/* * Copyright (c) 2013, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved. * Not a Contribution, Apache license notifications and license are retained * for attribution purposes only. * * Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.incallui; import android.telephony.MSimTelephonyManager; import com.android.incallui.service.PhoneNumberService; import com.google.android.collect.Sets; import com.google.common.base.Preconditions; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.ActivityNotFoundException; import com.android.services.telephony.common.Call; import com.android.services.telephony.common.Call.Capabilities; import com.android.services.telephony.common.CallDetails; import com.google.common.collect.Lists; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Set; /** * Takes updates from the CallList and notifies the InCallActivity (UI) * of the changes. * Responsible for starting the activity for a new call and finishing the activity when all calls * are disconnected. * Creates and manages the in-call state and provides a listener pattern for the presenters * that want to listen in on the in-call state changes. * TODO: This class has become more of a state machine at this point. Consider renaming. */ public class InCallPresenter implements CallList.Listener { private static InCallPresenter sInCallPresenter; private final Set mListeners = Sets.newHashSet(); private final ArrayList mIncomingCallListeners = Lists.newArrayList(); private AudioModeProvider mAudioModeProvider; private StatusBarNotifier mStatusBarNotifier; private ContactInfoCache mContactInfoCache; private Context mContext; private CallList mCallList; private InCallActivity mInCallActivity; private InCallState mInCallState = InCallState.NO_CALLS; private ProximitySensor mProximitySensor; private boolean mServiceConnected = false; private static String LOG_TAG = "InCallPresenter"; VideoCallManager mVideoCallManager; /** * This table is for deciding whether consent is * required while upgrade/downgrade from one calltype * to other * Read calltype transition from row to column * 1 => Consent of user is required * 0 => No consent required * eg. from VOLTE to VT-TX, consent is needed so * row 0, col 1 is set to 1 * * User consent is needed for all upgrades and not * needed for downgrades * * VOLTE VT-TX VT-RX VT * VOLTE | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 * VT-TX | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 * VT-RX | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 * VT | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 */ private int[][] mVideoConsentTable = {{0, 1, 1, 1}, {0, 0, 1, 1}, {0, 1, 0, 1}, {0, 0, 0, 0}}; /** * Is true when the activity has been previously started. Some code needs to know not just if * the activity is currently up, but if it had been previously shown in foreground for this * in-call session (e.g., StatusBarNotifier). This gets reset when the session ends in the * tear-down method. */ private boolean mIsActivityPreviouslyStarted = false; private boolean isImsMediaInitialized = false; private Call.DisconnectCause mLastDisconnectCause = Call.DisconnectCause.UNKNOWN; public static synchronized InCallPresenter getInstance() { if (sInCallPresenter == null) { sInCallPresenter = new InCallPresenter(); } return sInCallPresenter; } public InCallState getInCallState() { return mInCallState; } public CallList getCallList() { return mCallList; } public void setUp(Context context, CallList callList, AudioModeProvider audioModeProvider) { if (mServiceConnected) { Log.i(this, "New service connection replacing existing one."); // retain the current resources, no need to create new ones. Preconditions.checkState(context == mContext); Preconditions.checkState(callList == mCallList); Preconditions.checkState(audioModeProvider == mAudioModeProvider); return; } Preconditions.checkNotNull(context); mContext = context; mContactInfoCache = ContactInfoCache.getInstance(context); mStatusBarNotifier = new StatusBarNotifier(context, mContactInfoCache); addListener(mStatusBarNotifier); mAudioModeProvider = audioModeProvider; mProximitySensor = new ProximitySensor(context, mAudioModeProvider); addListener(mProximitySensor); mCallList = callList; // This only gets called by the service so this is okay. mServiceConnected = true; // The final thing we do in this set up is add ourselves as a listener to CallList. This // will kick off an update and the whole process can start. mCallList.addListener(this); mVideoCallManager = VideoCallManager.getInstance(mContext); final VideoPauseController videoPause = mVideoCallManager.getVideoPauseController(); addListener(videoPause); addIncomingCallListener(videoPause); Log.d(this, "Finished InCallPresenter.setUp"); } /** * Called when the telephony service has disconnected from us. This will happen when there are * no more active calls. However, we may still want to continue showing the UI for * certain cases like showing "Call Ended". * What we really want is to wait for the activity and the service to both disconnect before we * tear things down. This method sets a serviceConnected boolean and calls a secondary method * that performs the aforementioned logic. */ public void tearDown() { Log.d(this, "tearDown"); mServiceConnected = false; attemptCleanup(); } private void attemptFinishActivity() { final boolean doFinish = (mInCallActivity != null && isActivityStarted()); Log.i(this, "Hide in call UI: " + doFinish); if ((mCallList != null) && !(mCallList.existsLiveCall(mCallList.getActiveSubscription()))) { Log.d(this, "Switch active sub. Last disc cause = " + mLastDisconnectCause); boolean retainLch = (mLastDisconnectCause == Call.DisconnectCause.NORMAL) ? true: false; if (mCallList.switchToOtherActiveSubscription(retainLch)) return; } if (doFinish) { mInCallActivity.finish(); } } /** * Sends modify call request to the other party. * * @param callId id of the call to modify. * @param callType Proposed call type. */ public void sendModifyCallRequest(int callId, int callType) { log("VideoCall: Sending modify call request, callId=" + callId + " callType=" + callType); Call call = CallList.getInstance().getCall(callId); if (call != null && call.getCallModifyDetails() != null) { CallDetails cd = call.getCallModifyDetails(); cd.setCallType(callType); CallCommandClient.getInstance().modifyCallInitiate(callId, callType); } else { loge("VideoCall: Sending modify call request failed: call=" + call); } } /** * Accepts/Rejects modify call request. * * @param accept true if the proposed call type is accepted, false otherwise. * @param call Call which call type change to be confirmed/rejected. */ public void modifyCallConfirm(boolean accept, Call call) { log("VideoCall: ModifyCallConfirm: accept=" + accept + " call=" + call); CallCommandClient.getInstance().modifyCallConfirm(accept, call.getCallId()); } /** * Handles modify call request and shows dialog to user for accepting or * rejecting the modify call */ public void onModifyCallRequest(Call call) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(call); final int callId = call.getCallId(); final int currCallType = CallUtils.getCallType(call); final int proposedCallType = CallUtils.getProposedCallType(call); final boolean error = CallUtils.hasCallModifyFailed(call); log("VideoCall onMoifyCallRequest: CallId =" + callId + " currCallType=" + currCallType + " proposedCallType= " + proposedCallType + " error=" + error); try { if (isUserConsentRequired(proposedCallType, currCallType)) { if (mInCallActivity != null) { mInCallActivity.displayModifyCallConsentDialog(call); } else { Log.e(this, "VideoCall: onMoifyCallRequest: InCallActivity is null."); } } } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { Log.e(this, "VideoCall: onModifyCallRequest failed. ", e); } } public void onAvpUpgradeFailure(String errorString) { if (mInCallActivity != null) { mInCallActivity.onAvpUpgradeFailure(errorString); } else { Log.e(this, "VideoCall: onAvpUpgradeFailure: InCallActivity is null."); Log.e(this, "VideoCall: onAvpUpgradeFailure: error=" + errorString); } } /** * Called when the UI begins or ends. Starts the callstate callbacks if the UI just began. * Attempts to tear down everything if the UI just ended. See #tearDown for more insight on * the tear-down process. */ public void setActivity(InCallActivity inCallActivity) { boolean updateListeners = false; boolean doAttemptCleanup = false; if (inCallActivity != null) { if (mInCallActivity == null) { updateListeners = true; Log.i(this, "UI Initialized"); } else if (mInCallActivity != inCallActivity) { Log.wtf(this, "Setting a second activity before destroying the first."); } else { // since setActivity is called onStart(), it can be called multiple times. // This is fine and ignorable, but we do not want to update the world every time // this happens (like going to/from background) so we do not set updateListeners. } mInCallActivity = inCallActivity; // By the time the UI finally comes up, the call may already be disconnected. // If that's the case, we may need to show an error dialog. if (mCallList != null && mCallList.getDisconnectedCall() != null) { maybeShowErrorDialogOnDisconnect(mCallList.getDisconnectedCall()); } // When the UI comes up, we need to first check the in-call state. // If we are showing NO_CALLS, that means that a call probably connected and // then immediately disconnected before the UI was able to come up. // If we dont have any calls, start tearing down the UI instead. // NOTE: This code relies on {@link #mInCallActivity} being set so we run it after // it has been set. if (mInCallState == InCallState.NO_CALLS) { Log.i(this, "UI Intialized, but no calls left. shut down."); attemptFinishActivity(); return; } } else { Log.i(this, "UI Destroyed)"); updateListeners = true; mInCallActivity = null; // We attempt cleanup for the destroy case but only after we recalculate the state // to see if we need to come back up or stay shut down. This is why we do the cleanup // after the call to onCallListChange() instead of directly here. doAttemptCleanup = true; } // Messages can come from the telephony layer while the activity is coming up // and while the activity is going down. So in both cases we need to recalculate what // state we should be in after they complete. // Examples: (1) A new incoming call could come in and then get disconnected before // the activity is created. // (2) All calls could disconnect and then get a new incoming call before the // activity is destroyed. // // b/1122139 - We previously had a check for mServiceConnected here as well, but there are // cases where we need to recalculate the current state even if the service in not // connected. In particular the case where startOrFinish() is called while the app is // already finish()ing. In that case, we skip updating the state with the knowledge that // we will check again once the activity has finished. That means we have to recalculate the // state here even if the service is disconnected since we may not have finished a state // transition while finish()ing. if (updateListeners) { onCallListChange(mCallList); } if (doAttemptCleanup) { attemptCleanup(); } } /** * Called when there is a change to the call list. * Sets the In-Call state for the entire in-call app based on the information it gets from * CallList. Dispatches the in-call state to all listeners. Can trigger the creation or * destruction of the UI based on the states that is calculates. */ @Override public void onCallListChange(CallList callList) { if (callList == null) { return; } InCallState newState = getPotentialStateFromCallList(callList); newState = startOrFinishUi(newState); // Renable notification shade and soft navigation buttons, if we are no longer in the // incoming call screen if (!newState.isIncoming()) { CallCommandClient.getInstance().setSystemBarNavigationEnabled(true); } onPhoneStateChange(newState, mInCallState); // Set the new state before announcing it to the world Log.i(this, "Phone switching state: " + mInCallState + " -> " + newState); mInCallState = newState; // notify listeners of new state for (InCallStateListener listener : mListeners) { Log.d(this, "Notify " + listener + " of state " + mInCallState.toString()); listener.onStateChange(mInCallState, callList); } if (isActivityStarted()) { MSimTelephonyManager tm = MSimTelephonyManager.getDefault(); if (tm.getMultiSimConfiguration() == MSimTelephonyManager.MultiSimVariants.DSDA) { mInCallActivity.updateDsdaTab(); } if (newState != InCallState.DISCONNECTING) { mInCallActivity.updateSystemBarTranslucency(); } final boolean hasCall = callList.getActiveOrBackgroundCall() != null || callList.getOutgoingCall() != null; mInCallActivity.dismissKeyguard(hasCall); } } /** * Called when there is a new incoming call. * * @param call */ @Override public void onIncomingCall(Call call) { InCallState newState = startOrFinishUi(InCallState.INCOMING); onPhoneStateChange(newState, mInCallState); Log.i(this, "Phone switching state: " + mInCallState + " -> " + newState); mInCallState = newState; // Disable notification shade and soft navigation buttons if (newState.isIncoming()) { CallCommandClient.getInstance().setSystemBarNavigationEnabled(false); } for (IncomingCallListener listener : mIncomingCallListeners) { listener.onIncomingCall(mInCallState, call); } if (MSimTelephonyManager.getDefault().getMultiSimConfiguration() == MSimTelephonyManager.MultiSimVariants.DSDA && (mInCallActivity != null)) { mInCallActivity.updateDsdaTab(); } } /** * Called when a call becomes disconnected. Called everytime an existing call * changes from being connected (incoming/outgoing/active) to disconnected. */ @Override public void onDisconnect(Call call) { mLastDisconnectCause = (call != null ) ? call.getDisconnectCause(): Call.DisconnectCause.UNKNOWN; hideDialpadForDisconnect(); maybeShowErrorDialogOnDisconnect(call); // We need to do the run the same code as onCallListChange. onCallListChange(CallList.getInstance()); if (isActivityStarted()) { mInCallActivity.dismissKeyguard(false); } } /** * Given the call list, return the state in which the in-call screen should be. */ public static InCallState getPotentialStateFromCallList(CallList callList) { InCallState newState = InCallState.NO_CALLS; if (callList == null) { return newState; } if (callList.getIncomingCall() != null) { newState = InCallState.INCOMING; } else if (callList.getOutgoingCall() != null) { newState = InCallState.OUTGOING; } else if (callList.getActiveCall() != null || callList.getBackgroundCall() != null) { newState = InCallState.INCALL; } else if (callList.getDisconnectedCall() != null || callList.getDisconnectingCall() != null) { newState = InCallState.DISCONNECTING; } return newState; } public void addIncomingCallListener(IncomingCallListener listener) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(listener); mIncomingCallListeners.add(listener); } public void removeIncomingCallListener(IncomingCallListener listener) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(listener); mIncomingCallListeners.remove(listener); } public void addListener(InCallStateListener listener) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(listener); mListeners.add(listener); } public void removeListener(InCallStateListener listener) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(listener); mListeners.remove(listener); } public AudioModeProvider getAudioModeProvider() { return mAudioModeProvider; } public ContactInfoCache getContactInfoCache() { return mContactInfoCache; } public ProximitySensor getProximitySensor() { return mProximitySensor; } /** * Hangs up any active or outgoing calls. */ public void hangUpOngoingCall(Context context) { // By the time we receive this intent, we could be shut down and call list // could be null. Bail in those cases. if (mCallList == null) { if (mStatusBarNotifier == null) { // The In Call UI has crashed but the notification still stayed up. We should not // come to this stage. StatusBarNotifier.clearInCallNotification(context); } return; } Call call = mCallList.getOutgoingCall(); if (call == null) { call = mCallList.getActiveOrBackgroundCall(); } if (call != null) { CallCommandClient.getInstance().disconnectCall(call.getCallId()); } } /** * Returns true if the incall app is the foreground application. */ public boolean isShowingInCallUi() { return (isActivityStarted() && mInCallActivity.isForegroundActivity()); } /** * Returns true of the activity has been created and is running. * Returns true as long as activity is not destroyed or finishing. This ensures that we return * true even if the activity is paused (not in foreground). */ public boolean isActivityStarted() { return (mInCallActivity != null && !mInCallActivity.isDestroyed() && !mInCallActivity.isFinishing()); } public boolean isActivityPreviouslyStarted() { return mIsActivityPreviouslyStarted; } /** * Called when the activity goes in/out of the foreground. */ public void onUiShowing(boolean showing) { // We need to update the notification bar when we leave the UI because that // could trigger it to show again. if (mStatusBarNotifier != null) { mStatusBarNotifier.updateNotification(mInCallState, mCallList); } if (mProximitySensor != null) { mProximitySensor.onInCallShowing(showing); } if (showing) { mIsActivityPreviouslyStarted = true; } mVideoCallManager.getVideoPauseController().onUiShowing(showing); } /** * Brings the app into the foreground if possible. */ public void bringToForeground(boolean showDialpad) { // Before we bring the incall UI to the foreground, we check to see if: // 1. We've already started the activity once for this session // 2. If it exists, the activity is not already in the foreground // 3. We are in a state where we want to show the incall ui if (mIsActivityPreviouslyStarted && !isShowingInCallUi() && mInCallState != InCallState.NO_CALLS) { showInCall(showDialpad); } } public void onPostDialCharWait(int callId, String chars) { if (isActivityStarted()) { mInCallActivity.showPostCharWaitDialog(callId, chars); } } /** * Handles the green CALL key while in-call. * @return true if we consumed the event. */ public boolean handleCallKey() { Log.v(this, "handleCallKey"); // The green CALL button means either "Answer", "Unhold", or // "Swap calls", or can be a no-op, depending on the current state // of the Phone. /** * INCOMING CALL */ final CallList calls = CallList.getInstance(); final Call incomingCall = calls.getIncomingCall(); Log.v(this, "incomingCall: " + incomingCall); // (1) Attempt to answer a call if (incomingCall != null) { CallCommandClient.getInstance().answerCall(incomingCall.getCallId()); return true; } /** * ACTIVE CALL */ final Call activeCall = calls.getActiveCall(); if (activeCall != null) { // TODO: This logic is repeated from CallButtonPresenter.java. We should // consolidate this logic. final boolean isGeneric = activeCall.can(Capabilities.GENERIC_CONFERENCE); final boolean canMerge = activeCall.can(Capabilities.MERGE_CALLS); final boolean canSwap = activeCall.can(Capabilities.SWAP_CALLS); Log.v(this, "activeCall: " + activeCall + ", isGeneric: " + isGeneric + ", canMerge: " + canMerge + ", canSwap: " + canSwap); // (2) Attempt actions on Generic conference calls if (activeCall.isConferenceCall() && isGeneric) { if (canMerge) { CallCommandClient.getInstance().merge(); return true; } else if (canSwap) { CallCommandClient.getInstance().swap(); return true; } } // (3) Swap calls if (canSwap) { CallCommandClient.getInstance().swap(); return true; } } /** * BACKGROUND CALL */ final Call heldCall = calls.getBackgroundCall(); if (heldCall != null) { // We have a hold call so presumeable it will always support HOLD...but // there is no harm in double checking. final boolean canHold = heldCall.can(Capabilities.HOLD); Log.v(this, "heldCall: " + heldCall + ", canHold: " + canHold); // (4) unhold call if (heldCall.getState() == Call.State.ONHOLD && canHold) { CallCommandClient.getInstance().hold(heldCall.getCallId(), false); return true; } } // Always consume hard keys return true; } /** * A dialog could have prevented in-call screen from being previously finished. * This function checks to see if there should be any UI left and if not attempts * to tear down the UI. */ public void onDismissDialog() { Log.i(this, "Dialog dismissed"); if (mInCallState == InCallState.NO_CALLS) { attemptFinishActivity(); attemptCleanup(); } } /** * For some disconnected causes, we show a dialog. This calls into the activity to show * the dialog if appropriate for the call. */ private void maybeShowErrorDialogOnDisconnect(Call call) { // For newly disconnected calls, we may want to show a dialog on specific error conditions if (isActivityStarted() && call.getState() == Call.State.DISCONNECTED) { mInCallActivity.maybeShowErrorDialogOnDisconnect(call); } } /** * Hides the dialpad. Called when a call is disconnected (Requires hiding dialpad). */ private void hideDialpadForDisconnect() { if (isActivityStarted()) { mInCallActivity.hideDialpadForDisconnect(); } } private void switchActiveSubIfNeed() { Log.d(this, "startOrFinishUi call list:" + mCallList); if (mCallList != null) { int activeSub = mCallList.getActiveSubscription(); boolean hasActiveCall = mCallList.existsConnectedCall(activeSub); Log.d(this, "startOrFinishUi active sub : " + activeSub); Log.d(this, "has connected call in active sub:" + hasActiveCall); if (!hasActiveCall) { Log.d(this, "switch sub in non-dsda, cause " + mLastDisconnectCause); boolean retainLch = mLastDisconnectCause == Call.DisconnectCause.NORMAL; mCallList.switchToOtherActiveSubscription(retainLch); } } } /** * When the state of in-call changes, this is the first method to get called. It determines if * the UI needs to be started or finished depending on the new state and does it. */ private InCallState startOrFinishUi(InCallState newState) { Log.d(this, "startOrFinishUi: " + mInCallState + " -> " + newState); // If there is a CS call in sub2, and there is a SIP call in sub1 // disconnected, INCALL state will be got in non-dsda, so need switch // active sub if (newState == InCallState.INCALL) { switchActiveSubIfNeed(); } // TODO: Consider a proper state machine implementation // If the state isn't changing, we have already done any starting/stopping of // activities in a previous pass...so lets cut out early if (newState == mInCallState) { return newState; } // A new Incoming call means that the user needs to be notified of the the call (since // it wasn't them who initiated it). We do this through full screen notifications and // happens indirectly through {@link StatusBarListener}. // // The process for incoming calls is as follows: // // 1) CallList - Announces existence of new INCOMING call // 2) InCallPresenter - Gets announcement and calculates that the new InCallState // - should be set to INCOMING. // 3) InCallPresenter - This method is called to see if we need to start or finish // the app given the new state. // 4) StatusBarNotifier - Listens to InCallState changes. InCallPresenter calls // StatusBarNotifier explicitly to issue a FullScreen Notification // that will either start the InCallActivity or show the user a // top-level notification dialog if the user is in an immersive app. // That notification can also start the InCallActivity. // 5) InCallActivity - Main activity starts up and at the end of its onCreate will // call InCallPresenter::setActivity() to let the presenter // know that start-up is complete. // // [ AND NOW YOU'RE IN THE CALL. voila! ] // // Our app is started using a fullScreen notification. We need to do this whenever // we get an incoming call. final boolean startStartupSequence = (InCallState.INCOMING == newState); // A new outgoing call indicates that the user just now dialed a number and when that // happens we need to display the screen immediateley. // // This is different from the incoming call sequence because we do not need to shock the // user with a top-level notification. Just show the call UI normally. final boolean showCallUi = (InCallState.OUTGOING == newState); // TODO: Can we be suddenly in a call without it having been in the outgoing or incoming // state? I havent seen that but if it can happen, the code below should be enabled. // showCallUi |= (InCallState.INCALL && !isActivityStarted()); // The only time that we have an instance of mInCallActivity and it isn't started is // when it is being destroyed. In that case, lets avoid bringing up another instance of // the activity. When it is finally destroyed, we double check if we should bring it back // up so we aren't going to lose anything by avoiding a second startup here. boolean activityIsFinishing = mInCallActivity != null && !isActivityStarted(); if (activityIsFinishing) { Log.i(this, "Undo the state change: " + newState + " -> " + mInCallState); return mInCallState; } if (showCallUi) { Log.i(this, "Start in call UI"); showInCall(false); } else if (startStartupSequence) { Log.i(this, "Start Full Screen in call UI"); // We're about the bring up the in-call UI for an incoming call. If we still have // dialogs up, we need to clear them out before showing incoming screen. if (isActivityStarted()) { mInCallActivity.dismissPendingDialogs(); } startUi(newState); } else if (newState == InCallState.NO_CALLS) { // The new state is the no calls state. Tear everything down. attemptFinishActivity(); attemptCleanup(); } return newState; } private void startUi(InCallState inCallState) { final Call incomingCall = mCallList.getIncomingCall(); final boolean isCallWaiting = (incomingCall != null && incomingCall.getState() == Call.State.CALL_WAITING); // If the screen is off, we need to make sure it gets turned on for incoming calls. // This normally works just fine thanks to FLAG_TURN_SCREEN_ON but that only works // when the activity is first created. Therefore, to ensure the screen is turned on // for the call waiting case, we finish() the current activity and start a new one. // There should be no jank from this since the screen is already off and will remain so // until our new activity is up. // In addition to call waiting scenario, we need to force finish() in case of DSDA when // we get an incoming call on one sub and there is a live call in other sub and screen // is off. boolean anyOtherSubActive = (incomingCall != null && mCallList.isAnyOtherSubActive( mCallList.getActiveSubscription())); if (mProximitySensor.isScreenReallyOff() && (isCallWaiting || anyOtherSubActive)) { if (isActivityStarted()) { mInCallActivity.finish(); } mInCallActivity = null; } mStatusBarNotifier.updateNotificationAndLaunchIncomingCallUi(inCallState, mCallList); } /** * Checks to see if both the UI is gone and the service is disconnected. If so, tear it all * down. */ private void attemptCleanup() { boolean shouldCleanup = (mInCallActivity == null && !mServiceConnected && mInCallState == InCallState.NO_CALLS); Log.i(this, "attemptCleanup? " + shouldCleanup); if (shouldCleanup) { mIsActivityPreviouslyStarted = false; // blow away stale contact info so that we get fresh data on // the next set of calls if (mContactInfoCache != null) { mContactInfoCache.clearCache(); } mContactInfoCache = null; if (mProximitySensor != null) { removeListener(mProximitySensor); mProximitySensor.tearDown(); } mProximitySensor = null; mAudioModeProvider = null; if (mStatusBarNotifier != null) { removeListener(mStatusBarNotifier); } mStatusBarNotifier = null; if (mCallList != null) { mCallList.removeListener(this); } mCallList = null; mContext = null; mInCallActivity = null; mListeners.clear(); mIncomingCallListeners.clear(); Log.d(this, "Finished InCallPresenter.CleanUp"); } } private void showInCall(boolean showDialpad) { mContext.startActivity(getInCallIntent(showDialpad)); } public Intent getInCallIntent(boolean showDialpad) { final Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MAIN, null); intent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_EXCLUDE_FROM_RECENTS | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NO_USER_ACTION); if (MSimTelephonyManager.getDefault().getMultiSimConfiguration() == MSimTelephonyManager.MultiSimVariants.DSDA) { intent.setClass(mContext, MSimInCallActivity.class); } else { intent.setClass(mContext, InCallActivity.class); } if (showDialpad) { intent.putExtra(InCallActivity.SHOW_DIALPAD_EXTRA, true); } return intent; } public void sendAddParticipantIntent() { Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_DIAL); intent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK); // when we request the dialer come up, we also want to inform // it that we're going through the "add participant" option from the // InCallScreen. intent.putExtra(InCallApp.ADD_CALL_MODE_KEY, true); intent.putExtra(InCallApp.ADD_PARTICIPANT_KEY, true); try { mContext.startActivity(intent); } catch (ActivityNotFoundException e) { // This is rather rare but possible. // Note: this method is used even when the phone is encrypted. At // that moment // the system may not find any Activity which can accept this Intent Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Activity for adding calls isn't found."); } } public void onSuppServiceFailed(int service) { if (mInCallActivity != null) { mInCallActivity.onSuppServiceFailed(service); } } /** * Private constructor. Must use getInstance() to get this singleton. */ private InCallPresenter() { } /** * All the main states of InCallActivity. */ public enum InCallState { // InCall Screen is off and there are no calls NO_CALLS, // Incoming-call screen is up INCOMING, // In-call experience is showing INCALL, // Like in-call, but without a connected call DISCONNECTING, // User is dialing out OUTGOING; public boolean isIncoming() { return (this == INCOMING); } public boolean isConnectingOrConnected() { return (this == INCOMING || this == OUTGOING || this == INCALL); } } /** * Interface implemented by classes that need to know about the InCall State. */ public interface InCallStateListener { // TODO: Enhance state to contain the call objects instead of passing CallList public void onStateChange(InCallState state, CallList callList); } public interface IncomingCallListener { public void onIncomingCall(InCallState state, Call call); } private void onPhoneStateChange(InCallState newState, InCallState oldState) { if ( newState != oldState) { initMediaHandler(newState); } } private void initMediaHandler(InCallState newState) { boolean hasImsCall = CallUtils.hasImsCall(CallList.getInstance()); Log.i(this, "initMediaHandler: hasImsCall: " + hasImsCall + " isImsMediaInitialized: " + isImsMediaInitialized); if (hasImsCall && !isImsMediaInitialized) { isImsMediaInitialized = true; VideoCallManager.getInstance(mContext).onMediaRequest(isImsMediaInitialized); } else if (isImsMediaInitialized && !hasImsCall) { isImsMediaInitialized = false; VideoCallManager.getInstance(mContext).onMediaRequest(isImsMediaInitialized); } } private boolean isUserConsentRequired(int callType, int prevCallType) { return mVideoConsentTable[prevCallType][callType] == 1; } private void log(String msg) { Log.d(this, msg); } private void loge(String msg) { Log.e(this, msg); } }