# Create a mergeable section full of a single value, # and page references relative to one entry called "data". # # The mergeable entries collapse to one, but the offsets # from "data" must still be retained, and need 3 page entries. # # Technically this isn't valid, because it creates out-of-section # page references. It's still a useful way of making sure that # offsets in mergeable sections are handled correctly. .globl foo .ent foo foo: .set y,0 .rept 4 lw $4,%got_page(data + y)($gp) addiu $4,$4,%got_ofst(data + y) .set y,y+0x8000 .endr .end foo .section .rodata.cst4,"aM",@progbits,4 data: .rept 0x8000*4 .word 123456 .endr # Make sure the loadable size of the library is large. .section .bss .globl g g: .space 0x800000