/* * Copyright (C) 2010 Samsung Electronics. All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define VENDOR_NAME "ROHM" #define CHIP_NAME "BH1721" #define SENSOR_AL3201_ADDR 0x1c #define SENSOR_BH1721FVC_ADDR 0x23 #define BH1721FVC_DRV_NAME "bh1721fvc" #define DRIVER_VERSION "1.1" #define LIMIT_RESET_COUNT 5 #define LUX_MIN_VALUE 0 #define LUX_MAX_VALUE 65528 #define ALS_BUFFER_NUM 10 #define bh1721fvc_dbmsg(str, args...) pr_debug("%s: " str, __func__, ##args) enum BH1721FVC_STATE { POWER_DOWN = 0, POWER_ON, AUTO_MEASURE, H_MEASURE, L_MEASURE, }; static const u8 commands[] = { 0x00, /* Power Down */ 0x01, /* Power On */ 0x10, /* Continuously Auto-Resolution Mode */ 0x12, /* Continuously H-Resolution Mode */ 0x13, /* Continuously L-Resolution Mode */ }; struct bh1721fvc_data { int (*reset)(void); struct bh1721fvc_platform_data *pdata; struct i2c_client *client; struct input_dev *input_dev; struct work_struct work_light; struct hrtimer timer; struct mutex lock; struct workqueue_struct *wq; struct class *factory_class; struct device *factory_dev; struct device *light_dev; ktime_t light_poll_delay; enum BH1721FVC_STATE state; u8 measure_mode; bool als_buf_initialized; int als_value_buf[ALS_BUFFER_NUM]; int als_index_count; }; extern int sensors_register(struct device *dev, void * drvdata, struct device_attribute *attributes[], char *name); extern void sensors_unregister(struct device *dev); static int bh1721fvc_get_luxvalue(struct bh1721fvc_data *bh1721fvc, u16 *value); static int bh1721fvc_write_byte(struct i2c_client *client, u8 value) { int retry; for (retry = 0; retry < 5; retry++) if (!i2c_smbus_write_byte(client, value)) return 0; return -EIO; } static bool bh1721fvc_is_measuring(struct bh1721fvc_data *bh1721fvc) { return ((bh1721fvc->state == H_MEASURE) || (bh1721fvc->state == L_MEASURE) || (bh1721fvc->state == AUTO_MEASURE)); } static int bh1721fvc_enable(struct bh1721fvc_data *bh1721fvc) { int err; bh1721fvc_dbmsg("starting poll timer, delay %lldns\n", ktime_to_ns(bh1721fvc->light_poll_delay)); err = bh1721fvc_write_byte(bh1721fvc->client, commands[POWER_ON]); if (err) { pr_err("%s: Failed to write byte (POWER_ON)\n", __func__); goto err_power_on; } err = bh1721fvc_write_byte(bh1721fvc->client, commands[bh1721fvc->measure_mode]); if (err) { pr_err("%s: Failed to write byte (measure mode)\n", __func__); goto err_measure_mode; } if (bh1721fvc->measure_mode == H_MEASURE) mdelay(120); else if (bh1721fvc->measure_mode == L_MEASURE) mdelay(16); else /* AUTO_MEASURE */ mdelay(120 + 16); hrtimer_start(&bh1721fvc->timer, bh1721fvc->light_poll_delay, HRTIMER_MODE_REL); goto done; err_measure_mode: err_power_on: bh1721fvc_write_byte(bh1721fvc->client, commands[POWER_DOWN]); done: return err; } static int bh1721fvc_disable(struct bh1721fvc_data *bh1721fvc) { int err; hrtimer_cancel(&bh1721fvc->timer); cancel_work_sync(&bh1721fvc->work_light); err = bh1721fvc_write_byte(bh1721fvc->client, commands[POWER_DOWN]); if (unlikely(err != 0)) pr_err("%s: Failed to write byte (POWER_DOWN)\n", __func__); return err; } static ssize_t bh1721fvc_poll_delay_show(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf) { struct bh1721fvc_data *bh1721fvc = dev_get_drvdata(dev); return sprintf(buf, "%lld\n", ktime_to_ns(bh1721fvc->light_poll_delay)); } static ssize_t bh1721fvc_poll_delay_store(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, const char *buf, size_t size) { int err; int64_t new_delay; struct bh1721fvc_data *bh1721fvc = dev_get_drvdata(dev); err = strict_strtoll(buf, 10, &new_delay); if (err < 0) return err; bh1721fvc_dbmsg("new delay = %lldns, old delay = %lldns\n", new_delay, ktime_to_ns(bh1721fvc->light_poll_delay)); mutex_lock(&bh1721fvc->lock); if (new_delay != ktime_to_ns(bh1721fvc->light_poll_delay)) { bh1721fvc->light_poll_delay = ns_to_ktime(new_delay); if (bh1721fvc_is_measuring(bh1721fvc)) { bh1721fvc_disable(bh1721fvc); bh1721fvc_enable(bh1721fvc); } } mutex_unlock(&bh1721fvc->lock); return size; } static ssize_t bh1721fvc_light_enable_show(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf) { struct bh1721fvc_data *bh1721fvc = dev_get_drvdata(dev); return sprintf(buf, "%d\n", bh1721fvc_is_measuring(bh1721fvc)); } static ssize_t bh1721fvc_light_enable_store(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, const char *buf, size_t size) { int err = 0; bool new_value = false; struct bh1721fvc_data *bh1721fvc = dev_get_drvdata(dev); bh1721fvc_dbmsg("enable %s\n", buf); if (sysfs_streq(buf, "1")) { new_value = true; } else if (sysfs_streq(buf, "0")) { new_value = false; } else { pr_err("%s: invalid value %d\n", __func__, *buf); return -EINVAL; } bh1721fvc_dbmsg("new_value = %d, old state = %d\n", new_value, bh1721fvc_is_measuring(bh1721fvc)); mutex_lock(&bh1721fvc->lock); if (new_value && (!bh1721fvc_is_measuring(bh1721fvc))) { err = bh1721fvc_enable(bh1721fvc); if (!err) { bh1721fvc->state = bh1721fvc->measure_mode; } else { pr_err("%s: couldn't enable", __func__); bh1721fvc->state = POWER_DOWN; } bh1721fvc->als_buf_initialized = false; } else if (!new_value && (bh1721fvc_is_measuring(bh1721fvc))) { err = bh1721fvc_disable(bh1721fvc); if (!err) bh1721fvc->state = POWER_DOWN; else pr_err("%s: couldn't enable", __func__); } else { bh1721fvc_dbmsg("no nothing\n"); } mutex_unlock(&bh1721fvc->lock); return size; } static ssize_t bh1721fvc_light_sensor_mode_show(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf) { struct bh1721fvc_data *bh1721fvc = dev_get_drvdata(dev); return sprintf(buf, "%s\n", (bh1721fvc->measure_mode == AUTO_MEASURE) ? "auto" : (bh1721fvc->measure_mode == H_MEASURE) ? "high" : (bh1721fvc->measure_mode == L_MEASURE) ? "low" : "invalid"); } static ssize_t bh1721fvc_light_sensor_mode_store(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, const char *buf, size_t size) { u8 measure_mode; struct bh1721fvc_data *bh1721fvc = dev_get_drvdata(dev); bh1721fvc_dbmsg("bh1721fvc_light_sensor_mode_store +\n"); if (sysfs_streq(buf, "auto")) { measure_mode = AUTO_MEASURE; } else if (sysfs_streq(buf, "high")) { measure_mode = H_MEASURE; } else if (sysfs_streq(buf, "low")) { measure_mode = L_MEASURE; } else { pr_err("%s: invalid value %s\n", __func__, buf); return -EINVAL; } mutex_lock(&bh1721fvc->lock); if (bh1721fvc->measure_mode != measure_mode) { bh1721fvc->measure_mode = measure_mode; if (bh1721fvc_is_measuring(bh1721fvc)) { bh1721fvc_disable(bh1721fvc); bh1721fvc_enable(bh1721fvc); bh1721fvc->state = measure_mode; } } mutex_unlock(&bh1721fvc->lock); bh1721fvc_dbmsg("bh1721fvc_light_sensor_mode_store -\n"); return size; } static DEVICE_ATTR(poll_delay, S_IRUGO | S_IWUSR | S_IWGRP, bh1721fvc_poll_delay_show, bh1721fvc_poll_delay_store); static DEVICE_ATTR(sensor_mode, S_IRUGO | S_IWUSR | S_IWGRP, bh1721fvc_light_sensor_mode_show, bh1721fvc_light_sensor_mode_store); static DEVICE_ATTR(enable, S_IRUGO | S_IWUSR | S_IWGRP, bh1721fvc_light_enable_show, bh1721fvc_light_enable_store); static struct attribute *bh1721fvc_sysfs_attrs[] = { &dev_attr_enable.attr, &dev_attr_poll_delay.attr, &dev_attr_sensor_mode.attr, NULL }; static struct attribute_group bh1721fvc_attribute_group = { .attrs = bh1721fvc_sysfs_attrs, }; static ssize_t factory_file_illuminance_show(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf) { u16 lux; int retry; int err; unsigned int result; struct bh1721fvc_data *bh1721fvc = dev_get_drvdata(dev); if (bh1721fvc->state == POWER_DOWN) { err = bh1721fvc_write_byte(bh1721fvc->client, commands[POWER_ON]); if (err) goto err_exit; err = bh1721fvc_write_byte(bh1721fvc->client, commands[AUTO_MEASURE]); if (err) goto err_exit; msleep(210); } for (retry = 0; retry < 10; retry++) { if (i2c_master_recv(bh1721fvc->client, (u8 *)&lux, 2) == 2) { be16_to_cpus(&lux); break; } } if (retry == 10) { pr_err("%s : I2C read failed.. retry %d\n", __func__, retry); goto err_exit; } result = (lux * 10) / 12; result = result * 139 / 13; if (bh1721fvc->state == POWER_DOWN) bh1721fvc_write_byte(bh1721fvc->client, commands[POWER_DOWN]); return sprintf(buf, "%u\n", result); err_exit: bh1721fvc_write_byte(bh1721fvc->client, commands[POWER_DOWN]); return err; } static ssize_t get_vendor_name(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf) { return sprintf(buf, "%s\n", VENDOR_NAME); } static ssize_t get_chip_name(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf) { return sprintf(buf, "%s\n", CHIP_NAME); } static DEVICE_ATTR(lightsensor_file_cmd, S_IRUGO | S_IWUSR | S_IWGRP, bh1721fvc_light_enable_show, bh1721fvc_light_sensor_mode_store); static DEVICE_ATTR(lightsensor_file_illuminance, S_IRUGO, factory_file_illuminance_show, NULL); static ssize_t sensor_info_show(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf) { return sprintf(buf, "%d\n", SENSOR_BH1721FVC_ADDR); } static DEVICE_ATTR(sensor_info, S_IRUGO, sensor_info_show, NULL); static struct device_attribute dev_attr_light_raw_data = __ATTR(raw_data, S_IRUGO, factory_file_illuminance_show, NULL); static struct device_attribute dev_attr_light_lux = __ATTR(lux, S_IRUGO, factory_file_illuminance_show, NULL); static struct device_attribute dev_attr_light_adc = __ATTR(adc, S_IRUGO, factory_file_illuminance_show, NULL); static struct device_attribute dev_attr_light_enable = __ATTR(enable, S_IRUGO | S_IWUSR | S_IWGRP, bh1721fvc_light_enable_show, bh1721fvc_light_enable_store); static DEVICE_ATTR(vendor, S_IRUGO, get_vendor_name, NULL); static DEVICE_ATTR(name, S_IRUGO, get_chip_name, NULL); static struct device_attribute *light_sensor_attrs[] = { &dev_attr_light_raw_data, &dev_attr_light_lux, &dev_attr_light_adc, &dev_attr_light_enable, &dev_attr_vendor, &dev_attr_name, NULL }; static int bh1721fvc_get_luxvalue(struct bh1721fvc_data *bh1721fvc, u16 *value) { int retry; int i = 0; int j = 0; unsigned int als_total = 0; unsigned int als_index = 0; unsigned int als_max = 0; unsigned int als_min = 0; for (retry = 0; retry < 10; retry++) { if (i2c_master_recv(bh1721fvc->client, (u8 *)value, 2) == 2) { be16_to_cpus(value); break; } } if (retry == 10) { pr_err("%s : I2C read failed.. retry %d\n", __func__, retry); return -EIO; } als_index = (bh1721fvc->als_index_count++) % ALS_BUFFER_NUM; /*ALS buffer initialize (light sensor off ---> light sensor on) */ if (!bh1721fvc->als_buf_initialized) { bh1721fvc->als_buf_initialized = true; for (j = 0; j < ALS_BUFFER_NUM; j++) bh1721fvc->als_value_buf[j] = *value; } else bh1721fvc->als_value_buf[als_index] = *value; als_max = bh1721fvc->als_value_buf[0]; als_min = bh1721fvc->als_value_buf[0]; for (i = 0; i < ALS_BUFFER_NUM; i++) { als_total += bh1721fvc->als_value_buf[i]; if (als_max < bh1721fvc->als_value_buf[i]) als_max = bh1721fvc->als_value_buf[i]; if (als_min > bh1721fvc->als_value_buf[i]) als_min = bh1721fvc->als_value_buf[i]; } *value = (als_total-(als_max+als_min))/(ALS_BUFFER_NUM-2); if (bh1721fvc->als_index_count >= ALS_BUFFER_NUM) bh1721fvc->als_index_count = 0; return 0; } static void bh1721fvc_work_func_light(struct work_struct *work) { int err; u16 lux; u32 result; struct bh1721fvc_data *bh1721fvc = container_of(work, struct bh1721fvc_data, work_light); err = bh1721fvc_get_luxvalue(bh1721fvc, &lux); if (!err) { result = lux; result = (result * 10) / 12; result = result * 139 / 13; bh1721fvc_dbmsg("lux 0x%0X (%d)\n", result, result); input_report_abs(bh1721fvc->input_dev, ABS_MISC, result); input_sync(bh1721fvc->input_dev); } else { pr_err("%s: read word failed! (errno=%d)\n", __func__, err); } } static enum hrtimer_restart bh1721fvc_timer_func(struct hrtimer *timer) { struct bh1721fvc_data *bh1721fvc = container_of(timer, struct bh1721fvc_data, timer); queue_work(bh1721fvc->wq, &bh1721fvc->work_light); hrtimer_forward_now(&bh1721fvc->timer, bh1721fvc->light_poll_delay); return HRTIMER_RESTART; } int bh1721fvc_test_luxvalue(struct bh1721fvc_data *bh1721fvc) { unsigned int result; int retry; u16 lux; int err; if (bh1721fvc->state == POWER_DOWN) { err = bh1721fvc_write_byte(bh1721fvc->client, commands[POWER_ON]); if (err) return err; err = bh1721fvc_write_byte(bh1721fvc->client, commands[AUTO_MEASURE]); if (err) goto err_exit; msleep(210); } for (retry = 0; retry < 5; retry++) { if (i2c_master_recv(bh1721fvc->client, (u8 *)&lux, 2) == 2) { be16_to_cpus(&lux); break; } } if (retry == 5) { printk(KERN_ERR"I2C read failed.. retry %d\n", retry); goto err_exit; } result = (lux * 10) / 12; result = result * 139 / 13; if (bh1721fvc->state == POWER_DOWN) bh1721fvc_write_byte(bh1721fvc->client, commands[POWER_DOWN]); return (int)result; err_exit: bh1721fvc_write_byte(bh1721fvc->client, commands[POWER_DOWN]); return err; } static int __devinit bh1721fvc_probe(struct i2c_client *client, const struct i2c_device_id *id) { int err = 0; struct bh1721fvc_data *bh1721fvc; struct input_dev *input_dev; struct bh1721fvc_platform_data *pdata = client->dev.platform_data; struct i2c_adapter *adapter = to_i2c_adapter(client->dev.parent); if (!i2c_check_functionality(adapter, I2C_FUNC_I2C)) return -EIO; bh1721fvc = kzalloc(sizeof(*bh1721fvc), GFP_KERNEL); if (!bh1721fvc) { pr_err("%s, failed to alloc memory for module data\n", __func__); return -ENOMEM; } bh1721fvc->reset = pdata->reset; if (!bh1721fvc->reset) { pr_err("%s: reset callback is null\n", __func__); err = -EIO; goto err_reset_null; } err = bh1721fvc->reset(); if (err) { pr_err("%s: Failed to reset\n", __func__); goto err_reset_failed; } bh1721fvc->client = client; i2c_set_clientdata(client, bh1721fvc); mutex_init(&bh1721fvc->lock); bh1721fvc->state = POWER_DOWN; bh1721fvc->measure_mode = AUTO_MEASURE; err = bh1721fvc_test_luxvalue(bh1721fvc); if (err < 0) { pr_err("%s: No search bh1721fvc lightsensor!\n", __func__); goto err_test_lightsensor; } else { printk(KERN_ERR"Lux : %d\n", err); } hrtimer_init(&bh1721fvc->timer, CLOCK_MONOTONIC, HRTIMER_MODE_REL); bh1721fvc->light_poll_delay = ns_to_ktime(200 * NSEC_PER_MSEC); bh1721fvc->timer.function = bh1721fvc_timer_func; bh1721fvc->wq = alloc_workqueue("bh1721fvc_wq", WQ_UNBOUND | WQ_RESCUER, 1); if (!bh1721fvc->wq) { err = -ENOMEM; pr_err("%s: could not create workqueue\n", __func__); goto err_create_workqueue; } INIT_WORK(&bh1721fvc->work_light, bh1721fvc_work_func_light); input_dev = input_allocate_device(); if (!input_dev) { pr_err("%s: could not allocate input device\n", __func__); err = -ENOMEM; goto err_input_allocate_device_light; } input_set_drvdata(input_dev, bh1721fvc); input_dev->name = "light_sensor"; input_set_capability(input_dev, EV_ABS, ABS_MISC); input_set_abs_params(input_dev, ABS_MISC, LUX_MIN_VALUE, LUX_MAX_VALUE, 0, 0); bh1721fvc_dbmsg("registering lightsensor-level input device\n"); err = input_register_device(input_dev); if (err < 0) { pr_err("%s: could not register input device\n", __func__); input_free_device(input_dev); goto err_input_register_device_light; } bh1721fvc->input_dev = input_dev; err = sysfs_create_group(&input_dev->dev.kobj, &bh1721fvc_attribute_group); if (err) { pr_err("%s: could not create sysfs group\n", __func__); goto err_sysfs_create_group_light; } bh1721fvc->factory_class = class_create(THIS_MODULE, "lightsensor"); if (IS_ERR(bh1721fvc->factory_class)) { pr_err("Failed to create class(lightsensor)!\n"); err = PTR_ERR(bh1721fvc->factory_class); goto err_factory_sysfs_create; } bh1721fvc->factory_dev = device_create(bh1721fvc->factory_class, NULL, 0, bh1721fvc, "switch_cmd"); if (IS_ERR(bh1721fvc->factory_dev)) { pr_err("Failed to create device(switch_cmd_dev)!\n"); err = PTR_ERR(bh1721fvc->factory_dev); goto err_factory_device_create; } err = device_create_file(bh1721fvc->factory_dev, &dev_attr_lightsensor_file_cmd); if (err < 0) { pr_err("Failed to create device file(%s)!\n", dev_attr_lightsensor_file_cmd.attr.name); goto err_file_cmd_attr_create; } err = device_create_file(bh1721fvc->factory_dev, &dev_attr_lightsensor_file_illuminance); if (err < 0) { pr_err("Failed to create device file(%s)!\n", dev_attr_lightsensor_file_illuminance.attr.name); goto err_illuminance_attr_create; } err = device_create_file(bh1721fvc->factory_dev, &dev_attr_sensor_info); if (err < 0) { pr_err("Failed to create device file(%s)!\n", dev_attr_sensor_info.attr.name); goto err_sensor_info_attr_create; } /* new sysfs */ err = sensors_register(bh1721fvc->light_dev, bh1721fvc, light_sensor_attrs, "light_sensor"); if (err) { pr_err("%s: cound not register light sensor device(%d).\n", __func__, err); goto out_light_sensor_register_failed; } pr_info("%s: success!\n", __func__); goto done; out_light_sensor_register_failed: sensors_unregister(bh1721fvc->light_dev); err_sensor_info_attr_create: device_remove_file(bh1721fvc->factory_dev, &dev_attr_lightsensor_file_illuminance); err_illuminance_attr_create: device_remove_file(bh1721fvc->factory_dev, &dev_attr_lightsensor_file_cmd); err_file_cmd_attr_create: device_destroy(bh1721fvc->factory_class, 0); err_factory_device_create: class_destroy(bh1721fvc->factory_class); err_factory_sysfs_create: sysfs_remove_group(&bh1721fvc->input_dev->dev.kobj, &bh1721fvc_attribute_group); err_sysfs_create_group_light: input_unregister_device(bh1721fvc->input_dev); err_input_register_device_light: err_input_allocate_device_light: destroy_workqueue(bh1721fvc->wq); err_create_workqueue: err_test_lightsensor: mutex_destroy(&bh1721fvc->lock); err_reset_failed: err_reset_null: kfree(bh1721fvc); done: return err; } static int bh1721fvc_remove(struct i2c_client *client) { struct bh1721fvc_data *bh1721fvc = i2c_get_clientdata(client); device_remove_file(bh1721fvc->factory_dev, &dev_attr_sensor_info); device_remove_file(bh1721fvc->factory_dev, &dev_attr_lightsensor_file_cmd); device_remove_file(bh1721fvc->factory_dev, &dev_attr_lightsensor_file_illuminance); device_destroy(bh1721fvc->factory_class, 0); class_destroy(bh1721fvc->factory_class); sysfs_remove_group(&bh1721fvc->input_dev->dev.kobj, &bh1721fvc_attribute_group); input_unregister_device(bh1721fvc->input_dev); if (bh1721fvc_is_measuring(bh1721fvc)) bh1721fvc_disable(bh1721fvc); destroy_workqueue(bh1721fvc->wq); mutex_destroy(&bh1721fvc->lock); kfree(bh1721fvc); bh1721fvc_dbmsg("bh1721fvc_remove -\n"); return 0; } static int bh1721fvc_suspend(struct device *dev) { int err = 0; struct i2c_client *client = to_i2c_client(dev); struct bh1721fvc_data *bh1721fvc = i2c_get_clientdata(client); if (bh1721fvc_is_measuring(bh1721fvc)) { err = bh1721fvc_disable(bh1721fvc); if (err) pr_err("%s: could not disable\n", __func__); } return err; } static int bh1721fvc_resume(struct device *dev) { int err = 0; struct i2c_client *client = to_i2c_client(dev); struct bh1721fvc_data *bh1721fvc = i2c_get_clientdata(client); bh1721fvc_dbmsg("bh1721fvc_resume +\n"); if (bh1721fvc_is_measuring(bh1721fvc)) { err = bh1721fvc_enable(bh1721fvc); if (err) pr_err("%s: could not enable\n", __func__); } bh1721fvc_dbmsg("bh1721fvc_resume -\n"); return err; } static const struct i2c_device_id bh1721fvc_id[] = { { BH1721FVC_DRV_NAME, 0 }, {} }; MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(i2c, bh1721fvc_id); static const struct dev_pm_ops bh1721fvc_pm_ops = { .suspend = bh1721fvc_suspend, .resume = bh1721fvc_resume, }; static struct i2c_driver bh1721fvc_driver = { .driver = { .name = BH1721FVC_DRV_NAME, .owner = THIS_MODULE, .pm = &bh1721fvc_pm_ops, }, .probe = bh1721fvc_probe, .remove = bh1721fvc_remove, .id_table = bh1721fvc_id, }; static int __init bh1721fvc_init(void) { return i2c_add_driver(&bh1721fvc_driver); } module_init(bh1721fvc_init); static void __exit bh1721fvc_exit(void) { bh1721fvc_dbmsg("bh1721fvc_exit +\n"); i2c_del_driver(&bh1721fvc_driver); bh1721fvc_dbmsg("bh1721fvc_exit -\n"); } module_exit(bh1721fvc_exit); MODULE_AUTHOR("WonHyoung Lee "); MODULE_DESCRIPTION("BH1721FVC Ambient light sensor driver"); MODULE_LICENSE("GPL v2"); MODULE_VERSION(DRIVER_VERSION);