path: root/gcc-4.2.1-5666.3/libgomp/testsuite/libgomp.fortran/threadprivate3.f90
diff options
authorDan Albert <danalbert@google.com>2015-06-17 11:09:54 -0700
committerDan Albert <danalbert@google.com>2015-06-17 14:15:22 -0700
commitf378ebf14df0952eae870c9865bab8326aa8f137 (patch)
tree31794503eb2a8c64ea5f313b93100f1163afcffb /gcc-4.2.1-5666.3/libgomp/testsuite/libgomp.fortran/threadprivate3.f90
parent2c58169824949d3a597d9fa81931e001ef9b1bd0 (diff)
Delete old versions of GCC.
Change-Id: I710f125d905290e1024cbd67f48299861790c66c
Diffstat (limited to 'gcc-4.2.1-5666.3/libgomp/testsuite/libgomp.fortran/threadprivate3.f90')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 106 deletions
diff --git a/gcc-4.2.1-5666.3/libgomp/testsuite/libgomp.fortran/threadprivate3.f90 b/gcc-4.2.1-5666.3/libgomp/testsuite/libgomp.fortran/threadprivate3.f90
deleted file mode 100644
index d20a6520a..000000000
--- a/gcc-4.2.1-5666.3/libgomp/testsuite/libgomp.fortran/threadprivate3.f90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-! { dg-do run }
-! { dg-require-effective-target tls_runtime }
-module threadprivate3
- integer, dimension(:,:), pointer :: foo => NULL()
-!$omp threadprivate (foo)
-end module threadprivate3
- use omp_lib
- use threadprivate3
- integer, dimension(:), pointer :: bar1
- integer, dimension(2), target :: bar2, var
- common /thrc/ bar1, bar2
-!$omp threadprivate (/thrc/)
- integer, dimension(:), pointer, save :: bar3 => NULL()
-!$omp threadprivate (bar3)
- logical :: l
- type tt
- integer :: a
- integer :: b = 32
- end type tt
- type (tt), save :: baz
-!$omp threadprivate (baz)
- l = .false.
- call omp_set_dynamic (.false.)
- call omp_set_num_threads (4)
- var = 6
-!$omp parallel num_threads (4) reduction (.or.:l)
- bar2 = omp_get_thread_num ()
- l = associated (bar3)
- bar1 => bar2
- l = l.or..not.associated (bar1)
- l = l.or..not.associated (bar1, bar2)
- l = l.or.any (bar1.ne.omp_get_thread_num ())
- nullify (bar1)
- l = l.or.associated (bar1)
- allocate (bar3 (4))
- l = l.or..not.associated (bar3)
- bar3 = omp_get_thread_num () - 2
- if (omp_get_thread_num () .ne. 0) then
- deallocate (bar3)
- if (associated (bar3)) call abort
- else
- bar1 => var
- end if
- bar2 = omp_get_thread_num () * 6 + 130
- l = l.or.(baz%b.ne.32)
- baz%a = omp_get_thread_num () * 2
- baz%b = omp_get_thread_num () * 2 + 1
-!$omp end parallel
- if (l) call abort
- if (.not.associated (bar1)) call abort
- if (any (bar1.ne.6)) call abort
- if (.not.associated (bar3)) call abort
- if (any (bar3 .ne. -2)) call abort
- deallocate (bar3)
- if (associated (bar3)) call abort
- allocate (bar3 (10))
- bar3 = 17
-!$omp parallel copyin (bar1, bar2, bar3, baz) num_threads (4) &
-!$omp& reduction (.or.:l)
- l = l.or..not.associated (bar1)
- l = l.or.any (bar1.ne.6)
- l = l.or.any (bar2.ne.130)
- l = l.or..not.associated (bar3)
- l = l.or.size (bar3).ne.10
- l = l.or.any (bar3.ne.17)
- allocate (bar1 (4))
- bar1 = omp_get_thread_num ()
- bar2 = omp_get_thread_num () + 8
- l = l.or.(baz%a.ne.0)
- l = l.or.(baz%b.ne.1)
- baz%a = omp_get_thread_num () * 3 + 4
- baz%b = omp_get_thread_num () * 3 + 5
-!$omp barrier
- if (omp_get_thread_num () .eq. 0) then
- deallocate (bar3)
- end if
- bar3 => bar2
-!$omp barrier
- l = l.or..not.associated (bar1)
- l = l.or..not.associated (bar3)
- l = l.or.any (bar1.ne.omp_get_thread_num ())
- l = l.or.size (bar1).ne.4
- l = l.or.any (bar2.ne.omp_get_thread_num () + 8)
- l = l.or.any (bar3.ne.omp_get_thread_num () + 8)
- l = l.or.size (bar3).ne.2
- l = l.or.(baz%a .ne. omp_get_thread_num () * 3 + 4)
- l = l.or.(baz%b .ne. omp_get_thread_num () * 3 + 5)
-!$omp end parallel
- if (l) call abort