/* * Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.launcher3.touch; import static com.android.launcher3.LauncherAnimUtils.MIN_PROGRESS_TO_ALL_APPS; import static com.android.launcher3.LauncherState.ALL_APPS; import static com.android.launcher3.LauncherState.NORMAL; import static com.android.launcher3.LauncherState.OVERVIEW; import static com.android.launcher3.LauncherStateManager.ANIM_ALL; import static com.android.launcher3.LauncherStateManager.ATOMIC_COMPONENT; import static com.android.launcher3.LauncherStateManager.NON_ATOMIC_COMPONENT; import static com.android.launcher3.Utilities.SINGLE_FRAME_MS; import static com.android.launcher3.anim.Interpolators.scrollInterpolatorForVelocity; import static com.android.launcher3.config.FeatureFlags.QUICKSTEP_SPRINGS; import android.animation.Animator; import android.animation.AnimatorListenerAdapter; import android.animation.AnimatorSet; import android.animation.ValueAnimator; import android.os.SystemClock; import android.view.HapticFeedbackConstants; import android.view.MotionEvent; import com.android.launcher3.Launcher; import com.android.launcher3.LauncherAnimUtils; import com.android.launcher3.LauncherState; import com.android.launcher3.LauncherStateManager.AnimationComponents; import com.android.launcher3.LauncherStateManager.AnimationConfig; import com.android.launcher3.LauncherStateManager.StateHandler; import com.android.launcher3.TestProtocol; import com.android.launcher3.Utilities; import com.android.launcher3.anim.AnimationSuccessListener; import com.android.launcher3.anim.AnimatorPlaybackController; import com.android.launcher3.anim.AnimatorSetBuilder; import com.android.launcher3.compat.AccessibilityManagerCompat; import com.android.launcher3.config.FeatureFlags; import com.android.launcher3.userevent.nano.LauncherLogProto; import com.android.launcher3.userevent.nano.LauncherLogProto.Action.Direction; import com.android.launcher3.userevent.nano.LauncherLogProto.Action.Touch; import com.android.launcher3.util.FlingBlockCheck; import com.android.launcher3.util.PendingAnimation; import com.android.launcher3.util.TouchController; /** * TouchController for handling state changes */ public abstract class AbstractStateChangeTouchController implements TouchController, SwipeDetector.Listener { private static final String TAG = "ASCTouchController"; // Progress after which the transition is assumed to be a success in case user does not fling public static final float SUCCESS_TRANSITION_PROGRESS = 0.5f; /** * Play an atomic recents animation when the progress from NORMAL to OVERVIEW reaches this. */ public static final float ATOMIC_OVERVIEW_ANIM_THRESHOLD = 0.5f; protected static final long ATOMIC_DURATION = 200; protected final Launcher mLauncher; protected final SwipeDetector mDetector; private boolean mNoIntercept; protected int mStartContainerType; protected LauncherState mStartState; protected LauncherState mFromState; protected LauncherState mToState; protected AnimatorPlaybackController mCurrentAnimation; protected PendingAnimation mPendingAnimation; private float mStartProgress; // Ratio of transition process [0, 1] to drag displacement (px) private float mProgressMultiplier; private float mDisplacementShift; private boolean mCanBlockFling; private FlingBlockCheck mFlingBlockCheck = new FlingBlockCheck(); protected AnimatorSet mAtomicAnim; // True if we want to resume playing atomic components when mAtomicAnim completes. private boolean mScheduleResumeAtomicComponent; private AutoPlayAtomicAnimationInfo mAtomicAnimAutoPlayInfo; private boolean mPassedOverviewAtomicThreshold; // mAtomicAnim plays the atomic components of the state animations when we pass the threshold. // However, if we reinit to transition to a new state (e.g. OVERVIEW -> ALL_APPS) before the // atomic animation finishes, we only control the non-atomic components so that we don't // interfere with the atomic animation. When the atomic animation ends, we start controlling // the atomic components as well, using this controller. private AnimatorPlaybackController mAtomicComponentsController; private LauncherState mAtomicComponentsTargetState = NORMAL; private float mAtomicComponentsStartProgress; public AbstractStateChangeTouchController(Launcher l, SwipeDetector.Direction dir) { mLauncher = l; mDetector = new SwipeDetector(l, this, dir); } protected abstract boolean canInterceptTouch(MotionEvent ev); @Override public final boolean onControllerInterceptTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev) { if (ev.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) { mNoIntercept = !canInterceptTouch(ev); if (mNoIntercept) { return false; } // Now figure out which direction scroll events the controller will start // calling the callbacks. final int directionsToDetectScroll; boolean ignoreSlopWhenSettling = false; if (mCurrentAnimation != null) { directionsToDetectScroll = SwipeDetector.DIRECTION_BOTH; ignoreSlopWhenSettling = true; } else { directionsToDetectScroll = getSwipeDirection(); if (directionsToDetectScroll == 0) { mNoIntercept = true; return false; } } mDetector.setDetectableScrollConditions( directionsToDetectScroll, ignoreSlopWhenSettling); } if (mNoIntercept) { return false; } onControllerTouchEvent(ev); return mDetector.isDraggingOrSettling(); } private int getSwipeDirection() { LauncherState fromState = mLauncher.getStateManager().getState(); int swipeDirection = 0; if (getTargetState(fromState, true /* isDragTowardPositive */) != fromState) { swipeDirection |= SwipeDetector.DIRECTION_POSITIVE; } if (getTargetState(fromState, false /* isDragTowardPositive */) != fromState) { swipeDirection |= SwipeDetector.DIRECTION_NEGATIVE; } return swipeDirection; } @Override public final boolean onControllerTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev) { return mDetector.onTouchEvent(ev); } protected float getShiftRange() { return mLauncher.getAllAppsController().getShiftRange(); } /** * Returns the state to go to from fromState given the drag direction. If there is no state in * that direction, returns fromState. */ protected abstract LauncherState getTargetState(LauncherState fromState, boolean isDragTowardPositive); protected abstract float initCurrentAnimation(@AnimationComponents int animComponents); /** * Returns the container that the touch started from when leaving NORMAL state. */ protected abstract int getLogContainerTypeForNormalState(); private boolean reinitCurrentAnimation(boolean reachedToState, boolean isDragTowardPositive) { LauncherState newFromState = mFromState == null ? mLauncher.getStateManager().getState() : reachedToState ? mToState : mFromState; LauncherState newToState = getTargetState(newFromState, isDragTowardPositive); if (newFromState == mFromState && newToState == mToState || (newFromState == newToState)) { return false; } mFromState = newFromState; mToState = newToState; mStartProgress = 0; mPassedOverviewAtomicThreshold = false; if (mCurrentAnimation != null) { mCurrentAnimation.setOnCancelRunnable(null); } int animComponents = goingBetweenNormalAndOverview(mFromState, mToState) ? NON_ATOMIC_COMPONENT : ANIM_ALL; mScheduleResumeAtomicComponent = false; if (mAtomicAnim != null) { animComponents = NON_ATOMIC_COMPONENT; // Control the non-atomic components until the atomic animation finishes, then control // the atomic components as well. mScheduleResumeAtomicComponent = true; } if (goingBetweenNormalAndOverview(mFromState, mToState) || mAtomicComponentsTargetState != mToState) { cancelAtomicComponentsController(); } if (mAtomicComponentsController != null) { animComponents &= ~ATOMIC_COMPONENT; } mProgressMultiplier = initCurrentAnimation(animComponents); mCurrentAnimation.dispatchOnStart(); return true; } private boolean goingBetweenNormalAndOverview(LauncherState fromState, LauncherState toState) { return (fromState == NORMAL || fromState == OVERVIEW) && (toState == NORMAL || toState == OVERVIEW) && mPendingAnimation == null; } @Override public void onDragStart(boolean start) { mStartState = mLauncher.getStateManager().getState(); if (mStartState == ALL_APPS) { mStartContainerType = LauncherLogProto.ContainerType.ALLAPPS; } else if (mStartState == NORMAL) { mStartContainerType = getLogContainerTypeForNormalState(); } else if (mStartState == OVERVIEW){ mStartContainerType = LauncherLogProto.ContainerType.TASKSWITCHER; } if (mCurrentAnimation == null) { mFromState = mStartState; mToState = null; cancelAnimationControllers(); reinitCurrentAnimation(false, mDetector.wasInitialTouchPositive()); mDisplacementShift = 0; } else { mCurrentAnimation.pause(); mStartProgress = mCurrentAnimation.getProgressFraction(); mAtomicAnimAutoPlayInfo = null; if (mAtomicComponentsController != null) { mAtomicComponentsController.pause(); } } mCanBlockFling = mFromState == NORMAL; mFlingBlockCheck.unblockFling(); } @Override public boolean onDrag(float displacement) { float deltaProgress = mProgressMultiplier * (displacement - mDisplacementShift); float progress = deltaProgress + mStartProgress; updateProgress(progress); boolean isDragTowardPositive = (displacement - mDisplacementShift) < 0; if (progress <= 0) { if (reinitCurrentAnimation(false, isDragTowardPositive)) { mDisplacementShift = displacement; if (mCanBlockFling) { mFlingBlockCheck.blockFling(); } } } else if (progress >= 1) { if (reinitCurrentAnimation(true, isDragTowardPositive)) { mDisplacementShift = displacement; if (mCanBlockFling) { mFlingBlockCheck.blockFling(); } } } else { mFlingBlockCheck.onEvent(); } return true; } protected void updateProgress(float fraction) { mCurrentAnimation.setPlayFraction(fraction); if (mAtomicComponentsController != null) { // Make sure we don't divide by 0, and have at least a small runway. float start = Math.min(mAtomicComponentsStartProgress, 0.9f); mAtomicComponentsController.setPlayFraction((fraction - start) / (1 - start)); } maybeUpdateAtomicAnim(mFromState, mToState, fraction); } /** * When going between normal and overview states, see if we passed the overview threshold and * play the appropriate atomic animation if so. */ private void maybeUpdateAtomicAnim(LauncherState fromState, LauncherState toState, float progress) { if (!goingBetweenNormalAndOverview(fromState, toState)) { return; } float threshold = toState == OVERVIEW ? ATOMIC_OVERVIEW_ANIM_THRESHOLD : 1f - ATOMIC_OVERVIEW_ANIM_THRESHOLD; boolean passedThreshold = progress >= threshold; if (passedThreshold != mPassedOverviewAtomicThreshold) { LauncherState atomicFromState = passedThreshold ? fromState: toState; LauncherState atomicToState = passedThreshold ? toState : fromState; mPassedOverviewAtomicThreshold = passedThreshold; if (mAtomicAnim != null) { mAtomicAnim.cancel(); } mAtomicAnim = createAtomicAnimForState(atomicFromState, atomicToState, ATOMIC_DURATION); mAtomicAnim.addListener(new AnimationSuccessListener() { @Override public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) { super.onAnimationEnd(animation); mAtomicAnim = null; mScheduleResumeAtomicComponent = false; } @Override public void onAnimationSuccess(Animator animator) { if (!mScheduleResumeAtomicComponent) { return; } cancelAtomicComponentsController(); if (mCurrentAnimation != null) { mAtomicComponentsStartProgress = mCurrentAnimation.getProgressFraction(); long duration = (long) (getShiftRange() * 2); mAtomicComponentsController = AnimatorPlaybackController.wrap( createAtomicAnimForState(mFromState, mToState, duration), duration); mAtomicComponentsController.dispatchOnStart(); mAtomicComponentsTargetState = mToState; maybeAutoPlayAtomicComponentsAnim(); } } }); mAtomicAnim.start(); mLauncher.getDragLayer().performHapticFeedback(HapticFeedbackConstants.VIRTUAL_KEY); } } private AnimatorSet createAtomicAnimForState(LauncherState fromState, LauncherState targetState, long duration) { AnimatorSetBuilder builder = getAnimatorSetBuilderForStates(fromState, targetState); mLauncher.getStateManager().prepareForAtomicAnimation(fromState, targetState, builder); AnimationConfig config = new AnimationConfig(); config.animComponents = ATOMIC_COMPONENT; config.duration = duration; for (StateHandler handler : mLauncher.getStateManager().getStateHandlers()) { handler.setStateWithAnimation(targetState, builder, config); } return builder.build(); } protected AnimatorSetBuilder getAnimatorSetBuilderForStates(LauncherState fromState, LauncherState toState) { return new AnimatorSetBuilder(); } @Override public void onDragEnd(float velocity, boolean fling) { final int logAction = fling ? Touch.FLING : Touch.SWIPE; boolean blockedFling = fling && mFlingBlockCheck.isBlocked(); if (blockedFling) { fling = false; } final LauncherState targetState; final float progress = mCurrentAnimation.getProgressFraction(); final float interpolatedProgress = mCurrentAnimation.getInterpolatedProgress(); if (fling) { targetState = Float.compare(Math.signum(velocity), Math.signum(mProgressMultiplier)) == 0 ? mToState : mFromState; // snap to top or bottom using the release velocity } else { float successProgress = mToState == ALL_APPS ? MIN_PROGRESS_TO_ALL_APPS : SUCCESS_TRANSITION_PROGRESS; targetState = (interpolatedProgress > successProgress) ? mToState : mFromState; } final float endProgress; final float startProgress; final long duration; // Increase the duration if we prevented the fling, as we are going against a high velocity. final int durationMultiplier = blockedFling && targetState == mFromState ? LauncherAnimUtils.blockedFlingDurationFactor(velocity) : 1; if (targetState == mToState) { endProgress = 1; if (progress >= 1) { duration = 0; startProgress = 1; } else { startProgress = Utilities.boundToRange( progress + velocity * SINGLE_FRAME_MS * mProgressMultiplier, 0f, 1f); duration = SwipeDetector.calculateDuration(velocity, endProgress - Math.max(progress, 0)) * durationMultiplier; } } else { // Let the state manager know that the animation didn't go to the target state, // but don't cancel ourselves (we already clean up when the animation completes). Runnable onCancel = mCurrentAnimation.getOnCancelRunnable(); mCurrentAnimation.setOnCancelRunnable(null); mCurrentAnimation.dispatchOnCancel(); mCurrentAnimation.setOnCancelRunnable(onCancel); endProgress = 0; if (progress <= 0) { duration = 0; startProgress = 0; } else { startProgress = Utilities.boundToRange( progress + velocity * SINGLE_FRAME_MS * mProgressMultiplier, 0f, 1f); duration = SwipeDetector.calculateDuration(velocity, Math.min(progress, 1) - endProgress) * durationMultiplier; } } mCurrentAnimation.setEndAction(() -> onSwipeInteractionCompleted(targetState, logAction)); ValueAnimator anim = mCurrentAnimation.getAnimationPlayer(); anim.setFloatValues(startProgress, endProgress); maybeUpdateAtomicAnim(mFromState, targetState, targetState == mToState ? 1f : 0f); updateSwipeCompleteAnimation(anim, Math.max(duration, getRemainingAtomicDuration()), targetState, velocity, fling); mCurrentAnimation.dispatchOnStartWithVelocity(endProgress, velocity); if (fling && targetState == LauncherState.ALL_APPS && !QUICKSTEP_SPRINGS.get()) { mLauncher.getAppsView().addSpringFromFlingUpdateListener(anim, velocity); } anim.start(); mAtomicAnimAutoPlayInfo = new AutoPlayAtomicAnimationInfo(endProgress, anim.getDuration()); maybeAutoPlayAtomicComponentsAnim(); } /** * Animates the atomic components from the current progress to the final progress. * * Note that this only applies when we are controlling the atomic components separately from * the non-atomic components, which only happens if we reinit before the atomic animation * finishes. */ private void maybeAutoPlayAtomicComponentsAnim() { if (mAtomicComponentsController == null || mAtomicAnimAutoPlayInfo == null) { return; } final AnimatorPlaybackController controller = mAtomicComponentsController; ValueAnimator atomicAnim = controller.getAnimationPlayer(); atomicAnim.setFloatValues(controller.getProgressFraction(), mAtomicAnimAutoPlayInfo.toProgress); long duration = mAtomicAnimAutoPlayInfo.endTime - SystemClock.elapsedRealtime(); mAtomicAnimAutoPlayInfo = null; if (duration <= 0) { atomicAnim.start(); atomicAnim.end(); mAtomicComponentsController = null; } else { atomicAnim.setDuration(duration); atomicAnim.addListener(new AnimatorListenerAdapter() { @Override public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) { if (mAtomicComponentsController == controller) { mAtomicComponentsController = null; } } }); atomicAnim.start(); } } private long getRemainingAtomicDuration() { if (mAtomicAnim == null) { return 0; } if (Utilities.ATLEAST_OREO) { return mAtomicAnim.getTotalDuration() - mAtomicAnim.getCurrentPlayTime(); } else { long remainingDuration = 0; for (Animator anim : mAtomicAnim.getChildAnimations()) { remainingDuration = Math.max(remainingDuration, anim.getDuration()); } return remainingDuration; } } protected void updateSwipeCompleteAnimation(ValueAnimator animator, long expectedDuration, LauncherState targetState, float velocity, boolean isFling) { animator.setDuration(expectedDuration) .setInterpolator(scrollInterpolatorForVelocity(velocity)); } protected int getDirectionForLog() { return mToState.ordinal > mFromState.ordinal ? Direction.UP : Direction.DOWN; } protected void onSwipeInteractionCompleted(LauncherState targetState, int logAction) { if (mAtomicComponentsController != null) { mAtomicComponentsController.getAnimationPlayer().end(); mAtomicComponentsController = null; } cancelAnimationControllers(); boolean shouldGoToTargetState = true; if (mPendingAnimation != null) { boolean reachedTarget = mToState == targetState; mPendingAnimation.finish(reachedTarget, logAction); mPendingAnimation = null; shouldGoToTargetState = !reachedTarget; } if (shouldGoToTargetState) { if (targetState != mStartState) { logReachedState(logAction, targetState); } mLauncher.getStateManager().goToState(targetState, false /* animated */); AccessibilityManagerCompat.sendEventToTest( mLauncher, TestProtocol.SWITCHED_TO_STATE_MESSAGE); } } private void logReachedState(int logAction, LauncherState targetState) { // Transition complete. log the action mLauncher.getUserEventDispatcher().logStateChangeAction(logAction, getDirectionForLog(), mStartContainerType, mStartState.containerType, targetState.containerType, mLauncher.getWorkspace().getCurrentPage()); } protected void clearState() { cancelAnimationControllers(); if (mAtomicAnim != null) { mAtomicAnim.cancel(); mAtomicAnim = null; } mScheduleResumeAtomicComponent = false; } private void cancelAnimationControllers() { mCurrentAnimation = null; cancelAtomicComponentsController(); mDetector.finishedScrolling(); mDetector.setDetectableScrollConditions(0, false); } private void cancelAtomicComponentsController() { if (mAtomicComponentsController != null) { mAtomicComponentsController.getAnimationPlayer().cancel(); mAtomicComponentsController = null; } mAtomicAnimAutoPlayInfo = null; } private static class AutoPlayAtomicAnimationInfo { public final float toProgress; public final long endTime; AutoPlayAtomicAnimationInfo(float toProgress, long duration) { this.toProgress = toProgress; this.endTime = duration + SystemClock.elapsedRealtime(); } } }