/* * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.contacts.editor; import com.android.contacts.R; import com.android.contacts.common.model.account.PhoneAccountType; import com.android.contacts.common.model.account.SimAccountType; import com.android.contacts.common.model.AccountTypeManager; import com.android.contacts.common.model.RawContactDelta; import com.android.contacts.common.model.RawContactDeltaList; import com.android.contacts.common.model.RawContactModifier; import com.android.contacts.common.model.ValuesDelta; import com.android.contacts.common.model.account.AccountType; import com.android.contacts.common.model.account.AccountType.EditField; import com.android.contacts.common.model.account.AccountType.EditType; import com.android.contacts.common.model.account.AccountWithDataSet; import com.android.contacts.common.model.account.PhoneAccountType; import com.android.contacts.common.model.account.SimAccountType; import com.android.contacts.common.model.dataitem.DataKind; import com.android.contacts.common.SimContactsConstants; import com.android.contacts.common.MoreContactUtils; import com.android.contacts.common.util.MaterialColorMapUtils; import com.android.contacts.editor.CompactContactEditorFragment.PhotoHandler; import com.android.internal.telephony.PhoneConstants; import android.content.Context; import android.graphics.Bitmap; import android.net.Uri; import android.provider.ContactsContract.Contacts; import android.provider.ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Email; import android.provider.ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.GroupMembership; import android.provider.ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Nickname; import android.provider.ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone; import android.provider.ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Photo; import android.provider.ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.StructuredName; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.util.AttributeSet; import android.util.Log; import android.util.Pair; import android.view.LayoutInflater; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.widget.LinearLayout; import android.widget.TextView; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /** * View to display information from multiple {@link RawContactDelta}s grouped together * (e.g. all the phone numbers from a {@link com.android.contacts.common.model.Contact} together. */ public class CompactRawContactsEditorView extends LinearLayout implements View.OnClickListener { private static final String TAG = "CompactEditorView"; /** * Callbacks for hosts of {@link CompactRawContactsEditorView}s. */ public interface Listener { /** * Invoked when the compact editor should be expanded to show all fields. */ public void onExpandEditor(); /** * Invoked when the structured name editor field has changed. * * @param rawContactId The raw contact ID from the underlying {@link RawContactDelta}. * @param valuesDelta The values from the underlying {@link RawContactDelta}. */ public void onNameFieldChanged(long rawContactId, ValuesDelta valuesDelta); } /** * Marks a name as super primary when it is changed. * * This is for the case when two or more raw contacts with names are joined where neither is * marked as super primary. If the user hits back (which causes a save) after changing the * name that was arbitrarily displayed, we want that to be the name that is used. * * Should only be set when a super primary name does not already exist since we only show * one name field. */ static final class NameEditorListener implements Editor.EditorListener { private final ValuesDelta mValuesDelta; private final long mRawContactId; private final Listener mListener; public NameEditorListener(ValuesDelta valuesDelta, long rawContactId, Listener listener) { mValuesDelta = valuesDelta; mRawContactId = rawContactId; mListener = listener; } @Override public void onRequest(int request) { if (request == Editor.EditorListener.FIELD_CHANGED) { mValuesDelta.setSuperPrimary(true); if (mListener != null) { mListener.onNameFieldChanged(mRawContactId, mValuesDelta); } } else if (request == Editor.EditorListener.FIELD_TURNED_EMPTY) { mValuesDelta.setSuperPrimary(false); } } @Override public void onDeleteRequested(Editor editor) { } } private Listener mListener; private AccountTypeManager mAccountTypeManager; private LayoutInflater mLayoutInflater; private ViewIdGenerator mViewIdGenerator; private MaterialColorMapUtils.MaterialPalette mMaterialPalette; private View mAccountContainer; private TextView mAccountTypeView; private TextView mAccountNameView; private CompactPhotoEditorView mPhoto; private ViewGroup mNames; private ViewGroup mPhoneticNames; private ViewGroup mNicknames; private ViewGroup mPhoneNumbers; private ViewGroup mEmails; private ViewGroup mOtherTypes; private Map mOtherTypesMap = new HashMap<>(); private View mMoreFields; // The ValuesDelta for the non super primary name that was displayed to the user. private ValuesDelta mNameValuesDelta; private long mPhotoRawContactId; private StructuredNameEditorView mDefaultNameEditorView; public CompactRawContactsEditorView(Context context) { super(context); } public CompactRawContactsEditorView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { super(context, attrs); } /** * Sets the receiver for {@link CompactRawContactsEditorView} callbacks. */ public void setListener(Listener listener) { mListener = listener; } @Override protected void onFinishInflate() { super.onFinishInflate(); mAccountTypeManager = AccountTypeManager.getInstance(getContext()); mLayoutInflater = (LayoutInflater) getContext().getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE); mAccountContainer = findViewById(R.id.account_container); mAccountTypeView = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.account_type); mAccountNameView = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.account_name); mPhoto = (CompactPhotoEditorView) findViewById(R.id.photo_editor); mNames = (LinearLayout) findViewById(R.id.names); mPhoneticNames = (LinearLayout) findViewById(R.id.phonetic_names); mNicknames = (LinearLayout) findViewById(R.id.nicknames); mPhoneNumbers = (LinearLayout) findViewById(R.id.phone_numbers); mEmails = (LinearLayout) findViewById(R.id.emails); mOtherTypes = (LinearLayout) findViewById(R.id.other); mMoreFields = findViewById(R.id.more_fields); mMoreFields.setOnClickListener(this); } @Override public void onClick(View view) { if (view.getId() == R.id.more_fields && mListener != null ) { mListener.onExpandEditor(); } } @Override public void setEnabled(boolean enabled) { super.setEnabled(enabled); setEnabled(enabled, mNames); setEnabled(enabled, mPhoneticNames); setEnabled(enabled, mNicknames); setEnabled(enabled, mPhoneNumbers); setEnabled(enabled, mEmails); for (Map.Entry otherType : mOtherTypesMap.entrySet()) { setEnabled(enabled, otherType.getValue()); } } private void setEnabled(boolean enabled, ViewGroup viewGroup) { if (viewGroup != null) { final int childCount = viewGroup.getChildCount(); for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) { viewGroup.getChildAt(i).setEnabled(enabled); } } } /** * Pass through to {@link CompactPhotoEditorView#setPhotoHandler}. */ public void setPhotoHandler(PhotoHandler photoHandler) { mPhoto.setPhotoHandler(photoHandler); } /** * Pass through to {@link CompactPhotoEditorView#setPhoto}. */ public void setPhoto(Bitmap bitmap) { mPhoto.setPhoto(bitmap); } /** * Pass through to {@link CompactPhotoEditorView#setFullSizedPhoto(Uri)}. */ public void setFullSizePhoto(Uri photoUri) { mPhoto.setFullSizedPhoto(photoUri); } /** * Pass through to {@link CompactPhotoEditorView#isWritablePhotoSet}. */ public boolean isWritablePhotoSet() { return mPhoto.isWritablePhotoSet(); } /** * Get the raw contact ID for the CompactHeaderView photo. */ public long getPhotoRawContactId() { return mPhotoRawContactId; } public StructuredNameEditorView getDefaultNameEditorView() { return mDefaultNameEditorView; } public StructuredNameEditorView getStructuredNameEditorView() { // We only ever show one StructuredName return mNames.getChildCount() == 0 ? null : (StructuredNameEditorView) mNames.getChildAt(0); } public PhoneticNameEditorView getFirstPhoneticNameEditorView() { // There should only ever be one phonetic name return mPhoneticNames.getChildCount() == 0 ? null : (PhoneticNameEditorView) mPhoneticNames.getChildAt(0); } public View getAggregationAnchorView() { // Since there is only one structured name we can just return it as the anchor for // the aggregation suggestions popup if (mNames.getChildCount() == 0) { return null; } return mNames.getChildAt(0).findViewById(R.id.anchor_view); } /** * @param readOnlyDisplayName The display name to set on the new raw contact created in order * to edit a read-only contact. */ public void setState(RawContactDeltaList rawContactDeltas, MaterialColorMapUtils.MaterialPalette materialPalette, ViewIdGenerator viewIdGenerator, long photoId, long nameId, String readOnlyDisplayName, boolean hasNewContact, boolean isUserProfile) { mNames.removeAllViews(); mPhoneticNames.removeAllViews(); mNicknames.removeAllViews(); mPhoneNumbers.removeAllViews(); mEmails.removeAllViews(); mOtherTypes.removeAllViews(); mOtherTypesMap.clear(); if (rawContactDeltas == null || rawContactDeltas.isEmpty()) { return; } mViewIdGenerator = viewIdGenerator; setId(mViewIdGenerator.getId(rawContactDeltas.get(0), /* dataKind =*/ null, /* valuesDelta =*/ null, ViewIdGenerator.NO_VIEW_INDEX)); mMaterialPalette = materialPalette; vlog("Setting compact editor state from " + rawContactDeltas); addAccountInfo(rawContactDeltas, hasNewContact, readOnlyDisplayName, isUserProfile); addPhotoView(rawContactDeltas, viewIdGenerator, photoId, readOnlyDisplayName); addStructuredNameView(rawContactDeltas, nameId, readOnlyDisplayName); addEditorViews(rawContactDeltas); updateKindEditorEmptyFields(mPhoneNumbers); updateKindEditorIcons(mPhoneNumbers); updateKindEditorEmptyFields(mEmails); updateKindEditorIcons(mEmails); for (Map.Entry otherTypes : mOtherTypesMap.entrySet()) { updateKindEditorIcons(otherTypes.getValue()); } } private void addAccountInfo(RawContactDeltaList rawContactDeltas, boolean hasNewContact, String readOnlyDisplayName, boolean isUserProfile) { // Only show account info for inserts and first time edits of read-only accounts if (!hasNewContact && TextUtils.isEmpty(readOnlyDisplayName)) { vlog("Account info hidden"); mAccountContainer.setVisibility(View.GONE); return; } // Get the default account final AccountWithDataSet defaultAccountWithDataSet = ContactEditorUtils.getInstance(getContext()).getDefaultAccount(); if (defaultAccountWithDataSet == null) { vlog("Account info hidden because default account not set"); mAccountContainer.setVisibility(View.GONE); return; } // We can assume the first writable raw contact is the newly created one because // inserts have a delta list of size 1 and read-only contacts are should be of size 2 RawContactDelta defaultAccountRawContactDelta = null; AccountType accountType = null; for (RawContactDelta rawContactDelta : rawContactDeltas) { if (!rawContactDelta.isVisible()) continue; accountType = rawContactDelta.getAccountType(mAccountTypeManager); if (accountType != null && accountType.areContactsWritable()) { defaultAccountRawContactDelta = rawContactDelta; break; } } if (defaultAccountRawContactDelta == null) { vlog("Account info hidden because no raw contact delta matched"); mAccountContainer.setVisibility(View.GONE); return; } if (accountType == null) { vlog("Account info hidden because no account type returned from raw contact delta"); mAccountContainer.setVisibility(View.GONE); return; } // Get the account information for the default account RawContactDelta final Pair accountInfo = EditorUiUtils.getAccountInfo(getContext(), isUserProfile, defaultAccountRawContactDelta.getAccountName(), accountType); // Set the account information already if (accountInfo == null) { vlog("Account info hidden because no account info could be composed"); mAccountContainer.setVisibility(View.GONE); return; } vlog("Account info loaded"); if (accountInfo.first == null || SimAccountType.ACCOUNT_TYPE.equals(accountType. accountType)|| PhoneAccountType.ACCOUNT_TYPE.equals(accountType.accountType)) { mAccountNameView.setVisibility(View.GONE); } else { mAccountNameView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); mAccountNameView.setText(accountInfo.first); } mAccountTypeView.setText(accountInfo.second); mAccountContainer.setContentDescription(EditorUiUtils.getAccountInfoContentDescription( accountInfo.first, accountInfo.second)); } private void addPhotoView(RawContactDeltaList rawContactDeltas, ViewIdGenerator viewIdGenerator, long photoId, String readOnlyDisplayName) { // If we're editing a read-only contact, the display name from the read-only // contact is non empty and we can use it determine whether to back the photo editor with // the empty new raw contact delta. See go/editing-read-only-contacts final boolean readOnlyContact = !TextUtils.isEmpty(readOnlyDisplayName); if (readOnlyContact) { for (RawContactDelta rawContactDelta : rawContactDeltas) { if (!rawContactDelta.isVisible()) continue; final AccountType accountType = rawContactDelta.getAccountType(mAccountTypeManager); // Make sure we have a photo RawContactModifier.ensureKindExists( rawContactDelta, accountType, Photo.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE); final DataKind dataKind = accountType.getKindForMimetype(Photo.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE); if (accountType.areContactsWritable()) { for (ValuesDelta valuesDelta : rawContactDelta.getMimeEntries( Photo.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE)) { if (valuesDelta != null) { // Break the loop but don't return because we need to keep going to // in order to show the photo from the read-only contact. mPhotoRawContactId = rawContactDelta.getRawContactId(); mPhoto.setValues(dataKind, valuesDelta, rawContactDelta, /* readOnly =*/ false, mMaterialPalette, viewIdGenerator); break; } } } } } // Look for a match for the photo ID that was passed in for (RawContactDelta rawContactDelta : rawContactDeltas) { if (!rawContactDelta.isVisible()) continue; final AccountType accountType = rawContactDelta.getAccountType(mAccountTypeManager); // Make sure we have a photo RawContactModifier.ensureKindExists( rawContactDelta, accountType, Photo.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE); final DataKind dataKind = accountType.getKindForMimetype(Photo.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE); if (dataKind != null && dataKind.editable) { for (ValuesDelta valuesDelta : rawContactDelta.getMimeEntries(Photo.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE)) { if (valuesDelta != null && valuesDelta.getId() != null && valuesDelta.getId().equals(photoId)) { if (readOnlyContact) { mPhoto.setPhoto(valuesDelta); } else { mPhotoRawContactId = rawContactDelta.getRawContactId(); mPhoto.setValues(dataKind, valuesDelta, rawContactDelta, !accountType.areContactsWritable(), mMaterialPalette, viewIdGenerator); } return; } } } } // Look for a non-empty super primary photo for (RawContactDelta rawContactDelta : rawContactDeltas) { if (!rawContactDelta.isVisible()) continue; final AccountType accountType = rawContactDelta.getAccountType(mAccountTypeManager); final DataKind dataKind = accountType.getKindForMimetype(Photo.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE); if (dataKind != null && dataKind.editable) { final ValuesDelta valuesDelta = getNonEmptySuperPrimaryValuesDeltas( rawContactDelta, Photo.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE, dataKind); if (valuesDelta != null) { if (readOnlyContact) { mPhoto.setPhoto(valuesDelta); } else { mPhotoRawContactId = rawContactDelta.getRawContactId(); mPhoto.setValues(dataKind, valuesDelta, rawContactDelta, !accountType.areContactsWritable(), mMaterialPalette, viewIdGenerator); } return; } } } // We didn't find a non-empty super primary photo, use the first non-empty one for (RawContactDelta rawContactDelta : rawContactDeltas) { if (!rawContactDelta.isVisible()) continue; final AccountType accountType = rawContactDelta.getAccountType(mAccountTypeManager); final DataKind dataKind = accountType.getKindForMimetype(Photo.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE); if (dataKind != null && dataKind.editable) { final List valuesDeltas = getNonEmptyValuesDeltas( rawContactDelta, Photo.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE, dataKind); if (valuesDeltas != null && !valuesDeltas.isEmpty()) { if (readOnlyContact) { mPhoto.setPhoto(valuesDeltas.get(0)); } else { mPhotoRawContactId = rawContactDelta.getRawContactId(); mPhoto.setValues(dataKind, valuesDeltas.get(0), rawContactDelta, !accountType.areContactsWritable(), mMaterialPalette, viewIdGenerator); } return; } } } // No suitable non-empty photo for (RawContactDelta rawContactDelta : rawContactDeltas) { if (!rawContactDelta.isVisible()) continue; final AccountType accountType = rawContactDelta.getAccountType(mAccountTypeManager); final DataKind dataKind = accountType.getKindForMimetype(Photo.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE); if (dataKind != null && dataKind.editable) { final ValuesDelta valuesDelta = rawContactDelta.getSuperPrimaryEntry( dataKind.mimeType, /* forceSelection =*/ true); if (valuesDelta != null) { if (readOnlyContact) { mPhoto.setPhoto(valuesDelta); } else { mPhotoRawContactId = rawContactDelta.getRawContactId(); mPhoto.setValues(dataKind, valuesDelta, rawContactDelta, !accountType.areContactsWritable(), mMaterialPalette, viewIdGenerator); } return; } } } // Should not happen since we ensure the kind exists but if we unexpectedly get here // we must remove the photo section so that it does not take up the entire view mPhoto.setVisibility(View.GONE); } private void addStructuredNameView(RawContactDeltaList rawContactDeltas, long nameId, String readOnlyDisplayName) { // If we're editing a read-only contact we want to display the name from the read-only // contact in a structured name editor backed by the new raw contact that was created. // The new raw contact is writable and merging it with the read-only contact allows us // to edit the read-only contact. See go/editing-read-only-contacts if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(readOnlyDisplayName)) { for (RawContactDelta rawContactDelta : rawContactDeltas) { if (!rawContactDelta.isVisible()) continue; final AccountType accountType = rawContactDelta.getAccountType(mAccountTypeManager); // Make sure we have a structured name RawContactModifier.ensureKindExists( rawContactDelta, accountType, StructuredName.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE); if (accountType.areContactsWritable()) { for (ValuesDelta valuesDelta : rawContactDelta.getMimeEntries( StructuredName.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE)) { if (valuesDelta != null) { mNameValuesDelta = valuesDelta; final NameEditorListener nameEditorListener = new NameEditorListener( mNameValuesDelta, rawContactDelta.getRawContactId(), mListener); final StructuredNameEditorView nameEditorView = inflateStructuredNameEditorView(mNames, accountType, mNameValuesDelta, rawContactDelta, nameEditorListener, !accountType.areContactsWritable()); nameEditorView.setDisplayName(readOnlyDisplayName); mNames.addView(nameEditorView); mDefaultNameEditorView = nameEditorView; return; } } } } } // Look for a match for the name ID that was passed in for (RawContactDelta rawContactDelta : rawContactDeltas) { if (!rawContactDelta.isVisible()) continue; final AccountType accountType = rawContactDelta.getAccountType(mAccountTypeManager); // Make sure we have a structured name RawContactModifier.ensureKindExists( rawContactDelta, accountType, StructuredName.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE); // Note use of pseudo mime type to get the DataKind and StructuredName to get value final DataKind dataKind = accountType.getKindForMimetype( DataKind.PSEUDO_MIME_TYPE_DISPLAY_NAME); if (dataKind == null || !dataKind.editable) continue; for (ValuesDelta valuesDelta : rawContactDelta.getMimeEntries( StructuredName.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE)) { if (valuesDelta != null && valuesDelta.getId() != null && valuesDelta.getId().equals(nameId)) { mNameValuesDelta = valuesDelta; final NameEditorListener nameEditorListener = new NameEditorListener( mNameValuesDelta, rawContactDelta.getRawContactId(), mListener); mNames.addView(inflateStructuredNameEditorView(mNames, accountType, mNameValuesDelta, rawContactDelta, nameEditorListener, !accountType.areContactsWritable())); return; } } } // Look for a super primary name for (RawContactDelta rawContactDelta : rawContactDeltas) { if (!rawContactDelta.isVisible()) continue; final AccountType accountType = rawContactDelta.getAccountType(mAccountTypeManager); final DataKind dataKind = accountType.getKindForMimetype( DataKind.PSEUDO_MIME_TYPE_DISPLAY_NAME); if (dataKind == null || !dataKind.editable) continue; final ValuesDelta superPrimaryValuesDelta = getNonEmptySuperPrimaryValuesDeltas( rawContactDelta, StructuredName.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE, dataKind); if (superPrimaryValuesDelta != null) { // Our first preference is for a non-empty super primary name final NameEditorListener nameEditorListener = new NameEditorListener( superPrimaryValuesDelta, rawContactDelta.getRawContactId(), mListener); mNames.addView(inflateStructuredNameEditorView(mNames, accountType, superPrimaryValuesDelta, rawContactDelta, nameEditorListener, !accountType.areContactsWritable())); return; } } // We didn't find a super primary name for (RawContactDelta rawContactDelta : rawContactDeltas) { if (!rawContactDelta.isVisible()) continue; final AccountType accountType = rawContactDelta.getAccountType(mAccountTypeManager); final DataKind dataKind = accountType.getKindForMimetype( DataKind.PSEUDO_MIME_TYPE_DISPLAY_NAME); if (dataKind == null || !dataKind.editable) continue; final List nonEmptyValuesDeltas = getNonEmptyValuesDeltas( rawContactDelta, StructuredName.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE, dataKind); if (nonEmptyValuesDeltas != null && !nonEmptyValuesDeltas.isEmpty()) { // Take the first non-empty name mNameValuesDelta = nonEmptyValuesDeltas.get(0); final NameEditorListener nameEditorListener = new NameEditorListener( mNameValuesDelta, rawContactDelta.getRawContactId(), mListener); mNames.addView(inflateStructuredNameEditorView(mNames, accountType, mNameValuesDelta, rawContactDelta, nameEditorListener, !accountType.areContactsWritable())); return; } } for (RawContactDelta rawContactDelta : rawContactDeltas) { if (!rawContactDelta.isVisible()) continue; final AccountType accountType = rawContactDelta.getAccountType(mAccountTypeManager); final DataKind dataKind = accountType.getKindForMimetype( DataKind.PSEUDO_MIME_TYPE_DISPLAY_NAME); if (dataKind == null || !dataKind.editable) continue; // Fall back to the first entry final ArrayList valuesDeltas = rawContactDelta.getMimeEntries( StructuredName.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE); if (valuesDeltas != null && !valuesDeltas.isEmpty()) { mNameValuesDelta = valuesDeltas.get(0); final NameEditorListener nameEditorListener = new NameEditorListener( mNameValuesDelta, rawContactDelta.getRawContactId(), mListener); mNames.addView(inflateStructuredNameEditorView(mNames, accountType, mNameValuesDelta, rawContactDelta, nameEditorListener, !accountType.areContactsWritable())); return; } } } private void addEditorViews(RawContactDeltaList rawContactDeltas) { for (RawContactDelta rawContactDelta : rawContactDeltas) { if (!rawContactDelta.isVisible()) continue; final AccountType accountType = rawContactDelta.getAccountType(mAccountTypeManager); final String accountName = rawContactDelta.getAccountName(); for (DataKind dataKind : accountType.getSortedDataKinds()) { if (!dataKind.editable) continue; final String mimeType = dataKind.mimeType; vlog(mimeType + " " + dataKind.fieldList.size() + " field(s)"); if (Photo.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE.equals(mimeType) || StructuredName.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE.equals(mimeType) || GroupMembership.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE.equals(mimeType)) { // Photos and structured names are handled separately and // group membership is not supported continue; } else if (DataKind.PSEUDO_MIME_TYPE_PHONETIC_NAME.equals(mimeType)) { // Only add phonetic names if there is a non-empty one. Note the use of // StructuredName mimeType below, even though we matched a pseudo mime type. final ValuesDelta valuesDelta = rawContactDelta.getSuperPrimaryEntry( StructuredName.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE, /* forceSelection =*/ true); if (hasNonEmptyValue(dataKind, valuesDelta)) { mPhoneticNames.addView(inflatePhoneticNameEditorView( mPhoneticNames, accountType, valuesDelta, rawContactDelta)); } } else if (Nickname.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE.equals(mimeType)) { // Add all non-empty nicknames final List valuesDeltas = getNonEmptyValuesDeltas( rawContactDelta, Nickname.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE, dataKind); if (valuesDeltas != null && !valuesDeltas.isEmpty()) { for (ValuesDelta valuesDelta : valuesDeltas) { mNicknames.addView(inflateNicknameEditorView( mNicknames, dataKind, valuesDelta, rawContactDelta)); } } } else if (Phone.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE.equals(mimeType)) { final KindSectionView kindSectionView = inflateKindSectionView(mPhoneNumbers, dataKind, rawContactDelta); kindSectionView.setListener(new KindSectionView.Listener() { @Override public void onDeleteRequested(Editor editor) { if (kindSectionView.getEditorCount() == 1) { kindSectionView.markForRemoval(); EditorAnimator.getInstance().removeEditorView(kindSectionView); } else { editor.deleteEditor(); } updateKindEditorEmptyFields(mPhoneNumbers); updateKindEditorIcons(mPhoneNumbers); } }); if (SimContactsConstants.ACCOUNT_TYPE_SIM .equals(accountType.accountType)) { int sub = PhoneConstants.SUB1; if (SimContactsConstants.SIM_NAME_2.equals(accountName)) { sub = PhoneConstants.SUB2; } EditType typeHome = new EditType(Phone.TYPE_HOME, Phone.getTypeLabelResource(Phone.TYPE_HOME)); if (!MoreContactUtils.canSaveAnr(sub)) { dataKind.typeOverallMax = 1; if (null != dataKind.typeList) { // When the sim card is not 3g the interface should // remove the TYPE_HOME number view. dataKind.typeList.remove(typeHome); } } else { dataKind.typeOverallMax = MoreContactUtils.getOneSimAnrCount(sub) + 1; if (null != dataKind.typeList && !dataKind.typeList.contains( typeHome)) { // When the sim card is 3g the interface should // add the TYPE_HOME number view. dataKind.typeList.add(typeHome); } } } mPhoneNumbers.addView(kindSectionView); } else if (Email.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE.equals(mimeType)) { final KindSectionView kindSectionView = inflateKindSectionView(mEmails, dataKind, rawContactDelta); kindSectionView.setListener(new KindSectionView.Listener() { @Override public void onDeleteRequested(Editor editor) { if (kindSectionView.getEditorCount() == 1) { kindSectionView.markForRemoval(); EditorAnimator.getInstance().removeEditorView(kindSectionView); } else { editor.deleteEditor(); } updateKindEditorEmptyFields(mEmails); updateKindEditorIcons(mEmails); } }); if (SimContactsConstants.ACCOUNT_TYPE_SIM.equals( accountType.accountType)) { int sub = PhoneConstants.SUB1; if (SimContactsConstants.SIM_NAME_2.equals(accountName)) { sub = PhoneConstants.SUB2; } if (MoreContactUtils.canSaveEmail(sub)) { dataKind.typeOverallMax = MoreContactUtils.getOneSimEmailCount(sub); mEmails.addView(kindSectionView); } } else { mEmails.addView(kindSectionView); } } else if (hasNonEmptyValuesDelta(rawContactDelta, mimeType, dataKind)) { final LinearLayout otherTypeViewGroup; if (mOtherTypesMap.containsKey(mimeType)) { otherTypeViewGroup = mOtherTypesMap.get(mimeType); } else { otherTypeViewGroup = new LinearLayout(getContext()); otherTypeViewGroup.setOrientation(LinearLayout.VERTICAL); mOtherTypes.addView(otherTypeViewGroup); mOtherTypesMap.put(mimeType, otherTypeViewGroup); } final KindSectionView kindSectionView = inflateKindSectionView(mOtherTypes, dataKind, rawContactDelta); kindSectionView.setListener(new KindSectionView.Listener() { @Override public void onDeleteRequested(Editor editor) { if (kindSectionView.getEditorCount() == 1) { kindSectionView.markForRemoval(); EditorAnimator.getInstance().removeEditorView(kindSectionView); } else { editor.deleteEditor(); } updateKindEditorIcons(otherTypeViewGroup); } }); otherTypeViewGroup.addView(kindSectionView); } } } } private static void updateKindEditorEmptyFields(ViewGroup viewGroup) { KindSectionView lastVisibleKindSectionView = null; for (int i = 0; i < viewGroup.getChildCount(); i++) { if (viewGroup.getChildAt(i).getVisibility() == View.VISIBLE) { lastVisibleKindSectionView = (KindSectionView) viewGroup.getChildAt(i); } } // Only the last editor should show an empty editor if (lastVisibleKindSectionView != null) { // Hide all empty kind sections except the last one for (int i = 0; i < viewGroup.getChildCount(); i++) { final KindSectionView kindSectionView = (KindSectionView) viewGroup.getChildAt(i); if (kindSectionView != lastVisibleKindSectionView && kindSectionView.areAllEditorsEmpty()) { kindSectionView.setVisibility(View.GONE); } } // Set the last editor to show empty editor fields lastVisibleKindSectionView.setShowOneEmptyEditor(true); lastVisibleKindSectionView.updateEmptyEditors(/* shouldAnimate =*/ false); } } private static void updateKindEditorIcons(ViewGroup viewGroup) { // Show the icon on the first visible kind editor boolean iconVisible = false; for (int i = 0; i < viewGroup.getChildCount(); i++) { final KindSectionView kindSectionView = (KindSectionView) viewGroup.getChildAt(i); if (kindSectionView.getVisibility() != View.VISIBLE || kindSectionView.isMarkedForRemoval()) { continue; } if (!iconVisible) { kindSectionView.setIconVisibility(true); iconVisible = true; } else { kindSectionView.setIconVisibility(false); } } } private static boolean hasNonEmptyValuesDelta(RawContactDelta rawContactDelta, String mimeType, DataKind dataKind) { return !getNonEmptyValuesDeltas(rawContactDelta, mimeType, dataKind).isEmpty(); } private static ValuesDelta getNonEmptySuperPrimaryValuesDeltas(RawContactDelta rawContactDelta, String mimeType, DataKind dataKind) { for (ValuesDelta valuesDelta : getNonEmptyValuesDeltas( rawContactDelta, mimeType, dataKind)) { if (valuesDelta.isSuperPrimary()) { return valuesDelta; } } return null; } static List getNonEmptyValuesDeltas(RawContactDelta rawContactDelta, String mimeType, DataKind dataKind) { final List result = new ArrayList<>(); if (rawContactDelta == null) { vlog("Null RawContactDelta"); return result; } if (!rawContactDelta.hasMimeEntries(mimeType)) { vlog("No ValueDeltas"); return result; } for (ValuesDelta valuesDelta : rawContactDelta.getMimeEntries(mimeType)) { if (hasNonEmptyValue(dataKind, valuesDelta)) { result.add(valuesDelta); } } return result; } private static boolean hasNonEmptyValue(DataKind dataKind, ValuesDelta valuesDelta) { if (valuesDelta == null) { vlog("Null valuesDelta"); return false; } for (EditField editField : dataKind.fieldList) { final String column = editField.column; final String value = valuesDelta == null ? null : valuesDelta.getAsString(column); vlog("Field " + column + " empty=" + TextUtils.isEmpty(value) + " value=" + value); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(value)) { return true; } } return false; } private StructuredNameEditorView inflateStructuredNameEditorView(ViewGroup viewGroup, AccountType accountType, ValuesDelta valuesDelta, RawContactDelta rawContactDelta, NameEditorListener nameEditorListener, boolean readOnly) { final StructuredNameEditorView result = (StructuredNameEditorView) mLayoutInflater.inflate( R.layout.structured_name_editor_view, viewGroup, /* attachToRoot =*/ false); if (nameEditorListener != null) { result.setEditorListener(nameEditorListener); } result.setDeletable(false); result.setValues( accountType.getKindForMimetype(DataKind.PSEUDO_MIME_TYPE_DISPLAY_NAME), valuesDelta, rawContactDelta, readOnly, mViewIdGenerator); if (rawContactDelta.getAccountType() != null && rawContactDelta.getAccountType().equals( SimContactsConstants.ACCOUNT_TYPE_SIM)) { result.setExpansionViewContainerDisabled(); } return result; } private PhoneticNameEditorView inflatePhoneticNameEditorView(ViewGroup viewGroup, AccountType accountType, ValuesDelta valuesDelta, RawContactDelta rawContactDelta) { final PhoneticNameEditorView result = (PhoneticNameEditorView) mLayoutInflater.inflate( R.layout.phonetic_name_editor_view, viewGroup, /* attachToRoot =*/ false); result.setDeletable(false); result.setValues( accountType.getKindForMimetype(DataKind.PSEUDO_MIME_TYPE_PHONETIC_NAME), valuesDelta, rawContactDelta, /* readOnly =*/ false, mViewIdGenerator); return result; } private TextFieldsEditorView inflateNicknameEditorView(ViewGroup viewGroup, DataKind dataKind, ValuesDelta valuesDelta, RawContactDelta rawContactDelta) { final TextFieldsEditorView result = (TextFieldsEditorView) mLayoutInflater.inflate( R.layout.nick_name_editor_view, viewGroup, /* attachToRoot =*/ false); result.setDeletable(false); result.setValues( dataKind, valuesDelta, rawContactDelta, /* readOnly =*/ false, mViewIdGenerator); return result; } private KindSectionView inflateKindSectionView(ViewGroup viewGroup, DataKind dataKind, RawContactDelta rawContactDelta) { final KindSectionView result = (KindSectionView) mLayoutInflater.inflate( R.layout.item_kind_section, viewGroup, /* attachToRoot =*/ false); result.setState( dataKind, rawContactDelta, /* readOnly =*/ false, mViewIdGenerator); return result; } private static void vlog(String message) { if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.VERBOSE)) { Log.v(TAG, message); } } }