path: root/res/values-fr/cm_strings.xml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'res/values-fr/cm_strings.xml')
1 files changed, 20 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/res/values-fr/cm_strings.xml b/res/values-fr/cm_strings.xml
index 12176218..bf00e1e7 100644
--- a/res/values-fr/cm_strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-fr/cm_strings.xml
@@ -16,19 +16,28 @@
limitations under the License.
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
+ <!-- Virtual local storage account name -->
<string name="local_storage_account" product="tablet">Compte local de la tablette</string>
<string name="local_storage_account" product="default">Compte local du téléphone</string>
+ <!-- CMCC -->
<string name="import_contacts_sim">Importer les contacts depuis la carte SIM ?</string>
+ <!-- CAF -->
+ <!-- Action string for managing SIM contacts -->
<string name="manage_sim_contacts">Gérer les contacts de la carte SIM</string>
+ <!-- Action that exports all contacts to SIM -->
<string name="export_to_sim">Exporter vers la carte SIM</string>
+ <!--The failed reason shown when importing a vCard file -->
<string name="fail_reason_import_vcard">« <xliff:g id="name">%s</xliff:g> » n\'a pas pu être importé en raison d\'une erreur I/O</string>
+ <!-- Toast indicating that sharing too many contact has failed. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
<string name="contact_share_failed_toast">Vous ne pouvez pas partager plus de <xliff:g id="count">%d</xliff:g> contacts</string>
<string name="label_groups">Groupe</string>
<string name="exporting">Exportation\u2026</string>
+ <!-- Message while reading multiple vCard files "(current number) of (total number) files"
+ The order of "current number" and "total number" cannot be changed -->
<string name="reading_vcard_files"><xliff:g id="current_number">%1$s</xliff:g> sur <xliff:g id="total_number">%2$s</xliff:g> fichiers</string>
<string name="export_failed">Échec de l\'exportation</string>
<string name="sim_card_full">Carte SIM saturée</string>
- <string name="export_finished">Export terminé</string>
+ <string name="export_finished">Exportation terminée</string>
<string name="tag_too_long">Nom du contact trop long</string>
<string name="sim_contacts_not_loaded">Impossible de charger les contacts SIM</string>
<plurals name="export_cancelled">
@@ -37,14 +46,21 @@
<string name="export_no_phone_or_email"><xliff:g id="name">%s</xliff:g> n\'a pas de numéro de téléphone ou d\'adresse e-mail</string>
<string name="import_from_sim_select">Choisissez la carte SIM à importer</string>
+ <!-- Dialog title shown when (USB) storage does not exist [CHAR LIMIT=25] -->
<string name="no_sdcard_title" product="nosdcard">Stockage non disponible</string>
+ <!-- Dialog title shown when SD Card does not exist -->
<string name="no_sdcard_title" product="default">Aucune carte SD</string>
+ <!-- Confirmation dialog title after users selects to delete a contact. [CHAR LIMIT=25]-->
<string name="deleteConfirmation_title">Supprimer le contact ?</string>
+ <!-- Confirmation dialog contents after users selects to delete a Writable contact. -->
<string name="deleteConfirmation">Ce contact sera supprimé.</string>
<string name="copy_done">Le contact a été copié avec succès</string>
- <string name="copy_failure">Copie du contact échouée</string>
- <string name="card_no_space">Copie du contact échouée, la carte SIM est saturée</string>
+ <string name="copy_failure">Impossible de copier le contact</string>
+ <string name="card_no_space">Impossible de copier le contact, la carte SIM est saturée</string>
+ <!-- Detailed description of the preference section that allows users to configure how they
+ want their contacts to be displayed. [CHAR LIMIT=128] -->
<string name="settings_contact_display_options_description">Configurer comment vos contacts sont affichés et triés.</string>
+ <!-- Menu item used to initiate ip call -->
<string name="ip_call_by_slot">Appel IP via <xliff:g id="subName">%s</xliff:g></string>
<string name="no_ip_number">Aucun numéro IP</string>
<string name="no_ip_number_on_sim_card">Aucun numéro IP sur la carte SIM</string>
@@ -52,6 +68,6 @@
<string name="ipcall_dialog_title">Paramètres d\'appels IP</string>
<string name="ipcall_dialog_edit_hint">Veuillez entrer le préfixe IP</string>
<string name="import_contacts_from_all_cards">Importer les contacts de toutes les cartes SIM</string>
- <string name="select_path">Sélectionner un répertoire</string>
+ <string name="select_path">Sélectionner un chemin d\'accès</string>
<string name="select_sim">Sélectionner la SIM</string>