path: root/gcc-4.4.3/gcc/ada/g-expect.ads
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authorDan Albert <danalbert@google.com>2015-06-17 11:09:54 -0700
committerDan Albert <danalbert@google.com>2015-06-17 14:15:22 -0700
commitf378ebf14df0952eae870c9865bab8326aa8f137 (patch)
tree31794503eb2a8c64ea5f313b93100f1163afcffb /gcc-4.4.3/gcc/ada/g-expect.ads
parent2c58169824949d3a597d9fa81931e001ef9b1bd0 (diff)
Delete old versions of GCC.
Change-Id: I710f125d905290e1024cbd67f48299861790c66c
Diffstat (limited to 'gcc-4.4.3/gcc/ada/g-expect.ads')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 612 deletions
diff --git a/gcc-4.4.3/gcc/ada/g-expect.ads b/gcc-4.4.3/gcc/ada/g-expect.ads
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index 168a25554..000000000
--- a/gcc-4.4.3/gcc/ada/g-expect.ads
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,612 +0,0 @@
--- --
--- --
--- G N A T . E X P E C T --
--- --
--- S p e c --
--- --
--- Copyright (C) 2000-2008, AdaCore --
--- --
--- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
--- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
--- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- --
--- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
--- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
--- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
--- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
--- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write --
--- to the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, --
--- Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. --
--- --
--- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from this --
--- unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an executable, --
--- this unit does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be --
--- covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not --
--- however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be --
--- covered by the GNU Public License. --
--- --
--- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
--- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. --
--- --
--- Currently this package is implemented on all native GNAT ports except
--- for VMS. It is not yet implemented for any of the cross-ports (e.g. it
--- is not available for VxWorks or LynxOS).
--- -----------
--- -- Usage --
--- -----------
--- This package provides a set of subprograms similar to what is available
--- with the standard Tcl Expect tool.
--- It allows you to easily spawn and communicate with an external process.
--- You can send commands or inputs to the process, and compare the output
--- with some expected regular expression.
--- Usage example:
--- Non_Blocking_Spawn
--- (Fd, "ftp",
--- (1 => new String' ("machine@domain")));
--- Timeout := 10000; -- 10 seconds
--- Expect (Fd, Result, Regexp_Array'(+"\(user\)", +"\(passwd\)"),
--- Timeout);
--- case Result is
--- when 1 => Send (Fd, "my_name"); -- matched "user"
--- when 2 => Send (Fd, "my_passwd"); -- matched "passwd"
--- when Expect_Timeout => null; -- timeout
--- when others => null;
--- end case;
--- Close (Fd);
--- You can also combine multiple regular expressions together, and get the
--- specific string matching a parenthesis pair by doing something like. If you
--- expect either "lang=optional ada" or "lang=ada" from the external process,
--- you can group the two together, which is more efficient, and simply get the
--- name of the language by doing:
--- declare
--- Matched : Match_Array (0 .. 2);
--- begin
--- Expect (Fd, Result, "lang=(optional)? ([a-z]+)", Matched);
--- Put_Line ("Seen: " &
--- Expect_Out (Fd) (Matched (2).First .. Matched (2).Last));
--- end;
--- Alternatively, you might choose to use a lower-level interface to the
--- processes, where you can give your own input and output filters every
--- time characters are read from or written to the process.
--- procedure My_Filter
--- (Descriptor : Process_Descriptor'Class;
--- Str : String;
--- User_Data : System.Address)
--- is
--- begin
--- Put_Line (Str);
--- end;
--- Non_Blocking_Spawn
--- (Fd, "tail",
--- (new String' ("-f"), new String' ("a_file")));
--- Add_Filter (Fd, My_Filter'Access, Output);
--- Expect (Fd, Result, "", 0); -- wait forever
--- The above example should probably be run in a separate task, since it is
--- blocking on the call to Expect.
--- Both examples can be combined, for instance to systematically print the
--- output seen by expect, even though you still want to let Expect do the
--- filtering. You can use the Trace_Filter subprogram for such a filter.
--- If you want to get the output of a simple command, and ignore any previous
--- existing output, it is recommended to do something like:
--- Expect (Fd, Result, ".*", Timeout => 0);
--- -- Empty the buffer, by matching everything (after checking
--- -- if there was any input).
--- Send (Fd, "command");
--- Expect (Fd, Result, ".."); -- match only on the output of command
--- -----------------
--- -- Task Safety --
--- -----------------
--- This package is not task-safe: there should be not concurrent calls to
--- the functions defined in this package. In other words, separate tasks
--- may not access the facilities of this package without synchronization
--- that serializes access.
-with System;
-with GNAT.OS_Lib;
-with GNAT.Regpat;
-package GNAT.Expect is
- type Process_Id is new Integer;
- Invalid_Pid : constant Process_Id := -1;
- Null_Pid : constant Process_Id := 0;
- type Filter_Type is (Output, Input, Died);
- -- The signals that are emitted by the Process_Descriptor upon state
- -- changed in the child. One can connect to any of this signal through
- -- the Add_Filter subprograms.
- --
- -- Output => Every time new characters are read from the process
- -- associated with Descriptor, the filter is called with
- -- these new characters in argument.
- --
- -- Note that output is only generated when the program is
- -- blocked in a call to Expect.
- --
- -- Input => Every time new characters are written to the process
- -- associated with Descriptor, the filter is called with
- -- these new characters in argument.
- -- Note that input is only generated by calls to Send.
- --
- -- Died => The child process has died, or was explicitly killed
- type Process_Descriptor is tagged private;
- -- Contains all the components needed to describe a process handled
- -- in this package, including a process identifier, file descriptors
- -- associated with the standard input, output and error, and the buffer
- -- needed to handle the expect calls.
- type Process_Descriptor_Access is access Process_Descriptor'Class;
- ------------------------
- -- Spawning a process --
- ------------------------
- procedure Non_Blocking_Spawn
- (Descriptor : out Process_Descriptor'Class;
- Command : String;
- Args : GNAT.OS_Lib.Argument_List;
- Buffer_Size : Natural := 4096;
- Err_To_Out : Boolean := False);
- -- This call spawns a new process and allows sending commands to
- -- the process and/or automatic parsing of the output.
- --
- -- The expect buffer associated with that process can contain at most
- -- Buffer_Size characters. Older characters are simply discarded when
- -- this buffer is full. Beware that if the buffer is too big, this could
- -- slow down the Expect calls if not output is matched, since Expect has
- -- to match all the regexp against all the characters in the buffer.
- -- If Buffer_Size is 0, there is no limit (i.e. all the characters are kept
- -- till Expect matches), but this is slower.
- --
- -- If Err_To_Out is True, then the standard error of the spawned process is
- -- connected to the standard output. This is the only way to get the
- -- Except subprograms also match on output on standard error.
- --
- -- Invalid_Process is raised if the process could not be spawned.
- procedure Close (Descriptor : in out Process_Descriptor);
- -- Terminate the process and close the pipes to it. It implicitly
- -- does the 'wait' command required to clean up the process table.
- -- This also frees the buffer associated with the process id. Raise
- -- Invalid_Process if the process id is invalid.
- procedure Close
- (Descriptor : in out Process_Descriptor;
- Status : out Integer);
- -- Same as above, but also returns the exit status of the process, as set
- -- for example by the procedure GNAT.OS_Lib.OS_Exit.
- procedure Send_Signal
- (Descriptor : Process_Descriptor;
- Signal : Integer);
- -- Send a given signal to the process. Raise Invalid_Process if the process
- -- id is invalid.
- procedure Interrupt (Descriptor : in out Process_Descriptor);
- -- Interrupt the process (the equivalent of Ctrl-C on unix and windows)
- -- and call close if the process dies.
- function Get_Input_Fd
- (Descriptor : Process_Descriptor) return GNAT.OS_Lib.File_Descriptor;
- -- Return the input file descriptor associated with Descriptor
- function Get_Output_Fd
- (Descriptor : Process_Descriptor) return GNAT.OS_Lib.File_Descriptor;
- -- Return the output file descriptor associated with Descriptor
- function Get_Error_Fd
- (Descriptor : Process_Descriptor) return GNAT.OS_Lib.File_Descriptor;
- -- Return the error output file descriptor associated with Descriptor
- function Get_Pid
- (Descriptor : Process_Descriptor) return Process_Id;
- -- Return the process id associated with a given process descriptor
- function Get_Command_Output
- (Command : String;
- Arguments : GNAT.OS_Lib.Argument_List;
- Input : String;
- Status : not null access Integer;
- Err_To_Out : Boolean := False) return String;
- -- Execute Command with the specified Arguments and Input, and return the
- -- generated standard output data as a single string. If Err_To_Out is
- -- True, generated standard error output is included as well. On return,
- -- Status is set to the command's exit status.
- --------------------
- -- Adding filters --
- --------------------
- -- This is a rather low-level interface to subprocesses, since basically
- -- the filtering is left entirely to the user. See the Expect subprograms
- -- below for higher level functions.
- type Filter_Function is access
- procedure
- (Descriptor : Process_Descriptor'Class;
- Str : String;
- User_Data : System.Address := System.Null_Address);
- -- Function called every time new characters are read from or written
- -- to the process.
- --
- -- Str is a string of all these characters.
- --
- -- User_Data, if specified, is a user specific data that will be passed to
- -- the filter. Note that no checks are done on this parameter that should
- -- be used with cautiousness.
- procedure Add_Filter
- (Descriptor : in out Process_Descriptor;
- Filter : Filter_Function;
- Filter_On : Filter_Type := Output;
- User_Data : System.Address := System.Null_Address;
- After : Boolean := False);
- -- Add a new filter for one of the filter type. This filter will be
- -- run before all the existing filters, unless After is set True,
- -- in which case it will be run after existing filters. User_Data
- -- is passed as is to the filter procedure.
- procedure Remove_Filter
- (Descriptor : in out Process_Descriptor;
- Filter : Filter_Function);
- -- Remove a filter from the list of filters (whatever the type of the
- -- filter).
- procedure Trace_Filter
- (Descriptor : Process_Descriptor'Class;
- Str : String;
- User_Data : System.Address := System.Null_Address);
- -- Function that can be used a filter and that simply outputs Str on
- -- Standard_Output. This is mainly used for debugging purposes.
- -- User_Data is ignored.
- procedure Lock_Filters (Descriptor : in out Process_Descriptor);
- -- Temporarily disables all output and input filters. They will be
- -- reactivated only when Unlock_Filters has been called as many times as
- -- Lock_Filters;
- procedure Unlock_Filters (Descriptor : in out Process_Descriptor);
- -- Unlocks the filters. They are reactivated only if Unlock_Filters
- -- has been called as many times as Lock_Filters.
- ------------------
- -- Sending data --
- ------------------
- procedure Send
- (Descriptor : in out Process_Descriptor;
- Str : String;
- Add_LF : Boolean := True;
- Empty_Buffer : Boolean := False);
- -- Send a string to the file descriptor.
- --
- -- The string is not formatted in any way, except if Add_LF is True,
- -- in which case an ASCII.LF is added at the end, so that Str is
- -- recognized as a command by the external process.
- --
- -- If Empty_Buffer is True, any input waiting from the process (or in the
- -- buffer) is first discarded before the command is sent. The output
- -- filters are of course called as usual.
- -----------------------------------------------------------
- -- Working on the output (single process, simple regexp) --
- -----------------------------------------------------------
- type Expect_Match is new Integer;
- Expect_Full_Buffer : constant Expect_Match := -1;
- -- If the buffer was full and some characters were discarded
- Expect_Timeout : constant Expect_Match := -2;
- -- If not output matching the regexps was found before the timeout
- function "+" (S : String) return GNAT.OS_Lib.String_Access;
- -- Allocate some memory for the string. This is merely a convenience
- -- function to help create the array of regexps in the call to Expect.
- procedure Expect
- (Descriptor : in out Process_Descriptor;
- Result : out Expect_Match;
- Regexp : String;
- Timeout : Integer := 10000;
- Full_Buffer : Boolean := False);
- -- Wait till a string matching Fd can be read from Fd, and return 1
- -- if a match was found.
- --
- -- It consumes all the characters read from Fd until a match found, and
- -- then sets the return values for the subprograms Expect_Out and
- -- Expect_Out_Match.
- --
- -- The empty string "" will never match, and can be used if you only want
- -- to match after a specific timeout. Beware that if Timeout is -1 at the
- -- time, the current task will be blocked forever.
- --
- -- This command times out after Timeout milliseconds (or never if Timeout
- -- is -1). In that case, Expect_Timeout is returned. The value returned by
- -- Expect_Out and Expect_Out_Match are meaningless in that case.
- --
- -- Note that using a timeout of 0ms leads to unpredictable behavior, since
- -- the result depends on whether the process has already sent some output
- -- the first time Expect checks, and this depends on the operating system.
- --
- -- The regular expression must obey the syntax described in GNAT.Regpat.
- --
- -- If Full_Buffer is True, then Expect will match if the buffer was too
- -- small and some characters were about to be discarded. In that case,
- -- Expect_Full_Buffer is returned.
- procedure Expect
- (Descriptor : in out Process_Descriptor;
- Result : out Expect_Match;
- Regexp : GNAT.Regpat.Pattern_Matcher;
- Timeout : Integer := 10000;
- Full_Buffer : Boolean := False);
- -- Same as the previous one, but with a precompiled regular expression.
- -- This is more efficient however, especially if you are using this
- -- expression multiple times, since this package won't need to recompile
- -- the regexp every time.
- procedure Expect
- (Descriptor : in out Process_Descriptor;
- Result : out Expect_Match;
- Regexp : String;
- Matched : out GNAT.Regpat.Match_Array;
- Timeout : Integer := 10000;
- Full_Buffer : Boolean := False);
- -- Same as above, but it is now possible to get the indexes of the
- -- substrings for the parentheses in the regexp (see the example at the
- -- top of this package, as well as the documentation in the package
- -- GNAT.Regpat).
- --
- -- Matched'First should be 0, and this index will contain the indexes for
- -- the whole string that was matched. The index 1 will contain the indexes
- -- for the first parentheses-pair, and so on.
- ------------
- -- Expect --
- ------------
- procedure Expect
- (Descriptor : in out Process_Descriptor;
- Result : out Expect_Match;
- Regexp : GNAT.Regpat.Pattern_Matcher;
- Matched : out GNAT.Regpat.Match_Array;
- Timeout : Integer := 10000;
- Full_Buffer : Boolean := False);
- -- Same as above, but with a precompiled regular expression
- -------------------------------------------------------------
- -- Working on the output (single process, multiple regexp) --
- -------------------------------------------------------------
- type Regexp_Array is array (Positive range <>) of GNAT.OS_Lib.String_Access;
- type Pattern_Matcher_Access is access all GNAT.Regpat.Pattern_Matcher;
- type Compiled_Regexp_Array is array (Positive range <>)
- of Pattern_Matcher_Access;
- function "+"
- (P : GNAT.Regpat.Pattern_Matcher)
- return Pattern_Matcher_Access;
- -- Allocate some memory for the pattern matcher.
- -- This is only a convenience function to help create the array of
- -- compiled regular expressions.
- procedure Expect
- (Descriptor : in out Process_Descriptor;
- Result : out Expect_Match;
- Regexps : Regexp_Array;
- Timeout : Integer := 10000;
- Full_Buffer : Boolean := False);
- -- Wait till a string matching one of the regular expressions in Regexps
- -- is found. This function returns the index of the regexp that matched.
- -- This command is blocking, but will timeout after Timeout milliseconds.
- -- In that case, Timeout is returned.
- procedure Expect
- (Descriptor : in out Process_Descriptor;
- Result : out Expect_Match;
- Regexps : Compiled_Regexp_Array;
- Timeout : Integer := 10000;
- Full_Buffer : Boolean := False);
- -- Same as the previous one, but with precompiled regular expressions.
- -- This can be much faster if you are using them multiple times.
- procedure Expect
- (Descriptor : in out Process_Descriptor;
- Result : out Expect_Match;
- Regexps : Regexp_Array;
- Matched : out GNAT.Regpat.Match_Array;
- Timeout : Integer := 10000;
- Full_Buffer : Boolean := False);
- -- Same as above, except that you can also access the parenthesis
- -- groups inside the matching regular expression.
- -- The first index in Matched must be 0, or Constraint_Error will be
- -- raised. The index 0 contains the indexes for the whole string that was
- -- matched, the index 1 contains the indexes for the first parentheses
- -- pair, and so on.
- procedure Expect
- (Descriptor : in out Process_Descriptor;
- Result : out Expect_Match;
- Regexps : Compiled_Regexp_Array;
- Matched : out GNAT.Regpat.Match_Array;
- Timeout : Integer := 10000;
- Full_Buffer : Boolean := False);
- -- Same as above, but with precompiled regular expressions.
- -- The first index in Matched must be 0, or Constraint_Error will be
- -- raised.
- -------------------------------------------
- -- Working on the output (multi-process) --
- -------------------------------------------
- type Multiprocess_Regexp is record
- Descriptor : Process_Descriptor_Access;
- Regexp : Pattern_Matcher_Access;
- end record;
- type Multiprocess_Regexp_Array is array (Positive range <>)
- of Multiprocess_Regexp;
- procedure Expect
- (Result : out Expect_Match;
- Regexps : Multiprocess_Regexp_Array;
- Matched : out GNAT.Regpat.Match_Array;
- Timeout : Integer := 10000;
- Full_Buffer : Boolean := False);
- -- Same as above, but for multi processes
- procedure Expect
- (Result : out Expect_Match;
- Regexps : Multiprocess_Regexp_Array;
- Timeout : Integer := 10000;
- Full_Buffer : Boolean := False);
- -- Same as the previous one, but for multiple processes.
- -- This procedure finds the first regexp that match the associated process.
- ------------------------
- -- Getting the output --
- ------------------------
- procedure Flush
- (Descriptor : in out Process_Descriptor;
- Timeout : Integer := 0);
- -- Discard all output waiting from the process.
- --
- -- This output is simply discarded, and no filter is called. This output
- -- will also not be visible by the next call to Expect, nor will any
- -- output currently buffered.
- --
- -- Timeout is the delay for which we wait for output to be available from
- -- the process. If 0, we only get what is immediately available.
- function Expect_Out (Descriptor : Process_Descriptor) return String;
- -- Return the string matched by the last Expect call.
- --
- -- The returned string is in fact the concatenation of all the strings
- -- read from the file descriptor up to, and including, the characters
- -- that matched the regular expression.
- --
- -- For instance, with an input "philosophic", and a regular expression
- -- "hi" in the call to expect, the strings returned the first and second
- -- time would be respectively "phi" and "losophi".
- function Expect_Out_Match (Descriptor : Process_Descriptor) return String;
- -- Return the string matched by the last Expect call.
- --
- -- The returned string includes only the character that matched the
- -- specific regular expression. All the characters that came before are
- -- simply discarded.
- --
- -- For instance, with an input "philosophic", and a regular expression
- -- "hi" in the call to expect, the strings returned the first and second
- -- time would both be "hi".
- ----------------
- -- Exceptions --
- ----------------
- Invalid_Process : exception;
- -- Raised by most subprograms above when the parameter Descriptor is not a
- -- valid process or is a closed process.
- Process_Died : exception;
- -- Raised by all the expect subprograms if Descriptor was originally a
- -- valid process that died while Expect was executing. It is also raised
- -- when Expect receives an end-of-file.
- type Filter_List_Elem;
- type Filter_List is access Filter_List_Elem;
- type Filter_List_Elem is record
- Filter : Filter_Function;
- User_Data : System.Address;
- Filter_On : Filter_Type;
- Next : Filter_List;
- end record;
- type Pipe_Type is record
- Input, Output : GNAT.OS_Lib.File_Descriptor;
- end record;
- -- This type represents a pipe, used to communicate between two processes
- procedure Set_Up_Communications
- (Pid : in out Process_Descriptor;
- Err_To_Out : Boolean;
- Pipe1 : not null access Pipe_Type;
- Pipe2 : not null access Pipe_Type;
- Pipe3 : not null access Pipe_Type);
- -- Set up all the communication pipes and file descriptors prior to
- -- spawning the child process.
- procedure Set_Up_Parent_Communications
- (Pid : in out Process_Descriptor;
- Pipe1 : in out Pipe_Type;
- Pipe2 : in out Pipe_Type;
- Pipe3 : in out Pipe_Type);
- -- Finish the set up of the pipes while in the parent process
- procedure Set_Up_Child_Communications
- (Pid : in out Process_Descriptor;
- Pipe1 : in out Pipe_Type;
- Pipe2 : in out Pipe_Type;
- Pipe3 : in out Pipe_Type;
- Cmd : String;
- Args : System.Address);
- -- Finish the set up of the pipes while in the child process
- -- This also spawns the child process (based on Cmd).
- -- On systems that support fork, this procedure is executed inside the
- -- newly created process.
- type Process_Descriptor is tagged record
- Pid : aliased Process_Id := Invalid_Pid;
- Input_Fd : GNAT.OS_Lib.File_Descriptor := GNAT.OS_Lib.Invalid_FD;
- Output_Fd : GNAT.OS_Lib.File_Descriptor := GNAT.OS_Lib.Invalid_FD;
- Error_Fd : GNAT.OS_Lib.File_Descriptor := GNAT.OS_Lib.Invalid_FD;
- Filters_Lock : Integer := 0;
- Filters : Filter_List := null;
- Buffer : GNAT.OS_Lib.String_Access := null;
- Buffer_Size : Natural := 0;
- Buffer_Index : Natural := 0;
- Last_Match_Start : Natural := 0;
- Last_Match_End : Natural := 0;
- end record;
- -- The following subprogram is provided for use in the body, and also
- -- possibly in future child units providing extensions to this package.
- procedure Portable_Execvp
- (Pid : not null access Process_Id;
- Cmd : String;
- Args : System.Address);
- pragma Import (C, Portable_Execvp, "__gnat_expect_portable_execvp");
- -- Executes, in a portable way, the command Cmd (full path must be
- -- specified), with the given Args. Args must be an array of string
- -- pointers. Note that the first element in Args must be the executable
- -- name, and the last element must be a null pointer. The returned value
- -- in Pid is the process ID, or zero if not supported on the platform.
-end GNAT.Expect;