path: root/binutils-2.25/gas/config/obj-macho.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'binutils-2.25/gas/config/obj-macho.c')
1 files changed, 1990 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/binutils-2.25/gas/config/obj-macho.c b/binutils-2.25/gas/config/obj-macho.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..21281a0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/binutils-2.25/gas/config/obj-macho.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1990 @@
+/* Mach-O object file format
+ Copyright 2009, 2011, 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ This file is part of GAS, the GNU Assembler.
+ GAS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3,
+ or (at your option) any later version.
+ GAS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ the GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with GAS; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+ Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
+ 02110-1301, USA. */
+/* Here we handle the mach-o directives that are common to all architectures.
+ Most significant are mach-o named sections and a variety of symbol type
+ decorations. */
+/* Mach-O supports multiple, named segments each of which may contain
+ multiple named sections. Thus the concept of subsectioning is
+ handled by (say) having a __TEXT segment with appropriate flags from
+ which subsections are generated like __text, __const etc.
+ The well-known as short-hand section switch directives like .text, .data
+ etc. are mapped onto predefined segment/section pairs using facilites
+ supplied by the mach-o port of bfd.
+ A number of additional mach-o short-hand section switch directives are
+ also defined. */
+#define OBJ_HEADER "obj-macho.h"
+#include "as.h"
+#include "subsegs.h"
+#include "symbols.h"
+#include "write.h"
+#include "mach-o.h"
+#include "mach-o/loader.h"
+#include "obj-macho.h"
+#include <string.h>
+/* Forward decls. */
+static segT obj_mach_o_segT_from_bfd_name (const char *, int);
+/* TODO: Implement "-dynamic"/"-static" command line options. */
+static int obj_mach_o_is_static;
+/* TODO: Implement the "-n" command line option to suppress the initial
+ switch to the text segment. */
+static int obj_mach_o_start_with_text_section = 1;
+/* Allow for special re-ordering on output. */
+static int obj_mach_o_seen_objc_section;
+/* Start-up: At present, just create the sections we want. */
+mach_o_begin (void)
+ /* Mach-O only defines the .text section by default, and even this can
+ be suppressed by a flag. In the latter event, the first code MUST
+ be a section definition. */
+ if (obj_mach_o_start_with_text_section)
+ {
+ text_section = obj_mach_o_segT_from_bfd_name (TEXT_SECTION_NAME, 1);
+ subseg_set (text_section, 0);
+ if (obj_mach_o_is_static)
+ {
+ bfd_mach_o_section *mo_sec
+ = bfd_mach_o_get_mach_o_section (text_section);
+ }
+ }
+/* Remember the subsections_by_symbols state in case we need to reset
+ the file flags. */
+static int obj_mach_o_subsections_by_symbols;
+/* This will put at most 16 characters (terminated by a ',' or newline) from
+ the input stream into dest. If there are more than 16 chars before the
+ delimiter, a warning is given and the string is truncated. On completion of
+ this function, input_line_pointer will point to the char after the ',' or
+ to the newline.
+ It trims leading and trailing space. */
+static int
+collect_16char_name (char *dest, const char *msg, int require_comma)
+ char c, *namstart;
+ namstart = input_line_pointer;
+ while ( (c = *input_line_pointer) != ','
+ && !is_end_of_line[(unsigned char) c])
+ input_line_pointer++;
+ {
+ int len = input_line_pointer - namstart; /* could be zero. */
+ /* lose any trailing space. */
+ while (len > 0 && namstart[len-1] == ' ')
+ len--;
+ if (len > 16)
+ {
+ *input_line_pointer = '\0'; /* make a temp string. */
+ as_bad (_("the %s name '%s' is too long (maximum 16 characters)"),
+ msg, namstart);
+ *input_line_pointer = c; /* restore for printing. */
+ len = 16;
+ }
+ if (len > 0)
+ memcpy (dest, namstart, len);
+ }
+ if (c != ',' && require_comma)
+ {
+ as_bad (_("expected a %s name followed by a `,'"), msg);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+static int
+obj_mach_o_get_section_names (char *seg, char *sec,
+ unsigned segl, unsigned secl)
+ /* Zero-length segment and section names are allowed. */
+ /* Parse segment name. */
+ memset (seg, 0, segl);
+ if (collect_16char_name (seg, "segment", 1))
+ {
+ ignore_rest_of_line ();
+ return 0;
+ }
+ input_line_pointer++; /* Skip the terminating ',' */
+ /* Parse section name, which can be empty. */
+ memset (sec, 0, secl);
+ collect_16char_name (sec, "section", 0);
+ return 1;
+/* Build (or get) a section from the mach-o description - which includes
+ optional definitions for type, attributes, alignment and stub size.
+ BFD supplies default values for sections which have a canonical name. */
+#define SECT_TYPE_SPECIFIED 0x0001
+#define SECT_ATTR_SPECIFIED 0x0002
+#define SECT_ALGN_SPECIFIED 0x0004
+#define SECT_STUB_SPECIFIED 0x0008
+static segT
+obj_mach_o_make_or_get_sect (char * segname, char * sectname,
+ unsigned int specified_mask,
+ unsigned int usectype, unsigned int usecattr,
+ unsigned int ualign, offsetT stub_size)
+ unsigned int sectype, secattr, secalign;
+ flagword oldflags, flags;
+ const char *name;
+ segT sec;
+ bfd_mach_o_section *msect;
+ const mach_o_section_name_xlat *xlat;
+ /* This provides default bfd flags and default mach-o section type and
+ attributes along with the canonical name. */
+ xlat = bfd_mach_o_section_data_for_mach_sect (stdoutput, segname, sectname);
+ /* TODO: more checking of whether overides are acually allowed. */
+ if (xlat != NULL)
+ {
+ name = xstrdup (xlat->bfd_name);
+ sectype = xlat->macho_sectype;
+ if (specified_mask & SECT_TYPE_SPECIFIED)
+ {
+ if ((sectype == BFD_MACH_O_S_ZEROFILL
+ || sectype == BFD_MACH_O_S_GB_ZEROFILL)
+ && sectype != usectype)
+ as_bad (_("cannot overide zerofill section type for `%s,%s'"),
+ segname, sectname);
+ else
+ sectype = usectype;
+ }
+ secattr = xlat->macho_secattr;
+ secalign = xlat->sectalign;
+ flags = xlat->bfd_flags;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* There is no normal BFD section name for this section. Create one.
+ The name created doesn't really matter as it will never be written
+ on disk. */
+ size_t seglen = strlen (segname);
+ size_t sectlen = strlen (sectname);
+ char *n;
+ n = xmalloc (seglen + 1 + sectlen + 1);
+ memcpy (n, segname, seglen);
+ n[seglen] = '.';
+ memcpy (n + seglen + 1, sectname, sectlen);
+ n[seglen + 1 + sectlen] = 0;
+ name = n;
+ if (specified_mask & SECT_TYPE_SPECIFIED)
+ sectype = usectype;
+ else
+ sectype = BFD_MACH_O_S_REGULAR;
+ secattr = BFD_MACH_O_S_ATTR_NONE;
+ secalign = 0;
+ flags = SEC_NO_FLAGS;
+ }
+ /* For now, just use what the user provided. */
+ if (specified_mask & SECT_ATTR_SPECIFIED)
+ secattr = usecattr;
+ if (specified_mask & SECT_ALGN_SPECIFIED)
+ secalign = ualign;
+ /* Sub-segments don't exists as is on Mach-O. */
+ sec = subseg_new (name, 0);
+ oldflags = bfd_get_section_flags (stdoutput, sec);
+ msect = bfd_mach_o_get_mach_o_section (sec);
+ if (oldflags == SEC_NO_FLAGS)
+ {
+ /* In the absence of canonical information, try to determine CODE and
+ DEBUG section flags from the mach-o section data. */
+ if (flags == SEC_NO_FLAGS
+ && (specified_mask & SECT_ATTR_SPECIFIED)
+ flags |= SEC_CODE;
+ if (flags == SEC_NO_FLAGS
+ && (specified_mask & SECT_ATTR_SPECIFIED)
+ && (secattr & BFD_MACH_O_S_ATTR_DEBUG))
+ flags |= SEC_DEBUGGING;
+ /* New, so just use the defaults or what's specified. */
+ if (! bfd_set_section_flags (stdoutput, sec, flags))
+ as_warn (_("failed to set flags for \"%s\": %s"),
+ bfd_section_name (stdoutput, sec),
+ bfd_errmsg (bfd_get_error ()));
+ strncpy (msect->segname, segname, sizeof (msect->segname));
+ strncpy (msect->sectname, sectname, sizeof (msect->sectname));
+ msect->align = secalign;
+ msect->flags = sectype | secattr;
+ if (sectype == BFD_MACH_O_S_ZEROFILL
+ || sectype == BFD_MACH_O_S_GB_ZEROFILL)
+ seg_info (sec)->bss = 1;
+ }
+ else if (flags != SEC_NO_FLAGS)
+ {
+ if (flags != oldflags
+ || msect->flags != (secattr | sectype))
+ as_warn (_("Ignoring changed section attributes for %s"), name);
+ }
+ if (specified_mask & SECT_STUB_SPECIFIED)
+ /* At present, the stub size is not supplied from the BFD tables. */
+ msect->reserved2 = stub_size;
+ return sec;
+/* .section
+ The '.section' specification syntax looks like:
+ .section <segment> , <section> [, type [, attribs [, size]]]
+ White space is allowed everywhere between elements.
+ <segment> and <section> may be from 0 to 16 chars in length - they may
+ contain spaces but leading and trailing space will be trimmed. It is
+ mandatory that they be present (or that zero-length names are indicated
+ by ",,").
+ There is only a single section type for any entry.
+ There may be multiple attributes, they are delimited by `+'.
+ Not all section types and attributes are accepted by the Darwin system
+ assemblers as user-specifiable - although, at present, we do here. */
+static void
+obj_mach_o_section (int ignore ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED)
+ unsigned int sectype = BFD_MACH_O_S_REGULAR;
+ unsigned int specified_mask = 0;
+ unsigned int secattr = 0;
+ offsetT sizeof_stub = 0;
+ segT new_seg;
+ char segname[17];
+ char sectname[17];
+#ifdef md_flush_pending_output
+ md_flush_pending_output ();
+ /* Get the User's segment annd section names. */
+ if (! obj_mach_o_get_section_names (segname, sectname, 17, 17))
+ return;
+ /* Parse section type, if present. */
+ if (*input_line_pointer == ',')
+ {
+ char *p;
+ char c;
+ char tmpc;
+ int len;
+ input_line_pointer++;
+ p = input_line_pointer;
+ while ((c = *input_line_pointer) != ','
+ && !is_end_of_line[(unsigned char) c])
+ input_line_pointer++;
+ len = input_line_pointer - p;
+ /* strip trailing spaces. */
+ while (len > 0 && p[len-1] == ' ')
+ len--;
+ tmpc = p[len];
+ /* Temporarily make a string from the token. */
+ p[len] = 0;
+ sectype = bfd_mach_o_get_section_type_from_name (stdoutput, p);
+ if (sectype > 255) /* Max Section ID == 255. */
+ {
+ as_bad (_("unknown or invalid section type '%s'"), p);
+ p[len] = tmpc;
+ ignore_rest_of_line ();
+ return;
+ }
+ else
+ specified_mask |= SECT_TYPE_SPECIFIED;
+ /* Restore. */
+ p[len] = tmpc;
+ /* Parse attributes.
+ TODO: check validity of attributes for section type. */
+ if ((specified_mask & SECT_TYPE_SPECIFIED)
+ && c == ',')
+ {
+ do
+ {
+ int attr;
+ /* Skip initial `,' and subsequent `+'. */
+ input_line_pointer++;
+ p = input_line_pointer;
+ while ((c = *input_line_pointer) != '+'
+ && c != ','
+ && !is_end_of_line[(unsigned char) c])
+ input_line_pointer++;
+ len = input_line_pointer - p;
+ /* strip trailing spaces. */
+ while (len > 0 && p[len-1] == ' ')
+ len--;
+ tmpc = p[len];
+ /* Temporarily make a string from the token. */
+ p[len] ='\0';
+ attr = bfd_mach_o_get_section_attribute_from_name (p);
+ if (attr == -1)
+ {
+ as_bad (_("unknown or invalid section attribute '%s'"), p);
+ p[len] = tmpc;
+ ignore_rest_of_line ();
+ return;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ specified_mask |= SECT_ATTR_SPECIFIED;
+ secattr |= attr;
+ }
+ /* Restore. */
+ p[len] = tmpc;
+ }
+ while (*input_line_pointer == '+');
+ /* Parse sizeof_stub. */
+ if ((specified_mask & SECT_ATTR_SPECIFIED)
+ && *input_line_pointer == ',')
+ {
+ if (sectype != BFD_MACH_O_S_SYMBOL_STUBS)
+ {
+ as_bad (_("unexpected section size information"));
+ ignore_rest_of_line ();
+ return;
+ }
+ input_line_pointer++;
+ sizeof_stub = get_absolute_expression ();
+ specified_mask |= SECT_STUB_SPECIFIED;
+ }
+ else if ((specified_mask & SECT_ATTR_SPECIFIED)
+ && sectype == BFD_MACH_O_S_SYMBOL_STUBS)
+ {
+ as_bad (_("missing sizeof_stub expression"));
+ ignore_rest_of_line ();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ new_seg = obj_mach_o_make_or_get_sect (segname, sectname, specified_mask,
+ sectype, secattr, 0 /*align */,
+ sizeof_stub);
+ if (new_seg != NULL)
+ {
+ subseg_set (new_seg, 0);
+ demand_empty_rest_of_line ();
+ }
+/* .zerofill segname, sectname [, symbolname, size [, align]]
+ Zerofill switches, temporarily, to a sect of type 'zerofill'.
+ If a variable name is given, it defines that in the section.
+ Otherwise it just creates the section if it doesn't exist. */
+static void
+obj_mach_o_zerofill (int ignore ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED)
+ char segname[17];
+ char sectname[17];
+ segT old_seg = now_seg;
+ segT new_seg;
+ symbolS *sym = NULL;
+ unsigned int align = 0;
+ unsigned int specified_mask = 0;
+ offsetT size = 0;
+#ifdef md_flush_pending_output
+ md_flush_pending_output ();
+ /* Get the User's segment annd section names. */
+ if (! obj_mach_o_get_section_names (segname, sectname, 17, 17))
+ return;
+ /* Parse variable definition, if present. */
+ if (*input_line_pointer == ',')
+ {
+ /* Parse symbol, size [.align]
+ We follow the method of s_common_internal, with the difference
+ that the symbol cannot be a duplicate-common. */
+ char *name;
+ char c;
+ char *p;
+ expressionS exp;
+ input_line_pointer++; /* Skip ',' */
+ name = input_line_pointer;
+ c = get_symbol_end ();
+ /* Just after name is now '\0'. */
+ p = input_line_pointer;
+ *p = c;
+ if (name == p)
+ {
+ as_bad (_("expected symbol name"));
+ ignore_rest_of_line ();
+ goto done;
+ }
+ if (*input_line_pointer == ',')
+ input_line_pointer++;
+ expression_and_evaluate (&exp);
+ if (exp.X_op != O_constant
+ && exp.X_op != O_absent)
+ {
+ as_bad (_("bad or irreducible absolute expression"));
+ ignore_rest_of_line ();
+ goto done;
+ }
+ else if (exp.X_op == O_absent)
+ {
+ as_bad (_("missing size expression"));
+ ignore_rest_of_line ();
+ goto done;
+ }
+ size = exp.X_add_number;
+ size &= ((offsetT) 2 << (stdoutput->arch_info->bits_per_address - 1)) - 1;
+ if (exp.X_add_number != size || !exp.X_unsigned)
+ {
+ as_warn (_("size (%ld) out of range, ignored"),
+ (long) exp.X_add_number);
+ ignore_rest_of_line ();
+ goto done;
+ }
+ *p = 0; /* Make the name into a c string for err messages. */
+ sym = symbol_find_or_make (name);
+ if (S_IS_DEFINED (sym) || symbol_equated_p (sym))
+ {
+ as_bad (_("symbol `%s' is already defined"), name);
+ *p = c;
+ ignore_rest_of_line ();
+ goto done;
+ }
+ size = S_GET_VALUE (sym);
+ if (size == 0)
+ size = exp.X_add_number;
+ else if (size != exp.X_add_number)
+ as_warn (_("size of \"%s\" is already %ld; not changing to %ld"),
+ name, (long) size, (long) exp.X_add_number);
+ *p = c; /* Restore the termination char. */
+ if (*input_line_pointer == ',')
+ {
+ align = (unsigned int) parse_align (0);
+ if (align == (unsigned int) -1)
+ {
+ as_warn (_("align value not recognized, using size"));
+ align = size;
+ }
+ if (align > 15)
+ {
+ as_warn (_("Alignment (%lu) too large: 15 assumed."),
+ (unsigned long)align);
+ align = 15;
+ }
+ specified_mask |= SECT_ALGN_SPECIFIED;
+ }
+ }
+ /* else just a section definition. */
+ specified_mask |= SECT_TYPE_SPECIFIED;
+ new_seg = obj_mach_o_make_or_get_sect (segname, sectname, specified_mask,
+ align, (offsetT) 0 /*stub size*/);
+ if (new_seg == NULL)
+ return;
+ /* In case the user specifies the bss section by mach-o name.
+ Create it on demand */
+ if (strcmp (new_seg->name, BSS_SECTION_NAME) == 0
+ && bss_section == NULL)
+ bss_section = new_seg;
+ subseg_set (new_seg, 0);
+ if (sym != NULL)
+ {
+ char *pfrag;
+ if (align)
+ {
+ record_alignment (new_seg, align);
+ frag_align (align, 0, 0);
+ }
+ /* Detach from old frag. */
+ if (S_GET_SEGMENT (sym) == new_seg)
+ symbol_get_frag (sym)->fr_symbol = NULL;
+ symbol_set_frag (sym, frag_now);
+ pfrag = frag_var (rs_org, 1, 1, 0, sym, size, NULL);
+ *pfrag = 0;
+ S_SET_SEGMENT (sym, new_seg);
+ if (new_seg == bss_section)
+ }
+ /* switch back to the section that was current before the .zerofill. */
+ subseg_set (old_seg, 0);
+static segT
+obj_mach_o_segT_from_bfd_name (const char *nam, int must_succeed)
+ const mach_o_section_name_xlat *xlat;
+ const char *segn;
+ segT sec;
+ /* BFD has tables of flags and default attributes for all the sections that
+ have a 'canonical' name. */
+ xlat = bfd_mach_o_section_data_for_bfd_name (stdoutput, nam, &segn);
+ if (xlat == NULL)
+ {
+ if (must_succeed)
+ as_fatal (_("BFD is out of sync with GAS, "
+ "unhandled well-known section type `%s'"), nam);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ sec = bfd_get_section_by_name (stdoutput, nam);
+ if (sec == NULL)
+ {
+ bfd_mach_o_section *msect;
+ sec = subseg_force_new (xlat->bfd_name, 0);
+ /* Set default type, attributes and alignment. */
+ msect = bfd_mach_o_get_mach_o_section (sec);
+ msect->flags = xlat->macho_sectype | xlat->macho_secattr;
+ msect->align = xlat->sectalign;
+ if ((msect->flags & BFD_MACH_O_SECTION_TYPE_MASK)
+ seg_info (sec)->bss = 1;
+ }
+ return sec;
+static const char * const known_sections[] =
+ /* 0 */ NULL,
+ /* __TEXT */
+ /* 1 */ ".const",
+ /* 2 */ ".static_const",
+ /* 3 */ ".cstring",
+ /* 4 */ ".literal4",
+ /* 5 */ ".literal8",
+ /* 6 */ ".literal16",
+ /* 7 */ ".constructor",
+ /* 8 */ ".destructor",
+ /* 9 */ ".eh_frame",
+ /* __DATA */
+ /* 10 */ ".const_data",
+ /* 11 */ ".static_data",
+ /* 12 */ ".mod_init_func",
+ /* 13 */ ".mod_term_func",
+ /* 14 */ ".dyld",
+ /* 15 */ ".cfstring"
+/* Interface for a known non-optional section directive. */
+static void
+obj_mach_o_known_section (int sect_index)
+ segT section;
+#ifdef md_flush_pending_output
+ md_flush_pending_output ();
+ section = obj_mach_o_segT_from_bfd_name (known_sections[sect_index], 1);
+ if (section != NULL)
+ subseg_set (section, 0);
+ /* else, we leave the section as it was; there was a fatal error anyway. */
+static const char * const objc_sections[] =
+ /* 0 */ NULL,
+ /* 1 */ ".objc_class",
+ /* 2 */ ".objc_meta_class",
+ /* 3 */ ".objc_cat_cls_meth",
+ /* 4 */ ".objc_cat_inst_meth",
+ /* 5 */ ".objc_protocol",
+ /* 6 */ ".objc_string_object",
+ /* 7 */ ".objc_cls_meth",
+ /* 8 */ ".objc_inst_meth",
+ /* 9 */ ".objc_cls_refs",
+ /* 10 */ ".objc_message_refs",
+ /* 11 */ ".objc_symbols",
+ /* 12 */ ".objc_category",
+ /* 13 */ ".objc_class_vars",
+ /* 14 */ ".objc_instance_vars",
+ /* 15 */ ".objc_module_info",
+ /* 16 */ ".cstring", /* objc_class_names Alias for .cstring */
+ /* 17 */ ".cstring", /* Alias objc_meth_var_types for .cstring */
+ /* 18 */ ".cstring", /* objc_meth_var_names Alias for .cstring */
+ /* 19 */ ".objc_selector_strs",
+ /* 20 */ ".objc_image_info", /* extension. */
+ /* 21 */ ".objc_selector_fixup", /* extension. */
+ /* 22 */ ".objc1_class_ext", /* ObjC-1 extension. */
+ /* 23 */ ".objc1_property_list", /* ObjC-1 extension. */
+ /* 24 */ ".objc1_protocol_ext" /* ObjC-1 extension. */
+/* This currently does the same as known_sections, but kept separate for
+ ease of maintenance. */
+static void
+obj_mach_o_objc_section (int sect_index)
+ segT section;
+#ifdef md_flush_pending_output
+ md_flush_pending_output ();
+ section = obj_mach_o_segT_from_bfd_name (objc_sections[sect_index], 1);
+ if (section != NULL)
+ {
+ obj_mach_o_seen_objc_section = 1; /* We need to ensure that certain
+ sections are present and in the
+ right order. */
+ subseg_set (section, 0);
+ }
+ /* else, we leave the section as it was; there was a fatal error anyway. */
+/* Debug section directives. */
+static const char * const debug_sections[] =
+ /* 0 */ NULL,
+ /* __DWARF */
+ /* 1 */ ".debug_frame",
+ /* 2 */ ".debug_info",
+ /* 3 */ ".debug_abbrev",
+ /* 4 */ ".debug_aranges",
+ /* 5 */ ".debug_macinfo",
+ /* 6 */ ".debug_line",
+ /* 7 */ ".debug_loc",
+ /* 8 */ ".debug_pubnames",
+ /* 9 */ ".debug_pubtypes",
+ /* 10 */ ".debug_str",
+ /* 11 */ ".debug_ranges",
+ /* 12 */ ".debug_macro"
+/* ??? Maybe these should be conditional on gdwarf-*.
+ It`s also likely that we will need to be able to set them from the cfi
+ code. */
+static void
+obj_mach_o_debug_section (int sect_index)
+ segT section;
+#ifdef md_flush_pending_output
+ md_flush_pending_output ();
+ section = obj_mach_o_segT_from_bfd_name (debug_sections[sect_index], 1);
+ if (section != NULL)
+ subseg_set (section, 0);
+ /* else, we leave the section as it was; there was a fatal error anyway. */
+/* This could be moved to the tc-xx files, but there is so little dependency
+ there, that the code might as well be shared. */
+struct opt_tgt_sect
+ const char *name;
+ unsigned x86_val;
+ unsigned ppc_val;
+/* The extensions here are for specific sections that are generated by GCC
+ and Darwin system tools, but don't have directives in the `system as'. */
+static const struct opt_tgt_sect tgt_sections[] =
+ /* 0 */ { NULL, 0, 0},
+ /* 1 */ { ".lazy_symbol_pointer", 0, 0},
+ /* 2 */ { ".lazy_symbol_pointer2", 0, 0}, /* X86 - extension */
+ /* 3 */ { ".lazy_symbol_pointer3", 0, 0}, /* X86 - extension */
+ /* 4 */ { ".non_lazy_symbol_pointer", 0, 0},
+ /* 5 */ { ".non_lazy_symbol_pointer_x86", 0, 0}, /* X86 - extension */
+ /* 6 */ { ".symbol_stub", 16, 20},
+ /* 7 */ { ".symbol_stub1", 0, 16}, /* PPC - extension */
+ /* 8 */ { ".picsymbol_stub", 26, 36},
+ /* 9 */ { ".picsymbol_stub1", 0, 32}, /* PPC - extension */
+ /* 10 */ { ".picsymbol_stub2", 25, 0}, /* X86 - extension */
+ /* 11 */ { ".picsymbol_stub3", 5, 0}, /* X86 - extension */
+/* Interface for an optional section directive. */
+static void
+obj_mach_o_opt_tgt_section (int sect_index)
+ const struct opt_tgt_sect *tgtsct = &tgt_sections[sect_index];
+ segT section;
+#ifdef md_flush_pending_output
+ md_flush_pending_output ();
+ section = obj_mach_o_segT_from_bfd_name (tgtsct->name, 0);
+ if (section == NULL)
+ {
+ as_bad (_("%s is not used for the selected target"), tgtsct->name);
+ /* Leave the section as it is. */
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bfd_mach_o_section *mo_sec = bfd_mach_o_get_mach_o_section (section);
+ subseg_set (section, 0);
+#if defined (TC_I386)
+ mo_sec->reserved2 = tgtsct->x86_val;
+#elif defined (TC_PPC)
+ mo_sec->reserved2 = tgtsct->ppc_val;
+ mo_sec->reserved2 = 0;
+ }
+/* We don't necessarily have the three 'base' sections on mach-o.
+ Normally, we would start up with only the 'text' section defined.
+ However, even that can be suppressed with (TODO) c/l option "-n".
+ Thus, we have to be able to create all three sections on-demand. */
+static void
+obj_mach_o_base_section (int sect_index)
+ segT section;
+#ifdef md_flush_pending_output
+ md_flush_pending_output ();
+ /* We don't support numeric (or any other) qualifications on the
+ well-known section shorthands. */
+ demand_empty_rest_of_line ();
+ switch (sect_index)
+ {
+ /* Handle the three sections that are globally known within GAS.
+ For Mach-O, these are created on demand rather than at startup. */
+ case 1:
+ if (text_section == NULL)
+ text_section = obj_mach_o_segT_from_bfd_name (TEXT_SECTION_NAME, 1);
+ if (obj_mach_o_is_static)
+ {
+ bfd_mach_o_section *mo_sec
+ = bfd_mach_o_get_mach_o_section (text_section);
+ }
+ section = text_section;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ if (data_section == NULL)
+ data_section = obj_mach_o_segT_from_bfd_name (DATA_SECTION_NAME, 1);
+ section = data_section;
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ /* ??? maybe this achieves very little, as an addition. */
+ if (bss_section == NULL)
+ {
+ bss_section = obj_mach_o_segT_from_bfd_name (BSS_SECTION_NAME, 1);
+ seg_info (bss_section)->bss = 1;
+ }
+ section = bss_section;
+ break;
+ default:
+ as_fatal (_("internal error: base section index out of range"));
+ return;
+ break;
+ }
+ subseg_set (section, 0);
+/* This finishes off parsing a .comm or .lcomm statement, which both can have
+ an (optional) alignment field. It also allows us to create the bss section
+ on demand. */
+static symbolS *
+obj_mach_o_common_parse (int is_local, symbolS *symbolP,
+ addressT size)
+ addressT align = 0;
+ bfd_mach_o_asymbol *s;
+ /* Both comm and lcomm take an optional alignment, as a power
+ of two between 1 and 15. */
+ if (*input_line_pointer == ',')
+ {
+ /* We expect a power of 2. */
+ align = parse_align (0);
+ if (align == (addressT) -1)
+ return NULL;
+ if (align > 15)
+ {
+ as_warn (_("Alignment (%lu) too large: 15 assumed."),
+ (unsigned long)align);
+ align = 15;
+ }
+ }
+ s = (bfd_mach_o_asymbol *) symbol_get_bfdsym (symbolP);
+ if (is_local)
+ {
+ /* Create the BSS section on demand. */
+ if (bss_section == NULL)
+ {
+ bss_section = obj_mach_o_segT_from_bfd_name (BSS_SECTION_NAME, 1);
+ seg_info (bss_section)->bss = 1;
+ }
+ bss_alloc (symbolP, size, align);
+ s->n_type = BFD_MACH_O_N_SECT;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ S_SET_VALUE (symbolP, size);
+ S_SET_ALIGN (symbolP, align);
+ S_SET_EXTERNAL (symbolP);
+ S_SET_SEGMENT (symbolP, bfd_com_section_ptr);
+ s->n_type = BFD_MACH_O_N_UNDF | BFD_MACH_O_N_EXT;
+ }
+ /* This is a data object (whatever we choose that to mean). */
+ s->symbol.flags |= BSF_OBJECT;
+ /* We've set symbol qualifiers, so validate if you can. */
+ s->symbol.udata.i = SYM_MACHO_FIELDS_NOT_VALIDATED;
+ return symbolP;
+static void
+obj_mach_o_comm (int is_local)
+ s_comm_internal (is_local, obj_mach_o_common_parse);
+/* Set properties that apply to the whole file. At present, the only
+ one defined, is subsections_via_symbols. */
+typedef enum obj_mach_o_file_properties {
+} obj_mach_o_file_properties;
+static void
+obj_mach_o_fileprop (int prop)
+ if (prop < 0 || prop >= OBJ_MACH_O_FILE_PROP_MAX)
+ as_fatal (_("internal error: bad file property ID %d"), prop);
+ switch ((obj_mach_o_file_properties) prop)
+ {
+ obj_mach_o_subsections_by_symbols = 1;
+ if (!bfd_set_private_flags (stdoutput,
+ as_bad (_("failed to set subsections by symbols"));
+ demand_empty_rest_of_line ();
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+/* Temporary markers for symbol reference data.
+ Lazy will remain in place. */
+#define LAZY 0x01
+#define REFE 0x02
+/* We have a bunch of qualifiers that may be applied to symbols.
+ .globl is handled here so that we might make sure that conflicting qualifiers
+ are caught where possible. */
+typedef enum obj_mach_o_symbol_type {
+} obj_mach_o_symbol_type;
+/* Set Mach-O-specific symbol qualifiers. */
+static int
+obj_mach_o_set_symbol_qualifier (symbolS *sym, int type)
+ int is_defined;
+ bfd_mach_o_asymbol *s = (bfd_mach_o_asymbol *) symbol_get_bfdsym (sym);
+ bfd_mach_o_section *sec;
+ int sectype = -1;
+ int err = 0;
+ /* If the symbol is defined, then we can do more rigorous checking on
+ the validity of the qualifiers. Otherwise, we are stuck with waiting
+ until it's defined - or until write the file.
+ In certain cases (e.g. when a symbol qualifier is intended to introduce
+ an undefined symbol in a stubs section) we should check that the current
+ section is appropriate to the qualifier. */
+ is_defined = s->symbol.section != bfd_und_section_ptr;
+ if (is_defined)
+ sec = bfd_mach_o_get_mach_o_section (s->symbol.section) ;
+ else
+ sec = bfd_mach_o_get_mach_o_section (now_seg) ;
+ if (sec != NULL)
+ sectype = sec->flags & BFD_MACH_O_SECTION_TYPE_MASK;
+ switch ((obj_mach_o_symbol_type) type)
+ {
+ /* This is an extension over the system tools. */
+ if (s->n_type & (BFD_MACH_O_N_PEXT | BFD_MACH_O_N_EXT))
+ {
+ as_bad (_("'%s' previously declared as '%s'."), s->,
+ (s->n_type & BFD_MACH_O_N_PEXT) ? "private extern"
+ : "global" );
+ err = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ s->n_type &= ~BFD_MACH_O_N_EXT;
+ }
+ break;
+ s->n_type |= BFD_MACH_O_N_PEXT ;
+ s->n_desc &= ~LAZY; /* The native tool switches this off too. */
+ /* We follow the system tools in marking PEXT as also global. */
+ /* Fall through. */
+ /* It's not an error to define a symbol and then make it global. */
+ s->n_type |= BFD_MACH_O_N_EXT;
+ break;
+ if (is_defined)
+ s->n_desc |= BFD_MACH_O_N_NO_DEAD_STRIP;
+ else
+ s->n_desc |= (REFE | BFD_MACH_O_N_NO_DEAD_STRIP);
+ break;
+ if (is_defined)
+ s->n_desc |= BFD_MACH_O_N_NO_DEAD_STRIP;
+ else
+ s->n_desc |= (REFE | LAZY | BFD_MACH_O_N_NO_DEAD_STRIP);
+ break;
+ /* Force ld to retain the symbol - even if it appears unused. */
+ s->n_desc |= BFD_MACH_O_N_NO_DEAD_STRIP ;
+ break;
+ /* Mach-O's idea of weak ... */
+ s->n_desc |= BFD_MACH_O_N_WEAK_REF ;
+ break;
+ if (is_defined && sectype != BFD_MACH_O_S_COALESCED)
+ {
+ as_bad (_("'%s' can't be a weak_definition (currently only"
+ " supported in sections of type coalesced)"),
+ s->;
+ err = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ s->n_desc |= BFD_MACH_O_N_WEAK_DEF;
+ break;
+ /* A generic 'weak' - we try to figure out what it means at
+ symbol frob time. */
+ S_SET_WEAK (sym);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ /* We've seen some kind of qualifier - check validity if or when the entity
+ is defined. */
+ s->symbol.udata.i = SYM_MACHO_FIELDS_NOT_VALIDATED;
+ return err;
+/* Respond to symbol qualifiers.
+ All of the form:
+ .<qualifier> symbol [, symbol]*
+ a list of symbols is an extension over the Darwin system as. */
+static void
+obj_mach_o_sym_qual (int ntype)
+ char *name;
+ char c;
+ symbolS *symbolP;
+#ifdef md_flush_pending_output
+ md_flush_pending_output ();
+ do
+ {
+ name = input_line_pointer;
+ c = get_symbol_end ();
+ symbolP = symbol_find_or_make (name);
+ obj_mach_o_set_symbol_qualifier (symbolP, ntype);
+ *input_line_pointer = c;
+ c = *input_line_pointer;
+ if (c == ',')
+ {
+ input_line_pointer++;
+ if (is_end_of_line[(unsigned char) *input_line_pointer])
+ c = '\n';
+ }
+ }
+ while (c == ',');
+ demand_empty_rest_of_line ();
+typedef struct obj_mach_o_indirect_sym
+ symbolS *sym;
+ segT sect;
+ struct obj_mach_o_indirect_sym *next;
+} obj_mach_o_indirect_sym;
+/* We store in order an maintain a pointer to the last one - to save reversing
+ later. */
+obj_mach_o_indirect_sym *indirect_syms;
+obj_mach_o_indirect_sym *indirect_syms_tail;
+static void
+obj_mach_o_indirect_symbol (int arg ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED)
+ bfd_mach_o_section *sec = bfd_mach_o_get_mach_o_section (now_seg);
+#ifdef md_flush_pending_output
+ md_flush_pending_output ();
+ if (obj_mach_o_is_static)
+ as_bad (_("use of .indirect_symbols requires `-dynamic'"));
+ switch (sec->flags & BFD_MACH_O_SECTION_TYPE_MASK)
+ {
+ {
+ obj_mach_o_indirect_sym *isym;
+ char *name = input_line_pointer;
+ char c = get_symbol_end ();
+ symbolS *sym = symbol_find_or_make (name);
+ unsigned int elsize =
+ bfd_mach_o_section_get_entry_size (stdoutput, sec);
+ if (elsize == 0)
+ {
+ as_bad (_("attempt to add an indirect_symbol to a stub or"
+ " reference section with a zero-sized element at %s"),
+ name);
+ *input_line_pointer = c;
+ ignore_rest_of_line ();
+ return;
+ }
+ *input_line_pointer = c;
+ /* The indirect symbols are validated after the symbol table is
+ frozen, we must make sure that if a local symbol is used as an
+ indirect, it is promoted to a 'real' one. Fetching the bfd sym
+ achieves this. */
+ symbol_get_bfdsym (sym);
+ isym = (obj_mach_o_indirect_sym *)
+ xmalloc (sizeof (obj_mach_o_indirect_sym));
+ /* Just record the data for now, we will validate it when we
+ compute the output in obj_mach_o_set_indirect_symbols. */
+ isym->sym = sym;
+ isym->sect = now_seg;
+ isym->next = NULL;
+ if (indirect_syms == NULL)
+ indirect_syms = isym;
+ else
+ indirect_syms_tail->next = isym;
+ indirect_syms_tail = isym;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ as_bad (_("an .indirect_symbol must be in a symbol pointer"
+ " or stub section."));
+ ignore_rest_of_line ();
+ return;
+ }
+ demand_empty_rest_of_line ();
+const pseudo_typeS mach_o_pseudo_table[] =
+ /* Section directives. */
+ { "comm", obj_mach_o_comm, 0 },
+ { "lcomm", obj_mach_o_comm, 1 },
+ { "text", obj_mach_o_base_section, 1},
+ { "data", obj_mach_o_base_section, 2},
+ { "bss", obj_mach_o_base_section, 3}, /* extension */
+ { "const", obj_mach_o_known_section, 1},
+ { "static_const", obj_mach_o_known_section, 2},
+ { "cstring", obj_mach_o_known_section, 3},
+ { "literal4", obj_mach_o_known_section, 4},
+ { "literal8", obj_mach_o_known_section, 5},
+ { "literal16", obj_mach_o_known_section, 6},
+ { "constructor", obj_mach_o_known_section, 7},
+ { "destructor", obj_mach_o_known_section, 8},
+ { "eh_frame", obj_mach_o_known_section, 9},
+ { "const_data", obj_mach_o_known_section, 10},
+ { "static_data", obj_mach_o_known_section, 11},
+ { "mod_init_func", obj_mach_o_known_section, 12},
+ { "mod_term_func", obj_mach_o_known_section, 13},
+ { "dyld", obj_mach_o_known_section, 14},
+ { "cfstring", obj_mach_o_known_section, 15},
+ { "objc_class", obj_mach_o_objc_section, 1},
+ { "objc_meta_class", obj_mach_o_objc_section, 2},
+ { "objc_cat_cls_meth", obj_mach_o_objc_section, 3},
+ { "objc_cat_inst_meth", obj_mach_o_objc_section, 4},
+ { "objc_protocol", obj_mach_o_objc_section, 5},
+ { "objc_string_object", obj_mach_o_objc_section, 6},
+ { "objc_cls_meth", obj_mach_o_objc_section, 7},
+ { "objc_inst_meth", obj_mach_o_objc_section, 8},
+ { "objc_cls_refs", obj_mach_o_objc_section, 9},
+ { "objc_message_refs", obj_mach_o_objc_section, 10},
+ { "objc_symbols", obj_mach_o_objc_section, 11},
+ { "objc_category", obj_mach_o_objc_section, 12},
+ { "objc_class_vars", obj_mach_o_objc_section, 13},
+ { "objc_instance_vars", obj_mach_o_objc_section, 14},
+ { "objc_module_info", obj_mach_o_objc_section, 15},
+ { "objc_class_names", obj_mach_o_objc_section, 16}, /* Alias for .cstring */
+ { "objc_meth_var_types", obj_mach_o_objc_section, 17}, /* Alias for .cstring */
+ { "objc_meth_var_names", obj_mach_o_objc_section, 18}, /* Alias for .cstring */
+ { "objc_selector_strs", obj_mach_o_objc_section, 19},
+ { "objc_image_info", obj_mach_o_objc_section, 20}, /* extension. */
+ { "objc_selector_fixup", obj_mach_o_objc_section, 21}, /* extension. */
+ { "objc1_class_ext", obj_mach_o_objc_section, 22}, /* ObjC-1 extension. */
+ { "objc1_property_list", obj_mach_o_objc_section, 23}, /* ObjC-1 extension. */
+ { "objc1_protocol_ext", obj_mach_o_objc_section, 24}, /* ObjC-1 extension. */
+ { "debug_frame", obj_mach_o_debug_section, 1}, /* extension. */
+ { "debug_info", obj_mach_o_debug_section, 2}, /* extension. */
+ { "debug_abbrev", obj_mach_o_debug_section, 3}, /* extension. */
+ { "debug_aranges", obj_mach_o_debug_section, 4}, /* extension. */
+ { "debug_macinfo", obj_mach_o_debug_section, 5}, /* extension. */
+ { "debug_line", obj_mach_o_debug_section, 6}, /* extension. */
+ { "debug_loc", obj_mach_o_debug_section, 7}, /* extension. */
+ { "debug_pubnames", obj_mach_o_debug_section, 8}, /* extension. */
+ { "debug_pubtypes", obj_mach_o_debug_section, 9}, /* extension. */
+ { "debug_str", obj_mach_o_debug_section, 10}, /* extension. */
+ { "debug_ranges", obj_mach_o_debug_section, 11}, /* extension. */
+ { "debug_macro", obj_mach_o_debug_section, 12}, /* extension. */
+ { "lazy_symbol_pointer", obj_mach_o_opt_tgt_section, 1},
+ { "lazy_symbol_pointer2", obj_mach_o_opt_tgt_section, 2}, /* extension. */
+ { "lazy_symbol_pointer3", obj_mach_o_opt_tgt_section, 3}, /* extension. */
+ { "non_lazy_symbol_pointer", obj_mach_o_opt_tgt_section, 4},
+ { "non_lazy_symbol_pointer_x86", obj_mach_o_opt_tgt_section, 5}, /* extension. */
+ { "symbol_stub", obj_mach_o_opt_tgt_section, 6},
+ { "symbol_stub1", obj_mach_o_opt_tgt_section, 7}, /* extension. */
+ { "picsymbol_stub", obj_mach_o_opt_tgt_section, 8}, /* extension. */
+ { "picsymbol_stub1", obj_mach_o_opt_tgt_section, 9}, /* extension. */
+ { "picsymbol_stub2", obj_mach_o_opt_tgt_section, 4}, /* extension. */
+ { "picsymbol_stub3", obj_mach_o_opt_tgt_section, 4}, /* extension. */
+ { "section", obj_mach_o_section, 0},
+ { "zerofill", obj_mach_o_zerofill, 0},
+ /* Symbol qualifiers. */
+ {"local", obj_mach_o_sym_qual, OBJ_MACH_O_SYM_LOCAL},
+ {"globl", obj_mach_o_sym_qual, OBJ_MACH_O_SYM_GLOBL},
+ {"reference", obj_mach_o_sym_qual, OBJ_MACH_O_SYM_REFERENCE},
+ {"weak_reference", obj_mach_o_sym_qual, OBJ_MACH_O_SYM_WEAK_REF},
+ {"lazy_reference", obj_mach_o_sym_qual, OBJ_MACH_O_SYM_LAZY_REF},
+ {"weak_definition", obj_mach_o_sym_qual, OBJ_MACH_O_SYM_WEAK_DEF},
+ {"private_extern", obj_mach_o_sym_qual, OBJ_MACH_O_SYM_PRIV_EXT},
+ {"no_dead_strip", obj_mach_o_sym_qual, OBJ_MACH_O_SYM_NO_DEAD_STRIP},
+ {"weak", obj_mach_o_sym_qual, OBJ_MACH_O_SYM_WEAK}, /* ext */
+ { "indirect_symbol", obj_mach_o_indirect_symbol, 0},
+ /* File flags. */
+ { "subsections_via_symbols", obj_mach_o_fileprop,
+ {NULL, NULL, 0}
+/* Determine the default n_type value for a symbol from its section. */
+static unsigned
+obj_mach_o_type_for_symbol (bfd_mach_o_asymbol *s)
+ if (s->symbol.section == bfd_abs_section_ptr)
+ return BFD_MACH_O_N_ABS;
+ else if (s->symbol.section == bfd_com_section_ptr
+ || s->symbol.section == bfd_und_section_ptr)
+ return BFD_MACH_O_N_UNDF;
+ else
+ return BFD_MACH_O_N_SECT;
+obj_mach_o_frob_colon (const char *name)
+ if (!bfd_is_local_label_name (stdoutput, name))
+ {
+ /* A non-local label will create a new subsection, so start a new
+ frag. */
+ frag_wane (frag_now);
+ frag_new (0);
+ }
+/* We need to check the correspondence between some kinds of symbols and their
+ sections. Common and BSS vars will seen via the obj_macho_comm() function.
+ The earlier we can pick up a problem, the better the diagnostics will be.
+ However, when symbol type information is attached, the symbol section will
+ quite possibly be unknown. So we are stuck with checking (most of the)
+ validity at the time the file is written (unfortunately, then one doesn't
+ get line number information in the diagnostic). */
+/* Here we pick up the case where symbol qualifiers have been applied that
+ are possibly incompatible with the section etc. that the symbol is defined
+ in. */
+void obj_mach_o_frob_label (struct symbol *sp)
+ bfd_mach_o_asymbol *s;
+ unsigned base_type;
+ bfd_mach_o_section *sec;
+ int sectype = -1;
+ if (!bfd_is_local_label_name (stdoutput, S_GET_NAME (sp)))
+ {
+ /* If this is a non-local label, it should have started a new sub-
+ section. */
+ gas_assert (frag_now->obj_frag_data.subsection == NULL);
+ frag_now->obj_frag_data.subsection = sp;
+ }
+ /* Leave local symbols alone. */
+ if (S_IS_LOCAL (sp))
+ return;
+ s = (bfd_mach_o_asymbol *) symbol_get_bfdsym (sp);
+ /* Leave debug symbols alone. */
+ if ((s->n_type & BFD_MACH_O_N_STAB) != 0)
+ return;
+ /* This is the base symbol type, that we mask in. */
+ base_type = obj_mach_o_type_for_symbol (s);
+ sec = bfd_mach_o_get_mach_o_section (s->symbol.section);
+ if (sec != NULL)
+ sectype = sec->flags & BFD_MACH_O_SECTION_TYPE_MASK;
+ /* If there is a pre-existing qualifier, we can make some checks about
+ validity now. */
+ if(s->symbol.udata.i == SYM_MACHO_FIELDS_NOT_VALIDATED)
+ {
+ if ((s->n_desc & BFD_MACH_O_N_WEAK_DEF)
+ && sectype != BFD_MACH_O_S_COALESCED)
+ as_bad (_("'%s' can't be a weak_definition (currently only supported"
+ " in sections of type coalesced)"), s->;
+ /* Have we changed from an undefined to defined ref? */
+ s->n_desc &= ~(REFE | LAZY);
+ }
+ s->n_type &= ~BFD_MACH_O_N_TYPE;
+ s->n_type |= base_type;
+/* This is the fall-back, we come here when we get to the end of the file and
+ the symbol is not defined - or there are combinations of qualifiers required
+ (e.g. global + weak_def). */
+obj_mach_o_frob_symbol (struct symbol *sp)
+ bfd_mach_o_asymbol *s;
+ unsigned base_type;
+ bfd_mach_o_section *sec;
+ int sectype = -1;
+ /* Leave local symbols alone. */
+ if (S_IS_LOCAL (sp))
+ return 0;
+ s = (bfd_mach_o_asymbol *) symbol_get_bfdsym (sp);
+ /* Leave debug symbols alone. */
+ if ((s->n_type & BFD_MACH_O_N_STAB) != 0)
+ return 0;
+ base_type = obj_mach_o_type_for_symbol (s);
+ sec = bfd_mach_o_get_mach_o_section (s->symbol.section);
+ if (sec != NULL)
+ sectype = sec->flags & BFD_MACH_O_SECTION_TYPE_MASK;
+ if (s->symbol.section == bfd_und_section_ptr)
+ {
+ /* ??? Do we really gain much from implementing this as well as the
+ mach-o specific ones? */
+ if (s->symbol.flags & BSF_WEAK)
+ s->n_desc |= BFD_MACH_O_N_WEAK_REF;
+ /* Undefined syms, become extern. */
+ s->n_type |= BFD_MACH_O_N_EXT;
+ }
+ else if (s->symbol.section == bfd_com_section_ptr)
+ {
+ /* ... so do comm. */
+ s->n_type |= BFD_MACH_O_N_EXT;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ((s->symbol.flags & BSF_WEAK)
+ && (sectype == BFD_MACH_O_S_COALESCED)
+ && (s->n_type & (BFD_MACH_O_N_PEXT | BFD_MACH_O_N_EXT)))
+ s->n_desc |= BFD_MACH_O_N_WEAK_DEF;
+/* ??? we should do this - but then that reveals that the semantics of weak
+ are different from what's supported in mach-o object files.
+ else
+ as_bad (_("'%s' can't be a weak_definition."),
+ s->; */
+ }
+ if (s->symbol.udata.i == SYM_MACHO_FIELDS_UNSET)
+ {
+ /* Anything here that should be added that is non-standard. */
+ s->n_desc &= ~BFD_MACH_O_REFERENCE_MASK;
+ s->symbol.udata.i = SYM_MACHO_FIELDS_NOT_VALIDATED;
+ }
+ else if (s->symbol.udata.i == SYM_MACHO_FIELDS_NOT_VALIDATED)
+ {
+ /* Try to validate any combinations. */
+ if (s->n_desc & BFD_MACH_O_N_WEAK_DEF)
+ {
+ if (s->symbol.section == bfd_und_section_ptr)
+ as_bad (_("'%s' can't be a weak_definition (since it is"
+ " undefined)"), s->;
+ else if (sectype != BFD_MACH_O_S_COALESCED)
+ as_bad (_("'%s' can't be a weak_definition (currently only supported"
+ " in sections of type coalesced)"), s->;
+ else if (! (s->n_type & (BFD_MACH_O_N_PEXT | BFD_MACH_O_N_EXT)))
+ as_bad (_("Non-global symbol: '%s' can't be a weak_definition."),
+ s->;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ as_bad (_("internal error: [%s] unexpected code [%lx] in frob symbol"),
+ s->, (unsigned long)s->symbol.udata.i);
+ s->n_type &= ~BFD_MACH_O_N_TYPE;
+ s->n_type |= base_type;
+ if (s->symbol.flags & BSF_GLOBAL)
+ s->n_type |= BFD_MACH_O_N_EXT;
+ /* This cuts both ways - we promote some things to external above. */
+ if (s->n_type & (BFD_MACH_O_N_PEXT | BFD_MACH_O_N_EXT))
+ return 0;
+/* Support stabs for mach-o. */
+obj_mach_o_process_stab (int what, const char *string,
+ int type, int other, int desc)
+ symbolS *symbolP;
+ bfd_mach_o_asymbol *s;
+ switch (what)
+ {
+ case 'd':
+ symbolP = symbol_new ("", now_seg, frag_now_fix (), frag_now);
+ /* Special stabd NULL name indicator. */
+ S_SET_NAME (symbolP, NULL);
+ break;
+ case 'n':
+ case 's':
+ symbolP = symbol_new (string, undefined_section, (valueT) 0,
+ &zero_address_frag);
+ pseudo_set (symbolP);
+ break;
+ default:
+ as_bad(_("unrecognized stab type '%c'"), (char)what);
+ abort ();
+ break;
+ }
+ s = (bfd_mach_o_asymbol *) symbol_get_bfdsym (symbolP);
+ s->n_type = type;
+ s->n_desc = desc;
+ /* For stabd, this will eventually get overwritten by the section number. */
+ s->n_sect = other;
+ /* It's a debug symbol. */
+ s->symbol.flags |= BSF_DEBUGGING;
+ /* We've set it - so check it, if you can, but don't try to create the
+ flags. */
+ s->symbol.udata.i = SYM_MACHO_FIELDS_NOT_VALIDATED;
+/* This is a place to check for any errors that we can't detect until we know
+ what remains undefined at the end of assembly. */
+static void
+obj_mach_o_check_before_writing (bfd *abfd ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
+ asection *sec,
+ void *unused ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED)
+ fixS *fixP;
+ struct frchain *frchp;
+ segment_info_type *seginfo = seg_info (sec);
+ if (seginfo == NULL)
+ return;
+ /* We are not allowed subtractions where either of the operands is
+ undefined. So look through the frags for any fixes to check. */
+ for (frchp = seginfo->frchainP; frchp != NULL; frchp = frchp->frch_next)
+ for (fixP = frchp->fix_root; fixP != NULL; fixP = fixP->fx_next)
+ {
+ if (fixP->fx_addsy != NULL
+ && fixP->fx_subsy != NULL
+ && (! S_IS_DEFINED (fixP->fx_addsy)
+ || ! S_IS_DEFINED (fixP->fx_subsy)))
+ {
+ segT add_symbol_segment = S_GET_SEGMENT (fixP->fx_addsy);
+ segT sub_symbol_segment = S_GET_SEGMENT (fixP->fx_subsy);
+ if (! S_IS_DEFINED (fixP->fx_addsy)
+ && S_IS_DEFINED (fixP->fx_subsy))
+ {
+ as_bad_where (fixP->fx_file, fixP->fx_line,
+ _("`%s' can't be undefined in `%s' - `%s' {%s section}"),
+ S_GET_NAME (fixP->fx_addsy), S_GET_NAME (fixP->fx_addsy),
+ S_GET_NAME (fixP->fx_subsy), segment_name (sub_symbol_segment));
+ }
+ else if (! S_IS_DEFINED (fixP->fx_subsy)
+ && S_IS_DEFINED (fixP->fx_addsy))
+ {
+ as_bad_where (fixP->fx_file, fixP->fx_line,
+ _("`%s' can't be undefined in `%s' {%s section} - `%s'"),
+ S_GET_NAME (fixP->fx_subsy), S_GET_NAME (fixP->fx_addsy),
+ segment_name (add_symbol_segment), S_GET_NAME (fixP->fx_subsy));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ as_bad_where (fixP->fx_file, fixP->fx_line,
+ _("`%s' and `%s' can't be undefined in `%s' - `%s'"),
+ S_GET_NAME (fixP->fx_addsy), S_GET_NAME (fixP->fx_subsy),
+ S_GET_NAME (fixP->fx_addsy), S_GET_NAME (fixP->fx_subsy));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* Do any checks that we can't complete without knowing what's undefined. */
+obj_mach_o_pre_output_hook (void)
+ bfd_map_over_sections (stdoutput, obj_mach_o_check_before_writing, (char *) 0);
+/* Here we count up frags in each subsection (where a sub-section is defined
+ as starting with a non-local symbol).
+ Note that, if there are no non-local symbols in a section, all the frags will
+ be attached as one anonymous subsection. */
+static void
+obj_mach_o_set_subsections (bfd *abfd ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
+ asection *sec,
+ void *unused ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED)
+ segment_info_type *seginfo = seg_info (sec);
+ symbolS *cur_subsection = NULL;
+ struct obj_mach_o_symbol_data *cur_subsection_data = NULL;
+ fragS *frag;
+ frchainS *chain;
+ /* Protect against sections not created by gas. */
+ if (seginfo == NULL)
+ return;
+ /* Attach every frag to a subsection. */
+ for (chain = seginfo->frchainP; chain != NULL; chain = chain->frch_next)
+ for (frag = chain->frch_root; frag != NULL; frag = frag->fr_next)
+ {
+ if (frag->obj_frag_data.subsection == NULL)
+ frag->obj_frag_data.subsection = cur_subsection;
+ else
+ {
+ cur_subsection = frag->obj_frag_data.subsection;
+ cur_subsection_data = symbol_get_obj (cur_subsection);
+ cur_subsection_data->subsection_size = 0;
+ }
+ if (cur_subsection_data != NULL)
+ {
+ /* Update subsection size. */
+ cur_subsection_data->subsection_size += frag->fr_fix;
+ }
+ }
+/* Handle mach-o subsections-via-symbols counting up frags belonging to each
+ sub-section. */
+obj_mach_o_pre_relax_hook (void)
+ bfd_map_over_sections (stdoutput, obj_mach_o_set_subsections, (char *) 0);
+/* Zerofill and GB Zerofill sections must be sorted to follow all other
+ sections in their segments.
+ The native 'as' leaves the sections physically in the order they appear in
+ the source, and adjusts the section VMAs to meet the constraint.
+ We follow this for now - if nothing else, it makes comparison easier.
+ An alternative implementation would be to sort the sections as ld requires.
+ It might be advantageous to implement such a scheme in the future (or even
+ to make the style of section ordering user-selectable). */
+typedef struct obj_mach_o_set_vma_data
+ bfd_vma vma;
+ unsigned vma_pass;
+ unsigned zerofill_seen;
+ unsigned gb_zerofill_seen;
+} obj_mach_o_set_vma_data;
+/* We do (possibly) three passes through to set the vma, so that:
+ zerofill sections get VMAs after all others in their segment
+ GB zerofill get VMAs last.
+ As we go, we notice if we see any Zerofill or GB Zerofill sections, so that
+ we can skip the additional passes if there's nothing to do. */
+static void
+obj_mach_o_set_section_vma (bfd *abfd ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, asection *sec, void *v_p)
+ bfd_mach_o_section *ms = bfd_mach_o_get_mach_o_section (sec);
+ unsigned bfd_align = bfd_get_section_alignment (abfd, sec);
+ obj_mach_o_set_vma_data *p = (struct obj_mach_o_set_vma_data *)v_p;
+ unsigned sectype = (ms->flags & BFD_MACH_O_SECTION_TYPE_MASK);
+ unsigned zf;
+ zf = 0;
+ if (sectype == BFD_MACH_O_S_ZEROFILL)
+ {
+ zf = 1;
+ p->zerofill_seen = zf;
+ }
+ else if (sectype == BFD_MACH_O_S_GB_ZEROFILL)
+ {
+ zf = 2;
+ p->gb_zerofill_seen = zf;
+ }
+ if (p->vma_pass != zf)
+ return;
+ /* We know the section size now - so make a vma for the section just
+ based on order. */
+ ms->size = bfd_get_section_size (sec);
+ /* Make sure that the align agrees, and set to the largest value chosen. */
+ ms->align = ms->align > bfd_align ? ms->align : bfd_align;
+ bfd_set_section_alignment (abfd, sec, ms->align);
+ p->vma += (1 << ms->align) - 1;
+ p->vma &= ~((1 << ms->align) - 1);
+ ms->addr = p->vma;
+ bfd_set_section_vma (abfd, sec, p->vma);
+ p->vma += ms->size;
+/* (potentially) three passes over the sections, setting VMA. We skip the
+ {gb}zerofill passes if we didn't see any of the relevant sections. */
+void obj_mach_o_post_relax_hook (void)
+ obj_mach_o_set_vma_data d;
+ memset (&d, 0, sizeof (d));
+ bfd_map_over_sections (stdoutput, obj_mach_o_set_section_vma, (char *) &d);
+ if ((d.vma_pass = d.zerofill_seen) != 0)
+ bfd_map_over_sections (stdoutput, obj_mach_o_set_section_vma, (char *) &d);
+ if ((d.vma_pass = d.gb_zerofill_seen) != 0)
+ bfd_map_over_sections (stdoutput, obj_mach_o_set_section_vma, (char *) &d);
+static void
+obj_mach_o_set_indirect_symbols (bfd *abfd, asection *sec,
+ bfd_vma sect_size = bfd_section_size (abfd, sec);
+ bfd_mach_o_section *ms = bfd_mach_o_get_mach_o_section (sec);
+ unsigned lazy = 0;
+ /* See if we have any indirect syms to consider. */
+ if (indirect_syms == NULL)
+ return;
+ /* Process indirect symbols.
+ Check for errors, if OK attach them as a flat array to the section
+ for which they are defined. */
+ switch (ms->flags & BFD_MACH_O_SECTION_TYPE_MASK)
+ {
+ lazy = LAZY;
+ /* Fall through. */
+ {
+ unsigned int nactual = 0;
+ unsigned int ncalc;
+ obj_mach_o_indirect_sym *isym;
+ obj_mach_o_indirect_sym *list = NULL;
+ obj_mach_o_indirect_sym *list_tail = NULL;
+ unsigned long eltsiz =
+ bfd_mach_o_section_get_entry_size (abfd, ms);
+ for (isym = indirect_syms; isym != NULL; isym = isym->next)
+ {
+ if (isym->sect == sec)
+ {
+ nactual++;
+ if (list == NULL)
+ list = isym;
+ else
+ list_tail->next = isym;
+ list_tail = isym;
+ }
+ }
+ /* If none are in this section, stop here. */
+ if (nactual == 0)
+ break;
+ /* If we somehow added indirect symbols to a section with a zero
+ entry size, we're dead ... */
+ gas_assert (eltsiz != 0);
+ ncalc = (unsigned int) (sect_size / eltsiz);
+ if (nactual != ncalc)
+ as_bad (_("the number of .indirect_symbols defined in section %s"
+ " does not match the number expected (%d defined, %d"
+ " expected)"), sec->name, nactual, ncalc);
+ else
+ {
+ unsigned n;
+ bfd_mach_o_asymbol *sym;
+ ms->indirect_syms =
+ bfd_zalloc (abfd,
+ nactual * sizeof (bfd_mach_o_asymbol *));
+ if (ms->indirect_syms == NULL)
+ {
+ as_fatal (_("internal error: failed to allocate %d indirect"
+ "symbol pointers"), nactual);
+ }
+ for (isym = list, n = 0; isym != NULL; isym = isym->next, n++)
+ {
+ sym = (bfd_mach_o_asymbol *)symbol_get_bfdsym (isym->sym);
+ /* Array is init to NULL & NULL signals a local symbol
+ If the section is lazy-bound, we need to keep the
+ reference to the symbol, since dyld can override.
+ Absolute symbols are handled specially. */
+ if (sym->symbol.section == bfd_abs_section_ptr)
+ ms->indirect_syms[n] = sym;
+ else if (S_IS_LOCAL (isym->sym) && ! lazy)
+ ;
+ else
+ {
+ if (sym == NULL)
+ ;
+ /* If the symbols is external ... */
+ else if (S_IS_EXTERNAL (isym->sym)
+ || (sym->n_type & BFD_MACH_O_N_EXT)
+ || ! S_IS_DEFINED (isym->sym)
+ || lazy)
+ {
+ sym->n_desc &= ~LAZY;
+ /* ... it can be lazy, if not defined or hidden. */
+ if ((sym->n_type & BFD_MACH_O_N_TYPE)
+ && ! (sym->n_type & BFD_MACH_O_N_PEXT)
+ && (sym->n_type & BFD_MACH_O_N_EXT))
+ sym->n_desc |= lazy;
+ ms->indirect_syms[n] = sym;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+/* The process of relocation could alter what's externally visible, thus we
+ leave setting the indirect symbols until last. */
+obj_mach_o_frob_file_after_relocs (void)
+ bfd_map_over_sections (stdoutput, obj_mach_o_set_indirect_symbols, (char *) 0);
+/* Reverse relocations order to make ld happy. */
+obj_mach_o_reorder_section_relocs (asection *sec, arelent **rels, unsigned int n)
+ unsigned int i;
+ unsigned int max = n / 2;
+ for (i = 0; i < max; i++)
+ {
+ arelent *r = rels[i];
+ rels[i] = rels[n - i - 1];
+ rels[n - i - 1] = r;
+ }
+ bfd_set_reloc (stdoutput, sec, rels, n);
+/* Relocation rules are different in frame sections. */
+static int
+obj_mach_o_is_frame_section (segT sec)
+ int l;
+ l = strlen (segment_name (sec));
+ if ((l == 9 && strncmp (".eh_frame", segment_name (sec), 9) == 0)
+ || (l == 12 && strncmp (".debug_frame", segment_name (sec), 12) == 0))
+ return 1;
+ return 0;
+/* Unless we're in a frame section, we need to force relocs to be generated for
+ local subtractions. We might eliminate them later (if they are within the
+ same sub-section) but we don't know that at the point that this decision is
+ being made. */
+obj_mach_o_allow_local_subtract (expressionS * left ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
+ expressionS * right ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
+ segT seg)
+ /* Don't interfere if it's one of the GAS internal sections. */
+ if (! SEG_NORMAL (seg))
+ return 1;
+ /* Allow in frame sections, otherwise emit a reloc. */
+ return obj_mach_o_is_frame_section (seg);
+obj_mach_o_in_different_subsection (symbolS *a, symbolS *b)
+ fragS *fa;
+ fragS *fb;
+ if (S_GET_SEGMENT (a) != S_GET_SEGMENT (b)
+ || !S_IS_DEFINED (a)
+ || !S_IS_DEFINED (b))
+ {
+ /* Not in the same segment, or undefined symbol. */
+ return 1;
+ }
+ fa = symbol_get_frag (a);
+ fb = symbol_get_frag (b);
+ if (fa == NULL || fb == NULL)
+ {
+ /* One of the symbols is not in a subsection. */
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return fa->obj_frag_data.subsection != fb->obj_frag_data.subsection;
+obj_mach_o_force_reloc_sub_same (fixS *fix, segT seg)
+ if (! SEG_NORMAL (seg))
+ return 1;
+ return obj_mach_o_in_different_subsection (fix->fx_addsy, fix->fx_subsy);
+obj_mach_o_force_reloc_sub_local (fixS *fix, segT seg ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED)
+ return obj_mach_o_in_different_subsection (fix->fx_addsy, fix->fx_subsy);
+obj_mach_o_force_reloc (fixS *fix)
+ if (generic_force_reloc (fix))
+ return 1;
+ /* Force a reloc if the target is not in the same subsection.
+ FIXME: handle (a - b) where a and b belongs to the same subsection ? */
+ if (fix->fx_addsy != NULL)
+ {
+ symbolS *subsec = fix->fx_frag->obj_frag_data.subsection;
+ symbolS *targ = fix->fx_addsy;
+ /* There might be no subsections at all. */
+ if (subsec == NULL)
+ return 0;
+ if (S_GET_SEGMENT (targ) == absolute_section)
+ return 0;
+ return obj_mach_o_in_different_subsection (targ, subsec);
+ }
+ return 0;