diff options
authorpinky@build01 <>2016-07-16 09:42:56 -0700
committerpinky@build01 <>2016-07-16 09:42:56 -0700
commit30d72edee6dea8c7dad311f279d90e32f20a1311 (patch)
parent0ed646a6aa55ad049ade1620128df4290c6113cd (diff)
Automatic translation import
Change-Id: I9f33aec516eaa7fab6848300f6bfcd87f4f2b67b Ticket: -
2 files changed, 37 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/res/values-lb/cm_strings.xml b/res/values-lb/cm_strings.xml
index 09615301..8cc87fe9 100644
--- a/res/values-lb/cm_strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-lb/cm_strings.xml
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
<string name="calling_via_waiting_template">Uruff iwwer <xliff:g id="provider_name">%s</xliff:g> (Waart\u2026)</string>
<!-- In-call screen: status label template for an active call that's routed via a specific
provider (e.g. MSIM) -->
+ <string name="card_title_active_via_template"><xliff:g id="status" example="Call on hold">%1$s</xliff:g> (iwwer <xliff:g id="provider_name">%2$s</xliff:g>)</string>
<!-- In-call screen: status label for a call that is held remotely -->
<string name="card_title_waiting_call">Uruff gëtt gehalen</string>
<string name="call_recording_failed_message">D\'Opnam vum Uruff konnt net gestart ginn</string>
@@ -39,15 +40,28 @@
<string name="recording_time_text">Gëtt opgeholl</string>
<string name="recording_warning_title">Uruffopnam aktivéieren?</string>
<string name="recording_warning_text">Bemierkung: Du bass responsabel fir d\'Anhale vu Gesetzer, Regulatiounen a Regelen, déi op d\'Funktioun fir d\'Uruffopnam sou wéi fir d\'Benotzung an Distributioun vun dësen Opname gëllen.</string>
+ <string name="onscreenTransferCall">Uruff weiderleeden</string>
<!-- In-call screen: Video Call Options for VT or plugin handoff -->
+ <string name="video_call_option_title">Videoservice auswielen</string>
+ <string name="snackbar_invite_action_text">ALUEDEN</string>
+ <string name="call_button_contact_unknown">Onbekannt</string>
<!-- Description of the target to block a call -->
+ <string name="description_target_block">Nummer blockéieren</string>
<!-- [CHAR LIMIT=12] -->
+ <string name="notification_action_block">Blockéieren</string>
<!-- text for the onscreen Note Badge in the CallButtonFragment. When clicked this button will
launch the appropriate Note taking application as configured by the user. -->
+ <string name="onscreenNoteText">Notiz erstellen</string>
<!-- Text to place in the name field of a Call DeepLink when the contact name is not known -->
+ <string name="deeplink_unknown_caller">Onbekannt</string>
<!-- Description of the hold and answer target in the Slide unlock screen of Phone. [CHAR
<!-- Description of the end and answer target in the Slide unlock screen of Phone. [CHAR
<!-- In-call screen: display text for the target action -->
+ <string name="display_text_target_dismiss">REFUSÉIEREN</string>
+ <string name="display_text_target_block">BLOCKÉIEREN</string>
+ <string name="display_text_target_answer">UNHUELEN</string>
+ <string name="display_text_target_sms">SÉIERE MESSAGE</string>
+ <string name="onscreenModOverflowText">Méi Mods</string>
diff --git a/res/values-lb/qtistrings.xml b/res/values-lb/qtistrings.xml
index 330da084..731e40d1 100644
--- a/res/values-lb/qtistrings.xml
+++ b/res/values-lb/qtistrings.xml
@@ -33,27 +33,47 @@
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
<!-- Call substate label -->
<!-- Call substate label for call resumed -->
+ <string name="call_substate_call_resumed">Uruff fortgesat</string>
<!-- Call substate label for call connected suspended (audio) -->
+ <string name="call_substate_connected_suspended_audio">Uruff connectéiert, awer den Toun ass ënnerbrach</string>
<!-- Call substate label for call connected suspended (video) -->
+ <string name="call_substate_connected_suspended_video">Uruff connectéiert, awer de Video ass ënnerbrach</string>
<!-- Call substate label for avp retry -->
+ <string name="call_substate_avp_retry">Videoqualitéit gëtt detektéiert\u2026</string>
<!-- Video quality changed message -->
+ <string name="video_quality_changed">Videoqualitéit op <xliff:g id="quality" example="high">%1$s</xliff:g> geännert</string>
<!-- Video quality High -->
+ <string name="video_quality_high">héich</string>
<!-- Video quality Medium -->
+ <string name="video_quality_medium">mëttel</string>
<!-- Video quality Low -->
+ <string name="video_quality_low">niddreg</string>
<!-- Video quality Unknown -->
+ <string name="video_quality_unknown">onbekannt</string>
<!-- Message indicating that Video Started flowing for IMS-VT calls -->
+ <string name="player_started">Ofspiller gestart</string>
<!-- Message indicating that Video Stopped flowing for IMS-VT calls -->
+ <string name="player_stopped">Ofspiller gestoppt</string>
<!-- Message indicating that camera failure has occurred for the selected camera and
as result camera is not ready -->
<string name="camera_not_ready">Kamera net prett</string>
<!-- Message indicating that camera is ready/available -->
<string name="camera_ready">Kamera prett</string>
<!-- Message indicating unknown call session event -->
+ <string name="unknown_call_session_event">Onbekannt Uruff-Evenement</string>
<!-- Message indicating data usage -->
+ <string name="data_usage_label">Datennotzung: <xliff:g id="usage">%1$s</xliff:g></string>
<!-- In-call screen: Modify Call Options for IMS call -->
+ <string name="modify_call_option_title">Urufftyp auswielen</string>
+ <string name="modify_call_option_vt">Videouruff</string>
+ <string name="modify_call_option_vt_tx">Video iwwerdroen</string>
+ <string name="modify_call_option_vt_rx">Video empfänken</string>
+ <string name="modify_call_option_voice">Just Stëmm</string>
<!-- Modify call error cause -->
<!-- Message indicating video calls not allowed if user enabled TTY Mode -->
+ <string name="video_call_not_allowed_if_tty_enabled">Desaktivéier w.e.g. den TTY-Modus fir Videouriff z\'erméiglechen</string>
<!-- Text for the onscreen "Add Participant" button -->
+ <string name="onscreenAddParticipant">Weidere Korrespondent</string>
<!-- Description of the deflect target in the Slide unlock screen. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
<!-- Message indicating call failed due to handover not feasible -->
<!-- Title of the IMS to CS redial dialog -->
@@ -71,6 +91,9 @@
<!-- Session modify cause code downgrade lipsync -->
<!-- Session modify cause code downgrade generic error -->
<!-- Title for Select Account Dialog [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
+ <string name="select_account_dialog_title">SIM-Kaart auswielen</string>
<!-- Set Subscription screen: label sub 1 -->
+ <string name="sub_1">SIM 1</string>
<!-- Set Subscription screen: label sub 2 -->
+ <string name="sub_2">SIM 2</string>