.macro call_stub, name .set push .set nomips16 .section .mips16.call.\name, "ax", @progbits .ent __call_stub_\name .type __call_stub_\name, @function __call_stub_\name: la $25, \name jr $25 .set pop .endm # Flags to specify how a particular function is referenced .equ DC, 1 # Direct call from "compressed" code .equ IC, 2 # Indirect call from "compressed" code .equ DU, 4 # Direct call from "uncompressed" code .equ IU, 8 # Indirect call from "uncompressed" code .equ LO, 16 # Direct address reference (%lo) # A wrapper around a macro called test_one, which is defined by # the file that includes this one. NAME is the name of a function # that is referenced in the way described by FLAGS, an inclusive OR # of the flags above. The wrapper filters out any functions whose # FLAGS are not a subset of FILTER. .macro test_filter, name, flags .if (\flags & filter) == \flags test_one \name, \flags .endif .endm .macro test_all_dc, name, flags test_filter \name, \flags test_filter \name\()_dc, (\flags | DC) .endm .macro test_all_ic, name, flags test_all_dc \name, \flags test_all_dc \name\()_ic, (\flags | IC) .endm .macro test_all_du, name, flags test_all_ic \name, \flags test_all_ic \name\()_du, (\flags | DU) .endm .macro test_all_iu, name, flags test_all_du \name, \flags test_all_du \name\()_iu, (\flags | IU) .endm .macro test_all_lo, name, flags test_all_iu \name, \flags test_all_iu \name\()_lo, (\flags | LO) .endm # Test all the combinations of interest. .macro test_all test_all_lo f, 0 .endm