path: root/binutils-2.24/elfcpp/elfcpp_swap.h
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diff --git a/binutils-2.24/elfcpp/elfcpp_swap.h b/binutils-2.24/elfcpp/elfcpp_swap.h
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index 833da5da..00000000
--- a/binutils-2.24/elfcpp/elfcpp_swap.h
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-// elfcpp_swap.h -- Handle swapping for elfcpp -*- C++ -*-
-// Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-// Written by Ian Lance Taylor <>.
-// This file is part of elfcpp.
-// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-// modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License
-// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or
-// (at your option) any later version.
-// In addition to the permissions in the GNU Library General Public
-// License, the Free Software Foundation gives you unlimited
-// permission to link the compiled version of this file into
-// combinations with other programs, and to distribute those
-// combinations without any restriction coming from the use of this
-// file. (The Library Public License restrictions do apply in other
-// respects; for example, they cover modification of the file, and
-/// distribution when not linked into a combined executable.)
-// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// Library General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-// License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
-// 02110-1301, USA.
-// This header file defines basic template classes to efficiently swap
-// numbers between host form and target form. When the host and
-// target have the same endianness, these turn into no-ops.
-#ifndef ELFCPP_SWAP_H
-#define ELFCPP_SWAP_H
-#include <stdint.h>
-// We need an autoconf-generated config.h file for endianness and
-// swapping. We check two macros: WORDS_BIGENDIAN and
-#include "config.h"
-#include <byteswap.h>
-// Provide our own versions of the byteswap functions.
-inline uint16_t
-bswap_16(uint16_t v)
- return ((v >> 8) & 0xff) | ((v & 0xff) << 8);
-inline uint32_t
-bswap_32(uint32_t v)
- return ( ((v & 0xff000000) >> 24)
- | ((v & 0x00ff0000) >> 8)
- | ((v & 0x0000ff00) << 8)
- | ((v & 0x000000ff) << 24));
-inline uint64_t
-bswap_64(uint64_t v)
- return ( ((v & 0xff00000000000000ULL) >> 56)
- | ((v & 0x00ff000000000000ULL) >> 40)
- | ((v & 0x0000ff0000000000ULL) >> 24)
- | ((v & 0x000000ff00000000ULL) >> 8)
- | ((v & 0x00000000ff000000ULL) << 8)
- | ((v & 0x0000000000ff0000ULL) << 24)
- | ((v & 0x000000000000ff00ULL) << 40)
- | ((v & 0x00000000000000ffULL) << 56));
-#endif // !defined(HAVE_BYTESWAP_H)
-// gcc 4.3 and later provides __builtin_bswap32 and __builtin_bswap64.
-#if defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ > 4 || (__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 3))
-#undef bswap_32
-#define bswap_32 __builtin_bswap32
-#undef bswap_64
-#define bswap_64 __builtin_bswap64
-namespace elfcpp
-// Endian simply indicates whether the host is big endian or not.
-struct Endian
- public:
- // Used for template specializations.
- static const bool host_big_endian =
- true
- false
- ;
-// Valtype_base is a template based on size (8, 16, 32, 64) which
-// defines the type Valtype as the unsigned integer, and
-// Signed_valtype as the signed integer, of the specified size.
-template<int size>
-struct Valtype_base;
-struct Valtype_base<8>
- typedef uint8_t Valtype;
- typedef int8_t Signed_valtype;
-struct Valtype_base<16>
- typedef uint16_t Valtype;
- typedef int16_t Signed_valtype;
-struct Valtype_base<32>
- typedef uint32_t Valtype;
- typedef int32_t Signed_valtype;
-struct Valtype_base<64>
- typedef uint64_t Valtype;
- typedef int64_t Signed_valtype;
-// Convert_endian is a template based on size and on whether the host
-// and target have the same endianness. It defines the type Valtype
-// as Valtype_base does, and also defines a function convert_host
-// which takes an argument of type Valtype and returns the same value,
-// but swapped if the host and target have different endianness.
-template<int size, bool same_endian>
-struct Convert_endian;
-template<int size>
-struct Convert_endian<size, true>
- typedef typename Valtype_base<size>::Valtype Valtype;
- static inline Valtype
- convert_host(Valtype v)
- { return v; }
-struct Convert_endian<8, false>
- typedef Valtype_base<8>::Valtype Valtype;
- static inline Valtype
- convert_host(Valtype v)
- { return v; }
-struct Convert_endian<16, false>
- typedef Valtype_base<16>::Valtype Valtype;
- static inline Valtype
- convert_host(Valtype v)
- { return bswap_16(v); }
-struct Convert_endian<32, false>
- typedef Valtype_base<32>::Valtype Valtype;
- static inline Valtype
- convert_host(Valtype v)
- { return bswap_32(v); }
-struct Convert_endian<64, false>
- typedef Valtype_base<64>::Valtype Valtype;
- static inline Valtype
- convert_host(Valtype v)
- { return bswap_64(v); }
-// Convert is a template based on size and on whether the target is
-// big endian. It defines Valtype and convert_host like
-// Convert_endian. That is, it is just like Convert_endian except in
-// the meaning of the second template parameter.
-template<int size, bool big_endian>
-struct Convert
- typedef typename Valtype_base<size>::Valtype Valtype;
- static inline Valtype
- convert_host(Valtype v)
- {
- return Convert_endian<size, big_endian == Endian::host_big_endian>
- ::convert_host(v);
- }
-// Swap is a template based on size and on whether the target is big
-// endian. It defines the type Valtype and the functions readval and
-// writeval. The functions read and write values of the appropriate
-// size out of buffers, swapping them if necessary. readval and
-// writeval are overloaded to take pointers to the appropriate type or
-// pointers to unsigned char.
-template<int size, bool big_endian>
-struct Swap
- typedef typename Valtype_base<size>::Valtype Valtype;
- static inline Valtype
- readval(const Valtype* wv)
- { return Convert<size, big_endian>::convert_host(*wv); }
- static inline void
- writeval(Valtype* wv, Valtype v)
- { *wv = Convert<size, big_endian>::convert_host(v); }
- static inline Valtype
- readval(const unsigned char* wv)
- { return readval(reinterpret_cast<const Valtype*>(wv)); }
- static inline void
- writeval(unsigned char* wv, Valtype v)
- { writeval(reinterpret_cast<Valtype*>(wv), v); }
-// We need to specialize the 8-bit version of Swap to avoid
-// conflicting overloads, since both versions of readval and writeval
-// will have the same type parameters.
-template<bool big_endian>
-struct Swap<8, big_endian>
- typedef typename Valtype_base<8>::Valtype Valtype;
- static inline Valtype
- readval(const Valtype* wv)
- { return *wv; }
- static inline void
- writeval(Valtype* wv, Valtype v)
- { *wv = v; }
-// Swap_unaligned is a template based on size and on whether the
-// target is big endian. It defines the type Valtype and the
-// functions readval and writeval. The functions read and write
-// values of the appropriate size out of buffers which may be
-// misaligned.
-template<int size, bool big_endian>
-struct Swap_unaligned;
-template<bool big_endian>
-struct Swap_unaligned<8, big_endian>
- typedef typename Valtype_base<8>::Valtype Valtype;
- static inline Valtype
- readval(const unsigned char* wv)
- { return *wv; }
- static inline void
- writeval(unsigned char* wv, Valtype v)
- { *wv = v; }
-struct Swap_unaligned<16, false>
- typedef Valtype_base<16>::Valtype Valtype;
- static inline Valtype
- readval(const unsigned char* wv)
- {
- return (wv[1] << 8) | wv[0];
- }
- static inline void
- writeval(unsigned char* wv, Valtype v)
- {
- wv[1] = v >> 8;
- wv[0] = v;
- }
-struct Swap_unaligned<16, true>
- typedef Valtype_base<16>::Valtype Valtype;
- static inline Valtype
- readval(const unsigned char* wv)
- {
- return (wv[0] << 8) | wv[1];
- }
- static inline void
- writeval(unsigned char* wv, Valtype v)
- {
- wv[0] = v >> 8;
- wv[1] = v;
- }
-struct Swap_unaligned<32, false>
- typedef Valtype_base<32>::Valtype Valtype;
- static inline Valtype
- readval(const unsigned char* wv)
- {
- return (wv[3] << 24) | (wv[2] << 16) | (wv[1] << 8) | wv[0];
- }
- static inline void
- writeval(unsigned char* wv, Valtype v)
- {
- wv[3] = v >> 24;
- wv[2] = v >> 16;
- wv[1] = v >> 8;
- wv[0] = v;
- }
-struct Swap_unaligned<32, true>
- typedef Valtype_base<32>::Valtype Valtype;
- static inline Valtype
- readval(const unsigned char* wv)
- {
- return (wv[0] << 24) | (wv[1] << 16) | (wv[2] << 8) | wv[3];
- }
- static inline void
- writeval(unsigned char* wv, Valtype v)
- {
- wv[0] = v >> 24;
- wv[1] = v >> 16;
- wv[2] = v >> 8;
- wv[3] = v;
- }
-struct Swap_unaligned<64, false>
- typedef Valtype_base<64>::Valtype Valtype;
- static inline Valtype
- readval(const unsigned char* wv)
- {
- return ((static_cast<Valtype>(wv[7]) << 56)
- | (static_cast<Valtype>(wv[6]) << 48)
- | (static_cast<Valtype>(wv[5]) << 40)
- | (static_cast<Valtype>(wv[4]) << 32)
- | (static_cast<Valtype>(wv[3]) << 24)
- | (static_cast<Valtype>(wv[2]) << 16)
- | (static_cast<Valtype>(wv[1]) << 8)
- | static_cast<Valtype>(wv[0]));
- }
- static inline void
- writeval(unsigned char* wv, Valtype v)
- {
- wv[7] = v >> 56;
- wv[6] = v >> 48;
- wv[5] = v >> 40;
- wv[4] = v >> 32;
- wv[3] = v >> 24;
- wv[2] = v >> 16;
- wv[1] = v >> 8;
- wv[0] = v;
- }
-struct Swap_unaligned<64, true>
- typedef Valtype_base<64>::Valtype Valtype;
- static inline Valtype
- readval(const unsigned char* wv)
- {
- return ((static_cast<Valtype>(wv[0]) << 56)
- | (static_cast<Valtype>(wv[1]) << 48)
- | (static_cast<Valtype>(wv[2]) << 40)
- | (static_cast<Valtype>(wv[3]) << 32)
- | (static_cast<Valtype>(wv[4]) << 24)
- | (static_cast<Valtype>(wv[5]) << 16)
- | (static_cast<Valtype>(wv[6]) << 8)
- | static_cast<Valtype>(wv[7]));
- }
- static inline void
- writeval(unsigned char* wv, Valtype v)
- {
- wv[0] = v >> 56;
- wv[1] = v >> 48;
- wv[2] = v >> 40;
- wv[3] = v >> 32;
- wv[4] = v >> 24;
- wv[5] = v >> 16;
- wv[6] = v >> 8;
- wv[7] = v;
- }
-// Swap_aligned32 is a template based on size and on whether the
-// target is big endian. It defines the type Valtype and the
-// functions readval and writeval. The functions read and write
-// values of the appropriate size out of buffers which may not be
-// 64-bit aligned, but are 32-bit aligned.
-template<int size, bool big_endian>
-struct Swap_aligned32
- typedef typename Valtype_base<size>::Valtype Valtype;
- static inline Valtype
- readval(const unsigned char* wv)
- { return Swap<size, big_endian>::readval(
- reinterpret_cast<const Valtype*>(wv)); }
- static inline void
- writeval(unsigned char* wv, Valtype v)
- { Swap<size, big_endian>::writeval(reinterpret_cast<Valtype*>(wv), v); }
-struct Swap_aligned32<64, true>
- typedef Valtype_base<64>::Valtype Valtype;
- static inline Valtype
- readval(const unsigned char* wv)
- {
- return ((static_cast<Valtype>(Swap<32, true>::readval(wv)) << 32)
- | static_cast<Valtype>(Swap<32, true>::readval(wv + 4)));
- }
- static inline void
- writeval(unsigned char* wv, Valtype v)
- {
- typedef Valtype_base<32>::Valtype Valtype32;
- Swap<32, true>::writeval(wv, static_cast<Valtype32>(v >> 32));
- Swap<32, true>::writeval(wv + 4, static_cast<Valtype32>(v));
- }
-struct Swap_aligned32<64, false>
- typedef Valtype_base<64>::Valtype Valtype;
- static inline Valtype
- readval(const unsigned char* wv)
- {
- return ((static_cast<Valtype>(Swap<32, false>::readval(wv + 4)) << 32)
- | static_cast<Valtype>(Swap<32, false>::readval(wv)));
- }
- static inline void
- writeval(unsigned char* wv, Valtype v)
- {
- typedef Valtype_base<32>::Valtype Valtype32;
- Swap<32, false>::writeval(wv + 4, static_cast<Valtype32>(v >> 32));
- Swap<32, false>::writeval(wv, static_cast<Valtype32>(v));
- }
-} // End namespace elfcpp.
-#endif // !defined(ELFCPP_SWAP_H)