/* * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "mod_union_table.h" #include #include "base/stl_util.h" #include "bitmap-inl.h" #include "card_table-inl.h" #include "heap_bitmap.h" #include "gc/accounting/space_bitmap-inl.h" #include "gc/collector/mark_sweep.h" #include "gc/collector/mark_sweep-inl.h" #include "gc/heap.h" #include "gc/space/space.h" #include "gc/space/image_space.h" #include "mirror/object-inl.h" #include "mirror/class-inl.h" #include "mirror/object_array-inl.h" #include "space_bitmap-inl.h" #include "thread.h" using ::art::mirror::Object; namespace art { namespace gc { namespace accounting { class ModUnionAddToCardSetVisitor { public: explicit ModUnionAddToCardSetVisitor(ModUnionTable::CardSet* const cleared_cards) : cleared_cards_(cleared_cards) { } inline void operator()(uint8_t* card, uint8_t expected_value, uint8_t new_value ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) const { if (expected_value == CardTable::kCardDirty) { cleared_cards_->insert(card); } } private: ModUnionTable::CardSet* const cleared_cards_; }; class ModUnionAddToCardBitmapVisitor { public: explicit ModUnionAddToCardBitmapVisitor(ModUnionTable::CardBitmap* bitmap, CardTable* card_table) : bitmap_(bitmap), card_table_(card_table) { } inline void operator()(uint8_t* card, uint8_t expected_value, uint8_t new_value ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) const { if (expected_value == CardTable::kCardDirty) { // We want the address the card represents, not the address of the card. bitmap_->Set(reinterpret_cast(card_table_->AddrFromCard(card))); } } private: ModUnionTable::CardBitmap* const bitmap_; CardTable* const card_table_; }; class ModUnionAddToCardVectorVisitor { public: explicit ModUnionAddToCardVectorVisitor(std::vector* cleared_cards) : cleared_cards_(cleared_cards) { } void operator()(uint8_t* card, uint8_t expected_card, uint8_t new_card ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) const { if (expected_card == CardTable::kCardDirty) { cleared_cards_->push_back(card); } } private: std::vector* const cleared_cards_; }; class ModUnionUpdateObjectReferencesVisitor { public: ModUnionUpdateObjectReferencesVisitor(MarkHeapReferenceCallback* callback, void* arg, space::ContinuousSpace* from_space, space::ContinuousSpace* immune_space, bool* contains_reference_to_other_space) : callback_(callback), arg_(arg), from_space_(from_space), immune_space_(immune_space), contains_reference_to_other_space_(contains_reference_to_other_space) { } // Extra parameters are required since we use this same visitor signature for checking objects. void operator()(Object* obj, MemberOffset offset, bool is_static ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) const SHARED_LOCKS_REQUIRED(Locks::mutator_lock_) { // Only add the reference if it is non null and fits our criteria. mirror::HeapReference* const obj_ptr = obj->GetFieldObjectReferenceAddr(offset); mirror::Object* ref = obj_ptr->AsMirrorPtr(); if (ref != nullptr && !from_space_->HasAddress(ref) && !immune_space_->HasAddress(ref)) { *contains_reference_to_other_space_ = true; callback_(obj_ptr, arg_); } } private: MarkHeapReferenceCallback* const callback_; void* const arg_; // Space which we are scanning space::ContinuousSpace* const from_space_; space::ContinuousSpace* const immune_space_; // Set if we have any references to another space. bool* const contains_reference_to_other_space_; }; class ModUnionScanImageRootVisitor { public: // Immune space is any other space which we don't care about references to. Currently this is // the image space in the case of the zygote mod union table. ModUnionScanImageRootVisitor(MarkHeapReferenceCallback* callback, void* arg, space::ContinuousSpace* from_space, space::ContinuousSpace* immune_space, bool* contains_reference_to_other_space) : callback_(callback), arg_(arg), from_space_(from_space), immune_space_(immune_space), contains_reference_to_other_space_(contains_reference_to_other_space) {} void operator()(Object* root) const EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(Locks::heap_bitmap_lock_) SHARED_LOCKS_REQUIRED(Locks::mutator_lock_) { DCHECK(root != nullptr); ModUnionUpdateObjectReferencesVisitor ref_visitor(callback_, arg_, from_space_, immune_space_, contains_reference_to_other_space_); root->VisitReferences(ref_visitor, VoidFunctor()); } private: MarkHeapReferenceCallback* const callback_; void* const arg_; // Space which we are scanning space::ContinuousSpace* const from_space_; space::ContinuousSpace* const immune_space_; // Set if we have any references to another space. bool* const contains_reference_to_other_space_; }; void ModUnionTableReferenceCache::ClearCards() { CardTable* card_table = GetHeap()->GetCardTable(); ModUnionAddToCardSetVisitor visitor(&cleared_cards_); // Clear dirty cards in the this space and update the corresponding mod-union bits. card_table->ModifyCardsAtomic(space_->Begin(), space_->End(), AgeCardVisitor(), visitor); } class AddToReferenceArrayVisitor { public: explicit AddToReferenceArrayVisitor(ModUnionTableReferenceCache* mod_union_table, std::vector*>* references) : mod_union_table_(mod_union_table), references_(references) { } // Extra parameters are required since we use this same visitor signature for checking objects. void operator()(Object* obj, MemberOffset offset, bool /*is_static*/) const SHARED_LOCKS_REQUIRED(Locks::mutator_lock_) { mirror::HeapReference* ref_ptr = obj->GetFieldObjectReferenceAddr(offset); mirror::Object* ref = ref_ptr->AsMirrorPtr(); // Only add the reference if it is non null and fits our criteria. if (ref != nullptr && mod_union_table_->ShouldAddReference(ref)) { // Push the adddress of the reference. references_->push_back(ref_ptr); } } private: ModUnionTableReferenceCache* const mod_union_table_; std::vector*>* const references_; }; class ModUnionReferenceVisitor { public: explicit ModUnionReferenceVisitor(ModUnionTableReferenceCache* const mod_union_table, std::vector*>* references) : mod_union_table_(mod_union_table), references_(references) { } void operator()(Object* obj) const SHARED_LOCKS_REQUIRED(Locks::heap_bitmap_lock_, Locks::mutator_lock_) { // We don't have an early exit since we use the visitor pattern, an early // exit should significantly speed this up. AddToReferenceArrayVisitor visitor(mod_union_table_, references_); obj->VisitReferences(visitor, VoidFunctor()); } private: ModUnionTableReferenceCache* const mod_union_table_; std::vector*>* const references_; }; class CheckReferenceVisitor { public: explicit CheckReferenceVisitor(ModUnionTableReferenceCache* mod_union_table, const std::set& references) : mod_union_table_(mod_union_table), references_(references) { } // Extra parameters are required since we use this same visitor signature for checking objects. void operator()(Object* obj, MemberOffset offset, bool /*is_static*/) const SHARED_LOCKS_REQUIRED(Locks::heap_bitmap_lock_, Locks::mutator_lock_) { mirror::Object* ref = obj->GetFieldObject(offset); if (ref != nullptr && mod_union_table_->ShouldAddReference(ref) && references_.find(ref) == references_.end()) { Heap* heap = mod_union_table_->GetHeap(); space::ContinuousSpace* from_space = heap->FindContinuousSpaceFromObject(obj, false); space::ContinuousSpace* to_space = heap->FindContinuousSpaceFromObject(ref, false); LOG(INFO) << "Object " << reinterpret_cast(obj) << "(" << PrettyTypeOf(obj) << ")" << "References " << reinterpret_cast(ref) << "(" << PrettyTypeOf(ref) << ") without being in mod-union table"; LOG(INFO) << "FromSpace " << from_space->GetName() << " type " << from_space->GetGcRetentionPolicy(); LOG(INFO) << "ToSpace " << to_space->GetName() << " type " << to_space->GetGcRetentionPolicy(); heap->DumpSpaces(LOG(INFO)); LOG(FATAL) << "FATAL ERROR"; } } private: ModUnionTableReferenceCache* const mod_union_table_; const std::set& references_; }; class ModUnionCheckReferences { public: explicit ModUnionCheckReferences(ModUnionTableReferenceCache* mod_union_table, const std::set& references) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(Locks::heap_bitmap_lock_) : mod_union_table_(mod_union_table), references_(references) { } void operator()(Object* obj) const NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS { Locks::heap_bitmap_lock_->AssertSharedHeld(Thread::Current()); CheckReferenceVisitor visitor(mod_union_table_, references_); obj->VisitReferences(visitor, VoidFunctor()); } private: ModUnionTableReferenceCache* const mod_union_table_; const std::set& references_; }; void ModUnionTableReferenceCache::Verify() { // Start by checking that everything in the mod union table is marked. for (const auto& ref_pair : references_) { for (mirror::HeapReference* ref : ref_pair.second) { CHECK(heap_->IsLiveObjectLocked(ref->AsMirrorPtr())); } } // Check the references of each clean card which is also in the mod union table. CardTable* card_table = heap_->GetCardTable(); ContinuousSpaceBitmap* live_bitmap = space_->GetLiveBitmap(); for (const auto& ref_pair : references_) { const uint8_t* card = ref_pair.first; if (*card == CardTable::kCardClean) { std::set reference_set; for (mirror::HeapReference* obj_ptr : ref_pair.second) { reference_set.insert(obj_ptr->AsMirrorPtr()); } ModUnionCheckReferences visitor(this, reference_set); uintptr_t start = reinterpret_cast(card_table->AddrFromCard(card)); live_bitmap->VisitMarkedRange(start, start + CardTable::kCardSize, visitor); } } } void ModUnionTableReferenceCache::Dump(std::ostream& os) { CardTable* card_table = heap_->GetCardTable(); os << "ModUnionTable cleared cards: ["; for (uint8_t* card_addr : cleared_cards_) { uintptr_t start = reinterpret_cast(card_table->AddrFromCard(card_addr)); uintptr_t end = start + CardTable::kCardSize; os << reinterpret_cast(start) << "-" << reinterpret_cast(end) << ","; } os << "]\nModUnionTable references: ["; for (const auto& ref_pair : references_) { const uint8_t* card_addr = ref_pair.first; uintptr_t start = reinterpret_cast(card_table->AddrFromCard(card_addr)); uintptr_t end = start + CardTable::kCardSize; os << reinterpret_cast(start) << "-" << reinterpret_cast(end) << "->{"; for (mirror::HeapReference* ref : ref_pair.second) { os << reinterpret_cast(ref->AsMirrorPtr()) << ","; } os << "},"; } } void ModUnionTableReferenceCache::UpdateAndMarkReferences(MarkHeapReferenceCallback* callback, void* arg) { CardTable* card_table = heap_->GetCardTable(); std::vector*> cards_references; ModUnionReferenceVisitor add_visitor(this, &cards_references); for (const auto& card : cleared_cards_) { // Clear and re-compute alloc space references associated with this card. cards_references.clear(); uintptr_t start = reinterpret_cast(card_table->AddrFromCard(card)); uintptr_t end = start + CardTable::kCardSize; auto* space = heap_->FindContinuousSpaceFromObject(reinterpret_cast(start), false); DCHECK(space != nullptr); ContinuousSpaceBitmap* live_bitmap = space->GetLiveBitmap(); live_bitmap->VisitMarkedRange(start, end, add_visitor); // Update the corresponding references for the card. auto found = references_.find(card); if (found == references_.end()) { if (cards_references.empty()) { // No reason to add empty array. continue; } references_.Put(card, cards_references); } else { found->second = cards_references; } } cleared_cards_.clear(); size_t count = 0; for (const auto& ref : references_) { for (mirror::HeapReference* obj_ptr : ref.second) { callback(obj_ptr, arg); } count += ref.second.size(); } if (VLOG_IS_ON(heap)) { VLOG(gc) << "Marked " << count << " references in mod union table"; } } ModUnionTableCardCache::ModUnionTableCardCache(const std::string& name, Heap* heap, space::ContinuousSpace* space) : ModUnionTable(name, heap, space) { // Normally here we could use End() instead of Limit(), but for testing we may want to have a // mod-union table for a space which can still grow. if (!space->IsImageSpace()) { CHECK_ALIGNED(reinterpret_cast(space->Limit()), CardTable::kCardSize); } card_bitmap_.reset(CardBitmap::Create( "mod union bitmap", reinterpret_cast(space->Begin()), RoundUp(reinterpret_cast(space->Limit()), CardTable::kCardSize))); } class CardBitVisitor { public: CardBitVisitor(MarkHeapReferenceCallback* callback, void* arg, space::ContinuousSpace* space, space::ContinuousSpace* immune_space, ModUnionTable::CardBitmap* card_bitmap) : callback_(callback), arg_(arg), space_(space), immune_space_(immune_space), bitmap_(space->GetLiveBitmap()), card_bitmap_(card_bitmap) { DCHECK(immune_space_ != nullptr); } void operator()(size_t bit_index) const { const uintptr_t start = card_bitmap_->AddrFromBitIndex(bit_index); DCHECK(space_->HasAddress(reinterpret_cast(start))) << start << " " << *space_; bool reference_to_other_space = false; ModUnionScanImageRootVisitor scan_visitor(callback_, arg_, space_, immune_space_, &reference_to_other_space); bitmap_->VisitMarkedRange(start, start + CardTable::kCardSize, scan_visitor); if (!reference_to_other_space) { // No non null reference to another space, clear the bit. card_bitmap_->ClearBit(bit_index); } } private: MarkHeapReferenceCallback* const callback_; void* const arg_; space::ContinuousSpace* const space_; space::ContinuousSpace* const immune_space_; ContinuousSpaceBitmap* const bitmap_; ModUnionTable::CardBitmap* const card_bitmap_; }; void ModUnionTableCardCache::ClearCards() { CardTable* const card_table = GetHeap()->GetCardTable(); ModUnionAddToCardBitmapVisitor visitor(card_bitmap_.get(), card_table); // Clear dirty cards in the this space and update the corresponding mod-union bits. card_table->ModifyCardsAtomic(space_->Begin(), space_->End(), AgeCardVisitor(), visitor); } // Mark all references to the alloc space(s). void ModUnionTableCardCache::UpdateAndMarkReferences(MarkHeapReferenceCallback* callback, void* arg) { auto* image_space = heap_->GetImageSpace(); // If we don't have an image space, just pass in space_ as the immune space. Pass in the same // space_ instead of image_space to avoid a null check in ModUnionUpdateObjectReferencesVisitor. CardBitVisitor visitor(callback, arg, space_, image_space != nullptr ? image_space : space_, card_bitmap_.get()); card_bitmap_->VisitSetBits( 0, RoundUp(space_->Size(), CardTable::kCardSize) / CardTable::kCardSize, visitor); } void ModUnionTableCardCache::Dump(std::ostream& os) { os << "ModUnionTable dirty cards: ["; // TODO: Find cleaner way of doing this. for (uint8_t* addr = space_->Begin(); addr < AlignUp(space_->End(), CardTable::kCardSize); addr += CardTable::kCardSize) { if (card_bitmap_->Test(reinterpret_cast(addr))) { os << reinterpret_cast(addr) << "-" << reinterpret_cast(addr + CardTable::kCardSize) << "\n"; } } os << "]"; } void ModUnionTableCardCache::SetCards() { // Only clean up to the end since there cannot be any objects past the End() of the space. for (uint8_t* addr = space_->Begin(); addr < AlignUp(space_->End(), CardTable::kCardSize); addr += CardTable::kCardSize) { card_bitmap_->Set(reinterpret_cast(addr)); } } bool ModUnionTableCardCache::ContainsCardFor(uintptr_t addr) { return card_bitmap_->Test(addr); } void ModUnionTableReferenceCache::SetCards() { for (uint8_t* addr = space_->Begin(); addr < AlignUp(space_->End(), CardTable::kCardSize); addr += CardTable::kCardSize) { cleared_cards_.insert(heap_->GetCardTable()->CardFromAddr(reinterpret_cast(addr))); } } bool ModUnionTableReferenceCache::ContainsCardFor(uintptr_t addr) { auto* card_ptr = heap_->GetCardTable()->CardFromAddr(reinterpret_cast(addr)); return cleared_cards_.find(card_ptr) != cleared_cards_.end() || references_.find(card_ptr) != references_.end(); } } // namespace accounting } // namespace gc } // namespace art