path: root/binutils-2.25/gold/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'binutils-2.25/gold/')
1 files changed, 521 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/binutils-2.25/gold/ b/binutils-2.25/gold/
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index 00000000..e78e86b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/binutils-2.25/gold/
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+// -- the workqueue for gold
+// Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+// Written by Ian Lance Taylor <>.
+// This file is part of gold.
+// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+// (at your option) any later version.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston,
+// MA 02110-1301, USA.
+#include "gold.h"
+#include "debug.h"
+#include "options.h"
+#include "timer.h"
+#include "workqueue.h"
+#include "workqueue-internal.h"
+namespace gold
+// Class Task_list.
+// Add T to the end of the list.
+inline void
+Task_list::push_back(Task* t)
+ gold_assert(t->list_next() == NULL);
+ if (this->head_ == NULL)
+ {
+ this->head_ = t;
+ this->tail_ = t;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ this->tail_->set_list_next(t);
+ this->tail_ = t;
+ }
+// Add T to the front of the list.
+inline void
+Task_list::push_front(Task* t)
+ gold_assert(t->list_next() == NULL);
+ if (this->head_ == NULL)
+ {
+ this->head_ = t;
+ this->tail_ = t;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ t->set_list_next(this->head_);
+ this->head_ = t;
+ }
+// Remove and return the first Task waiting for this lock to be
+// released.
+inline Task*
+ Task* ret = this->head_;
+ if (ret != NULL)
+ {
+ if (ret == this->tail_)
+ {
+ gold_assert(ret->list_next() == NULL);
+ this->head_ = NULL;
+ this->tail_ = NULL;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ this->head_ = ret->list_next();
+ gold_assert(this->head_ != NULL);
+ ret->clear_list_next();
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+// The simple single-threaded implementation of Workqueue_threader.
+class Workqueue_threader_single : public Workqueue_threader
+ public:
+ Workqueue_threader_single(Workqueue* workqueue)
+ : Workqueue_threader(workqueue)
+ { }
+ ~Workqueue_threader_single()
+ { }
+ void
+ set_thread_count(int thread_count)
+ { gold_assert(thread_count > 0); }
+ bool
+ should_cancel_thread(int)
+ { return false; }
+// Workqueue methods.
+Workqueue::Workqueue(const General_options& options)
+ : lock_(),
+ first_tasks_(),
+ tasks_(),
+ running_(0),
+ waiting_(0),
+ condvar_(this->lock_),
+ threader_(NULL)
+ bool threads = options.threads();
+ threads = false;
+ if (!threads)
+ this->threader_ = new Workqueue_threader_single(this);
+ else
+ {
+ this->threader_ = new Workqueue_threader_threadpool(this);
+ gold_unreachable();
+ }
+// Add a task to the end of a specific queue, or put it on the list
+// waiting for a Token.
+Workqueue::add_to_queue(Task_list* queue, Task* t, bool front)
+ Hold_lock hl(this->lock_);
+ Task_token* token = t->is_runnable();
+ if (token != NULL)
+ {
+ if (front)
+ token->add_waiting_front(t);
+ else
+ token->add_waiting(t);
+ ++this->waiting_;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (front)
+ queue->push_front(t);
+ else
+ queue->push_back(t);
+ // Tell any waiting thread that there is work to do.
+ this->condvar_.signal();
+ }
+// Add a task to the queue.
+Workqueue::queue(Task* t)
+ this->add_to_queue(&this->tasks_, t, false);
+// Queue a task which should run soon.
+Workqueue::queue_soon(Task* t)
+ t->set_should_run_soon();
+ this->add_to_queue(&this->first_tasks_, t, false);
+// Queue a task which should run next.
+Workqueue::queue_next(Task* t)
+ t->set_should_run_soon();
+ this->add_to_queue(&this->first_tasks_, t, true);
+// Return whether to cancel the current thread.
+inline bool
+Workqueue::should_cancel_thread(int thread_number)
+ return this->threader_->should_cancel_thread(thread_number);
+// Find a runnable task in TASKS. Return NULL if none could be found.
+// If we find a Task waiting for a Token, add it to the list for that
+// Token. The workqueue lock must be held when this is called.
+Workqueue::find_runnable_in_list(Task_list* tasks)
+ Task* t;
+ while ((t = tasks->pop_front()) != NULL)
+ {
+ Task_token* token = t->is_runnable();
+ if (token == NULL)
+ return t;
+ token->add_waiting(t);
+ ++this->waiting_;
+ }
+ // We couldn't find any runnable task.
+ return NULL;
+// Find a runnable task. Return NULL if none could be found. The
+// workqueue lock must be held when this is called.
+ Task* t = this->find_runnable_in_list(&this->first_tasks_);
+ if (t == NULL)
+ t = this->find_runnable_in_list(&this->tasks_);
+ return t;
+// Find a runnable a task, and wait until we find one. Return NULL if
+// we should exit. The workqueue lock must be held when this is
+// called.
+Workqueue::find_runnable_or_wait(int thread_number)
+ Task* t = this->find_runnable();
+ while (t == NULL)
+ {
+ if (this->running_ == 0
+ && this->first_tasks_.empty()
+ && this->tasks_.empty())
+ {
+ // Kick all the threads to make them exit.
+ this->condvar_.broadcast();
+ gold_assert(this->waiting_ == 0);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (this->should_cancel_thread(thread_number))
+ return NULL;
+ gold_debug(DEBUG_TASK, "%3d sleeping", thread_number);
+ this->condvar_.wait();
+ gold_debug(DEBUG_TASK, "%3d awake", thread_number);
+ t = this->find_runnable();
+ }
+ return t;
+// Find and run tasks. If we can't find a runnable task, wait for one
+// to become available. If we run a task, and it frees up another
+// runnable task, then run that one too. This returns true if we
+// should look for another task, false if we are cancelling this
+// thread.
+Workqueue::find_and_run_task(int thread_number)
+ Task* t;
+ Task_locker tl;
+ {
+ Hold_lock hl(this->lock_);
+ // Find a runnable task.
+ t = this->find_runnable_or_wait(thread_number);
+ if (t == NULL)
+ return false;
+ // Get the locks for the task. This must be called while we are
+ // still holding the Workqueue lock.
+ t->locks(&tl);
+ ++this->running_;
+ }
+ while (t != NULL)
+ {
+ gold_debug(DEBUG_TASK, "%3d running task %s", thread_number,
+ t->name().c_str());
+ Timer timer;
+ if (is_debugging_enabled(DEBUG_TASK))
+ timer.start();
+ t->run(this);
+ if (is_debugging_enabled(DEBUG_TASK))
+ {
+ Timer::TimeStats elapsed = timer.get_elapsed_time();
+ gold_debug(DEBUG_TASK,
+ "%3d completed task %s "
+ "(user: %ld.%06ld sys: %ld.%06ld wall: %ld.%06ld)",
+ thread_number, t->name().c_str(),
+ elapsed.user / 1000, (elapsed.user % 1000) * 1000,
+ elapsed.sys / 1000, (elapsed.sys % 1000) * 1000,
+ elapsed.wall / 1000, (elapsed.wall % 1000) * 1000);
+ }
+ Task* next;
+ {
+ Hold_lock hl(this->lock_);
+ --this->running_;
+ // Release the locks for the task. This must be done with the
+ // workqueue lock held. Get the next Task to run if any.
+ next = this->release_locks(t, &tl);
+ if (next == NULL)
+ next = this->find_runnable();
+ // If we have another Task to run, get the Locks. This must
+ // be called while we are still holding the Workqueue lock.
+ if (next != NULL)
+ {
+ tl.clear();
+ next->locks(&tl);
+ ++this->running_;
+ }
+ }
+ // We are done with this task.
+ delete t;
+ t = next;
+ }
+ return true;
+// Handle the return value of release_locks, and get tasks ready to
+// run.
+// 1) If T is not runnable, queue it on the appropriate token.
+// 2) Otherwise, T is runnable. If *PRET is not NULL, then we have
+// already decided which Task to run next. Add T to the list of
+// runnable tasks, and signal another thread.
+// 3) Otherwise, *PRET is NULL. If IS_BLOCKER is false, then T was
+// waiting on a write lock. We can grab that lock now, so we run T
+// now.
+// 4) Otherwise, IS_BLOCKER is true. If we should run T soon, then
+// run it now.
+// 5) Otherwise, check whether there are other tasks to run. If there
+// are, then we generally get a better ordering if we run those tasks
+// now, before T. A typical example is tasks waiting on the Dirsearch
+// blocker. We don't want to run those tasks right away just because
+// the Dirsearch was unblocked.
+// 6) Otherwise, there are no other tasks to run, so we might as well
+// run this one now.
+// This function must be called with the Workqueue lock held.
+// Return true if we set *PRET to T, false otherwise.
+Workqueue::return_or_queue(Task* t, bool is_blocker, Task** pret)
+ Task_token* token = t->is_runnable();
+ if (token != NULL)
+ {
+ token->add_waiting(t);
+ ++this->waiting_;
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool should_queue = false;
+ bool should_return = false;
+ if (*pret != NULL)
+ should_queue = true;
+ else if (!is_blocker)
+ should_return = true;
+ else if (t->should_run_soon())
+ should_return = true;
+ else if (!this->first_tasks_.empty() || !this->tasks_.empty())
+ should_queue = true;
+ else
+ should_return = true;
+ if (should_return)
+ {
+ gold_assert(*pret == NULL);
+ *pret = t;
+ return true;
+ }
+ else if (should_queue)
+ {
+ if (t->should_run_soon())
+ this->first_tasks_.push_back(t);
+ else
+ this->tasks_.push_back(t);
+ this->condvar_.signal();
+ return false;
+ }
+ gold_unreachable();
+// Release the locks associated with a Task. Return the first
+// runnable Task that we find. If we find more runnable tasks, add
+// them to the run queue and signal any other threads. This must be
+// called with the Workqueue lock held.
+Workqueue::release_locks(Task* t, Task_locker* tl)
+ Task* ret = NULL;
+ for (Task_locker::iterator p = tl->begin(); p != tl->end(); ++p)
+ {
+ Task_token* token = *p;
+ if (token->is_blocker())
+ {
+ if (token->remove_blocker())
+ {
+ // The token has been unblocked. Every waiting Task may
+ // now be runnable.
+ Task* t;
+ while ((t = token->remove_first_waiting()) != NULL)
+ {
+ --this->waiting_;
+ this->return_or_queue(t, true, &ret);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ token->remove_writer(t);
+ // One more waiting Task may now be runnable. If we are
+ // going to run it next, we can stop. Otherwise we need to
+ // move all the Tasks to the runnable queue, to avoid a
+ // potential deadlock if the locking status changes before
+ // we run the next thread.
+ Task* t;
+ while ((t = token->remove_first_waiting()) != NULL)
+ {
+ --this->waiting_;
+ if (this->return_or_queue(t, false, &ret))
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+// Process all the tasks on the workqueue. Keep going until the
+// workqueue is empty, or until we have been told to exit. This
+// function is called by all threads.
+Workqueue::process(int thread_number)
+ while (this->find_and_run_task(thread_number))
+ ;
+// Set the number of threads to use for the workqueue, if we are using
+// threads.
+Workqueue::set_thread_count(int threads)
+ Hold_lock hl(this->lock_);
+ this->threader_->set_thread_count(threads);
+ // Wake up all the threads, since something has changed.
+ this->condvar_.broadcast();
+// Add a new blocker to an existing Task_token.
+Workqueue::add_blocker(Task_token* token)
+ Hold_lock hl(this->lock_);
+ token->add_blocker();
+} // End namespace gold.