# # Copyright (C) 2007 The Android Open Source Project # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # # Functions for including AndroidProducts.mk files # # # Returns the list of all AndroidProducts.mk files. # $(call ) isn't necessary. # define _find-android-products-files $(shell test -d device && find device -maxdepth 6 -name AndroidProducts.mk) \ $(shell test -d vendor && find vendor -maxdepth 6 -name AndroidProducts.mk) \ $(SRC_TARGET_DIR)/product/AndroidProducts.mk endef # # Returns the sorted concatenation of PRODUCT_MAKEFILES # variables set in the given AndroidProducts.mk files. # $(1): the list of AndroidProducts.mk files. # define get-product-makefiles $(sort \ $(foreach f,$(1), \ $(eval PRODUCT_MAKEFILES :=) \ $(eval LOCAL_DIR := $(patsubst %/,%,$(dir $(f)))) \ $(eval include $(f)) \ $(PRODUCT_MAKEFILES) \ ) \ $(eval PRODUCT_MAKEFILES :=) \ $(eval LOCAL_DIR :=) \ ) endef # # Returns the sorted concatenation of all PRODUCT_MAKEFILES # variables set in all AndroidProducts.mk files. # $(call ) isn't necessary. # define get-all-product-makefiles $(call get-product-makefiles,$(_find-android-products-files)) endef # # Functions for including product makefiles # _product_var_list := \ PRODUCT_NAME \ PRODUCT_MODEL \ PRODUCT_LOCALES \ PRODUCT_AAPT_CONFIG \ PRODUCT_AAPT_PREF_CONFIG \ PRODUCT_PACKAGES \ PRODUCT_DEVICE \ PRODUCT_MANUFACTURER \ PRODUCT_BRAND \ PRODUCT_PROPERTY_OVERRIDES \ PRODUCT_DEFAULT_PROPERTY_OVERRIDES \ PRODUCT_CHARACTERISTICS \ PRODUCT_COPY_FILES \ PRODUCT_OTA_PUBLIC_KEYS \ PRODUCT_EXTRA_RECOVERY_KEYS \ PRODUCT_PACKAGE_OVERLAYS \ DEVICE_PACKAGE_OVERLAYS \ PRODUCT_CONTRIBUTORS_FILE \ PRODUCT_TAGS \ PRODUCT_SDK_ADDON_NAME \ PRODUCT_SDK_ADDON_COPY_FILES \ PRODUCT_SDK_ADDON_COPY_MODULES \ PRODUCT_SDK_ADDON_DOC_MODULE \ PRODUCT_DEFAULT_WIFI_CHANNELS \ PRODUCT_DEFAULT_DEV_CERTIFICATE \ define dump-product $(info ==== $(1) ====)\ $(foreach v,$(_product_var_list),\ $(info PRODUCTS.$(1).$(v) := $(PRODUCTS.$(1).$(v))))\ $(info --------) endef define dump-products $(foreach p,$(PRODUCTS),$(call dump-product,$(p))) endef # # $(1): product to inherit # # Does three things: # 1. Inherits all of the variables from $1. # 2. Records the inheritance in the .INHERITS_FROM variable # 3. Records that we've visited this node, in ALL_PRODUCTS # define inherit-product $(foreach v,$(_product_var_list), \ $(eval $(v) := $($(v)) $(INHERIT_TAG)$(strip $(1)))) \ $(eval inherit_var := \ PRODUCTS.$(strip $(word 1,$(_include_stack))).INHERITS_FROM) \ $(eval $(inherit_var) := $(sort $($(inherit_var)) $(strip $(1)))) \ $(eval inherit_var:=) \ $(eval ALL_PRODUCTS := $(sort $(ALL_PRODUCTS) $(word 1,$(_include_stack)))) endef # # Do inherit-product only if $(1) exists # define inherit-product-if-exists $(if $(wildcard $(1)),$(call inherit-product,$(1)),) endef # # $(1): product makefile list # #TODO: check to make sure that products have all the necessary vars defined define import-products $(call import-nodes,PRODUCTS,$(1),$(_product_var_list)) endef # # Does various consistency checks on all of the known products. # Takes no parameters, so $(call ) is not necessary. # define check-all-products $(if ,, \ $(eval _cap_names :=) \ $(foreach p,$(PRODUCTS), \ $(eval pn := $(strip $(PRODUCTS.$(p).PRODUCT_NAME))) \ $(if $(pn),,$(error $(p): PRODUCT_NAME must be defined.)) \ $(if $(filter $(pn),$(_cap_names)), \ $(error $(p): PRODUCT_NAME must be unique; "$(pn)" already used by $(strip \ $(foreach \ pp,$(PRODUCTS), $(if $(filter $(pn),$(PRODUCTS.$(pp).PRODUCT_NAME)), \ $(pp) \ ))) \ ) \ ) \ $(eval _cap_names += $(pn)) \ $(if $(call is-c-identifier,$(pn)),, \ $(error $(p): PRODUCT_NAME must be a valid C identifier, not "$(pn)") \ ) \ $(eval pb := $(strip $(PRODUCTS.$(p).PRODUCT_BRAND))) \ $(if $(pb),,$(error $(p): PRODUCT_BRAND must be defined.)) \ $(foreach cf,$(strip $(PRODUCTS.$(p).PRODUCT_COPY_FILES)), \ $(if $(filter 2,$(words $(subst :,$(space),$(cf)))),, \ $(error $(p): malformed COPY_FILE "$(cf)") \ ) \ ) \ ) \ ) endef # # Returns the product makefile path for the product with the provided name # # $(1): short product name like "generic" # define _resolve-short-product-name $(eval pn := $(strip $(1))) $(eval p := \ $(foreach p,$(PRODUCTS), \ $(if $(filter $(pn),$(PRODUCTS.$(p).PRODUCT_NAME)), \ $(p) \ )) \ ) $(eval p := $(sort $(p))) $(if $(filter 1,$(words $(p))), \ $(p), \ $(if $(filter 0,$(words $(p))), \ $(error No matches for product "$(pn)"), \ $(error Product "$(pn)" ambiguous: matches $(p)) \ ) \ ) endef define resolve-short-product-name $(strip $(call _resolve-short-product-name,$(1))) endef _product_stash_var_list := $(_product_var_list) \ TARGET_ARCH \ TARGET_ARCH_VARIANT \ TARGET_BOARD_PLATFORM \ TARGET_BOARD_PLATFORM_GPU \ TARGET_BOOTLOADER_BOARD_NAME \ TARGET_COMPRESS_MODULE_SYMBOLS \ TARGET_NO_BOOTLOADER \ TARGET_NO_KERNEL \ TARGET_NO_RECOVERY \ TARGET_NO_RADIOIMAGE \ TARGET_HARDWARE_3D \ TARGET_PROVIDES_INIT_RC \ TARGET_CPU_ABI \ TARGET_CPU_ABI2 \ TARGET_CPU_SMP \ _product_stash_var_list += \ BOARD_WPA_SUPPLICANT_DRIVER \ BOARD_WLAN_DEVICE \ BOARD_USES_GENERIC_AUDIO \ BOARD_KERNEL_CMDLINE \ BOARD_KERNEL_BASE \ BOARD_HAVE_BLUETOOTH \ BOARD_HAVE_BLUETOOTH_BCM \ BOARD_VENDOR_QCOM_AMSS_VERSION \ BOARD_VENDOR_USE_AKMD \ BOARD_EGL_CFG \ BOARD_BOOTIMAGE_PARTITION_SIZE \ BOARD_RECOVERYIMAGE_PARTITION_SIZE \ BOARD_SYSTEMIMAGE_PARTITION_SIZE \ BOARD_USERDATAIMAGE_PARTITION_SIZE \ BOARD_FLASH_BLOCK_SIZE \ BOARD_SYSTEMIMAGE_PARTITION_SIZE \ BOARD_VENDOR_QCOM_GPS_LOC_API_HARDWARE \ BOARD_VENDOR_QCOM_GPS_LOC_API_AMSS_VERSION \ BOARD_INSTALLER_CMDLINE \ _product_stash_var_list += \ DEFAULT_SYSTEM_DEV_CERTIFICATE # # Stash vaues of the variables in _product_stash_var_list. # $(1): Renamed prefix # define stash-product-vars $(foreach v,$(_product_stash_var_list), \ $(eval $(strip $(1))_$(call rot13,$(v)):=$$($$(v))) \ ) endef # # Assert that the the variable stashed by stash-product-vars remains untouched. # $(1): The prefix as supplied to stash-product-vars # define assert-product-vars $(strip \ $(eval changed_variables:=) $(foreach v,$(_product_stash_var_list), \ $(if $(call streq,$($(v)),$($(strip $(1))_$(call rot13,$(v)))),, \ $(eval $(warning $(v) has been modified: $($(v)))) \ $(eval $(warning previous value: $($(strip $(1))_$(call rot13,$(v))))) \ $(eval changed_variables := $(changed_variables) $(v))) \ ) \ $(if $(changed_variables),\ $(eval $(error The following variables have been changed: $(changed_variables))),) ) endef