/* * Copyright (C) Texas Instruments - http://www.ti.com/ * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * @file CameraProperties.cpp * * This file maps the CameraHardwareInterface to the Camera interfaces on OMAP4 (mainly OMX). * */ //#include "CameraHal.h" #include "DebugUtils.h" #include "CameraProperties.h" #define CAMERA_ROOT "CameraRoot" #define CAMERA_INSTANCE "CameraInstance" namespace android { // lower entries have higher priority static const char* g_camera_adapters[] = { #ifdef OMAP4_SUPPORT_OMX_CAMERA_ADAPTER "libomxcameraadapter.so", #endif #ifdef OMAP4_SUPPORT_USB_CAMERA_ADAPTER "libusbcameraadapter.so" #endif }; /********************************************************* CameraProperties - public function implemetation **********************************************************/ CameraProperties::CameraProperties() : mCamerasSupported(0) { LOG_FUNCTION_NAME; mCamerasSupported = 0; mInitialized = 0; LOG_FUNCTION_NAME_EXIT; } CameraProperties::~CameraProperties() { LOG_FUNCTION_NAME; LOG_FUNCTION_NAME_EXIT; } // Initializes the CameraProperties class status_t CameraProperties::initialize() { LOG_FUNCTION_NAME; status_t ret; if(mInitialized) return NO_ERROR; ret = loadProperties(); mInitialized = 1; LOG_FUNCTION_NAME_EXIT; return ret; } extern "C" int CameraAdapter_Capabilities(CameraProperties::Properties* properties_array, const unsigned int starting_camera, const unsigned int max_camera); ///Loads all the Camera related properties status_t CameraProperties::loadProperties() { LOG_FUNCTION_NAME; status_t ret = NO_ERROR; // adapter updates capabilities and we update camera count mCamerasSupported = CameraAdapter_Capabilities(mCameraProps, mCamerasSupported, MAX_CAMERAS_SUPPORTED); if((int)mCamerasSupported < 0) { LOGE("error while getting capabilities"); ret = UNKNOWN_ERROR; } else if (mCamerasSupported > MAX_CAMERAS_SUPPORTED) { LOGE("returned too many adapaters"); ret = UNKNOWN_ERROR; } else { LOGE("num_cameras = %d", mCamerasSupported); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mCamerasSupported; i++) { mCameraProps[i].set(CAMERA_SENSOR_INDEX, i); mCameraProps[i].dump(); } } LOGV("mCamerasSupported = %d", mCamerasSupported); LOG_FUNCTION_NAME_EXIT; return ret; } // Returns the number of Cameras found int CameraProperties::camerasSupported() { LOG_FUNCTION_NAME; return mCamerasSupported; } };