path: root/gcc-4.4.0/gcc/ada/g-trasym-vms-alpha.adb
diff options
authorDan Albert <danalbert@google.com>2015-06-17 11:09:54 -0700
committerDan Albert <danalbert@google.com>2015-06-17 14:15:22 -0700
commitf378ebf14df0952eae870c9865bab8326aa8f137 (patch)
tree31794503eb2a8c64ea5f313b93100f1163afcffb /gcc-4.4.0/gcc/ada/g-trasym-vms-alpha.adb
parent2c58169824949d3a597d9fa81931e001ef9b1bd0 (diff)
Delete old versions of GCC.
Change-Id: I710f125d905290e1024cbd67f48299861790c66c
Diffstat (limited to 'gcc-4.4.0/gcc/ada/g-trasym-vms-alpha.adb')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 305 deletions
diff --git a/gcc-4.4.0/gcc/ada/g-trasym-vms-alpha.adb b/gcc-4.4.0/gcc/ada/g-trasym-vms-alpha.adb
deleted file mode 100644
index b503441d3..000000000
--- a/gcc-4.4.0/gcc/ada/g-trasym-vms-alpha.adb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,305 +0,0 @@
--- --
--- --
--- G N A T . T R A C E B A C K . S Y M B O L I C --
--- --
--- B o d y --
--- --
--- Copyright (C) 1999-2009, Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
--- --
--- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
--- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
--- ware Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later ver- --
--- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
--- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
--- --
--- As a special exception under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted --
--- additional permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, --
--- version 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. --
--- --
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and --
--- a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program; --
--- see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively. If not, see --
--- <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. --
--- --
--- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
--- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. --
--- --
--- Run-time symbolic traceback support for Alpha/VMS
-with Ada.Exceptions.Traceback; use Ada.Exceptions.Traceback;
-with Interfaces.C;
-with System;
-with System.Aux_DEC;
-with System.Soft_Links;
-with System.Traceback_Entries;
-package body GNAT.Traceback.Symbolic is
- pragma Warnings (Off);
- pragma Linker_Options ("--for-linker=sys$library:trace.exe");
- use Interfaces.C;
- use System;
- use System.Aux_DEC;
- use System.Traceback_Entries;
- subtype User_Arg_Type is Unsigned_Longword;
- subtype Cond_Value_Type is Unsigned_Longword;
- type ASCIC is record
- Count : unsigned_char;
- Data : char_array (1 .. 255);
- end record;
- pragma Convention (C, ASCIC);
- for ASCIC use record
- Count at 0 range 0 .. 7;
- Data at 1 range 0 .. 8 * 255 - 1;
- end record;
- for ASCIC'Size use 8 * 256;
- function Fetch_ASCIC is new Fetch_From_Address (ASCIC);
- -----------------------
- -- Local Subprograms --
- -----------------------
- function Dummy_User_Act_Proc
- (Msgvec : Address := Null_Address;
- Actrtn : Address := Null_Address;
- Facnam : Address := Null_Address;
- Actprm : User_Arg_Type := 0) return Cond_Value_Type;
- -- Dummy routine with SYS$PUTMSG signature
- procedure Symbolize
- (Status : out Cond_Value_Type;
- Current_PC : Address;
- Adjusted_PC : Address;
- Current_FP : Address;
- Current_R26 : Address;
- Image_Name : out Address;
- Module_Name : out Address;
- Routine_Name : out Address;
- Line_Number : out Integer;
- Relative_PC : out Address;
- Absolute_PC : out Address;
- PC_Is_Valid : out Long_Integer;
- User_Act_Proc : Address := Dummy_User_Act_Proc'Address;
- User_Arg_Value : User_Arg_Type := 0);
- -- Comment on above procedure required ???
- pragma Interface (External, Symbolize);
- pragma Import_Valued_Procedure
- (Symbolize, "TBK$SYMBOLIZE",
- (Cond_Value_Type, Address, Address, Address, Address,
- Address, Address, Address, Integer,
- Address, Address, Long_Integer,
- Address, User_Arg_Type),
- (Value, Value, Value, Value, Value,
- Reference, Reference, Reference, Reference,
- Reference, Reference, Reference,
- Value, Value));
- function Decode_Ada_Name (Encoded_Name : String) return String;
- -- Decodes an Ada identifier name. Removes leading "_ada_" and trailing
- -- __{DIGIT}+ or ${DIGIT}+, converts other "__" to '.'
- ---------------------
- -- Decode_Ada_Name --
- ---------------------
- function Decode_Ada_Name (Encoded_Name : String) return String is
- Decoded_Name : String (1 .. Encoded_Name'Length);
- Pos : Integer := Encoded_Name'First;
- Last : Integer := Encoded_Name'Last;
- DPos : Integer := 1;
- begin
- if Pos > Last then
- return "";
- end if;
- -- Skip leading _ada_
- if Encoded_Name'Length > 4
- and then Encoded_Name (Pos .. Pos + 4) = "_ada_"
- then
- Pos := Pos + 5;
- end if;
- -- Skip trailing __{DIGIT}+ or ${DIGIT}+
- if Encoded_Name (Last) in '0' .. '9' then
- for J in reverse Pos + 2 .. Last - 1 loop
- case Encoded_Name (J) is
- when '0' .. '9' =>
- null;
- when '$' =>
- Last := J - 1;
- exit;
- when '_' =>
- if Encoded_Name (J - 1) = '_' then
- Last := J - 2;
- end if;
- exit;
- when others =>
- exit;
- end case;
- end loop;
- end if;
- -- Now just copy encoded name to decoded name, converting "__" to '.'
- while Pos <= Last loop
- if Encoded_Name (Pos) = '_' and then Encoded_Name (Pos + 1) = '_'
- and then Pos /= Encoded_Name'First
- then
- Decoded_Name (DPos) := '.';
- Pos := Pos + 2;
- else
- Decoded_Name (DPos) := Encoded_Name (Pos);
- Pos := Pos + 1;
- end if;
- DPos := DPos + 1;
- end loop;
- return Decoded_Name (1 .. DPos - 1);
- end Decode_Ada_Name;
- -------------------------
- -- Dummy_User_Act_Proc --
- -------------------------
- function Dummy_User_Act_Proc
- (Msgvec : Address := Null_Address;
- Actrtn : Address := Null_Address;
- Facnam : Address := Null_Address;
- Actprm : User_Arg_Type := 0) return Cond_Value_Type
- is
- begin
- return 0;
- end Dummy_User_Act_Proc;
- ------------------------
- -- Symbolic_Traceback --
- ------------------------
- function Symbolic_Traceback (Traceback : Tracebacks_Array) return String is
- Status : Cond_Value_Type;
- Image_Name : ASCIC;
- Image_Name_Addr : Address;
- Module_Name : ASCIC;
- Module_Name_Addr : Address;
- Routine_Name : ASCIC;
- Routine_Name_Addr : Address;
- Line_Number : Integer;
- Relative_PC : Address;
- Absolute_PC : Address;
- PC_Is_Valid : Long_Integer;
- Return_Address : Address;
- Res : String (1 .. 256 * Traceback'Length);
- Len : Integer;
- begin
- if Traceback'Length > 0 then
- Len := 0;
- -- Since image computation is not thread-safe we need task lockout
- System.Soft_Links.Lock_Task.all;
- for J in Traceback'Range loop
- if J = Traceback'Last then
- Return_Address := Address_Zero;
- else
- Return_Address := PC_For (Traceback (J + 1));
- end if;
- Symbolize
- (Status,
- PC_For (Traceback (J)),
- PC_For (Traceback (J)),
- PV_For (Traceback (J)),
- Return_Address,
- Image_Name_Addr,
- Module_Name_Addr,
- Routine_Name_Addr,
- Line_Number,
- Relative_PC,
- Absolute_PC,
- PC_Is_Valid);
- Image_Name := Fetch_ASCIC (Image_Name_Addr);
- Module_Name := Fetch_ASCIC (Module_Name_Addr);
- Routine_Name := Fetch_ASCIC (Routine_Name_Addr);
- declare
- First : Integer := Len + 1;
- Last : Integer := First + 80 - 1;
- Pos : Integer;
- Routine_Name_D : String := Decode_Ada_Name
- (To_Ada
- (Routine_Name.Data (1 .. size_t (Routine_Name.Count)),
- False));
- begin
- Res (First .. Last) := (others => ' ');
- Res (First .. First + Integer (Image_Name.Count) - 1) :=
- To_Ada
- (Image_Name.Data (1 .. size_t (Image_Name.Count)),
- False);
- Res (First + 10 ..
- First + 10 + Integer (Module_Name.Count) - 1) :=
- To_Ada
- (Module_Name.Data (1 .. size_t (Module_Name.Count)),
- False);
- Res (First + 30 ..
- First + 30 + Routine_Name_D'Length - 1) :=
- Routine_Name_D;
- -- If routine name doesn't fit 20 characters, output
- -- the line number on next line at 50th position
- if Routine_Name_D'Length > 20 then
- Pos := First + 30 + Routine_Name_D'Length;
- Res (Pos) := ASCII.LF;
- Last := Pos + 80;
- Res (Pos + 1 .. Last) := (others => ' ');
- Pos := Pos + 51;
- else
- Pos := First + 50;
- end if;
- Res (Pos .. Pos + Integer'Image (Line_Number)'Length - 1) :=
- Integer'Image (Line_Number);
- Res (Last) := ASCII.LF;
- Len := Last;
- end;
- end loop;
- System.Soft_Links.Unlock_Task.all;
- return Res (1 .. Len);
- else
- return "";
- end if;
- end Symbolic_Traceback;
- function Symbolic_Traceback (E : Exception_Occurrence) return String is
- begin
- return Symbolic_Traceback (Tracebacks (E));
- end Symbolic_Traceback;
-end GNAT.Traceback.Symbolic;