path: root/binutils-2.24/binutils/testsuite/binutils-all/mips/mixed-micromips.d
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'binutils-2.24/binutils/testsuite/binutils-all/mips/mixed-micromips.d')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 30 deletions
diff --git a/binutils-2.24/binutils/testsuite/binutils-all/mips/mixed-micromips.d b/binutils-2.24/binutils/testsuite/binutils-all/mips/mixed-micromips.d
deleted file mode 100644
index 0bc9e412..00000000
--- a/binutils-2.24/binutils/testsuite/binutils-all/mips/mixed-micromips.d
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-#PROG: objcopy
-#objdump: -dr --prefix-addresses --show-raw-insn
-#name: Mixed MIPS and microMIPS disassembly
-#as: -32 -mips2
-# Test mixed-mode disassembly in overlapping sections.
-.*: +file format .*mips.*
-Disassembly of section \.text\.foo:
-[0-9a-f]+ <[^>]*> 27bdffe0 addiu sp,sp,-32
-[0-9a-f]+ <[^>]*> afbf001c sw ra,28\(sp\)
-[0-9a-f]+ <[^>]*> 0c000000 jal 00000000 <.*>
-[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: R_MIPS_26 baz
-[0-9a-f]+ <[^>]*> 00000000 nop
-[0-9a-f]+ <[^>]*> 8fbf001c lw ra,28\(sp\)
-[0-9a-f]+ <[^>]*> 03e00008 jr ra
-[0-9a-f]+ <[^>]*> 27bd0020 addiu sp,sp,32
- \.\.\.
-Disassembly of section \.text\.bar:
-[0-9a-f]+ <[^>]*> 4ff1 addiu sp,sp,-32
-[0-9a-f]+ <[^>]*> cbe7 sw ra,28\(sp\)
-[0-9a-f]+ <[^>]*> 7400 0000 jals 00000000 <.*>
-[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: R_MICROMIPS_26_S1 baz
-[0-9a-f]+ <[^>]*> 0c00 nop
-[0-9a-f]+ <[^>]*> 4be7 lw ra,28\(sp\)
-[0-9a-f]+ <[^>]*> 4708 jraddiusp 32
-[0-9a-f]+ <[^>]*> 0c00 nop
- \.\.\.