/* * Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "reference_queue.h" #include "accounting/card_table-inl.h" #include "collector/concurrent_copying.h" #include "heap.h" #include "mirror/class-inl.h" #include "mirror/object-inl.h" #include "mirror/reference-inl.h" namespace art { namespace gc { ReferenceQueue::ReferenceQueue(Mutex* lock) : lock_(lock), list_(nullptr) { } void ReferenceQueue::AtomicEnqueueIfNotEnqueued(Thread* self, mirror::Reference* ref) { DCHECK(ref != nullptr); MutexLock mu(self, *lock_); if (!ref->IsEnqueued()) { EnqueuePendingReference(ref); } } void ReferenceQueue::EnqueueReference(mirror::Reference* ref) { CHECK(ref->IsEnqueuable()); EnqueuePendingReference(ref); } void ReferenceQueue::EnqueuePendingReference(mirror::Reference* ref) { DCHECK(ref != nullptr); if (IsEmpty()) { // 1 element cyclic queue, ie: Reference ref = ..; ref.pendingNext = ref; list_ = ref; } else { mirror::Reference* head = list_->GetPendingNext(); if (Runtime::Current()->IsActiveTransaction()) { ref->SetPendingNext(head); } else { ref->SetPendingNext(head); } } if (Runtime::Current()->IsActiveTransaction()) { list_->SetPendingNext(ref); } else { list_->SetPendingNext(ref); } } mirror::Reference* ReferenceQueue::DequeuePendingReference() { DCHECK(!IsEmpty()); mirror::Reference* head = list_->GetPendingNext(); DCHECK(head != nullptr); mirror::Reference* ref; // Note: the following code is thread-safe because it is only called from ProcessReferences which // is single threaded. if (list_ == head) { ref = list_; list_ = nullptr; } else { mirror::Reference* next = head->GetPendingNext(); if (Runtime::Current()->IsActiveTransaction()) { list_->SetPendingNext(next); } else { list_->SetPendingNext(next); } ref = head; } if (Runtime::Current()->IsActiveTransaction()) { ref->SetPendingNext(nullptr); } else { ref->SetPendingNext(nullptr); } Heap* heap = Runtime::Current()->GetHeap(); if (kUseBakerOrBrooksReadBarrier && heap->CurrentCollectorType() == kCollectorTypeCC && heap->ConcurrentCopyingCollector()->IsActive()) { // Clear the gray ptr we left in ConcurrentCopying::ProcessMarkStack(). // We don't want to do this when the zygote compaction collector (SemiSpace) is running. CHECK(ref != nullptr); CHECK_EQ(ref->GetReadBarrierPointer(), ReadBarrier::GrayPtr()) << "ref=" << ref << " rb_ptr=" << ref->GetReadBarrierPointer(); if (heap->ConcurrentCopyingCollector()->RegionSpace()->IsInToSpace(ref)) { // Moving objects. ref->AtomicSetReadBarrierPointer(ReadBarrier::GrayPtr(), ReadBarrier::WhitePtr()); CHECK_EQ(ref->GetReadBarrierPointer(), ReadBarrier::WhitePtr()); } else { // Non-moving objects. ref->AtomicSetReadBarrierPointer(ReadBarrier::GrayPtr(), ReadBarrier::BlackPtr()); CHECK_EQ(ref->GetReadBarrierPointer(), ReadBarrier::BlackPtr()); } } return ref; } void ReferenceQueue::Dump(std::ostream& os) const { mirror::Reference* cur = list_; os << "Reference starting at list_=" << list_ << "\n"; if (cur == nullptr) { return; } do { mirror::Reference* pending_next = cur->GetPendingNext(); os << "Reference= " << cur << " PendingNext=" << pending_next; if (cur->IsFinalizerReferenceInstance()) { os << " Zombie=" << cur->AsFinalizerReference()->GetZombie(); } os << "\n"; cur = pending_next; } while (cur != list_); } size_t ReferenceQueue::GetLength() const { size_t count = 0; mirror::Reference* cur = list_; if (cur != nullptr) { do { ++count; cur = cur->GetPendingNext(); } while (cur != list_); } return count; } void ReferenceQueue::ClearWhiteReferences(ReferenceQueue* cleared_references, IsHeapReferenceMarkedCallback* preserve_callback, void* arg) { while (!IsEmpty()) { mirror::Reference* ref = DequeuePendingReference(); mirror::HeapReference* referent_addr = ref->GetReferentReferenceAddr(); if (referent_addr->AsMirrorPtr() != nullptr && !preserve_callback(referent_addr, arg)) { // Referent is white, clear it. if (Runtime::Current()->IsActiveTransaction()) { ref->ClearReferent(); } else { ref->ClearReferent(); } if (ref->IsEnqueuable()) { cleared_references->EnqueuePendingReference(ref); } } } } void ReferenceQueue::EnqueueFinalizerReferences(ReferenceQueue* cleared_references, IsHeapReferenceMarkedCallback* is_marked_callback, MarkObjectCallback* mark_object_callback, void* arg) { while (!IsEmpty()) { mirror::FinalizerReference* ref = DequeuePendingReference()->AsFinalizerReference(); mirror::HeapReference* referent_addr = ref->GetReferentReferenceAddr(); if (referent_addr->AsMirrorPtr() != nullptr && !is_marked_callback(referent_addr, arg)) { mirror::Object* forward_address = mark_object_callback(referent_addr->AsMirrorPtr(), arg); // If the referent is non-null the reference must queuable. DCHECK(ref->IsEnqueuable()); // Move the updated referent to the zombie field. if (Runtime::Current()->IsActiveTransaction()) { ref->SetZombie(forward_address); ref->ClearReferent(); } else { ref->SetZombie(forward_address); ref->ClearReferent(); } cleared_references->EnqueueReference(ref); } } } void ReferenceQueue::ForwardSoftReferences(IsHeapReferenceMarkedCallback* preserve_callback, void* arg) { if (UNLIKELY(IsEmpty())) { return; } mirror::Reference* const head = list_; mirror::Reference* ref = head; do { mirror::HeapReference* referent_addr = ref->GetReferentReferenceAddr(); if (referent_addr->AsMirrorPtr() != nullptr) { UNUSED(preserve_callback(referent_addr, arg)); } ref = ref->GetPendingNext(); } while (LIKELY(ref != head)); } void ReferenceQueue::UpdateRoots(IsMarkedCallback* callback, void* arg) { if (list_ != nullptr) { list_ = down_cast(callback(list_, arg)); } } } // namespace gc } // namespace art