path: root/gcc-4.4.3/gcc/ada/g-md5.adb
diff options
authorDan Albert <danalbert@google.com>2015-06-17 11:09:54 -0700
committerDan Albert <danalbert@google.com>2015-06-17 14:15:22 -0700
commitf378ebf14df0952eae870c9865bab8326aa8f137 (patch)
tree31794503eb2a8c64ea5f313b93100f1163afcffb /gcc-4.4.3/gcc/ada/g-md5.adb
parent2c58169824949d3a597d9fa81931e001ef9b1bd0 (diff)
Delete old versions of GCC.
Change-Id: I710f125d905290e1024cbd67f48299861790c66c
Diffstat (limited to 'gcc-4.4.3/gcc/ada/g-md5.adb')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 555 deletions
diff --git a/gcc-4.4.3/gcc/ada/g-md5.adb b/gcc-4.4.3/gcc/ada/g-md5.adb
deleted file mode 100644
index 6c1148804..000000000
--- a/gcc-4.4.3/gcc/ada/g-md5.adb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,555 +0,0 @@
--- --
--- --
--- G N A T . M D 5 --
--- --
--- B o d y --
--- --
--- Copyright (C) 2002-2008, AdaCore --
--- --
--- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
--- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
--- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- --
--- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
--- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
--- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
--- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
--- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write --
--- to the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, --
--- Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. --
--- --
--- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from this --
--- unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an executable, --
--- this unit does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be --
--- covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not --
--- however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be --
--- covered by the GNU Public License. --
--- --
--- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
--- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. --
--- --
-with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion;
-package body GNAT.MD5 is
- use Interfaces;
- Padding : constant String :=
- (1 => Character'Val (16#80#), 2 .. 64 => ASCII.NUL);
- Hex_Digit : constant array (Unsigned_32 range 0 .. 15) of Character :=
- ('0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7',
- '8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f');
- -- Look-up table for each hex digit of the Message-Digest.
- -- Used by function Digest (Context).
- -- The sixteen values used to rotate the context words.
- -- Four for each rounds. Used in procedure Transform.
- -- Round 1
- S11 : constant := 7;
- S12 : constant := 12;
- S13 : constant := 17;
- S14 : constant := 22;
- -- Round 2
- S21 : constant := 5;
- S22 : constant := 9;
- S23 : constant := 14;
- S24 : constant := 20;
- -- Round 3
- S31 : constant := 4;
- S32 : constant := 11;
- S33 : constant := 16;
- S34 : constant := 23;
- -- Round 4
- S41 : constant := 6;
- S42 : constant := 10;
- S43 : constant := 15;
- S44 : constant := 21;
- type Sixteen_Words is array (Natural range 0 .. 15)
- of Interfaces.Unsigned_32;
- -- Sixteen 32-bit words, converted from block of 64 characters.
- -- Used in procedure Decode and Transform.
- procedure Decode
- (Block : String;
- X : out Sixteen_Words);
- -- Convert a String of 64 characters into 16 32-bit numbers
- -- The following functions (F, FF, G, GG, H, HH, I and II) are the
- -- equivalent of the macros of the same name in the example
- -- C implementation in the annex of RFC 1321.
- function F (X, Y, Z : Unsigned_32) return Unsigned_32;
- pragma Inline (F);
- procedure FF
- (A : in out Unsigned_32;
- B, C, D : Unsigned_32;
- X : Unsigned_32;
- AC : Unsigned_32;
- S : Positive);
- pragma Inline (FF);
- function G (X, Y, Z : Unsigned_32) return Unsigned_32;
- pragma Inline (G);
- procedure GG
- (A : in out Unsigned_32;
- B, C, D : Unsigned_32;
- X : Unsigned_32;
- AC : Unsigned_32;
- S : Positive);
- pragma Inline (GG);
- function H (X, Y, Z : Unsigned_32) return Unsigned_32;
- pragma Inline (H);
- procedure HH
- (A : in out Unsigned_32;
- B, C, D : Unsigned_32;
- X : Unsigned_32;
- AC : Unsigned_32;
- S : Positive);
- pragma Inline (HH);
- function I (X, Y, Z : Unsigned_32) return Unsigned_32;
- pragma Inline (I);
- procedure II
- (A : in out Unsigned_32;
- B, C, D : Unsigned_32;
- X : Unsigned_32;
- AC : Unsigned_32;
- S : Positive);
- pragma Inline (II);
- procedure Transform
- (C : in out Context;
- Block : String);
- -- Process one block of 64 characters
- ------------
- -- Decode --
- ------------
- procedure Decode
- (Block : String;
- X : out Sixteen_Words)
- is
- Cur : Positive := Block'First;
- begin
- pragma Assert (Block'Length = 64);
- for Index in X'Range loop
- X (Index) :=
- Unsigned_32 (Character'Pos (Block (Cur))) +
- Shift_Left (Unsigned_32 (Character'Pos (Block (Cur + 1))), 8) +
- Shift_Left (Unsigned_32 (Character'Pos (Block (Cur + 2))), 16) +
- Shift_Left (Unsigned_32 (Character'Pos (Block (Cur + 3))), 24);
- Cur := Cur + 4;
- end loop;
- end Decode;
- ------------
- -- Digest --
- ------------
- function Digest (C : Context) return Message_Digest is
- Result : Message_Digest;
- Cur : Natural := 1;
- -- Index in Result where the next character will be placed
- Last_Block : String (1 .. 64);
- C1 : Context := C;
- procedure Convert (X : Unsigned_32);
- -- Put the contribution of one of the four words (A, B, C, D) of the
- -- Context in Result. Increments Cur.
- -------------
- -- Convert --
- -------------
- procedure Convert (X : Unsigned_32) is
- Y : Unsigned_32 := X;
- begin
- for J in 1 .. 4 loop
- Result (Cur + 1) := Hex_Digit (Y and Unsigned_32'(16#0F#));
- Y := Shift_Right (Y, 4);
- Result (Cur) := Hex_Digit (Y and Unsigned_32'(16#0F#));
- Y := Shift_Right (Y, 4);
- Cur := Cur + 2;
- end loop;
- end Convert;
- -- Start of processing for Digest
- begin
- -- Process characters in the context buffer, if any
- Last_Block (1 .. C.Last) := C.Buffer (1 .. C.Last);
- -- Too many magic literals below, should be defined as constants ???
- if C.Last > 55 then
- Last_Block (C.Last + 1 .. 64) := Padding (1 .. 64 - C.Last);
- Transform (C1, Last_Block);
- Last_Block := (others => ASCII.NUL);
- else
- Last_Block (C.Last + 1 .. 56) := Padding (1 .. 56 - C.Last);
- end if;
- -- Add the input length (as stored in the context) as 8 characters
- Last_Block (57 .. 64) := (others => ASCII.NUL);
- declare
- L : Unsigned_64 := Unsigned_64 (C.Length) * 8;
- Idx : Positive := 57;
- begin
- while L > 0 loop
- Last_Block (Idx) := Character'Val (L and 16#Ff#);
- L := Shift_Right (L, 8);
- Idx := Idx + 1;
- end loop;
- end;
- Transform (C1, Last_Block);
- Convert (C1.A);
- Convert (C1.B);
- Convert (C1.C);
- Convert (C1.D);
- return Result;
- end Digest;
- function Digest (S : String) return Message_Digest is
- C : Context;
- begin
- Update (C, S);
- return Digest (C);
- end Digest;
- function Digest
- (A : Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Array) return Message_Digest
- is
- C : Context;
- begin
- Update (C, A);
- return Digest (C);
- end Digest;
- -------
- -- F --
- -------
- function F (X, Y, Z : Unsigned_32) return Unsigned_32 is
- begin
- return (X and Y) or ((not X) and Z);
- end F;
- --------
- -- FF --
- --------
- procedure FF
- (A : in out Unsigned_32;
- B, C, D : Unsigned_32;
- X : Unsigned_32;
- AC : Unsigned_32;
- S : Positive)
- is
- begin
- A := A + F (B, C, D) + X + AC;
- A := Rotate_Left (A, S);
- A := A + B;
- end FF;
- -------
- -- G --
- -------
- function G (X, Y, Z : Unsigned_32) return Unsigned_32 is
- begin
- return (X and Z) or (Y and (not Z));
- end G;
- --------
- -- GG --
- --------
- procedure GG
- (A : in out Unsigned_32;
- B, C, D : Unsigned_32;
- X : Unsigned_32;
- AC : Unsigned_32;
- S : Positive)
- is
- begin
- A := A + G (B, C, D) + X + AC;
- A := Rotate_Left (A, S);
- A := A + B;
- end GG;
- -------
- -- H --
- -------
- function H (X, Y, Z : Unsigned_32) return Unsigned_32 is
- begin
- return X xor Y xor Z;
- end H;
- --------
- -- HH --
- --------
- procedure HH
- (A : in out Unsigned_32;
- B, C, D : Unsigned_32;
- X : Unsigned_32;
- AC : Unsigned_32;
- S : Positive)
- is
- begin
- A := A + H (B, C, D) + X + AC;
- A := Rotate_Left (A, S);
- A := A + B;
- end HH;
- -------
- -- I --
- -------
- function I (X, Y, Z : Unsigned_32) return Unsigned_32 is
- begin
- return Y xor (X or (not Z));
- end I;
- --------
- -- II --
- --------
- procedure II
- (A : in out Unsigned_32;
- B, C, D : Unsigned_32;
- X : Unsigned_32;
- AC : Unsigned_32;
- S : Positive)
- is
- begin
- A := A + I (B, C, D) + X + AC;
- A := Rotate_Left (A, S);
- A := A + B;
- end II;
- ---------------
- -- Transform --
- ---------------
- procedure Transform
- (C : in out Context;
- Block : String)
- is
- X : Sixteen_Words;
- AA : Unsigned_32 := C.A;
- BB : Unsigned_32 := C.B;
- CC : Unsigned_32 := C.C;
- DD : Unsigned_32 := C.D;
- begin
- pragma Assert (Block'Length = 64);
- Decode (Block, X);
- -- Round 1
- FF (AA, BB, CC, DD, X (00), 16#D76aa478#, S11); -- 1
- FF (DD, AA, BB, CC, X (01), 16#E8c7b756#, S12); -- 2
- FF (CC, DD, AA, BB, X (02), 16#242070db#, S13); -- 3
- FF (BB, CC, DD, AA, X (03), 16#C1bdceee#, S14); -- 4
- FF (AA, BB, CC, DD, X (04), 16#f57c0faf#, S11); -- 5
- FF (DD, AA, BB, CC, X (05), 16#4787c62a#, S12); -- 6
- FF (CC, DD, AA, BB, X (06), 16#a8304613#, S13); -- 7
- FF (BB, CC, DD, AA, X (07), 16#fd469501#, S14); -- 8
- FF (AA, BB, CC, DD, X (08), 16#698098d8#, S11); -- 9
- FF (DD, AA, BB, CC, X (09), 16#8b44f7af#, S12); -- 10
- FF (CC, DD, AA, BB, X (10), 16#ffff5bb1#, S13); -- 11
- FF (BB, CC, DD, AA, X (11), 16#895cd7be#, S14); -- 12
- FF (AA, BB, CC, DD, X (12), 16#6b901122#, S11); -- 13
- FF (DD, AA, BB, CC, X (13), 16#fd987193#, S12); -- 14
- FF (CC, DD, AA, BB, X (14), 16#a679438e#, S13); -- 15
- FF (BB, CC, DD, AA, X (15), 16#49b40821#, S14); -- 16
- -- Round 2
- GG (AA, BB, CC, DD, X (01), 16#f61e2562#, S21); -- 17
- GG (DD, AA, BB, CC, X (06), 16#c040b340#, S22); -- 18
- GG (CC, DD, AA, BB, X (11), 16#265e5a51#, S23); -- 19
- GG (BB, CC, DD, AA, X (00), 16#e9b6c7aa#, S24); -- 20
- GG (AA, BB, CC, DD, X (05), 16#d62f105d#, S21); -- 21
- GG (DD, AA, BB, CC, X (10), 16#02441453#, S22); -- 22
- GG (CC, DD, AA, BB, X (15), 16#d8a1e681#, S23); -- 23
- GG (BB, CC, DD, AA, X (04), 16#e7d3fbc8#, S24); -- 24
- GG (AA, BB, CC, DD, X (09), 16#21e1cde6#, S21); -- 25
- GG (DD, AA, BB, CC, X (14), 16#c33707d6#, S22); -- 26
- GG (CC, DD, AA, BB, X (03), 16#f4d50d87#, S23); -- 27
- GG (BB, CC, DD, AA, X (08), 16#455a14ed#, S24); -- 28
- GG (AA, BB, CC, DD, X (13), 16#a9e3e905#, S21); -- 29
- GG (DD, AA, BB, CC, X (02), 16#fcefa3f8#, S22); -- 30
- GG (CC, DD, AA, BB, X (07), 16#676f02d9#, S23); -- 31
- GG (BB, CC, DD, AA, X (12), 16#8d2a4c8a#, S24); -- 32
- -- Round 3
- HH (AA, BB, CC, DD, X (05), 16#fffa3942#, S31); -- 33
- HH (DD, AA, BB, CC, X (08), 16#8771f681#, S32); -- 34
- HH (CC, DD, AA, BB, X (11), 16#6d9d6122#, S33); -- 35
- HH (BB, CC, DD, AA, X (14), 16#fde5380c#, S34); -- 36
- HH (AA, BB, CC, DD, X (01), 16#a4beea44#, S31); -- 37
- HH (DD, AA, BB, CC, X (04), 16#4bdecfa9#, S32); -- 38
- HH (CC, DD, AA, BB, X (07), 16#f6bb4b60#, S33); -- 39
- HH (BB, CC, DD, AA, X (10), 16#bebfbc70#, S34); -- 40
- HH (AA, BB, CC, DD, X (13), 16#289b7ec6#, S31); -- 41
- HH (DD, AA, BB, CC, X (00), 16#eaa127fa#, S32); -- 42
- HH (CC, DD, AA, BB, X (03), 16#d4ef3085#, S33); -- 43
- HH (BB, CC, DD, AA, X (06), 16#04881d05#, S34); -- 44
- HH (AA, BB, CC, DD, X (09), 16#d9d4d039#, S31); -- 45
- HH (DD, AA, BB, CC, X (12), 16#e6db99e5#, S32); -- 46
- HH (CC, DD, AA, BB, X (15), 16#1fa27cf8#, S33); -- 47
- HH (BB, CC, DD, AA, X (02), 16#c4ac5665#, S34); -- 48
- -- Round 4
- II (AA, BB, CC, DD, X (00), 16#f4292244#, S41); -- 49
- II (DD, AA, BB, CC, X (07), 16#432aff97#, S42); -- 50
- II (CC, DD, AA, BB, X (14), 16#ab9423a7#, S43); -- 51
- II (BB, CC, DD, AA, X (05), 16#fc93a039#, S44); -- 52
- II (AA, BB, CC, DD, X (12), 16#655b59c3#, S41); -- 53
- II (DD, AA, BB, CC, X (03), 16#8f0ccc92#, S42); -- 54
- II (CC, DD, AA, BB, X (10), 16#ffeff47d#, S43); -- 55
- II (BB, CC, DD, AA, X (01), 16#85845dd1#, S44); -- 56
- II (AA, BB, CC, DD, X (08), 16#6fa87e4f#, S41); -- 57
- II (DD, AA, BB, CC, X (15), 16#fe2ce6e0#, S42); -- 58
- II (CC, DD, AA, BB, X (06), 16#a3014314#, S43); -- 59
- II (BB, CC, DD, AA, X (13), 16#4e0811a1#, S44); -- 60
- II (AA, BB, CC, DD, X (04), 16#f7537e82#, S41); -- 61
- II (DD, AA, BB, CC, X (11), 16#bd3af235#, S42); -- 62
- II (CC, DD, AA, BB, X (02), 16#2ad7d2bb#, S43); -- 63
- II (BB, CC, DD, AA, X (09), 16#eb86d391#, S44); -- 64
- C.A := C.A + AA;
- C.B := C.B + BB;
- C.C := C.C + CC;
- C.D := C.D + DD;
- end Transform;
- ------------
- -- Update --
- ------------
- procedure Update
- (C : in out Context;
- Input : String)
- is
- Inp : constant String := C.Buffer (1 .. C.Last) & Input;
- Cur : Positive := Inp'First;
- begin
- C.Length := C.Length + Input'Length;
- while Cur + 63 <= Inp'Last loop
- Transform (C, Inp (Cur .. Cur + 63));
- Cur := Cur + 64;
- end loop;
- C.Last := Inp'Last - Cur + 1;
- C.Buffer (1 .. C.Last) := Inp (Cur .. Inp'Last);
- end Update;
- procedure Update
- (C : in out Context;
- Input : Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Array)
- is
- subtype Stream_Array is Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Array (Input'Range);
- subtype Stream_String is
- String (1 + Integer (Input'First) .. 1 + Integer (Input'Last));
- function To_String is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
- (Stream_Array, Stream_String);
- String_Input : constant String := To_String (Input);
- begin
- Update (C, String_Input);
- end Update;
- -----------------
- -- Wide_Digest --
- -----------------
- function Wide_Digest (W : Wide_String) return Message_Digest is
- C : Context;
- begin
- Wide_Update (C, W);
- return Digest (C);
- end Wide_Digest;
- -----------------
- -- Wide_Update --
- -----------------
- procedure Wide_Update
- (C : in out Context;
- Input : Wide_String)
- is
- String_Input : String (1 .. 2 * Input'Length);
- Cur : Positive := 1;
- begin
- for Index in Input'Range loop
- String_Input (Cur) :=
- Character'Val
- (Unsigned_32 (Wide_Character'Pos (Input (Index))) and 16#FF#);
- Cur := Cur + 1;
- String_Input (Cur) :=
- Character'Val
- (Shift_Right (Unsigned_32 (Wide_Character'Pos (Input (Index))), 8)
- and 16#FF#);
- Cur := Cur + 1;
- end loop;
- Update (C, String_Input);
- end Wide_Update;
-end GNAT.MD5;