./` +
+ `0123456789:;<=>?` +
+ `PQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_` +
+ "`abcdefghijklmno" +
+ "pqrstuvwxyz{|}~\x7f" +
+ "\u00A0\u0100\u2028\u2029\ufeff\U0001D11E")
+ want := ("\\0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07" +
+ "\x08\\9 \\a\x0b\\c \\d\x0E\x0F" +
+ "\x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17" +
+ "\x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f" +
+ ` !\22#$%\26\27\28\29*\2b,-.\2f ` +
+ `0123456789\3a\3b\3c=\3e?` +
+ `PQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_` +
+ "`abcdefghijklmno" +
+ `pqrstuvwxyz\7b|\7d~` + "\u007f" +
+ "\u00A0\u0100\u2028\u2029\ufeff\U0001D11E")
+ got := cssEscaper(input)
+ if got != want {
+ t.Errorf("encode: want\n\t%q\nbut got\n\t%q", want, got)
+ }
+ got = string(decodeCSS([]byte(got)))
+ if input != got {
+ t.Errorf("decode: want\n\t%q\nbut got\n\t%q", input, got)
+ }
+func TestCSSValueFilter(t *testing.T) {
+ tests := []struct {
+ css, want string
+ }{
+ {"", ""},
+ {"foo", "foo"},
+ {"0", "0"},
+ {"0px", "0px"},
+ {"-5px", "-5px"},
+ {"1.25in", "1.25in"},
+ {"+.33em", "+.33em"},
+ {"100%", "100%"},
+ {"12.5%", "12.5%"},
+ {".foo", ".foo"},
+ {"#bar", "#bar"},
+ {"corner-radius", "corner-radius"},
+ {"-moz-corner-radius", "-moz-corner-radius"},
+ {"#000", "#000"},
+ {"#48f", "#48f"},
+ {"#123456", "#123456"},
+ {"U+00-FF, U+980-9FF", "U+00-FF, U+980-9FF"},
+ {"color: red", "color: red"},
+ {"<!--", "ZgotmplZ"},
+ {"-->", "ZgotmplZ"},
+ {"<![CDATA[", "ZgotmplZ"},
+ {"]]>", "ZgotmplZ"},
+ {"</style", "ZgotmplZ"},
+ {`"`, "ZgotmplZ"},
+ {`'`, "ZgotmplZ"},
+ {"`", "ZgotmplZ"},
+ {"\x00", "ZgotmplZ"},
+ {"/* foo */", "ZgotmplZ"},
+ {"//", "ZgotmplZ"},
+ {"[href=~", "ZgotmplZ"},
+ {"expression(alert(1337))", "ZgotmplZ"},
+ {"-expression(alert(1337))", "ZgotmplZ"},
+ {"expression", "ZgotmplZ"},
+ {"Expression", "ZgotmplZ"},
+ {"EXPRESSION", "ZgotmplZ"},
+ {"-moz-binding", "ZgotmplZ"},
+ {"-expr\x00ession(alert(1337))", "ZgotmplZ"},
+ {`-expr\0ession(alert(1337))`, "ZgotmplZ"},
+ {`-express\69on(alert(1337))`, "ZgotmplZ"},
+ {`-express\69 on(alert(1337))`, "ZgotmplZ"},
+ {`-exp\72 ession(alert(1337))`, "ZgotmplZ"},
+ {`-exp\52 ession(alert(1337))`, "ZgotmplZ"},
+ {`-exp\000052 ession(alert(1337))`, "ZgotmplZ"},
+ {`-expre\0000073sion`, "-expre\x073sion"},
+ {`@import url evil.css`, "ZgotmplZ"},
+ }
+ for _, test := range tests {
+ got := cssValueFilter(test.css)
+ if got != test.want {
+ t.Errorf("%q: want %q but got %q", test.css, test.want, got)
+ }
+ }
+func BenchmarkCSSEscaper(b *testing.B) {
+ for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
+ cssEscaper("The <i>quick</i>,\r\n<span style='color:brown'>brown</span> fox jumps\u2028over the <canine class=\"lazy\">dog</canine>")
+ }
+func BenchmarkCSSEscaperNoSpecials(b *testing.B) {
+ for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
+ cssEscaper("The quick, brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.")
+ }
+func BenchmarkDecodeCSS(b *testing.B) {
+ s := []byte(`The \3c i\3equick\3c/i\3e,\d\A\3cspan style=\27 color:brown\27\3e brown\3c/span\3e fox jumps\2028over the \3c canine class=\22lazy\22 \3edog\3c/canine\3e`)
+ b.ResetTimer()
+ for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
+ decodeCSS(s)
+ }
+func BenchmarkDecodeCSSNoSpecials(b *testing.B) {
+ s := []byte("The quick, brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.")
+ b.ResetTimer()
+ for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
+ decodeCSS(s)
+ }
+func BenchmarkCSSValueFilter(b *testing.B) {
+ for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
+ cssValueFilter(` e\78preS\0Sio/**/n(alert(1337))`)
+ }
+func BenchmarkCSSValueFilterOk(b *testing.B) {
+ for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
+ cssValueFilter(`Times New Roman`)
+ }
diff --git a/gcc-4.7/libgo/go/html/template/doc.go b/gcc-4.7/libgo/go/html/template/doc.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f470facfd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gcc-4.7/libgo/go/html/template/doc.go
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+Package template (html/template) implements data-driven templates for
+generating HTML output safe against code injection. It provides the
+same interface as package text/template and should be used instead of
+text/template whenever the output is HTML.
+The documentation here focuses on the security features of the package.
+For information about how to program the templates themselves, see the
+documentation for text/template.
+This package wraps package text/template so you can share its template API
+to parse and execute HTML templates safely.
+ tmpl, err := template.New("name").Parse(...)
+ // Error checking elided
+ err = tmpl.Execute(out, data)
+If successful, tmpl will now be injection-safe. Otherwise, err is an error
+defined in the docs for ErrorCode.
+HTML templates treat data values as plain text which should be encoded so they
+can be safely embedded in an HTML document. The escaping is contextual, so
+actions can appear within JavaScript, CSS, and URI contexts.
+The security model used by this package assumes that template authors are
+trusted, while Execute's data parameter is not. More details are
+provided below.
+ import "text/template"
+ ...
+ t, err := template.New("foo").Parse(`{{define "T"}}Hello, {{.}}!{{end}}`)
+ err = t.ExecuteTemplate(out, "T", "<script>alert('you have been pwned')</script>")
+ Hello, <script>alert('you have been pwned')</script>!
+but the contextual autoescaping in html/template
+ import "html/template"
+ ...
+ t, err := template.New("foo").Parse(`{{define "T"}}Hello, {{.}}!{{end}}`)
+ err = t.ExecuteTemplate(out, "T", "<script>alert('you have been pwned')</script>")
+produces safe, escaped HTML output
+ Hello, &lt;script&gt;alert(&#39;you have been pwned&#39;)&lt;/script&gt;!
+This package understands HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and URIs. It adds sanitizing
+functions to each simple action pipeline, so given the excerpt
+ <a href="/search?q={{.}}">{{.}}</a>
+At parse time each {{.}} is overwritten to add escaping functions as necessary.
+In this case it becomes
+ <a href="/search?q={{. | urlquery}}">{{. | html}}</a>
+See the documentation of ErrorCode for details.
+A fuller picture
+The rest of this package comment may be skipped on first reading; it includes
+details necessary to understand escaping contexts and error messages. Most users
+will not need to understand these details.
+Assuming {{.}} is `O'Reilly: How are <i>you</i>?`, the table below shows
+how {{.}} appears when used in the context to the left.
+ Context {{.}} After
+ {{.}} O'Reilly: How are &lt;i&gt;you&lt;/i&gt;?
+ <a title='{{.}}'> O&#39;Reilly: How are you?
+ <a href="/{{.}}"> O&#39;Reilly: How are %3ci%3eyou%3c/i%3e?
+ <a href="?q={{.}}"> O&#39;Reilly%3a%20How%20are%3ci%3e...%3f
+ <a onx='f("{{.}}")'> O\x27Reilly: How are \x3ci\x3eyou...?
+ <a onx='f({{.}})'> "O\x27Reilly: How are \x3ci\x3eyou...?"
+ <a onx='pattern = /{{.}}/;'> O\x27Reilly: How are \x3ci\x3eyou...\x3f
+If used in an unsafe context, then the value might be filtered out:
+ Context {{.}} After
+ <a href="{{.}}"> #ZgotmplZ
+since "O'Reilly:" is not an allowed protocol like "http:".
+If {{.}} is the innocuous word, `left`, then it can appear more widely,
+ Context {{.}} After
+ {{.}} left
+ <a title='{{.}}'> left
+ <a href='{{.}}'> left
+ <a href='/{{.}}'> left
+ <a href='?dir={{.}}'> left
+ <a style="border-{{.}}: 4px"> left
+ <a style="align: {{.}}"> left
+ <a style="background: '{{.}}'> left
+ <a style="background: url('{{.}}')> left
+ <style>p.{{.}} {color:red}</style> left
+Non-string values can be used in JavaScript contexts.
+If {{.}} is
+ []struct{A,B string}{ "foo", "bar" }
+in the escaped template
+ <script>var pair = {{.}};</script>
+then the template output is
+ <script>var pair = {"A": "foo", "B": "bar"};</script>
+See package json to understand how non-string content is marshalled for
+embedding in JavaScript contexts.
+Typed Strings
+By default, this package assumes that all pipelines produce a plain text string.
+It adds escaping pipeline stages necessary to correctly and safely embed that
+plain text string in the appropriate context.
+When a data value is not plain text, you can make sure it is not over-escaped
+by marking it with its type.
+Types HTML, JS, URL, and others from content.go can carry safe content that is
+exempted from escaping.
+The template
+ Hello, {{.}}!
+can be invoked with
+ tmpl.Execute(out, HTML(`<b>World</b>`))
+to produce
+ Hello, <b>World</b>!
+instead of the
+ Hello, &lt;b&gt;World&lt;b&gt;!
+that would have been produced if {{.}} was a regular string.
+Security Model
+http://js-quasis-libraries-and-repl.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/safetemplate.html#problem_definition defines "safe" as used by this package.
+This package assumes that template authors are trusted, that Execute's data
+parameter is not, and seeks to preserve the properties below in the face
+of untrusted data:
+Structure Preservation Property:
+"... when a template author writes an HTML tag in a safe templating language,
+the browser will interpret the corresponding portion of the output as a tag
+regardless of the values of untrusted data, and similarly for other structures
+such as attribute boundaries and JS and CSS string boundaries."
+Code Effect Property:
+"... only code specified by the template author should run as a result of
+injecting the template output into a page and all code specified by the
+template author should run as a result of the same."
+Least Surprise Property:
+"A developer (or code reviewer) familiar with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, who
+knows that contextual autoescaping happens should be able to look at a {{.}}
+and correctly infer what sanitization happens."
+package template
diff --git a/gcc-4.7/libgo/go/html/template/error.go b/gcc-4.7/libgo/go/html/template/error.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dcac74896
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gcc-4.7/libgo/go/html/template/error.go
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package template
+import (
+ "fmt"
+// Error describes a problem encountered during template Escaping.
+type Error struct {
+ // ErrorCode describes the kind of error.
+ ErrorCode ErrorCode
+ // Name is the name of the template in which the error was encountered.
+ Name string
+ // Line is the line number of the error in the template source or 0.
+ Line int
+ // Description is a human-readable description of the problem.
+ Description string
+// ErrorCode is a code for a kind of error.
+type ErrorCode int
+// We define codes for each error that manifests while escaping templates, but
+// escaped templates may also fail at runtime.
+// Output: "ZgotmplZ"
+// Example:
+// <img src="{{.X}}">
+// where {{.X}} evaluates to `javascript:...`
+// Discussion:
+// "ZgotmplZ" is a special value that indicates that unsafe content reached a
+// CSS or URL context at runtime. The output of the example will be
+// <img src="#ZgotmplZ">
+// If the data comes from a trusted source, use content types to exempt it
+// from filtering: URL(`javascript:...`).
+const (
+ // OK indicates the lack of an error.
+ OK ErrorCode = iota
+ // ErrAmbigContext: "... appears in an ambiguous URL context"
+ // Example:
+ // <a href="
+ // {{if .C}}
+ // /path/
+ // {{else}}
+ // /search?q=
+ // {{end}}
+ // {{.X}}
+ // ">
+ // Discussion:
+ // {{.X}} is in an ambiguous URL context since, depending on {{.C}},
+ // it may be either a URL suffix or a query parameter.
+ // Moving {{.X}} into the condition removes the ambiguity:
+ // <a href="{{if .C}}/path/{{.X}}{{else}}/search?q={{.X}}">
+ ErrAmbigContext
+ // ErrBadHTML: "expected space, attr name, or end of tag, but got ...",
+ // "... in unquoted attr", "... in attribute name"
+ // Example:
+ // <a href = /search?q=foo>
+ // <href=foo>
+ // <form na<e=...>
+ // <option selected<
+ // Discussion:
+ // This is often due to a typo in an HTML element, but some runes
+ // are banned in tag names, attribute names, and unquoted attribute
+ // values because they can tickle parser ambiguities.
+ // Quoting all attributes is the best policy.
+ ErrBadHTML
+ // ErrBranchEnd: "{{if}} branches end in different contexts"
+ // Example:
+ // {{if .C}}<a href="{{end}}{{.X}}
+ // Discussion:
+ // Package html/template statically examines each path through an
+ // {{if}}, {{range}}, or {{with}} to escape any following pipelines.
+ // The example is ambiguous since {{.X}} might be an HTML text node,
+ // or a URL prefix in an HTML attribute. The context of {{.X}} is
+ // used to figure out how to escape it, but that context depends on
+ // the run-time value of {{.C}} which is not statically known.
+ //
+ // The problem is usually something like missing quotes or angle
+ // brackets, or can be avoided by refactoring to put the two contexts
+ // into different branches of an if, range or with. If the problem
+ // is in a {{range}} over a collection that should never be empty,
+ // adding a dummy {{else}} can help.
+ ErrBranchEnd
+ // ErrEndContext: "... ends in a non-text context: ..."
+ // Examples:
+ // <div
+ // <div title="no close quote>
+ // <script>f()
+ // Discussion:
+ // Executed templates should produce a DocumentFragment of HTML.
+ // Templates that end without closing tags will trigger this error.
+ // Templates that should not be used in an HTML context or that
+ // produce incomplete Fragments should not be executed directly.
+ //
+ // {{define "main"}} <script>{{template "helper"}}</script> {{end}}
+ // {{define "helper"}} document.write(' <div title=" ') {{end}}
+ //
+ // "helper" does not produce a valid document fragment, so should
+ // not be Executed directly.
+ ErrEndContext
+ // ErrNoSuchTemplate: "no such template ..."
+ // Examples:
+ // {{define "main"}}<div {{template "attrs"}}>{{end}}
+ // {{define "attrs"}}href="{{.URL}}"{{end}}
+ // Discussion:
+ // Package html/template looks through template calls to compute the
+ // context.
+ // Here the {{.URL}} in "attrs" must be treated as a URL when called
+ // from "main", but you will get this error if "attrs" is not defined
+ // when "main" is parsed.
+ ErrNoSuchTemplate
+ // ErrOutputContext: "cannot compute output context for template ..."
+ // Examples:
+ // {{define "t"}}{{if .T}}{{template "t" .T}}{{end}}{{.H}}",{{end}}
+ // Discussion:
+ // A recursive template does not end in the same context in which it
+ // starts, and a reliable output context cannot be computed.
+ // Look for typos in the named template.
+ // If the template should not be called in the named start context,
+ // look for calls to that template in unexpected contexts.
+ // Maybe refactor recursive templates to not be recursive.
+ ErrOutputContext
+ // ErrPartialCharset: "unfinished JS regexp charset in ..."
+ // Example:
+ // <script>var pattern = /foo[{{.Chars}}]/</script>
+ // Discussion:
+ // Package html/template does not support interpolation into regular
+ // expression literal character sets.
+ ErrPartialCharset
+ // ErrPartialEscape: "unfinished escape sequence in ..."
+ // Example:
+ // <script>alert("\{{.X}}")</script>
+ // Discussion:
+ // Package html/template does not support actions following a
+ // backslash.
+ // This is usually an error and there are better solutions; for
+ // example
+ // <script>alert("{{.X}}")</script>
+ // should work, and if {{.X}} is a partial escape sequence such as
+ // "xA0", mark the whole sequence as safe content: JSStr(`\xA0`)
+ ErrPartialEscape
+ // ErrRangeLoopReentry: "on range loop re-entry: ..."
+ // Example:
+ // <script>var x = [{{range .}}'{{.}},{{end}}]</script>
+ // Discussion:
+ // If an iteration through a range would cause it to end in a
+ // different context than an earlier pass, there is no single context.
+ // In the example, there is missing a quote, so it is not clear
+ // whether {{.}} is meant to be inside a JS string or in a JS value
+ // context. The second iteration would produce something like
+ //
+ // <script>var x = ['firstValue,'secondValue]</script>
+ ErrRangeLoopReentry
+ // ErrSlashAmbig: '/' could start a division or regexp.
+ // Example:
+ // <script>
+ // {{if .C}}var x = 1{{end}}
+ // /-{{.N}}/i.test(x) ? doThis : doThat();
+ // </script>
+ // Discussion:
+ // The example above could produce `var x = 1/-2/i.test(s)...`
+ // in which the first '/' is a mathematical division operator or it
+ // could produce `/-2/i.test(s)` in which the first '/' starts a
+ // regexp literal.
+ // Look for missing semicolons inside branches, and maybe add
+ // parentheses to make it clear which interpretation you intend.
+ ErrSlashAmbig
+func (e *Error) Error() string {
+ if e.Line != 0 {
+ return fmt.Sprintf("html/template:%s:%d: %s", e.Name, e.Line, e.Description)
+ } else if e.Name != "" {
+ return fmt.Sprintf("html/template:%s: %s", e.Name, e.Description)
+ }
+ return "html/template: " + e.Description
+// errorf creates an error given a format string f and args.
+// The template Name still needs to be supplied.
+func errorf(k ErrorCode, line int, f string, args ...interface{}) *Error {
+ return &Error{k, "", line, fmt.Sprintf(f, args...)}
diff --git a/gcc-4.7/libgo/go/html/template/escape.go b/gcc-4.7/libgo/go/html/template/escape.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5f0e28e8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gcc-4.7/libgo/go/html/template/escape.go
@@ -0,0 +1,795 @@
+// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package template
+import (
+ "bytes"
+ "fmt"
+ "html"
+ "io"
+ "text/template"
+ "text/template/parse"
+// escapeTemplates rewrites the named templates, which must be
+// associated with t, to guarantee that the output of any of the named
+// templates is properly escaped. Names should include the names of
+// all templates that might be Executed but need not include helper
+// templates. If no error is returned, then the named templates have
+// been modified. Otherwise the named templates have been rendered
+// unusable.
+func escapeTemplates(tmpl *Template, names ...string) error {
+ e := newEscaper(tmpl)
+ for _, name := range names {
+ c, _ := e.escapeTree(context{}, name, 0)
+ var err error
+ if c.err != nil {
+ err, c.err.Name = c.err, name
+ } else if c.state != stateText {
+ err = &Error{ErrEndContext, name, 0, fmt.Sprintf("ends in a non-text context: %v", c)}
+ }
+ if err != nil {
+ // Prevent execution of unsafe templates.
+ for _, name := range names {
+ if t := tmpl.set[name]; t != nil {
+ t.text.Tree = nil
+ }
+ }
+ return err
+ }
+ tmpl.escaped = true
+ }
+ e.commit()
+ return nil
+// funcMap maps command names to functions that render their inputs safe.
+var funcMap = template.FuncMap{
+ "html_template_attrescaper": attrEscaper,
+ "html_template_commentescaper": commentEscaper,
+ "html_template_cssescaper": cssEscaper,
+ "html_template_cssvaluefilter": cssValueFilter,
+ "html_template_htmlnamefilter": htmlNameFilter,
+ "html_template_htmlescaper": htmlEscaper,
+ "html_template_jsregexpescaper": jsRegexpEscaper,
+ "html_template_jsstrescaper": jsStrEscaper,
+ "html_template_jsvalescaper": jsValEscaper,
+ "html_template_nospaceescaper": htmlNospaceEscaper,
+ "html_template_rcdataescaper": rcdataEscaper,
+ "html_template_urlescaper": urlEscaper,
+ "html_template_urlfilter": urlFilter,
+ "html_template_urlnormalizer": urlNormalizer,
+// equivEscapers matches contextual escapers to equivalent template builtins.
+var equivEscapers = map[string]string{
+ "html_template_attrescaper": "html",
+ "html_template_htmlescaper": "html",
+ "html_template_nospaceescaper": "html",
+ "html_template_rcdataescaper": "html",
+ "html_template_urlescaper": "urlquery",
+ "html_template_urlnormalizer": "urlquery",
+// escaper collects type inferences about templates and changes needed to make
+// templates injection safe.
+type escaper struct {
+ tmpl *Template
+ // output[templateName] is the output context for a templateName that
+ // has been mangled to include its input context.
+ output map[string]context
+ // derived[c.mangle(name)] maps to a template derived from the template
+ // named name templateName for the start context c.
+ derived map[string]*template.Template
+ // called[templateName] is a set of called mangled template names.
+ called map[string]bool
+ // xxxNodeEdits are the accumulated edits to apply during commit.
+ // Such edits are not applied immediately in case a template set
+ // executes a given template in different escaping contexts.
+ actionNodeEdits map[*parse.ActionNode][]string
+ templateNodeEdits map[*parse.TemplateNode]string
+ textNodeEdits map[*parse.TextNode][]byte
+// newEscaper creates a blank escaper for the given set.
+func newEscaper(t *Template) *escaper {
+ return &escaper{
+ t,
+ map[string]context{},
+ map[string]*template.Template{},
+ map[string]bool{},
+ map[*parse.ActionNode][]string{},
+ map[*parse.TemplateNode]string{},
+ map[*parse.TextNode][]byte{},
+ }
+// filterFailsafe is an innocuous word that is emitted in place of unsafe values
+// by sanitizer functions. It is not a keyword in any programming language,
+// contains no special characters, is not empty, and when it appears in output
+// it is distinct enough that a developer can find the source of the problem
+// via a search engine.
+const filterFailsafe = "ZgotmplZ"
+// escape escapes a template node.
+func (e *escaper) escape(c context, n parse.Node) context {
+ switch n := n.(type) {
+ case *parse.ActionNode:
+ return e.escapeAction(c, n)
+ case *parse.IfNode:
+ return e.escapeBranch(c, &n.BranchNode, "if")
+ case *parse.ListNode:
+ return e.escapeList(c, n)
+ case *parse.RangeNode:
+ return e.escapeBranch(c, &n.BranchNode, "range")
+ case *parse.TemplateNode:
+ return e.escapeTemplate(c, n)
+ case *parse.TextNode:
+ return e.escapeText(c, n)
+ case *parse.WithNode:
+ return e.escapeBranch(c, &n.BranchNode, "with")
+ }
+ panic("escaping " + n.String() + " is unimplemented")
+// escapeAction escapes an action template node.
+func (e *escaper) escapeAction(c context, n *parse.ActionNode) context {
+ if len(n.Pipe.Decl) != 0 {
+ // A local variable assignment, not an interpolation.
+ return c
+ }
+ c = nudge(c)
+ s := make([]string, 0, 3)
+ switch c.state {
+ case stateError:
+ return c
+ case stateURL, stateCSSDqStr, stateCSSSqStr, stateCSSDqURL, stateCSSSqURL, stateCSSURL:
+ switch c.urlPart {
+ case urlPartNone:
+ s = append(s, "html_template_urlfilter")
+ fallthrough
+ case urlPartPreQuery:
+ switch c.state {
+ case stateCSSDqStr, stateCSSSqStr:
+ s = append(s, "html_template_cssescaper")
+ default:
+ s = append(s, "html_template_urlnormalizer")
+ }
+ case urlPartQueryOrFrag:
+ s = append(s, "html_template_urlescaper")
+ case urlPartUnknown:
+ return context{
+ state: stateError,
+ err: errorf(ErrAmbigContext, n.Line, "%s appears in an ambiguous URL context", n),
+ }
+ default:
+ panic(c.urlPart.String())
+ }
+ case stateJS:
+ s = append(s, "html_template_jsvalescaper")
+ // A slash after a value starts a div operator.
+ c.jsCtx = jsCtxDivOp
+ case stateJSDqStr, stateJSSqStr:
+ s = append(s, "html_template_jsstrescaper")
+ case stateJSRegexp:
+ s = append(s, "html_template_jsregexpescaper")
+ case stateCSS:
+ s = append(s, "html_template_cssvaluefilter")
+ case stateText:
+ s = append(s, "html_template_htmlescaper")
+ case stateRCDATA:
+ s = append(s, "html_template_rcdataescaper")
+ case stateAttr:
+ // Handled below in delim check.
+ case stateAttrName, stateTag:
+ c.state = stateAttrName
+ s = append(s, "html_template_htmlnamefilter")
+ default:
+ if isComment(c.state) {
+ s = append(s, "html_template_commentescaper")
+ } else {
+ panic("unexpected state " + c.state.String())
+ }
+ }
+ switch c.delim {
+ case delimNone:
+ // No extra-escaping needed for raw text content.
+ case delimSpaceOrTagEnd:
+ s = append(s, "html_template_nospaceescaper")
+ default:
+ s = append(s, "html_template_attrescaper")
+ }
+ e.editActionNode(n, s)
+ return c
+// ensurePipelineContains ensures that the pipeline has commands with
+// the identifiers in s in order.
+// If the pipeline already has some of the sanitizers, do not interfere.
+// For example, if p is (.X | html) and s is ["escapeJSVal", "html"] then it
+// has one matching, "html", and one to insert, "escapeJSVal", to produce
+// (.X | escapeJSVal | html).
+func ensurePipelineContains(p *parse.PipeNode, s []string) {
+ if len(s) == 0 {
+ return
+ }
+ n := len(p.Cmds)
+ // Find the identifiers at the end of the command chain.
+ idents := p.Cmds
+ for i := n - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
+ if cmd := p.Cmds[i]; len(cmd.Args) != 0 {
+ if id, ok := cmd.Args[0].(*parse.IdentifierNode); ok {
+ if id.Ident == "noescape" {
+ return
+ }
+ continue
+ }
+ }
+ idents = p.Cmds[i+1:]
+ }
+ dups := 0
+ for _, id := range idents {
+ if escFnsEq(s[dups], (id.Args[0].(*parse.IdentifierNode)).Ident) {
+ dups++
+ if dups == len(s) {
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ newCmds := make([]*parse.CommandNode, n-len(idents), n+len(s)-dups)
+ copy(newCmds, p.Cmds)
+ // Merge existing identifier commands with the sanitizers needed.
+ for _, id := range idents {
+ i := indexOfStr((id.Args[0].(*parse.IdentifierNode)).Ident, s, escFnsEq)
+ if i != -1 {
+ for _, name := range s[:i] {
+ newCmds = appendCmd(newCmds, newIdentCmd(name))
+ }
+ s = s[i+1:]
+ }
+ newCmds = appendCmd(newCmds, id)
+ }
+ // Create any remaining sanitizers.
+ for _, name := range s {
+ newCmds = appendCmd(newCmds, newIdentCmd(name))
+ }
+ p.Cmds = newCmds
+// redundantFuncs[a][b] implies that funcMap[b](funcMap[a](x)) == funcMap[a](x)
+// for all x.
+var redundantFuncs = map[string]map[string]bool{
+ "html_template_commentescaper": {
+ "html_template_attrescaper": true,
+ "html_template_nospaceescaper": true,
+ "html_template_htmlescaper": true,
+ },
+ "html_template_cssescaper": {
+ "html_template_attrescaper": true,
+ },
+ "html_template_jsregexpescaper": {
+ "html_template_attrescaper": true,
+ },
+ "html_template_jsstrescaper": {
+ "html_template_attrescaper": true,
+ },
+ "html_template_urlescaper": {
+ "html_template_urlnormalizer": true,
+ },
+// appendCmd appends the given command to the end of the command pipeline
+// unless it is redundant with the last command.
+func appendCmd(cmds []*parse.CommandNode, cmd *parse.CommandNode) []*parse.CommandNode {
+ if n := len(cmds); n != 0 {
+ last, ok := cmds[n-1].Args[0].(*parse.IdentifierNode)
+ next, _ := cmd.Args[0].(*parse.IdentifierNode)
+ if ok && redundantFuncs[last.Ident][next.Ident] {
+ return cmds
+ }
+ }
+ return append(cmds, cmd)
+// indexOfStr is the first i such that eq(s, strs[i]) or -1 if s was not found.
+func indexOfStr(s string, strs []string, eq func(a, b string) bool) int {
+ for i, t := range strs {
+ if eq(s, t) {
+ return i
+ }
+ }
+ return -1
+// escFnsEq returns whether the two escaping functions are equivalent.
+func escFnsEq(a, b string) bool {
+ if e := equivEscapers[a]; e != "" {
+ a = e
+ }
+ if e := equivEscapers[b]; e != "" {
+ b = e
+ }
+ return a == b
+// newIdentCmd produces a command containing a single identifier node.
+func newIdentCmd(identifier string) *parse.CommandNode {
+ return &parse.CommandNode{
+ NodeType: parse.NodeCommand,
+ Args: []parse.Node{parse.NewIdentifier(identifier)},
+ }
+// nudge returns the context that would result from following empty string
+// transitions from the input context.
+// For example, parsing:
+// `<a href=`
+// will end in context{stateBeforeValue, attrURL}, but parsing one extra rune:
+// `<a href=x`
+// will end in context{stateURL, delimSpaceOrTagEnd, ...}.
+// There are two transitions that happen when the 'x' is seen:
+// (1) Transition from a before-value state to a start-of-value state without
+// consuming any character.
+// (2) Consume 'x' and transition past the first value character.
+// In this case, nudging produces the context after (1) happens.
+func nudge(c context) context {
+ switch c.state {
+ case stateTag:
+ // In `<foo {{.}}`, the action should emit an attribute.
+ c.state = stateAttrName
+ case stateBeforeValue:
+ // In `<foo bar={{.}}`, the action is an undelimited value.
+ c.state, c.delim, c.attr = attrStartStates[c.attr], delimSpaceOrTagEnd, attrNone
+ case stateAfterName:
+ // In `<foo bar {{.}}`, the action is an attribute name.
+ c.state, c.attr = stateAttrName, attrNone
+ }
+ return c
+// join joins the two contexts of a branch template node. The result is an
+// error context if either of the input contexts are error contexts, or if the
+// the input contexts differ.
+func join(a, b context, line int, nodeName string) context {
+ if a.state == stateError {
+ return a
+ }
+ if b.state == stateError {
+ return b
+ }
+ if a.eq(b) {
+ return a
+ }
+ c := a
+ c.urlPart = b.urlPart
+ if c.eq(b) {
+ // The contexts differ only by urlPart.
+ c.urlPart = urlPartUnknown
+ return c
+ }
+ c = a
+ c.jsCtx = b.jsCtx
+ if c.eq(b) {
+ // The contexts differ only by jsCtx.
+ c.jsCtx = jsCtxUnknown
+ return c
+ }
+ // Allow a nudged context to join with an unnudged one.
+ // This means that
+ // <p title={{if .C}}{{.}}{{end}}
+ // ends in an unquoted value state even though the else branch
+ // ends in stateBeforeValue.
+ if c, d := nudge(a), nudge(b); !(c.eq(a) && d.eq(b)) {
+ if e := join(c, d, line, nodeName); e.state != stateError {
+ return e
+ }
+ }
+ return context{
+ state: stateError,
+ err: errorf(ErrBranchEnd, line, "{{%s}} branches end in different contexts: %v, %v", nodeName, a, b),
+ }
+// escapeBranch escapes a branch template node: "if", "range" and "with".
+func (e *escaper) escapeBranch(c context, n *parse.BranchNode, nodeName string) context {
+ c0 := e.escapeList(c, n.List)
+ if nodeName == "range" && c0.state != stateError {
+ // The "true" branch of a "range" node can execute multiple times.
+ // We check that executing n.List once results in the same context
+ // as executing n.List twice.
+ c1, _ := e.escapeListConditionally(c0, n.List, nil)
+ c0 = join(c0, c1, n.Line, nodeName)
+ if c0.state == stateError {
+ // Make clear that this is a problem on loop re-entry
+ // since developers tend to overlook that branch when
+ // debugging templates.
+ c0.err.Line = n.Line
+ c0.err.Description = "on range loop re-entry: " + c0.err.Description
+ return c0
+ }
+ }
+ c1 := e.escapeList(c, n.ElseList)
+ return join(c0, c1, n.Line, nodeName)
+// escapeList escapes a list template node.
+func (e *escaper) escapeList(c context, n *parse.ListNode) context {
+ if n == nil {
+ return c
+ }
+ for _, m := range n.Nodes {
+ c = e.escape(c, m)
+ }
+ return c
+// escapeListConditionally escapes a list node but only preserves edits and
+// inferences in e if the inferences and output context satisfy filter.
+// It returns the best guess at an output context, and the result of the filter
+// which is the same as whether e was updated.
+func (e *escaper) escapeListConditionally(c context, n *parse.ListNode, filter func(*escaper, context) bool) (context, bool) {
+ e1 := newEscaper(e.tmpl)
+ // Make type inferences available to f.
+ for k, v := range e.output {
+ e1.output[k] = v
+ }
+ c = e1.escapeList(c, n)
+ ok := filter != nil && filter(e1, c)
+ if ok {
+ // Copy inferences and edits from e1 back into e.
+ for k, v := range e1.output {
+ e.output[k] = v
+ }
+ for k, v := range e1.derived {
+ e.derived[k] = v
+ }
+ for k, v := range e1.called {
+ e.called[k] = v
+ }
+ for k, v := range e1.actionNodeEdits {
+ e.editActionNode(k, v)
+ }
+ for k, v := range e1.templateNodeEdits {
+ e.editTemplateNode(k, v)
+ }
+ for k, v := range e1.textNodeEdits {
+ e.editTextNode(k, v)
+ }
+ }
+ return c, ok
+// escapeTemplate escapes a {{template}} call node.
+func (e *escaper) escapeTemplate(c context, n *parse.TemplateNode) context {
+ c, name := e.escapeTree(c, n.Name, n.Line)
+ if name != n.Name {
+ e.editTemplateNode(n, name)
+ }
+ return c
+// escapeTree escapes the named template starting in the given context as
+// necessary and returns its output context.
+func (e *escaper) escapeTree(c context, name string, line int) (context, string) {
+ // Mangle the template name with the input context to produce a reliable
+ // identifier.
+ dname := c.mangle(name)
+ e.called[dname] = true
+ if out, ok := e.output[dname]; ok {
+ // Already escaped.
+ return out, dname
+ }
+ t := e.template(name)
+ if t == nil {
+ // Two cases: The template exists but is empty, or has never been mentioned at
+ // all. Distinguish the cases in the error messages.
+ if e.tmpl.set[name] != nil {
+ return context{
+ state: stateError,
+ err: errorf(ErrNoSuchTemplate, line, "%q is an incomplete or empty template", name),
+ }, dname
+ }
+ return context{
+ state: stateError,
+ err: errorf(ErrNoSuchTemplate, line, "no such template %q", name),
+ }, dname
+ }
+ if dname != name {
+ // Use any template derived during an earlier call to escapeTemplate
+ // with different top level templates, or clone if necessary.
+ dt := e.template(dname)
+ if dt == nil {
+ dt = template.New(dname)
+ dt.Tree = &parse.Tree{Name: dname, Root: t.Root.CopyList()}
+ e.derived[dname] = dt
+ }
+ t = dt
+ }
+ return e.computeOutCtx(c, t), dname
+// computeOutCtx takes a template and its start context and computes the output
+// context while storing any inferences in e.
+func (e *escaper) computeOutCtx(c context, t *template.Template) context {
+ // Propagate context over the body.
+ c1, ok := e.escapeTemplateBody(c, t)
+ if !ok {
+ // Look for a fixed point by assuming c1 as the output context.
+ if c2, ok2 := e.escapeTemplateBody(c1, t); ok2 {
+ c1, ok = c2, true
+ }
+ // Use c1 as the error context if neither assumption worked.
+ }
+ if !ok && c1.state != stateError {
+ return context{
+ state: stateError,
+ // TODO: Find the first node with a line in t.text.Tree.Root
+ err: errorf(ErrOutputContext, 0, "cannot compute output context for template %s", t.Name()),
+ }
+ }
+ return c1
+// escapeTemplateBody escapes the given template assuming the given output
+// context, and returns the best guess at the output context and whether the
+// assumption was correct.
+func (e *escaper) escapeTemplateBody(c context, t *template.Template) (context, bool) {
+ filter := func(e1 *escaper, c1 context) bool {
+ if c1.state == stateError {
+ // Do not update the input escaper, e.
+ return false
+ }
+ if !e1.called[t.Name()] {
+ // If t is not recursively called, then c1 is an
+ // accurate output context.
+ return true
+ }
+ // c1 is accurate if it matches our assumed output context.
+ return c.eq(c1)
+ }
+ // We need to assume an output context so that recursive template calls
+ // take the fast path out of escapeTree instead of infinitely recursing.
+ // Naively assuming that the input context is the same as the output
+ // works >90% of the time.
+ e.output[t.Name()] = c
+ return e.escapeListConditionally(c, t.Tree.Root, filter)
+// delimEnds maps each delim to a string of characters that terminate it.
+var delimEnds = [...]string{
+ delimDoubleQuote: `"`,
+ delimSingleQuote: "'",
+ // Determined empirically by running the below in various browsers.
+ // var div = document.createElement("DIV");
+ // for (var i = 0; i < 0x10000; ++i) {
+ // div.innerHTML = "<span title=x" + String.fromCharCode(i) + "-bar>";
+ // if (div.getElementsByTagName("SPAN")[0].title.indexOf("bar") < 0)
+ // document.write("<p>U+" + i.toString(16));
+ // }
+ delimSpaceOrTagEnd: " \t\n\f\r>",
+var doctypeBytes = []byte("<!DOCTYPE")
+// escapeText escapes a text template node.
+func (e *escaper) escapeText(c context, n *parse.TextNode) context {
+ s, written, i, b := n.Text, 0, 0, new(bytes.Buffer)
+ for i != len(s) {
+ c1, nread := contextAfterText(c, s[i:])
+ i1 := i + nread
+ if c.state == stateText || c.state == stateRCDATA {
+ end := i1
+ if c1.state != c.state {
+ for j := end - 1; j >= i; j-- {
+ if s[j] == '<' {
+ end = j
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for j := i; j < end; j++ {
+ if s[j] == '<' && !bytes.HasPrefix(bytes.ToUpper(s[j:]), doctypeBytes) {
+ b.Write(s[written:j])
+ b.WriteString("&lt;")
+ written = j + 1
+ }
+ }
+ } else if isComment(c.state) && c.delim == delimNone {
+ switch c.state {
+ case stateJSBlockCmt:
+ // http://es5.github.com/#x7.4:
+ // "Comments behave like white space and are
+ // discarded except that, if a MultiLineComment
+ // contains a line terminator character, then
+ // the entire comment is considered to be a
+ // LineTerminator for purposes of parsing by
+ // the syntactic grammar."
+ if bytes.IndexAny(s[written:i1], "\n\r\u2028\u2029") != -1 {
+ b.WriteByte('\n')
+ } else {
+ b.WriteByte(' ')
+ }
+ case stateCSSBlockCmt:
+ b.WriteByte(' ')
+ }
+ written = i1
+ }
+ if c.state != c1.state && isComment(c1.state) && c1.delim == delimNone {
+ // Preserve the portion between written and the comment start.
+ cs := i1 - 2
+ if c1.state == stateHTMLCmt {
+ // "<!--" instead of "/*" or "//"
+ cs -= 2
+ }
+ b.Write(s[written:cs])
+ written = i1
+ }
+ if i == i1 && c.state == c1.state {
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("infinite loop from %v to %v on %q..%q", c, c1, s[:i], s[i:]))
+ }
+ c, i = c1, i1
+ }
+ if written != 0 && c.state != stateError {
+ if !isComment(c.state) || c.delim != delimNone {
+ b.Write(n.Text[written:])
+ }
+ e.editTextNode(n, b.Bytes())
+ }
+ return c
+// contextAfterText starts in context c, consumes some tokens from the front of
+// s, then returns the context after those tokens and the unprocessed suffix.
+func contextAfterText(c context, s []byte) (context, int) {
+ if c.delim == delimNone {
+ c1, i := tSpecialTagEnd(c, s)
+ if i == 0 {
+ // A special end tag (`</script>`) has been seen and
+ // all content preceding it has been consumed.
+ return c1, 0
+ }
+ // Consider all content up to any end tag.
+ return transitionFunc[c.state](c, s[:i])
+ }
+ i := bytes.IndexAny(s, delimEnds[c.delim])
+ if i == -1 {
+ i = len(s)
+ }
+ if c.delim == delimSpaceOrTagEnd {
+ // http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/tokenization.html#attribute-value-unquoted-state
+ // lists the runes below as error characters.
+ // Error out because HTML parsers may differ on whether
+ // "<a id= onclick=f(" ends inside id's or onclick's value,
+ // "<a class=`foo " ends inside a value,
+ // "<a style=font:'Arial'" needs open-quote fixup.
+ // IE treats '`' as a quotation character.
+ if j := bytes.IndexAny(s[:i], "\"'<=`"); j >= 0 {
+ return context{
+ state: stateError,
+ err: errorf(ErrBadHTML, 0, "%q in unquoted attr: %q", s[j:j+1], s[:i]),
+ }, len(s)
+ }
+ }
+ if i == len(s) {
+ // Remain inside the attribute.
+ // Decode the value so non-HTML rules can easily handle
+ // <button onclick="alert(&quot;Hi!&quot;)">
+ // without having to entity decode token boundaries.
+ for u := []byte(html.UnescapeString(string(s))); len(u) != 0; {
+ c1, i1 := transitionFunc[c.state](c, u)
+ c, u = c1, u[i1:]
+ }
+ return c, len(s)
+ }
+ if c.delim != delimSpaceOrTagEnd {
+ // Consume any quote.
+ i++
+ }
+ // On exiting an attribute, we discard all state information
+ // except the state and element.
+ return context{state: stateTag, element: c.element}, i
+// editActionNode records a change to an action pipeline for later commit.
+func (e *escaper) editActionNode(n *parse.ActionNode, cmds []string) {
+ if _, ok := e.actionNodeEdits[n]; ok {
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("node %s shared between templates", n))
+ }
+ e.actionNodeEdits[n] = cmds
+// editTemplateNode records a change to a {{template}} callee for later commit.
+func (e *escaper) editTemplateNode(n *parse.TemplateNode, callee string) {
+ if _, ok := e.templateNodeEdits[n]; ok {
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("node %s shared between templates", n))
+ }
+ e.templateNodeEdits[n] = callee
+// editTextNode records a change to a text node for later commit.
+func (e *escaper) editTextNode(n *parse.TextNode, text []byte) {
+ if _, ok := e.textNodeEdits[n]; ok {
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("node %s shared between templates", n))
+ }
+ e.textNodeEdits[n] = text
+// commit applies changes to actions and template calls needed to contextually
+// autoescape content and adds any derived templates to the set.
+func (e *escaper) commit() {
+ for name := range e.output {
+ e.template(name).Funcs(funcMap)
+ }
+ for _, t := range e.derived {
+ if _, err := e.tmpl.text.AddParseTree(t.Name(), t.Tree); err != nil {
+ panic("error adding derived template")
+ }
+ }
+ for n, s := range e.actionNodeEdits {
+ ensurePipelineContains(n.Pipe, s)
+ }
+ for n, name := range e.templateNodeEdits {
+ n.Name = name
+ }
+ for n, s := range e.textNodeEdits {
+ n.Text = s
+ }
+// template returns the named template given a mangled template name.
+func (e *escaper) template(name string) *template.Template {
+ t := e.tmpl.text.Lookup(name)
+ if t == nil {
+ t = e.derived[name]
+ }
+ return t
+// Forwarding functions so that clients need only import this package
+// to reach the general escaping functions of text/template.
+// HTMLEscape writes to w the escaped HTML equivalent of the plain text data b.
+func HTMLEscape(w io.Writer, b []byte) {
+ template.HTMLEscape(w, b)
+// HTMLEscapeString returns the escaped HTML equivalent of the plain text data s.
+func HTMLEscapeString(s string) string {
+ return template.HTMLEscapeString(s)
+// HTMLEscaper returns the escaped HTML equivalent of the textual
+// representation of its arguments.
+func HTMLEscaper(args ...interface{}) string {
+ return template.HTMLEscaper(args...)
+// JSEscape writes to w the escaped JavaScript equivalent of the plain text data b.
+func JSEscape(w io.Writer, b []byte) {
+ template.JSEscape(w, b)
+// JSEscapeString returns the escaped JavaScript equivalent of the plain text data s.
+func JSEscapeString(s string) string {
+ return template.JSEscapeString(s)
+// JSEscaper returns the escaped JavaScript equivalent of the textual
+// representation of its arguments.
+func JSEscaper(args ...interface{}) string {
+ return template.JSEscaper(args...)
+// URLQueryEscaper returns the escaped value of the textual representation of
+// its arguments in a form suitable for embedding in a URL query.
+func URLQueryEscaper(args ...interface{}) string {
+ return template.URLQueryEscaper(args...)
diff --git a/gcc-4.7/libgo/go/html/template/escape_test.go b/gcc-4.7/libgo/go/html/template/escape_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ce12c1795
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gcc-4.7/libgo/go/html/template/escape_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,1657 @@
+// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package template
+import (
+ "bytes"
+ "encoding/json"
+ "fmt"
+ "os"
+ "strings"
+ "testing"
+ "text/template"
+ "text/template/parse"
+type badMarshaler struct{}
+func (x *badMarshaler) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
+ // Keys in valid JSON must be double quoted as must all strings.
+ return []byte("{ foo: 'not quite valid JSON' }"), nil
+type goodMarshaler struct{}
+func (x *goodMarshaler) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
+ return []byte(`{ "<foo>": "O'Reilly" }`), nil
+func TestEscape(t *testing.T) {
+ data := struct {
+ F, T bool
+ C, G, H string
+ A, E []string
+ B, M json.Marshaler
+ N int
+ Z *int
+ }{
+ F: false,
+ T: true,
+ C: "<Cincinatti>",
+ G: "<Goodbye>",
+ H: "<Hello>",
+ A: []string{"<a>", "<b>"},
+ E: []string{},
+ N: 42,
+ B: &badMarshaler{},
+ M: &goodMarshaler{},
+ Z: nil,
+ W: HTML(`&iexcl;<b class="foo">Hello</b>, <textarea>O'World</textarea>!`),
+ }
+ pdata := &data
+ tests := []struct {
+ name string
+ input string
+ output string
+ }{
+ {
+ "if",
+ "{{if .T}}Hello{{end}}, {{.C}}!",
+ "Hello, &lt;Cincinatti&gt;!",
+ },
+ {
+ "else",
+ "{{if .F}}{{.H}}{{else}}{{.G}}{{end}}!",
+ "&lt;Goodbye&gt;!",
+ },
+ {
+ "overescaping1",
+ "Hello, {{.C | html}}!",
+ "Hello, &lt;Cincinatti&gt;!",
+ },
+ {
+ "overescaping2",
+ "Hello, {{html .C}}!",
+ "Hello, &lt;Cincinatti&gt;!",
+ },
+ {
+ "overescaping3",
+ "{{with .C}}{{$msg := .}}Hello, {{$msg}}!{{end}}",
+ "Hello, &lt;Cincinatti&gt;!",
+ },
+ {
+ "assignment",
+ "{{if $x := .H}}{{$x}}{{end}}",
+ "&lt;Hello&gt;",
+ },
+ {
+ "withBody",
+ "{{with .H}}{{.}}{{end}}",
+ "&lt;Hello&gt;",
+ },
+ {
+ "withElse",
+ "{{with .E}}{{.}}{{else}}{{.H}}{{end}}",
+ "&lt;Hello&gt;",
+ },
+ {
+ "rangeBody",
+ "{{range .A}}{{.}}{{end}}",
+ "&lt;a&gt;&lt;b&gt;",
+ },
+ {
+ "rangeElse",
+ "{{range .E}}{{.}}{{else}}{{.H}}{{end}}",
+ "&lt;Hello&gt;",
+ },
+ {
+ "nonStringValue",
+ "{{.T}}",
+ "true",
+ },
+ {
+ "constant",
+ `<a href="/search?q={{"'a<b'"}}">`,
+ `<a href="/search?q=%27a%3cb%27">`,
+ },
+ {
+ "multipleAttrs",
+ "<a b=1 c={{.H}}>",
+ "<a b=1 c=&lt;Hello&gt;>",
+ },
+ {
+ "urlStartRel",
+ `<a href='{{"/foo/bar?a=b&c=d"}}'>`,
+ `<a href='/foo/bar?a=b&amp;c=d'>`,
+ },
+ {
+ "urlStartAbsOk",
+ `<a href='{{"http://example.com/foo/bar?a=b&c=d"}}'>`,
+ `<a href='http://example.com/foo/bar?a=b&amp;c=d'>`,
+ },
+ {
+ "protocolRelativeURLStart",
+ `<a href='{{"//example.com:8000/foo/bar?a=b&c=d"}}'>`,
+ `<a href='//example.com:8000/foo/bar?a=b&amp;c=d'>`,
+ },
+ {
+ "pathRelativeURLStart",
+ `<a href="{{"/javascript:80/foo/bar"}}">`,
+ `<a href="/javascript:80/foo/bar">`,
+ },
+ {
+ "dangerousURLStart",
+ `<a href='{{"javascript:alert(%22pwned%22)"}}'>`,
+ `<a href='#ZgotmplZ'>`,
+ },
+ {
+ "dangerousURLStart2",
+ `<a href=' {{"javascript:alert(%22pwned%22)"}}'>`,
+ `<a href=' #ZgotmplZ'>`,
+ },
+ {
+ "nonHierURL",
+ `<a href={{"mailto:Muhammed \"The Greatest\" Ali <m.ali@example.com>"}}>`,
+ `<a href=mailto:Muhammed%20%22The%20Greatest%22%20Ali%20%3cm.ali@example.com%3e>`,
+ },
+ {
+ "urlPath",
+ `<a href='http://{{"javascript:80"}}/foo'>`,
+ `<a href='http://javascript:80/foo'>`,
+ },
+ {
+ "urlQuery",
+ `<a href='/search?q={{.H}}'>`,
+ `<a href='/search?q=%3cHello%3e'>`,
+ },
+ {
+ "urlFragment",
+ `<a href='/faq#{{.H}}'>`,
+ `<a href='/faq#%3cHello%3e'>`,
+ },
+ {
+ "urlBranch",
+ `<a href="{{if .F}}/foo?a=b{{else}}/bar{{end}}">`,
+ `<a href="/bar">`,
+ },
+ {
+ "urlBranchConflictMoot",
+ `<a href="{{if .T}}/foo?a={{else}}/bar#{{end}}{{.C}}">`,
+ `<a href="/foo?a=%3cCincinatti%3e">`,
+ },
+ {
+ "jsStrValue",
+ "<button onclick='alert({{.H}})'>",
+ `<button onclick='alert(&#34;\u003cHello\u003e&#34;)'>`,
+ },
+ {
+ "jsNumericValue",
+ "<button onclick='alert({{.N}})'>",
+ `<button onclick='alert( 42 )'>`,
+ },
+ {
+ "jsBoolValue",
+ "<button onclick='alert({{.T}})'>",
+ `<button onclick='alert( true )'>`,
+ },
+ {
+ "jsNilValue",
+ "<button onclick='alert(typeof{{.Z}})'>",
+ `<button onclick='alert(typeof null )'>`,
+ },
+ {
+ "jsObjValue",
+ "<button onclick='alert({{.A}})'>",
+ `<button onclick='alert([&#34;\u003ca\u003e&#34;,&#34;\u003cb\u003e&#34;])'>`,
+ },
+ {
+ "jsObjValueScript",
+ "<script>alert({{.A}})</script>",
+ `<script>alert(["\u003ca\u003e","\u003cb\u003e"])</script>`,
+ },
+ {
+ "jsObjValueNotOverEscaped",
+ "<button onclick='alert({{.A | html}})'>",
+ `<button onclick='alert([&#34;\u003ca\u003e&#34;,&#34;\u003cb\u003e&#34;])'>`,
+ },
+ {
+ "jsStr",
+ "<button onclick='alert(&quot;{{.H}}&quot;)'>",
+ `<button onclick='alert(&quot;\x3cHello\x3e&quot;)'>`,
+ },
+ {
+ "badMarshaler",
+ `<button onclick='alert(1/{{.B}}in numbers)'>`,
+ `<button onclick='alert(1/ /* json: error calling MarshalJSON for type *template.badMarshaler: invalid character &#39;f&#39; looking for beginning of object key string */null in numbers)'>`,
+ },
+ {
+ "jsMarshaler",
+ `<button onclick='alert({{.M}})'>`,
+ `<button onclick='alert({&#34;\u003cfoo\u003e&#34;:&#34;O&#39;Reilly&#34;})'>`,
+ },
+ {
+ "jsStrNotUnderEscaped",
+ "<button onclick='alert({{.C | urlquery}})'>",
+ // URL escaped, then quoted for JS.
+ `<button onclick='alert(&#34;%3CCincinatti%3E&#34;)'>`,
+ },
+ {
+ "jsRe",
+ `<button onclick='alert(/{{"foo+bar"}}/.test(""))'>`,
+ `<button onclick='alert(/foo\x2bbar/.test(""))'>`,
+ },
+ {
+ "jsReBlank",
+ `<script>alert(/{{""}}/.test(""));</script>`,
+ `<script>alert(/(?:)/.test(""));</script>`,
+ },
+ {
+ "jsReAmbigOk",
+ `<script>{{if true}}var x = 1{{end}}</script>`,
+ // The {if} ends in an ambiguous jsCtx but there is
+ // no slash following so we shouldn't care.
+ `<script>var x = 1</script>`,
+ },
+ {
+ "styleBidiKeywordPassed",
+ `<p style="dir: {{"ltr"}}">`,
+ `<p style="dir: ltr">`,
+ },
+ {
+ "styleBidiPropNamePassed",
+ `<p style="border-{{"left"}}: 0; border-{{"right"}}: 1in">`,
+ `<p style="border-left: 0; border-right: 1in">`,
+ },
+ {
+ "styleExpressionBlocked",
+ `<p style="width: {{"expression(alert(1337))"}}">`,
+ `<p style="width: ZgotmplZ">`,
+ },
+ {
+ "styleTagSelectorPassed",
+ `<style>{{"p"}} { color: pink }</style>`,
+ `<style>p { color: pink }</style>`,
+ },
+ {
+ "styleIDPassed",
+ `<style>p{{"#my-ID"}} { font: Arial }</style>`,
+ `<style>p#my-ID { font: Arial }</style>`,
+ },
+ {
+ "styleClassPassed",
+ `<style>p{{".my_class"}} { font: Arial }</style>`,
+ `<style>p.my_class { font: Arial }</style>`,
+ },
+ {
+ "styleQuantityPassed",
+ `<a style="left: {{"2em"}}; top: {{0}}">`,
+ `<a style="left: 2em; top: 0">`,
+ },
+ {
+ "stylePctPassed",
+ `<table style=width:{{"100%"}}>`,
+ `<table style=width:100%>`,
+ },
+ {
+ "styleColorPassed",
+ `<p style="color: {{"#8ff"}}; background: {{"#000"}}">`,
+ `<p style="color: #8ff; background: #000">`,
+ },
+ {
+ "styleObfuscatedExpressionBlocked",
+ `<p style="width: {{" e\\78preS\x00Sio/**/n(alert(1337))"}}">`,
+ `<p style="width: ZgotmplZ">`,
+ },
+ {
+ "styleMozBindingBlocked",
+ `<p style="{{"-moz-binding(alert(1337))"}}: ...">`,
+ `<p style="ZgotmplZ: ...">`,
+ },
+ {
+ "styleObfuscatedMozBindingBlocked",
+ `<p style="{{" -mo\\7a-B\x00I/**/nding(alert(1337))"}}: ...">`,
+ `<p style="ZgotmplZ: ...">`,
+ },
+ {
+ "styleFontNameString",
+ `<p style='font-family: "{{"Times New Roman"}}"'>`,
+ `<p style='font-family: "Times New Roman"'>`,
+ },
+ {
+ "styleFontNameString",
+ `<p style='font-family: "{{"Times New Roman"}}", "{{"sans-serif"}}"'>`,
+ `<p style='font-family: "Times New Roman", "sans-serif"'>`,
+ },
+ {
+ "styleFontNameUnquoted",
+ `<p style='font-family: {{"Times New Roman"}}'>`,
+ `<p style='font-family: Times New Roman'>`,
+ },
+ {
+ "styleURLQueryEncoded",
+ `<p style="background: url(/img?name={{"O'Reilly Animal(1)<2>.png"}})">`,
+ `<p style="background: url(/img?name=O%27Reilly%20Animal%281%29%3c2%3e.png)">`,
+ },
+ {
+ "styleQuotedURLQueryEncoded",
+ `<p style="background: url('/img?name={{"O'Reilly Animal(1)<2>.png"}}')">`,
+ `<p style="background: url('/img?name=O%27Reilly%20Animal%281%29%3c2%3e.png')">`,
+ },
+ {
+ "styleStrQueryEncoded",
+ `<p style="background: '/img?name={{"O'Reilly Animal(1)<2>.png"}}'">`,
+ `<p style="background: '/img?name=O%27Reilly%20Animal%281%29%3c2%3e.png'">`,
+ },
+ {
+ "styleURLBadProtocolBlocked",
+ `<a style="background: url('{{"javascript:alert(1337)"}}')">`,
+ `<a style="background: url('#ZgotmplZ')">`,
+ },
+ {
+ "styleStrBadProtocolBlocked",
+ `<a style="background: '{{"vbscript:alert(1337)"}}'">`,
+ `<a style="background: '#ZgotmplZ'">`,
+ },
+ {
+ "styleStrEncodedProtocolEncoded",
+ `<a style="background: '{{"javascript\\3a alert(1337)"}}'">`,
+ // The CSS string 'javascript\\3a alert(1337)' does not contains a colon.
+ `<a style="background: 'javascript\\3a alert\28 1337\29 '">`,
+ },
+ {
+ "styleURLGoodProtocolPassed",
+ `<a style="background: url('{{"http://oreilly.com/O'Reilly Animals(1)<2>;{}.html"}}')">`,
+ `<a style="background: url('http://oreilly.com/O%27Reilly%20Animals%281%29%3c2%3e;%7b%7d.html')">`,
+ },
+ {
+ "styleStrGoodProtocolPassed",
+ `<a style="background: '{{"http://oreilly.com/O'Reilly Animals(1)<2>;{}.html"}}'">`,
+ `<a style="background: 'http\3a\2f\2foreilly.com\2fO\27Reilly Animals\28 1\29\3c 2\3e\3b\7b\7d.html'">`,
+ },
+ {
+ "styleURLEncodedForHTMLInAttr",
+ `<a style="background: url('{{"/search?img=foo&size=icon"}}')">`,
+ `<a style="background: url('/search?img=foo&amp;size=icon')">`,
+ },
+ {
+ "styleURLNotEncodedForHTMLInCdata",
+ `<style>body { background: url('{{"/search?img=foo&size=icon"}}') }</style>`,
+ `<style>body { background: url('/search?img=foo&size=icon') }</style>`,
+ },
+ {
+ "styleURLMixedCase",
+ `<p style="background: URL(#{{.H}})">`,
+ `<p style="background: URL(#%3cHello%3e)">`,
+ },
+ {
+ "stylePropertyPairPassed",
+ `<a style='{{"color: red"}}'>`,
+ `<a style='color: red'>`,
+ },
+ {
+ "styleStrSpecialsEncoded",
+ `<a style="font-family: '{{"/**/'\";:// \\"}}', &quot;{{"/**/'\";:// \\"}}&quot;">`,
+ `<a style="font-family: '\2f**\2f\27\22\3b\3a\2f\2f \\', &quot;\2f**\2f\27\22\3b\3a\2f\2f \\&quot;">`,
+ },
+ {
+ "styleURLSpecialsEncoded",
+ `<a style="border-image: url({{"/**/'\";:// \\"}}), url(&quot;{{"/**/'\";:// \\"}}&quot;), url('{{"/**/'\";:// \\"}}'), 'http://www.example.com/?q={{"/**/'\";:// \\"}}''">`,
+ `<a style="border-image: url(/**/%27%22;://%20%5c), url(&quot;/**/%27%22;://%20%5c&quot;), url('/**/%27%22;://%20%5c'), 'http://www.example.com/?q=%2f%2a%2a%2f%27%22%3b%3a%2f%2f%20%5c''">`,
+ },
+ {
+ "HTML comment",
+ "<b>Hello, <!-- name of world -->{{.C}}</b>",
+ "<b>Hello, &lt;Cincinatti&gt;</b>",
+ },
+ {
+ "HTML comment not first < in text node.",
+ "<<!-- -->!--",
+ "&lt;!--",
+ },
+ {
+ "HTML normalization 1",
+ "a < b",
+ "a &lt; b",
+ },
+ {
+ "HTML normalization 2",
+ "a << b",
+ "a &lt;&lt; b",
+ },
+ {
+ "HTML normalization 3",
+ "a<<!-- --><!-- -->b",
+ "a&lt;b",
+ },
+ {
+ "HTML doctype not normalized",
+ "<!DOCTYPE html>Hello, World!",
+ "<!DOCTYPE html>Hello, World!",
+ },
+ {
+ "HTML doctype not case-insensitive",
+ "<!doCtYPE htMl>Hello, World!",
+ "<!doCtYPE htMl>Hello, World!",
+ },
+ {
+ "No doctype injection",
+ `<!{{"DOCTYPE"}}`,
+ "&lt;!DOCTYPE",
+ },
+ {
+ "Split HTML comment",
+ "<b>Hello, <!-- name of {{if .T}}city -->{{.C}}{{else}}world -->{{.W}}{{end}}</b>",
+ "<b>Hello, &lt;Cincinatti&gt;</b>",
+ },
+ {
+ "JS line comment",
+ "<script>for (;;) { if (c()) break// foo not a label\n" +
+ "foo({{.T}});}</script>",
+ "<script>for (;;) { if (c()) break\n" +
+ "foo( true );}</script>",
+ },
+ {
+ "JS multiline block comment",
+ "<script>for (;;) { if (c()) break/* foo not a label\n" +
+ " */foo({{.T}});}</script>",
+ // Newline separates break from call. If newline
+ // removed, then break will consume label leaving
+ // code invalid.
+ "<script>for (;;) { if (c()) break\n" +
+ "foo( true );}</script>",
+ },
+ {
+ "JS single-line block comment",
+ "<script>for (;;) {\n" +
+ "if (c()) break/* foo a label */foo;" +
+ "x({{.T}});}</script>",
+ // Newline separates break from call. If newline
+ // removed, then break will consume label leaving
+ // code invalid.
+ "<script>for (;;) {\n" +
+ "if (c()) break foo;" +
+ "x( true );}</script>",
+ },
+ {
+ "JS block comment flush with mathematical division",
+ "<script>var a/*b*//c\nd</script>",
+ "<script>var a /c\nd</script>",
+ },
+ {
+ "JS mixed comments",
+ "<script>var a/*b*///c\nd</script>",
+ "<script>var a \nd</script>",
+ },
+ {
+ "CSS comments",
+ "<style>p// paragraph\n" +
+ `{border: 1px/* color */{{"#00f"}}}</style>`,
+ "<style>p\n" +
+ "{border: 1px #00f}</style>",
+ },
+ {
+ "JS attr block comment",
+ `<a onclick="f(&quot;&quot;); /* alert({{.H}}) */">`,
+ // Attribute comment tests should pass if the comments
+ // are successfully elided.
+ `<a onclick="f(&quot;&quot;); /* alert() */">`,
+ },
+ {
+ "JS attr line comment",
+ `<a onclick="// alert({{.G}})">`,
+ `<a onclick="// alert()">`,
+ },
+ {
+ "CSS attr block comment",
+ `<a style="/* color: {{.H}} */">`,
+ `<a style="/* color: */">`,
+ },
+ {
+ "CSS attr line comment",
+ `<a style="// color: {{.G}}">`,
+ `<a style="// color: ">`,
+ },
+ {
+ "HTML substitution commented out",
+ "<p><!-- {{.H}} --></p>",
+ "<p></p>",
+ },
+ {
+ "Comment ends flush with start",
+ "<!--{{.}}--><script>/*{{.}}*///{{.}}\n</script><style>/*{{.}}*///{{.}}\n</style><a onclick='/*{{.}}*///{{.}}' style='/*{{.}}*///{{.}}'>",
+ "<script> \n</script><style> \n</style><a onclick='/**///' style='/**///'>",
+ },
+ {
+ "typed HTML in text",
+ `{{.W}}`,
+ `&iexcl;<b class="foo">Hello</b>, <textarea>O'World</textarea>!`,
+ },
+ {
+ "typed HTML in attribute",
+ `<div title="{{.W}}">`,
+ `<div title="&iexcl;Hello, O&#39;World!">`,
+ },
+ {
+ "typed HTML in script",
+ `<button onclick="alert({{.W}})">`,
+ `<button onclick="alert(&#34;&amp;iexcl;\u003cb class=\&#34;foo\&#34;\u003eHello\u003c/b\u003e, \u003ctextarea\u003eO&#39;World\u003c/textarea\u003e!&#34;)">`,
+ },
+ {
+ "typed HTML in RCDATA",
+ `<textarea>{{.W}}</textarea>`,
+ `<textarea>&iexcl;&lt;b class=&#34;foo&#34;&gt;Hello&lt;/b&gt;, &lt;textarea&gt;O&#39;World&lt;/textarea&gt;!</textarea>`,
+ },
+ {
+ "range in textarea",
+ "<textarea>{{range .A}}{{.}}{{end}}</textarea>",
+ "<textarea>&lt;a&gt;&lt;b&gt;</textarea>",
+ },
+ {
+ "auditable exemption from escaping",
+ "{{range .A}}{{. | noescape}}{{end}}",
+ "<a><b>",
+ },
+ {
+ "No tag injection",
+ `{{"10$"}}<{{"script src,evil.org/pwnd.js"}}...`,
+ `10$&lt;script src,evil.org/pwnd.js...`,
+ },
+ {
+ "No comment injection",
+ `<{{"!--"}}`,
+ `&lt;!--`,
+ },
+ {
+ "No RCDATA end tag injection",
+ `<textarea><{{"/textarea "}}...</textarea>`,
+ `<textarea>&lt;/textarea ...</textarea>`,
+ },
+ {
+ "optional attrs",
+ `<img class="{{"iconClass"}}"` +
+ `{{if .T}} id="{{"<iconId>"}}"{{end}}` +
+ // Double quotes inside if/else.
+ ` src=` +
+ `{{if .T}}"?{{"<iconPath>"}}"` +
+ `{{else}}"images/cleardot.gif"{{end}}` +
+ // Missing space before title, but it is not a
+ // part of the src attribute.
+ `{{if .T}}title="{{"<title>"}}"{{end}}` +
+ // Quotes outside if/else.
+ ` alt="` +
+ `{{if .T}}{{"<alt>"}}` +
+ `{{else}}{{if .F}}{{"<title>"}}{{end}}` +
+ `{{end}}"` +
+ `>`,
+ `<img class="iconClass" id="&lt;iconId&gt;" src="?%3ciconPath%3e"title="&lt;title&gt;" alt="&lt;alt&gt;">`,
+ },
+ {
+ "conditional valueless attr name",
+ `<input{{if .T}} checked{{end}} name=n>`,
+ `<input checked name=n>`,
+ },
+ {
+ "conditional dynamic valueless attr name 1",
+ `<input{{if .T}} {{"checked"}}{{end}} name=n>`,
+ `<input checked name=n>`,
+ },
+ {
+ "conditional dynamic valueless attr name 2",
+ `<input {{if .T}}{{"checked"}} {{end}}name=n>`,
+ `<input checked name=n>`,
+ },
+ {
+ "dynamic attribute name",
+ `<img on{{"load"}}="alert({{"loaded"}})">`,
+ // Treated as JS since quotes are inserted.
+ `<img onload="alert(&#34;loaded&#34;)">`,
+ },
+ {
+ "bad dynamic attribute name 1",
+ // Allow checked, selected, disabled, but not JS or
+ // CSS attributes.
+ `<input {{"onchange"}}="{{"doEvil()"}}">`,
+ `<input ZgotmplZ="doEvil()">`,
+ },
+ {
+ "bad dynamic attribute name 2",
+ `<div {{"sTyle"}}="{{"color: expression(alert(1337))"}}">`,
+ `<div ZgotmplZ="color: expression(alert(1337))">`,
+ },
+ {
+ "bad dynamic attribute name 3",
+ // Allow title or alt, but not a URL.
+ `<img {{"src"}}="{{"javascript:doEvil()"}}">`,
+ `<img ZgotmplZ="javascript:doEvil()">`,
+ },
+ {
+ "bad dynamic attribute name 4",
+ // Structure preservation requires values to associate
+ // with a consistent attribute.
+ `<input checked {{""}}="Whose value am I?">`,
+ `<input checked ZgotmplZ="Whose value am I?">`,
+ },
+ {
+ "dynamic element name",
+ `<h{{3}}><table><t{{"head"}}>...</h{{3}}>`,
+ `<h3><table><thead>...</h3>`,
+ },
+ {
+ "bad dynamic element name",
+ // Dynamic element names are typically used to switch
+ // between (thead, tfoot, tbody), (ul, ol), (th, td),
+ // and other replaceable sets.
+ // We do not currently easily support (ul, ol).
+ // If we do change to support that, this test should
+ // catch failures to filter out special tag names which
+ // would violate the structure preservation property --
+ // if any special tag name could be substituted, then
+ // the content could be raw text/RCDATA for some inputs
+ // and regular HTML content for others.
+ `<{{"script"}}>{{"doEvil()"}}</{{"script"}}>`,
+ `&lt;script>doEvil()&lt;/script>`,
+ },
+ }
+ for _, test := range tests {
+ tmpl := New(test.name)
+ // TODO: Move noescape into template/func.go
+ tmpl.Funcs(FuncMap{
+ "noescape": func(a ...interface{}) string {
+ return fmt.Sprint(a...)
+ },
+ })
+ tmpl = Must(tmpl.Parse(test.input))
+ b := new(bytes.Buffer)
+ if err := tmpl.Execute(b, data); err != nil {
+ t.Errorf("%s: template execution failed: %s", test.name, err)
+ continue
+ }
+ if w, g := test.output, b.String(); w != g {
+ t.Errorf("%s: escaped output: want\n\t%q\ngot\n\t%q", test.name, w, g)
+ continue
+ }
+ b.Reset()
+ if err := tmpl.Execute(b, pdata); err != nil {
+ t.Errorf("%s: template execution failed for pointer: %s", test.name, err)
+ continue
+ }
+ if w, g := test.output, b.String(); w != g {
+ t.Errorf("%s: escaped output for pointer: want\n\t%q\ngot\n\t%q", test.name, w, g)
+ continue
+ }
+ }
+func TestEscapeSet(t *testing.T) {
+ type dataItem struct {
+ Children []*dataItem
+ X string
+ }
+ data := dataItem{
+ Children: []*dataItem{
+ {X: "foo"},
+ {X: "<bar>"},
+ {
+ Children: []*dataItem{
+ {X: "baz"},
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ }
+ tests := []struct {
+ inputs map[string]string
+ want string
+ }{
+ // The trivial set.
+ {
+ map[string]string{
+ "main": ``,
+ },
+ ``,
+ },
+ // A template called in the start context.
+ {
+ map[string]string{
+ "main": `Hello, {{template "helper"}}!`,
+ // Not a valid top level HTML template.
+ // "<b" is not a full tag.
+ "helper": `{{"<World>"}}`,
+ },
+ `Hello, &lt;World&gt;!`,
+ },
+ // A template called in a context other than the start.
+ {
+ map[string]string{
+ "main": `<a onclick='a = {{template "helper"}};'>`,
+ // Not a valid top level HTML template.
+ // "<b" is not a full tag.
+ "helper": `{{"<a>"}}<b`,
+ },
+ `<a onclick='a = &#34;\u003ca\u003e&#34;<b;'>`,
+ },
+ // A recursive template that ends in its start context.
+ {
+ map[string]string{
+ "main": `{{range .Children}}{{template "main" .}}{{else}}{{.X}} {{end}}`,
+ },
+ `foo &lt;bar&gt; baz `,
+ },
+ // A recursive helper template that ends in its start context.
+ {
+ map[string]string{
+ "main": `{{template "helper" .}}`,
+ "helper": `{{if .Children}}<ul>{{range .Children}}<li>{{template "main" .}}</li>{{end}}</ul>{{else}}{{.X}}{{end}}`,
+ },
+ `<ul><li>foo</li><li>&lt;bar&gt;</li><li><ul><li>baz</li></ul></li></ul>`,
+ },
+ // Co-recursive templates that end in its start context.
+ {
+ map[string]string{
+ "main": `<blockquote>{{range .Children}}{{template "helper" .}}{{end}}</blockquote>`,
+ "helper": `{{if .Children}}{{template "main" .}}{{else}}{{.X}}<br>{{end}}`,
+ },
+ `<blockquote>foo<br>&lt;bar&gt;<br><blockquote>baz<br></blockquote></blockquote>`,
+ },
+ // A template that is called in two different contexts.
+ {
+ map[string]string{
+ "main": `<button onclick="title='{{template "helper"}}'; ...">{{template "helper"}}</button>`,
+ "helper": `{{11}} of {{"<100>"}}`,
+ },
+ `<button onclick="title='11 of \x3c100\x3e'; ...">11 of &lt;100&gt;</button>`,
+ },
+ // A non-recursive template that ends in a different context.
+ // helper starts in jsCtxRegexp and ends in jsCtxDivOp.
+ {
+ map[string]string{
+ "main": `<script>var x={{template "helper"}}/{{"42"}};</script>`,
+ "helper": "{{126}}",
+ },
+ `<script>var x= 126 /"42";</script>`,
+ },
+ // A recursive template that ends in a similar context.
+ {
+ map[string]string{
+ "main": `<script>var x=[{{template "countdown" 4}}];</script>`,
+ "countdown": `{{.}}{{if .}},{{template "countdown" . | pred}}{{end}}`,
+ },
+ `<script>var x=[ 4 , 3 , 2 , 1 , 0 ];</script>`,
+ },
+ // A recursive template that ends in a different context.
+ /*
+ {
+ map[string]string{
+ "main": `<a href="/foo{{template "helper" .}}">`,
+ "helper": `{{if .Children}}{{range .Children}}{{template "helper" .}}{{end}}{{else}}?x={{.X}}{{end}}`,
+ },
+ `<a href="/foo?x=foo?x=%3cbar%3e?x=baz">`,
+ },
+ */
+ }
+ // pred is a template function that returns the predecessor of a
+ // natural number for testing recursive templates.
+ fns := FuncMap{"pred": func(a ...interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
+ if len(a) == 1 {
+ if i, _ := a[0].(int); i > 0 {
+ return i - 1, nil
+ }
+ }
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("undefined pred(%v)", a)
+ }}
+ for _, test := range tests {
+ source := ""
+ for name, body := range test.inputs {
+ source += fmt.Sprintf("{{define %q}}%s{{end}} ", name, body)
+ }
+ tmpl, err := New("root").Funcs(fns).Parse(source)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Errorf("error parsing %q: %v", source, err)
+ continue
+ }
+ var b bytes.Buffer
+ if err := tmpl.ExecuteTemplate(&b, "main", data); err != nil {
+ t.Errorf("%q executing %v", err.Error(), tmpl.Lookup("main"))
+ continue
+ }
+ if got := b.String(); test.want != got {
+ t.Errorf("want\n\t%q\ngot\n\t%q", test.want, got)
+ }
+ }
+func TestErrors(t *testing.T) {
+ tests := []struct {
+ input string
+ err string
+ }{
+ // Non-error cases.
+ {
+ "{{if .Cond}}<a>{{else}}<b>{{end}}",
+ "",
+ },
+ {
+ "{{if .Cond}}<a>{{end}}",
+ "",
+ },
+ {
+ "{{if .Cond}}{{else}}<b>{{end}}",
+ "",
+ },
+ {
+ "{{with .Cond}}<div>{{end}}",
+ "",
+ },
+ {
+ "{{range .Items}}<a>{{end}}",
+ "",
+ },
+ {
+ "<a href='/foo?{{range .Items}}&{{.K}}={{.V}}{{end}}'>",
+ "",
+ },
+ // Error cases.
+ {
+ "{{if .Cond}}<a{{end}}",
+ "z:1: {{if}} branches",
+ },
+ {
+ "{{if .Cond}}\n{{else}}\n<a{{end}}",
+ "z:1: {{if}} branches",
+ },
+ {
+ // Missing quote in the else branch.
+ `{{if .Cond}}<a href="foo">{{else}}<a href="bar>{{end}}`,
+ "z:1: {{if}} branches",
+ },
+ {
+ // Different kind of attribute: href implies a URL.
+ "<a {{if .Cond}}href='{{else}}title='{{end}}{{.X}}'>",
+ "z:1: {{if}} branches",
+ },
+ {
+ "\n{{with .X}}<a{{end}}",
+ "z:2: {{with}} branches",
+ },
+ {
+ "\n{{with .X}}<a>{{else}}<a{{end}}",
+ "z:2: {{with}} branches",
+ },
+ {
+ "{{range .Items}}<a{{end}}",
+ `z:1: on range loop re-entry: "<" in attribute name: "<a"`,
+ },
+ {
+ "\n{{range .Items}} x='<a{{end}}",
+ "z:2: on range loop re-entry: {{range}} branches",
+ },
+ {
+ "<a b=1 c={{.H}}",
+ "z: ends in a non-text context: {stateAttr delimSpaceOrTagEnd",
+ },
+ {
+ "<script>foo();",
+ "z: ends in a non-text context: {stateJS",
+ },
+ {
+ `<a href="{{if .F}}/foo?a={{else}}/bar/{{end}}{{.H}}">`,
+ "z:1: {{.H}} appears in an ambiguous URL context",
+ },
+ {
+ `<a onclick="alert('Hello \`,
+ `unfinished escape sequence in JS string: "Hello \\"`,
+ },
+ {
+ `<a onclick='alert("Hello\, World\`,
+ `unfinished escape sequence in JS string: "Hello\\, World\\"`,
+ },
+ {
+ `<a onclick='alert(/x+\`,
+ `unfinished escape sequence in JS string: "x+\\"`,
+ },
+ {
+ `<a onclick="/foo[\]/`,
+ `unfinished JS regexp charset: "foo[\\]/"`,
+ },
+ {
+ // It is ambiguous whether 1.5 should be 1\.5 or 1.5.
+ // Either `var x = 1/- 1.5 /i.test(x)`
+ // where `i.test(x)` is a method call of reference i,
+ // or `/-1\.5/i.test(x)` which is a method call on a
+ // case insensitive regular expression.
+ `<script>{{if false}}var x = 1{{end}}/-{{"1.5"}}/i.test(x)</script>`,
+ `'/' could start a division or regexp: "/-"`,
+ },
+ {
+ `{{template "foo"}}`,
+ "z:1: no such template \"foo\"",
+ },
+ {
+ `<div{{template "y"}}>` +
+ // Illegal starting in stateTag but not in stateText.
+ `{{define "y"}} foo<b{{end}}`,
+ `"<" in attribute name: " foo<b"`,
+ },
+ {
+ `<script>reverseList = [{{template "t"}}]</script>` +
+ // Missing " after recursive call.
+ `{{define "t"}}{{if .Tail}}{{template "t" .Tail}}{{end}}{{.Head}}",{{end}}`,
+ `: cannot compute output context for template t$htmltemplate_stateJS_elementScript`,
+ },
+ {
+ `<input type=button value=onclick=>`,
+ `html/template:z: "=" in unquoted attr: "onclick="`,
+ },
+ {
+ `<input type=button value= onclick=>`,
+ `html/template:z: "=" in unquoted attr: "onclick="`,
+ },
+ {
+ `<input type=button value= 1+1=2>`,
+ `html/template:z: "=" in unquoted attr: "1+1=2"`,
+ },
+ {
+ "<a class=`foo>",
+ "html/template:z: \"`\" in unquoted attr: \"`foo\"",
+ },
+ {
+ `<a style=font:'Arial'>`,
+ `html/template:z: "'" in unquoted attr: "font:'Arial'"`,
+ },
+ {
+ `<a=foo>`,
+ `: expected space, attr name, or end of tag, but got "=foo>"`,
+ },
+ }
+ for _, test := range tests {
+ buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
+ tmpl, err := New("z").Parse(test.input)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Errorf("input=%q: unexpected parse error %s\n", test.input, err)
+ continue
+ }
+ err = tmpl.Execute(buf, nil)
+ var got string
+ if err != nil {
+ got = err.Error()
+ }
+ if test.err == "" {
+ if got != "" {
+ t.Errorf("input=%q: unexpected error %q", test.input, got)
+ }
+ continue
+ }
+ if strings.Index(got, test.err) == -1 {
+ t.Errorf("input=%q: error\n\t%q\ndoes not contain expected string\n\t%q", test.input, got, test.err)
+ continue
+ }
+ }
+func TestEscapeText(t *testing.T) {
+ tests := []struct {
+ input string
+ output context
+ }{
+ {
+ ``,
+ context{},
+ },
+ {
+ `Hello, World!`,
+ context{},
+ },
+ {
+ // An orphaned "<" is OK.
+ `I <3 Ponies!`,
+ context{},
+ },
+ {
+ `<a`,
+ context{state: stateTag},
+ },
+ {
+ `<a `,
+ context{state: stateTag},
+ },
+ {
+ `<a>`,
+ context{state: stateText},
+ },
+ {
+ `<a href`,
+ context{state: stateAttrName, attr: attrURL},
+ },
+ {
+ `<a on`,
+ context{state: stateAttrName, attr: attrScript},
+ },
+ {
+ `<a href `,
+ context{state: stateAfterName, attr: attrURL},
+ },
+ {
+ `<a style = `,
+ context{state: stateBeforeValue, attr: attrStyle},
+ },
+ {
+ `<a href=`,
+ context{state: stateBeforeValue, attr: attrURL},
+ },
+ {
+ `<a href=x`,
+ context{state: stateURL, delim: delimSpaceOrTagEnd, urlPart: urlPartPreQuery},
+ },
+ {
+ `<a href=x `,
+ context{state: stateTag},
+ },
+ {
+ `<a href=>`,
+ context{state: stateText},
+ },
+ {
+ `<a href=x>`,
+ context{state: stateText},
+ },
+ {
+ `<a href ='`,
+ context{state: stateURL, delim: delimSingleQuote},
+ },
+ {
+ `<a href=''`,
+ context{state: stateTag},
+ },
+ {
+ `<a href= "`,
+ context{state: stateURL, delim: delimDoubleQuote},
+ },
+ {
+ `<a href=""`,
+ context{state: stateTag},
+ },
+ {
+ `<a title="`,
+ context{state: stateAttr, delim: delimDoubleQuote},
+ },
+ {
+ `<a HREF='http:`,
+ context{state: stateURL, delim: delimSingleQuote, urlPart: urlPartPreQuery},
+ },
+ {
+ `<a Href='/`,
+ context{state: stateURL, delim: delimSingleQuote, urlPart: urlPartPreQuery},
+ },
+ {
+ `<a href='"`,
+ context{state: stateURL, delim: delimSingleQuote, urlPart: urlPartPreQuery},
+ },
+ {
+ `<a href="'`,
+ context{state: stateURL, delim: delimDoubleQuote, urlPart: urlPartPreQuery},
+ },
+ {
+ `<a href='&apos;`,
+ context{state: stateURL, delim: delimSingleQuote, urlPart: urlPartPreQuery},
+ },
+ {
+ `<a href="&quot;`,
+ context{state: stateURL, delim: delimDoubleQuote, urlPart: urlPartPreQuery},
+ },
+ {
+ `<a href="&#34;`,
+ context{state: stateURL, delim: delimDoubleQuote, urlPart: urlPartPreQuery},
+ },
+ {
+ `<a href=&quot;`,
+ context{state: stateURL, delim: delimSpaceOrTagEnd, urlPart: urlPartPreQuery},
+ },
+ {
+ `<img alt="1">`,
+ context{state: stateText},
+ },
+ {
+ `<img alt="1>"`,
+ context{state: stateTag},
+ },
+ {
+ `<img alt="1>">`,
+ context{state: stateText},
+ },
+ {
+ `<input checked type="checkbox"`,
+ context{state: stateTag},
+ },
+ {
+ `<a onclick="`,
+ context{state: stateJS, delim: delimDoubleQuote},
+ },
+ {
+ `<a onclick="//foo`,
+ context{state: stateJSLineCmt, delim: delimDoubleQuote},
+ },
+ {
+ "<a onclick='//\n",
+ context{state: stateJS, delim: delimSingleQuote},
+ },
+ {
+ "<a onclick='//\r\n",
+ context{state: stateJS, delim: delimSingleQuote},
+ },
+ {
+ "<a onclick='//\u2028",
+ context{state: stateJS, delim: delimSingleQuote},
+ },
+ {
+ `<a onclick="/*`,
+ context{state: stateJSBlockCmt, delim: delimDoubleQuote},
+ },
+ {
+ `<a onclick="/*/`,
+ context{state: stateJSBlockCmt, delim: delimDoubleQuote},
+ },
+ {
+ `<a onclick="/**/`,
+ context{state: stateJS, delim: delimDoubleQuote},
+ },
+ {
+ `<a onkeypress="&quot;`,
+ context{state: stateJSDqStr, delim: delimDoubleQuote},
+ },
+ {
+ `<a onclick='&quot;foo&quot;`,
+ context{state: stateJS, delim: delimSingleQuote, jsCtx: jsCtxDivOp},
+ },
+ {
+ `<a onclick=&#39;foo&#39;`,
+ context{state: stateJS, delim: delimSpaceOrTagEnd, jsCtx: jsCtxDivOp},
+ },
+ {
+ `<a onclick=&#39;foo`,
+ context{state: stateJSSqStr, delim: delimSpaceOrTagEnd},
+ },
+ {
+ `<a onclick="&quot;foo'`,
+ context{state: stateJSDqStr, delim: delimDoubleQuote},
+ },
+ {
+ `<a onclick="'foo&quot;`,
+ context{state: stateJSSqStr, delim: delimDoubleQuote},
+ },
+ {
+ `<A ONCLICK="'`,
+ context{state: stateJSSqStr, delim: delimDoubleQuote},
+ },
+ {
+ `<a onclick="/`,
+ context{state: stateJSRegexp, delim: delimDoubleQuote},
+ },
+ {
+ `<a onclick="'foo'`,
+ context{state: stateJS, delim: delimDoubleQuote, jsCtx: jsCtxDivOp},
+ },
+ {
+ `<a onclick="'foo\'`,
+ context{state: stateJSSqStr, delim: delimDoubleQuote},
+ },
+ {
+ `<a onclick="'foo\'`,
+ context{state: stateJSSqStr, delim: delimDoubleQuote},
+ },
+ {
+ `<a onclick="/foo/`,
+ context{state: stateJS, delim: delimDoubleQuote, jsCtx: jsCtxDivOp},
+ },
+ {
+ `<script>/foo/ /=`,
+ context{state: stateJS, element: elementScript},
+ },
+ {
+ `<a onclick="1 /foo`,
+ context{state: stateJS, delim: delimDoubleQuote, jsCtx: jsCtxDivOp},
+ },
+ {
+ `<a onclick="1 /*c*/ /foo`,
+ context{state: stateJS, delim: delimDoubleQuote, jsCtx: jsCtxDivOp},
+ },
+ {
+ `<a onclick="/foo[/]`,
+ context{state: stateJSRegexp, delim: delimDoubleQuote},
+ },
+ {
+ `<a onclick="/foo\/`,
+ context{state: stateJSRegexp, delim: delimDoubleQuote},
+ },
+ {
+ `<a onclick="/foo/`,
+ context{state: stateJS, delim: delimDoubleQuote, jsCtx: jsCtxDivOp},
+ },
+ {
+ `<input checked style="`,
+ context{state: stateCSS, delim: delimDoubleQuote},
+ },
+ {
+ `<a style="//`,
+ context{state: stateCSSLineCmt, delim: delimDoubleQuote},
+ },
+ {
+ `<a style="//</script>`,
+ context{state: stateCSSLineCmt, delim: delimDoubleQuote},
+ },
+ {
+ "<a style='//\n",
+ context{state: stateCSS, delim: delimSingleQuote},
+ },
+ {
+ "<a style='//\r",
+ context{state: stateCSS, delim: delimSingleQuote},
+ },
+ {
+ `<a style="/*`,
+ context{state: stateCSSBlockCmt, delim: delimDoubleQuote},
+ },
+ {
+ `<a style="/*/`,
+ context{state: stateCSSBlockCmt, delim: delimDoubleQuote},
+ },
+ {
+ `<a style="/**/`,
+ context{state: stateCSS, delim: delimDoubleQuote},
+ },
+ {
+ `<a style="background: '`,
+ context{state: stateCSSSqStr, delim: delimDoubleQuote},
+ },
+ {
+ `<a style="background: &quot;`,
+ context{state: stateCSSDqStr, delim: delimDoubleQuote},
+ },
+ {
+ `<a style="background: '/foo?img=`,
+ context{state: stateCSSSqStr, delim: delimDoubleQuote, urlPart: urlPartQueryOrFrag},
+ },
+ {
+ `<a style="background: '/`,
+ context{state: stateCSSSqStr, delim: delimDoubleQuote, urlPart: urlPartPreQuery},
+ },
+ {
+ `<a style="background: url(&#x22;/`,
+ context{state: stateCSSDqURL, delim: delimDoubleQuote, urlPart: urlPartPreQuery},
+ },
+ {
+ `<a style="background: url('/`,
+ context{state: stateCSSSqURL, delim: delimDoubleQuote, urlPart: urlPartPreQuery},
+ },
+ {
+ `<a style="background: url('/)`,
+ context{state: stateCSSSqURL, delim: delimDoubleQuote, urlPart: urlPartPreQuery},
+ },
+ {
+ `<a style="background: url('/ `,
+ context{state: stateCSSSqURL, delim: delimDoubleQuote, urlPart: urlPartPreQuery},
+ },
+ {
+ `<a style="background: url(/`,
+ context{state: stateCSSURL, delim: delimDoubleQuote, urlPart: urlPartPreQuery},
+ },
+ {
+ `<a style="background: url( `,
+ context{state: stateCSSURL, delim: delimDoubleQuote},
+ },
+ {
+ `<a style="background: url( /image?name=`,
+ context{state: stateCSSURL, delim: delimDoubleQuote, urlPart: urlPartQueryOrFrag},
+ },
+ {
+ `<a style="background: url(x)`,
+ context{state: stateCSS, delim: delimDoubleQuote},
+ },
+ {
+ `<a style="background: url('x'`,
+ context{state: stateCSS, delim: delimDoubleQuote},
+ },
+ {
+ `<a style="background: url( x `,
+ context{state: stateCSS, delim: delimDoubleQuote},
+ },
+ {
+ `<!-- foo`,
+ context{state: stateHTMLCmt},
+ },
+ {
+ `<!-->`,
+ context{state: stateHTMLCmt},
+ },
+ {
+ `<!--->`,
+ context{state: stateHTMLCmt},
+ },
+ {
+ `<!-- foo -->`,
+ context{state: stateText},
+ },
+ {
+ `<script`,
+ context{state: stateTag, element: elementScript},
+ },
+ {
+ `<script `,
+ context{state: stateTag, element: elementScript},
+ },
+ {
+ `<script src="foo.js" `,
+ context{state: stateTag, element: elementScript},
+ },
+ {
+ `<script src='foo.js' `,
+ context{state: stateTag, element: elementScript},
+ },
+ {
+ `<script type=text/javascript `,
+ context{state: stateTag, element: elementScript},
+ },
+ {
+ `<script>foo`,
+ context{state: stateJS, jsCtx: jsCtxDivOp, element: elementScript},
+ },
+ {
+ `<script>foo</script>`,
+ context{state: stateText},
+ },
+ {
+ `<script>foo</script><!--`,
+ context{state: stateHTMLCmt},
+ },
+ {
+ `<script>document.write("<p>foo</p>");`,
+ context{state: stateJS, element: elementScript},
+ },
+ {
+ `<script>document.write("<p>foo<\/script>");`,
+ context{state: stateJS, element: elementScript},
+ },
+ {
+ `<script>document.write("<script>alert(1)</script>");`,
+ context{state: stateText},
+ },
+ {
+ `<Script>`,
+ context{state: stateJS, element: elementScript},
+ },
+ {
+ `<SCRIPT>foo`,
+ context{state: stateJS, jsCtx: jsCtxDivOp, element: elementScript},
+ },
+ {
+ `<textarea>value`,
+ context{state: stateRCDATA, element: elementTextarea},
+ },
+ {
+ `<textarea>value</TEXTAREA>`,
+ context{state: stateText},
+ },
+ {
+ `<textarea name=html><b`,
+ context{state: stateRCDATA, element: elementTextarea},
+ },
+ {
+ `<title>value`,
+ context{state: stateRCDATA, element: elementTitle},
+ },
+ {
+ `<style>value`,
+ context{state: stateCSS, element: elementStyle},
+ },
+ {
+ `<a xlink:href`,
+ context{state: stateAttrName, attr: attrURL},
+ },
+ {
+ `<a xmlns`,
+ context{state: stateAttrName, attr: attrURL},
+ },
+ {
+ `<a xmlns:foo`,
+ context{state: stateAttrName, attr: attrURL},
+ },
+ {
+ `<a xmlnsxyz`,
+ context{state: stateAttrName},
+ },
+ {
+ `<a data-url`,
+ context{state: stateAttrName, attr: attrURL},
+ },
+ {
+ `<a data-iconUri`,
+ context{state: stateAttrName, attr: attrURL},
+ },
+ {
+ `<a data-urlItem`,
+ context{state: stateAttrName, attr: attrURL},
+ },
+ {
+ `<a g:`,
+ context{state: stateAttrName},
+ },
+ {
+ `<a g:url`,
+ context{state: stateAttrName, attr: attrURL},
+ },
+ {
+ `<a g:iconUri`,
+ context{state: stateAttrName, attr: attrURL},
+ },
+ {
+ `<a g:urlItem`,
+ context{state: stateAttrName, attr: attrURL},
+ },
+ {
+ `<a g:value`,
+ context{state: stateAttrName},
+ },
+ {
+ `<a svg:style='`,
+ context{state: stateCSS, delim: delimSingleQuote},
+ },
+ {
+ `<svg:font-face`,
+ context{state: stateTag},
+ },
+ {
+ `<svg:a svg:onclick="`,
+ context{state: stateJS, delim: delimDoubleQuote},
+ },
+ }
+ for _, test := range tests {
+ b, e := []byte(test.input), newEscaper(nil)
+ c := e.escapeText(context{}, &parse.TextNode{NodeType: parse.NodeText, Text: b})
+ if !test.output.eq(c) {
+ t.Errorf("input %q: want context\n\t%v\ngot\n\t%v", test.input, test.output, c)
+ continue
+ }
+ if test.input != string(b) {
+ t.Errorf("input %q: text node was modified: want %q got %q", test.input, test.input, b)
+ continue
+ }
+ }
+func TestEnsurePipelineContains(t *testing.T) {
+ tests := []struct {
+ input, output string
+ ids []string
+ }{
+ {
+ "{{.X}}",
+ ".X",
+ []string{},
+ },
+ {
+ "{{.X | html}}",
+ ".X | html",
+ []string{},
+ },
+ {
+ "{{.X}}",
+ ".X | html",
+ []string{"html"},
+ },
+ {
+ "{{.X | html}}",
+ ".X | html | urlquery",
+ []string{"urlquery"},
+ },
+ {
+ "{{.X | html | urlquery}}",
+ ".X | html | urlquery",
+ []string{"urlquery"},
+ },
+ {
+ "{{.X | html | urlquery}}",
+ ".X | html | urlquery",
+ []string{"html", "urlquery"},
+ },
+ {
+ "{{.X | html | urlquery}}",
+ ".X | html | urlquery",
+ []string{"html"},
+ },
+ {
+ "{{.X | urlquery}}",
+ ".X | html | urlquery",
+ []string{"html", "urlquery"},
+ },
+ {
+ "{{.X | html | print}}",
+ ".X | urlquery | html | print",
+ []string{"urlquery", "html"},
+ },
+ }
+ for i, test := range tests {
+ tmpl := template.Must(template.New("test").Parse(test.input))
+ action, ok := (tmpl.Tree.Root.Nodes[0].(*parse.ActionNode))
+ if !ok {
+ t.Errorf("#%d: First node is not an action: %s", i, test.input)
+ continue
+ }
+ pipe := action.Pipe
+ ensurePipelineContains(pipe, test.ids)
+ got := pipe.String()
+ if got != test.output {
+ t.Errorf("#%d: %s, %v: want\n\t%s\ngot\n\t%s", i, test.input, test.ids, test.output, got)
+ }
+ }
+func TestEscapeErrorsNotIgnorable(t *testing.T) {
+ var b bytes.Buffer
+ tmpl, _ := New("dangerous").Parse("<a")
+ err := tmpl.Execute(&b, nil)
+ if err == nil {
+ t.Errorf("Expected error")
+ } else if b.Len() != 0 {
+ t.Errorf("Emitted output despite escaping failure")
+ }
+func TestEscapeSetErrorsNotIgnorable(t *testing.T) {
+ var b bytes.Buffer
+ tmpl, err := New("root").Parse(`{{define "t"}}<a{{end}}`)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Errorf("failed to parse set: %q", err)
+ }
+ err = tmpl.ExecuteTemplate(&b, "t", nil)
+ if err == nil {
+ t.Errorf("Expected error")
+ } else if b.Len() != 0 {
+ t.Errorf("Emitted output despite escaping failure")
+ }
+func TestRedundantFuncs(t *testing.T) {
+ inputs := []interface{}{
+ "\x00\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08\t\n\x0b\x0c\r\x0e\x0f" +
+ "\x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17\x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f" +
+ ` !"#$%&'()*+,-./` +
+ `0123456789:;<=>?` +
+ `PQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_` +
+ "`abcdefghijklmno" +
+ "pqrstuvwxyz{|}~\x7f" +
+ "\u00A0\u0100\u2028\u2029\ufeff\ufdec\ufffd\uffff\U0001D11E" +
+ "&amp;%22\\",
+ CSS(`a[href =~ "//example.com"]#foo`),
+ HTML(`Hello, <b>World</b> &amp;tc!`),
+ HTMLAttr(` dir="ltr"`),
+ JS(`c && alert("Hello, World!");`),
+ JSStr(`Hello, World & O'Reilly\x21`),
+ URL(`greeting=H%69&addressee=(World)`),
+ }
+ for n0, m := range redundantFuncs {
+ f0 := funcMap[n0].(func(...interface{}) string)
+ for n1 := range m {
+ f1 := funcMap[n1].(func(...interface{}) string)
+ for _, input := range inputs {
+ want := f0(input)
+ if got := f1(want); want != got {
+ t.Errorf("%s %s with %T %q: want\n\t%q,\ngot\n\t%q", n0, n1, input, input, want, got)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+func TestIndirectPrint(t *testing.T) {
+ a := 3
+ ap := &a
+ b := "hello"
+ bp := &b
+ bpp := &bp
+ tmpl := Must(New("t").Parse(`{{.}}`))
+ var buf bytes.Buffer
+ err := tmpl.Execute(&buf, ap)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Errorf("Unexpected error: %s", err)
+ } else if buf.String() != "3" {
+ t.Errorf(`Expected "3"; got %q`, buf.String())
+ }
+ buf.Reset()
+ err = tmpl.Execute(&buf, bpp)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Errorf("Unexpected error: %s", err)
+ } else if buf.String() != "hello" {
+ t.Errorf(`Expected "hello"; got %q`, buf.String())
+ }
+// This is a test for issue 3272.
+func TestEmptyTemplate(t *testing.T) {
+ page := Must(New("page").ParseFiles(os.DevNull))
+ if err := page.ExecuteTemplate(os.Stdout, "page", "nothing"); err == nil {
+ t.Fatal("expected error")
+ }
+func BenchmarkEscapedExecute(b *testing.B) {
+ tmpl := Must(New("t").Parse(`<a onclick="alert('{{.}}')">{{.}}</a>`))
+ var buf bytes.Buffer
+ b.ResetTimer()
+ for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
+ tmpl.Execute(&buf, "foo & 'bar' & baz")
+ buf.Reset()
+ }
diff --git a/gcc-4.7/libgo/go/html/template/html.go b/gcc-4.7/libgo/go/html/template/html.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..36c88e23e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gcc-4.7/libgo/go/html/template/html.go
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
+// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package template
+import (
+ "bytes"
+ "fmt"
+ "strings"
+ "unicode/utf8"
+// htmlNospaceEscaper escapes for inclusion in unquoted attribute values.
+func htmlNospaceEscaper(args ...interface{}) string {
+ s, t := stringify(args...)
+ if t == contentTypeHTML {
+ return htmlReplacer(stripTags(s), htmlNospaceNormReplacementTable, false)
+ }
+ return htmlReplacer(s, htmlNospaceReplacementTable, false)
+// attrEscaper escapes for inclusion in quoted attribute values.
+func attrEscaper(args ...interface{}) string {
+ s, t := stringify(args...)
+ if t == contentTypeHTML {
+ return htmlReplacer(stripTags(s), htmlNormReplacementTable, true)
+ }
+ return htmlReplacer(s, htmlReplacementTable, true)
+// rcdataEscaper escapes for inclusion in an RCDATA element body.
+func rcdataEscaper(args ...interface{}) string {
+ s, t := stringify(args...)
+ if t == contentTypeHTML {
+ return htmlReplacer(s, htmlNormReplacementTable, true)
+ }
+ return htmlReplacer(s, htmlReplacementTable, true)
+// htmlEscaper escapes for inclusion in HTML text.
+func htmlEscaper(args ...interface{}) string {
+ s, t := stringify(args...)
+ if t == contentTypeHTML {
+ return s
+ }
+ return htmlReplacer(s, htmlReplacementTable, true)
+// htmlReplacementTable contains the runes that need to be escaped
+// inside a quoted attribute value or in a text node.
+var htmlReplacementTable = []string{
+ // http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/tokenization.html#attribute-value-unquoted-state: "
+ // U+0000 NULL Parse error. Append a U+FFFD REPLACEMENT
+ // CHARACTER character to the current attribute's value.
+ // "
+ // and similarly
+ // http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/tokenization.html#before-attribute-value-state
+ 0: "\uFFFD",
+ '"': "&#34;",
+ '&': "&amp;",
+ '\'': "&#39;",
+ '+': "&#43;",
+ '<': "&lt;",
+ '>': "&gt;",
+// htmlNormReplacementTable is like htmlReplacementTable but without '&' to
+// avoid over-encoding existing entities.
+var htmlNormReplacementTable = []string{
+ 0: "\uFFFD",
+ '"': "&#34;",
+ '\'': "&#39;",
+ '+': "&#43;",
+ '<': "&lt;",
+ '>': "&gt;",
+// htmlNospaceReplacementTable contains the runes that need to be escaped
+// inside an unquoted attribute value.
+// The set of runes escaped is the union of the HTML specials and
+// those determined by running the JS below in browsers:
+// <div id=d></div>
+// <script>(function () {
+// var a = [], d = document.getElementById("d"), i, c, s;
+// for (i = 0; i < 0x10000; ++i) {
+// c = String.fromCharCode(i);
+// d.innerHTML = "<span title=" + c + "lt" + c + "></span>"
+// s = d.getElementsByTagName("SPAN")[0];
+// if (!s || s.title !== c + "lt" + c) { a.push(i.toString(16)); }
+// }
+// document.write(a.join(", "));
+// })()</script>
+var htmlNospaceReplacementTable = []string{
+ 0: "&#xfffd;",
+ '\t': "&#9;",
+ '\n': "&#10;",
+ '\v': "&#11;",
+ '\f': "&#12;",
+ '\r': "&#13;",
+ ' ': "&#32;",
+ '"': "&#34;",
+ '&': "&amp;",
+ '\'': "&#39;",
+ '+': "&#43;",
+ '<': "&lt;",
+ '=': "&#61;",
+ '>': "&gt;",
+ // A parse error in the attribute value (unquoted) and
+ // before attribute value states.
+ // Treated as a quoting character by IE.
+ '`': "&#96;",
+// htmlNospaceNormReplacementTable is like htmlNospaceReplacementTable but
+// without '&' to avoid over-encoding existing entities.
+var htmlNospaceNormReplacementTable = []string{
+ 0: "&#xfffd;",
+ '\t': "&#9;",
+ '\n': "&#10;",
+ '\v': "&#11;",
+ '\f': "&#12;",
+ '\r': "&#13;",
+ ' ': "&#32;",
+ '"': "&#34;",
+ '\'': "&#39;",
+ '+': "&#43;",
+ '<': "&lt;",
+ '=': "&#61;",
+ '>': "&gt;",
+ // A parse error in the attribute value (unquoted) and
+ // before attribute value states.
+ // Treated as a quoting character by IE.
+ '`': "&#96;",
+// htmlReplacer returns s with runes replaced according to replacementTable
+// and when badRunes is true, certain bad runes are allowed through unescaped.
+func htmlReplacer(s string, replacementTable []string, badRunes bool) string {
+ written, b := 0, new(bytes.Buffer)
+ for i, r := range s {
+ if int(r) < len(replacementTable) {
+ if repl := replacementTable[r]; len(repl) != 0 {
+ b.WriteString(s[written:i])
+ b.WriteString(repl)
+ // Valid as long as replacementTable doesn't
+ // include anything above 0x7f.
+ written = i + utf8.RuneLen(r)
+ }
+ } else if badRunes {
+ // No-op.
+ // IE does not allow these ranges in unquoted attrs.
+ } else if 0xfdd0 <= r && r <= 0xfdef || 0xfff0 <= r && r <= 0xffff {
+ fmt.Fprintf(b, "%s&#x%x;", s[written:i], r)
+ written = i + utf8.RuneLen(r)
+ }
+ }
+ if written == 0 {
+ return s
+ }
+ b.WriteString(s[written:])
+ return b.String()
+// stripTags takes a snippet of HTML and returns only the text content.
+// For example, `<b>&iexcl;Hi!</b> <script>...</script>` -> `&iexcl;Hi! `.
+func stripTags(html string) string {
+ var b bytes.Buffer
+ s, c, i, allText := []byte(html), context{}, 0, true
+ // Using the transition funcs helps us avoid mangling
+ // `<div title="1>2">` or `I <3 Ponies!`.
+ for i != len(s) {
+ if c.delim == delimNone {
+ st := c.state
+ // Use RCDATA instead of parsing into JS or CSS styles.
+ if c.element != elementNone && !isInTag(st) {
+ st = stateRCDATA
+ }
+ d, nread := transitionFunc[st](c, s[i:])
+ i1 := i + nread
+ if c.state == stateText || c.state == stateRCDATA {
+ // Emit text up to the start of the tag or comment.
+ j := i1
+ if d.state != c.state {
+ for j1 := j - 1; j1 >= i; j1-- {
+ if s[j1] == '<' {
+ j = j1
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ b.Write(s[i:j])
+ } else {
+ allText = false
+ }
+ c, i = d, i1
+ continue
+ }
+ i1 := i + bytes.IndexAny(s[i:], delimEnds[c.delim])
+ if i1 < i {
+ break
+ }
+ if c.delim != delimSpaceOrTagEnd {
+ // Consume any quote.
+ i1++
+ }
+ c, i = context{state: stateTag, element: c.element}, i1
+ }
+ if allText {
+ return html
+ } else if c.state == stateText || c.state == stateRCDATA {
+ b.Write(s[i:])
+ }
+ return b.String()
+// htmlNameFilter accepts valid parts of an HTML attribute or tag name or
+// a known-safe HTML attribute.
+func htmlNameFilter(args ...interface{}) string {
+ s, t := stringify(args...)
+ if t == contentTypeHTMLAttr {
+ return s
+ }
+ if len(s) == 0 {
+ // Avoid violation of structure preservation.
+ // <input checked {{.K}}={{.V}}>.
+ // Without this, if .K is empty then .V is the value of
+ // checked, but otherwise .V is the value of the attribute
+ // named .K.
+ return filterFailsafe
+ }
+ s = strings.ToLower(s)
+ if t := attrType(s); t != contentTypePlain {
+ // TODO: Split attr and element name part filters so we can whitelist
+ // attributes.
+ return filterFailsafe
+ }
+ for _, r := range s {
+ switch {
+ case '0' <= r && r <= '9':
+ case 'a' <= r && r <= 'z':
+ default:
+ return filterFailsafe
+ }
+ }
+ return s
+// commentEscaper returns the empty string regardless of input.
+// Comment content does not correspond to any parsed structure or
+// human-readable content, so the simplest and most secure policy is to drop
+// content interpolated into comments.
+// This approach is equally valid whether or not static comment content is
+// removed from the template.
+func commentEscaper(args ...interface{}) string {
+ return ""
diff --git a/gcc-4.7/libgo/go/html/template/html_test.go b/gcc-4.7/libgo/go/html/template/html_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b9b970387
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gcc-4.7/libgo/go/html/template/html_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package template
+import (
+ "html"
+ "strings"
+ "testing"
+func TestHTMLNospaceEscaper(t *testing.T) {
+ input := ("\x00\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08\t\n\x0b\x0c\r\x0e\x0f" +
+ "\x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17\x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f" +
+ ` !"#$%&'()*+,-./` +
+ `0123456789:;<=>?` +
+ `PQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_` +
+ "`abcdefghijklmno" +
+ "pqrstuvwxyz{|}~\x7f" +
+ "\u00A0\u0100\u2028\u2029\ufeff\ufdec\U0001D11E")
+ want := ("&#xfffd;\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07" +
+ "\x08&#9;&#10;&#11;&#12;&#13;\x0E\x0F" +
+ "\x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17" +
+ "\x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f" +
+ `&#32;!&#34;#$%&amp;&#39;()*&#43;,-./` +
+ `0123456789:;&lt;&#61;&gt;?` +
+ `PQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_` +
+ `&#96;abcdefghijklmno` +
+ `pqrstuvwxyz{|}~` + "\u007f" +
+ "\u00A0\u0100\u2028\u2029\ufeff&#xfdec;\U0001D11E")
+ got := htmlNospaceEscaper(input)
+ if got != want {
+ t.Errorf("encode: want\n\t%q\nbut got\n\t%q", want, got)
+ }
+ got, want = html.UnescapeString(got), strings.Replace(input, "\x00", "\ufffd", 1)
+ if want != got {
+ t.Errorf("decode: want\n\t%q\nbut got\n\t%q", want, got)
+ }
+func TestStripTags(t *testing.T) {
+ tests := []struct {
+ input, want string
+ }{
+ {"", ""},
+ {"Hello, World!", "Hello, World!"},
+ {"foo&amp;bar", "foo&amp;bar"},
+ {`Hello <a href="www.example.com/">World</a>!`, "Hello World!"},
+ {"Foo <textarea>Bar</textarea> Baz", "Foo Bar Baz"},
+ {"Foo <!-- Bar --> Baz", "Foo Baz"},
+ {"<", "<"},
+ {"foo < bar", "foo < bar"},
+ {`Foo<script type="text/javascript">alert(1337)</script>Bar`, "FooBar"},
+ {`Foo<div title="1>2">Bar`, "FooBar"},
+ {`I <3 Ponies!`, `I <3 Ponies!`},
+ {`<script>foo()</script>`, ``},
+ }
+ for _, test := range tests {
+ if got := stripTags(test.input); got != test.want {
+ t.Errorf("%q: want %q, got %q", test.input, test.want, got)
+ }
+ }
+func BenchmarkHTMLNospaceEscaper(b *testing.B) {
+ for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
+ htmlNospaceEscaper("The <i>quick</i>,\r\n<span style='color:brown'>brown</span> fox jumps\u2028over the <canine class=\"lazy\">dog</canine>")
+ }
+func BenchmarkHTMLNospaceEscaperNoSpecials(b *testing.B) {
+ for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
+ htmlNospaceEscaper("The_quick,_brown_fox_jumps_over_the_lazy_dog.")
+ }
+func BenchmarkStripTags(b *testing.B) {
+ for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
+ stripTags("The <i>quick</i>,\r\n<span style='color:brown'>brown</span> fox jumps\u2028over the <canine class=\"lazy\">dog</canine>")
+ }
+func BenchmarkStripTagsNoSpecials(b *testing.B) {
+ for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
+ stripTags("The quick, brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.")
+ }
diff --git a/gcc-4.7/libgo/go/html/template/js.go b/gcc-4.7/libgo/go/html/template/js.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a895a50aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gcc-4.7/libgo/go/html/template/js.go
@@ -0,0 +1,362 @@
+// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package template
+import (
+ "bytes"
+ "encoding/json"
+ "fmt"
+ "reflect"
+ "strings"
+ "unicode/utf8"
+// nextJSCtx returns the context that determines whether a slash after the
+// given run of tokens tokens starts a regular expression instead of a division
+// operator: / or /=.
+// This assumes that the token run does not include any string tokens, comment
+// tokens, regular expression literal tokens, or division operators.
+// This fails on some valid but nonsensical JavaScript programs like
+// "x = ++/foo/i" which is quite different than "x++/foo/i", but is not known to
+// fail on any known useful programs. It is based on the draft
+// JavaScript 2.0 lexical grammar and requires one token of lookbehind:
+// http://www.mozilla.org/js/language/js20-2000-07/rationale/syntax.html
+func nextJSCtx(s []byte, preceding jsCtx) jsCtx {
+ s = bytes.TrimRight(s, "\t\n\f\r \u2028\u2029")
+ if len(s) == 0 {
+ return preceding
+ }
+ // All cases below are in the single-byte UTF-8 group.
+ switch c, n := s[len(s)-1], len(s); c {
+ case '+', '-':
+ // ++ and -- are not regexp preceders, but + and - are whether
+ // they are used as infix or prefix operators.
+ start := n - 1
+ // Count the number of adjacent dashes or pluses.
+ for start > 0 && s[start-1] == c {
+ start--
+ }
+ if (n-start)&1 == 1 {
+ // Reached for trailing minus signs since "---" is the
+ // same as "-- -".
+ return jsCtxRegexp
+ }
+ return jsCtxDivOp
+ case '.':
+ // Handle "42."
+ if n != 1 && '0' <= s[n-2] && s[n-2] <= '9' {
+ return jsCtxDivOp
+ }
+ return jsCtxRegexp
+ // Suffixes for all punctuators from section 7.7 of the language spec
+ // that only end binary operators not handled above.
+ case ',', '<', '>', '=', '*', '%', '&', '|', '^', '?':
+ return jsCtxRegexp
+ // Suffixes for all punctuators from section 7.7 of the language spec
+ // that are prefix operators not handled above.
+ case '!', '~':
+ return jsCtxRegexp
+ // Matches all the punctuators from section 7.7 of the language spec
+ // that are open brackets not handled above.
+ case '(', '[':
+ return jsCtxRegexp
+ // Matches all the punctuators from section 7.7 of the language spec
+ // that precede expression starts.
+ case ':', ';', '{':
+ return jsCtxRegexp
+ // CAVEAT: the close punctuators ('}', ']', ')') precede div ops and
+ // are handled in the default except for '}' which can precede a
+ // division op as in
+ // ({ valueOf: function () { return 42 } } / 2
+ // which is valid, but, in practice, developers don't divide object
+ // literals, so our heuristic works well for code like
+ // function () { ... } /foo/.test(x) && sideEffect();
+ // The ')' punctuator can precede a regular expression as in
+ // if (b) /foo/.test(x) && ...
+ // but this is much less likely than
+ // (a + b) / c
+ case '}':
+ return jsCtxRegexp
+ default:
+ // Look for an IdentifierName and see if it is a keyword that
+ // can precede a regular expression.
+ j := n
+ for j > 0 && isJSIdentPart(rune(s[j-1])) {
+ j--
+ }
+ if regexpPrecederKeywords[string(s[j:])] {
+ return jsCtxRegexp
+ }
+ }
+ // Otherwise is a punctuator not listed above, or
+ // a string which precedes a div op, or an identifier
+ // which precedes a div op.
+ return jsCtxDivOp
+// regexPrecederKeywords is a set of reserved JS keywords that can precede a
+// regular expression in JS source.
+var regexpPrecederKeywords = map[string]bool{
+ "break": true,
+ "case": true,
+ "continue": true,
+ "delete": true,
+ "do": true,
+ "else": true,
+ "finally": true,
+ "in": true,
+ "instanceof": true,
+ "return": true,
+ "throw": true,
+ "try": true,
+ "typeof": true,
+ "void": true,
+var jsonMarshalType = reflect.TypeOf((*json.Marshaler)(nil)).Elem()
+// indirectToJSONMarshaler returns the value, after dereferencing as many times
+// as necessary to reach the base type (or nil) or an implementation of json.Marshal.
+func indirectToJSONMarshaler(a interface{}) interface{} {
+ v := reflect.ValueOf(a)
+ for !v.Type().Implements(jsonMarshalType) && v.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && !v.IsNil() {
+ v = v.Elem()
+ }
+ return v.Interface()
+// jsValEscaper escapes its inputs to a JS Expression (section 11.14) that has
+// neither side-effects nor free variables outside (NaN, Infinity).
+func jsValEscaper(args ...interface{}) string {
+ var a interface{}
+ if len(args) == 1 {
+ a = indirectToJSONMarshaler(args[0])
+ switch t := a.(type) {
+ case JS:
+ return string(t)
+ case JSStr:
+ // TODO: normalize quotes.
+ return `"` + string(t) + `"`
+ case json.Marshaler:
+ // Do not treat as a Stringer.
+ case fmt.Stringer:
+ a = t.String()
+ }
+ } else {
+ for i, arg := range args {
+ args[i] = indirectToJSONMarshaler(arg)
+ }
+ a = fmt.Sprint(args...)
+ }
+ // TODO: detect cycles before calling Marshal which loops infinitely on
+ // cyclic data. This may be an unacceptable DoS risk.
+ b, err := json.Marshal(a)
+ if err != nil {
+ // Put a space before comment so that if it is flush against
+ // a division operator it is not turned into a line comment:
+ // x/{{y}}
+ // turning into
+ // x//* error marshalling y:
+ // second line of error message */null
+ return fmt.Sprintf(" /* %s */null ", strings.Replace(err.Error(), "*/", "* /", -1))
+ }
+ // TODO: maybe post-process output to prevent it from containing
+ // "<!--", "-->", "<![CDATA[", "]]>", or "</script"
+ // in case custom marshallers produce output containing those.
+ // TODO: Maybe abbreviate \u00ab to \xab to produce more compact output.
+ if len(b) == 0 {
+ // In, `x=y/{{.}}*z` a json.Marshaler that produces "" should
+ // not cause the output `x=y/*z`.
+ return " null "
+ }
+ first, _ := utf8.DecodeRune(b)
+ last, _ := utf8.DecodeLastRune(b)
+ var buf bytes.Buffer
+ // Prevent IdentifierNames and NumericLiterals from running into
+ // keywords: in, instanceof, typeof, void
+ pad := isJSIdentPart(first) || isJSIdentPart(last)
+ if pad {
+ buf.WriteByte(' ')
+ }
+ written := 0
+ // Make sure that json.Marshal escapes codepoints U+2028 & U+2029
+ // so it falls within the subset of JSON which is valid JS.
+ for i := 0; i < len(b); {
+ rune, n := utf8.DecodeRune(b[i:])
+ repl := ""
+ if rune == 0x2028 {
+ repl = `\u2028`
+ } else if rune == 0x2029 {
+ repl = `\u2029`
+ }
+ if repl != "" {
+ buf.Write(b[written:i])
+ buf.WriteString(repl)
+ written = i + n
+ }
+ i += n
+ }
+ if buf.Len() != 0 {
+ buf.Write(b[written:])
+ if pad {
+ buf.WriteByte(' ')
+ }
+ b = buf.Bytes()
+ }
+ return string(b)
+// jsStrEscaper produces a string that can be included between quotes in
+// JavaScript source, in JavaScript embedded in an HTML5 <script> element,
+// or in an HTML5 event handler attribute such as onclick.
+func jsStrEscaper(args ...interface{}) string {
+ s, t := stringify(args...)
+ if t == contentTypeJSStr {
+ return replace(s, jsStrNormReplacementTable)
+ }
+ return replace(s, jsStrReplacementTable)
+// jsRegexpEscaper behaves like jsStrEscaper but escapes regular expression
+// specials so the result is treated literally when included in a regular
+// expression literal. /foo{{.X}}bar/ matches the string "foo" followed by
+// the literal text of {{.X}} followed by the string "bar".
+func jsRegexpEscaper(args ...interface{}) string {
+ s, _ := stringify(args...)
+ s = replace(s, jsRegexpReplacementTable)
+ if s == "" {
+ // /{{.X}}/ should not produce a line comment when .X == "".
+ return "(?:)"
+ }
+ return s
+// replace replaces each rune r of s with replacementTable[r], provided that
+// r < len(replacementTable). If replacementTable[r] is the empty string then
+// no replacement is made.
+// It also replaces runes U+2028 and U+2029 with the raw strings `\u2028` and
+// `\u2029`.
+func replace(s string, replacementTable []string) string {
+ var b bytes.Buffer
+ written := 0
+ for i, r := range s {
+ var repl string
+ switch {
+ case int(r) < len(replacementTable) && replacementTable[r] != "":
+ repl = replacementTable[r]
+ case r == '\u2028':
+ repl = `\u2028`
+ case r == '\u2029':
+ repl = `\u2029`
+ default:
+ continue
+ }
+ b.WriteString(s[written:i])
+ b.WriteString(repl)
+ written = i + utf8.RuneLen(r)
+ }
+ if written == 0 {
+ return s
+ }
+ b.WriteString(s[written:])
+ return b.String()
+var jsStrReplacementTable = []string{
+ 0: `\0`,
+ '\t': `\t`,
+ '\n': `\n`,
+ '\v': `\x0b`, // "\v" == "v" on IE 6.
+ '\f': `\f`,
+ '\r': `\r`,
+ // Encode HTML specials as hex so the output can be embedded
+ // in HTML attributes without further encoding.
+ '"': `\x22`,
+ '&': `\x26`,
+ '\'': `\x27`,
+ '+': `\x2b`,
+ '/': `\/`,
+ '<': `\x3c`,
+ '>': `\x3e`,
+ '\\': `\\`,
+// jsStrNormReplacementTable is like jsStrReplacementTable but does not
+// overencode existing escapes since this table has no entry for `\`.
+var jsStrNormReplacementTable = []string{
+ 0: `\0`,
+ '\t': `\t`,
+ '\n': `\n`,
+ '\v': `\x0b`, // "\v" == "v" on IE 6.
+ '\f': `\f`,
+ '\r': `\r`,
+ // Encode HTML specials as hex so the output can be embedded
+ // in HTML attributes without further encoding.
+ '"': `\x22`,
+ '&': `\x26`,
+ '\'': `\x27`,
+ '+': `\x2b`,
+ '/': `\/`,
+ '<': `\x3c`,
+ '>': `\x3e`,
+var jsRegexpReplacementTable = []string{
+ 0: `\0`,
+ '\t': `\t`,
+ '\n': `\n`,
+ '\v': `\x0b`, // "\v" == "v" on IE 6.
+ '\f': `\f`,
+ '\r': `\r`,
+ // Encode HTML specials as hex so the output can be embedded
+ // in HTML attributes without further encoding.
+ '"': `\x22`,
+ '$': `\$`,
+ '&': `\x26`,
+ '\'': `\x27`,
+ '(': `\(`,
+ ')': `\)`,
+ '*': `\*`,
+ '+': `\x2b`,
+ '-': `\-`,
+ '.': `\.`,
+ '/': `\/`,
+ '<': `\x3c`,
+ '>': `\x3e`,
+ '?': `\?`,
+ '[': `\[`,
+ '\\': `\\`,
+ ']': `\]`,
+ '^': `\^`,
+ '{': `\{`,
+ '|': `\|`,
+ '}': `\}`,
+// isJSIdentPart returns whether the given rune is a JS identifier part.
+// It does not handle all the non-Latin letters, joiners, and combining marks,
+// but it does handle every codepoint that can occur in a numeric literal or
+// a keyword.
+func isJSIdentPart(r rune) bool {
+ switch {
+ case r == '$':
+ return true
+ case '0' <= r && r <= '9':
+ return true
+ case 'A' <= r && r <= 'Z':
+ return true
+ case r == '_':
+ return true
+ case 'a' <= r && r <= 'z':
+ return true
+ }
+ return false
diff --git a/gcc-4.7/libgo/go/html/template/js_test.go b/gcc-4.7/libgo/go/html/template/js_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..311e1d2c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gcc-4.7/libgo/go/html/template/js_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,401 @@
+// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package template
+import (
+ "bytes"
+ "math"
+ "strings"
+ "testing"
+func TestNextJsCtx(t *testing.T) {
+ tests := []struct {
+ jsCtx jsCtx
+ s string
+ }{
+ // Statement terminators precede regexps.
+ {jsCtxRegexp, ";"},
+ // This is not airtight.
+ // ({ valueOf: function () { return 1 } } / 2)
+ // is valid JavaScript but in practice, devs do not do this.
+ // A block followed by a statement starting with a RegExp is
+ // much more common:
+ // while (x) {...} /foo/.test(x) || panic()
+ {jsCtxRegexp, "}"},
+ // But member, call, grouping, and array expression terminators
+ // precede div ops.
+ {jsCtxDivOp, ")"},
+ {jsCtxDivOp, "]"},
+ // At the start of a primary expression, array, or expression
+ // statement, expect a regexp.
+ {jsCtxRegexp, "("},
+ {jsCtxRegexp, "["},
+ {jsCtxRegexp, "{"},
+ // Assignment operators precede regexps as do all exclusively
+ // prefix and binary operators.
+ {jsCtxRegexp, "="},
+ {jsCtxRegexp, "+="},
+ {jsCtxRegexp, "*="},
+ {jsCtxRegexp, "*"},
+ {jsCtxRegexp, "!"},
+ // Whether the + or - is infix or prefix, it cannot precede a
+ // div op.
+ {jsCtxRegexp, "+"},
+ {jsCtxRegexp, "-"},
+ // An incr/decr op precedes a div operator.
+ // This is not airtight. In (g = ++/h/i) a regexp follows a
+ // pre-increment operator, but in practice devs do not try to
+ // increment or decrement regular expressions.
+ // (g++/h/i) where ++ is a postfix operator on g is much more
+ // common.
+ {jsCtxDivOp, "--"},
+ {jsCtxDivOp, "++"},
+ {jsCtxDivOp, "x--"},
+ // When we have many dashes or pluses, then they are grouped
+ // left to right.
+ {jsCtxRegexp, "x---"}, // A postfix -- then a -.
+ // return followed by a slash returns the regexp literal or the
+ // slash starts a regexp literal in an expression statement that
+ // is dead code.
+ {jsCtxRegexp, "return"},
+ {jsCtxRegexp, "return "},
+ {jsCtxRegexp, "return\t"},
+ {jsCtxRegexp, "return\n"},
+ {jsCtxRegexp, "return\u2028"},
+ // Identifiers can be divided and cannot validly be preceded by
+ // a regular expressions. Semicolon insertion cannot happen
+ // between an identifier and a regular expression on a new line
+ // because the one token lookahead for semicolon insertion has
+ // to conclude that it could be a div binary op and treat it as
+ // such.
+ {jsCtxDivOp, "x"},
+ {jsCtxDivOp, "x "},
+ {jsCtxDivOp, "x\t"},
+ {jsCtxDivOp, "x\n"},
+ {jsCtxDivOp, "x\u2028"},
+ {jsCtxDivOp, "preturn"},
+ // Numbers precede div ops.
+ {jsCtxDivOp, "0"},
+ // Dots that are part of a number are div preceders.
+ {jsCtxDivOp, "0."},
+ }
+ for _, test := range tests {
+ if nextJSCtx([]byte(test.s), jsCtxRegexp) != test.jsCtx {
+ t.Errorf("want %s got %q", test.jsCtx, test.s)
+ }
+ if nextJSCtx([]byte(test.s), jsCtxDivOp) != test.jsCtx {
+ t.Errorf("want %s got %q", test.jsCtx, test.s)
+ }
+ }
+ if nextJSCtx([]byte(" "), jsCtxRegexp) != jsCtxRegexp {
+ t.Error("Blank tokens")
+ }
+ if nextJSCtx([]byte(" "), jsCtxDivOp) != jsCtxDivOp {
+ t.Error("Blank tokens")
+ }
+func TestJSValEscaper(t *testing.T) {
+ tests := []struct {
+ x interface{}
+ js string
+ }{
+ {int(42), " 42 "},
+ {uint(42), " 42 "},
+ {int16(42), " 42 "},
+ {uint16(42), " 42 "},
+ {int32(-42), " -42 "},
+ {uint32(42), " 42 "},
+ {int16(-42), " -42 "},
+ {uint16(42), " 42 "},
+ {int64(-42), " -42 "},
+ {uint64(42), " 42 "},
+ {uint64(1) << 53, " 9007199254740992 "},
+ // ulp(1 << 53) > 1 so this loses precision in JS
+ // but it is still a representable integer literal.
+ {uint64(1)<<53 + 1, " 9007199254740993 "},
+ {float32(1.0), " 1 "},
+ {float32(-1.0), " -1 "},
+ {float32(0.5), " 0.5 "},
+ {float32(-0.5), " -0.5 "},
+ {float32(1.0) / float32(256), " 0.00390625 "},
+ {float32(0), " 0 "},
+ {math.Copysign(0, -1), " -0 "},
+ {float64(1.0), " 1 "},
+ {float64(-1.0), " -1 "},
+ {float64(0.5), " 0.5 "},
+ {float64(-0.5), " -0.5 "},
+ {float64(0), " 0 "},
+ {math.Copysign(0, -1), " -0 "},
+ {"", `""`},
+ {"foo", `"foo"`},
+ // Newlines.
+ {"\r\n\u2028\u2029", `"\r\n\u2028\u2029"`},
+ // "\v" == "v" on IE 6 so use "\x0b" instead.
+ {"\t\x0b", `"\u0009\u000b"`},
+ {struct{ X, Y int }{1, 2}, `{"X":1,"Y":2}`},
+ {[]interface{}{}, "[]"},
+ {[]interface{}{42, "foo", nil}, `[42,"foo",null]`},
+ {[]string{"<!--", "</script>", "-->"}, `["\u003c!--","\u003c/script\u003e","--\u003e"]`},
+ {"<!--", `"\u003c!--"`},
+ {"-->", `"--\u003e"`},
+ {"<![CDATA[", `"\u003c![CDATA["`},
+ {"]]>", `"]]\u003e"`},
+ {"</script", `"\u003c/script"`},
+ {"\U0001D11E", "\"\U0001D11E\""}, // or "\uD834\uDD1E"
+ }
+ for _, test := range tests {
+ if js := jsValEscaper(test.x); js != test.js {
+ t.Errorf("%+v: want\n\t%q\ngot\n\t%q", test.x, test.js, js)
+ }
+ // Make sure that escaping corner cases are not broken
+ // by nesting.
+ a := []interface{}{test.x}
+ want := "[" + strings.TrimSpace(test.js) + "]"
+ if js := jsValEscaper(a); js != want {
+ t.Errorf("%+v: want\n\t%q\ngot\n\t%q", a, want, js)
+ }
+ }
+func TestJSStrEscaper(t *testing.T) {
+ tests := []struct {
+ x interface{}
+ esc string
+ }{
+ {"", ``},
+ {"foo", `foo`},
+ {"\u0000", `\0`},
+ {"\t", `\t`},
+ {"\n", `\n`},
+ {"\r", `\r`},
+ {"\u2028", `\u2028`},
+ {"\u2029", `\u2029`},
+ {"\\", `\\`},
+ {"\\n", `\\n`},
+ {"foo\r\nbar", `foo\r\nbar`},
+ // Preserve attribute boundaries.
+ {`"`, `\x22`},
+ {`'`, `\x27`},
+ // Allow embedding in HTML without further escaping.
+ {`&amp;`, `\x26amp;`},
+ // Prevent breaking out of text node and element boundaries.
+ {"</script>", `\x3c\/script\x3e`},
+ {"<![CDATA[", `\x3c![CDATA[`},
+ {"]]>", `]]\x3e`},
+ // http://dev.w3.org/html5/markup/aria/syntax.html#escaping-text-span
+ // "The text in style, script, title, and textarea elements
+ // must not have an escaping text span start that is not
+ // followed by an escaping text span end."
+ // Furthermore, spoofing an escaping text span end could lead
+ // to different interpretation of a </script> sequence otherwise
+ // masked by the escaping text span, and spoofing a start could
+ // allow regular text content to be interpreted as script
+ // allowing script execution via a combination of a JS string
+ // injection followed by an HTML text injection.
+ {"<!--", `\x3c!--`},
+ {"-->", `--\x3e`},
+ // From http://code.google.com/p/doctype/wiki/ArticleUtf7
+ {"+ADw-script+AD4-alert(1)+ADw-/script+AD4-",
+ `\x2bADw-script\x2bAD4-alert(1)\x2bADw-\/script\x2bAD4-`,
+ },
+ // Invalid UTF-8 sequence
+ {"foo\xA0bar", "foo\xA0bar"},
+ // Invalid unicode scalar value.
+ {"foo\xed\xa0\x80bar", "foo\xed\xa0\x80bar"},
+ }
+ for _, test := range tests {
+ esc := jsStrEscaper(test.x)
+ if esc != test.esc {
+ t.Errorf("%q: want %q got %q", test.x, test.esc, esc)
+ }
+ }
+func TestJSRegexpEscaper(t *testing.T) {
+ tests := []struct {
+ x interface{}
+ esc string
+ }{
+ {"", `(?:)`},
+ {"foo", `foo`},
+ {"\u0000", `\0`},
+ {"\t", `\t`},
+ {"\n", `\n`},
+ {"\r", `\r`},
+ {"\u2028", `\u2028`},
+ {"\u2029", `\u2029`},
+ {"\\", `\\`},
+ {"\\n", `\\n`},
+ {"foo\r\nbar", `foo\r\nbar`},
+ // Preserve attribute boundaries.
+ {`"`, `\x22`},
+ {`'`, `\x27`},
+ // Allow embedding in HTML without further escaping.
+ {`&amp;`, `\x26amp;`},
+ // Prevent breaking out of text node and element boundaries.
+ {"</script>", `\x3c\/script\x3e`},
+ {"<![CDATA[", `\x3c!\[CDATA\[`},
+ {"]]>", `\]\]\x3e`},
+ // Escaping text spans.
+ {"<!--", `\x3c!\-\-`},
+ {"-->", `\-\-\x3e`},
+ {"*", `\*`},
+ {"+", `\x2b`},
+ {"?", `\?`},
+ {"[](){}", `\[\]\(\)\{\}`},
+ {"$foo|x.y", `\$foo\|x\.y`},
+ {"x^y", `x\^y`},
+ }
+ for _, test := range tests {
+ esc := jsRegexpEscaper(test.x)
+ if esc != test.esc {
+ t.Errorf("%q: want %q got %q", test.x, test.esc, esc)
+ }
+ }
+func TestEscapersOnLower7AndSelectHighCodepoints(t *testing.T) {
+ input := ("\x00\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08\t\n\x0b\x0c\r\x0e\x0f" +
+ "\x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17\x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f" +
+ ` !"#$%&'()*+,-./` +
+ `0123456789:;<=>?` +
+ `PQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_` +
+ "`abcdefghijklmno" +
+ "pqrstuvwxyz{|}~\x7f" +
+ "\u00A0\u0100\u2028\u2029\ufeff\U0001D11E")
+ tests := []struct {
+ name string
+ escaper func(...interface{}) string
+ escaped string
+ }{
+ {
+ "jsStrEscaper",
+ jsStrEscaper,
+ "\\0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07" +
+ "\x08\\t\\n\\x0b\\f\\r\x0E\x0F" +
+ "\x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17" +
+ "\x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f" +
+ ` !\x22#$%\x26\x27()*\x2b,-.\/` +
+ `0123456789:;\x3c=\x3e?` +
+ `PQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_` +
+ "`abcdefghijklmno" +
+ "pqrstuvwxyz{|}~\x7f" +
+ "\u00A0\u0100\\u2028\\u2029\ufeff\U0001D11E",
+ },
+ {
+ "jsRegexpEscaper",
+ jsRegexpEscaper,
+ "\\0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07" +
+ "\x08\\t\\n\\x0b\\f\\r\x0E\x0F" +
+ "\x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17" +
+ "\x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f" +
+ ` !\x22#\$%\x26\x27\(\)\*\x2b,\-\.\/` +
+ `0123456789:;\x3c=\x3e\?` +
+ `PQRSTUVWXYZ\[\\\]\^_` +
+ "`abcdefghijklmno" +
+ `pqrstuvwxyz\{\|\}~` + "\u007f" +
+ "\u00A0\u0100\\u2028\\u2029\ufeff\U0001D11E",
+ },
+ }
+ for _, test := range tests {
+ if s := test.escaper(input); s != test.escaped {
+ t.Errorf("%s once: want\n\t%q\ngot\n\t%q", test.name, test.escaped, s)
+ continue
+ }
+ // Escape it rune by rune to make sure that any
+ // fast-path checking does not break escaping.
+ var buf bytes.Buffer
+ for _, c := range input {
+ buf.WriteString(test.escaper(string(c)))
+ }
+ if s := buf.String(); s != test.escaped {
+ t.Errorf("%s rune-wise: want\n\t%q\ngot\n\t%q", test.name, test.escaped, s)
+ continue
+ }
+ }
+func BenchmarkJSValEscaperWithNum(b *testing.B) {
+ for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
+ jsValEscaper(3.141592654)
+ }
+func BenchmarkJSValEscaperWithStr(b *testing.B) {
+ for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
+ jsValEscaper("The <i>quick</i>,\r\n<span style='color:brown'>brown</span> fox jumps\u2028over the <canine class=\"lazy\">dog</canine>")
+ }
+func BenchmarkJSValEscaperWithStrNoSpecials(b *testing.B) {
+ for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
+ jsValEscaper("The quick, brown fox jumps over the lazy dog")
+ }
+func BenchmarkJSValEscaperWithObj(b *testing.B) {
+ o := struct {
+ S string
+ N int
+ }{
+ "The <i>quick</i>,\r\n<span style='color:brown'>brown</span> fox jumps\u2028over the <canine class=\"lazy\">dog</canine>\u2028",
+ 42,
+ }
+ for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
+ jsValEscaper(o)
+ }
+func BenchmarkJSValEscaperWithObjNoSpecials(b *testing.B) {
+ o := struct {
+ S string
+ N int
+ }{
+ "The quick, brown fox jumps over the lazy dog",
+ 42,
+ }
+ for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
+ jsValEscaper(o)
+ }
+func BenchmarkJSStrEscaperNoSpecials(b *testing.B) {
+ for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
+ jsStrEscaper("The quick, brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.")
+ }
+func BenchmarkJSStrEscaper(b *testing.B) {
+ for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
+ jsStrEscaper("The <i>quick</i>,\r\n<span style='color:brown'>brown</span> fox jumps\u2028over the <canine class=\"lazy\">dog</canine>")
+ }
+func BenchmarkJSRegexpEscaperNoSpecials(b *testing.B) {
+ for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
+ jsRegexpEscaper("The quick, brown fox jumps over the lazy dog")
+ }
+func BenchmarkJSRegexpEscaper(b *testing.B) {
+ for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
+ jsRegexpEscaper("The <i>quick</i>,\r\n<span style='color:brown'>brown</span> fox jumps\u2028over the <canine class=\"lazy\">dog</canine>")
+ }
diff --git a/gcc-4.7/libgo/go/html/template/template.go b/gcc-4.7/libgo/go/html/template/template.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..edac7335c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gcc-4.7/libgo/go/html/template/template.go
@@ -0,0 +1,359 @@
+// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package template
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "io"
+ "io/ioutil"
+ "path/filepath"
+ "sync"
+ "text/template"
+ "text/template/parse"
+// Template is a specialized template.Template that produces a safe HTML
+// document fragment.
+type Template struct {
+ escaped bool
+ // We could embed the text/template field, but it's safer not to because
+ // we need to keep our version of the name space and the underlying
+ // template's in sync.
+ text *template.Template
+ *nameSpace // common to all associated templates
+// nameSpace is the data structure shared by all templates in an association.
+type nameSpace struct {
+ mu sync.Mutex
+ set map[string]*Template
+// Templates returns a slice of the templates associated with t, including t
+// itself.
+func (t *Template) Templates() []*Template {
+ ns := t.nameSpace
+ ns.mu.Lock()
+ defer ns.mu.Unlock()
+ // Return a slice so we don't expose the map.
+ m := make([]*Template, 0, len(ns.set))
+ for _, v := range ns.set {
+ m = append(m, v)
+ }
+ return m
+// Execute applies a parsed template to the specified data object,
+// writing the output to wr.
+func (t *Template) Execute(wr io.Writer, data interface{}) (err error) {
+ t.nameSpace.mu.Lock()
+ if !t.escaped {
+ if err = escapeTemplates(t, t.Name()); err != nil {
+ t.escaped = true
+ }
+ }
+ t.nameSpace.mu.Unlock()
+ if err != nil {
+ return
+ }
+ return t.text.Execute(wr, data)
+// ExecuteTemplate applies the template associated with t that has the given
+// name to the specified data object and writes the output to wr.
+func (t *Template) ExecuteTemplate(wr io.Writer, name string, data interface{}) error {
+ tmpl, err := t.lookupAndEscapeTemplate(name)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ return tmpl.text.Execute(wr, data)
+// lookupAndEscapeTemplate guarantees that the template with the given name
+// is escaped, or returns an error if it cannot be. It returns the named
+// template.
+func (t *Template) lookupAndEscapeTemplate(name string) (tmpl *Template, err error) {
+ t.nameSpace.mu.Lock()
+ defer t.nameSpace.mu.Unlock()
+ tmpl = t.set[name]
+ if tmpl == nil {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("html/template: %q is undefined", name)
+ }
+ if tmpl.text.Tree == nil || tmpl.text.Root == nil {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("html/template: %q is an incomplete template", name)
+ }
+ if t.text.Lookup(name) == nil {
+ panic("html/template internal error: template escaping out of sync")
+ }
+ if tmpl != nil && !tmpl.escaped {
+ err = escapeTemplates(tmpl, name)
+ }
+ return tmpl, err
+// Parse parses a string into a template. Nested template definitions
+// will be associated with the top-level template t. Parse may be
+// called multiple times to parse definitions of templates to associate
+// with t. It is an error if a resulting template is non-empty (contains
+// content other than template definitions) and would replace a
+// non-empty template with the same name. (In multiple calls to Parse
+// with the same receiver template, only one call can contain text
+// other than space, comments, and template definitions.)
+func (t *Template) Parse(src string) (*Template, error) {
+ t.nameSpace.mu.Lock()
+ t.escaped = false
+ t.nameSpace.mu.Unlock()
+ ret, err := t.text.Parse(src)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ // In general, all the named templates might have changed underfoot.
+ // Regardless, some new ones may have been defined.
+ // The template.Template set has been updated; update ours.
+ t.nameSpace.mu.Lock()
+ defer t.nameSpace.mu.Unlock()
+ for _, v := range ret.Templates() {
+ name := v.Name()
+ tmpl := t.set[name]
+ if tmpl == nil {
+ tmpl = t.new(name)
+ }
+ tmpl.escaped = false
+ tmpl.text = v
+ }
+ return t, nil
+// AddParseTree creates a new template with the name and parse tree
+// and associates it with t.
+// It returns an error if t has already been executed.
+func (t *Template) AddParseTree(name string, tree *parse.Tree) (*Template, error) {
+ t.nameSpace.mu.Lock()
+ defer t.nameSpace.mu.Unlock()
+ if t.escaped {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("html/template: cannot AddParseTree to %q after it has executed", t.Name())
+ }
+ text, err := t.text.AddParseTree(name, tree)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ ret := &Template{
+ false,
+ text,
+ t.nameSpace,
+ }
+ t.set[name] = ret
+ return ret, nil
+// Clone returns a duplicate of the template, including all associated
+// templates. The actual representation is not copied, but the name space of
+// associated templates is, so further calls to Parse in the copy will add
+// templates to the copy but not to the original. Clone can be used to prepare
+// common templates and use them with variant definitions for other templates
+// by adding the variants after the clone is made.
+// It returns an error if t has already been executed.
+func (t *Template) Clone() (*Template, error) {
+ t.nameSpace.mu.Lock()
+ defer t.nameSpace.mu.Unlock()
+ if t.escaped {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("html/template: cannot Clone %q after it has executed", t.Name())
+ }
+ textClone, err := t.text.Clone()
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ ret := &Template{
+ false,
+ textClone,
+ &nameSpace{
+ set: make(map[string]*Template),
+ },
+ }
+ for _, x := range textClone.Templates() {
+ name := x.Name()
+ src := t.set[name]
+ if src == nil || src.escaped {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("html/template: cannot Clone %q after it has executed", t.Name())
+ }
+ if x.Tree != nil {
+ x.Tree = &parse.Tree{
+ Name: x.Tree.Name,
+ Root: x.Tree.Root.CopyList(),
+ }
+ }
+ ret.set[name] = &Template{
+ false,
+ x,
+ ret.nameSpace,
+ }
+ }
+ return ret, nil
+// New allocates a new HTML template with the given name.
+func New(name string) *Template {
+ tmpl := &Template{
+ false,
+ template.New(name),
+ &nameSpace{
+ set: make(map[string]*Template),
+ },
+ }
+ tmpl.set[name] = tmpl
+ return tmpl
+// New allocates a new HTML template associated with the given one
+// and with the same delimiters. The association, which is transitive,
+// allows one template to invoke another with a {{template}} action.
+func (t *Template) New(name string) *Template {
+ t.nameSpace.mu.Lock()
+ defer t.nameSpace.mu.Unlock()
+ return t.new(name)
+// new is the implementation of New, without the lock.
+func (t *Template) new(name string) *Template {
+ tmpl := &Template{
+ false,
+ t.text.New(name),
+ t.nameSpace,
+ }
+ tmpl.set[name] = tmpl
+ return tmpl
+// Name returns the name of the template.
+func (t *Template) Name() string {
+ return t.text.Name()
+// FuncMap is the type of the map defining the mapping from names to
+// functions. Each function must have either a single return value, or two
+// return values of which the second has type error. In that case, if the
+// second (error) argument evaluates to non-nil during execution, execution
+// terminates and Execute returns that error. FuncMap has the same base type
+// as template.FuncMap, copied here so clients need not import "text/template".
+type FuncMap map[string]interface{}
+// Funcs adds the elements of the argument map to the template's function map.
+// It panics if a value in the map is not a function with appropriate return
+// type. However, it is legal to overwrite elements of the map. The return
+// value is the template, so calls can be chained.
+func (t *Template) Funcs(funcMap FuncMap) *Template {
+ t.text.Funcs(template.FuncMap(funcMap))
+ return t
+// Delims sets the action delimiters to the specified strings, to be used in
+// subsequent calls to Parse, ParseFiles, or ParseGlob. Nested template
+// definitions will inherit the settings. An empty delimiter stands for the
+// corresponding default: {{ or }}.
+// The return value is the template, so calls can be chained.
+func (t *Template) Delims(left, right string) *Template {
+ t.text.Delims(left, right)
+ return t
+// Lookup returns the template with the given name that is associated with t,
+// or nil if there is no such template.
+func (t *Template) Lookup(name string) *Template {
+ t.nameSpace.mu.Lock()
+ defer t.nameSpace.mu.Unlock()
+ return t.set[name]
+// Must panics if err is non-nil in the same way as template.Must.
+func Must(t *Template, err error) *Template {
+ if err != nil {
+ panic(err)
+ }
+ return t
+// ParseFiles creates a new Template and parses the template definitions from
+// the named files. The returned template's name will have the (base) name and
+// (parsed) contents of the first file. There must be at least one file.
+// If an error occurs, parsing stops and the returned *Template is nil.
+func ParseFiles(filenames ...string) (*Template, error) {
+ return parseFiles(nil, filenames...)
+// ParseFiles parses the named files and associates the resulting templates with
+// t. If an error occurs, parsing stops and the returned template is nil;
+// otherwise it is t. There must be at least one file.
+func (t *Template) ParseFiles(filenames ...string) (*Template, error) {
+ return parseFiles(t, filenames...)
+// parseFiles is the helper for the method and function. If the argument
+// template is nil, it is created from the first file.
+func parseFiles(t *Template, filenames ...string) (*Template, error) {
+ if len(filenames) == 0 {
+ // Not really a problem, but be consistent.
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("html/template: no files named in call to ParseFiles")
+ }
+ for _, filename := range filenames {
+ b, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filename)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ s := string(b)
+ name := filepath.Base(filename)
+ // First template becomes return value if not already defined,
+ // and we use that one for subsequent New calls to associate
+ // all the templates together. Also, if this file has the same name
+ // as t, this file becomes the contents of t, so
+ // t, err := New(name).Funcs(xxx).ParseFiles(name)
+ // works. Otherwise we create a new template associated with t.
+ var tmpl *Template
+ if t == nil {
+ t = New(name)
+ }
+ if name == t.Name() {
+ tmpl = t
+ } else {
+ tmpl = t.New(name)
+ }
+ _, err = tmpl.Parse(s)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ }
+ return t, nil
+// ParseGlob creates a new Template and parses the template definitions from the
+// files identified by the pattern, which must match at least one file. The
+// returned template will have the (base) name and (parsed) contents of the
+// first file matched by the pattern. ParseGlob is equivalent to calling
+// ParseFiles with the list of files matched by the pattern.
+func ParseGlob(pattern string) (*Template, error) {
+ return parseGlob(nil, pattern)
+// ParseGlob parses the template definitions in the files identified by the
+// pattern and associates the resulting templates with t. The pattern is
+// processed by filepath.Glob and must match at least one file. ParseGlob is
+// equivalent to calling t.ParseFiles with the list of files matched by the
+// pattern.
+func (t *Template) ParseGlob(pattern string) (*Template, error) {
+ return parseGlob(t, pattern)
+// parseGlob is the implementation of the function and method ParseGlob.
+func parseGlob(t *Template, pattern string) (*Template, error) {
+ filenames, err := filepath.Glob(pattern)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ if len(filenames) == 0 {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("html/template: pattern matches no files: %#q", pattern)
+ }
+ return parseFiles(t, filenames...)
diff --git a/gcc-4.7/libgo/go/html/template/transition.go b/gcc-4.7/libgo/go/html/template/transition.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..96a4f6678
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gcc-4.7/libgo/go/html/template/transition.go
@@ -0,0 +1,553 @@
+// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package template
+import (
+ "bytes"
+ "strings"
+// transitionFunc is the array of context transition functions for text nodes.
+// A transition function takes a context and template text input, and returns
+// the updated context and the number of bytes consumed from the front of the
+// input.
+var transitionFunc = [...]func(context, []byte) (context, int){
+ stateText: tText,
+ stateTag: tTag,
+ stateAttrName: tAttrName,
+ stateAfterName: tAfterName,
+ stateBeforeValue: tBeforeValue,
+ stateHTMLCmt: tHTMLCmt,
+ stateRCDATA: tSpecialTagEnd,
+ stateAttr: tAttr,
+ stateURL: tURL,
+ stateJS: tJS,
+ stateJSDqStr: tJSDelimited,
+ stateJSSqStr: tJSDelimited,
+ stateJSRegexp: tJSDelimited,
+ stateJSBlockCmt: tBlockCmt,
+ stateJSLineCmt: tLineCmt,
+ stateCSS: tCSS,
+ stateCSSDqStr: tCSSStr,
+ stateCSSSqStr: tCSSStr,
+ stateCSSDqURL: tCSSStr,
+ stateCSSSqURL: tCSSStr,
+ stateCSSURL: tCSSStr,
+ stateCSSBlockCmt: tBlockCmt,
+ stateCSSLineCmt: tLineCmt,
+ stateError: tError,
+var commentStart = []byte("<!--")
+var commentEnd = []byte("-->")
+// tText is the context transition function for the text state.
+func tText(c context, s []byte) (context, int) {
+ k := 0
+ for {
+ i := k + bytes.IndexByte(s[k:], '<')
+ if i < k || i+1 == len(s) {
+ return c, len(s)
+ } else if i+4 <= len(s) && bytes.Equal(commentStart, s[i:i+4]) {
+ return context{state: stateHTMLCmt}, i + 4
+ }
+ i++
+ end := false
+ if s[i] == '/' {
+ if i+1 == len(s) {
+ return c, len(s)
+ }
+ end, i = true, i+1
+ }
+ j, e := eatTagName(s, i)
+ if j != i {
+ if end {
+ e = elementNone
+ }
+ // We've found an HTML tag.
+ return context{state: stateTag, element: e}, j
+ }
+ k = j
+ }
+ panic("unreachable")
+var elementContentType = [...]state{
+ elementNone: stateText,
+ elementScript: stateJS,
+ elementStyle: stateCSS,
+ elementTextarea: stateRCDATA,
+ elementTitle: stateRCDATA,
+// tTag is the context transition function for the tag state.
+func tTag(c context, s []byte) (context, int) {
+ // Find the attribute name.
+ i := eatWhiteSpace(s, 0)
+ if i == len(s) {
+ return c, len(s)
+ }
+ if s[i] == '>' {
+ return context{
+ state: elementContentType[c.element],
+ element: c.element,
+ }, i + 1
+ }
+ j, err := eatAttrName(s, i)
+ if err != nil {
+ return context{state: stateError, err: err}, len(s)
+ }
+ state, attr := stateTag, attrNone
+ if i == j {
+ return context{
+ state: stateError,
+ err: errorf(ErrBadHTML, 0, "expected space, attr name, or end of tag, but got %q", s[i:]),
+ }, len(s)
+ }
+ switch attrType(string(s[i:j])) {
+ case contentTypeURL:
+ attr = attrURL
+ case contentTypeCSS:
+ attr = attrStyle
+ case contentTypeJS:
+ attr = attrScript
+ }
+ if j == len(s) {
+ state = stateAttrName
+ } else {
+ state = stateAfterName
+ }
+ return context{state: state, element: c.element, attr: attr}, j
+// tAttrName is the context transition function for stateAttrName.
+func tAttrName(c context, s []byte) (context, int) {
+ i, err := eatAttrName(s, 0)
+ if err != nil {
+ return context{state: stateError, err: err}, len(s)
+ } else if i != len(s) {
+ c.state = stateAfterName
+ }
+ return c, i
+// tAfterName is the context transition function for stateAfterName.
+func tAfterName(c context, s []byte) (context, int) {
+ // Look for the start of the value.
+ i := eatWhiteSpace(s, 0)
+ if i == len(s) {
+ return c, len(s)
+ } else if s[i] != '=' {
+ // Occurs due to tag ending '>', and valueless attribute.
+ c.state = stateTag
+ return c, i
+ }
+ c.state = stateBeforeValue
+ // Consume the "=".
+ return c, i + 1
+var attrStartStates = [...]state{
+ attrNone: stateAttr,
+ attrScript: stateJS,
+ attrStyle: stateCSS,
+ attrURL: stateURL,
+// tBeforeValue is the context transition function for stateBeforeValue.
+func tBeforeValue(c context, s []byte) (context, int) {
+ i := eatWhiteSpace(s, 0)
+ if i == len(s) {
+ return c, len(s)
+ }
+ // Find the attribute delimiter.
+ delim := delimSpaceOrTagEnd
+ switch s[i] {
+ case '\'':
+ delim, i = delimSingleQuote, i+1
+ case '"':
+ delim, i = delimDoubleQuote, i+1
+ }
+ c.state, c.delim, c.attr = attrStartStates[c.attr], delim, attrNone
+ return c, i
+// tHTMLCmt is the context transition function for stateHTMLCmt.
+func tHTMLCmt(c context, s []byte) (context, int) {
+ if i := bytes.Index(s, commentEnd); i != -1 {
+ return context{}, i + 3
+ }
+ return c, len(s)
+// specialTagEndMarkers maps element types to the character sequence that
+// case-insensitively signals the end of the special tag body.
+var specialTagEndMarkers = [...]string{
+ elementScript: "</script",
+ elementStyle: "</style",
+ elementTextarea: "</textarea",
+ elementTitle: "</title",
+// tSpecialTagEnd is the context transition function for raw text and RCDATA
+// element states.
+func tSpecialTagEnd(c context, s []byte) (context, int) {
+ if c.element != elementNone {
+ if i := strings.Index(strings.ToLower(string(s)), specialTagEndMarkers[c.element]); i != -1 {
+ return context{}, i
+ }
+ }
+ return c, len(s)
+// tAttr is the context transition function for the attribute state.
+func tAttr(c context, s []byte) (context, int) {
+ return c, len(s)
+// tURL is the context transition function for the URL state.
+func tURL(c context, s []byte) (context, int) {
+ if bytes.IndexAny(s, "#?") >= 0 {
+ c.urlPart = urlPartQueryOrFrag
+ } else if len(s) != eatWhiteSpace(s, 0) && c.urlPart == urlPartNone {
+ // HTML5 uses "Valid URL potentially surrounded by spaces" for
+ // attrs: http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/index.html#attributes-1
+ c.urlPart = urlPartPreQuery
+ }
+ return c, len(s)
+// tJS is the context transition function for the JS state.
+func tJS(c context, s []byte) (context, int) {
+ i := bytes.IndexAny(s, `"'/`)
+ if i == -1 {
+ // Entire input is non string, comment, regexp tokens.
+ c.jsCtx = nextJSCtx(s, c.jsCtx)
+ return c, len(s)
+ }
+ c.jsCtx = nextJSCtx(s[:i], c.jsCtx)
+ switch s[i] {
+ case '"':
+ c.state, c.jsCtx = stateJSDqStr, jsCtxRegexp
+ case '\'':
+ c.state, c.jsCtx = stateJSSqStr, jsCtxRegexp
+ case '/':
+ switch {
+ case i+1 < len(s) && s[i+1] == '/':
+ c.state, i = stateJSLineCmt, i+1
+ case i+1 < len(s) && s[i+1] == '*':
+ c.state, i = stateJSBlockCmt, i+1
+ case c.jsCtx == jsCtxRegexp:
+ c.state = stateJSRegexp
+ case c.jsCtx == jsCtxDivOp:
+ c.jsCtx = jsCtxRegexp
+ default:
+ return context{
+ state: stateError,
+ err: errorf(ErrSlashAmbig, 0, "'/' could start a division or regexp: %.32q", s[i:]),
+ }, len(s)
+ }
+ default:
+ panic("unreachable")
+ }
+ return c, i + 1
+// tJSDelimited is the context transition function for the JS string and regexp
+// states.
+func tJSDelimited(c context, s []byte) (context, int) {
+ specials := `\"`
+ switch c.state {
+ case stateJSSqStr:
+ specials = `\'`
+ case stateJSRegexp:
+ specials = `\/[]`
+ }
+ k, inCharset := 0, false
+ for {
+ i := k + bytes.IndexAny(s[k:], specials)
+ if i < k {
+ break
+ }
+ switch s[i] {
+ case '\\':
+ i++
+ if i == len(s) {
+ return context{
+ state: stateError,
+ err: errorf(ErrPartialEscape, 0, "unfinished escape sequence in JS string: %q", s),
+ }, len(s)
+ }
+ case '[':
+ inCharset = true
+ case ']':
+ inCharset = false
+ default:
+ // end delimiter
+ if !inCharset {
+ c.state, c.jsCtx = stateJS, jsCtxDivOp
+ return c, i + 1
+ }
+ }
+ k = i + 1
+ }
+ if inCharset {
+ // This can be fixed by making context richer if interpolation
+ // into charsets is desired.
+ return context{
+ state: stateError,
+ err: errorf(ErrPartialCharset, 0, "unfinished JS regexp charset: %q", s),
+ }, len(s)
+ }
+ return c, len(s)
+var blockCommentEnd = []byte("*/")
+// tBlockCmt is the context transition function for /*comment*/ states.
+func tBlockCmt(c context, s []byte) (context, int) {
+ i := bytes.Index(s, blockCommentEnd)
+ if i == -1 {
+ return c, len(s)
+ }
+ switch c.state {
+ case stateJSBlockCmt:
+ c.state = stateJS
+ case stateCSSBlockCmt:
+ c.state = stateCSS
+ default:
+ panic(c.state.String())
+ }
+ return c, i + 2
+// tLineCmt is the context transition function for //comment states.
+func tLineCmt(c context, s []byte) (context, int) {
+ var lineTerminators string
+ var endState state
+ switch c.state {
+ case stateJSLineCmt:
+ lineTerminators, endState = "\n\r\u2028\u2029", stateJS
+ case stateCSSLineCmt:
+ lineTerminators, endState = "\n\f\r", stateCSS
+ // Line comments are not part of any published CSS standard but
+ // are supported by the 4 major browsers.
+ // This defines line comments as
+ // LINECOMMENT ::= "//" [^\n\f\d]*
+ // since http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-syntax/#SUBTOK-nl defines
+ // newlines:
+ // nl ::= #xA | #xD #xA | #xD | #xC
+ default:
+ panic(c.state.String())
+ }
+ i := bytes.IndexAny(s, lineTerminators)
+ if i == -1 {
+ return c, len(s)
+ }
+ c.state = endState
+ // Per section 7.4 of EcmaScript 5 : http://es5.github.com/#x7.4
+ // "However, the LineTerminator at the end of the line is not
+ // considered to be part of the single-line comment; it is
+ // recognized separately by the lexical grammar and becomes part
+ // of the stream of input elements for the syntactic grammar."
+ return c, i
+// tCSS is the context transition function for the CSS state.
+func tCSS(c context, s []byte) (context, int) {
+ // CSS quoted strings are almost never used except for:
+ // (1) URLs as in background: "/foo.png"
+ // (2) Multiword font-names as in font-family: "Times New Roman"
+ // (3) List separators in content values as in inline-lists:
+ // <style>
+ // ul.inlineList { list-style: none; padding:0 }
+ // ul.inlineList > li { display: inline }
+ // ul.inlineList > li:before { content: ", " }
+ // ul.inlineList > li:first-child:before { content: "" }
+ // </style>
+ // <ul class=inlineList><li>One<li>Two<li>Three</ul>
+ // (4) Attribute value selectors as in a[href="http://example.com/"]
+ //
+ // We conservatively treat all strings as URLs, but make some
+ // allowances to avoid confusion.
+ //
+ // In (1), our conservative assumption is justified.
+ // In (2), valid font names do not contain ':', '?', or '#', so our
+ // conservative assumption is fine since we will never transition past
+ // urlPartPreQuery.
+ // In (3), our protocol heuristic should not be tripped, and there
+ // should not be non-space content after a '?' or '#', so as long as
+ // we only %-encode RFC 3986 reserved characters we are ok.
+ // In (4), we should URL escape for URL attributes, and for others we
+ // have the attribute name available if our conservative assumption
+ // proves problematic for real code.
+ k := 0
+ for {
+ i := k + bytes.IndexAny(s[k:], `("'/`)
+ if i < k {
+ return c, len(s)
+ }
+ switch s[i] {
+ case '(':
+ // Look for url to the left.
+ p := bytes.TrimRight(s[:i], "\t\n\f\r ")
+ if endsWithCSSKeyword(p, "url") {
+ j := len(s) - len(bytes.TrimLeft(s[i+1:], "\t\n\f\r "))
+ switch {
+ case j != len(s) && s[j] == '"':
+ c.state, j = stateCSSDqURL, j+1
+ case j != len(s) && s[j] == '\'':
+ c.state, j = stateCSSSqURL, j+1
+ default:
+ c.state = stateCSSURL
+ }
+ return c, j
+ }
+ case '/':
+ if i+1 < len(s) {
+ switch s[i+1] {
+ case '/':
+ c.state = stateCSSLineCmt
+ return c, i + 2
+ case '*':
+ c.state = stateCSSBlockCmt
+ return c, i + 2
+ }
+ }
+ case '"':
+ c.state = stateCSSDqStr
+ return c, i + 1
+ case '\'':
+ c.state = stateCSSSqStr
+ return c, i + 1
+ }
+ k = i + 1
+ }
+ panic("unreachable")
+// tCSSStr is the context transition function for the CSS string and URL states.
+func tCSSStr(c context, s []byte) (context, int) {
+ var endAndEsc string
+ switch c.state {
+ case stateCSSDqStr, stateCSSDqURL:
+ endAndEsc = `\"`
+ case stateCSSSqStr, stateCSSSqURL:
+ endAndEsc = `\'`
+ case stateCSSURL:
+ // Unquoted URLs end with a newline or close parenthesis.
+ // The below includes the wc (whitespace character) and nl.
+ endAndEsc = "\\\t\n\f\r )"
+ default:
+ panic(c.state.String())
+ }
+ k := 0
+ for {
+ i := k + bytes.IndexAny(s[k:], endAndEsc)
+ if i < k {
+ c, nread := tURL(c, decodeCSS(s[k:]))
+ return c, k + nread
+ }
+ if s[i] == '\\' {
+ i++
+ if i == len(s) {
+ return context{
+ state: stateError,
+ err: errorf(ErrPartialEscape, 0, "unfinished escape sequence in CSS string: %q", s),
+ }, len(s)
+ }
+ } else {
+ c.state = stateCSS
+ return c, i + 1
+ }
+ c, _ = tURL(c, decodeCSS(s[:i+1]))
+ k = i + 1
+ }
+ panic("unreachable")
+// tError is the context transition function for the error state.
+func tError(c context, s []byte) (context, int) {
+ return c, len(s)
+// eatAttrName returns the largest j such that s[i:j] is an attribute name.
+// It returns an error if s[i:] does not look like it begins with an
+// attribute name, such as encountering a quote mark without a preceding
+// equals sign.
+func eatAttrName(s []byte, i int) (int, *Error) {
+ for j := i; j < len(s); j++ {
+ switch s[j] {
+ case ' ', '\t', '\n', '\f', '\r', '=', '>':
+ return j, nil
+ case '\'', '"', '<':
+ // These result in a parse warning in HTML5 and are
+ // indicative of serious problems if seen in an attr
+ // name in a template.
+ return -1, errorf(ErrBadHTML, 0, "%q in attribute name: %.32q", s[j:j+1], s)
+ default:
+ // No-op.
+ }
+ }
+ return len(s), nil
+var elementNameMap = map[string]element{
+ "script": elementScript,
+ "style": elementStyle,
+ "textarea": elementTextarea,
+ "title": elementTitle,
+// asciiAlpha returns whether c is an ASCII letter.
+func asciiAlpha(c byte) bool {
+ return 'A' <= c && c <= 'Z' || 'a' <= c && c <= 'z'
+// asciiAlphaNum returns whether c is an ASCII letter or digit.
+func asciiAlphaNum(c byte) bool {
+ return asciiAlpha(c) || '0' <= c && c <= '9'
+// eatTagName returns the largest j such that s[i:j] is a tag name and the tag type.
+func eatTagName(s []byte, i int) (int, element) {
+ if i == len(s) || !asciiAlpha(s[i]) {
+ return i, elementNone
+ }
+ j := i + 1
+ for j < len(s) {
+ x := s[j]
+ if asciiAlphaNum(x) {
+ j++
+ continue
+ }
+ // Allow "x-y" or "x:y" but not "x-", "-y", or "x--y".
+ if (x == ':' || x == '-') && j+1 < len(s) && asciiAlphaNum(s[j+1]) {
+ j += 2
+ continue
+ }
+ break
+ }
+ return j, elementNameMap[strings.ToLower(string(s[i:j]))]
+// eatWhiteSpace returns the largest j such that s[i:j] is white space.
+func eatWhiteSpace(s []byte, i int) int {
+ for j := i; j < len(s); j++ {
+ switch s[j] {
+ case ' ', '\t', '\n', '\f', '\r':
+ // No-op.
+ default:
+ return j
+ }
+ }
+ return len(s)
diff --git a/gcc-4.7/libgo/go/html/template/url.go b/gcc-4.7/libgo/go/html/template/url.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..454c791ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gcc-4.7/libgo/go/html/template/url.go
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package template
+import (
+ "bytes"
+ "fmt"
+ "strings"
+// urlFilter returns its input unless it contains an unsafe protocol in which
+// case it defangs the entire URL.
+func urlFilter(args ...interface{}) string {
+ s, t := stringify(args...)
+ if t == contentTypeURL {
+ return s
+ }
+ if i := strings.IndexRune(s, ':'); i >= 0 && strings.IndexRune(s[:i], '/') < 0 {
+ protocol := strings.ToLower(s[:i])
+ if protocol != "http" && protocol != "https" && protocol != "mailto" {
+ return "#" + filterFailsafe
+ }
+ }
+ return s
+// urlEscaper produces an output that can be embedded in a URL query.
+// The output can be embedded in an HTML attribute without further escaping.
+func urlEscaper(args ...interface{}) string {
+ return urlProcessor(false, args...)
+// urlEscaper normalizes URL content so it can be embedded in a quote-delimited
+// string or parenthesis delimited url(...).
+// The normalizer does not encode all HTML specials. Specifically, it does not
+// encode '&' so correct embedding in an HTML attribute requires escaping of
+// '&' to '&amp;'.
+func urlNormalizer(args ...interface{}) string {
+ return urlProcessor(true, args...)
+// urlProcessor normalizes (when norm is true) or escapes its input to produce
+// a valid hierarchical or opaque URL part.
+func urlProcessor(norm bool, args ...interface{}) string {
+ s, t := stringify(args...)
+ if t == contentTypeURL {
+ norm = true
+ }
+ var b bytes.Buffer
+ written := 0
+ // The byte loop below assumes that all URLs use UTF-8 as the
+ // content-encoding. This is similar to the URI to IRI encoding scheme
+ // defined in section 3.1 of RFC 3987, and behaves the same as the
+ // EcmaScript builtin encodeURIComponent.
+ // It should not cause any misencoding of URLs in pages with
+ // Content-type: text/html;charset=UTF-8.
+ for i, n := 0, len(s); i < n; i++ {
+ c := s[i]
+ switch c {
+ // Single quote and parens are sub-delims in RFC 3986, but we
+ // escape them so the output can be embedded in in single
+ // quoted attributes and unquoted CSS url(...) constructs.
+ // Single quotes are reserved in URLs, but are only used in
+ // the obsolete "mark" rule in an appendix in RFC 3986
+ // so can be safely encoded.
+ case '!', '#', '$', '&', '*', '+', ',', '/', ':', ';', '=', '?', '@', '[', ']':
+ if norm {
+ continue
+ }
+ // Unreserved according to RFC 3986 sec 2.3
+ // "For consistency, percent-encoded octets in the ranges of
+ // ALPHA (%41-%5A and %61-%7A), DIGIT (%30-%39), hyphen (%2D),
+ // period (%2E), underscore (%5F), or tilde (%7E) should not be
+ // created by URI producers
+ case '-', '.', '_', '~':
+ continue
+ case '%':
+ // When normalizing do not re-encode valid escapes.
+ if norm && i+2 < len(s) && isHex(s[i+1]) && isHex(s[i+2]) {
+ continue
+ }
+ default:
+ // Unreserved according to RFC 3986 sec 2.3
+ if 'a' <= c && c <= 'z' {
+ continue
+ }
+ if 'A' <= c && c <= 'Z' {
+ continue
+ }
+ if '0' <= c && c <= '9' {
+ continue
+ }
+ }
+ b.WriteString(s[written:i])
+ fmt.Fprintf(&b, "%%%02x", c)
+ written = i + 1
+ }
+ if written == 0 {
+ return s
+ }
+ b.WriteString(s[written:])
+ return b.String()
diff --git a/gcc-4.7/libgo/go/html/template/url_test.go b/gcc-4.7/libgo/go/html/template/url_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5182e9d79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gcc-4.7/libgo/go/html/template/url_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package template
+import (
+ "testing"
+func TestURLNormalizer(t *testing.T) {
+ tests := []struct {
+ url, want string
+ }{
+ {"", ""},
+ {
+ "http://example.com:80/foo/bar?q=foo%20&bar=x+y#frag",
+ "http://example.com:80/foo/bar?q=foo%20&bar=x+y#frag",
+ },
+ {" ", "%20"},
+ {"%7c", "%7c"},
+ {"%7C", "%7C"},
+ {"%2", "%252"},
+ {"%", "%25"},
+ {"%z", "%25z"},
+ {"/foo|bar/%5c\u1234", "/foo%7cbar/%5c%e1%88%b4"},
+ }
+ for _, test := range tests {
+ if got := urlNormalizer(test.url); test.want != got {
+ t.Errorf("%q: want\n\t%q\nbut got\n\t%q", test.url, test.want, got)
+ }
+ if test.want != urlNormalizer(test.want) {
+ t.Errorf("not idempotent: %q", test.want)
+ }
+ }
+func TestURLFilters(t *testing.T) {
+ input := ("\x00\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08\t\n\x0b\x0c\r\x0e\x0f" +
+ "\x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17\x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f" +
+ ` !"#$%&'()*+,-./` +
+ `0123456789:;<=>?` +
+ `PQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_` +
+ "`abcdefghijklmno" +
+ "pqrstuvwxyz{|}~\x7f" +
+ "\u00A0\u0100\u2028\u2029\ufeff\U0001D11E")
+ tests := []struct {
+ name string
+ escaper func(...interface{}) string
+ escaped string
+ }{
+ {
+ "urlEscaper",
+ urlEscaper,
+ "%00%01%02%03%04%05%06%07%08%09%0a%0b%0c%0d%0e%0f" +
+ "%10%11%12%13%14%15%16%17%18%19%1a%1b%1c%1d%1e%1f" +
+ "%20%21%22%23%24%25%26%27%28%29%2a%2b%2c-.%2f" +
+ "0123456789%3a%3b%3c%3d%3e%3f" +
+ "PQRSTUVWXYZ%5b%5c%5d%5e_" +
+ "%60abcdefghijklmno" +
+ "pqrstuvwxyz%7b%7c%7d~%7f" +
+ "%c2%a0%c4%80%e2%80%a8%e2%80%a9%ef%bb%bf%f0%9d%84%9e",
+ },
+ {
+ "urlNormalizer",
+ urlNormalizer,
+ "%00%01%02%03%04%05%06%07%08%09%0a%0b%0c%0d%0e%0f" +
+ "%10%11%12%13%14%15%16%17%18%19%1a%1b%1c%1d%1e%1f" +
+ "%20!%22#$%25&%27%28%29*+,-./" +
+ "0123456789:;%3c=%3e?" +
+ "PQRSTUVWXYZ[%5c]%5e_" +
+ "%60abcdefghijklmno" +
+ "pqrstuvwxyz%7b%7c%7d~%7f" +
+ "%c2%a0%c4%80%e2%80%a8%e2%80%a9%ef%bb%bf%f0%9d%84%9e",
+ },
+ }
+ for _, test := range tests {
+ if s := test.escaper(input); s != test.escaped {
+ t.Errorf("%s: want\n\t%q\ngot\n\t%q", test.name, test.escaped, s)
+ continue
+ }
+ }
+func BenchmarkURLEscaper(b *testing.B) {
+ for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
+ urlEscaper("http://example.com:80/foo?q=bar%20&baz=x+y#frag")
+ }
+func BenchmarkURLEscaperNoSpecials(b *testing.B) {
+ for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
+ urlEscaper("TheQuickBrownFoxJumpsOverTheLazyDog.")
+ }
+func BenchmarkURLNormalizer(b *testing.B) {
+ for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
+ urlNormalizer("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.\n")
+ }
+func BenchmarkURLNormalizerNoSpecials(b *testing.B) {
+ for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
+ urlNormalizer("http://example.com:80/foo?q=bar%20&baz=x+y#frag")
+ }