Local tablet account
Local phone account
Manage SIM card contacts
Export to SIM card
Select SIM
SIM card
The vCard \'%s\' could not be imported due to an I/O error
No more than %d contacts can be shared
%1$s of %2$s files
Export failed
The SIM card is full
Export finished
The contact name is too long
- Export was canceled, %d item was exported
- Export was canceled, %d items were exported
%s does not have a phone number or email address
Choose card to import
Storage unavailable
No SD card
Delete contact?
This contact will be deleted.
This contact contains information from multiple accounts. Information from read-only accounts will be hidden in your contacts lists, not deleted.
You can\'t delete contacts from read-only accounts, but you can hide them in your contacts lists.
Deleting this contact will delete information from multiple accounts.
The contact was copied successfully
Copying the contact failed
Copying the contact failed, the SIM card is full
IP call by %s
No IP number
No IP number on SIM card
Set IP number
IP call settings
Please input the IP prefix
Select path
SD card
Phone storage
The SIM contacts could not be loaded completely